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A Handy Christmas Surprise

"Bella's dissatisfaction with her Christmas in Cape Town leads to a fling with the handyman."

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

Author's Notes

"Although some details are fiction, this story is based on a series of true events pieced together from real-life experiences. I enjoyed every step of the consuming and sometimes perplexing journey of putting together random puzzles' pieces from different boxes. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it."

Sunday, December 21

Bella trudged into the house in a sour mood. Unlike the neighbourhood she left behind in Toronto, their Christmas in Cape Town lacked all the usual atmosphere and spirit she loved about the season. No snow, fewer decorations, and not being cold enough were her top three complaints to her husband.

“It’s your fault we aren’t back at home getting frisky under the blanket by a crackling fire, drinking spiked eggnog.”

“But you agreed to come, and we still have thirty months left on the contract.” Leo said, concerned with where she was heading.

“It’s not the job or even the setting. I mean, look around, the house, the scenery—it’s all stunning.”

“So what is it?”

“It’s Christmas, my favourite time of year. I thought a Christmas away from home in a warm climate would be fun. Well, so far, it sucks.”

“So you miss all the hype and propaganda?”

“That too, but you can’t change the weather.”

“Don’t worry, I will make it up to you.”

“Oh, yeah. How? Do you have a magic wand I don’t know about?”

“As a matter of fact…” He clutched his groin and thrust out his hips.

She gave him a seductive smirk as she unbuttoned his shorts and took hold of his proud erection. “This is my personal magic wand, and the white stuff it produces isn’t what I’m talking about.”

“Would you like some, anyway?”

She dropped in front of him, saying, “This doesn’t change anything. I’m still upset, but how can I refuse?”

Monday, December 22

Apart from displeasure with celebrating a floral Christmas, Bella had no complaints about living in South Africa. She cherished every stride of her early morning 3K run through the affluent Cape Town neighbourhood, perched on top of a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Always up and hitting the pavement before the world woke up, she rejoiced in the undisturbed serenity of the picturesque landscape and the panoramic view of the sea.

“I don’t have the right to complain and act miserable. This place is so…peaceful.”

Mid-sentence, a construction van screamed past, shattering her contemplative bliss, and parked in their neighbour Mike’s driveway. The thundering bass and screeching electric guitar made her cringe with disgust.

“I despise heavy metal Christmas music.”

She marched up to the van, bent on giving the driver an earful, but she froze with a sudden gasp when she locked eyes with the striking handyman stepping out of the vehicle.

The immediate attraction sent her spinning as she struggled to breathe and forgot what she was going to say. Unable to unlock her gaze, she watched the confident Adonis undress her with his admiring eyes. His flattering nod and the seductive grin plastered across his face made her knees weaken and her crotch dampen as he swaggered in her direction.

As if chiselled by a master’s hands, his perfectly toned muscles rippled under his sleeveless work shirt. Nervous, like a pubescent teen, she wanted to crawl out of her skin from the excitement. Shivers rippled through her graceful form as he approached. Too embarrassed to let him see the lust oozing from her eyes, she lowered them to catch sight of his impressive bulge trapped in his tight jeans.

She had flirted with strange men before, but always from a safe distance and with no intention of taking the game beyond furtive glances. The electrifying charge never failed to energise her fantasies and enrich her lovemaking with Leo.

This encounter felt different. She did not know why, but she wanted more. The fire behind his eyes sparked an aching need she had suppressed until now.

“Hey there, sweet lips.”


“Um, do you mind? I need to get my tools out of the truck.”

“Oh, of course.”

His rugged arm rubbed against her bare shoulder as he slid past, sending an electric shock through her spine. Transfixed by his stunning physique, she edged closer to watch his rounded ass cheeks flex in his snug pants while he reached in to fetch his toolbox.

With her heart racing, the gusset of her spandex running shorts flooded between her legs. Part of her wanted to push him into the van and jump his bones, and the other part wanted to run away in shame for having such thoughts.

He dragged the box out of the vehicle and straightened up to leave, but she blocked his way. When she did not move, he snickered and cleared his throat.

“Um, do you mind?”

Flustered by his deep, reverberating voice and hypnotising eyes, she took a moment to register his words.

“It’s okay, I’ll go the other way.”

“Oops. Sorry. Go ahead.” She mustered an apologetic nod and a bright smile as she stepped aside to let him pass.


Bella’s world moved in slow motion as the brazen handyman dragged his arm against her exposed midriff. She would have given anything to live in the heart-thumping exhilaration of his touch for the rest of her life.

“I’ll see you around, sweet lips.”

He gave her a cocky wink and strolled into the house without looking back. A thousand tiny pulses surged through her body as sweat beaded her face and trickled down between her breasts. Once her heartbeat returned to a normal pace, she took a moment to collect herself and wandered back to her house.

“Babe, are you okay? Why are you so flushed? Did you push yourself too hard?” Leo asked as she wandered into the kitchen in a trance.

She heard his muffled words but did not know how to respond. He handed his wife her morning Americano and studied her face as he awaited her reply.

“So, are you going to tell me?”

“Tell you what?”

 “Your face. It’s all red. Did you push past your limit?”

“Oh, yeah. I guess I did.”

She took an absent-minded sip and let her thoughts drift back to the handyman.

“I’m running late. Will you remember to defrost the shrimp for dinner?”


“The shrimp. Please take it out of the freezer?”

“Oh, yeah.”

He collected his briefcase, kissed his distracted wife, and left for work.

For the rest of the day, her vivid imagination occupied her thoughts. Bypassing her guilt, her lustful mind transformed her brief encounter with the handyman into a steamy, adventurous affair. Swept from one torrid scene to another, she went through her daily routine with little awareness of what she was doing.

By mid-afternoon, the incessant, imaginary grunting and grinding had taken its toll. She needed a break from her exhausting obsession and flopped down on the couch for a rest.

“I need to stop this. It’s already becoming an obsession, and that’s not good.”

She took her chiding words to heart and distracted herself by looking up shrimp recipes. As she scrolled through the search results, a pop-up window flashed on her screen with an ad for a renovation company. The image depicted a man in a tool belt putting up a partition.

“Oh, God. Here we go again. I just can’t help myself.”

Despite her best efforts, the handyman’s face came back to life, and she surrendered herself to another round of sordid, uninhibited sex. Since her snug-fitting shorts would take too long to remove, she rubbed her pussy through the fabric instead. After the convulsions from her shuddering orgasm subsided, she forgot about dinner and fell asleep, continuing her virtual affair.

Leo arrived home at five. As per his routine, he looped his car keys on the hook by the door while stepping out of his shoes and then ambled into the kitchen. Instead of finding his wife waiting for him to help prepare their supper, he found an empty, spotless kitchen.

“Hmm, that’s odd. We agreed to make a shrimp stir fry together, but where is the shrimp?”

He checked the freezer and fished out the package with an irritated grunt.

“Great, she must have forgotten.”

Grumbling with displeasure, he tossed the frost-covered bag of prawns into the sink and filled the bowl with water.

“Bella,” he called out with an irritable tone. “I’m home.”

He waited for a response, but none came.

“She must be in the bathroom.”

Distracted by his buzzing phone, he dried his hands and sat at the kitchen table, typing out a message while waiting for Bella to appear.

“Hmm. She never takes this long to use the bathroom.”

Already annoyed about their dinner, he got up and wandered through the living room in search of his wife. Leo discovered her sleeping on the couch with her fingers wedged into the wet patch, soaking through her cutoff shorts.

The arousing scene prompted an erection and melted away his irritation. He dropped his pants, hoping for a quickie before dinner, but the sight of his beloved wife made him stop and admire her splendid form.

He sat on the edge of the seat cushion, lowered his nose, and inhaled the aromatic scent wafting from her pussy. Overtaken with lust, he wanted to tear off her clothes and plunge his mouth between her legs while she slept, but he needed to understand what precipitated her arousal.

“Bella,” he said, nudging her shoulder and planting a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “I’m home.”

“Huh. Oh, I must have fallen asleep.”

“What’s got you so turned on?”

He slipped his hand beside hers and rubbed his thumb against the sodden fabric. Caught with a guilty conscience, she feared telling him about her infatuation with the handyman and fabricated a hurried lie.

“Uh, it must still be from the run.”

“But that was this morning.”

“You know how I get,” she said, tracing a finger up his arm. “Once the waterworks start…”

“I know, but that’s when you’re turned on. Did something happen today?”

“No, I just felt horny, and while I was rubbing myself, I must have fallen asleep,” Bella replied, doing her best to hide her guilt by avoiding his scrutinizing gaze.

A poor liar, she always struggled to craft a believable story. To distract Leo from probing her with more questions, she rolled off the couch to her feet and looked directly into his inquisitive eyes. Powerless to stop the scorching fire ignited by the handyman, she stared at her husband with unconcealed lust.

“You are the one who gets me wet.” She seized his hand and jammed it between her legs. “Uh-huh, yeah. Right there.”

While grinding her overheated groin against his hand, she pulled him up into an impassioned kiss. Before he could tear off her clothes, she shoved him onto the couch and took two steps back. Compliant with her will, he sat perched on the edge of the seat cushion, watching his wife rub her hands along her moistened gash.

She cast him a seductive gaze while swaying and gyrating to a song playing in her head. She turned her back to him and pulled off her shirt with liquid grace. A giggle escaped her lips as she peeked back at him with lust brimming from her eyes and tossed her top into his lap.

Her hands fell to her hips, and she unfastened the buttons on her fly. She hooked her thumbs in the waist band and took her time peeling her fitted shorts down her shapely legs. Bella squatted to step out of them while keeping her back turned. With a devious smile, she hooked her foot into her shorts, spun around, and launched them onto his head.

Playing along with her seductive game, he left her shorts where they landed and stared at her through the leg hole. To his delight, she ran her splayed fingers through her trimmed bush and dipped a digit into her drenched passage. Spellbound, his eyes tracked her movements as his wife slowly raised her moist finger to her mouth, licked off her juices, and blew him a kiss.

“If you want some of this, you’ll have to catch me,” she said, speeding away like a giggling schoolgirl before her husband could grab her arm.

Ravenous to catch his prey, he hopped out of his clothes en route to the bedroom. Stretched out on the bed, his wife greeted him with an alluring smile and the promise of boundless pleasures of the flesh. She separated her delicate lips with her fingers and motioned for him to come closer. Like a dog attacking a bone, he dove between her legs, lapping at her dripping folds. Driven by his insatiable greed, he drilled his tongue into her hole, extracting every drop of her nectar.

“Oh my God, how I love eating your wet pussy!”

“Uh-huh. I love it too. Now, come up here, my husband, and fuck your wife.”

Obedient to her demands, he nestled the head of his hardened flesh in between her saturated folds. A rekindled lust burned through his eyes as he stared at his goddess and pushed. From the moment Leo slid inside her, she imagined he was the handyman.

Absorbed in her fantasy, she saw herself hooking her heels around the stranger’s perfect ass, with her hands gripping his broad shoulders as his body rose and fell between her open legs. Her nameless lover ploughed into her wanton flesh as she met her husband’s thrusts with vigour. Each penetrating plunge fuelled her mounting orgasm, but before she peaked, Leo emptied himself with a shudder and collapsed with a rasping groan.

Still panting for breath, he pulled out and buried his face against her armpit. Disappointed that he finished before her, Bella reached down and fondled his shrinking member, rubbing her thumb around the ridge of his slick head. Intent on bringing his tool back to life, she stroked and sucked with purpose.

As her husband grew in her mouth, she wondered how the handyman’s cock would feel. From the bulge she saw in his pants, she knew his impressive girth would stretch her open. Regardless of his physical attributes, she just needed his cock inside her pussy, scratching her insatiable itch.

For some time now, their waning passions have plateaued into a comfortable, familiar routine. Both open-minded, neither of them ever refused the other’s advances, and they explored each other with few restrictions or taboos. They loved having sex together, but now the mystery of the unknown has diminished to a flickering glow. Meeting the handyman revived that fire from a flicker to a searing blaze burning in her loins.

Once he was ready again, she sat on top of her husband, impaling herself on his resurrected flesh. With a much-needed orgasm as her goal, she ground her swollen clit into his groin and rode her stallion like a rodeo cowgirl.


“Huh?” she replied, still fixed on riding him to the finish line.

“Can I ask you something about Christmas?”

“Can it wait? I need to cum, and… Unh, I am not stopping… unh, until I get there,” she said, struggling to speak as the orgastic waves crashed over her drenched body with a resounding roar.

Out of breath, she dissolved into his enveloping arms and cooed with satisfaction. To her dismay, the orgasm took the edge off the ache, but did not satisfy her actual need—a need she had not yet acknowledged.

As her breathing slowed to a sedate rhythm, he knew she would soon be asleep.



“Are you sleeping?”


Before he formulated his thoughts into words, her slowed breathing turned into a purring snore.

“It’s ok. Never mind.”

Disheartened by his inability to share his innermost thoughts, he held her against his chest and rested his lips on her forehead. Adrift in his own secret fantasy playing out in his mind, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, holding his wife.

Tuesday, December 23

Early the following morning, Bella sped along her route with her body on autopilot. Too preoccupied with her secret fantasy to enjoy the lush scenery, she soon found herself standing at the foot of her neighbour’s driveway with no recollection of her run. Like a cat on the prowl, she lurked past the van, hoping to catch sight of her prey. The whirring sound of power tools coming from inside told her the handyman was busy.

She stomped back to her house, uncertain if she was disappointed or relieved. To settle her nerves, she peeled off her clothes and took a long, luxurious shower to wash away her confusion. As the steaming water cascaded over her long chestnut hair, she saw herself standing at a fork in the road. The road to the right kept her on her current mundane path, and the fork to the left, led to an erotic, mystifying world that terrified and excited her.

The allure of the unfamiliar and the forbidden returned her thoughts to the handyman. She imagined him standing behind her, slithering his hard cock between her legs while his hairless chest pressed against her arched back. In her invented world, she saw her arms reach around him, gripping his rounded ass cheeks and tilting her head back under his chin.

Immersed in her fantasy, she plunged two fingers into her drenched hole as her erotic vision continued. The handyman spun her around, hooked her leg under his arm, and impaled her with a forceful thrust. With her body pinned against the damp, tiled wall, he hammered into her welcoming flesh and glared into her eyes. In timing with his furious movements, she brought herself to a quivering orgasm and collapsed onto the shower floor in a twitching heap.

On wobbly legs, she stood up, wrapped her trembling body in a towel, and staggered into the bedroom. While moisturizing her body with lotion, she eyed herself in the mirror and watched herself choose the fork to the left.

What am I doing? I want this, but it will change everything. What if our marriage doesn’t survive? But I know Leo would never leave me, so I can stop worrying. Everything will work out.

Apart from seducing the handyman into her arms, she had no specific plan, but she knew she had to follow through, or she would end up resenting herself and her husband. She looked at her reflection and gave herself a pep talk.

“If anything can threaten our marriage, it’s resenting the missed opportunities and staying stuck in our boring comfort zone. This is going to be good for us. Besides, Leo is always saying, ‘happy wife, happy life,’ and fucking the handyman will undoubtedly make me a happy wife. So, I am doing this to keep my husband happy.”

Stirred by her slanted logic, Bella slipped a skimpy summer dress over her naked form and went outside. Like a mare in heat, she wanted to do more than just flirt with the stallion next door. Since today was Leo’s day off, she had to be careful, but she could not resist the temptation to see the man again and stoke the fire in her loins.

Elegant and sensual, like a goddess, she floated down the street past Mike’s house, hoping to spot him through the window and entice him to come outside. The disappointing sounds of hammering and a buzzing saw, however, sent her back home, sulking.

Still itching with need, she wandered through the shrub-filled garden in her front yard and spotted Leo kneeling by the rosebushes. Stricken by the vision of his stunning wife, Leo’s face lit up, and his mouth fell open as his gardening sheers slipped from his fingers. As if painted onto every curve of her statuesque frame, her fitted charcoal grey dress, dotted with white polka dots, hung scandalously short. Higher than mid-thigh, the frilled lace hem draped over her legs, a few inches below her bare pussy.

Aware of her brazen nudity lurking beneath her immodest frock, his cock responded and stirred inside his cargo shorts. Ignoring his impulse to launch himself at her, he lowered his eyes to her naked feet, sunken in the green grass, and admired her slender toes, adorned in jet black nail polish. His adoring gaze meandered up her legs, stopping at the hem of her dress fluttering in the breeze.

Still on his knees, he peeked under the rim of her outfit to feast on the sight of her clean-shaven pussy. Once a regular part of their sexual play, she rarely felt inspired to shave anymore. As his throbbing cock stretched his tenting shorts, he rejoiced with approving excitement.

“You shaved?”


Already past her knee, his hand slid up her thigh, but she stopped him before he reached his goal, saying, “Unh-uh.”

“But you haven’t shaved in so long. I forgot how it feels.”

“Not now.”


“The neighbours might be watching.”

“So, let them see. You are my wife, and this is my pussy, and I can do what I want.”

“Yes, this is your pussy, but if anyone sees us like this, they will think I’m a slut.”

What am I saying? I am a slut.

Hoping the handyman had stepped outside, she looked behind her shoulder, intending to bend over and give him a preview of upcoming attractions.

Oh, how I wish he could see us standing here, with my husband fingering me like a slut. You could both have me right here on the front lawn. Oh my God, having both of you would be so delicious.

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As he peered up her legs, admiring the shimmering fluid glistening from her slit, Leo felt the phone vibrate in his pocket and pulled it out to read a message.

“Damn, it’s George. So much for my day off,” he said, sputtering his disappointment. “The CEO has called an emergency meeting with all the executive staff, and I need to be there in an hour. He says if it doesn’t go well, we may have to work tomorrow.”

“Christmas Eve? Well, that sucks.”

“I’m sorry. I promise, I will make it up to you.”

“With that magic wand of yours.”

“Something like that.”

Before she could stop him, he slipped his hand under her dress, palmed her smooth mound, and then dipped his finger into her gash.

“You’re incorrigible,” she chuckled, “and I love it.”

After saying their goodbyes, Bella’s urge grew into an unrelenting fixation. To get the handyman out of her head, she did her best to busy herself with cleaning up the kitchen. While preparing to wash the dishes, she swivelled the faucet to fill the sink with hot water and reeled back when a leak sprayed her face. The fitting had come loose. Even though she could fix the problem, her eyes lit up with an idea, and she loosened the nut even more instead.

She left the house, with her heart racing and her palms sweating, and strode up Mike’s driveway. Trembling with anxious anticipation of what might happen, she watched her naked feet climb the porch steps with a will of their own. Bella stood at the door, rehearsing her story in her head, and reached for the doorbell with her trembling hand.

As the tip of her finger contacted the glowing orange button, a wave of guilt rushed in, and she stepped back with a grumbling sigh.

I can’t. I want to, but I don’t think Leo will ever forgive me if he finds out. I can’t risk it; my marriage is too important to throw away for a fling.

Disheartened by her inability to follow through, she returned home, desperate for relief. Bella went to the bedroom, slipped out of her dress, and snatched her favourite vibrator from her bedside table. She went back into the living room and flopped out on the couch.

With her trusty wand performing its magic, she peaked within minutes, but to her exasperation, the orgasm did little to quench her need. Infatuated with her dream lover, she fell asleep and dreamed of what might have happened if she rang the doorbell.

Engrossed within her erogenous dream, she did not hear Leo coming into the house. He returned home sooner than expected, excited to lead their morning banter into an afternoon of raucous sex. To his delight, he found her passed out naked on the couch, with her legs spread out and her vibrator at her side.

“Hmm. Looks like you’ve been busy. I hope you haven’t run out of steam.”

Intent on stoking her fire, he dropped between her legs and lapped up the juices dripping from her tender vulva.

She stirred and moaned with pleasure as Leo’s diligent tongue woke her from her erotic slumber. They spent the rest of the afternoon making sensual, unhurried love, but the unscratchable itch intensified into an aching throb. Already feeling its effect on her mood, she knew that denying herself the cure would drive her insane and that her growing frustration would cause a rift in their marriage.

I know I’m doing this for me, but I wish I could share this experience with you, Leo. I’m afraid telling you I want to fuck the handyman will diminish your masculinity and cause you insufferable pain.

Later that night, during their dinner conversation, Leo brought up the subject of the leaking faucet. “I thought we could ask the handyman next door to fix the leak and address a few other neglected repairs around the house.”

Afraid that he had been reading her thoughts, she gasped and nearly choked on her food. As her palpitating heart returned to a natural rhythm, she nodded in agreement.

“That sounds like a great idea. So, will you make the arrangements?”

“I spoke with Mike when I got home, and he said the handyman is finishing tomorrow. And, since I have more meetings to attend, I hope you will talk to him before he leaves.”

A swarm of ecstatic butterflies flapped in her belly as her gushing fluids leaked down her legs. Before she could censor her thoughts, she confirmed his request.

“Of course I will. Who knows, your sexy wife might even get us a discount.”

Wishing she could swallow back her words or erase them from his mind, she watched for any hint of suspicion on his face. To her relief, he grinned and showed no sign that he suspected anything.

Sparked by her flirtatious quip, his cock sprang to life as the classic scene of the housewife and the handyman played through his mind. In his fantasy, Bella stood hovering over the handyman in her polka dot dress, shamelessly flashing her naked pussy, while the man had his head stuck under the sink.

Afraid he would explode in his pants, he pressed his forearm against his bulge to stifle the urge and took his wife to bed for an intense, but all too brief, fuck.

For the second night in a row, he lay in the afterglow, spooning his wife while wrestling with his thoughts. Her comment about the handyman urged him to share his fantasy with her, but he worried she would think less of him if he revealed his secret desires.

Hesitant to speak, he formulated his thoughts in his mind, rehearsing what he would say, but his shame-ridden fears rendered him silent. Resigned to his insecurities, he gripped his erection with his sweaty palm, and while gently stroking himself, he took his fantasy into his dreams instead.

Wednesday, December 24

“Oh, good. He’s here.”

Bella did her best to contain her excitement as she peeked through the blinds of the living room window and watched the handyman pull his van into the driveway. Forgoing her morning run, she chose to conserve her energy and awaited his arrival.

To bide the time, she pleasured herself, riding the edge of orgasm as she waited by the window. Since their brief encounter on Monday, the itch between her legs has grown from a fanciful urge into a throbbing ache—an ache she intended to remedy by crossing a forbidden boundary.

Her primal mind bore no concern for her adulterous intentions, but her logical mind still feared how the consequences of her actions would affect her marriage.

It’s now or never. Either I make this happen or I live with the regret of what might have been.  

Steadfast to her plans, she went to the bathroom and shaved her stubble to make sure her mound was baby smooth. As much as a shaved pussy made her look sexy, she felt more dignified, leaving her armpits unshaven. Added to that, she preferred not to look like a high school cheerleader when she fucked the handyman.

Body buttered and scented, she touched up her nails and stood before the full-length mirror, admiring her handiwork. She wiped the fluids dripping down the inside of her thighs and went into her lavish walk-in closet to find the most indecent dress. Surrounded by racks of tastefully designed outfits, she rifled through her collection and ended up with one in each hand.

Torn between the two, she held up the snug-fitting black dress with an open back and the red sleeveless one with a plunging neckline down to her navel. She modelled each one in front of the mirror, trying to decide which was more revealing. Since both ended a finger below her crotch, she knew either would deliver her message—come fuck me.

Having made her choice, she slipped it on, took one last look in the mirror, and headed out the door, running barefoot across the pavement in her flowing red dress. Free from any constraint, her bouncing breasts threatened to shamelessly flash the neighbourhood as she trotted to her destination and climbed the steps.

“Ok. This is it.”

After taking her second deep breath, Bella reached out and rang the doorbell. Heralding a new chapter in her life, the chiming, sing-song melody sobered her giddy demeanour. For a moment, reason shouted at her to run away and hide in the bushes, but her tingling pussy spoke in a louder voice.

Anxious for him to answer the door before she lost her nerve, she pressed the button again, but no one came. She rang twice more, with no response.

Hmm. That’s odd. The van is here. I wonder why he’s not answering the door. He must be busy. I’ll try again at lunchtime.

Disappointed but not deterred, she padded back to her house, determined to stay the course, and promised herself she would return in an hour.

“I could go back inside and edge myself again, but I don’t want to be sore and raw down there. Besides, simmering in my luscious juices until I can flood the handyman is way more delightful.”

To distract herself for the next hour, she strolled toward the back of the house to inspect their thriving vegetable garden. Both avid gardeners, she and Leo, spent many enjoyable hours growing their own food. Puttering in the garden would calm her nerves before she returned to try again.

While weeding around the tomato plants and trimming their lower branches, her imagination whisked her away on an erotic adventure with the handyman. Entranced by the sordid escapades unfolding in her mind, she did not notice the man eyeing her from the neighbour’s backyard. Once finished with the trimming, she started picking the ripe cherry tomatoes and cradled the abundant harvest with her arm pinned against her stomach.

More than she could carry, she rose to fetch a basket and froze mid-stride. Across the chain-link fence stood the object of her adulterous fantasy. Decked out in his construction boots, tight jeans, and a tool belt strapped to his hips, the sight of the handyman made her heart flutter like a timid little bird.

With his searing eyes fixed on hers, he nodded and cracked a knowing grin. Too stunned to move, she nodded back with a nervous smile, which he took as an invitation and strode toward the fence.

For fear of releasing the fluids gushing from her pussy, she stood frozen, clenching her legs, and watched him approach. Gathering all her courage, she sidled up to the fence, focused on keeping her thighs together.

“Hello again, sweet lips.”


She extended her free hand over the barrier while clutching the tomatoes against her belly. “I’m Bella.”

He held her hand within his burly fingers and planted a lingering kiss on her wedding ring while keeping his eyes fixed on hers. Surpassing all her fantasies combined, the touch of his lips against her skin electrified her senses and short-circuited her logical mind.

“It’s a pleasure. I’m Tomas.”

Unable to think clearly and strike up a conversation, she said, “Here, would you like a tomato?”

His penetrating stare captivated her as he leaned forward and inhaled the red orb from her outstretched hand with his mouth. Engulfed by his succulent lips, his tongue swirled around her finger while teasing her with his seductive eyes.

Her body trembled with desire as her jaw dropped and her knees sagged. A constrained groan rumbled in her throat as her arm went limp and the tomatoes tumbled to the ground.

Tomas pulled away, swallowed the plump fruit, and licked his lips with a slow, seductive slide of his tongue. Attentive to her response, her glazed eyes spoke volumes. He knew she wanted him between her legs, and he planned to fill her need.

“Oops. Sorry about that.”

He chuckled at her predicament, taking pride in his disarming effect. With effortless ease, Tomas gripped the top rail of the waist-high fence and leapt to her side.

As he knelt beside her to pick up the fallen fruit scattered at her knees, his arm brushed against the side of her breast. True to his nature, he stared inside her gaping dress, admiring her hardened nipples pointing from her pert breasts, and felt his bulge grow in his jeans.

Basking in the erotic rush of the forbidden, the sensation of his firm, muscled arm against her soft, alabaster flesh triggered a moment of guilt.

I want to drop everything and fall into your arms. But how? I’m a married woman, and you aren’t my husband. This is adultery.

With her pulse racing and her loins aching, Bella stood on the mysterious path of change, knowing the next step would transform her life forever. She shoved her concerns into the dark recesses of her mind and prepared herself to step into the unknown. Overtaken by her primal instinct, her mind went still, and her purpose became clear.

I want this so bad. There is no way I can stop it now. My body is yours. Take me and do whatever you want.

Uncertain of what to do, she kept her eyes to the ground, waiting for him to make the first move. Exhilarated by his unexpected touch, his hand raised her chin, and caught like a moth in the flame, he drew her into the blazing fire, deep within his gaze. Unable to resist his advances, she dropped the fruit as he lunged forward, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Driven by his uncontainable lust, he gripped her face with his free hand and pressed his lips to hers. Their first kiss transported them into a dimension of untold carnal pleasures. Primal and passionate, his tongue bored into her mouth, determined to penetrate her core. As she surrendered herself to the moment, Bella’s world changed forever.

No longer in control of her body, he guided her to the oversized swing chair and sat her down. Beginning at her toes, he planted moist kisses along her delicate skin, rising upward to her clamped knees.

He parted her long, slender legs and continued showering her with kisses up to her hairless pussy. A delighted sigh escaped his throat as he inhaled her scent and swirled his wet lips in erratic circles across her smooth mound.

Fervent with need, she grabbed his head and steered his face into her drenched, delicate folds. Like a ravenous beast, he devoured her swollen flesh with savage hunger, swallowing every drop of her pearly nectar.

Captured by his animated tongue, Bella submitted to the pleasures of forbidden fruit. Adrift in a sea of sensual indulgence, she rode the surging waves, edging herself toward orgasm. But she backed off before reaching the crest and pushed his head away.

With his chin drenched from her fluids, Tomas rose to kiss her and then stood to shed his toolbelt and lower his jeans. Obsessed by her need to feel him inside her, she slid off the swing and guided him to sit down. Stiff and proud, his rod rose to its full glory before her admiring eyes.

Oh, what a beautiful cock you have. I need it inside me so badly, but I want this to last.

Hungry to taste his essence, she licked the pre-cum oozing from his slit, with a lingering swipe of her tongue while staring into his eyes with an emphatic groan. More than anything, she wanted to plunge her mouth onto his cock and drain his seed, but she controlled herself and focused on the tip with long, slow, and seductive slurps. She swirled her lips around the crown and then sealed them over the head, while her pointed tongue probed his slit.

Powerless to resist her craving any longer, she took his cock deep into her drooling mouth and engulfed his flesh. Out of reaction, his body lurched upward, driving the head into her throat. Longer than most men she had taken in her mouth, she relaxed and breathed through her nose to stop gagging.

With no thought to guilt or shame about fellating a strange man in the middle of her suburban backyard, Bella indulged herself in pure, unrestrained lust. Uncertain of his staying power, she felt his legs tensing and slowed down to appreciate each lick and swirl of her tongue on the handyman’s glorious cock.

Given completely to the moment, she aimed to stoke the rising fire until neither of them could take the heat anymore, and they erupted together with a volcanic explosion. Incapable of ignoring the itch between her legs, screaming for attention, she took control and straddled his hips.

Tomas held his erection upright, rubbing his head between her drenched folds. He placed his free hand in the small of her back, forcing her onto his cock, but she resisted. Wetter and hornier than she had ever known, her slick juices flowed down his shaft, flooding his balls.

With her labia stretched around his head, her quivering pussy begged her to end the agony and slide downward, filling her aching void. Although she wanted to impale herself on her steed, riding off to a mind-blowing crescendo, she intended to engrave this moment in her memories, and a quick fuck-and-run would only scratch the surface.

Bella gripped his shoulders for support as she tilted her pelvis backward to position her pussy against the base of his shaft and then slid forward, pinning his erection against his belly. Wrapped in her wet sheath, she rocked back and forth, sliding her clitoral line along his rigid flesh, and edged them toward the summit.

Attentive to his signals, she eased off every time his body tensed, and his eyes flared. As the next wave ebbed and churned in her loins, the need to feel him inside outweighed her restraint, and she lowered herself into a slow, unhurried descent.

Slick and wet, her walls stretched around his unyielding girth as she landed firmly on his pelvis. Overtaken by the pivotal moment, neither of them moved. Locked in a compelling gaze, they melted into a scorching kiss.

While the man probed her mouth with his tongue and his hardened flesh plumbed her depths, she realized that who she was fucking did not matter. This was just sex, in its purest and most sensual form. Free of confusing emotional attachments, their union had nothing to do with love or affection.

With her mind at ease and her body humming, she focused all her attention on sucking up every ounce of pleasure into her pores. In time, Bella clenched her pussy muscles, making his cock twitch against her cervix. Inflamed with a lust beyond his capacity to endure, Tomas knew he was moments away from his much-needed release.

Before he erupted, blasting her with his molten seed, he lifted her up and laid her on her back while keeping himself inside. Unable to resist their carnal desires anymore, they conceded to their needs. With every intention to extend the pleasure, he started with slow movements, but his overriding need to empty himself soon quickened his thrusts to a jack-hammering pace.

Like rutting animals, they bashed and ground and humped into each other with primal ferocity. In unison, they rode the orgastic wave to a thunderous climax and crashed into each other’s arms in a gasping embrace. Spent from their torrid coupling, they lounged on the swing chair, catching their breath and waiting to return to reality.

As her mind cleared, she looked into her lover’s eyes and realized she needed more of this in her life. Knowing she could never duplicate the first time with anyone, she had no desire to be with Tomas again. Her true desires hungered for the heart-palpitating rush of a first kiss and the compelling mystery of the unknown.

I love Leonardo, and I have no intention of damaging our relationship by lying. But having crossed the point of no return, I can’t pretend. Adultery or not, continuing my sexual journey is too important. My ideas of sex and love, along with all the emotional baggage about relationships and marriage, are disentangling before my eyes.

As she unravelled the dangling threads in her mind, her body relaxed, and she nestled against her lover’s chest. Uncertain of how her sexual exploration would look, she intended to pursue them and use the gains to nurture her marriage.

Convinced that she would find a way to broach the subject with Leo and not blow up their relationship, she imagined them creating a bright and happy future together filled with many more erotic adventures.

 Startled by the loud crashing and cursing coming from the house, Bella abandoned her reflective thoughts and sat upright.

“Oh, my God. Leonardo is home early.”

Frantic with dread, she bolted from the chair without looking back. In a daze, she dashed past their parked car in the driveway and ran into the house. Fearful of what Leo might have seen, she raced down the hallway to find her husband by the bedroom window, with his pants pooled around his ankles while stooping to pick up the fallen lamp.

Caught in an embarrassing predicament, he wished he could duck under the covers and disappear. Sizing up the astonishing scene, the sheepish expression on his face and the cum dripping from the windowpane told her he had been watching.

Before he could lift his pants, she walked toward him and took hold of his wilted cock. A final drop oozed from his slit and dribbled onto her finger. While holding his shocked gaze, she raised her finger to her mouth and licked it clean.

I don’t know whether I should be angry or relieved. I would expect you to come charging into the backyard and stop us in the act. But you didn’t. I think you liked what you saw.

With no doubt in her mind and her heart overflowing with affection, she looked into his adoring eyes and fell in love with the man all over again.

“Did you just…?”


“And you saw us…?”


“And you didn’t try to…?”


“Why not?”

“I told you I would make it up to you. Merry Christmas.”

Written by twinserpents
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