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A Black and White Christmas

"Flattery will get you everywhere."

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

“We’ll miss you, Jake. Cheers!” We raised our drinks and took a sip. “I need a refill. Jake? Emma?” We shook our heads and watched Bill stride off, and I turned to her.

“Hope you’ll have no trouble without me.”

Emma shrugged and looked over toward her bosses. “You’re probably in the top 2% of that position nationwide. I expect you’re not easily replaceable, but you’re not enough of a high flyer to cripple the department.”

I laughed as she looked at me in puzzlement, “No sentimentality anywhere in your skeleton.”

She shrugged again, “I’m not paid for sentiment.” Smiling, she added, “But you were always friendly in the mornings, which is a rare trait indeed in this place.” She straightened as a wave in the corner of my eye caught her attention as well. She extended her hand and said, “Been nice working with you. Be sure to stick around for Santa and the Elves. Always a fine holiday tradition.” We shook and she rushed off to hobnob with the C Suite while I looked around the hall.

“Hey, Jake!” Fred had turned from his knot of chatting accountants and shook my hand. “Heard you were moving to greener pastures. Wasn’t sure you’d show up tonight.”

“I’m still here till Monday.”

He nodded, “So they didn’t run you out with a guard the day you gave notice? Someone must like you.” We laughed, remembering Felix from a month before.

“So far as I know, I never lifted a few thousand dollars and change.”

We laughed again, and he said, “Do any work at all Monday?”

“Just exit procedures, last check, forms, clean out my desk, all that shit.”

He nodded. “Vondra will miss you. Best worker she ever had, she said.”

“Best job I ever had. Never got yelled at once.”

We laughed and he said, “Still, it’s a step up, I hear.”

“Looking forward to it. Miss this place though.”

“Well, tell ya what, if it doesn’t work out and you come back to visit...I’ll stand you a cup of coffee.”

We laughed and I said, “Deal.”

“Anyway, gotta go schmooze with the bigwigs. No rest for the wicked.”

A few minutes later I was nibbling a canapé when the sound of sleighbells started somewhere outside as the lights started dimming. The bells drew closer as I looked at my phone and saw 7:30 on the dot. Soon the large doors at the end of the hall opened and some grunts from the mailroom trudged in in elf costumes, reindeer antlers on heads, pulling a slapdash excuse for a sleigh as Santa pushed it from the inside. As everyone laughed, I recognized Santa as the CFO, but just then the female elves came in. They were much more scantily dressed than the male elves, dresses cut down almost to the nipples and hems halfway up the thighs, making not just me gasp a little as I recognized all of them from around the office and marveled at the figures they kept under wraps during the work week. I then goggled upon seeing Vondra as the last of them.

She was more stunning in the flesh than in my heated fantasies, hair freshly curled to her shoulder blades, plump torso firm and perfect in the skin-tight green and red elf-dress, thick thighs muscular and not a trace of flab, and above all the breasts she had always covered in sweaters and business shirts buttoned to the neck squeezed together black and beautiful for deep-plunging cleavage fit to make me cry from need. I looked up to see her watching me closely; when she knew her eyes had my attention, she smiled proudly; after staring at me for a few seconds, she looked around at the rest of the crowd and seemed to dismiss me from the world.

While the sleigh was chintzy crud, the rest of the performance was not half bad. Tchaikovsky started playing and the female elves danced skillfully like flower maidens slumming it at the North Pole. Vondra had once mentioned she did ballet as a girl; she had clearly retained it well enough, and I watched rapt as she and several other female coworkers showed skills beyond the boardroom or filing cabinet.

The next dance was a Strauss waltz, followed by a few others, all skillfully enough done that the C Suite would have no regrets about not hiring outside talent. The lights came back up as the elves set to preparations for something, waitstaff went around offering flutes of champagne, and Santa said a few minutes of increasingly empty nothings. Finally, seeing everyone was ready, he raised a toast, and once we had drunk he made way for the gift-giving. The elves had put numbered pins on their caps as we looked at our tickets to find the number of the elf to be served by, and I was pleased to see my 6 matched Vondra’s.

I finally reached the little table where she was handing out envelopes. She smiled warmly as she dug mine out of the box and said, “We’ll miss you. Glad you could make it to the party.”

“Santa’s helpers were a surprise.”

She smiled even more warmly as she stared into my eyes. “A pleasant one, I hope.”

“Very much so.”

“Yes, I’m almost uncomfortable wearing this.”

I looked down, pausing just slightly at her chest, estimating size, heft, and texture, and back up to her eyes, which seemed fixated on me. “It’s not your usual...attire.”

“It’s a special occasion.”

“In any case, it’s been great working with you,” I said with regret at leaving starting to tinge the festivities.

“And you. We wish you all the best success in your upcoming career. And I’ll miss you in the office. Just when I’ve finally gotten you trained halfway decently, you have to go scamper off and make me start all over.”

We laughed and she reached out to shake my hand. I walked off quickly so that others could get their gifts, and to see what to my surprise she had slipped me. I strolled over to a potted plant out of the center of the hall and looked into the envelope—a gift certificate with a sizable balance on it—and after checking that no one was watching slipped the slip of paper behind the envelope. “We’re no longer coworkers.” A small map was drawn, and underneath it, “Ten minutes after I stop mingling, if you’re willing, we need a chat.”

I slipped the slip into my coat pocket and sidled up unobtrusively to where she could see me. She glanced at me with a quizzical look. I nodded slightly and she smiled and returned to chatting to her director while I sidled over to the drink table and got a glass of water. It made no sense: She was my boss, she was 15 years older than me, and above all she was married. Yes, I had had a serious and ever-deepening crush on her since the day I had met her, but she was my boss, she was 15 years older than me, and above all she was married. Yes, I drained myself constantly to thoughts of her, but she was my boss, she was 15 years older than me, and above all she was married. And that was probably the basis for a serious scolding, I realized. Well, fair enough, I’d made the date and set my fate in stone, so I might as well suffer through, and hoped it would build character.

Goodness knew I needed it. The first night after meeting her, in my fantasy world she had plunged down on me to the hilt, business suit perfectly arranged, and as she raised her left hand to her throat, her massive wedding ring came into view and the sick sweetness of trespassing on another man’s territory washed over me as stream after stream of sperm sprayed onto my chest. I shook my head to rid myself of such distractions as I chatted with a few people between glances to see that she was still meeting and greeting. Twice we glanced at each other at the same time for the briefest, and finally, an hour later, I noticed she was working her way toward the door. When she was close to it, she looked around dramatically, caught sight of me, and waved me over.

“I’m going now, so I wanted to say bye. Remember, be in sharp at nine on Monday so you can be out before lunch.”

“So I don’t need to work till 5?”

She laughed, “Only if you want to, so no, you won’t work till 5.”

We shook hands and she said significantly, “Well, it’s time. Have fun now.” She waved to a couple of highers-up and strolled out. I went back and chatted with a few people for ten minutes or so and made my farewells. I exited the main door, went to the restroom and referred to the sketch, and went down three side halls until I reached a door. Passing through it, I saw her at the end of the hall. She nodded and went right, and I followed. At the end of the hall, I saw her standing at an open door. She looked both ways, nodded, and closed the door.

I opened the door of a maintenance room. “Lock the door,” she said quietly. I did so and faced her as she leaned against a desk. “So why did you follow me?”

There was enough banter deep down in her voice that I said, “Following my dreams.” Her eyes widened slightly as she made a moue.

“I’ve been several men’s dreams.”

“And you’ve been in several of my dreams.”

Her moue tightened. “You have a taste for the unattainable, I see.”

“Aim for the stars.”

She seemed to nod almost imperceptibly. “You’re a healthy young man, free as a bird, unattached...?”


“Curious choice of dreams you follow.”

“Quality, not quantity.”

Her nod was slightly more perceptible. “I’m profoundly flattered.”

I looked back at the door and then returned to swimming in her eyes. “As am I.”

Her nod was clear. “You damn well should be flattered.” She intently looked me up and down, pausing for a while as she stared below my belt, then back up to my eyes. “Very flattered indeed.” She paused for a second. “You like what you see.”

“I’ve always liked it.”

“Believe me, I know. It was so sweet.”

“Was it that obvious?”

She simply stared into my eyes for several seconds, then nodded. For the first time she seemed hesitant. “And I’m not free as a bird.”

“I don’t mind.”

She smiled, “You say so now...And your tongue, is it as free?”

“Permanently caged.”

No word.”



“Never ever.”

She patted the desk on her right and smiled up at me when I leaned against it next to her. The heat of her skin burned into me as she leaned against me. She shyly slipped her arm around my waist as I dared finally to put mine around her shoulders. Both of us were tongue-tied, silent, breathing shallowly as we stared at the locked door we had passed through in more ways than one. Time crawled as we inched our way forward, fearful of missing any instant of it by rushing.

After a minute she said, “Always staring at me. It was the most respectful staring I’ve ever gotten. And...please don’t take this the wrong way, but such a fine, respectful young man! You could have anyone, and you chose me.” We looked into each other’s eyes again, and I drank in the awe in her eyes matching the awe in her voice as she said, “Me. Old me. Married me.” She took my hand in hers and looked at my white skin against her black skin and added in amazement, “Me.”

“Is that so strange?”

After a long pause, “For my generation, yes.”

“Is it wrong?”

She laughed, “Of course not! It just...doesn’t happen.”

I thought for a second to choose my words and said simply, “You take my breath away.”

She continued staring into my eyes. After a minute I leaned in and her eyes closed, and as our lips touched, her other arm slid around my neck and pulled me in tight. She melted into me as her tongue thrust into my mouth, penetrating deep past the teeth as she took possession of me. We sucked on each other’s tongues as she ran her hands confidently over my body, feeling every inch of me in forthright desire.

She chuckled into my mouth as I reached up to cup her left breast with my right hand. I marveled at how it overflowed my palm as she pulled back to say, “Always staring at them. I loved teasing you with them. Always hidden to make you dream.”

I stroked and tweaked her nipple as she stared hungrily at my face. “You know how to flatter a woman. Look at you!” By this time her roaming hand had reached my crotch, and she caressed it to match my caresses of her breast. “Oh my, I have never been so flattered!”

We chuckled as she stood from the desk and moved in front of me. She unzipped me and let my pants and boxers fall to the floor, then looked down at my throbbing cock. “All for me?” She giggled as I laughed and then said, “Let’s start things off on the right foot, shall we?”

As she knelt before me, she looked up at me as I stared at my wildest dream coming true. “So yes, in my generation we would never do this.” She stroked me lightly, staring down at her dark hand moving along my pink flesh. “Especially...with such a flattering young man.” She leaned in and licked the tip and all around the head as she rang her fingertips lightly along the shaft. “Such a beautiful white young man...”

As she leaned in again and took the head between her lips, I rested my hands on her head and then ran my fingers through her hair. Her tongue circled me in leisurely fashion as she stared up at me, and she pulled away to say, “You can hold my head at the end if you like. Do whatever you need. I want it all. Show me how much you need me.”

“Have you ever...”

“I’m a married woman. Of course I have.”

“I mean...”

She smiled, “Not with such a flattering young man before.” She looked at my throbbing cock and said, “It should feel so wrong. And it does, but so right.” She looked up at me and back down, “And such a beautiful shade of pink. It’s amazing how much pinker it is now that I’m loving it. And purple there now, so flattering!” She chuckled and took me back inside, nursing at my head as she let the shaft slowly penetrate into her mouth.

“You’re so beautiful there, before me,” I said.

She pulled back and said, “And black is beautiful?”

“The most beautiful in the world.”

She laughed and said, “I should ask you again after you’ve had your way with me. After I’ve drained every drop of cum out of those balls of yours. See if you like me then.” I laughed as she looked up at me unblinkingly. “I want to see you prove it.” She then leaned in and took me in slowly and steadily into the back of her mouth and then her throat, watching me as I stared at her black lips encircling and devouring my white shaft.

“Will you swallow every drop?”

She pulled away and chuckled. “I told you, I’m married. I can take anything you give me. I’m not going to take another man and then just lie there like a rag doll.” She opened wide and took most of me in one stroke, and soon had me fully inside her. I stared down and squeezed her head as she pulled back an inch and then bobbed forward, caressing and squeezing my entire length with her mouth and throat, and in less than a minute the pulses in my loins raced and I whispered, “I’m coming, beautiful.” She closed her eyes as my flesh pulsed in her mouth, and when the first spurt was torn from me, I groaned heavily as the spasms of her swallowing throat caressed my swollen cock head. By the fourth spurt her eyes opened wide and she stared up at me as my sperm shot undiminished down her vigorously working throat, trying to keep control of my hips as I thrust hard and fast into her.

After my eighth spurt she had me back under some measure of control, and by the twelfth she was bobbing her head to receive each little trickle from my now painfully sensitive cock. She kept sucking and bobbing as I tried not to fall asleep, and I finally released my hold on her head and caressed her hair lightly as she cleaned me up. She stood and kissed me as my arms circled her, a few drops of my cum tart and bitter in her mouth. After making passionate love to my mouth with hers, she leaned against me and said, “I’ve never swallowed that much before, you know. I didn’t think a man could hold that much.”

“That was because of you.”

She laughed, “I’m flattered.” After a moment she looked up at me. “It’s done now. No going back.” Then she murmured, “Make it worth it.”

I pulled away and took her hips, circled her to lean against the desk, and knelt. I raised the green hem of her skirt and pulled down the lacy satin red panties to reveal her thickly forested mount. I pushed her back and leaned in as her velvety black thighs spread open, revealing her meaty purply-black lips swollen and drenched within a well-trimmed thicket of hair. I said, “Hold my head tight, it’s a long and bumpy road ahead.”

She leaned up on her elbows to watch me closely as I leaned in, caressing her soft lips as my tongue circled between them. She reached down as she stared at me in awe, caressing my hair as I licked and sucked lightly. “I like seeing that shade of pink between my thighs.”

I pulled away, looked down, and smiled, “There’s pink already there.”

She giggled and then thrust her hips forward, “Stop lollygagging and get to work.” She continued caressing my hair as I licked more deeply. Her lips were wet against mine, her odor thick in my nose, and her pubic hair rubbed rough against my face. Her hips moved slightly back and forth under my face, and soon her movements became more determined, I reached up and circled her lips with my fingers as my lips settled on her clit. Soon my index and middle fingertips rubbed just inside her lips, slowly working into her tunnel as I sought the sensitive part of the tough front part, her soft back inner walls promising paradise for my cock.

Soon she gripped my head harder and whispered, “Yes, there!” I rubbed the spot under my fingertips as her hips thrust vigorously against my face, the squishing of her cunt around my fingers driving us both mad with its raw physicality, her lust fully exposed and her need for everything I could give her flowing over. She fucked hard against me, her hips pounding against my face as her thighs squeezed hard around my head. I sucked hard on her clit as my fingers fucked into her, rubbing her spot fast and hard as they penetrated her as hard as she fucked up against them. Her body tensed, her thighs clamped down and her hips twisted as she squirmed under my mouth. Though her ragged breath was muffled by her thighs, her low moan quickening into a loud keen was audible.

With the first pulsation of her tunnel tight around my fingers, her body seemed almost to explode before me. Both hands held me tight as her cunt fucked hard against my face. Her circling hips bent and twisted my fingers as they held on admirably against her spot, my lips and tongue vigorous on her clit. She collapsed after a minute, releasing my head as she lay there limp and drained. I continued kneeling before her, exploring her most private parts, glorying in trespassing on another man’s territory, and as the pride burst through me that she had chosen me to break her vows with, had offered herself to me when by all that was proper she shouldn’t, had  let me inside her locked secret garden, I hardened as fully and as quickly as when her wedding ring appeared in my fantasies.

Her tunnel was tight but let my fingers explore her, and in very short order her body was coming alive. I leaned in and gave a tentative lick as she moaned, “Yes, don’t stop,” and soon felt her hips circling as I worked her beautiful center towards her next peak. She came quickly and held my head in place as I sucked and fingered and licked her again and again. She did not relax after her second orgasm but just said, “Don’t you dare stop, suck that black pussy until I let you go.”

At the end, her climaxes blended into each other, with a minute or less of relative calm between vigorous minute-long pummelings of my face. Finally she pushed me away and closed her thighs. I caressed her knees for a moment and then stood to look down at her sweat-drenched face and chest and limp body, a beautiful elf in green and red with her skirt obscenely raised above her waist. I stood next to her as she caught her breath and asked, “Was it good?” She simply nodded. “Was it your best?” She looked at me with amusement in her eyes and finally nodded. “Better than your husband’s?” She chuckled with understanding dawning in her eyes and said quietly, “Hubby don’t suck, which is why hubby sucks.”

After a minute she chuckled again and asked, “How was I?”

“The best ever.”

“Better than all your little white girlfriends?”

“I’ve forgotten them already.”

She smiled up at me and brushed her forehead; the sparkle of the diamond filled me with the sick desire of trespass. I pushed her thighs apart and said urgently, “I need you. Now. Can I come inside you?”

She nodded, “Anything you want I want too, babe,” and then added, “I’m sore, be gentle, please last,” and I held onto her knees as I pushed my resurgent cock against her lips. Her tunnel offered some resistance as I slowly entered her, slightly further each time, looking down as her black labia sheathed by cock upon its retreat and disappeared as I pushed in. Slowly her body came alive again and her tunnel welcomed me inside. I plunged to the hilt and moaned in abandon, “God, your cunt is paradise.”

She hissed, “Yeah, you love my black cunt, don’t you?”

“As much as you love my white cock.”

I leaned over to kiss her and suddenly pulled back. “What?” she cried.

“I should wipe my face.”

She laughed, “I don’t mind the smell.”

I kissed her as I plunged deep inside her, finally burying myself in the soft, plump belly I had desired for two years. Her thighs cradled me as she ran her hands over me, her dark skin flushed and glistening in passion.  I watched her full breasts encased tightly in her costume shuddering with each thrust, somehow remaining within bounds, and looked up to see her devouring me with her eyes. I kissed her again, thrusting my tongue into her mouth in rhythm with my cock into her body. She began thrusting hard against me as I rode her in a steady rhythm; I pulled away from her lips to watch her face hardening into orgasm, responding easily after her many orgasms by my mouth, and soon her belly tightened around me and she squealed in squirmy pleasure as I bellowed my load into her.

I collapsed beside her and we caressed each other’s faces. “Was it what you wanted?”

She smiled, “As a start. Was it what you wanted?”

“As a start. When do you have to be home?”

“Hubby’s out of town. Whenever I want. Your place clean?”

“Sheets are even fresh.”

“Good.” She glanced at me. “So what do you want to do?”

“Everything. Whatever your husband has done, I want that.”

Something seemed to click for her and she laughed, “Oh, he used to do everything.” She smiled evilly as she leaned over to kiss me, “Anything your dirty little mind desires...”


Fifteen minutes later, she stopped next to me and opened the door for me. “No one saw me. Tell me where to go.” She was still dressed like an elf, thick overcoat open under the seatbelt. After turning the corner, she said, “So, how long have you had a thing for older women?”

“Since high school.”

She nodded. “And for married women?”

“What do you mean?”

She laughed sharply. “Babe, Hubby makes you hornier for me than he’s ever been.”

I chuckled, “Well...since I met you.”

“Forbidden fruit.”

“Forbidden by God and man and law...And how long have you been hot for white guys?”

She responded perfectly naturally, “For a year.”

I goggled and pondered. She stopped at a stop sign and looked at me. “I know what you want to do. What do you want?”

I paused. After a few seconds, “Whatever I can get.”

“I’m not free.”

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“Whatever you’ll give me.”

“All I can give you is nothing more than tonight.”

“I’ll take it.”

“As long as that’s understood.”

“I’ll consider it your Christmas present to me.” She chuckled and hummed along with the song playing quietly on the sound system as I watched her, now mine for the night, as I gave her directions.

As soon as I closed the door I lifted her and carried her to my bed. I swiftly undressed her and lay there next to her sucking on her breasts. “Oh baby,” she whispered, “love them a long time.” Soft and full, brown and smooth, with coal-black nipples and broad aureolae, they filled my hands and mouth to overflowing. Soon her hips were thrusting and she groaned as she twisted her thighs and squirmed. I reached down between her thighs and felt her wet and on the edge, and after twenty seconds of thrusting against my quivering fingers, she squealed in climax. “Keep loving them, baby, I know how much you’ve wanted them.”

I suckled at her breasts in bliss until her hips were thrusting again. I pushed her on her back and lowered my face to her fully bloomed labia. “Yes, babe,” she hissed, “suck me, suck my cunt, suck it dry, suck my sweet black cunt.” She continued confessing her breached taboo, glorying in the colors of our skin until she could only moan as her lust washed over her.

She kissed me passionately as soon as I lay next to her, no squeamishness about her scent. We lay curled around each other as we delighted in each other’s body. When I was fully hard, she pushed me onto my back and mounted me. She rode me vigorously, her breasts swinging in my face, the squishing of her fluids quickening as we built to another climax, and we finished quickly together.

As she lay on me, I asked, “How often does Hubby do that?”

“Hubby does nothing any more.”

“Nothing?!?” She smiled. “How can you...?”

“I get by.” After a pause. “What do you want to do next?”

“Has Hubby been everywhere?”

She chuckled, “I’m a married woman. Of course he has. —Where’s your lube?”

“I don’t have any.”

After a pause, “Then you really will never forget me, babe. —Get me my purse.”

“You carry it with you?”

“Just tonight.”

“Tonight? Why?” She stared at me for a second. “Oh.”

She took command, arranging the towels and instructing me how she liked it, her matter-of-fact instructions astonishing after I realized to my amazement that she liked it. I rubbed her pussy with my left hand as my well-lubed fingers slowly worked into her, and once I had a feel for the touch she needed and the pressure she liked, she made me kneel stock-still as she raised herself slightly and fucked forward against my two fingers buried deep inside her cunt and back against my cock. Soon she said, “I’m going to come. You don’t. Use your hand hard.” I managed to hold off as she thrust back an inch to and fro as I pummeled her cunt, and she groaned in a quick climax. “Okay, now same thing.” She soon climaxed again short and sharp and whispered, “You’ve already done better than Hubby ever did. Now fuck me fast and hard, and when I come, you can too.” I cupped her clit as I thrust three fingers deep inside her, squeezing her spot, and she fucked back against my hand and cock as I thrust into her, our last taboo shattered. “I’m coming,” she groaned, and as her bowels and cunt clamped down on me, I sprayed hard into her, staring at the plump brown body giving me everything and taking everything out of me.

Fifteen minutes later we lay there in showered exhaustion. As my sweet little spoon melted into my arms before sleep, she said, “Better than Hubby. Better than Hubby in everything. God, that was good tonight.” She looked at me. “Merry Christmas to both of us.” She pulled my hand to her breast and was soon asleep; five minutes later I was deep in dreams of wrestling with Hubby; no matter how skillfully I bested him, he somehow always won by simply being there before me. I awoke sick at heart to feel her warm body against me and soon dreamed of happier things.


“We don’t need breakfast.”

“You slept over.”

“And I have to leave. I have a repairman at 10.”

“There’s time...”

She smiled, “I wish there were. No.”

“Come over tomorrow?”

“Hubby will be back.”

“When can you come again?”

After a long pause: “You really want that? Your life tied to someone else’s woman? You want his scraps?”


“You’ll wither, your spirit will die, you’ll hate me some day for using you.”

“Use me all you want, just let me...”

“Beat Hubby?”

“Treat you better than him.”

“There’s more than sex there.”

“But there’s great sex here.”

Finally she laughed. “You have to take no for an answer.”

“Is this no?”


“Okay, I understand.”

She looked me up and down. “See you Monday?”

“Of course!”

“Still friends?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t we be?”


I had signed the forms and dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s, my last check was approved, and I strolled into the office with my cardboard box. Vondra smiled widely and waved her hand over the papers on her desks. “You’ll be a hard man to replace.”


She nodded. “Here, have some coffee.” I sat at my desk as she handed me the coffee she sometimes brought me in the mornings after I had worked overtime. We chatted quietly for five minutes about nothing memorable, and then she looked around conspiratorially and said in a murmur, “I was thinking about...your offer. willing...on a short-term basis, play it by ear, to let you discover just how cruel I can be in letting you tie yourself to a married woman.”

“I love cruelty. Hurt me, baby.” She smiled. “But why did you decide...?”

“You took no for an answer. No argument, no scenes. I have to trust implicitly that you will do exactly that if you’re my other. What I say is law now. I am your queen now. We meet tomorrow night, and I have to leave early for work. No contacting me, understood? No calls. No emails. I contact you. I’ll meet you as often as I can.”

“Deal. Whatever you give me...”

“Had damn well better be enough.” She looked around again, and returning to a natural voice held out her hand and said, “Glad you’re making your way in the world. We’ll miss you here. Good luck with your future career!” We shook, tight and firm and longer than normal as we looked into each other’s eyes, and she smiled as I left.


Once I had closed the door, I unbuttoned her blouse, pushed her to her knees, and crouched over her with the tube. Her lips pursed in surprise and she undid her bra and squeezed her breasts together as I lubed up and thrust into her cleavage. We both stared at my pink cockhead poking out at the top join of her breasts, and as her breath quickened I said, “You love my white cock between your tits, don’t you?”

She gasped, “Yes,” without taking her eyes off the spectacle. “You love it between my black tits, don’t you?”

“It’s perfect.”

“It is.”

I reached down and interchanged her hands so that her wedding ring flashed out. I let myself go and fucked into her cleavage like a man condemned to death, and when my little death came a minute later, I coated her chin and neck and chest with thick white stripes of seed, a spectacle that left me hard. I stood a little higher and put my hand behind her head. Watching me unblinkingly, staring deep into my eyes, she opened wide and took me halfway in. As she suckled, I gasped and moaned, and murmured my dirtiness to her, “Suck me better than you ever sucked Hubby. Wash him away with my cum.”

She stared up at me and worked me in until her lips were buried in my hairs, and soon I heard the lube lid snap shut and two of her fingers working into me. I stared back at her as she sought inside me, and once she found my prostate she caressed me as I fell to pieces. Her rhythm stayed fast and firm as my cockhead swelled in her throat, and with complete mastery over my passionate thrusts she easily swallowed every drop I gave her.

Finally we disengaged. I stared down in pride at her plump breasts streaked with rivers of cum flowing from the ocean I had given her chest. She leaned back and puffed out her chest just as proudly and said, “There, better than Hubby ever got. Are you going to do me better than Hubby ever did me?”

“In every way.”

“And every hole, I hope.”

I nodded. “I’ll give you white cum from my white cock anywhere you let me, hot and white for that hot black body of yours.” Her face became, to my surprise, even more impassioned, and when she made to wipe up my cum off her chest I stopped her.

Three hours later she had finally exhausted me, groaning in a climax around a dildo she had brought as I pumped my last load into her bowels, and we lay cuddled in my bed after a leisurely shower. As I fondled her breasts, she sighed. “I should feel guilty about forcing you to be my side toy, but the way you get off using Hubby’s property, I don’t feel a damn bit sorry for you any more. Hell, you’d probably cream your pants seven times in a minute if he caught us.”

A pause, and I replied, “Yes, probably. Just like you get off on my skin.”

“And you think that is the main reason I’m fucking you?”

“I sure as hell hope not, ‘coz there’s shitloads of white guys better looking than me out there, and you’d be gone in a heartbeat.”

She laughed, “Yes, probably.” She looked at my chest as she ran her hand on my torso, “And mine does nothing for you?”

“It does now.”

She cackled, “I knew it! Deep dark secret coming to light!”

“No, girl, you’re just contagious is all. I’m catching your disease.”

She laughed again, “Just like how you make fucking another man even sicker and hotter than I thought it would be.” She smiled, “The way you’ve never even met him and you compete against him is so funny...and then it hits me so hard that you’re competing for me, and I get so hot...”

She curled up against me and pulled the covers over us. “I’ll be leaving early. I brought my stuff, so I’ll get ready here. I’ll be out of town for the holiday, so this is your Christmas present.”


We had fallen into a weekly rhythm, interspersed by two droughts and two floods. She would give me a day’s notice and ravish me all night long, draining me in every position and act we could think of. February came, and the morning she left after our third night that month, she said, “So,” she said, “in some countries the 13th is when cheating couples have their VD dinner. Hubby’s out of town, so please be my guest.”

“With pleasure and honor.”

“As long as there’s surpassing horniness as well, that’s fine. Whatever else you want to drape it with. I’ll send you info once it’s arranged.”

The email from her super-personal account arrived that evening, and I dressed as she suggested and met her near my apartment. “Ooh, nice,” she said after I finished whistling at her, and after she looked me over thoroughly drove us to the restaurant. I was certain every man looked at me with envy as we strolled to our table in the back corner, but most likely no one noticed us. We chatted quietly in the candle light, occasionally holding hands, until dinner came.

When we finished I excused myself and found the restroom. On the way back I ducked down a hallway leading to VIP rooms and heard gasps behind a door. I peeked in to find a darkened coat closet, and in the light from the hallway a stunning Asian woman bent forward out of the darkness, leaning over a stool. Her hair was the stereotype of waist-length silken hair tumbling straight down around a round face, and I watched for a second as her tits swung wildly with someone’s thrusts. She looked over at me without embarrassment or surprise and waved at me. I blushed and ducked out, closing the door quietly behind me.

Vondra smiled as I sat down. “When we get home we’ll have some wine. Good thing Hubby’s out of town until tomorrow afternoon, but just to be safe you’ll have to leave by 8:00.”

I blinked and said, “Sure.”

“You seem a little distracted.”

“Oh, I saw a beautiful sight I can hardly wait to act out with you.”

She purred, “Sexy, I hope.”

“It’ll be sexier with you.”

“Yes, yes it will.”

We smiled and soon were ready to leave. “They offered us a VIP room, but I saw no need for one. Wanna take a look at what we missed?”


I walked hand in hand with her to the hallway, and when we were halfway down, the stunning Asian woman turned the corner with a tall black man holding her by the waist. I chuckled, “Well, there’s the...” just as the man said sharply, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Vondra said even more sharply, “What the fuck are you doing here, Terry? This isn’t fucking Buffalo and she’s not fucking goddamned IBM.”

“And he’s not your fucking husband.”

“No, just better at fucking than my husband.”

The woman and I blinked at each other, and she said calmly to me, “And your name is...”


“Lisa,” holding out her hand.

Hubby said, “Oh, now don’t you go making new friends, girl.”

Vondra retorted, “Afraid he’ll fuck you out her mind too?”

No danger of that.”

“Then you two [she pointed at Lisa and me] go have a drink at the bar while we have a private discussion in you two’s VIP room.”

After ordering a scotch each, Lisa turned to face me fully. “So I’m not the only extra wheel in this deal.”

“Nope. Interesting development.”

“Very, yes. —How long have you two been together?”

“Two months, almost. You?”

“A couple of years. It was great. I wonder how it will change. For the better, I hope.”

“You’re happy with it?”

She smiled, “Oh, I miss not having him every night, but when we’re together, it’s just so damn hot.”

I nodded in full understanding. “And you knew when you started?”

“Oh yes. I didn’t care how stupid it was, and it’s been so damn good.”

“How’d you meet?”

“He checked the equipment for our lab, and he was just so attractive, witty, funny, and smart. We went on a date the third time and ended up in the backseat by the end of the night.”


“Yes. Pleased to meet you.” She held out her hand. “Professor Lisa Cheong, Department of Astrophysics.”

I took her hand and said, “Jake Turner, department of all trades.” She laughed and I asked, “So what do you actually work on.”

She pondered. “I work on Herbig-Haro objects.”

“Those nebulae? But I couldn’t tell you more than that.”

She nodded happily, learned I had been an astronomy nut in middle school and high school, and chatted happily at a low level of shop talk for her and a very high level for me for fifteen minutes about reproducing certain spectral lines in the lab and what they meant in the wide world around us. She then ordered each of us a second and said, “Well, possibly it’s over, but more likely I’ll get to see him a lot more often.”

“And it didn’t make you feel used?”

“Not really. Sometimes, yes, but how often does someone break their vows for you? In some ways it’s more intimate than marriage.”

“More secret.”

She laughed, “Yes. And so fucking hot.”

“It is that.”

She leaned in and whispered, “And if my parents knew I had a black lover...” and ran her finger across her throat. She chuckled, “Well, not literally, but God, I’m breaking every rule a woman in my culture has to keep.”

I smiled and said, “It is hot...both ways.”

She laughed, “Oh, he struts like the cock of the walk when he’s with me. That makes it so worth it right there. And so hot...but you know that better than I could ever tell you.”

We laughed and I said, “I hope I didn’t spoil the mood.”

“Are you kidding? Knowing someone saw me? I haven’t come like that in months. God, it was so good.”

We chatted until they came to meet us ten minutes later. Vondra pulled me aside and said, “Don’t worry, our plans haven’t changed. I hope you’re ready to use me to exhaustion tonight.”

“As always. My place?”

“I said our plans haven’t changed.” Vondra and I strolled out first, followed by Hubby and Lisa. We settled up and went outside. Vondra turned and held out her hand. “Lisa, I presume?”

Lisa smiled, “Vondra, is that it?” They shook hands as Hubby and I looked each other over warily, and he held out his hand. “Terence.”


Vondra said significantly, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Terence.”

Likewise, Vondra.”

She took my arm and said, “This way.”

We drove to her house. As she locked the doors, a car pulled in behind us and Hubby and Lisa got out. Lisa looked hard at him as I looked hard at Vondra, and both shrugged. Vondra said, “We get the master bedroom, remember.”

“Yeah yeah, the guest bed’s better anyway.”

“Keep saying that, maybe it’ll come true.”

We silently took off our coats and shoes and Vondra led me down the hall to the room I had shared with her twice. I heard Hubby and Lisa go past and a door open; Lisa said, “What in the hell?”

I looked quizzically at Vondra, who simply smiled, “Close the door.” When I did, she stripped bare in fifteen seconds and whispered, “Now fuck me all night long like you’ve never fucked me before.”

She was already spread open and waiting for me when I pulled my underwear off, and as I climbed atop her I heard giggling from the other side of the wall, “Oh god, this is hot.”

Their bed began shaking just as I thrust into Vondra to the hilt. She was already drenched, steaming, and ready when I entered. She squealed and thrust hard against me, meeting me move for move as she built to a sudden drenching orgasm and screamed the loudest I had ever heard her. I kept thrusting in a steady rhythm as the bed next door sped up to Lisa’s scream, and Vondra groaned loudly, “Yes, fuck me, fuck me.”

Next door Lisa said just as loudly, “God, fuck me with that big black cock!”

In turn Vondra shouted, “Fuck my black cunt with that hot white cock!”

I thrust harder and faster as the bed next door shook like an earthquake, and as our bed squealed like a scalded cat, Vondra shouted, “God, I’m coming!”

For the next hour Hubby and I fucked our once-secret lovers. I heard him come three times as I came four, and both Vondra and Lisa had climaxed almost continuously. After my first climax she had pushed me on my back and taken control of me, riding me like a young woman finally given a pony for Christmas, and I held off until she heard Hubby climax again and whispered to me, “Scream for me, baby, rock the roof.”

I did as instructed and heard Lisa say, “Take me from behind.” As their rhythm stayed steady, I quickly hardened again as Lisa’s squeals bellowed straight at the wall to our ears, and I lifted Vondra onto her hands and knees and thrust home. As she competed with Lisa, I strove like a champion athlete to outdo Hubby, fucking his wife to louder orgasms than he drew from fucking his gorgeous professor. She screamed without reserve as the headboard yet again slammed against the wall like window shutters in a hurricane, and as he bellowed in orgasm I sped up and fucked Vondra harder and faster than he had managed with Lisa.

I came fast and hard, dripping sweat all over Vondra’s back, and she squealed in orgasm at the peak, yet all I could think of was Hubby on the other side of the wall listening to me fuck his wife. I stayed hard despite the quart that it felt had been sucked out of me and kept fucking. Vondra kept up her steady stream of dirty talk about the colors of our skin as I made the headboard pound like a punk drummer on speed, and as I came again I smiled in the thought that I had defeated Hubby on the field of battle.

I collapsed on the bed and Vondra whispered, “My hero.” I chuckled as she kissed me and then said loudly, “Oh god, yes, suck my cunt!” Taking the hint, I pushed her onto her back and lowered my head to her swollen, ragged lips. She came quickly three times in succession as I fingered and licked her in perfect knowledge of her needs, and when she collapsed we heard a slight keen and some rustling as Lisa received a bout of oral pleasure.

Once Lisa’s squeals had ended, Vondra rose to position and said, “God, fuck my ass.” I did as ordered, and once I was inside to the hilt she thrust fore and aft as I pushed two fingers up inside her front. In an exultant voice she narrated what we were doing, and when she began climaxing she screamed, “God, my ass has never been fucked so good!” I groaned and pumped into her, and as our climax ended we heard a banging on the wall. Lisa shouted, “Keep it down, we’re trying to sleep here,” and we laughed as giggles came from next door. I stumbled quietly to the bathroom and washed up in case she needed another round, and curled up next to her when I came back.

I fell into an immediate sleep as if drugged, and we woke up early, refreshed yet sore. Vondra pulled me out of bed—neither of us had washed and we felt sticky and smelly—and led me to the master bathroom. We opened the door to find Lisa leaning back on the table before the mirror spread wide as Hubby plunged into her depths. Vondra and I watched for a second as his impressive cock pulled almost all the way out of Lisa’s fully exposed lips before plunging back to the hilt; his wiry body fit perfectly with her soft velvety belly and wide hips, large tits jumping with each thrust. Vondra shrugged, climbed on the table beside her, and opened herself to my resurgent cock. In the mirror I saw Hubby watching my cock rummaging her cunt, and I looked at Vondra to see her watching between Lisa’s legs as Hubby’s cock disappeared from view beneath Lisa’s well-trimmed but thickly haired mount. We timed it so that we all four climaxed at the same time, and Vondra climbed down and said, “You were here first. We’ll go to the other bathroom.”

As we relaxed in the tub, she smiled up at me, “I didn’t feel the least bit jealous watching them. I surprise even myself sometimes.”

“You surprised me last night.”

“Hey, if he’s going to fuck around on me, he gets to learn all about me fucking around on him.”

“Your competition is...not at all bad.” She stared at me and I added, “Almost as good as you.”

She laughed, “That was a dream come true for you, wasn’t it? Fucking my brains out for his benefit? Fucking his wife’s ass while he had to listen? Making me sing how much my cunt loves your white cock?”

I grinned, “Oh, fuck yes. And you put Lisa in her place, didn’t you?”

“Ain’t no woman can fuck like me when I’m on fire.”

“So what now?”

“Like this. We like each other well enough. Eventually we might split up, but there’s no rush. He keeps Lisa permanently and I keep you. I hope you won’t be impotent now that Hubby’s given you permission to ride my ass every which way to Sunday.”

“Baby, I will love you long time.”

“Good. You’re my man now and no one else’s, and I’m all yours.”

When I had washed up enough, I climbed out and dried off as Vondra prepared to wash her hair. “I’ll make us coffee.”

“I need it.”

I walked into the kitchen to find Lisa pouring a cup from the full coffee maker. She smiled, “I gather you’re my brother-in-law now.”

I laughed and she watched me as I poured myself a cup. “That’s right, Sis.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to listening to you two regularly from now on.” I coughed as she chuckled. “Last night was the hottest I’ve ever had. Terry and I agreed we can’t leave it at that. You two drove us crazy. Next time I plan to beat Vondra.”

“Challenge accepted,” I said as I smiled in anticipation of the games to come.

Written by SirSpewalot
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