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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - Chapter 9

"The restaurant deal and Saturday night."

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Drew sat on the balcony sipping his coffee. He wore a pair of boxers and nothing else. The morning sun was warm reflecting off the windows. Dave and Tess were still sleeping but he had woken early. He went through the events of the previous day. The shopping, the hot tub and the sex. He'd enjoyed the gay dance club and having Tess and Dave suck his cock when they had returned to the apartment. He had watched them fuck, he did not want to join them, he had just wanted to watch them.

"They are such a good looking couple," he thought, "Tess with her tiny body and blond hair and Dave so tall and athletic. To see them locked in the missionary position was probably the most passionate thing he'd seen between them. It was a mental picture that would stick in his memory.

Today they were to meet the chef at the exclusive restaurant where his lamb was to be sold. He and Dave were going to wear their suits and Tess had promised to wear something special for the occasion. She was genuinely excited to be going with him to the meeting, and Drew thought that she was making a bigger deal out of it than it really was.

Hearing the coffee machine start up he turned and saw Dave wearing a pair of running shorts in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Drew," he called out, "Another cup?"

"Yes if you wouldn't mind," replied Drew.

He went inside and had his cup refilled. Both men returned to the sun drenched balcony with their drinks.
They sat next to each other with their backs to the window looking at the city skyline.

"Did you have a good time last night?" asked Dave.

"Yes I did, it really was good to be amongst a crowd that didn't judge us or our relationship. We couldn't do anything like that in my home town. Now I now why Geoff spends so many weekends in the city. It must have been so hard for him growing up in the country." Drew said.

"And Tess met a lovely girl too. I don't know about you but I hope she rings Fiona, she seemed keen to explore her bi side again. It would be good for her to have a female friend with benefits," added Dave.

Drew was a bit taken aback by Dave's easy going attitude with his wife taking another lover. There wasn't a jealous bone in his body.

"Why didn't you join in with us last night?" Dave inquired.

"I just wanted to watch," said Drew, "God you two looked fantastic together, I didn't want to intrude any more than I already was."

"You still don't get it do you, Drew?" Dave began, "You aren't the third wheel here. We are in a trio. Of course you wouldn't be intruding, we want you with us. All the sex we have together, the three of us, isn't just fucking, it's love making. Don't ever sit back and not participate because you think you are intruding, we want you to be with us."

"Thanks," Drew replied, "I just don't really know my place yet. I want so much for this to work out somehow and I just get a bit scared that I might outstay my welcome."

"Nonsense Drew, Tess is as much in love with you as she is with me, she told me that the other day. And as for me I want you with me all the time, I thought about you a lot last week when you weren't here, probably missed you as much as I would miss Tess if she was away."

"Yes I must admit that I thought about you a lot last week, and I don't just mean the sex either. I couldn't wait for you to get home the other night even though Tess was here with me. You have to understand that I've gone from being so lonely on the farm two weeks ago to having this and you and Tess. My life is all so different, much better, but different.

Dave reached over and put his hand on Drew's cock. He didn't stroke him or anything, just rested on him through his boxers.

"Drew I think I'm in love with you too. I didn't think I could love a man, but I'm pretty sure I do," Dave confessed, "All my other guys were just fuck buddies, but it's different with you and it's not just because Tess loves you and approves of you and I."

Drew put his hand on Dave's, "I'm starting to think the same way Dave, I hope this works out. I can't wait for you to come and start work on the farm. The time we have together then will help me decide if it's love or something else. I have a feeling it is going to be the best harvest season I've ever had."

They sat in the sun for a few more minutes and finished their coffees.

"I'm going for a run, want to come?" asked Dave.

"How far do you go?"

"On Saturday I usually do fifteen kilometers," Dave answered.

"No, too far for me, I'd probably have a heart attack, you go alone, I will have to work on my fitness before I join you," replied Drew.

"Okay, when I get to the farm we'll do some fitness training together, it will be good fun," said Dave.

"Well don't forget we have my appointment at two, and Tess wants us to dress up, so don't get back to late."

"Plenty of time," replied Dave, "It's only nine now, I shouldn't be much more than an hour."

He stood up and went to put on his training shoes and a singlet. Drew washed the cups and said goodbye when he left the apartment.

Drew went into the bedroom intending to shower.

As he stepped out of his boxer shorts Tess said, "Come back to bed and give me a cuddle."

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," he said as he climbed in under the sheets.

He slid across and snuggled into Tess's back, he put his arm over her and cupped her breast. He could feel his erection rising. He didn't need anything else but to touch her body to become aroused.

Tess turned over to face him and with her hands on his head guided his mouth to her nipple. Dave felt the tiny bud harden on his lips and gently twirled his tongue around it. Tess moaned and adjusted her position so Dave could take her other small breast in his hand. Drew could feel his dick was hard, he wanted her so badly. Tess rolled onto her back and parted her legs allowing Drew to enter her with his finger.

"Make love to me," she whispered into his ear.

Drew threw the sheet off of her and lifted himself between her parted legs.

Tess put both hands onto his hard penis and guided him to her pussy. She pushed her hips upward and he entered her. Slowly they began to push themselves against each other.

'This is not sex this is love making,' thought Drew.

This was how he and Dianne would spend their Saturday mornings, this was how he'd seen Dave and her last night.

There was no rush, Drew was not in any hurry to cum. He moved his cock in and out of her tight little pussy with the rhythm of a lover, not a fuck buddy.

"Drew, I love you so much," she whispered in his ear.

Drew stopped his stroking, pushed himself up with his arms and looked down at her. His cock was deep inside her, her little breasts pointed to his chest and her beautiful eyes were staring at his.

"I love you too, Tess," was all he could say in a very shaky voice.

"Drew, what's the matter?" Tess asked, "What has upset you?"

He lowered himself down onto her, "I didn't think I'd ever find anyone to love again, now I have you and Dave, I'm just happy, that's all," he said.

Tess kissed his shoulder.

They lay like this for fully two minutes. Tess slowly started to thrust up against his still hard dick and soon Drew was again setting the rhythm, a bit quicker than before.

Tess was beginning to moan and she could feel an orgasm approaching, his hard dick in her vagina and his weight on her clitoris was doing it for her. His love for her was stimulating and she came hard under him.

Drew felt and heard her cum and now he felt free to enjoy his own release. He gave a deep thrust into her and held himself there as she continued to move under him. He came and came deep within her, he held her close as his seed filled her pussy, then he relaxed and he settled his head against hers.

"I love you, Tess," he repeated.

They lay together until Dave arrived back from his run.

"Come on'" said Tess, "We have to shower and get ready to go out."

They showered together while Dave did his cool down routine then returned to the bedroom to dress. Tess laid his suit on the bed, and selected his shirt.

She then went to her closet and opened a draw. She selected a sheer white, satin bra and g string with a matching suspender belt. Next she unwrapped a pair of new stockings. Drew had his back to her as he dressed himself and when he turned around and saw her in her lingerie he almost gasped. She looked absolutely erotic in her bra, g and suspender belt.

Dave entered the room.

"Wow, this is going to be a long day knowing you are wearing that," he said, "I almost don't want to go out."

"Business before pleasure boys," answered Tess.

Tess then pulled a black mini skirt and matching top on, a pair of black high heels and she was done.

After Dave had showered and put on his suit Tess made he and Drew stand on the balcony while she took a photograph of them. She thought they were very handsome in suits and polished shoes.

"As it is only 11 am. and your appointment isn't until two, I thought we might go out for brunch in the city and then go onto the restaurant after that, what do you think?" asked Tess.

"Great idea," replied Drew, "I can't wait much longer to eat."

They rang for a cab, then went down to the lobby to wait for it to arrive. Tess formally introduced Drew to Joe Security and informed him that Drew would be staying with them regularly. She asked after his wife and was told that they had a great night out the previous evening with the money Tess had tipped him and that the missus wanted Joe to make sure to thank them both for their generosity.

The cab arrived and Tess told the driver where she planned to have brunch and they settled into the back seat for the short drive to a trendy looking cafe by the riverside. The head waiter efficiently found a table for them and they ordered breakfast and watched the crowds walk along the promenade.

"It's such a beautiful day, we should do something outdoors after Drew's meeting," said Dave.

"Couldn't agree more," answered Drew.

"We could go down to the beach for a walk, we'll have to change first though," Tess suggested, "It won't get dark until 8pm, let's wait and see how much time we have after the meeting."

They ate their meals, read the papers and chatted for the next couple of hours, just enjoying their own company.

Drew got up and paid the bill while Tess went to powder her nose. She never wore much make up, she didn't need to, but wanted to look a bit more glamorous than usual for the classy restaurant owner they were to meet shortly.

It was only a very short walk from the river side to the tall building that housed the restaurant on its top floor, and in no time at all they were standing waiting for the lift to whisk them up forty five floors.

"I'm a bit nervous now," confessed Drew.

"Don't be silly," responded Tess, "This guy is expecting an old farmer, not a young guy in a gorgeous suit with two other people, he'll be the one who will be off guard when he sees us walk in. Just pretend you belong there, he is the one who wants something of yours so be tough."

"Yes your right as usual, Tess," replied Drew, "I just don't like to talk business that much, I have to toughen up and make sure I get the price I want for my lambs to make this worthwhile that's all. It's all usually done by auction in a sale yard so you get what the market dictates, I've never had to negotiate before. I have worked out my bottom price though."

"Good, stick to that price and don't shift, this is your livelihood remember," Dave said.

The elevator doors opened and they stepped in, Drew pushed the button for the top floor and the lift jolted towards the sky.

As the doors opened the were all struck by the view that lay before them. They were above most of the city and they could see the bay in the back ground. Drew would have been happy to just look out the windows for the next hour or so but was quickly snapped back into reality by the restaurants head waiter.

"Sorry lunch service has just finished and we are about to close," he said curtly.

"Hi, my name is Andrew Bishop and I have an appointment with Charles Peters, could you let him know we are here please," answered Drew confidently.

The waiter somewhat pompously looked them up and down and said, "Wait here, I'll see if he is available."

He turned and headed to what was obviously the kitchen doors giving instructions to the other waiters as he went.

"Pompous bastard," Drew muttered to Dave as they watched him disappear through the swinging doors.

Five seconds latter a small round man in a chefs uniform burst towards them through the doors, a wide smile on his face and his hand stretched out to trying to shake Drew's hand from across the room.

"Welcome Andrew, come in,come in. Stephen find us a spare table for Andrew and his companions, one with a view please," he shouted back to the waiter.

He shook Drew's hand firmly and introduced himself as Chuck, only the media and diners called him Charles he explained and ushered them to the table that Stephen had reset for them.

"I've been wanting to meet you for ages Andrew, and you have brought some friends with you that's good," he said.

Drew instantly like Chuck, he had no airs or graces about him.

"Chuck this is Tess and Dave, they are my partners," Drew said, "I hope you don't mind that I brought them along."

"Not at all, please let's all sit. I'm glad you are on time, I have prepared some of your delicious lamb so that you can see how I intend to serve it and I didn't want it to spoil if you were late," Chuck said, " Stephen, glasses, wine!"

Drew was still trying to work out why he introduced Tess and Dave as his partners when Chuck asked, . "Andrew I was told your farm was a family business, I didn't realize you had partners."

"No the farm has been in my family for four generations, Tess and Dave and I have some other ventures we are working on," Drew half lied. He didn't see the need to tell this man everything so let it settle as a business partnership.

"Please call me Drew, only my mother and Tess when she is cross with me, call me Andrew.

Stephen returned with four glasses and a bottle of red wine, they weren't asked what they would like.

"This is my favorite red wine at the moment, it goes very well with lamb. Stephen, could you please get the kitchen to send out the dishes I prepared and arrange for some crockery," Chuck asked the head waiter.

"He is a bit up himself but very good at his job," the chef said after Stephen went into the kitchen, "I do hope you enjoy what I have prepared, I thought it would be best to show you what I can do with your produce, so sample my cooking and then I will put my proposition to you."

Two different waiters delivered plates and cutlery to the table and then proceeded to the kitchen and returned with serving platters loaded with the Chucks meals.

"Right, first we have a ragout made with lamb shoulder and mushrooms, cooked slowly for four hours and then reduced, next I have a rack of lamb, trimmed and roasted with rosemary and pine nuts until the meat is still pink so as not to over cook the delicate muscle. Along with that I have slow cooked shanks, they really are popular at the moment, but I am serving them in a nontraditional way, sort of a substitute roast dinner with all the old favorite roasted vegetables as you can see. I intend to use all parts of the carcass, offal dishes are also in vogue at the moment, so sweet breads, hearts, brains are all going to be on my next menu, the summer menu. Then I will take the roasts off the menu until next autumn and winter. Please now try these out for me."

The waiters then proceeded to serve them all small portions of each dish.

"For the summer menu I will be using your lamb for a selection of Asian inspired salads, and some grills." Chuck explained.

Tess, Dave and Drew although not really hungry, tasted each dish as it was presented, drank the wine and listened to Chuck as he detailed each of his ideas on the preparation and presentation of his meals.

"Now I suppose it is time we talked money," Chuck announced, "I have for the past twelve months been getting this meat from my supplier and insisting that it came from your property, but I want to take a bit more control so I'm certain it is only your meat that I am being supplied as I know that the quality is consistent and that I am getting what I pay for. So I have arranged for your livestock to be processed and butchered at a new facility just out of town here. All I ask of you is to have ten animals, that is my starting number, it will probably increase as time goes by, delivered every second Thursday. I have been assured that they will be slaughtered separately and processed for my restaurants so that there can be no substitutes sold to me."

Drew listened intently, he was impressed that Chuck had done a fair bit of the ground work without his consultation and seemed to know his way around the meat industry.

"I am not going to beat around the bush and I am prepared to offer you three hundred an animal, I know that figure to be about twice or a bit more than market price, but that's delivered to the meat works starting in two weeks, and you will be paid the next working day after the government inspectors pass them. It is a generous offer I think but I am prepared to pay for quality."

Drew was dumbstruck with the offer, it was over a hundred dollars above his bottom line, and without even thinking about it reached out to shake Chucks hand.

"I think we have a deal Chuck, delivery and supply is no problem at all, and I promise I won't be selling my prime lambs to any one else," he said.

"Well that's another thing, down the track if I can't take all you produce we may be able to sell excess animals to a couple of small supermarkets I know of, your brand with my name attached would sell really well at these exclusive boutique purveyors, but that's in the future, we'll see about it later on." Chuck said, then looked over at Tess and Dave, "Sorry to be all business, what do you think of my meals and the wine?"

"Very nice, I wish I was hungrier, we had brunch on the way here, we weren't expecting to eat with you," explained Tess.

"Ah you must all come back for dinner as my guests some time soon, next time your in town Drew ring and I will reserve a table for you," the chef said.

"Yes I will for sure, I'd love to see the view at night, it's spectacular," answered Drew, "There is just one more thing on our deal, could I have the address and number for the meat works, I'd like to call in and see them on Monday. I will probably deliver the sheep myself as it will keep my costs down, a contractor would charge too much for such small consignments and I can guarantee my animals that way."

"Good idea, I will get it for you before you leave, and you can all come for dinner and drinks with me that Friday evening, now come on eat and drink," Chuck answered, "Stephen, another bottle please,"

They sat at the table for another hour or so, Chuck was very interested to hear Dave and Tess tell him about the farm and Dave's plans to go and work over the harvest. But all too soon Chuck said that he had to go and prepare for the evening service and that he felt rude to be ushering them away.

They all shook hands and Chuck penciled in a reservation for the Friday night after the first delivery.

"Now you be sure to ring and confirm this booking on the day, Stephen gets very grumpy with no shows, and I can't have him moody in the restaurant," were Chucks parting words.

As the lift doors closed Drew's face sported a huge grin.

"What a deal," he said loudly, "His offer was way over what I was expecting, and I get to come to the city regularly to see you guys, it couldn't get any better than this."

"Let's celebrate then," said Dave, "But I don't think we should be driving anywhere, I know I've drunk far too much of Chuck's red wine."

"How about we just get some more drinks and sit on the balcony at home for the evening? The weather is so nice," asked Tess.

"Sounds good to me," answered Drew.

They hailed a cab out the front of the building, gave the driver their destination and asked him to stop at a liquor store en route. Drew purchased two bottles of the imported champagne that Tess enjoyed, more beer and some Irish whiskey, before they made the way home in the late afternoon sunshine.

"Tess why don't you give Fiona, your friend from the bar last night a call? See if she would like to come over for a drink," asked Dave.

"Would that be okay with you guys?" asked Tess after giving a couple of seconds consideration to the proposal, "I told her last night that as it was Drew's first weekend in town she wouldn't hear from me."

"It's fine with me," replied Drew.

"Alright I'll call her when we get home as I haven't got her number with me," said Tess remembering that the napkin with Fiona's contact details was still in the back pocket of the slacks she had been wearing and we're now in the laundry hamper.

Once home Drew placed the drinks in the refrigerator while Tess rummaged around in the laundry hamper retrieving the phone number.

'Goodness me, I wouldn't have wanted to lose this,' she thought to herself as she finally found the missing napkin.

Tess dialed the number. She felt a small knot form in her stomach as the telephone rang at the other end.

A male voice answered.

"Hello, James speaking," it answered politely.

"May I speak with Fiona please?" Tess asked.

"I'm afraid she is out jogging, can I take a message?"

"My name is Tess, and I'll give you my number so she can call me back," said Tess in a disappointed voice.

"Oh, hang on she is just coming in, I'll get her for you,"

Tess heard the phone being handed over and muted voices

"Tess, I wasn't expecting to her from you so soon," said Fiona in an excited, breathless voice.

"Hi Fiona, no I didn't expect to be ringing you so soon either. We are having a few drinks at our place and I was just wondering if you'd like to come over. It's nothing organized just a casual night in," Tess explained.

"I'd love to," Fiona said still breathing heavily from her jogging, "Your guys won't mind?"

"No of course not!"

"What time then?" inquired the younger beauty.

"Anytime, now if you like," answered Tess.

"Can you give me half an hour to shower? I've been out running."

"That will be fine, I'll meet you in the lobby, it will be easier to pass the security guy if I'm there," Tess replied, then gave Fiona the her address.

"Great see you soon," said Fiona.

"Yes, see you shortly," Tess replied as she hung up he phone.

She was inwardly thrilled that she was going to see her again, it had been a long time since she had been with a woman, and Tess really wanted to cultivate this relationship for purely sexual reasons.

She returned to the kitchen, Drew was sitting on the sofa, he was still smiling about the great deal he had been offered that afternoon.

"All good? he asked, "Is she free to come over?"
"Yes, I'm meeting her in the lobby in thirty minutes. Where is Dave?"

"He is getting changed, and that's what I'm going to do now, I don't want to spill anything on my new suit," he said as he rose from the couch.

Tess didn't want to change her clothes she felt good in her sexy lingerie and short skirt. She would be taking off her heels though, after Fiona had been checked into the building.

Drew went into the bedroom and Tess busied herself by preparing a platter of cheeses and dry biscuits, along with some nuts and dried fruit. She then filled an ice bucket and put a bottle of the champagne in to chill. It was almost time to make her way down stairs so she went into the bedroom to tell Drew and Dave where she was going.

"Dave, I'm just going..." Her voiced trailed off as she was confronted by the sight of her two men. Drew was standing at the foot of the bed, he still had his jacket on, the buttons of his shirt undone. Dave was naked, on his knees, sucking Drew's cock.

"Story to interrupt," she said with a smile as she walked toward an embarrassed looking Drew.

Dave never missed a beat with his ministrations on Drew's dick.

Tess walked over, kissed Drew on the cheek and ruffled Dave's hair as he deep throated the erection in his mouth.

"I can't join you, I have to go and let Fiona in," she said, "I'll give you guys ten minutes to finish up and then I want you on your best behavior."

She smiled again as she left the room, oh she was so happy that the guys could relax and do what came naturally to them, even with her in the next room.

She caught the lift down to the ground floor, Fiona hadn't arrived as yet so she chatted to the young, well built security guard on the desk. He was new to the building and she hadn't seen him there before.

After a couple of minutes of small talk Tess heard the big sliding doors on the entrance open and turned to see Fiona step into the foyer.

She was wearing a tight fitting, fluro green tube dress that hugged her body and an outdoor jacket, more for modesty than anything else as it was still quite warm out. As Fiona took the jacket off Tess could see the dress clung to her chest, she showed no cleavage, and finished just below where Tess thought there would be a very pretty pussy.

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Oh how she wanted to find out. Her hair, Tess could tell, had been hurriedly put up into a bun upon the back of her head, showing off her suntanned neck and shoulders. Her brown legs were bare and pair of black high heel shoes were strapped around her ankles. She looked perfect.

The two women met half way across the open area and Tess tip toed up to kiss Fiona on the cheek.

"I'm so glad you could come over," said Tess.

"I'm just glad you called," Fiona replied.

"Come on, the champagne isn't getting any colder," Tess retorted, and ushered Fiona into the elevator.

Selecting the eight floor, Tess then stepped back next to Fiona and took her hand. Fiona looked down at tiny Tess and their eyes met then they kissed, opened mouthed and hungrily.

The lift stopped and they separated.

"This way," Tess said leading her the short way down the corridor.

Stopping outside the apartment Tess started to enter the code on the pad when she noticed she had smudged Fiona's red lipstick. Reaching up she gently wiped the offending smudge from Fiona's top lip with her index finger.

"Ah we don't want any evidence of our kiss left for your husband, do we," Fiona joked.

Turning to face her, Tess began, "No it's nothing like that at all. Dave's my husband, not my owner. It just that the lipstick smudge spoiled you beautiful face. Dave wouldn't be jealous or angry, that would be the last thing on his mind. As I was trying to explain last night, we have a very different relationship to most people. We are a trio with Drew, in fact Dave was giving him a blow job when I left to come down to meet you, so I doubt either one of them will be jealous that we had a kiss in the elevator. Now come in and relax please."

'I always seem to be telling people to relax,' thought Tess as she entered the code again.

Drew and Dave were out sitting opposite each other at the small patio table on the balcony as Tess and Fiona entered the apartment.

"Boys, come and say hello to Fiona," Tess called as she took Fiona's jacket from her and tossed it over a chair in the office.

Closing the office door Tess said, "I'm having champagne, French, would you like some or would you prefer something else?"

Fiona was having trouble taking it all in, the shiny modern apartment, the view out through the window, the two handsome men in casual t shirts and jeans, both in bare feet and the question of what to drink.

"Yes champagne would be exactly what I need right now," she answered as Dave and Drew came over and gave her a polite kiss and embrace.

"Welcome, so glad you could come over, Tess needs a bit of female back up, I'm afraid she spends too much time in our company, I'm scared she will turn into a tomboy," Dave said as a greeting.

"Wow, what a view, can we go out on the balcony?" asked Fiona.

"Why sure said Drew as he took the bottle of champagne from Tess who was struggling with the removal of the cork.


Drew poured two glass and handed them to the girls, then turned and picked up the ice bucket, " Hows your beer Dave? Ready for another?" he asked as he took two more from the refrigerator regardless of the answer.

They all made their way out onto the patio. Tess and Fiona sat opposite the guys.

"I can't take my eyes off this view," Fiona remarked.

"I can't either," declared Drew, " I suppose you would become accustomed to it eventually but for now I just have to keep looking."

"Cheers," said Tess and they all clinked their glasses and in the guys case bottles together.

Fiona's hand was on the arm rest of her seat and she felt Tess's hand come touch her so softly and then settle on her. She looked for a reaction from Dave and Drew but could discern no change in them. It was comforting.

She eventually did relax and they chatted and drank for the next hour or so. Fiona really liked these people and even though they weren't really in her age group she was enjoying their company.

As the sun disappeared completely Tess said, "I'm starting to get a little cold," and pointed to her forearm that was beginning to get goose bumps.

"Me too," agreed Fiona.

Dave could see her nipples were hard under the tight dress, "Well let's go inside then," he invited and stood to open the sliding door.

" I must use the bathroom too," said Fiona, as they went back inside.

"Oh how rude of me, I should have shown you where it was earlier," exclaimed Tess, as she opened the door to the powder room. "It's just here."

Drew and Dave sat on the couch and Tess brought her platter out from the kitchen and sat it on the coffee table. She refilled Fiona's and her glass and sat in one of the arm chairs. When Fiona returned she sat in the opposite one.

Dave put some nice soft music on and they continued to chat.

"My feet are killing me from those new shoes," exclaimed Drew.

"Put them up here," said Dave patting his own thighs, "I'll give them a rub for you."

Drew swiveled around laid his head on the arm rest and did exactly that. Dave began a very relaxing massage on them.

Tess looked across at Fiona, she was sitting the full length of the couch from her watching Dave massage Drew's feet. Tess took the sight of her in, she was gorgeous. Tall tanned and toned. Her breasts, even pressed flat under the tight bodice of her dress were much larger than her own. Thirty six c cups Tess estimated. Looking further down at her long tanned legs Tess got just the tiniest peek of the gusset of her g-string as Fiona shifted in her seat a little. It gave her a small thrill and an idea.

"Excuse me a moment, nature calls," Tess said as she rose and headed for the powder room.

She closed the door behind herself and unclipped the garter belt from her stockings then removed her own g-string. She urinated then wiped and rinsed herself clean with a damp hand towel. She allowed herself to slip a finger into her vagina, she was very moist at the thought of Fiona and Dave with Drew on the couch. Reclipping the suspender belt to her hose she flushed the toilet, put the hand towel and her g into the laundry hamper and washed her hands. Now she was really horny.

She reentered the lounge room and thankfully everybody was still sitting where they were when she had left. She checked that every ones drinks were still topped up then sat in her armchair. She sat with both her feet flat on the floor, legs slightly apart, just enough to give Fiona a glimpse of her pussy if she happened to look.

"And what work do you do Fiona?" she asked, looking into the brunette beauties eyes.

"I'm a travel agent, I work in one of the big agencies in the city," Fiona replied.

"Oh that must be interesting work. Do you get much travel in yourself?

"Yes, I'm always on the look out for cheap flights and holidays and then there are always a few free perks as well," Fiona said.

'There, her eyes went down, she saw my pussy!' thought Tess.

Fiona had indeed seen Tess's pussy, she looked again as Tess moved in her seat just a little, exposing herself even more.

'Is she just teasing me? Or is it completely innocent,' wondered Fiona to herself.

Continuing to try and keep the conversation going Fiona parted her own legs a little to give Tess a look at her panty clad mound, she was becoming very stimulated by this game and could feel a tingling in her pussy.

"Last year I managed to have three trips overseas, mainly to Europe, but one to Japan. I love to travel and have a few more planned soon, now that I'm single again it will be much more fun," she said.

Now Fiona was openly staring at Tess's perfect labia, and even from this distance was sure she could see her clitoris protruding from its hood. She didn't care that she was staring, Tess was obviously playing a game with her and was wanting to be looked at.

Drew and Dave were oblivious to what the two women were up to. Drew was still having his foot massage and he and Dave were having their own quiet conversation as Drew was discreetly rubbing Dave's cock with the heel of his right foot.

Fiona wished desperately that the men weren't in the room, she wanted to move the thin strip of fabric that was covering her own pussy to one side so Tess could see her womanhood. She wanted to take the tiny vixen in her arms and caress her perfect little breasts. She was getting very excited by the show she was watching and could feel that her fluids were starting to lubricate her vagina. How she wanted this evening to end with herself and Tess together.

Drew sat upright, "Well I might have a whiskey then call it a night I'm afraid, I'm getting very tired," he said.

"I'll get us both one," Dave offered, "How do you take it?"

"Just with ice and a drop of water, if you don't mind," answered Drew.

"Can I get you ladies anything?" he asked to Tess and Fiona.

"No thanks, I was just going to make myself a cup of tea," Tess said, "Can I get you anything Fiona?"

"I will have a tea also if it's no bother," replied Fiona.

Dave was at the counter pouring the whiskey as Tess turned the electric jug on and searched the cupboard for her favorite mugs and flavored teas.

Drew and Fiona continued talking about her travels in Europe. Dave walked up behind Tess and put both arms around her from behind.

"Would you like Drew and I to give you some privacy with Fiona?" he whispered in her ear, "We can go into the bedroom if you'd like."

"You wouldn't mind doing that for me?" she asked with out turning around.

"No not at all, I can see you really like her," Dave answered.

Tess turned around and kissed him on the lips, "I would like it if you two could discreetly and politely go of to the bed room for a while. I would just like to find out how far this young girl is prepared to go with me. I do want her so badly."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do, Drew is pretty savvy to what is going on, have fun," Dave said and kissed her again.

As the jug came to the boil Dave picked up the whiskey tumblers and walked back over to the living area. Leaning over the back of the couch he handed Drew one and whispered in his ear, "Bedroom now."

"Come Drew let's watch that movie we were talking about before. You don't mind if we disappear and leave you girls alone for a while do you Fiona? There is a DVD we both want watch in the player in the bedroom," Dave announced.

Drew took a couple of seconds to work out what was really meant by the invitation that was sounded out to him but then played along.

"No go ahead, I'm sure Tess and I will manage to get along with out you guys for a while," Fiona said hoping they wouldn't notice the innuendo in her answer.

Drew stood up and said, "See you latter then, that is if I can stay awake."

"Come on then Dave, I don't know how to get that complicated TV. working," he joked.

Drew and Dave went into the bed room and closed the door. Tess carried the teas to the coffee table and set them down.

"I didn't think they were ever going to leave us alone," she sighed.

She walked over to Fiona and knelt between her legs on the floor, her head only came up to Fiona's chest, but lucky for Tess she leaned forward so that their lips could meet for another precious kiss. Tess relished having soft lips and smooth cheeks to kiss.

'So different to kissing a man,' she thought.

Tess now felt the other woman's hands holding her on each side of her chest. Her touch was light and her hands were soft. Tess broke the kiss and rested her forehead on Fiona's bare skin just above the top of her dress and enjoyed the touch of the young woman on her still fully clothed body.

Tess now felt Fiona move and as her head still rested on Fiona's skin she saw the top of the tube dress being pulled down to reveal two of the most perfect breasts Tess had ever seen.

'Oh gosh,' thought Tess, 'They are so pert for there size, the advantage of youthfulness, I suppose.'

Fiona indeed had beautiful breasts, thirty six, c-cups with nipples the size of your little finger tip when at attention. They were surrounded by brown areola, about a half inch either side. The nipples even when she was sitting pointed straight ahead.

Tess lowered her head and took the right one into her mouth and suckled lovingly as Fiona sat back and enjoyed the sensation of Tess's mouth, and now her hand was slowly working its way along the skin of here inner thigh.

Tess sucked on the nipple and circled it with her tongue. She had never been with any one with such perfectly put together breasts. She now allowed her right hand to run up along the inside of Fiona's thigh until she reached the small triangle of fabric covering her mound. Now gently she ran a finger up and down the hidden cleft of Fiona's pussy. Tess could feel Fiona's heat through the material and as she teased with her fingers she heard a small moan from the younger woman.

Tess now had her mouth on one nipple, one hand on the other breast and was about to pull Fiona's g-string to one side to free the pussy that lay beneath it. As she moved the gusset of Fiona's underwear to the side she felt Fiona's hands on her shoulders, encouraging Tess to explore her sex further with her mouth.

Tess placed her hands on Fiona's hips and pulled her forward in the seat, then lowered her own head between the brown thighs and toward the now exposed pussy. She took a deep breath to enjoy the female aroma and drunk it in. Now she had an almost clear view of what was being presented to her and instantly had a pang of lust. Fiona's labia had been recently waxed clean of hair as had most of the rest of her pubic area, all except for the landing strip that started just above her clit and went north where the top of the g- string was now pulled down.

'It is a lovely looking puss,' thought Tess.

Fiona's felt like her clitoris had nearly popped out after Tess's tongue made first contact with her. Tess licked from the opening of her vagina up and over the hood of her clit twice. She then pursed her lips around Fiona's larger than average, very sensitive organ and sucked hard. Fiona gave a louder moan and ran her hands through Tess's blond locks.

'I'm going to come so soon,' thought Fiona.

Tess now brought one hand down to under her chin and lubricated her index finger with some saliva, then quickly planted her lips back around the clit. Slowly she explored between the labia and found the hidden tunnel laying behind them. Gently and patiently she inserted her digit into Fiona, she was warm inside and oh so moist. Putting her finger in she felt for the patch of different skin on the front wall where hers and she was sure Fiona's g spot resided. Yes she felt it and she also felt Fiona respond immediately to her touch. Slowly she worked her finger in and out over the spot as Fiona pushed down on her hand. Tess was still try to keep suction on her clit and work the g spot and was having an incredible effect on her.

Fiona was moaning quite loudly now and was ever so close to cumming, "Oh Tess, I'm coming don't stop, please!" she moaned.

In no time at all Tess had reduced this young woman to a shuddering mess as she came in waves.

Tess now licked from where her finger entered Fiona to the tip of her erect, hard clit. She could taste her juice as she came. It had been years since Tess had been with a woman and she eagerly lapped at the moisture seeping from her new friends vagina. The last time she had tasted a woman was a distant memory, but the taste was all too familiar to her.

As Fiona's orgasm waned she wanted more of this tiny woman. Her previous relationship was with an older butch lesbian, the complete opposite of Tess.

'How could I have let myself be used for so long by that old bitch,' thought Fiona, 'I could have had this for the last two years.'

She blocked the bad memory from her mind as she looked down at Tess enjoying her so much.

Gently Fiona put her hands under Tess's arms and guided her back up where she could again kiss and explore her mouth again. She now tasted herself on Tess's lips and it whet her appetite to taste Tess.

"Could we lay together on the couch? Fiona asked.

"Of course." replied Tess, "I'll just get a quilt from the cupboard."

Tess padded across to the powder room and got a quilt from the linen cupboard, turned off the over head lights then turned on a single lamp in the corner of the room.

Fiona undid the ankle straps and removed her shoes and stood and slipped off her g-string, which she then placed in the toe of one of her shoes.

As Tess returned she helped spread the quilt and then held Tess's small body to her almost nude self. Apart from the tube dress that was now folded down around her waist she had nothing else on.

Tess was not going to be so modest and quickly removed her shirt, bra and skirt. All that was left was the garter belt and stockings which she left on. Now she took both of Fiona's hands and stepped back to display herself to the younger woman, inviting her to look at the small perfect body she had been blessed with.

Fiona stood holding Tess's hands and drank the vision of her in. She had never been with any one so small and perfect. It was a memory she wanted to burn into her brain, she never wanted to forget this moment, unlike all of the memories she had of her previous relationship. They were memories she wanted to erase.

Tess now turned Fiona so she could sit and then lay back on the couch. When she was settled Tess crawled over to her and lay on top of her.

They kissed passionately for a few seconds and then Fiona said, "I need to taste you."

Tess spun her small frame around and straddled the younger woman's face. Fiona immediately started to run her tongue along the slit of her pussy and Tess's hands went again to the magnificent breasts that were now in front of her knees.

Fiona's hands were on Tess's butt to part her cheeks a little so that she could have access to her from anus to clit. She not only had a larger than average clitoris, her tongue was also very long, in fact she had often been asked to show it off by her previous partner, something that made her feel like a member of a freak show. But she knew it was a very effective body part for lovemaking.

Slowly she increased the pressure on Tess's labia with her tongue and finally there was enough pressure and lubrication for her to be able to penetrate into her vagina. Fiona now pulled down on her new best friends hips and pushed as much of her tongue into Tess as she was able. She then wriggled it in side her. Nothing else could make the movements inside a cunt like a her tongue was now, dicks, fingers and dildos did not have the flexibility or texture.

Tess was excited, she could feel Fiona licking along her slit and anus, she felt her probing with her tongue while she was massaging the boobs in front of her. Tess was running a finger around each nipple and could tell by the way they had hardened that her method was effectively stimulating Fiona.

Suddenly she felt Fiona penetrate her with what she presumed was still her tongue, although she wasn't sure, as it was like no oral sex she'd had before. Fiona's tongue was actually filling her, even stretching her and the movement of it felt like waves up and down the inside walls of her vagina. It was very different and ever so pleasurable.

Fiona continued to wriggle her tongue about inside of Tess. She was in heaven, Tess tasted just like she had imagined, in fact Fiona thought she tasted just like she looked, sweet, small, discreet and lovely.

She was having no trouble with the weight of Tess on top of her, the size difference between the two woman was a definite advantage to Fiona in their lovemaking so far. Fiona was tall and athletic, she ran and did light weights at the gym, she found she could easily lift Tess and put her in the position she wanted.

Fiona sensed that Tess was close to cumming. Her juices were flowing now and Fiona slurped them into her mouth hungrily. The pussy on her face was pressing down with a little more urgency now and she could her Tess making soft sighing sounds with her breathe.

Tess was in raptures with her new friends tongue inside her. She came quicker than she had for some time. It was a strong wet orgasm. She pushed her pussy down, probably a bit harder than she should have, and could feel her juice flush from herself onto Fiona's face. She usually didn't squirt, or much in quantity, but she did squirt and hoped she hadn't made too much of a mess on poor Fiona.

Tess collapsed forward onto Fiona and gently with her hand stroked the prominent clit that was at her eye level while her orgasm subsided and she tried to get her breathing back to normal. She was completely intrigued by Fiona's clit and now that she was laying on her back with her legs slightly apart and Tess stimulating her, it looked even longer than before. Tess roughly measured it against her own little finger and it was at least from the tip to the first joint long.

Fiona asked her to turn around, so Tess lifted herself so her legs were between Fiona's and she lay down on her so that they could now slowly, softly grind their pussies together. This they continued for a few minutes until Fiona came again in a moaning bliss.

Tess now kissed her and cleaned her face of the squirt that she had deposited there, then lay down with her head on one of Fiona's breasts.

"You are fantastic Tess," Fiona said softly in her ear.

"Your not to bad yourself," replied Tess, looking up into her eyes, "I'm so glad you approached me in the club last night. You and I are going to have a lot of fun when Drew and Dave are up at the farm."

"You certainly have a funny arrangement with your guys, how can't they be jealous of each other? Do they realize what is going on out here while they are watching TV. in the next room?" Fiona asked.

"No Dave is never jealous, I love them both with all my heart and he knows it, Drew doesn't realize how much I love him, but they both love me. They are honestly the two nicest, sweetest men I have ever met, and I want to spend the rest of my life with both of them."

"But what about what we just did, do you think they have any idea?" Fiona questioned.

"Of course they do, I told them I wanted to have you last night. I asked Dave to leave the room when I was making the tea." Tess replied.

"Really? I envy you."

"Why is that?" Tess inquired.

"You have two people who love you and you love them, yet they allow you the freedom to do whatever you want. My last relationship was the complete opposite, she was older, in her forties, and thought she owned me. I had no freedom, no friends of my own and no opinion on anything." Fiona said sullenly.

"Well you have a friend and freedom now," whispered Tess as she kissed Fiona's breastbone.

"Don't take this the wrong way Tess, I'm just curious, but I'd like to know. What do Drew and Dave do together sexually in front of you?" Fiona asked

"Everything. We have no secrets," Tess answered.

"You've seen them fuck?"

"Of course, last night before we went to the bar," Tess answered again.

"I have seen gay men fuck on the porn sites but didn't think any of them did it in the real world. I'm probably a bit naive, I've never had much to do with guys." Fiona confessed.

"You've never been with a guy?" asked Tess.

"No, I'm a virgin when it comes to men, my first sexual experience was when I was sixteen with a girl at school and I never really saw any reason to try guys, haven't even thought about it, until recently anyway,"

"My goodness girl, that is amazing to me. No experience at all?" Tess said in awe.

"No, I've never even seen a naked man or a cock," Fiona admitted, "But getting back to Drew and Dave, you all have sex together, in the same bed I mean?"

"Yes, together and we are all involved," answered Tess.

"Gosh that sounds so hot, is it?"

"Fuck yes, you have no idea. The first time I saw the two men I love loving each other I cried I was that happy. And to have both of them making love to me at once is just about overwhelming." Tess told Fiona.

"Would they be doing something now, while we were? I'm just so curious to know what they do and how, I find it quite arousing actually," Fiona admitted.

Tess's rested her chin on her hand between Fiona's breasts and looked up into her face for a few seconds.

"Yes, they are probably doing something to each other right now, they are men, and they both love sex," she paused again not really knowing how to phrase the next question to Fiona or if she even should.

"Would you like me to go into the bed room and see what they are doing? I could ask them if we could watch them if you'd like to," Tess said.

Fiona's head snapped down so she was looking straight into Tess's eyes. "Are you serious. You'd allow me to watch them? Do you think they would say it was okay?"

"If they say it's alright, then of course you could, do you want to?"

"Yes, just to watch, I don't think I want anything else, not yet anyway," Fiona admitted.

Tess stood up next to the couch and looked down at Fiona. She was truly something special.

"Just wait here a minute," Tess whispered. She then turned and walked to the bed room door and tapped on it twice.

Written by Bipeep
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