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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - chapter 38

"Visitors on the farm. A surprise ending."

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Tess had just finished planting and watering some herbs in the garden bed next to the front steps of the old sandstone farm house. It was hot and sunny again. She was being a bit daring as she could be seen from the road and she was working topless as usual. Though you would have to stop and really have good eye sight to see her as she was five hundred meters from the highway. She had been unwell. She had picked up a stomach bug on New Year's Day and had spent the next three days most unwell. Dave had told her it would take time to pass through her system and it did. Today was the first day she could say she felt normal again.

She reached up and retrieved her singlet that she had hung on the veranda rail while she worked and pulled it over her head. She straightened it over her pert little breasts then picked up her trowel and the end of the garden hose. Just as she was about to walk around the corner of the house she heard a car slowing on the highway and the crunch of gravel as it turned into the driveway.

Fiona and Charles were ahead of schedule. Leaving home early and no traffic on the roads had conspired to get them to the farm by early afternoon. They spotted Tess the moment they turned off the highway.

Tess thought, 'That can't be Fiona already.'

As the sports car she had not seen before came closer she recognized the driver and his passenger. She dropped what she had in her hands and went to open the garden gate. The sleek machine slowed and stopped in front of her.

"You are so early! I wanted to shower and put something decent on before I had visitors!" Tess cried out as Charles and Fiona got out of the car.

Chuck pretended he was getting back into the drivers seat, "We will came back in a couple of hours then," he said.

"Don't be silly, come on in," Tess said as she kissed them both on the cheek.

"How hot is it up here!" Fiona exclaimed.

"Apparently you get used to it after you have been living here for twenty years. That is what the locals tell me anyway," Tess quipped, "Leave your bags, come on it in is cooler inside."

Chuck reached in to the tiny backseat and pulled a large cooler box out.

"Essential supplies," he explained, "Just because we are in the boon docks doesn't mean we don't have to eat well."

Tess took them up onto the veranda, through the front door and into the lounge room.

"What a wonderful house Tess. It's beautiful. Look at the floor boards. You can see your face in them," Fee remarked.

Tess had spent most of the morning on the floor polisher and was pleased that her visitors had noticed her hard work.

After a quick tour and showing them the guest bedroom," Tess said, "There is only one bathroom, sorry. It's first in best dressed around here I'm afraid."

"That's it I'm going to stay in a motel," joked Chuck, "Can I put some stuff in the fridge. Like I said the, necessities of life."

"Sure go ahead. I will tell you now, and Drew will tell you when he gets in. Make yourselves at home. We don't stand on formalities around here." Tess said, "Have you had lunch? Are you hungry?"

"Yes we have, I think it was a sandwich at some greasy spoon place down the highway thanks Tess," answered Chuck.

"You are such a food snob Charles," Fee said, " There was nothing wrong with what I ate. I wouldn't mind a cold drink though Tess. Please."

Tess poured three long glasses of iced water and squeezed some lemon into each, she dropped a slice of the fruit into each of them and she showed them out onto the shady back veranda. Fiona was interested in the gazebo with its spa. Chuck couldn't believe the view of the stubble paddocks.

"And this is the garden that you have inherited Tess?" Fee asked as she walked the length of the veranda.

"Yes this is my pride and joy. I like that, what you just said. I did inherit it from Dianne. Drew says she would be happy that I enjoy her garden." Tess said as she leaned on the rail next to Fee.

They walked back to where Charles was now sitting near the back door.

"You did get my text asking you to bring something to wear so we can go bike riding together didn't you?" Tess asked Fee.

"Yes, I have some bike shorts and shoes," Fee replied.

"Good we'll adjust Dave's bike so it fits you, he doesn't ride much now, he's too busy working. We can go out early in the morning. It's a great place to ride. It's beautiful in the early mornings," Tess told her.

"So where are the boys?" Chuck asked.

"They are out cutting some stubble for straw. They shouldn't be to much longer actually. Drew doesn't like to run machinery in weather like this. He has told us some horrific stories about fires being started by tractors in dry paddocks," Tess said, "They went out at seven this morning so I can't see them working much longer."

"Look I have to go over to the neighbors farm, he's away and I volunteered to feed his chickens. Would you like to come for a drive?" Tess asked them, "If I do it now I'll be free for the rest of the day."

"Sure, we'd love to. I'll just get the bags out of my car and I'll be with you," Charles replied .

"Tell you what, I'll make some room in the shed and you can put your little toy car in the there. It won't be much use to you around here. I'm surprised you didn't tear the front bumper off coming up the rough driveway," Tess teased him.

"It's not a toy, it's a Porsche. And it is my pride and joy thank you. But yes I would like to put it under cover if I could," responded Charles.

Tess put the glasses in the dish washer and grabbed the keys to the F250 while Chuck brought in their luggage.

Follow us," she said as Fiona and herself walked across the yard to the sheds. Chuck idled along behind them in his black Porsche.

Tess climbed in to the drivers seat of the F250 and started the engine.

"You aren't going to drive that thing are you?" Fiona asked.

"Oooh yes, come on jump in," she said with a big grin on her face, "I love to drive this."

Tess reversed out of the shed and Charles drove in and parked his car and locked it. Tess had not seen any one lock their car on the farm before. She smiled.

Chuck climbed into the back seat while Tess was adjusting the seat position so she could reach the pedals properly and then turned the air con to its Antarctica setting.

"Where are all the sheep? Where is next weeks menu guests?" Charles asked as they bumped a little bit too fast down the track to Geoff's place.

"I don't know where Drew has the lambs at the moment but there were some of the ewes down here a bit further yesterday," Tess responded.

Presently she slowed down a little and pointed out two hundred or so ewes under the trees surrounding a paddock.

"They are the mummies of your lamb," she said, "Drew assures me they will all be pregnant again very shortly. He has his daddy sheep in the paddock directly in front of the house. Their are only five of them. Lucky boys have all these ladies and more to play with. I don't know how they do it," she told them.

The next stop was Geoff's place. She drove straight past the house and pulled up in front of a huge shed.

"Jump out you can give me a hand with this door," she said as she unlatched a sliding door that was wide enough to drive a truck through.

With Charles help they slid the door open wide enough so as they could step inside. Fiona and Charles were astounded. Their was a mountain of wheat inside. It reached nearly to the roof and filled the shed on the sides to a height of about four meters.

"Impressive isn't it," Tess said as she noticed their reaction.

"And that is all from this farm?" asked Fee.

"No, half of this is Drew's, but the really amazing thing is that Geoff and Drew have already sold this much again and it has been put in the silos down at the railway tracks. Incredible hey?" she said.

Tess reached for a five gallon bucket just inside the door and took the lid off it. She picked up a shovel and started to scoop wheat from a small pile near the door.

"This is just sweepings from the floor. The trucks have run over it and crushed it and it's dusty, but the chickens still eat it," she explained to them.

When the bucket was three parts full she put the lid on it and placed it out side.

"Ready?" she asked as her guests who continued to stand looking at the stockpiled wheat.

They closed and latched the door again and Charles carried the bucket over to the chicken run for her. She went in and shook about a third of the grain into a long tray. The chickens came scampering for the feed. The remaining two thirds of the bucket she tipped into a hopper above the tray. She then refilled the drinking trough with fresh water.
"I'll just get the eggs and we will be off,"

She went along the rear wall of the run and picked the fresh eggs out of the nest boxes and put them into the bucket she carried with her.

"Oh get out of here you cranky thing," she said as a chicken refused to move off it's nest and she had to physically push it out.

She collected maybe eight eggs from Geoff's twelve chickens.

"I hope you like eggs. We don't know what to do with them at the moment, we have that many," she said.

They climbed back into the truck and she did a quick lap of the house and yard. Everything seemed to be in order so they set off for home.

"Well Tess I must say I'm mighty impressed. You really have settled in to the country life. I never thought when I met you, not even six months ago, that I'd see you wrestle a chicken for its egg," Fee said.

Tess looked over at Fiona. She was wearing a tight fitting one piece frock. It hugged her figure perfectly. She had heels on her shoes. Her nails were painted and her hair pulled back into a pony tail.

Tess looked down at her own feet. She wore flip flops and here feet were dusty. She had her singlet on and a pair of stretchy shorts that didn't even cover her thighs. Her finger nails, that were manicured a week ago were scratched and she had broken the nail on her middle finger so it was half the length of the others.

"My goodness look at me! I have to get home and shower and change," she exclaimed as she hung onto the wheel of the lurching truck, "I shouldn't be entertaining people in this state."

"Relax Tess, you like fine. Really I am impressed. I see you up in the city and you are always so perfectly dressed. And now I see you here and you are perfect at what you are doing . You are fantastic!" Fiona assured her.

"Do you think?" Tess asked.

"Yes!" Fee said and layed a reassuring hand on her arm.

Tess drove on towards the her farm. It was then she remembered the way Drew carried himself, he was at ease with his environment. She remembered Dave climbing the ladder of the field bin and thinking he was adjusting to his new life as a farmer. And now she realized she had made that transition too. She had made that transition and she couldn't see herself being anywhere else. She loved her new life. She could not think of one negative about it. She could still go down to the city and be manicured and look fantastic. And she would occasionally. But here she was free to dress how she wanted. She was free to love her men. She was free to be happy with herself.

She parked the truck in the shade of the tree next to the sheds. They climbed out and Tess carried the bucket containing the eggs. She opened the back gate and held it for Fiona and Charles. She stopped and picked four plump red tomatoes from her bushes and placed them with the eggs. The dog ran up to greet her its tail wagging, it then growled at the strangers.

"Ah the boys must be home, the dog was with them," she said.

Just then Dave stepped through the back door. He wore only a pair of shorts, his shoulders were still wet from the shower. He looked tanned and leaner than ever.

"Oh your here already. Where is your car? Hang on!" he said and put up his finger up to warn them.

"Put some pants on Drew, we have visitors." he called through the fly wire door.

Tess, Fiona and Charles laughed.

"Sorry you startled me," he said as he stepped down off the veranda his hand extended toward Charles.

They shook hands and he was kissed on the cheek by Fiona.

Drew appeared and he greeted his guests in the same manner.

"We put Charles's little car in the shed and went to Geoff's to fix the chickens up," Tess explained, "I'm going to shower and change. Fix everyone a drink boys seeing as how you have finished up for the day."

Tess went to the bedroom and found herself a clean thong, some nice knee length cotton shorts and a clean t shirt. She crossed to the bathroom and stripped off.

Fiona decided she would be more comfortable in short pants and a t shirt so she went down to the guest room and changed. She went to the toilet to pee and then knocked softly on the bathroom door.

Tess had just finished washing and conditioning her hair when she heard a tap on the door as it opened slightly.

"Tess can I can I come in and wash my hands please?" asked Fiona.

"Of course you can Fee," Tess replied.

Fiona came in and washed her hands in the vanity sink. Tess soaped herself with body wash and a sponge. She was not self conscious being nude in front of Fiona, they had a history. She was however surprised when Fee sat on the edge of the bath.

Tess continued her shower.

"You are happy here Tess aren't you?" Fiona asked her.

"Yes Fee, it was just while we were talking in the truck I realized how happy and lucky I am," Tess replied.

"Chuck has asked me to marry him," Fiona announced quietly.

"Oh Fiona, that is amazing. What did you say?" Tess squealed.

"I think I made a mistake. I told him I'd needed to think about it for a month or so. I think I have hurt him," she replied.

Tess turned off the water and Fee passed her a towel.

"Why did you say that to him?" Tess asked as she dried herself.

Tears began to roll down Fiona's cheeks and she sobbed audibly.

"I don't know. He is a lovely man. He treats me like a queen. He wants me to set up a travel company with him so he and I and other celebrity chefs can take people on gourmet tours of Europe. I have moved into his house, it's a mansion. He is a millionaire. He loves me, I'm sure," she babbled out between sobs.

"I was watching you two at the party the other night. You looked so in love. You are perfect for each other," said Tess as she pulled her t shirt over her head.

"It's just, l don't have anything to give him in return," Fiona said as Tess now cradled her head on her chest.

"It's not about that Fee, you don't have to give him anything in return. If you love him and he loves you, that is all that matters. His millions can't buy him another you. And he knows that," Tess cooed to her.

"I'm sorry Tess, I just don't have any one else I can talk to about this," admitted Fiona.

"Yes you do, he's sitting out on my veranda. You have to talk with him. Tell him why you didn't give him an answer. If you have hurt him at all he will forgive you. Now come on the boys will be wondering where we are," Tess said as she pulled on her thong and shorts.

"Dry your eyes and wash your face,"

Tess picked up the hair dryer and began to dry her hair.

"Do I look like I've been crying?" Fiona asked.

"No," lied Tess and blasted her with the hot air.

Tess picked up her dirty clothes and as they passed through the laundry threw them into a pink hamper.

"If you have any washing while your here, put it in here. Pink is for girls stuff. Blue is for boys casual clothes and black is for their work clothes," she told Fiona.

As they stepped out on to the veranda Tess could tell the boys had been getting on well. There were six empty beer cans on the table. There was also a bottle of Moët in an ice bucket and two champagne flutes. Charles was opening a bottle of Drew's local red wine.

"Just in time. We will let that breathe for a couple of minutes," Charles said as he put down the wine and eased the cork from the champagne bottle.

He expertly poured the bubbly into the tall glasses and handed one to Tess.

"And of course one for my princess," he said as he stooped and kissed Fee's forehead.

Charles now poured a small amount of the Shiraz into a wine glass and swirled it around theatrically. He sniffed its aroma and then slurped it into his mouth noisily.

"Get on with it you snob," said Fiona causing everyone but Charles to laugh.

"My goodness that isn't a bad drop. Seriously I could sell heaps of this paired with your lamb. I wonder how many cases of it I could fit into a Porsche. Fiona you may have to stay here or get a bus home!"

They sat talking and drinking until Chuck stood up and said, "Dinner is on me tonight, I hope you didn't have anything planned. Can I use your kitchen?"

"Do you need a hand?" Dave asked.

"No I think I can find my way around in there. I can prepare a meal for five people standing on my head," he retorted.

Tess went in side and set the dining table when Chuck called out five minutes to service. Drew ensured everyone had a drink.

When they were all seated around the table Charles carried a large platter over from the kitchen.

"I cured a side of salmon and l made a loaf of bread this morning, the salads I have just made," he said as he now placed a board with the warmed loaf on the table.

The meal was a memorable one for Drew.

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The salmon was delicious as was the fennel salad. He was sure that was the first time a fennel bulb had ever crossed the door step into this old house. He'd never had it before anyway.

They sat talking and laughing as one by one the dishes were put in to the washer by who ever was going to the kitchen for something. It was an easy going evening spent with what were true friends now.

Around eleven o'clock Drew said, "I'm sorry guys I have to call it a night. We have a semi trailer coming at seven in the morning and we have to load four hundred bales of straw. If I don't get to bed we will have an angry truck driver stalking us by seven thirty."

"And Fiona and I are going for a bike ride early before it gets too hot, so maybe we should wind this little party up," Tess stated.

Drew said goodnight and went to the toilet and washed his face and hands. He went to the bed room turned on a lamp and closed the door. He removed his clothes and lay on his back naked with the cooling night breeze blowing through the window across him.

He heard the door open and close quietly. Tess came in and dropped her clothes where she stood. She came and lay on top of Drew. Her head was on his chest and she kissed his skin.

Dave now came in. He also disrobed and as he stepped towards the bed Tess left her head on Drew's chest and raised her ass by straddling Drew's body and going to her knees.

Dave knew the signs his wife was giving him and crawled on his knees to a position just behind her. He stroked his uncircumcised cock until he thought he was hard enough and then pushed against Tess's vagina, he entered her.

She felt wonderful. Her pussy was warm, moist and accepting. He set a steady rhythm as he caressed her back with his hands. They had not had sex for nearly a week as she had been ill. The sight of his beloved Tess laying on the man he loved quickly had him to the point of orgasm.

Dave came deep within Tess. His semen filled her as she moaned into Drew's chest. He was sorry he could not have lasted longer. He knew he had not satisfied her. He withdrew from her pussy. His cum ran from her. He lay down next to Drew and looked into Tess's face.

Drew watched Dave's face as he made love to Tess. Tess nuzzled his chest and the motion of her body rubbing on his as she was screwed by Dave had stimulated his penis. He was hard.

Dave had cum in her. Lovingly, quietly, Tess lifted herself a small amount until she felt Drew's cock at the entrance to her cunt. She lowered her self and immediately began to slowly gyrate her hips with his dick inside her. She continued like this for many minutes until she came. Not an earth shattering orgasm. A loving climax given to her by her lover's. Drew came soon after her. His juice flooding her already soggy pussy.

Tess didn't move voluntarily, she lay with her men till she fell asleep.

Drew and Dave got up at six am. Dave went and tapped on Charles and Fiona's door. Chuck had said he wanted to come and help load the baled straw.

"Coming," said Chuck and Dave heard the bed squeak and Charles's feet hit the floor. He went to the kitchen and made coffee and unpacked the dishwasher. Drew was eating a bowl of cereal and some fruit.

"I'll be in the shed, come over when you have had breakfast, please," he said and got up and went out into a spectacular day.

Charles came down the hallway in jeans and a t shirt

"Good morning," he said,"I haven't been up this early for years."

"Morning," Dave replied, "Breakfast?"

"To early for me," Chuck replied.

"One thing I have learnt since I have been here and that is eat when you have the chance. We will be miles from the house and who knows how long it will take to do this job. Lunch might not happen. So eat," Dave advised him.

Charles cut two slices off the remainder of his bread loaf and toasted it. He then buttered it. He sliced one of Tess's tomatoes then put them on the toast with salt and pepper.

'Best tomato I have tasted for a long time' he thought.

They finished their coffee and were ready for the day.

"I will just get you one of my long sleeved work shirts. This straw irritates your skin and you will end up scratching yourself to pieces," Dave said to him and as he disappeared back up the hall to the bed room.

"What time is it?" asked Tess as he was going through his drawers.

"Six thirty," Dave replied, "Good morning honey," he said.

"I'd better get up, we are going riding this morning," said Tess, "Are you guys heading out?"

"Yes. Chuck is coming with us. We should be back at lunch time, see you then. Have fun," he said as he kissed her forehead and left the room.

Dave and Charles crossed the yard. They found Drew in the shed. He was sharpening four evil looking hooks with a handle at ninety degrees to the metal shaft on an electric grinding wheel. They looked like medieval weapons.

" 'Morning Chuck," he said as held up one of the hooks and dabbed the end of it with his finger.

"Now these are for lifting the straw bales. They are not for jabbing through yours or my hands. Especially my hand. Got it? Be careful with them," he instructed.

"What time is the truck supposed to be here?" Dave asked.

"He is here. It's parked down at the front gate. The driver must be having a sleep. If he doesn't come up soon I will go down and wake him," Drew told them.

With that they heard the diesel engine start up down by the highway. It idled for a minute or so and then they heard it moving up the hill towards the house. The driver pulled up outside the shed and climbed down. He introduced himself and shook everyone's hands.

"Well we better get to it then. Dave can you take the tractor with the elevator on it out. I'll take a quad bike. Charles you can go in the truck or ride with me," Drew said.

Charles chose to ride in the truck as he had never been in the cab of a big semi before. He hadn't been on a quad bike either but he could do that on the way home. The dog jumped up behind Drew.

When they reached the paddock with the newly baled stubble in neat rows Drew explained how the elevator worked. It was like a slide that the bales were to slide up. It had a continuous chain with short hooks on it up and over its face. When it was in gear and the tractor pulled it along the chain revolved and lifted the bales up the slide.

The truck and the tractor would drive along the rows next to each other and the bales would drop onto the trailer where, to start off Drew and Chuck would stack them from front to back. It sounded easy in theory, but Chuck was a soon to find out that after the first hundred or so your body didn't think it was.

He could feel blisters forming on his hands from the handle of the bale hook and his back was beginning to ache. He was also very glad Dave had insisted on the long sleeved shirt.

Tess and Fee had a bowl of muesli each. They were dressed in their cycling gear. They took their drink bottles and went over to the shed and adjusted Dave's bike to suit Fiona a bit more.

When they were ready Tess took Fee down the drive and they turned left onto the track next to the fenceline that followed the highway. They continued on for five miles until they reached the boundary gate where they lifted the bikes over the fence. Tess now took her on a bit of a tour of the farm tracks until she found a path that she knew would take them back to the weir.

The two women had a short skinny dip in the pond and then sat on a large red gum log to dry themselves under the summer sky. They both secretly admired each other's bodies.

"I can see why you love it out her Tess," Fiona said as sipped water from her bottle.

"I told Charles I'd marry him," Fiona said softly.

"When?" squealed Tess.

"Last night in bed. As we made love," Fiona told her.

Tess jumped down from the log and hugged her.

"I'm so pleased for you!" Tess said, "Why last night?"

"I was thinking about what you told me in the bathroom. You just made so much sense. I know I'll never find anyone else I love more than him and more importantly he loves me more than anyone else could possibly do." Fiona said as she started to cry again.

Tess started to cry too. They held each other for a few moments then Tess pulled on her clothing.

"Come on. We have to celebrate!"

They rode back to the house and Tess rang the winery and booked a table for five for dinner.

The boys arrived back about one o'clock. They were dirty and dusty. Charles was just about wrecked.

Fiona made him shower then massaged his back for half an hour before making him a sandwich and putting him in the spa to relax his aching muscles for an hour. By three o'clock he was feeling much better.

"We are going to the winery for dinner boys," said Tess as Fiona and Chuck walked into the kitchen.

"What's the occasion?" asked Drew.

"Fiona and Charles are getting married," Tess blabbed, "Sorry Fee,I couldn't hold it in any longer."

There was congratulations all round and much back slapping.

After they had all dressed Drew drove them all in the F250 for the celebratory dinner.

The owner and the chef of the vineyard's restaurant went into melt down when they saw it was Charles Peters arriving for dinner at their establishment. Chuck was excellent with them and calmed them by tasting various wines and ordering ten cases for his restaurant. He promised a bigger order from the next vintage if it was up to the standard of what he had been consuming on this holiday.

As he returned from the cellar to the dining room he called Stephen to check everything was going well with the renovations.

He sat down next to Fiona and kissed her cheek. "Sorry honey had to take care of a little business."

"Drew, I just spoke to Stephen. He said he took your parents to the art gallery the other day. Apparently they enjoyed themselves. They have invited him around to the apartment tonight for a bit of country cooking and a night in," Charles informed him.

"Well I hope they are having fun. They must be enjoying Stephens company. They spend too much time on their own," Drew replied.

They had a great meal, toasted Fiona and Charles and with the restaurant staff joining in kicked on into the 
small hours.

The next couple of days were spent on the farm showing Chuck the lambs he was buying in the paddocks and generally giving the both of them a dose of country life .

But all to soon it was time for them to head back to the city. Fiona took Tess aside and thanked for being such a good and kind friend. She said she felt silly now, she couldn't understand her own reasoning to delay Charles her decision. They kissed each other. Tess promised to come down and catch up with her the next time Drew took sheep to the city.

Dave, Tess and Drew stood in the driveway and waved until the black Porsche disappeared down the highway. They were alone together again.

Drew leaned on the rail of the veranda, a coffee cup in his hand. It was early October. Another harvest was just around the corner. The weather was warming up and the days were stretching out. Dave would be home from his clinic in town soon and then they would have the weekend to themselves. His practice was doing well. He worked three days a week. The young graduate he had employed covered the other two days and any emergencies. She was a good kid and would make a good rural doctor in time.

He looked over his shoulder. The two baby boys were still snuggled up in their stroller sound asleep. He could hear Tess singing to herself as she prepared dinner. She was finally confident in her cooking if she stuck to simple dishes.

She had given birth by caesarean section six weeks ago. She had been a real trooper right through her pregnancy. Towards the end when the babies became too heavy for her to carry them on her tiny frame. It was decided they would be born a couple of weeks early. So she went to the hospital with Dave and Drew and the boys arrived in a controlled way, safer for her and them.

Tess's pregnancy was not planned. About a six weeks after Fiona and Charles had visited she became sick for a few days. Nausea and vomiting. Not serious, Dave thought it might have been the gastroenteritis that she had had over new year lingering. Then she told him she had missed a period but had not given it any thought, it had happened before. Dave put two and two together immediately. He bought home a pregnancy test kit from the clinic the next day.

Yes she was pregnant! They kept nothing from Drew. There was a fifty percent chance the baby was his. Tess was to her own surprise jubilant. It was the best news she had ever had. They counted back the weeks and worked out her cycle. Dave figured out she had conceived in the first week of January. Probably as a result of her upset stomach. The contraceptive pill she was taking must have passed through her system or been thrown up for a couple of days disrupting its effectiveness. It was a common mistake apparently.

When she was eight weeks Dave booked her in for an ultra sound. She was expecting twins no less. Drew and Dave were over the moon with the news. They weren't jealous of each other but did have the inevitable discussion about who was the father and whether they should do a DNA test to find out after the babies were born. Tess wanted to know. Hers was for the most important reason. She didn't want to lie to her children when they were older and asked who their father was.

Tess was six months pregnant when she was matron of honor at Fiona and Charles's wedding. She was radiant as she assisted Fee on her big day. It was not a huge wedding numbers wise. But the guest list read like a who's who of the cities VIPs. Drew and Dave had a riotous time. Charles tried to join in with them until Tess reminded him sternly that he was the groom, they weren't on the veranda of the farm house now and he had better not spoil the day for Fiona. She was cross for two days with her men but they were just letting their hair down. They both worked hard and had not had a weekend in the city together since the New Years holiday they had taken.

Henry and Evelyn were doing well. They had added some furniture to their room in the apartment, bedside tables, a nice chair and lamps. Evelyn had three of Henry's photographs of the farm enlarged, framed and hung them on the bare walls. It was their little love nest she called it. They had taken to going down to the city and were now regularly traveling down once a month, sometimes twice. Heavens knows what they found to do to fill in their time down there. Stephen took them out occasionally and they had made some friends his mother had said. They sometimes went to parties with them.

Geoff had sent a calender to Evelyn and Henry with the dates he would like to book the apartment. He had come home from Perth more in love with Jackson than before he went. He'd met his parents and stayed a week with them on the dairy farm. His mother treated him like a son. His father took him aside one morning in the milking shed and said that Jackson confided in him that he wanted to go and live with Geoff when he finished with football. He told Geoff to look after his baby boy and love him.

They got together during the football season maybe once or twice a month if they were lucky. Jackson was staying with Geoff for six weeks now. They would be having Christmas together in Western Australia this year.

As for the twin boys, they had DNA testing done. The results were surprising to every one. One boy came back with Dave as the father. Drew had fathered the other. It was called superfecundation fertilization. What happened was Tess's ovaries released two eggs and a single sperm from Dave fertilized one and one of Drew's fertilized the other. A more common an a occurrence than a lot of parents of twins realize. They worked out that she had conceived the night that Fiona and Chuck had arrived for their stay on the farm. She had made love to both of them that night.

The boys birth certificates were filled out with both surnames hyphenated. They wanted them to have the same family name.

So Jake and Todd Williams - Bishop were registered. Drew loved them both equally. He had honestly forgotten which one he had fathered. They looked very similar as he and Dave did.The DNA paper work was in Dave's office, but it didn't matter to him. They were the product of himself, Tess and Dave. They had doting grand parents in Henry and Evelyn and uncle Geoff and uncle Jackson next door. Aunty Fee and uncle Chuck would have them for holidays in the city when they were older. They would be loved and provided for on the farm that they would inherit together one day.

Tess came out the front door and looked at the sleeping babies as Dave drove up the drive way. She put her arm around Drew and asked "What are you doing?"

"Just thinking how lucky I am," he said.

He was now completely reborn.

This story chapters 1 - 38 is copyright and can not be reproduced in full or part with out permission.

Written by Bipeep
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