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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - chapter 36

"New Years Eve and many new experiences."

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"Good morning," said the receptionist at the front counter of the day spa."We haven't seen you here for a while Ms. Williams.

"No, we have moved to the country. We need to get a bit of the evidence of the farm removed," said Tess light heartedly as she held out her unpolished and chipped finger nails for the receptionist.

"Oh my goodness," the red head said in mock horror.

Tess had booked Evelyn and herself in for three hours of pampering. Evelyn was curious, she had never been to one of these places before and had been excited since Tess had told her about it when they had arrived in the city the night before.

"Follow me ladies and we will get you both started," instructed the tall red head.

Evelyn was shown to a small room. She was told to change into a robe that was neatly folded on a table she wrongfully presumed was for her to have a massage on.

"Christy will be with you in a few moments," she was told and was then left alone to change.

She quickly took off her clothes and hung them on the hooks provided. She was unsure of whether to remove her underwear and hesitated for a moment. She at the last moment decided she would, she then sat on the chair in the corner.

Presently an attractive young, maybe twenty five year old girl came into the room and closed the door.

"Hi I'm Christy, I will be your therapist today," she said enthusiastically, "Now let's get started. Up on the table please."

Evelyn sat on the edge of the table and swung her legs up.

"What I usually do first is waxing," Christy informed her, "Is that alright with you?"

"I'm in your hands," Evelyn said nervously.

Christy looked at Evelyn's legs.

"Well there isn't much to do here, this won't take long," she said as she smoothed some wax over the very fine hairs on Evelyn's calves."

Evelyn had never worried with the fine hairs on her legs before.

"I will have you silky smooth in no time."

It didn't hurt too much as in the next couple of minutes the wax was wiped onto her legs and removed with the hair. Christy rubbed some moisturizing creamy in to the now shiny skin after she was finished.

"Anywhere else you'd like cleaned up?" she asked matter of factly, "Under arms, bikini line?"

Evelyn thought for a moment. She had heard that you could have your pubic hair waxed away. She didn't know if she really wanted to reveal her private parts to this pretty young girl.

"Well I have been shaving my pubic hair recently," she said shyly, "But it gets a bit itchy. Would waxing be better?"

"Of yes. And it will be smoother for a lot longer too. Lay down and give me a look," Christy said.

Again Evelyn hesitated.

"Don't be shy Evelyn, I'm a professional. I have seen my share of pussies."

"It's just that I'm old and I'm afraid my body isn't what it was when I was young," Evelyn said as she lay down.

Christy opened the robe and inspected the stubble covering Evelyn's pussy.

"Evelyn you have a very pretty pussy. And I can have it looking and feeling even better in about five minutes. What do you say?"

"Okay then," replied Evelyn as she stared at the ceiling avoiding eye contact with the young girl while her private parts were on display.

It wasn't quite as painful as child birth, but the next couple of minutes tested Evelyn. She wondered if it was worth it as the wax strips tore her pubic hair from her labia.

Christy again applied the soothing cream afterwards and Evelyn enjoyed the sensation of a woman's touch on her pussy lips. A little too much in fact.

"Right now. Hair cut next," announced Christy as she replaced the robe over Evelyn, "We haven't got much to work with in that department though. May be just a trim."

Christy opened the door of the cubicle and guided Evelyn to the hair salon and sat her in a huge padded chair. Tess was already there having her hair styled.

"Having fun Ev? she asked.

"I don't know if I'd call it fun yet," said Evelyn with a smile.

The two women had their hair done. Then it was a manicure, pedicure and nails painted. Facial massages and their eye brows were plucked.

Evelyn's favorite of the morning was the full body massage with hot oil. After her initial embarrassment in the waxing room at revealing herself she decided that yes, she wasn't in bad shape and she wanted to enjoy the experience.

She lay on the table naked and let the masseuse do her work. She could feel her vagina tingle again as the strong hands worked the flesh of her buttocks and later after she had turned over, her hips, thighs and lower stomach.

About midday she was handed a carry bag containing her clothes and was taken to a shower room so that she could wash the oil from her body. She dressed then met Tess in the reception area.

"How do you fell Ev? A bit more civilized? Tess asked.

"I feel wonderful," replied Evelyn.

"Well its lunch now and then shopping," announced Tess with a smile.

Dave and Drew were eating toast and drinking coffee seated at the table as Henry came out of the guests bathroom. Tess and Evelyn had left half an hour ago for their appointment.

"What are you two doing today? I'm going to the cricket," Henry said as he sat down.

The two other men looked at each other.

"Cricket is too slow for me," Drew replied.

"It's going to be a nice day. How about a trip to the beach?" asked Dave.

"We have to deliver the desk first," Drew reminded him.

"No problem. We can take Henry to the cricket ground, drop off the desk and then head down the coast,"

Drew drove down the rural road past a few houses towards the distant ocean. All the errands had been done and they had even picked up a couple of sandwiches and a drink each for lunch to take with them.

"Just follow the road around, down the hill," Dave instructed him.

The road terminated at a small car park with probably fifteen cars parked there already. It was surrounded on the inland side by a steep cliff. The beach was still hidden from view by the thick band of scrub surrounding it.

"Grab the towels, I have our lunch," said Dave as he opened the door of the truck.

Drew stepped out and followed Dave to a sandy track through the trees.

He stopped and read a sign at the beginning of the track.

'This is a clothing optional beach. Do not proceed if nudity offends you.'

He had to jog a few steps to catch up with Dave.

"A nude beach?" he questioned.

"Even better. A nude beach that is frequented by mostly gay men," replied Dave smiling, "Guaranteed that there will be some good viewing here today."

They passed through the trees and came out on to a strip of fine white sand maybe a kilometer long. There were a few other people dotted along the sand. Men and women, naked and sun baking. Just to their right Drew observed a muscular man walking from the flat, calm water. He was brown all over. He had trimmed pubic hair and was very well endowed.

"Come on let's go up here a bit. The northern end of the beach is gay friendly," said Dave as he marched off to the right.

After maybe walking two hundred meters they stopped and spread out their towels on the sand.

Their was a two guys sitting twenty meters further along from them and another guy under the trees in the shade behind them. All naked.

Dave began to undress.

"What's the matter Drew? " he asked.

"It's one thing to get my gear off with you and Tess out at the rock pool or the weir but on a public beach. It's a bit daunting," Drew replied.

"You don't have to. But take a look around. Nobody else is worried about stripping down," Dave replied as he sat on his towel.

Drew did take a look around. The obviously gay couple further along the beach were sun baking. One lay on his stomach and the other with his short penis, flopped over to the side on display, on his back. The guy behind them was reclining on his elbows watching him and Dave. He was also displaying his shaved cock.

Drew pulled his shirt over his head and then lowered his shorts. He lay down on his stomach quickly, trying to maintain a little bit of dignity.

He lifted his head and looked around again.

"We had best be careful of getting sun burnt. Your ass is so white!" Dave said and reached for the tube of sunblock.

Drew had not noticed earlier that everybody on the beach except for he and Dave had no tan lines at all. His and Dave's asses were pale.

Drew felt the sun cream spatter onto his buttocks and when Dave started to rub it in to his skin he felt very self conscious. Letting another man touch you like that in public was not the norm for him.

"Can you do me?" Dave asked as he wiped his hand and rolled over on to his tummy.

Drew turned over and sat up. He applied the sunscreen and looked out over the bay. He could see maybe ten other men scattered up the beach sun baking, walking or swimming. Nobody wore a swim suit. From what he could see there were all different shapes and sizes of men. Some young, some old.

They relaxed on their towels and talked for a while. A couple of men strolled past them. Dave would say hello as if he knew them and did not seem at all deterred by being nude in front of strangers.

"Come on let's go for a walk and then a swim," he said to Drew.

Drew reluctantly got to his feet. The guy under the trees was still watching them and it gave him the creeps a little bit. They walked down to the waters edge where the sand was a bit firmer and then turned toward the northern end of the beach. They passed by the other sunbathers and when Drew realized that they were not openly ogling him he began to relax a little.

As they progressed along the beach Dave reached over and took his hand. Now every one that was wondering new that they were indeed a couple. Drew looked ahead and the biggest test of his bravado was just ahead. There was a two guys sitting on the sand with their feet being lapped by the tiny waves. Drew didn't know whether to turn around and return to his towel or take a wide detour around them. That would look like he was avoiding them.

Dave held his hand a kept walking straight towards them, making his escape even more difficult.

"Good day guys," Dave said cheerily as they got quite close to them, "It's a beautiful day."

Dave and Drew walked right upto them and Dave stopped to chat. As they were sitting Drew realized his exposed cock and balls were at their eye level. He stole a glimpse of their cocks. He actually enjoyed looking he decided. He supposed that was part of nude beaches, looking at everybody else. But he was praying that he wouldn't get a full on erection standing there.

The other two guys said they were regulars at this beach, coming here every day they could manage it. They said that it was an easy going place with very few instances of trouble makers. They backed Dave's version that the northern end of the beach was considered gay and the southern for mixed couples.

"There is a guy sitting up in the trees behind us, I think he is a little creepy, the way he keeps watching us," Drew said.

"Oh he is okay," said one of the other guys, "That is Peter. He is always here. He lives just up the road. He sees himself as sort of a care taker of the beach. He picks up trash that gets left here and makes sure everyone behaves. In fact I have seen him warn off a guy who he had spotted with a camera and was photographing people secretly."

"He is straight he told us," said the other guy, "He just likes to come down here and look at dicks. He is harmless."

The two couples chatted for a few more minutes then Dave said that the sun was starting to burn him and he needed a swim and to reapply his block out. They said goodbye and strolled back towards where their towels were.

Drew and Dave waded out until their balls touched the cold water. They both then dove under the water and swam a few strokes each. Drew put his feet down on the sandy bottom and looked back up the beach. Peter was still sitting under his tree. Drew thought he wouldn't have much in the way of a cock for Peter to look at after he'd been in the water as it was so cold.

Dave grabbed him from behind in a bear hug.

"See it wasn't that bad talking to other people when you are naked," he said into Drew's ear.

"I was worried about getting hard. They were right at eye level with my dick," Drew replied.

"It doesn't matter down this end of the beach so much, guys understand that dicks sometimes have a mind of their own. It is considered pretty poor in the mixed area though. Hidden up in the trees are all little hiding places guys have created to have sex in. Keep your eyes open and you will see guys meet and head into the scrub to have some fun together," Dave explained to him.

"And you know this how?" Drew asked with a smile on his face.

"In another life," Dave replied whimsically.

Drew reached around and grasped Dave's cold effected cock.

"Do you miss that other life? Do you miss sex with other guys?" Drew asked him.

"Not for a minute. That is like asking me if I miss my life before I had Tess. No I don't miss having sex that may give me a disease. I don't miss having sex that may accidentally infect Tess. I don't miss sex with other guys because you excite me more than any of them ever did. And the best part of having you instead of all those others is I can have sex with you tomorrow, the day after that and the next one."

Dave kissed Drew's neck and said, "Come on, I'm hungry."

He broke free from Drew and swam towards the beach. He stood up and when the water was knee deep turned and looked back out to sea.

"I thought you were hungry," queried Drew as he caught up with Dave.

"I am. But here is an old trick I learned years ago. It always pays to stand in the sun and warm up your cock for a few minutes before you walk up the beach. It gives every one a better view," he answered cheekily.

Tess and Evelyn had eaten a salad with a glass of wine in one of the nice restaurants by the river.
Tess rang Fiona and confirmed that the five of them would be coming to her party. Fiona sounded very happy they were coming. She said she was sorry that they couldn't kick off until nine thirty. That was half an hour after the last paying dinner guests would be asked to leave.

"Well I have to buy some new underwear this afternoon," Tess told Evelyn as they finished the lunch, "I need practical stuff for the farm and something a bit more showy for my boys. The practical stuff I can get any where. Lingerie I have just the place in mind."

"Well to tell you the truth that is exactly what I wanted to buy. I have never spent anything but the bare minimum on undies. I think it is time I did so. I know Henry won't complain," Evelyn said with a smile.

Tess took her to a lingerie shop and was surprised by not only the amount of, but also the style of the underwear that Evelyn bought. It was obvious she'd never had lingerie before and was now going to try everything.

At the checkout Tess noted Evelyn had chosen along with two low cut bras a white sheer lace bra with the tiniest matching g string. She had four other pairs of very brief satin panties.

Evelyn was very happy with her purchases. She had never worn a g string and hoped it would not be too uncomfortable for her to wear on special occasions such as the coming New Year's Eve party. If it was, it wouldn't be wasted as it would become a bed room prop. She was sure Henry would like her to put it on as part of their fore play.

The women had a wonderful afternoon looking for an outfit for Evelyn to wear to Chuck and Fiona's party at the restaurant on New Year's Eve. She was after something that wasn't what sixty eight years olds wear. Some thing sexy but did not that made her look like an old broad trying to look young as she put it.

She eventually settled on a knee length frock. It was a sleek grey color almost silver. The neck line plunged a little, to show her cleavage with out revealing her new low cut bra. It hugged her figure perfectly. She looked sexy and Tess thought twenty five years younger than she really was. Tess found a pair of heels that weren't ridiculous for her to wear and she would lend her a string of pearls. A bright red lipstick and she would turn heads.

Tess was genuinely excited for Evelyn. She couldn't wait for New Year's Eve when she could help her dress and do her make up for her. She felt really girlie even though it was Drew's mother she was giving fashion and make up advice to.

Evelyn couldn't wait either. She knew she would feel sexy in her new outfit. Henry would be proud to be on her arm. Thinking of Henry reminded her that before the party she and Tess would take him shopping. She wanted to find out where Dave and Drew bought their clothes so that Henry could buy something in a similar style. It would be easy for him to slip into younger clothes than it was for her.

The door opened and Tess and Evelyn burst in with their shopping bags.They were giggling like school girls. Henry had just arrived back at the apartment and was fixing himself an instant coffee. He was told there would be no sneak peak at Evelyn's new clothes until New Year's Eve. Dave and Drew returned from the beach not much after that.

It was decided that dinner out at one of the local restaurants was the best option tonight. Evelyn wanted to be home early though. She made the excuse that Tess had worn her out shopping and she needed an early night. In truth she was fine and wanted an excuse to get Henry in bed early, she was horny from her day of being pampered.

After dinner they all strolled home together. Evelyn went to the bathroom and freshened herself and then said goodnight to every one.

She kissed Henry and whispered, "Take a pill Henry."

With that she went to bed. It was not long after that Henry came in. He had showered and put on some nice cologne for her.

He slipped into bed next to her and immediately took her right nipple into his mouth. He sucked on it and rolled it with his tongue. Evelyn pushed on the top of his head and he kissed his way down to her pussy.

"Evee you are so smooth down here," he whispered to her.

He sucked her erect clitoris into his mouth and pressed his top lip down onto her pubis.

"This is sooo sexy," he told her.

Evelyn let Henry suck and lick her for maybe ten minutes. Her vagina was dripping her juice. She could wait no longer.

"Are you hard Henry? I can't wait for the tablet to work tonight," she hissed at him.

Henry crawled up between her parted legs and his rigid cock slid straight into her. She pushed upwards against his dick and he was in as deep as he had ever been. Together they set a slow but a very hard grinding rhythm. Evelyn had been on a sexual tightrope ever since Christy had rubbed the moisturizer into her labia twelve hours ago.

Her clit was being heavily stimulated grinding like this and a climax surprised her by exploding in a matter of minutes. Her vaginal muscles clamped down on Henry and stimulated him. But Henry was learning to delay his ejaculation and slowed his tempo until he felt he was back in control of himself. How different it was fucking Evee now to previously. In the past he would screw her and hope he would cum before she lost interest. Now he had to hold off so he could prolong it for her.

Evelyn whispered, "Let me turn over Henry."

Henry stood back on his knees and Evelyn flipped over.

She guided Henry's cock back into he cunt and now Henry could feel her pubic bone exerting pressure on the underside of his cock. He loved to fuck in the doggy position.

Evelyn buried her face into the pillows and allowed her husband to set the pace. She could feel another orgasm building and she rubbed her clitoris vigorously with her right hand. Her climax exploded within her. Her stomach muscles cramped up and she had the overwhelming urge to pull her legs together. Her vagina clamped on Henry and her lubricant slopped from her and ran down the inside of her legs.

Henry watched her in the dim glow of the night light plugged into the wall socket. He wanted to cum soon too.

In the middle of her orgasm Evelyn cried out, "Henry come up here.

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I need a dick in my mouth."

In an instant Henry had removed his cock from her pussy and was at the head of the bed, one foot on the floor one on the bed, his hard cock in his hand. Evelyn took him in her mouth and swallowed him as deeply as he could. She rocked her body backward and forwards. She was fucking him with her mouth. Henry grunted and held her head as he came in four huge ejaculations. He would never have contemplated cumming in his wife's mouth before. But now he knew Evelyn wanted it this way.

He slumped down on to the bed next to her. He wrapped her in his arms.

"Gosh I needed to fuck tonight," Evelyn whispered.

"I'm worried I won't be able to keep up with you, even with viagra," Henry said softly, "Where is this going to end?"

"It isn't going to end Henry," replied Evelyn, "We just keep experimenting and see where it leads us."

"When you say experiment, what do you mean?"

"Whatever pops into our heads. Try new things. If we don't like them, nothing lost, we find something else," Evelyn replied.

"Okay, what else have you got in mind?" Henry asked, "Don't be shy, tell me what you'd like to try."

Evelyn was quiet for a moment. She was weighing up whether to tell Henry one of her fantasies.

"Well. When Tess first tried to explain to me how she and Drew and Dave make love, she told me that when there were three people involved she had to use her whole body to have sex. I sort of thought I might like to try that. Like just now, you were in my pussy but I wanted more. I wanted a dick in my mouth too. You had your hands on my hips but I wanted some one touching my nipples or my clit," she tried to explain.

"You want to have a threesome with another man?"

"Well yes. And if we enjoy that maybe a woman. Do you think you could handle that. Another man?"

Henry was quiet now.

"Maybe. If it was some body I liked. Some one we could trust," he said.

"I don't want you to have to do anything with him. It would be just for me. Unless you wanted to of course," Evelyn told him, "Would you want to touch him?"

"I don't know. Probably not. I have never really thought about it, honestly. Though I did feel a little left out the other night when Geoff kissed everyone except me. Even though it wasn't a sexual thing for him, I sort of wanted him to kiss me. That's a bit weird I think."

"So you wouldn't be against the idea if it ever came up, the threesome?"

"No, not at this stage I wouldn't. It would be hard to see you with another man though. But if I was involved it would make it easier," Henry replied, "Have you any one in mind?"

"No. I wouldn't know how to even start looking. The internet I suppose," she said.

"And what sort of man would you look for?" Henry asked.

"Well some one younger than us. No offense, but I have an old guy. And I don't want a kid. Probably late forties or early fifties. He must be fit, clean and single. I don't want a cheating husband. You know any one who fits the bill?"

"Not off hand. We can look on the Internet. That's probably the way to go. You can always back out then and no one gets their feelings hurt," said Henry.

Evelyn shifted her position so she was now looking into his eyes.

"So hypertheticaly if I happened to find some one I would want have a threesome with, you would be okay with it? We would go ahead with it," Evelyn asked him seriously.

"Yes Evee, It is quite exciting the more I'm thinking about it actually," Henry replied.

"It won't happen soon, like I aren't going to go out and actively hunt down a single, middle class, middle aged man. But it is nice to know that you'd be game for us to do something like that."

They lay holding each other until Evelyn heard Henry's breathing indicate he was asleep. She rolled over and looked at the wall. Her mind was racing. She would find some one. She would be actively looking for another cock to use and soon.

About six o'clock on New Year's Eve everyone assembled in the dining room. Drew had made some toasted sandwiches. The party did not start until nine thirty and they had been told that finger food would be provided but Fiona had told Tess that Chuck as usual had gone over the top and it was more like a banquet being provided for his guests.

"Okay I want you guys through the shower and dressed. I layed out what I think you should wear on the bed. Smart casual is the order of the day. Then Ev and I need the bedroom and some privacy for a good hour." Tess announced.

The guys showered and dressed. They then retired to the lounge to watch television until the girls were ready to leave.

Evelyn showered in the guest powder room and then put on her new low cut bra and the matching g string. The g string felt a little uncomfortable, but she was prepared to put up with that for the sake of fashion and the sensuous feeling it gave her.

She now pulled on her robe, took her new frock and shoes and knocked on Tess's bedroom door.

Tess had just stepped from the bathroom wrapped in a towel when she heard Evelyn tap on the door.

"Come in Ev," she called.

Evelyn stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

"I'll just be a moment and we will get started on your make up," said Tess as she walked around the bed to her one of her closet doors.

She continued to talk about make up and foundation as she threw the towel on the bed and reached into her top drawer to select her own g string.

This was the first time that Evelyn had seen her naked. She was gob smacked. Tess, in her eyes was perfect. Completely hairless, her body was in proportion and she had not an ounce of fat on her. Her skin was golden brown and seemed to glow.

'No wonder she has those boys wrapped around her little finger,' she thought.

Tess pulled her g string up and adjusted it and the slipped her arms into her robe. She was still talking about make up and hadn't noticed the attention that her friend and more or less, mother in law was paying to her body.

They both decided that Evelyn did not require a lot of make up. Tess was not a big believer in make up, she rarely wore any. Her natural beauty was better than what could be applied. For Evelyn, Tess applied a thin line of eye liner and mascara on her lashes. She put a small amount of toner on her cheeks. But the lipstick Tess had in mind was pretty close to over the top. A bright deep red was what was called for Tess thought, something to go wham! and grab everyone's attention.

"Okay Ev, dress on now," Tess said as she stood back and looked at her handy work on Evelyn's face.

Evelyn stood up and shook her new dress out, she laid it on the bed. She was in two minds whether to disrobe in front of Tess or not.

'I can't even turn my back to her, this g string will show her every thing anyway,' Evelyn thought.

She pulled her arms from the sleeves and then tossed the robe onto the bed. Her breasts looked bigger than usual in the low cut bra that lifted them and her g string accentuated the length of her legs and showed how flat her stomach was.

"Oh Evelyn don't you look wonderful in your lingerie!" Tess exclaimed.

"Do you really think so Tess? I don't look silly?" Evelyn asked.

"No! You look amazing. Has Henry seen you wearing that yet?" asked Tess.

"Not yet. He will have to wait until later."

Evelyn picked up her new frock and carefully pulled it over her head so she did not get lipstick on it. She wriggled it down and pulled up the zipper on the side. Adjusted her breasts to sit in the right place and then turned to Tess.

"Do yo have a mirror?" she asked.

"Put your heels on and have a look at yourself," Tess said as she opened one of the closet doors that had a full length mirror on the inside.

Tess was amazed at the transformation that had just happened in front of her. Evelyn looked taller. Her figure would be the envy of a twenty five year old. The small amount of make up had taken years off her face. She was ravishing. Sexy but understated. Perfect.

Evelyn looked at herself.

"I don't look like an old broad trying to look young?" she asked.

Tess could see she needed some reassuring.

"No way! You look brilliant," Tess said, "Don't leave this room without me. I want to see the reaction from the guys when they see you. Especially Henry."

Tess quickly put on her own bra and short skirt. On the top she put on a simple silk sleeveless shirt

Wait Ev we nearly forgot the pearls," Tess cried out. She shuffled through her closet and produced a velvet box which she opened.

"Sit down and I'll fasten these," she instructed.

Evelyn sat down and Tess fastened the necklace around her neck. She then put a silver chain a with a diamond solitaire pendant around her own neck.

They stood in front of the mirror again.

"Not bad for a couple of country girls," Tess said as she admired the reflection.

When they entered the lounge the boys whooped and wolf whistled them. Henry was blown away with Evelyn.

Henry set up his camera and photos of them in a group were taken and he insisted on getting several of Evelyn on her own.

The elevator doors opened and they stepped out to be immediately greeted by Fiona and Charles. Drew introduced his parents and they were escorted into the dining room. A band of four musicians had been set up in one corner of the room and they were playing soft swing music. Tables and chairs had been cleared to form a make shift dance floor directly in front of them

"Drinks are at the bar. The food will be out soon," Chuck advised them, " Make yourselves comfortable. Mingle with the other guests. There are people from all walks of life here. Most are my friends so don't be daunted if you have seen them on television or some where, they are good people or they wouldn't be here. We will be in shortly after the remaining guests have arrived."

Evelyn went straight to the window to take in the view. It was a sea of twinkling lights as far as she could see. She was mesmerized by it.

Drew had ushered the others toward the bar while there was no one else waiting for a drink.

"It's quite a view isn't it?" said the voice next to her.

Evelyn turned to see who had spoken to her as she said, "I have never seen anything like it in my life."

The voice had come from a tallish man in black slacks and a crisp white shirt.

"I see it every night and still can't stop looking at it," he said.

"Every night?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry, my name is Stephen Rodgers, I am the maitre de of this fine establishment. I work here," he said to her with a smile.

"I couldn't imagine working with a view like this to look at," Evelyn replied.

"And how do you know Charles?" Stephen asked, "I can usually remember a face and I don't believe I have seen you dine here. I would certainly remember a pretty face like yours."

"My son, Andrew Bishop sells his lamb to the restaurant. I came with him," answered Evelyn who then thought, 'Is he flirting with me?'

"Oh Drew, he is a nice young man. You hardly look old enough to be his mother, surely not. I can see him over at the bar now you mention him," Stephen acknowledged.

"My name is Evelyn," she said as she offered her hand to him and blushed at his compliment.

"The pleasure is all mine Evelyn," he said and shook her hand softly.

Evelyn look at him closely. Tall, good looking and well groomed. Maybe fifty years of age. He must have been working earlier but he still looked fresh and his white shirt was spotless. His cologne was very pleasant to her and he was well spoken and polite.

"And how long have you worked here Stephen?" Evelyn asked.

"In this restaurant five years, but I have worked for Charles for twelve years now. He is a good boss," Stephen replied.

Just then Henry came over and handed Evelyn a champagne flute.

"This is my husband Henry. This is Stephen dear, he is the maitre de here."

"A fancy French word for head waiter," Stephen offered as he took Henry's hand and shook it.

"I'm sure your work is more than being a waiter," Evelyn said.

"Well yes it is a bit more involved than I made out. Charles is in charge of the kitchen and the menu, but when the food comes through those doors then it is in my control. The staff and the dining room are my territory. Even Charles doesn't mess with me out here," he said as a wide grin broke across his face.

"It must test your patience some times dealing with difficult people? Henry asked him.

"Would you mind if we sat down at a table? I have been working since eleven this morning and my feet need a little rest before the band gets the dancing going. Yes some people are hard to deal with. You just have to grit your teeth," Stephen answered as he pulled a chair out for Evelyn to sit on.

Drew, Tess and Dave stood by the bar trying to put names to a lot of very familiar faces in the dining room. They chatted with a group of people next to them. All were television personalities but Drew didn't really know any of them. Tess and Dave were a bit star struck but held their own in the conversation.

Presently Fiona and Chuck came in to the dining room and made their way around the room saying hello to all the guests. They were more of a personality couple than the television stars Drew decided. And they did look good together. She was striking, athletic and toned. Chuck was less the sporty type and slightly shorter than her, but they looked good together and you could tell they meant a lot to each other.

"Drew how are you doing? How's the farm?" Chuck asked him as he swept across the room.

"Every thing is good, no better than good," Drew replied, "And you?"

"Over worked, but we have a few days off next week so I will survive," Chuck replied.

"Any plans?"

"Yes stay the fuck away from telephones and sleep in," Chuck answered.

"Why don't you come up to the farm? You always say you want to see where the lamb comes from," Drew said.

"That is not a bad idea. We are closing from Monday for a week. We are having new stoves installed and the dining room has to be re carpeted. Stephen can handle that on his own," he said.

"Hey Fiona, you want to visit them up on the farm next week? he yelled across the dining room to where Fiona and Tess were talking and looking out of the window.

Everyone else in the room turned and looked at them.

Fiona turned to him smiled and gave him the thumbs up signal.

"It looks like you guys have house guests for a couple of days," Chuck laughed.

"Excellent," Drew replied, " I'll get Tess to text Fiona directions, but it's easy to find."

"I'm looking forward to it already,"

Evelyn and Henry were in a conversation with Stephen about who was who in the dining room. Stephen new everybody and what they did. The band started to play again and Chuck and Fiona went to the center of the dance floor and embraced.

"Come on dance," Chuck called out as he and Fiona led the way.

Three other couples got up and joined them.

"You had better get up, Chuck gets grumpy when he pays for a band and no one dances," Stephen warned them.

"Oh Henry won't dance. He has two left feet," Evelyn said.

"It's not that, it's just I'm tone deaf and really can't hear the music properly. It hard to dance if you can't hear the beat," Henry tried to explain, "I'm a bit of a hazard on the dance floor."

"Do you dance Stephen?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes I enjoy it," he replied, "Oh I'm sorry would you like to dance Evelyn? Is that alright with you Henry?"

"Fine by me," Henry answered.

"I'd love to," announced Evelyn.

Stephen rose and held the chair as Evelyn stood. He then guided her to the dance floor by just lightly holding her elbow.

He placed his hand in the small of her back and held her hand with his other one.

He was tight and strong in her arms.

'My he is a good dancer,' she thought.

He was flirting with her before Henry came over but he had stopped that as soon as he found out she was married. Now they were alone again, all be it on a dance floor with other couples, she decided to send him a couple of signals. First she turned towards him just slightly, so they were more front on. Just occasionally she would brush her pussy on his thigh as they danced. Her pussy was tingling.

His hand slipped lower on her back. He was almost holding her ass now.

Evelyn wondered if he had noticed she had no panty lines and that the material covering her ass cheeks was only one layer thick. She brushed his thigh again. She could tell he was noticing her advances.

After four tunes the band took a break and Stephen again guided her elbow back to the table.

"So you are in town for a few days? Stephen asked them.

"Yes when we were on the farm we had no time for the city. When we first retired coming down here was the furthest thing from our minds. But now we want to experiment and broaden our horizons. Find out what we have missed out on all these years," Evelyn said, " But the kids are going home in a couple of days and we will be two little fish in a very big pond I'm afraid."

"Well I have some time off next week, I could show both of you around. I have lived here most of my life. l know lots of places tourists would never find," Stephen offered.

"Well that would be good of you," Henry answered.

"Are you married Stephen?" Evelyn asked.

"No, I was once. But working in this business, it's hard on relationships. The uncivilized hours. But I am happy being single," he replied.

'Another box ticked," thought Evelyn.

As the clock ticked towards midnight Stephen suggested they stand in the corner where the buildings panoramic windows met.

"The fireworks are spectacular up here. Most of them explode at eye level. Fire works like you have never seen before," Stephen said.

They did as he suggested and soon the crowd of guests in the restaurant were giving a countdown. As they reached zero right on queue the fire works shot into the sky from various locations around the city.

Stephen had been very accurate in his description as the pyrotechnics explode right in front of them. Evelyn was spell bound. Henry wished he had his camera with him.

Evelyn turned to Henry, "Happy new year darling," she said and kissed him on the lips.

They turned back to the fireworks again.

Evelyn now turned to Stephen. She tilted her head to him and went up on her tip toes.

"Happy new year Stephen," she said.

As Stephen went to kiss her cheek she purposely turned and their lips met. It felt like a jolt of electricity had shot through her. Their first kiss.

All too soon the party was winding down. Evelyn had Stephen's business card with his personal contact number and Fiona had directions to the farm. Dave had collected the car and was waiting for them at street level. Good byes were said and they took the short drive home.

Henry and Evelyn lay in bed talking.

"Henry you know how we talked about maybe finding a man for a threesome? I think I may have found some one," she said quietly.

"Stephen?" asked Henry.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"There was quite a bit of flirting going on," Henry said, "I'm not blind."

"So what do you think of him?"

"I like him. He is a gentleman," Henry replied.

"Would you still allow me to fulfill my fantasy and have a threesome?"

"Of course Evee, it will be my threesome too."

"So what do you think, should we try and seduce him? Do you think he would have a threesome with us?"

"We can only try and find out. Ring him and arrange something for the day the kids go home. We only have so many days in town, we don't want to waste them finding out if he'd be willing to," Henry said.

"I will. This may be so exciting for us," Evelyn said.

Henry was excited already. He lay there wondering what it would be like to see another man sliding his dick into Evelyn's pussy. Would he be able to handle it? Would he be able to be naked in the same bed as another man who was also naked? The more he thought about it the hornier he became. Yes he wanted all of it.

Written by Bipeep
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