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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - chapter 31

"Drew, Tess and Dave settle into farm life together."

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Drew could feel the hot afternoon sun burning the back of his neck as he climbed the steps up to the veranda of the old sandstone farm house. He reached the top step and turned and watched the truck and trailer driven by the builder negotiate the pot hole ridden drive way down to the main road. The construction of the gazebo containing the new hot tub was complete. The builder had done a great job and today had been his last day. Drew had paid the final payment to him moments ago and shaken his hand farewell.

It was now mid December, only ten days to Christmas. Drew was excited about Christmas this year, he had Tess and Dave to share it with. Their first Christmas together. He went through the house to the back yard. As he opened the back door he stopped and looked at the new gazebo.

It was exactly what he had envisioned when he had ordered it. The walkway that connected it to the house had the same railing as the veranda and the whole thing was painted to match. It actually looked as if it belonged there.

"Good job Tess," he said as he stepped down onto the grass of the back lawn and picked up a shovel.

Tess had been raking the lawn. The construction process had left clods of dirt and various off cuts of material scattered across the yard. Tess had raked the mess into a pile and now Drew scooped it up with his shovel into a wheelbarrow.

"I'll give the grass a bit of a drink with the sprinklers after this and hopefully it will grow back a bit so it will look okay on Christmas Day," Tess said to him as she watched him loading the barrow.

Drew, Tess and Dave had been living together on the farm for a month now. Drew could not remember being so happy. He had watched as Tess settled into life without the corporate responsibility that she had left in the city. Drew thought she was even more beautiful if that was possible. She had tanned up, her skin glowed a deep honey colour. Her hair looked even more blond, probably due to the exposure to the sun. She had toned her body by riding her mountain bike every morning for a couple of hours. She was also doing physical work in the garden.

Dave was still working with Geoff harvesting the crops. He had hardly had a day off in the past month. The end was in sight though. In under a week and there would be nothing left to harvest. After Christmas he would have to spend some time down in the city to wind up his practice there. It should not prove too difficult to hand his patients over to the other doctors in the clinic. He would work out an agreement for the rental of the building that he and Tess owned and then would search out a graduate doctor to come and work in the rural practice. He would take some time off, maybe a week or two, before taking up the rural clinic three days a week. He loved the farm work he had been doing. Three days a week as a doctor and four as a farmer seemed a good balance for the foreseeable future.

"We have to decide what we are going to have for lunch on Christmas Day. When I take the sheep down this week I can shop for the food. What do you think, turkey?" Drew asked her.

"I don't want you and Dave working in the kitchen all day. Your parents and Geoff will be here, so don't do anything that will keep you from spending time with them," Tess answered.

"Don't worry, cooking a turkey is no harder than anything else with a house full of people," Drew replied.

Drew's parents had stayed out at the pond for ten days in November. His mother had taken him aside just before they left.

"Andrew, I'm so glad you have found Tess and Dave. They both love you. Look after them," she said to him.

She had spent a lot of time with Tess and was visited by her every day. Evelyn had grown very fond of her. Henry adored Tess and got on very well with Dave. Evelyn was surprised that her husband enjoyed Dave's company so much. They had the pleasure of his company for three days when Tess and Drew had to make a trip to the city. Evelyn had felt sorry that Dave had been left home alone and insisted he have the evening meal each night with herself and Henry. He was very easy to get a long with and knew how to talk to people. Henry and Dave had spent most of the evenings sitting around the campfire out at the pond talking of photography and conservation of the land.

Tess had insisted that Drew invite his parents to stay at Christmas.

"And not out at the pond, I want them to stay at the house with us," Tess told him.

They would only be staying for a few days so Drew did not mind that his parents would be with them.

It was a given that Geoff was also invited. Christmas could be a very lonely time for a single gay person. Geoff did have aunts and uncles in the district but they were not close to him. Drew and his parents and now Tess and Dave were more like family to him. Jackson had retuned to his interstate football team for preseason training in mid November. He had stayed with Geoff for two full weeks. Geoff was missing him terribly. They spoke to each other almost daily on the telephone. He had not had a live in lover before. Jackson promised he would return in January for a week. They made plans for Geoff to fly over and visit him before the next crop was planted and there were a lot of weekends that Jackson would be in the city playing football where they could meet up and rekindle their romance.

As he cleaned the yard Drew planned out the rest of his week. Today was Monday. He would be on the tractor tomorrow helping Geoff as Dave and Tess were going town to meet the staff at the local hospital. They, with the help of Dr. Morgan had also arranged to interview three candidates for the position as a part time receptionist for the clinic. Tess would fill the job three days a week. Wednesday he would muster twenty sheep to take to town. Ten for Chuck's restaurant and ten for one of the butcher shops that wanted to test the market for his lamb labeled with the chefs name. Thursday he'd drive down, stay overnight and drive back on Friday morning.

"Hey Tess, would you like to learn to shear sheep?" he asked the petit blond.

"What are you talking about Drew?" Tess asked in bewilderment.

"Well on Wednesday afternoon I have to yard twenty of the lambs. Their wool is getting long enough to clip off. It's wasted if I don't take it off them, so I thought we'd shear them before they go. Would you like to have a try at shearing?" Drew explained to her.

"It's hard work isn't it?" she asked.

"No, twenty isn't hard work. Two hundred and twenty is hard work. It's more of a nuisance. Come on it will be a bit of a work out for you."

"Sure, I'm game. I'll give it a try as long as you don't expect me to do two hundred when the rest of them need shearing," Tess replied.

"Do you think it would be fair if we had a sit in the spa pool while Dave is working?" Tess asked him.

The water in the hot tub had been filtering for the last three hours. It had been treated with the salt mixture and as the day was very hot and Tess had been working hard, it looked more than inviting.

"No it wouldn't be fair. Can you wait a couple of hours? They won't be working late tonight," Drew said.

They finished clearing the lawn.

"Come on Tess. Let's go for a ride on the quad bike out to where the boys are working,"

They walked across to the machinery shed and Drew started the engine then climbed on to the machine. Tess stepped onto the rear foot peg and swung her leg over the seat behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held onto him tightly. The dog jumped up onto the tray behind her and leaned against her back as Drew clicked the quad into gear.

They drove along the lanes of the farm at a sedate pace. The hot air of summer drying the perspiration from Drew as they went. He could feel the hard points of Tess's nipples pushing into his back as she pressed against him.

Fifteen minutes later they pulled to a halt under a tree next to a field bin containing the golden grain that Geoff and Dave had been harvesting this afternoon. Drew climbed the ladder up the side of the bin and peered down into the silo.

"This is nearly full," he remarked, "They must be nearly finished for the day."

He swivelled around on the rung of the ladder and surveyed the horizon for the Geoff's header and the tractor and trailer that Dave was driving.

"They are way down the end of the paddock. We'll wait here I don't like driving hot machinery through dry stubble paddocks unnecessarily. Too much danger of starting a fire," Drew said as he climbed down.

Tess watched him as he easily scaled the ladder to the top of the mobile silo. She loved how he was completely at ease with everything on the farm. He was in his environment and was completely in control of himself and what he did.

"Surely those wheels can't take the weight of all that wheat," Tess commented as she looked at the field bin.

"No that's why they fold up and the base of the bin takes the weight. When it's full it will get sealed up and it will be emptied at another time. It's double handling but in the long run it saves time if we don't run it straight down to the railway line and wait in the queue," Drew explained as he climbed down and sat on the ground with his back resting on the quad.

"We can also keep it, the prices may increase so we could make more profit if we store it on the farm a while."

Tess sat side saddle on the seat of the quad in the shade. The warm breeze made a whispering sound through the tree. They watched the dog and laughed as he chased grass hoppers through the stubble. She could now hear the tractor approaching over the rise in the paddock.

Dave crested the slight rise and saw Drew and Tess in the distance sitting in the shade of the tree by the gate. He smiled to himself as he was pleased to see them. He had graduated to driving the tractor few weeks ago as his reversing skills improved. It meant that he didn't spend half of his day bored sitting in the queue at the silos down at the railway siding. It was a bit more interesting. You had to concentrate fairly hard as you followed the header and the grain was transferred from the header bin via an auger to the bin on the trailer being towed behind the tractor he was driving.

Dave pulled to a halt carefully lining up the tube containing the auger protruding out of the top of his trailer to the opening on the field bin. He shut down the tractor and climbed out of the air conditioned cabin.

"Hi guys," he said, "What brings you out here?"

He walked across to Tess and they kissed. Drew stood up from his sitting position and Dave gave him a kiss on the cheek too.

"Just thought we'd come out and see what time you are finishing up," Drew said.

"By the time I empty this Geoff will be just about finished. I will have to go down there to empty the header one more time then unload once more," Dave replied.

"The hot tub and gazebo are finished, we are waiting for you to get home before we jump in," Drew confessed.

"Another half hour at most and I'll be on my way home," Dave grinned.

Drew went around to the rear of the trailer, checked that the auger was lined up correctly and then pulled the starter cord on the small stationery motor that powered the auger. As the motor chugged the grain started to pour from the end of the tube into the silo.

"You had better go up the ladder and watch, the bin is nearly full," Drew advised.

Tess watched Dave climb the field bin's ladder and noted that he was beginning to have the same graceful ease with his work that she had observed with Drew. Dave was adapting to his environment.

After ten minutes Dave called out to Drew to turn off the auger to stop the flow of wheat. The field bin was full. He turned around on the ladder and peered into the trailer behind himself. There was only a small amount of grain left in it.

"I hope between the trailer and the bin on the header we have enough room to store what is left in this paddock. I don't want to have to go and get the truck at this time of the day," Dave said as he pulled the cover over the hatch and climbed down.

"We'll get going and let you run back down the paddock. See you at home," Drew answered.

Dave climbed up into the tractor as Tess and Drew mounted the quad. Drew waited and watched as Dave reversed the trailer back into the paddock and then did a u turn into the stubble. With a roar of the diesel engine and a plume of black smoke from the exhaust Dave went back to chase down Geoff in the combine harvester.

Drew, Tess and the dog rode home on the quad bike.

"I'm going to shower before we have a spa," said Tess, "Are you coming to join me?"

"Of course," answered Drew as they crossed the yard to the house.

Both Tess and Drew peeled off their dusty work clothes in the laundry and then walked naked to the bath room. Drew watched Tess's butt as she skipped along in front of him and he marvelled at her all over tan. She had no discernible tan lines, a product of her working naked in the garden.

Tess turned on the water and adjusted the temperature so that it was cooling her down. She quickly wet herself and then stepped aside so Drew could also get some of the flow. Taking a cake of soap she reach up and starting at his shoulders she lathered his back and ass cheeks. She now stepped closer to Drew and reached around him with her arms and soaped up his chest, stomach and then his cock and balls. As her hands were busy on the front of him her body was rubbing up against his still slippery back. It was very stimulating on her nipples.

Dave's cock was becoming erect as Tess manipulated it with her soapy fist.

'Should I have sex with her or save myself for her and Dave later?' he thought to himself.

His dick gave a couple of reflex pulses as the palm of her hand wiped over the head of his now fully erect shaft. It was as if it was giving him a big yes.

Drew reached behind himself and cupped her ass cheeks in each of his hands. He pulled her closer to his back and held her there.

"Drew?" Tess's voiced asked quietly.

"Yes Tess," Drew replied as he pushed his pelvic area into the grip she had on his penis.

"Later tonight can I use the dildo on you. I'd like to fuck you with Dave watching. Would that be okay? she asked him.

Drew's heart skipped a beat. It had been well and truely over a month since she had used the new double ended dildo on him. He didn't even know she had brought it up to the farm.

"Yes I would like that, I'm sure Dave would too," Drew replied after he'd thought about it for a few seconds.

"I was just thinking about the last time we did it and it turned me on," Tess said as if to explain herself.

"I've got to admit that the memory of it has my heart racing a bit too," he replied.

"Really?" asked Tess.

"Strangely, yes," Drew said, "Dave was asking when we were going to show him the other night."

"Did he? When was that?" Tess asked as she kept massaging his cock.

"The other night when you were tired and had gone to bed early. We were in the lounge watching television,"

"Do you want to cum now Drew?" Tess asked as she felt his cock pulsing in her hands.

"Yes, I do," he whispered in a husky voice.

Tess turned him around and allowed the soap suds to rinse from his cock. She lowered herself to her knees in front of him. She immediately opened her mouth and her lips brushed the length of his shaft as she took him into her throat. She pulled her head back a little and then sealed herself around the vieny penis and sucked on him as hard as she could. She now pulled back so only the head filled her mouth. With a loud slurping noise she loosened her lips and again took him deeply. She gagged a little as the tip of his penis touched the back of her throat. Again she withdrew his cock from deep within her. Now her right hand held the base of his cock and pumped him as her mouth sucked on the last half of his penis. She settled into a rythm that she knew would have him ejaculating. She was treating this merely as relief for him, love making would come later.

Drew stood with the stream of warm water running down his back. Tess sucked and worked his cock. He was going to cum.

'Who wouldn't cum quickly with this tanned, blonde little nymph sucking their cock,' he thought.

"I'm cumming Tess," he said as his body stiffened and his cock hardened further.

Tess heard what he had uttered and moved her head so that his cock was now in front of her face. She kept rubbing him in a circular sort of motion with her hand tightly around the base of his cock. She saw the balls inside his scrotum retract upward a little and felt his dick harden even more. She kept her mouth open an pushed out her tongue to catch his cream when it was released. She looked up at his face.

Drew looked down. He was seconds from erupting. Tess had her mouth open and wanted to catch his cum on her tongue and face. As she looked up at him he could hold back no longer. He grunted and a long sticky wad of semen shot from the eye of his dick and landed on her eyebrow. A thread of it ran down her nose and across her tongue. Again his muscles pulsed and another rope spattered on to her cheek and down on to her tiny breast.

Tess moved forward. Her lips again encircled the head of his cock and she felt his third pulse. Now she could taste the distinctive taste of him in her mouth. She sucked hard and felt a lesser contraction deposit more of the viscous fluid onto her palate. She released him as he pulled his hips backward. His penis was now too sensitive for her to continue. She rolled the semen in her mouth around with her tongue. Drew squatted down and with his finger under her chin tilted her head towards his own. As they kissed Tess transferred some of the remaining cum into his mouth for him to taste.

Drew reached under her arms and lifted her and himself back into a standing position. With his forefinger her gently wiped the cum from her face and allowed the running water to wash it away.

"Fucking hell Tess," he whispered, "I am never going to get bored having sex with you."

After they had washed themselves and dried off they crossed the hall to the bedroom. The interior of the house was now beginning to warm up. The outside temperature had to be nudging one hundred. Inside the darkened house it was much cooler thanks to the foot thick sandstone blocks that it was constructed from.

Tess went straight to the tall chest of drawers that contained Dave's clothes. She rummaged around and found one of his old t shirts and slipped in on. It barely covered her pussy and ass cheeks but it was loose and cool to wear. Drew found a pair of shorts and pulled them on. That was all they needed to wear until Dave got home and they would be christening the spa bath.

Tess went out onto the veranda and slipped onto the hammock that the boys had slung between two of the veranda posts for her.

"Would you like a drink of something?" Drew called from the kitchen.

"Wine please,"she answered.

Drew appeared at the back door with two glasses of wine and the hand set of the telephone.

"I'm just going to give my folks a call while we are waiting for Dave," he said as he passed her a glass and sat on one of the chairs.

Evelyn put her book down and hurried inside from the patio to answer the phone. Henry had taken his boat out fishing on the river and left her to her reading.

She spoke with Drew for ten minutes, mainly discussing the Christmas menu and what day they would be driving up from their home on the river. She told him that Henry would have preferred to camp out at the pond again but she was glad they would be at the house as the weather would be hot. Just before they hung up she asked if Tess was available for her to talk to. Drew said his goodbye and passed the phone to Tess.

"Hi Evelyn. How are you?"

"I'm great. I just have a favor to ask," Evelyn replied.

"What's that then Ev?" Tess asked.

"We'll remember we spoke about Henry maybe needed Viagra. Well he and I have had a discussion about it and were wondering if you would ask Dave if he could prescribe him some so we could give it a try?" Evelyn said shyly.

"Of course I can, I'm sure he won't mind doing that for you two," Tess answered, "You guys will be up here next week, do you want me to mail it down or just wait until then?"

"Mail it please. Henry is still being a little shy about it. He wouldn't have the script filled up there in case some one he knew was in the chemist shop," Evelyn explained.

They said their good byes and Evelyn hung up and returned to her lounge chair on the patio outside the house.

She sat down, the thought of Henry with a hard erection that would not leave her wanting for more excited her.

After they had been home from their camping trip to the farm Evelyn and Henry had enjoyed each other's company more than they had in years.

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Evelyn could not stop wondering about her son's new lovers and what they did in bed. On the third night at home Evelyn had made sure her pussy was freshly shaven and she was wearing the sheerest sarong that she owned. In the privacy of her home she had taken to wrapping her naked body in a single sheet of the light cloth. She never wore panties at home now. It made her feel sexy in an almost naked sort of way.

After they had eaten dinner her curiosity became too much for her and she decided she wanted to see for herself.

"Henry could you show me some of those movies you were telling me about?" she asked.

She was loath to call it pornography, she didn't really want to associate porn with Drew, Dave and Tess.

Henry turned the television off so he could talk with her easily.

"Are you sure Evee? They are quite explicit," he cautioned her.

"Yes, I need to know what they might be doing to each other. And also it's making me crazy knowing I could watch something like that and I don't," she replied.

"Okay come on then," said Henry as he stood up and started toward the second bedroom that they had converted into an office.

They had a large computer monitor on the desk. Henry turned on the machine and the screen burst into life. He offered the desk chair to Evelyn and then pulled a stool up close so he could sit next to her.

He typed in the address of one of the free sites that he had visited, usually late at night when his wife was asleep.

"Now it will show us all the categories available with little pictures above them. Don't get scared off by them, just scroll down till you see bisexual and select that collection of movies," Henry instructed her.

With the mouse in her hand Evelyn looked at the pictures that were being displayed to her. She was having trouble digesting some of the images. Young women being fucked and sucking penises. Lesbians kissing. Things she had never seen before. Finally she found the bisexual catergory and clicked the mouse over it. The screen now displayed maybe twenty movies she could choose from or she could select more at the bottom of the screen.

"A word of advice Evee. Choose one that looks nice and clear. Some of the recordings aren't of a great quality. And pick one that you don't think will be too hard core. You are after all just a beginner in the porn world," her husband said to her.

Evelyn looked at what was on offer then she settled on one in the third row from the top.

'A husband and wife seduce their gardener.' was the tag line under the picture of a naked couple sun baking with their fully clothed gardener standing behind them.

She hesitated then clicked the mouse.

"Right press play and that's it," Henry said.

Evelyn took his advice and the movie started. A couple were in their lounge room conspiring to seduce the gardener when he arrived later in the morning. They hatched a plan to be nude sunbathing when he called to prune the bushes in the back yard.

Evelyn thought it was a pretty lame plot and the acting was very poor, but she continued to watch.

The next scene showed them sunbathing, the couple were both laying on their backs. She was showing her pussy and breasts, him his large semi erect penis. Neither of them had pubic hair. Evelyn's pussy twitched, she found looking at their bald genitalia erotic. Then the third person entered via a wooden gate.

After shock and embarrassment by the young gardener he was invited to sit on the lawn with the couple, she was showing her pussy to him. Inevitably the woman opened the fly of the young man's pants exposing his erect penis which she started to stroke.

As the scene progressed the woman reached for her husbands hand and placed it on the gardeners cock so that he could help with the stimulation. Now she started to suck on the young man and as she did so her husband joined her and they took turns at performing fellatio on him.

Evelyn was horrified but strangely drawn to what she was watching. Turning it off now was not an option. The size of the men's penises had her mesmerised, she had no idea cocks could be so big.

In the next hour she watched as the three people committed sexual acts that she would not even consider possible. The husband fucked the gardener anally while at the same time the wife was being penetrated vaginally by him. They all sucked each other and finally the gardener fucked her doggy style while she sucked her husbands cock.

As the credits rolled Evelyn realised she still had the mouse in right hand and with her left she had been fondling Henry's cock as it protruded from the pushed up leg of his short pants. She did not remember reaching for him or releasing him from his pants. She was very stimulated by what she had seen on the screen.

Henry broke the silence first.

"Well what did you think?" he asked.

"I can see why Andrew would want to be in a relationship like that if he was interested in having sex with both genders," she answered trying to form her sentence as if it had been an educational video.

"But what did you think of what you have just watched?" insisted Henry.

Evelyn thought for a moment.

"I'm afraid I didn't really like seeing the men together. It was just a bit too much all at once maybe. The scenes with all three of them were pretty exciting for me though," she said, "Not tonight but some other time I'd like to watch another one where there are two women and one man. Do they make those movies?" she asked innocently.

"Oh yes they make those and any other combination you can think of," answered Henry.

"Funny thing I don't remember taking you out of your pants and playing with you during that," Evelyn admitted as she looked down at his semi hard cock.

"Well you did, and that is something in all years together you have never done before. Initiated touching," he said, " I just wish I could get hard and stay hard for you. I feel so old,"

Evelyn released the mouse from her right hand and she continued fondling Henry's cock.

"There are drugs you can get from your doctor to help with that," she offered to him.

"I know, but I'd die from embarrassment asking my doctor. I couldn't," Henry replied sombrely.

"I could ask Dave, or at least I'd ask Tess to ask Dave for us if you would like," Evelyn said timidly, "I have been thinking about this since we rekindled our love life back at the pond. I so want it to continue, I am really enjoying having sex with you again."

"Henry thought for a minute. 'Would it be more embarrassing asking my doctor or having Tess and Dave know he had an erection problem.'

Evelyn could see his dilemma. "Dave is a doctor after all. He wouldn't think any less of you if he knew we needed help. And I have to admit to you, I have already discussed this with Tess. She was sympathetic. She is a wonderful friend for me to have to talk about sex with. I have never had or needed anyone I could talk about sex with. But since we have become interested again part of me is just reaching out trying to make up for lost time. Tess spent quite a bit of time with me sitting outside our van explaining things I'd never even contemplated."
Evelyn now parted her legs as she faced Henry showing him her freshly shaved labia. She knew her clitoris was swollen and exposed.

"You told Tess I needed Viagra?" Henry asked.

"No I told her you were worried your performance was not what you wanted anymore and you thought that you were struggling to satisfy me. The Viagra was her idea," Evelyn said and leaned forward to kiss Henry on the lips.

Henry accepted her kiss then swayed back on the stool he was sitting on so that he could look down at his wife's bald pussy. She had changed her attitude so much toward sex in the past month that he was having trouble keeping up with where she was at.

"Could you ask her if Dave would write out a prescription for me? They both know now anyway so we may as well try it out and see if it helps me," Henry replied.

"I will do that next time I'm talking to her, promise. Now I want to know what you thought of the movie. I told you, now I want to hear your critique. Tell me what you like to watch," Evelyn said.

Henry had only just recently admitted to her that he even looked at pornographic movies. He didn't know if he really wanted to talk to her about them.

"Come on. Did you see them doing something you like?" Evelyn insisted.

"There is not much I don't like looking at," Henry finally admitted.

"What in particular?" pressed Evelyn, "Details please."

"It's a bit embarrassing Evee, talking about watching porn with you,"

"Nonsense! I am sitting here stroking your cock. Your looking at my cunt. We watched that movie to try and understand how our son fucks and gets fucked by his partners. Tell me what you liked about the porno!" Evelyn said firmly.

Henry was in shock at his wife's language. Previous to their camping trip she never swore.

"I like it all. I love looking at women's pussies. I love big breasts. I even like looking at cocks. I have always liked sex, but was too scared to ask you for it so I watched porn and masturbated when you had gone to bed," Henry confessed.

Evelyn reached up with both of her hands and rested them on Henry's shoulders.

"Now that is the answer I wanted to hear. An honest one," Evelyn said.

She now put her hands behind his head and motioned for him to come toward her. As he moved as if to kiss her she guided his head down toward her pussy. Lifting her bottom she sat on the edge of the seat and lay back a little to give her husband access to her.

Henry was pushed to his knees between her legs. She guided his head into her crotch.

"Lick me Henry, make me cum," she said.

Henry placed his hands on her thighs and lowered his lips to her puffy labia. He ran his tongue up the cleft to her swollen clitoris and once there he sucked it into his mouth.

Evelyn kept one hand on his head so that he could not escape and with the other on the mouse she selected lesbian on the computer screen. Not caring much which movie she selected she pressed play and then immediately fast forward and play again.

Henry was warming to the task of licking her pussy.

"Mmmm eat me Henry," she moaned.

Evelyn lay back and enjoyed the sensations emanating from Henry's tongue as she now glanced at the screen. A leggy blond with huge breasts was being licked by a brunette in a g string and bra. She again placed both her hands on Henry's head and pressed him against her clitoris. She was going to have an orgasm, she could feel it welling up deep inside. A little more coaxing was required for it to emerge.

She pressed Henry's head lower to encourage him to lick within her slit. He complied to her wishes.

On the screen both of the women were now naked and they were laying between each other's legs they were grinding their pussies together. Her orgasm was building, she could feel her vagina juices dripping down to her bottom. She stroked Henry's head lovingly as he again sucked her clitoris into his pursed lips.

"Put a finger in me gently," she prompted him.

She felt Henry slowly insert his fore finger into her tunnel. He groaned as he did so. The blonde lesbian was now suckling on the brunette's nipple. She had small breasts and hard nipples.

Henry fingered her. He found what he thought must be her g spot and gently massaged her there. His mouth was still working on her clit and labia.

Evelyn suddenly had sensations within her vagina that made her body shake. She thrust forward at Henry. Her breathing was becoming ragged. She pressed her thighs on Henry's head. The lesbians were now licking each other's cunts.

Her fingers grasped at her husband's hair as her orgasm burst inside her. Lights flashed in her eyes. Every muscle in her lower torso stiffened. She felt her vagina contract on his finger and what she presumed was a rush of fluid flowed from her. She heard herself scream as she came like she had never done so before.

Finally she slumped back against the chair. The lesbians were sharing a cigarette as they lay back naked on oversized pillows in their bed.

Evelyn looked down at poor Henry. She sat up and beckoned him to a standing position. She wrapped her arms around his midriff and held him tightly for a moment.

Releasing her grip on him she undid the button of his pants and lowered the zipper. His shorts dropped to the floor.

Henry was now as erect as he would get. Licking her to such an orgasm was stimulating. He had never heard her cum like that before.

Evelyn openedher mouth and sucked his dick. She rolled her tongue along the bottom side of his cock and then licked the head.

"I want you to cum in my mouth. I don't think we've never done that before," she said to him.

Henry looked at her in disbelief. Was he hearing things?

Evelyn again sucked him into her mouth and bobbed up and down on him. She stroked his balls with her fingernails and even started to tickle him back towards his perineum. Henry parted his legs slightly to encourage her and looked,up at the ceiling as he enjoyed the head job she was giving him willingly.

Evelyn felt him adjust his position as she sucked him. His penis was harder than she had felt it for years. She continued to trace her finger over his scrotum and just behind it.

'Should I try it on him,' she thought.

Continuing the suction and stimulation with her mouth she slowly moved her fingers back further until eventually she felt where his anus was nestled up inside of his buttocks. She had never touched him here before, not willingly anyway. She circled her fingers around the outer area to check his response. He again shuffled a little. She stopped bobbing on his cock and just held his head in her mouth and ran her tongue along the under side of it.

Again she circled her finger below his anus.

Henry put his hand on her shoulder to steady himself and as he did he lifted one foot up onto the seat that Evelyn was sitting on. He was giving her permission to explore his ass hole if she wanted to. He knew he wanted her to. But he was not going to ask or insist she did. She had to want to. He didn't know how far he wanted to go with this new experience, but he wanted to find out.

Evelyn had very little experience with anal sex but the one thing she did know was that lubriation was the key ingredient. When Henry lifted his leg up she knew that he wanted her to try something new. She again swallowed Henry's cock deeply and as she did so she pushed a large dollop of saliva out of her mouth on the under side of his cock so that it ran down his balls. She quickly scooped it up with her fingers and returned them to his now accessible anus.

Again she just held his cock head in her mouth. Tentatively she gently touched her two fingers to his puckered hole. She circled them around the outside skin and felt the tension of the surface loosen. Now she brushed the moist fingers from front to back across his rear opening. She heard Henry suck in a deep breath as she did.

Evelyn now wanted another sign from Henry. Was he happy with just exterior stimulation or did he want more.

She didn't have to wait long as Henry lowered his torso a little indicating he wanted her to enter him. She found it hard to concentrate on his penis as she nervously fingered the outside of his ass hole. She let his cock slip from his mouth. If he wanted to be fingered for the first time she would do the best she could.

Slowly Evelyn pressed on his anus until she felt his resistance yield. Hoping that her finger was still moist enough she slowly pushed into him. She felt him shudder as she took his cock into her mouth again. He was hard in her mouth and for a moment she thought that they should be using this beautiful erection for fucking. But no this was something that Henry obviously wanted and probably had wanted for a long time.

She pushed her finger deeper and then withdrew it completely. She again left his cock and spat a thick spit onto her fingers. She returned to his anus and pushed her forefinger in again. It slid in easily this time. She pushed in fully and held it there, tickling the rim of his hole with another of her fingers as she did so.

Henry had never had anything in his anus before. He had fantasised about it but never in his wildest dreams did he ever think that Evee would be a party to this. He was close to cumming as he felt here stretching his back hole. He wanted to cum.

"Evee I am going to cum," he said looking down at her.

She was cuddled into him next to his cock. She looked up at him as he warned her.

She held her finger inside him and quickly took his dick into her mouth again. This had started out as her wanting him to cum in her mouth and hopefully that's the way it would end she thought. She had never allowed him to ejaculate in her mouth.

She pursed her lips around his shaft and bobbed up and down on him again. She heard his breathing rasping through his lips and felt him push down on her finger and into her mouth. His hands held her head still now and then she felt his cock pulsing. For the first time she felt the warm, thick fluid deposited into her mouth. Pulse after pulse until her mouth was full and some dribbled down her chin. Henry slowed and withdrew his softening cock from her mouth.

Henry had never had oral sex like this. He had been sucked begrudgingly before but he had never been allowed to ejaculate in his wife's mouth. He'd never been fingered before either and the excitement of that far outweighed the embarassement and small amount of pain. And to think it was his loving Evelyn that had done this to him.

Evelyn reached for a handful of tissues from the box on the desk. She spat the cum in her mouth into them and then wiped her chin. She was still not comfortable with semen. She had always thought it was yucky, something to be avoided and cleaned away as soon as the sexual act was finished. But taking it in her mouth was a huge step for her. She was not repulsed by what she and Henry had just done.

"Come with me Henry, I want to go to bed and cuddle," Evelyn said to him.

As they made their way to the main bed room she undid the knot of the satin sari she was wearing and allowed the flimsy material to slip down and expose her breasts. She wanted Henry to enjoy her body some more.

They lay under a sheet on their bed.

"Henry do you think it is funny that at our ages we are discovering sex again?" she asked him.

Henry thought for a second. He was sixty eight years old. Evelyn was sixty nine, although in reality she was only two months older than himself.

"No Evee I don't. I think that Drew's situation may have triggered our interest again but we have always loved each other. For me it was just that I didn't think you were interested in sex with me, or anyone for that matter, so I didn't want to pressure you. But now, I adore my new Evelyn," he announced to her.

"Yes Henry, and I like being me at the moment too. I feel like I'm twenty again. I just feel so sexy walking around nearly nude all the time. And I'm learning that sex is good and healthy. I want more and more often," she responded.

"Really Evee?" he asked.

"Henry, I must confess. Well maybe confess isn't the right word in this case but I have even been masturbating when I'm alone. It's as if I can't control myself," she admitted to him.

Henry sat back a little and looked at his wife of forty five years.

'Watch what you say now Henry,' he thought.

"Well I told you I was masturbating over the movies I was watching and you didn't judge me. Do you think I would scold you or be jealous because you can enjoy pleasuring yourself? Let's just celebrate what we can do for ourselves and each other. I'm loving our new sex life and the new you. If you want to masturbate and it helps you be who you are at the moment then go ahead. Well that is my thoughts on that subject anyway," said Henry.

Evelyn kissed him on the lips.

"I love you Henry Bishop," she answered as she reached over and turned off the bedside lamp.

Written by Bipeep
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