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The Rebirth Of Andrew Bishop - Chapter 27

"Drew has his two families meet and Geoff and Jackson's relationship blossoms."

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Geoff let the hot water run down his wiry body. Jackson's strong arms encircled him from behind. He leaned back against the younger man and relaxed. His back ached. He was finding it hard to sit in the combine harvester for hours on end. A sign of age, he and his best friend Drew had decided jokingly. Geoff was afraid it was true.

He felt one of Jackson's hands slip down and grasp his penis. There was fifteen years difference in their ages. He was forty-three and Jackson was twenty-seven. The age gap was starting to show, if only by the amount of sex that the younger man could perform.

'What are you thinking?' Geoff asked himself, 'You have been alone all these years, and now you have a partner who wants sex with you constantly. Stop complaining and get on with it!'

He turned to face Jackson and then went down on his knees. He wanted to suck Jackson's cock dry. He wanted him to have an orgasm so strong that he wouldn't be capable of an erection for at least twelve hours. So he went to work.

The first week of harvest had gone well for Geoff. Apart from a short thunderstorm on Friday, he and the others had been putting in twelve hour days and working hard. They were getting a lot of grain moved with Dave driving to the silos; it really was worthwhile having him on the payroll.

Jackson was being more than helpful too. He was keeping the crew fed and could drive a tractor more than competently. It was also nice to have someone to come home to after a day of concentrating on going around in circles in the harvester. To have some one to talk to was very different. He normally didn't notice how isolated he was. Now that Jackson was with him he knew it would be hard when he had to leave. Geoff had decided Jackson was a nice man, a good man. He had not really thought about how deeply he felt about him yet, nor had Jackson said anything to encourage any thought of a long term relationship. At the moment Geoff was just prepared to let things roll along. Maybe when Jackson said it was time for him to leave they would talk of a future together.

Geoff was snapped from his thoughts by Jackson pushing his cock as far down his throat as he could. This was not an absent-minded blow job to him. He felt the young athlete's body stiffen and heard his breath being expelled in rasping puffs. Now he felt the cock in his mouth pulse and the creamy white semen spread warmly over his tongue.

'Gee it feels good to have sex in my own home with someone who wants to be here with me,' Geoff thought, 'He isn't just here for sexual relief like guys in the saunas are.'

And then it dawned on him, that was the difference between Jackson and all the others. Jackson wanted to be here with him. Nothing needed to be said between them about it. Jackson was here giving himself to Geoff.

Geoff stood up and embraced him, the water still cascading down the two bodies.

"Thanks for coming home with me," Geoff whispered into his ear.

"The pleasure is all mine, " replied Jackson with a smile.

"Come on, we had best hurry up," Geoff answered.

When they had left the combine harvester out behind the sheds at Drew's an hour ago, Henry and Evelyn had just pulled up in the driveway. They greeted Geoff like a long lost son, and then he introduced them to Jackson. They had decided to call an early end to the day, as it was only five p.m. They needed to start a fresh paddock. It was way out at the back of Drew's place and it would be too late by the time they had transported the machinery out there; the dew would be settling on the plump heads of wheat.

"You guys come over for dinner later," Drew invited them, "Mum and Dad would love to see a bit more of you, Geoff."

Geoff was not overly keen on the idea. He didn't know how Jackson would feel being with the older couple, and he didn't know if Henry and Evelyn new about Tess, Dave and Drew yet.

After giving it some thought and deciding it would be rude to decline the invitation, Geoff said, "About seven okay with you?"

"That will be fine," Drew answered.

"Good, I feel like I could drink about thirty beers tonight. I won't though, more work tomorrow. I'll cut it back to fifteen," said Geoff as he started the quad bike that Jackson had been riding around. He clicked it into gear, and with Jackson grimly hanging on around his waist he accelerated in a shower of dust and pebbles down the track towards his home.

Drew turned around; his mother was already on the steps to the veranda, his father was a few feet from him looking directly at him.

"Hi, Dad. Mum told you?" he said.

"Yes she did, Drew," Henry said.

"Do you want to talk now? I do. I want it to be out in the open, no more secrets, " Drew replied.

"Sure, but I don't know what there is to talk about, really. You have made your decision. You're an adult. You are happy, anyone can see that," Henry started in a soft voice.

'This might be easier than I expected,' Drew thought. "Mum told you about myself and Dave?" he asked.

"Yes, Drew. Don't you worry about that too much. I am just so relieved that you have found someone. I have been so worried about you. I couldn't care if it was just Dave you were involved with, I just don't want you to be alone and hurting any longer. The fact that you have Tess too makes you probably one of the world's luckiest people. I know they are a good people. You look after them," Henry said.

He then did something that he had never done that Drew could remember. He stepped in and hugged Drew warmly.

"Now I want you to come over to the house. We are all going to have dinner with our gay neighbor and his friend. I want you and Tess and Dave to act as you wish. I want Mum and myself to see you as a family together. I don't want you to hide your feelings from me any more, and I won't hide mine from you. There has been far too much of that in the past, and it has to stop. Okay?" his father said to him.

"Yes, Dad, thanks," Drew said and gave his father a squeeze, "Come on, I'll buy you a beer."

Evelyn reached the top of the steps. She turned when she heard Geoff and Jackson race off down the lane. To her surprise Drew and Henry were standing close and talking. She hadn't expected them to talk together so early in the evening. She wouldn't spy, she decided. Evelyn turned and then did something she had never done before. She knocked on the front door of the house she called home for forty years.

Tess was in the kitchen checking on the casserole in the slow-cooking pot. She heard what she thought was a knock at the door. Leaving her task she crossed the living room to the doorway.

"Evelyn! What are you doing? Why did you knock?" she asked with a wide smile on her face.

"I don't know. It's the first time ever," said Evelyn. She was more than a little embarrassed, Tess could tell.

Tess opened the door for her, "Come in." She hugged Drew's mother.

"Tess, I just thought that if you and Dave were in here alone, well I didn't want to interrupt," Evelyn tried to explain.

"Nonsense, it's still your home. Dave and I are still the guests here," Tess replied.

"No, Tess, you are more than guests. You are Drew's partners so this is - or is going to be - your home too," said Evelyn.

Tess gave her a cuddle.

"Here, quick, Evelyn, could you help me with this stupid casserole? Drew asked me to check on it. I'm afraid I can't cook for nuts. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be checking," she said.

Evelyn took the lid off the pot.

"It could do with a little more water, or stock if you have it," Evelyn said with a smile.

"Stock, I think I saw that in here," said Tess as she opened the refrigerator. "That is what this stuff is for. Who'd have guessed."

Tess handed the carton of beef stock to Evelyn. "I think we could both do with one of these," she said and held up a bottle of the local white wine.

"Isn't it a little early?"

"Not after the day we've had," replied Tess.

As she was pouring two glasses of the wine, Dave came in the back door. He was carrying the laundry basket as he had just hung his and Drew's work clothes on the clothes line after they had been through the washing machine. He wore only a pair of cargo shorts low on his hips and a pair of flip flops on his feet.

Evelyn looked across as she heard the wire door open.

"Hi, Dave," she said, startling him.

'My, what a physique he has, I can see what Drew was attracted to,' Evelyn thought. She then scolded herself and thought it odd that she was being so at ease with her son being attracted to this other man.

"Oh, hi, Evelyn, didn't see you there. Back in a second I'll just get a shirt," he said.

Evelyn watched him pad along the dark hallway, his reflection mirrored in the polished floorboards. He turned left into the main bedroom as Tess handed her a chilled glass of wine.

"What else are you serving for dinner? Drew just invited Geoff and Jackson as well," said Evelyn.

Tess looked back at her in horror. "I have no idea! It's not my department I'm afraid. And I have no intention of it becoming my department. The boys are much better at cooking than me. I make cereal," Tess informed her.

"Well, good for you young Tess. Far too many of us women were domesticated before we had a chance to experience life. You stand your ground," her new friend said.

"It's not so much that. It's just that like I said, I am not any good at it. People can't rely one me to have an edible meal, so I don't want the responsibility," Tess confessed.

Dave returned with a nicely-fitting tee shirt on.

'So it is true, they share Andrew's bedroom,' Evelyn thought.

"Well, we had better leave the cooking to the boys then," said Evelyn, "Come on, white wine on the veranda for us girls."

They were about to step out onto the veranda when Drew and his father came through the door.

"I put some more stock in the crock pot.

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We'll probably need something else cooked now that you have invited Geoff and Jackson for dinner. Evelyn and I are having a drink while we look at the garden," said Tess cheekily as she stepped past them, "Hi Henry," she added and kissed his cheek.

Evelyn waited until they were outside before she giggled loudly, "Why Tess, if I didn't know better I'd say that you have those boys of yours wrapped around your little finger!"

"That I have," Tess replied.

Drew went into the kitchen and looked through the fridge. He had some minced beef, so he hurriedly decided to make a meat loaf as well.

"Need a hand with anything?" Dave asked.

"Yes, could you grate me a carrot and turn the oven on," said Drew as he washed his hands.

Henry sat at the bench with a cold beer and watched his son and this other man that he didn't really know work as a team in the kitchen. They were very comfortable with each other. Henry thought that if it was two heterosexual men they would each stay in their own space. But he saw that these two didn't worry if they brushed against each other. Touching was nothing for them to be afraid of. The talk between them was comfortable, respectful and some times funny. In no time at all the meat loaf was in a pan and in the oven.

"Steam the rice or make a salad, which do you want to do?" Drew asked Dave.

"I'll do the rice, that's a no-brainer, salad boy," was the reply.

"I heard you were out bird watching today. Did you get any good photographs?" Drew asked his father.

"Yes quite a few, actually," Henry replied.

"Can I have a look at them later?" asked Dave.

"Sure, the camera is in my car, I'll get it and show you what I managed to find," answered Henry.

He scampered out the back door to get his digital camera from the four wheel drive.

"Thanks for showing a bit of interest in his birds," Drew said.

"What do you mean? I am interested. I'd like to know what is living on this property with us," Dave answered honestly.

Dave took his beer out the front door and left Dave and Henry sitting at the bench looking at photographs on the small screen of the SLR camera.

Tess and Evelyn were down at the end of the veranda leaning against the rail with their wines in hand. As he approached, Tess swapped hands with her glass and extended her now-spare arm around his waist and pulled him close to her.

Drew felt a little strange being amorous with a woman that wasn't Dianne in front of his mother. As he stood there and listened to them discuss the garden with Tess tucked against his side he began to relax and even put his arm around her.

"It sounds like our guests are here," said Tess, as Jackson bought Geoff's four wheel drive to halt at the garden gate.

"Hello neighbors and Mrs Bishop," called Geoff as he climbed from the passenger seat and opened the rear door, "I'll just get myself a drink."

He pulled a cooler box from the backseat and waited at the gate for Jackson to join him.

"Where are we sitting?" he asked.

"Either out here, or you can look at Dad's bird-watching pictures with Dave inside," answered Drew.

"Pull up a chair, Jackson, and we'll watch the traffic go past," Geoff laughed.

Geoff and Jackson organized five chairs, four from the front veranda and another from around the side.

They all sat and looked out across the paddocks as the sun started to dip toward the hills.

Dave and Henry joined them shortly, Drew giving up his seat to his father.

Henry watched as his son, beer can in hand, dressed in shorts and a singlet, leaned his back on the veranda railing next to Dave. They stood close, their shoulders touching. They were so at ease with each other.

"I think I may have to get a telephoto lens for my camera. Henry has offered to give me a few lessons on wildlife photography, I think it's something I could get interested in," Dave announced to no one in particular.

Drew turned his head and looked at him. Dave was being genuine, he had quickly found something that would endear him with Henry. Drew then looked at his father; he was looking at Dave and smiling. Right then he knew his father would have no problem accepting Dave into the small but growing clan.

"On Monday morning I have to go into town. Would you like to keep me company on the drive, Evelyn?" Tess asked.

"Yes, that would be fun. I'm sure to bump into some old faces I haven't seen for a long time," answered Evelyn.

"Well, I have an appointment at the bank at eleven, so say leave here at nine thirty. Is that okay?"

"Yes, I'll get Henry to drive me over, he would probably want to spend the days with the boys anyway," Drew's mother replied.

As the evening progressed, the fledgling relationship between his parents and his new loves developed. Drew could not have been happier. When Dave had put his arm around his waist when they were waving his mother and father off after dinner, Drew saw that his Dad had noticed and a that a small smile had crept across his face. Drew understood that his father was happy for him. He was pleased that he was no longer causing his parents to worry about his welfare. They could rest easier now.

The three of them stood in the driveway. Geoff and Jackson went one way, Henry and Evelyn the other. Dave's arm was still across Drew's lower back.

"Well, I couldn't have wanted that to have gone any better," Drew said, "Thank you for enjoying my parents company with me."

Drew felt Dave's grip tighten on him, and when he turned to face him was immediately kissed long and passionately on the lips. Tess now joined them. She put her arms around both of her men.

"Come on, guys, lets go to bed, I'll finish cleaning up in the morning," she said.

Tess could see that Dave was for some reason a little bit emotional and wanted to be intimate with Drew more than her. She was not worried by this, or jealous, just curious.

The trio turned off the house lights as they made their way to the bedroom. Dave helped Drew remove his singlet and then undid the button that fastened his shorts. He quickly pulled his own t shirt off and embraced Drew.

"Thanks. Thank you for giving me a family to be a part of," he said as he then sunk to his knees and lowered the cargo shorts that concealed the swelling cock of his male lover.

Tess removed her own clothing and slipped onto the bed, she lay on her side and watched as Dave took the head of Drew's cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue deftly around it. She placed two fingers in her mouth and wet them, she then transferred them to the nipple of her right breast and caused it to harden.

Dave now placed his hands on Drew's buttocks and pulled him closer. The shaft of his erect penis pointed towards the back of Dave's throat now. Slowly Dave engulfed this beautiful penis until his nose pressed into the skin of Drew's groin. He made a swallowing motion with his throat and felt the cock in his mouth react with a spasm. He now pushed Drew's hips back a little before pulling him forward and swallowing his penis once again.

Tess watched as Dave gave Drew oral sex in front of her. She loved watching her men. She loved that they could be so intimate in front of her and have not a hint of embarrassment. She now opened her legs a little and moved her fingers from her nipple to her clit. She pushed the skin covering the head of her clit down and gently rubbed with one finger the exposed shiny nub directly. She suddenly had a vision of Fiona's large clit; this caused her to rub, almost grind herself now. She could feel a climax coming.

Drew did not thrust at Dave's willing mouth. He stood by the bed and let Dave's words echo in his head, and enjoyed the sensation of pure fellatio being performed on him. He did not have to do anything. There was no clock on him. He could cum now or in ten minutes, his lover would not judge his performance. He glanced over at Tess. She was watching them, shamelessly masturbating in front of two men. This is how it should be amongst them, he thought. We have nothing to hide from each other.

Tess was delaying her orgasm as best she could. 'Fuck, they look great together,' she said to herself for the umpteenth time that night. Fiona's clitoris with its fleshy hood and the neat stripe shaved from her pubic hair flashed through her mind again. 'Maybe I'm not done with my bisexual side yet.'

She saw Drew's head tilt back, his eyes closed. His arms stiffened, and the hand closest to her grasped a fistful of Dave's hair. He was cumming in his mouth. This tipped her over the edge and she came too. A lovely, intense clitoral orgasm swept across her. Flashes of heat seemed to radiate outwards from her clit and her vagina opening pulsed within her puffy, swollen labia. She lay her head down as her breath returned to normal. Drew was helping Dave to his feet. They were kissing.

Dave and Drew kissed each other. Dave's mouth was still coated in his cum. Drew did not mind. It was actually stimulating sharing his cum with Dave. He willingly took it with his tongue from Dave's mouth. The two men held each other for a couple of minutes. Dave looked down at Tess. She was asleep in the middle of the bed, a smile on her face. Dave and Drew separated and carefully, so as not to wake her, climbed onto the bed each side of her. Drew threw a sheet across them. It wasn't long before they too were dreaming.

Written by Bipeep
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