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The Cave On The Other Side Of The Mountain

"What in the Hell is on the other side of the mountain?"

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Competition Entry: Myths and Legends

Author's Notes

"Existential tragi/comedy drama. Gratitude for the inspirational stories of Actaeon, Artemis, Mother Hubbard, Old Lady who lives in a Shoe, Hecate, Night, Odysseus, Amphitrite, Hades, Eleusinian Mysteries. Also, taking a bow, Wind, Mountain and the wild and domestic beasts."

It was the early morning of Oct 25, 2020, a perfect day for a birthday hike. I, Actaeon, started to walk along the trail through the sunlit mist. The brush was profuse, yet I frequently saw deer and fox roving through the forest. As I passed deeper into the thickets, I saw an abundant amount of rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons as well.

After several hours, the path narrowed and I was funneled along into a clearing. A toll gate stood in the center of the trail and created as much of a hurdle as a fallen tree. Though I had been along this route often in the past, this barrier was something that I had never seen before. In the midst of my bewilderment about this fact, a goddess with drawn bow, accompanied by barking dogs, came forth from behind an oak.

First, I saw the arrow, (What a rush to live at the point of an arrow. Everything comes into sharper focus.), and then I registered that she was without clothing. It was shocking to view her tall, lean body, with muscles as taut as the bowstring she held. Her chestnut locks framed an intense, menacing façade and provided an almost floral casing for her alluring vulva down underneath. The charm of the subtle flow of her limbs was not lost on me, despite the seriousness of the situation. The petite perfection of her breasts, topped with succulent nipples, joined by the lullaby sway of her buttocks, captured as much of my attention as her armed threat. The combination of sexual arousal and fear created a crushing amount of tension in my body begged for release.

Suddenly, the haughty huntress spoke with unparalleled authority, “In order to pass, there is one thing you must do.”

“And what’s that?”

“I want to make you into my slave and have you wear this dog collar while you are on this side. If you refuse, you will never get by this gate and I will have my dogs rip you to pieces.

 I didn’t have to hear any more. I immediately complied and knelt down and let her collar me.  She pulled the attached leash tight and placed me alongside the wooden lever of the toll gate. Next, she threw her body onto the thick arm and lay back with it between her legs. Then she choked me down on top of her and unzipped me.  She continued her assault by clutching my cock, and stuffing it inside of her lubricated vagina (for on some level, this must have been some fine sport for her).

She fucked me ferociously and controlled me with the leach. Soon I covered her pink rim with my oozing, viscid, white goo. She had a prideful gaze as she felt herself down below and brought her fingers to her mouth and licked them.

“Oh, by the way, you passed the audition,” she said smugly, and then without hesitation, she said, “I grant you passage.”

“Here, take your collar and go fuck yourself.”

“Now, now, you know you just did because I made you,” she said contemptuously.

I put my John Henry in my pants and scampered off as soon as possible. Before I turned the corner up ahead, I risked a quick backward glance. Neither she, nor her dogs or the toll gate were in sight.

I found it quite perplexing, but onward and upward I went. The trail crisscrossed the rocky slopes in a series of cutbacks. The blue sky opened up as I rose above the tree line. Fiercer animals, menacing cougars and bobcats, uncharacteristically, showed themselves. A growling coyote surfaced with a black cat between its teeth. The appearance of wild beasts reminded me of the fragility of life. Like humans, the beasts manifest out of nowhere to somewhere and are just as vulnerable to transitioning from something to nothing. How easy it was to think that hiking that mountain path was like treading a perilous tightrope between life and death.

Before I could worry too much about the possibility of instant death, another toll booth presented itself. The gate keeper was a surly sort, a middle aged mom, trying to make some extra cash. She positioned herself so that she purposefully blocked my way.

 She was attractive in her own right. She had large breasts that sagged somewhat, but in an endearing way, and her wide, sturdy hips and ass suggested she could take my train for a very, phenomenal ride. Yet the bad impression her cheeky maneuver left me with was reinforced by her cocky manner, which soon became apparent when she impudently addressed me in the following way.

“Hey fella, want to be a motherfucker?”

“Can’t, my Mom is dead.”

“Well then, I guess I am the next best thing!”

“Ah… I don’t know…”

“Listen here, you will give me your flesh and your money if you expect to get past this gate; you will do as I say!”

”Maybe, I guess if you make it worth my while, I can afford to donate a pound of my meat and a five dollar service fee. I suppose once I start to part your pink curtains, I will begin to feel better. It will be alright if it’s air tight,” I said with a wink and a nod.

Noting my overall dithering and disinterest and, in addition, lacking an appreciation for my wit, she said definitively, “So you think you’re doing me a favor, do you? Why you little wanker, you’ll do as I command. Down with your knickers; Mother is going to give you a spanking!" 

In a moment, I was over her knees with my raging hard-on rubbing between them. Her thirty whacks amplified my situation greatly. I was ready to cum by the time she stopped, complete with a burning sensation throughout that was ready to burst.

But instead of indulging me right away, she blind-folded me and tied my hands behind my back. She laid me down on my shoulders and knees and coated my bum with olive oil.

I could hear some snaps from behind me that suggested a strap-on might be coming my way. I soon endured the polished knob of a buffalo horn knocking at my rear door, which she probed and then entered.

Mother was grunting and groaning like a pig. She pushed her peg in from behind (rather painfully)and frigged me in front until a gushing mess filled her hand.

All in all, it was not a completely unpleasant way to gain safe passage. Before I continued on my journey, I asked her what her name was. She answered, “Mother Hubbard, motherfucker (actually not quite, I reasoned),” and added, “Entrée,” as she raised the gate. And with that bit of cosmic knowledge, I resumed my trip up the mountain.

The sun had already sunk behind an adjacent mountain by the time I came upon yet another toll booth. It was in the shape of a shoe! I stepped on several branches all at once that made a series of loud cracks.  When a white haired crone heard my noisy approach, she admonished me.

“Shish, I just got the kids to bed.”

“Oh, sorry.”

She touched my face awkwardly in order, apparently, to ascertain who I was. She may have been half- blind at her age for all I knew at that juncture. Her kindness promptly became evident when she wiped the sweat off my brow and gave me a drink of water. She explained that she had detected thirst when she had felt my face.

She said, “My name is Valentia. Some people refer to me as the old woman in a shoe. Listen, I have sixty-nine children. I need one more to make seventy. Will you help me do it?

Before I could answer, she raised her dress and she showed me her cavernous cunt. It was the color of deep rich, red wine.

“Now, what do you say, would you like to fuck a one hundred year old woman? Would you like to taste some burgundy?” she said lewdly.

I knew doing so would get me through the gate so I said,


 I now drank from her ancient cup. Indeed, she did taste like vintage wine, a bit on the sour side, but in a good way, like sourdough bread. As my tongue licked through her red valley, she whined and whinnied like an elderly mare. I knew I had obviously struck a chord when she started to hit the high notes. Her passions were rising and she restarted her salacious talk.

“You are such a naughty man, here’s what I am going to do now; I’m going to whip your bum and put you to bed.

Then we had a perfectly fine fuck in which she was far from passive (“Come on now, buddy; giddy up, cowboy!”)

Her labrum were a bit loose and prolapsed from giving birth so many times, but her cunt held me tightly between her thighs despite her advanced maturity, and when she came, she gripped me like an iron vise. You might think it odd, but I imagined my dick was held in a wide, well-weathered hammock of spongy, bundled, bungee cord that gave me a cushioned, bouncy swing.

Valentia said appreciatively, “Well, sonny, thanks for making an old lady happy again.”

I told her, “Sincerely, the pleasure was mine as well as yours. If this is to be my last fuck ever, I am very well satisfied. Thank you so much.”

I peered into her eyes which were shining as bright as the stars, and I also felt happy.

I ventured on, moving aside for dozens of black and green needled porcupines that were slowly meandering down the mountain in the majestic twilight.

As I climbed toward the rim of the mountain, I saw a glimmer of light, as if a group of fire flies had assembled. Stepping over the top, I spied a large torch lit bench, surrounded by yew trees. As I got closer, I could see it was a dinner table set for twelve.

Dogs, serpents and polecats were seated for a feast of red mullet and garlic amidst daggers, torches and keys that sat along the top of the table. As I approached, there was a rising din of barking and hissing that seemed to invite insanity. A feminine presence, hidden amongst the moon shadows, invited me to join the disorderly congregation under her benediction.

She strode into the light and whirled a Strophalos until its hum silenced the din. She introduced herself.

“I am Hecate, the three headed goddess of the underworld. I rule the earth, sea, and sky. I have a separate vaginal portal for each. Join me at my altar; be one of my servants and I will protect you. Come walk my Hecate’s wheel if you dare, and be reborn!”

She dropped her robes and took a step towards me; her gray eyes looked right through me. I had a sense of déjà vu as I gaped at her vaginas. They seemed so familiar! I wanted to worship and make love to all three but some primal fear dissuaded me and held me back. When I hesitated, a strong wind on my back blew me right past Hecate and towards the edge of the far side of the mountain. I stopped there at the boundary. In the next moment, I chose to jump into the darkness rather than be with her. I heard her haunting voice echoing through the canyon.

“It’s okay to forgo my favor, Actaeon, but remember, I have offered you more than you will ever find elsewhere.”

It was a timeless fall to a sandy bottom, (although not more than ten feet); a time filled with the horror of not knowing. I thought of Blake (oh, “To see a world in a Grain of Sand) as I tumbled over and over down the dune. Every orifice I had, nose, eyes, ears, urethra, and asshole, became filled with sand as I somersaulted downhill. My momentum took me all the way to an undercliff and then over another border that led me into a more perilous descent.

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I experienced the doomed attempt of my wings trying to sprout from between my shoulder blades. It was a flock of wryneck birds that finally broke my fall and guided me onto the crest of a fifty foot wave below. I made a dreadful splash just as the Night covered the ocean.  Amphitrite, the great ocean goddess, caught me as she rolled her hips and heaved her pelvis. I rode her wave until it smashed me down towards the bottom of the sea and sucked me back up in a surging orgasmic fury, and then crushed me severely back down. There was nothing to hold on to; (no fucking guard rails here!), as wave after wave repeatedly pummeled me until I was so soggy and listless that I sensed the end. Only Amphitrite’s grace, I thought at the time, allowed me to avoid the ultimate disaster. The goddess took pity on me and pushed me ashore.

I landed on the rocky coast. The expansive mouth of a river cave marked the very spot where the mountain met the sea. It was the Styx.

 I was an exhausted wreck, hungry and thirsty but I, somehow, felt reassured when I saw a beautiful, bearded strongman with shades, a cool, hip Daddy-O, signaling in front the cave entrance.  He voiced a friendly greeting. His extreme good cheer buoyed my psyche and I was glad to respond to his beckoning call of welcome. I readily sauntered over his way to receive his message, as it seemed he might have something of importance to tell me.

On closer inspection, I found he was even more excited and enthusiastic about seeing me than I had previously understood. He was wearing a t-shirt that had Hades printed across his muscular chest and absolutely nothing else below to cover his huge, erect, thick cock. A fierce, snarling dog was by his side.

He said, “Don’t mind him, he’s my pet. He won’t hurt you.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” I said flirtatiously, “Do you mean the dog or your dick!”

“Ha, no, really, he won’t. Well, you know,” he said with a rogue’s grin. “neither one of them will hurt you at all.”

Yeah, neither one will hurt… that much, I thought.

“Hey, let’s get you some dry clothing.”

I looked down and became aware I wasn’t wearing any clothes. Hades handed me a t-shirt that said Psychopomp. I donned it quickly. Right away we were kind of a matching couple in that we were both wearing t-shirts and we were both naked below, with our dicks and asses being quite visible.

Hades stepped beside me and affectionately wrapped his massive arm around my waist. He started waltzing me into the cave and over towards a ferryman and his craft at dockside. He had a twinkle in his eye when he said, “I want you to take a little journey with me.”

I said, “Where to?”

“Well, it’s kind of a surprise.”

I felt a cold draft on my back and a capricious foreboding in my stomach.

“You know, maybe not.”

Hades regarded me with empathy and compassion for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally, he said, “You know, It’s no use to struggle here in the underground, my friend,” as he gestured all around the cave, “there is no escape because you are already dead.” Then with a triumphant, gleeful smile, Hades said, “Your ass is mine! Come along now, we don’t want to be late for your death ceremony.”

Now I had heard it told that death was a carnival masquerade where you danced with death and other dead souls in joyful, mystical ecstasy but I never suspected that death would be like an underground bathhouse! But woe, it seemed so!

Charon, the ferryman, paddled our boat upstream against the current without a problem. It cut right through the many pre-historic creatures that dwelled below. We cruised amongst the stalagmites and stalactites as well, with no problem, though the drippy ceiling was extremely annoying. It was a dreary, damp, musty hell and I was not pleased to be there. Being dead in this bleak shithole was no fun at all.

Hades, to his credit, did his best to keep me warm and untroubled as we huddled in the stern. Indeed, things heated up considerably as he turned our little journey into a makeout session. His lusty tongue penetrated my lips with thick, juicy kisses as he played with my cock and balls and fingered my bum. You might call it foreplay.

“Cheer up now. You are not my prisoner; I will be your lover.”

“I feel more like your slave. I feel like I have to do whatever you want,” I said petulantly.

“Well, I hope I can change your mind about all that. You know, it’s all about attitude. After all, you are dead and you just can’t change that. You have to go along with the program. It’s all inevitable, you know. So I hope we can at least play a little more."      

“Here, suck on this,” he said abruptly.

Hades placed his cock in my mouth as if it were a pacifier. It was truly magnificent! If only his cock could have been my cock when I was alive, I reflected at that point. The head of Hade’s cock started to expand and widen. My saliva poured over it, as it was sandwiched between my lips. My tongue coiled around it like a serpent and soon Hades gave an astonishing roar. He flailed about and sprayed his sacred libation into me like a divine fire hose.

I must say, it was all so extraordinary, that I began to have desire for what I knew was yet to come. The boat floated us towards a gathering of a screaming multitude of naked, bearded men with cocks swinging and bums showing. They vociferously cheered our arrival.

They escorted Hades and me to a dusty corner of the caverns. Primitive paintings of enraged horses and long horned buffaloes, surrounded by naked hunters, were plentiful.

Hades marched me to a marble slab in the midst of everything. He picked me up and raised me above his head. He proceeded to show me off to the shouting crowd. As he leisurely circled around, I became more eager and keyed up about what would, undoubtedly, come next. As the stale air fanned my penis, I found I was more and more aroused. I had grown quite an erection!

Hades then placed me on all fours on the center platform and whispered in my ear,

“What a lovely mouth you have, and what a lovely ass you have, and what a divine cock you have!”Oh, how I was turned on by those flattering words. I loved hearing them coming from the deep, husky voice of Hades.

He bent me down so that my elbows touched the marble and my ass rose up high. He reached towards the wall for a heated tin of oil which lay above the nearby torch. He lifted up my t-shirt as if it were a dress, and slowly anointed my rear. The muscly Hades went on to delicately kiss and lick my bum hole while I sighed and moaned.

Hades paraded towards the head of the stone bed. He grabbed me by the hair, and once again pushed my mouth onto his bulging cock. I began anew to worship his strong and manly column. Before I had a chance to finish him off, he climbed up on the center piece and began to mount me from behind. He roughly put his massive hands on my bicep and belly and jerked my ass to his red hot, rod. The strapping Hades leaned in gradually and set his weight on my body.

Hades paused and said, “No need to tense up, Actaeon. Relax, so you can enjoy the ride. After all, you’re dead, so there won’t be any pain. You can open your hole to an infinity of good feelings. I can guarantee that I will fuck you into the next galaxy.”

I employed his advice. I totally surrendered and he made me feel like a goddess! The robust Hades lingered over me and drove his tremendous cock throughout my asshole. Oh, to be fucked by a god! I felt the pounding as if a summer squall was beating on my roof top. Hade’s bashing transported me higher and higher. I pushed my bum back energetically with a, “mmmph, mmmph,oomph,” and he thrust back with thunder and lightning. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhh!”, I wailed and shook like a banshee as Hades poured forth a storm of his warm cum up my ass. I gave a final push back that also brought wave after wave of warm cum from my cock.

Then the tireless Hades turned me about, bollocks up, and continued to fuck me face to face. He showed me death and he showed me life, until I became one of the grateful dead. I do not believe that Medusa herself could have struck more terror into my heart, nor more pleasure into my ass than the almighty Hades. His kisses devoured me; his magnificent cock overwhelmed me, until I disappeared completely, only to be reborn in the next moment.

The sturdy Hades withdrew his cock and persisted with his ravishment of me. He threw himself on my rampart and sucked it back to life. My tube pulsed with desire as powerful Hades swallowed my load. His unrelenting onslaught continued, as his holy instrument plunged deeper and deeper inside of me. The enthusiastic Hades ruthlessly persisted in pumping away in my ass.

I heard Hades say, above the hollering, cheering men, “Oh, how I love to fuck the newly dead!”

 Suddenly, without warning or a kind word or two, the mighty Hades slowed down and stopped his thrusting. My death ceremony was unceremoniously over. Hades completely switched gears and recommenced the rest of his agenda.

“Okay, now back to business, sir. When do you want to return to the surface?”

“I didn’t know that I had that option.”

“Yes, of course you do.”

“Well, actually, I’d like to stay here for a while and have you fuck the hell out of me some more. That was really out of this world!”

“Sorry, that isn’t part of the option. Tonight was spectacular and great but, as you can imagine, I have a very busy schedule. But you can chill here for as long as you like.”

“No, that’s all right, if I can’t have more of you, I think I will be on my way. I guess I can’t be too disappointed about the opportunity to be born again. Will I reappear as a stock of corn?”

“That’s up to you.”

“Okay then, “I’ll choose the standard vaginal rebirth with an infant phase, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood with a geriatric term. Including a written guarantee for a senior citizen segment, because I missed out on it in this last stint around.

“Alright then, you have a deal!” said the grand Hades, as he gave me a playful pat on my ass. “Now be a good little psychopomp and get your butt out of here,” Hades said with a laugh.

“See you later, alligator,” I said.

“See you in a while, crocodile,” said the omniscient Hades.                              


Mountain News Bulletin: The unidentified dead body of a hiker was discovered in the early morning of Oct. 25, 2020, on the rocky shore of Mt. Olympus. Cause of death yet to be determined.



Written by dolphinman
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