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Testing the Limits, Part 3

"Nick and I go for that ride"

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When I woke up the next morning the sun was already well up. With a jolt I glanced at the clock, afraid I would be late for my bike ride with Nick, but it was only 9 and I had plenty of time before meeting him at 10.

I turned over at Vickie. She was still sound asleep and would be, I knew, for hours. We’d had a lot to drink last night, and she’d always suffered more from hangovers than I had. Add to that the pot we’d smoked, and she’d been even more disoriented.

And then there was the sex. We’d had a night wilder than I ever would have thought possible for us, beginning with sex on the beach and then swapping partners with another couple. I wondered if we’d both end up regretting what happened, if it would somehow cast a shadow on our marriage.

But the more I thought about it, the more I doubted it would be a problem. For me it least, it felt like a door had opened, that we had learned something new about ourselves, and that there might be even more enjoyable experiences on the horizon. I knew that my love for her was not only not diminished, but intensified. And I was sure that even if we never experimented like that again, our own sex lives would be much better for what happened.

I leaned over and kissed her naked shoulder. She murmured something but did not wake.

I decided a quick shower would do me some good. I stepped into the bathroom, took a piss and turned on the water.

While the water was warming I looked at my naked body in the mirror. My hair was tousled, I needed a shave and there were dark circles under my eyes, but I was glad to see, as I am most mornings, that regular exercise had kept me fairly fit. Not bad for 40, I thought.

I looked at my dick, which brought back memories of last night, when it had been in some fairly unfamiliar places, including another woman’s pussy and a man’s hand, and felt the beginnings of an erection. I shook off the thoughts. No, not yet, I said to myself.

I was in and out of the shower in two minutes, combed my hair and brushed my teeth but  decided to skip the shave. I pulled on a T-shirt and some shorts that would be comfortable for biking, put on some shoes and sat down to write Vickie a note.

“Morning, honey. I’m thinking you’ll probably sleep late, so I’m going on the bike ride with Nick. We’ll probably be gone several hours. Tanya said she would stop by around noon to pick you up and take you out to lunch in town. Have a nice afternoon. Love, Sam.”

Before I left I kissed her again on the shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open. When her gaze focused she smiled and said, “Hi, sweetheart,” and puckered her lips for a kiss.

I bent down for the kiss. There was a hint of invitation in it, and for a second I thought about stripping off my clothes and jumping back into bed with her. But when I stood up her eyes closed again, and she was instantly asleep.

I put the note on the nightstand, crossed the room and closed the door behind me.

When I got to the lobby it was not yet 9:30, so I went into the restaurant for a quick breakfast. Eggs, toast and coffee did wonders, and by 10 I was back in the lobby and ready for the ride.

At the stroke of 10 Nick appeared. He was wearing pretty much the same outfit I was, but he carried a backpack and two water bottles. He smiled broadly when he saw me. I have to say, he was a damn good-looking guy.

“Morning, bro,” he said, and leaned in for a hug that lasted just a bit longer than a bro-hug normally does. I felt strangely excited.

“Hiya,” I said. “What’s in the backpack?”

“Supplies,” he said, giving me another of those sly smiles. “Let’s go, I already got the bikes.”

He led the way outside, where two cruising bikes were parked in the driveway. We slipped the water bottles into the holders and climbed on.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“The guy at the rental place told me to take the road west along the shore,” Nick said. “Good road but a lot less traffic, which is good since we don’t have helmets.”

Off we went. It was a beautiful blue morning, with a light breeze blowing in our faces, but you could tell it was going to be a hot day. We went at a leisurely pace, sometimes riding side by side and occasionally talking, sometimes with Nick in the lead. It turned out that we are both regular riders, although he got in many more miles a week than I usually do.

Riding behind Nick, I got the chance to look at him more carefully, especially after a brief stop to take off our shirts and stuff them in the backpack. He was not especially muscular, but he was lean and taut, with broad shoulders and sharply defined calves, as is often the case with cyclists.

We rode for a couple of hours, passing a handful of other cyclists and two or three cars. I hadn’t realized it but our hotel was on the fringe of the island’s populated area, and the further west we went the fewer houses we saw.

About noon we sighted a finger of land extending several hundred yards into the sea on our right, with a clump of rocks at the far end and a forest of palms growing almost to the shore. When we drew abreast of it Nick stopped and got off his bike. The vegetation was bright green and very thick, but after a minute of poking around he found a path leading into the forest.

“Let’s stash the bikes here and go for a swim,” he said.

We rolled the bikes down the path for 10 yards or so and pushed them into a clump of bushes. The path led straight through the forest, which sloped down to the water on both sides, and after 10 minutes’ walking we came to the rocks at the seaward end.

“This looks like a nice spot,” Nick said.

That was a colossal understatement. The spot was gorgeous. The rocks we had seen from shore actually hid a small cove notched in the end of the spit. The rocks formed one side of the cove, and a small pit of land with a few tall palms on it formed the other. Between them was a curving beach of white sand, maybe thirty yards long. The water was an absolutely stunning shade of turquoise.

“Wow,” I said.

Nick gave me another smile, dropped the backpack, stripped off his clothes and waded into the water. In five seconds I was naked, too.

Floating on his back about 10 yards offshore, Nick watched as I waded in. Having his eyes on me made my cock twitch a little, so when I got close to him I turned on my back and let it float to the surface. Then I turned over again and swam vigorously another 30 to 40 yards farther out, to where the turquoise color began shading into green, and after splashing around a little slowly made my way back.

Nick was splashing around in water about waist-deep. When I got close he stood up, the water streaming off of him, and I found it hard not to look at his body.

We stayed in the water about half an hour, talking, splashing around, occasionally swimming out to the surf line and back. It felt great to be doing all this naked, and I felt totally unself-conscious around Nick.

“I’m getting hungry,” I said.

“Me, too,” he said. “Let’s see what’s in the backpack.”

Again that smile.

He waded ashore, picked up the backpack and carried to a shady spot under the palms. He didn’t bother picking up his clothes. I followed him in and joined him under the trees. It felt great to be naked, and I felt totally unself-conscious in front of him.

He unzipped the pack, reached in and pulled out a plastic bag. Setting it on the ground, he reached in again and pulled out two big hotel towels. He handed one to me and unrolled the other, which concealed a bottle of red wine.

“Yesss,” I said.
We dried off, spread the towels on the sand and sat down. Nick put the plastic bag on the sand between us and reached into the backpack again. He produced a corkscrew and started to open the wine.

“You were ready for just about anything,” I said.

“Just about,” he smiled, lifting the bottle to his lips and taking long drink.

“No glasses?” I asked as he handed me the bottle.

“There are limits,” he said, then gave me another one of those smiles. “At least on glassware.”

He smiled again, giving me a sidelong glance and lifting an eyebrow suggestively.

The plastic bag contained two sandwiches and a couple of cookies.

We ate the sandwiches and drank the wine, and when that was gone he reached into an outside pocket of the backpack and pulled out a big joint and a lighter.

“We’ll save the cookies for later,” he said, lighting the joint. We passed it wordlessly back and forth.

When the joint was gone we sat for a few minutes enjoying the breeze coming off the water. I started thinking about the previous evening, which made me start to get hard, and when I looked in his lap, his cock was standing straight up.

“We’re out here to have sex, aren’t we?” I asked.

He turned toward me with one of those enigmatic smiles, then leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back. My cock was standing straight up, too.

“Lie back,” he said.

Next thing I knew was my cock was in his hand, and then it was in his mouth.

I should say here that I am not totally unacquainted with M2M sex. Like many guys, I guess, I had experimented with a couple of guys when I was a teenager, and again in college, but in my case it had never gone further than mutual jerking. And while I had sometimes wondered what it would be like to get a blow job from a guy, and maybe to give one back, like most straight guys I was afraid of doing something “gay.”

But in the sexually charged atmosphere of the last 18 hours or so, the obvious way Nick had come on to me didn’t seem as weird as it might otherwise have -- especially since we had already felt each other’s cocks and -- God help me -- tasted each other’s cum.

Plus, in some strange way, the fact that Vickie had had sex with Nick made me wonder, Why shouldn’t I have sex with him, too?

So as he expertly sucked my cock for the next five minutes, swirling his tongue around the head and deep-throating me from time to time, I was so much in the moment that when he backed off and moved up again to kiss me, I did not hesitate in returning the kiss and then moving down to return the favor.

As I have said, Nick’s cock wasn’t as long as mine -- six inches at full erection, compared to my seven -- but it was noticeably thicker, and I was a little uncertain how to go about the business of getting it into my mouth. So I started by licking the tip, focusing especially tonguing the slit, which judging by his his reaction was exactly the right thing to do. A bubble of precum appeared, which I licked off, savoring the slightly salty taste I recognized from the night before.

I put my lips around the broad head, surprised that it could be firm and spongy at the same time, and moved them up and down several times. NIck sighed a little, so I took in more of the shaft, surprised now at how much it filled my mouth. I backed off a moment to breathe, then slid the shaft in a little further. After several tries I managed to get nearly the whole thing into my mouth, and actually felt pubic hair against my nose.

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“Oh my God yes,” Nick said.

I backed off to look at him again. He was looking down at me through lowered lids, that smile playing on his face.

“I knew you could do it,” he said.

I looked down again at his cock. It looked as hard as steel and deep red, and I was afraid he might come too soon -- too soon for what? -- and decided to play with his balls instead. They were big and round, hanging loose in the sack, and when I took one into my mouth I felt him tense up.

“Oh, yes,” he said.

I let that ball go and sucked the other one, dropped it and then began licking his scrotum.

“Oh... My… God,” he said.

I was about to go back to work on his cock when he gently pushed me away, sat up and switched to 69 position.

When he was settled I took him back in my mouth while he did the same to me. At this angle it was easier to get him deeply into my throat, so when he started fucking my mouth I tried to focus on breathing and just let him do his thing. The flow of precum was now constant.

Meanwhile he had driven my cock deep into his throat, where something he did with his muscles was driving me crazy. I felt my balls starting to contract, and with a moan I felt my orgasm starting to build.

At that moment he snaked a hand between my ass checks and before I could react, pressed against my asshole with his finger. Somehow he had gotten it wet, and when he slipped it in, steadily but not roughly, I exploded, shooting a jet of cum into his mouth.

“Ohhh,” I moaned, clutching his ass with my hands, and apparently that was enough to set him off. The next thrust of his cock into my mouth went deeper than any had before, and I felt hot cum hit the back of my throat.

We writhed for nearly a minute, clinging to each other, emptying our balls into each other’s throats. I think Nick swallowed all my cum, but he shot so much that it filled my mouth and spilled out the sides.

When the contractions finally stopped, we lay there for a time without letting go of each other’s cocks. From time to time I felt Nick’s cock twitch, and each time a bit more cum leaked into my mouth. I swallowed it all.

Finally Nick let my cock slip out of his mouth, and I let him go, and we both lay back, breathing heavily.

After a few minutes, he got up and switched positions again, lying on his side propped up on one elbow. When I looked at him he leaned down to kiss me, and for a couple of minutes we made out like teenagers. I felt my cock stiffening again, but Nick broke the kiss and lay back on the towel.

For a moment it was quiet. Then he said, “That was some of the best sex I have ever had in my entire fucking life.”

I laughed.

“For me, too, bud,” I said.

Another long silence.

“Is there any more wine?” I asked.

“No, just the one bottle,” he said. “There is more water if you want it.”

“That sounds good, actually.”

He fished two bottles out of the backpack and we both had a long drink. I realized how hot I was.

“Let’s go back in the water,” I said.

We swam for another 20 minutes or so, letting the refreshing water cool us off. When we went back to the shady spot, still naked, I felt much better.

“I’m guessing that’s not the first time you’ve done that,” I said.

“No,” he said. “But definitely the best. Even if it was your first.”

“How’d you know that?” I asked. “And how’d you know I wouldn’t punch you out when you kissed me?”

“Well, the shocked look on your face when I propositioned you on the beach told me you hadn’t done it before,” he said. “But the fact that you didn’t seem bothered by touching my cock -- and tasting my cum in Vickie’s pussy -- told me you’d probably be open to more.”

“Well, you guessed right,” I said. “Jesus, that was hot.”

“It gets even better,” he said. Again that smile.

I must have looked puzzled.

“Next I want you to fuck me,” he said.

I’m sure I looked shocked again, but the way my cock twitched told me I wasn’t totally against the idea.

“Are you bi?” I asked.

“I guess you’d say that,” Nick said.

“I’ve never done that before,” I said.

“Not even with your wife?”

“No, and I never asked,” I said. “Just didn’t seem right.”

“You might be surprised how right it is,” he said.

“You fuck Tanya in the ass?”

“Oh, yes,” he said. “She loves it.”

“Wow,” I said. “Vickie has never shown any interest.”

“Well, you can practice on me, see how you like it,” Nick said, smiling again.

He reached again into the backpack and brought out a little bottle of lube.

“You were ready for anything, weren’t you?”

He laughed.

“I try to be,” he said.

“Well, I don’t know if I can go again.”

“I’ll bet you can,” he said.

He bent down and took my cock in his mouth. In barely a minute I was hard again.

“See?” he said.

He lay back on the towel, his knees up and legs spread apart. His cock was semi-hard and his balls hung low in their sack. Below them was the pinkish star of his asshole.

He poured some lube into his hand and worked it into the opening, sliding a finger in and out several times. Then he poured a second handful, took hold of my cock -- the feeling was exquisite -- and lubed it up.

“Okay,” he said.

I positioned myself between his upraised legs and touched his hole with the tip of my cock.

“Oh, yes,” he said.

I pushed forward with my hips, and the head of my cock disappeared into his ass.

“Oh, yes,” he said again.

I pushed a bit further further, very slowly. The fit was much tighter than a pussy, and much warmer.

“Ok, I’m good,” Nick said.

I repositioned my knees to get a better angle, and pushed forward again. This time I didn’t stop.

“Ohhhh,” he groaned. “Oh, YES.”

I was in as deep as I could get, and pulled back slightly. Nick shuddered.

“Oh... God….”

I pushed back and and then withdrew a little further this time, and started pumping.

“Fuck yes,” he said.

It felt good but the angle wasn’t quite right. I hooked my hands in the crooks of his knees and rolled him back so that his thighs were against his chest. I rolled forward with him and sank my cock deep in him once again.

“Fuck me, dude.”

So I did -- in long, slow strokes that soon had him making little whimpering noises.

I paused to look at his cock. It was rock-hard, and precum was bubbling in his slit, so I bent down and gave it a long slow lick.

“Oh, man, yes,” he said.

I straightened up again, reset my legs and really started fucking him.

“Oh, oh, oh,” was all he could say.

A minute passed, then two, as I pounded away. He wrapped his legs around me and started making little sobbing sounds. I felt my balls begin to tighten.

“Gonna… Cum…” I said.

“Cum in me,” he said.

My orgasm started to build. I speeded up, and the next thing I knew his ass tightened around my cock. A steady stream of jizz was pouring from his dick.

“Oh, my God,” he said. “Don’t... Stop.”

Three more long, deep strokes, and I came, rising up on my toes like I was doing a pushup and driving my cock into him.

“Ohhh, fuck,” I said.

We writhed together for half a minute, my cock jerking spasmodically in his ass.

Finally it was over. I collapsed on top of him. We were both slick with sweat, breathing heavily.

For several minutes neither of us moved.

Finally he said, “That… Was… Outstanding,” and laughed, which made his ass clench my cock once more.

“Ooh, ow,” I said, and pulled out, with a resounding pop.
He grimaced.

“Ooh, that’s the worst part,” he said.

I rolled off him onto my back.

“I take it that wasn’t your first time for that, either,” I said.

“No,” he said. “But easily the best.”

“Flatterer,” I said.

“No, seriously,” he said, propping himself on one elbow.

“Ok, then. Thanks, I guess.”

He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back.

“A guy could get used to this,” he said.

“What if the guy is married? If both guys are married?”

“I know a couple of married guys who do this once a week when they’re both supposed to be at the gym.”

“Hmm,” I said. “Some people sure have interesting lives.”

We lay quiet for a few minutes, then Nick got up and headed for the water.

“We should head back soon,” he said.

I got up and followed him. We splashed around for a few minutes, letting the sweat and sand wash away. As we headed back to shore, Nick put a hand on my shoulder, turned me toward him and pulled me in for a hug that turned into a long sensual kiss.

It felt good to have his body against mine.
He broke the kiss and we waded back to shore. We shook the sand out of the towels, dried off, dressed, packed up and headed back through the palms to where the bikes were stored.

On the ride back I fell in behind Nick again. We spoke little. I had plenty of time to think.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about what had happened.

It occurred to me that if I had spent the afternoon in the same spot with Vickie, drinking wine and swimming and having sex all afternoon, we both would have described it as one of the most romantic days of our lives. We would have talked about it for years afterward as one of the highlights of our marriage, something that deepened our love for each other.

The fact that it had happened with Nick, a man, and a virtual stranger, was, well….disconcerting, to say the least. We weren’t lovers, but anyone watching us would have thought we were.

I felt a stab of panic. What if someone had watched us?

But the panic quickly subsided. We hadn’t seen anyone all afternoon, and while it was possible someone could have seen us, it wasn’t likely they could have known who we were. And even if they had, who would they tell about it? Would anyone have really cared to hear?

I had never thought of myself as bi, and certainly not as gay, but there was no denying how much I enjoyed being with Nick. It was new and exciting; I felt as if a new horizon had opened.

At the same time, however, I felt guilty. I had cheated on Vickie, no two ways about it. The fact that we had opened the door to it, in a way, by taking part in a foursome the night before, didn’t really change much.

Somehow, though, I thought Vickie would not mind. The boundaries had been pushed so far back last night that they no longer seemed firm in any direction.

Eventually I grew tired of these reflections and decided just to enjoy the ride. It was late afternoon, and the slanting light was already tinted orange. A breeze had sprung up. The cooling air was less humid, and we rode along at an easy pace.

At length the road widened, we started seeing more cars, and the hotel came in view. We rode up to the entrance, turned in the bikes and went inside.

“Beer?” Nick asked.

“Sure,” I said.

We went to the patio bar, ordered two beers and sat at a table overlooking the beach. A waiter brought the beers and we drank them in silence.

“I really enjoyed today,” I said.

Nick looked at me and gave me one of his little smiles.

“So did I, lover.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. A guy calling me “lover.”

Nick drank the last of his beer, stood up and stretched luxuriously.

“I wonder what the girls have been up to,” he said.



Written by dondave
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