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Sexy Twist On A Typical Hotel Night

"Wife turns normal night out into hot new lovemaking"

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It was going to be a night like many others. A night at a local hotel for my wife and me. A night where we get to slip away from the kids and just have fun with us. It's our time to just cut loose and have fun! We get to just go with the flow of whatever suits us. In the past, we've had nights where we have a chill dinner and then hours back at the hotel for some hot tub fun and hot love-making followed by sleeping late the next morning with no regrets. We've also had nights where we end up with a little extra fun in the bedroom, whether it be some of our favorite toys or even one night a hot girlfriend of ours who joined for a night of hot sex. So like all of those nights, tonight we are just preparing for whatever may happen and whatever we feel we wanna do.

The kids were already at my wife's parent's house and we were just enjoying a quiet house while getting our things together. It was still early and we weren't in a rush. It was only about 2 PM and my wife, Alexa, already had her bags packed. Usually, I'm the one ready to go and she's struggling to get things together in time. Sometimes she goes and checks in early so that she can have some time for herself. She enjoyed this time for anything from reading, taking a hot bath, or even having some solo frisky time before I came to pick her up at the hotel for dinner.

I had just gotten out of the shower and walked into the bedroom with just my towel around my waist. As I walked into the bedroom she smiled at me and told me she was planning on going to the hotel early by herself. Again, this didn't surprise me because I'm glad she gets this time to be alone. Just after she told me that though, she ran her soft hand down my chest and grabbed my towel.

She's quite a bit shorter than me, so she stood up on her toes and pulled my face down to hers with her other hand. She bit my lip and told me she was going to leave me with something first. My towel hit the floor and she got down on her knees. It took about three seconds for my cock to get rock hard. She engulfed my shaft and my knees almost buckled at the feeling. Within moments she had me about to explode, but she knows me very well and pulled her sexy lips off my swollen cock seconds before I was going to explode. I was dying and wanted to cum so bad. She glanced up at me and with a huge smile on her face, a devious smile.

She made me promise that I'd wait for her later before I finished what she started. I reluctantly agreed with her request, but I knew she'd make it up to me big time!

She stood up and told me she was heading to the hotel and told me she loved me and to enjoy some time by myself at home. She already had everything ready to go and in just a few minutes, she was headed out the door. The last thing she said to me was that she was going to order food at the hotel for herself. She asked me to have dinner before I left and to meet her in the bar at the hotel at 9 PM.

This was a little different, but I was intrigued. She could tell I was slightly confused, and she leaned into me and said she wanted to scope the scene and feel the place out before I got there. As she turned for the door she looked back and reminded me that I promised her that I'd wait to finish with her.

I watched her sexy ass bounce as she walked out the door.

There I was, alone, and knew it was going to kill me to wonder for hours at what all was going on, what she might be up to, and also keeping my hands off of myself after what she started! I made myself dinner and got ready to leave to meet her at the bar.

The drive there seemed like it took hours! I was so ready to see my sexy wife. I figured she'd be dressed to the nines and I couldn't wait to put my lips on hers and start the night. She knows I'm very punctual and about the time I was pulling into the hotel to park, I received a text from her that said she wanted me to come sit at the bar area. She didn't want me to sit by her though. She asked if I'd sit a few stools down. She said she met a new friend at the bar and wanted me to pretend that I didn't even know her.

This was definitely something different but also sparked my interest! For the next couple of minutes, I just had to wonder who she met. Was it some hot girl she made friends with, or maybe some cute guy? So many questions. Honestly my cock was already hard with the crazy thoughts running through my head. The suspense was making my heart pound also. As I entered the hotel, I realized I was walking really quickly. I stopped for a second to gather myself and take a deep breath. My thoughts turned to wonder what my beautiful wife was wearing.

After a few moments, I began to make my way to the bar. It was not super busy, but a few dozen people were scattered around between the tables and the bar. I spotted my gorgeous wife at the bar. She looked fucking amazing, even from a distance. Her hair was perfect and lay across her beautiful face. I noticed she was wearing light pink lipstick and a dress I'd never seen. It was black and super fitting.

As I got closer, I realized how spectacular her tits looked. Her dress revealed more of her tits than any dress I'd seen her wear before. My eyes went up and down her body... everything was spectacular. Her dress only covered her amazing ass by a few inches. I couldn't take my eyes off her as I made my way to a barstool about five seats down from her.

She glanced over and gave me a big wink and a devilish smile. About the time I sat down is when I finally was able to take in the fact that she was standing very close to some strange man. He was well dressed and looked like he'd been in business meetings but had maybe shed his tie and jacket. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt but the sleeves were rolled up near his elbows. He was impeccably clean cut and I could tell by the way his arms filled his shirt that he was muscular and in great shape. He was dark-complected and honestly damn good-looking.

I realized quickly why my wife had made friends with him! Although I felt a little jealous, I also know she's all mine! It was almost tantalizing to see her chatting with him. I could tell they were being a little flirty and it was strangely arousing to watch. It didn't take long before I realized I was getting incredibly turned on by this whole scene. Every now and then Alexa would look my way and grin. She knew very well how hot it was making me. I finally broke free of the moment long enough to order myself a drink.

I knew I was a little behind her and her new friend because there were multiple empty glasses in front of them. I asked for a margarita but told the bartender to double the tequila. I then fell right back into the moment and tried not to stare but it wasn't easy. I wanted my wife right then! She knew it too!

I was begging to know what they were talking about. I gave in and sent her a text. All I said was, "What's going on hot stuff!? What's your plan?"

I saw her look at her phone and then leaned into the stranger to tell him something. As she moved away from him, I saw her hand slide across his leg and just barely miss the obvious bulge in his pants. She turned my way and walked right by me purposely rubbing up against me. It sent waves of lust through my body! Within moments I got a message from her. She told me not to worry and that she was going to try something totally different and to trust her. She also told me to prepare because she might have a big surprise in store for me and that I needed to be open to some possible new stuff.

I was highly intrigued and incredibly turned on. This was not what I had envisioned walking into! I felt like my cock was about to burst out of my pants. I wanted my wife incredibly badly! About that time, she walked by again. Her ass looked incredible in the dress she had on and she was rocking it! She got back to her new friend and got right back to the chit-chat and flirting. I ordered another drink and was able to move a few chairs closer to them. I was finally able to pick out most of what was being said between the two of them.

They were discussing fantasies. At one point I finally heard her call him Marcus. Finally, the stranger had a name. I could tell they had been on the subject of fantasies for a while before I moved closer because of how easily they were discussing things. I could tell he was really turned on by the conversation and every so often my wife would move her hips just enough that I could see the bulge in his pants was getting larger also!

She mentioned to him that she was married but that her husband didn’t mind her having a night out sometimes so that she can just cut loose. He seemed good with it and played right along.

When she glanced back at one point, I realized that she knew I could hear them. She kinda ramped up the flirting and then asked him how sexy he thought she was. His eyes lit up and he told her that he'd do damn near anything to get to have a night with her. A part of me wanted to go over there and take her away and inform him that he was out of luck... she was mine. Tell him to fuck off and leave.

But a bigger part of me was thoroughly enjoying this show my incredible life partner was putting on. Especially, since I knew it was for me!

She said, "Anything huh?!"

"So do you think any man would feel the same?"

He looked at her and said, "Yep, if they said they wouldn't do damn near anything to be with you, they are a fool."

She moved her face incredibly close to his and I saw her left hand slide up his arm and grab his bicep tight, while her right hand slid up his thigh and stopped right on his package.

She just rubbed it for a few seconds and I noticed her legs got a little shaky. She was HOT. She let out a little moan and then told him, "Well, let's find out if you're right!"

He asked her what she meant and she told him that she wanted to see for herself.

I heard her tell him to look at the man a few stools away. She was referring to me.

She asked him, "Would you share me with the guy sitting right there?"

I just buried my face into my margarita and pretended to be oblivious to their conversation. I could feel him looking at me and heard him tell my wife that I was a good-looking guy and that he'd definitely share her with me if that meant he got to have her.

She giggled a little bit and then said, "Well, maybe that's too easy."

She said, "I think he's fucking hot," referring to me.

She then asked Marcus, "What do you think that guy would say if I told him he could fuck me if he sucked your cock first?"

I think Marcus and I both about spit up some of our drinks when she asked that. Thankfully Marcus didn't see my response due to him having a similar reaction! It took him a minute to say anything, but he finally said that he didn't believe that she could talk a stranger into giving him oral sex, in spite of how gorgeous she is.

I quickly realized what she had been trying to cook up! I had mentioned to her during sex and during buzzed conversations that I think the idea of me licking and pleasuring a hot cock is a huge turn-on. Here she is attempting to make this a reality. I was getting really nervous and I just heard her say, "Watch me."

Finally, my wife was coming over to me and I wanted her badly. I also knew I had to play her little game. She walked up to me and winked. She put her hands on my shoulders and leaned into me really closely. She asked my name and I told her. I made sure that Marcus could hear me. She told me, "Look over my shoulder and look at that gorgeous man I've been flirting with. I know he wants to rip my clothes off and have me."

I looked over at him and he just kinda gave a nod as he raised his glass.

She then said, "I'm not going to let you have me unless you come upstairs and do exactly as I tell you to, and I'm not going to let him have me unless he lets you do what I tell you to do."

Fuck, I was so incredibly turned on. This wasn't my normal wife! She was on a new level of sexy. What made it extra hot though was that I knew it was for me. I couldn't agree to her terms fast enough. At this point, I truly could have done damn near anything to have my gorgeous wife!

I told her, "Hell yes! I'll do it!"

She put her hot lips to mine and gave me one of the hottest deep kisses ever. Hell, I knew it made Marcus jealous because he'd been there with her for who knows how long, and as far as he knows, she JUST met me! My head was spinning from the kiss and the thoughts swirling in my head.

She reached down and grabbed my rock-hard cock and then went back to Marcus. I heard her tell him, "Well, that wasn't too hard! He said he'd definitely do what I ask in order to have me."

Marcus seemed stunned and I finally looked at him and gave him a nod as I raised my glass to him. She looked at Marcus and asked if he wanted to take the party to her room. I think he almost fell over trying to get up from the stool so fast. They both downed what was left of their drinks and began to walk away. She turned back to me, reached in her purse, and handed me a room key. She told me to give her ten minutes and then come in. Marcus saw her give me the key so he had to know I was going to be coming up. He didn't hesitate though. I was dying as they made their way to the elevator. I quickly grabbed my phone and set a timer for eight minutes.

I paid my tab and quickly downed my drink. That was the longest eight minutes of my life. Finally, the alarm on my phone went off. I jumped up and was damn near running to the elevator. As I got to the room and pulled the key out, I quickly had thoughts of what might be going on inside.

"Fuck it," I said to myself. This is my wife, my room, and my fun! I was so ready for her. I opened the door, and I could tell it startled the new friend. He was standing in front of the bed facing away from the door. His shirt was already on the floor. My gorgeous wife was in front of him, on her knees and her incredible tits were out, her dress pulled off her shoulders and the top of it was at her waist. Her gorgeous tits looked incredible! Her nipples were hard and looked perfect.

I was just in time to watch her unzip his pants. Her hands moved around to his ass and she gave a slight tug and they fell to the floor along with his boxers. It was then that I realized what Marcus was packing. It was incredible. He was still facing away from me and his cock was slightly hard and hanging far down between his legs. I was in awe. I wish I could have seen my wife's eyes because I know she'd never seen a cock like that. Not a real one. He was about the same size as a big black dildo that we love to play with at home. I saw her hands grip his ass really tightly and she lowered her head to get down to the head of his bulging cock.

It was amazing watching her tongue grab under his cock and then slowly her mouth devoured it. Watching her head lower between his legs to get the tip in her mouth and then her head raise back up along with his cock was incredibly hot. It also made me really jealous that was my beautiful wife on her knees in front of this great-looking guy and his incredible cock was in her mouth. It was at this point that I found myself trying to figure out what I was actually jealous of.

My wife had a firm grip on his ass with both hands and was sucking his huge cock, but I quickly realized that I wasn't really jealous. I wanted to help her! Before this very moment, it had always been just a crazy fantasy. But now, it may become reality. I found myself incredibly turned on yet also incredibly confused. Why did this turn me on so much? I realized then that it was never a fantasy of mine without having my wife there.

I thought back to the many times when we discussed how we both have the ability to admit when someone is hot no matter their race or sex! My real fantasy was enjoying a hot person WITH my wife! I quickly fell back into what was happening and out of my own thoughts about the whole situation. My cock was rock hard under my pants and I was dying to get it out.

Watching his hips move while she sucked his cock was incredible. All of a sudden, she stopped. His cock fell back down between his legs and her saliva was dripping off the end of it to the floor. She looked around him and told me to come closer and kneel beside her. I did what I was told. As I got down on my knees beside her, I was finally able to get a close look at our friend's package. It was even more impressive up close. I realized right then that I wanted to taste what my wife was just having but I was able to not act too needy. I still had to play her game.

She asked me if I'd ever been that close to a cock before. I told her that I hadn't. She then told me to stay right where I was and watch her suck his cock. She grabbed the shaft and stroked it a few times and rubbed the tip on her face and lips. Fuck it was hot to watch. She then told me to get behind her but to stay very close and play with her tits. I moved behind her and my hands grabbed her tits. Her nipples were incredibly stiff and she moaned as I squeezed her tits and her nipples.

I couldn't help but notice how toned Marcus was. He was definitely a great-looking guy and I'm sure my wife was loving every inch of his body. His eyes were rolled back in his head while she licked and sucked his huge cock. She stopped for a moment to tell me that I better be watching because she was going to put it in my mouth next and then went right back to pleasuring Marcus. I acted confused and reluctant but it was just for show... I wanted it. I wanted to share it with my hot wife!

I then told her that I didn't come up here for a guy. I came up here for her! She slowly let his cock slide out of her mouth. She pushed him away and stood up in front of me while I was still on my knees. She pulled her dress until it fell to the floor. Her body was naked now. I could tell her pussy was already hot. It was dripping already from what had happened. She stepped towards me and grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face into her wetness.

I immediately put my tongue against her clit. She let me get a quick taste and then pushed my head away. Marcus was just standing next to her and she reached over, grabbed his dripping cock, and lifted it close to my face. She told me that the only way I was going to have her is if I sucked his huge cock first.

I could tell that our new friend was a little reluctant as well. I'm sure he'd never been in that situation either. She looked at Marcus and asked him if that was OK with him. He stated that if it meant he could have her, he was all for it. I think at this point both my wife and I became even more turned on! We both realized that this sexy man wanted her so badly that he was up for almost anything to have her!

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She looked back at me and said that I was about to get my chance and that I better make it good. Who was this girl!? My wife was a whole different person. It was so hot. I think we both found ourselves in fantasy land and we were having fun with it! She then grabbed our friend and told him to lay down on the bed. He laid down on his back and she pulled off the rest of his clothes. Damn, his body was incredible. Not gonna lie. I was excited for my wife to be able to

have some fun with it! She then got on the bed and straddled his face in a way where she could easily be in position for 69. Her hot pussy was so close to his lips. I could tell he wanted to taste her, but she kept her hips just high enough that he couldn't. She then said that he wasn't getting anything until my lips were wrapped around his cock. I knew then that it was up to me.

She looked at me with a huge devilish grin and gave me a wink. "Go on," she said. "Put that hot cock in your mouth and do what I said."

I stood up from the floor and moved to the bed. His dick was huge. It was lying on his stomach and reached way up past his belly button. It was still glistening from my wife's mouth and the veins looked enormous. It was almost pulsating because he was so turned on. As I moved closer, I could see her lowering her hips and her pussy getting closer to his face. His legs were spread apart and she reached down and lifted his cock so it was straight up in the air. I moved down to the side of him and with her other hand she grabbed the back of my head and pushed my head towards his cock. It was massive. I wanted it. I wanted to taste it.

I wanted to share it with her. I stuck out my tongue and first just licked the head of it. I peaked over for a second and saw Marcus had his hands firmly around my wife's ass and he was pulling her down towards his face. This just made me even hotter. Fuck it. I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed her hand away from his cock and I grabbed it firmly and wrapped my mouth around it. I let out a moan and at the same time, my wife dropped her wet pussy onto his lips. This made our friend raise his hips up and forced his huge cock further into my mouth. We all 3 let out a moan of ecstasy. It was a first for all of us and obviously was a huge turn-on for us all.

Many times, I've had one of our big dildos in my mouth. I loved playing with them. It made me feel vulnerable and hot. This was different. It was incredible! I could feel everything in my mouth. The pulsing veins, the hotness of his cock, it was real. I lost myself in the moment and before I knew it, I was stroking and sucking this huge cock while she had his tongue buried deep in her dripping pussy. I didn't want to stop but within a short time, she leaned over and took his cock from me.

They were in 69 and I was off on the side. She took his cock from my mouth and kissed me. I hadn't even touched my cock yet, but I felt like I wanted to explode! She sucked on my bottom lip and kissed me incredibly deeply. Our new friend had her close to orgasm already. I knew her and I knew her body when she was close. She let out a scream and started sucking his cock again. I thought, "Wait a minute this is mine for now!" I realized now that we were both wanting that hot cock in our mouths. I grabbed his balls and began licking and sucking on the base of his shaft while she sucked and licked near the tip.

We did this for what felt like quite a while until I knew she was about to cum. She lifted her head and her body tensed up. I took the opportunity to wrap my mouth around the head of his bulging cock again. I had a great view of his mouth and tongue on her pussy while I had his cock in my mouth. In seconds her body got stiff and she screamed in ecstasy as she came. She squirted all over our friend's face when she came. Fuck it was amazing to see! Her body was pulsating from her amazing orgasm and she just kind of rolled off of him. In just a few seconds though, she was ready for more!

I was still enjoying the feeling of this huge cock in my mouth while she moved up to taste herself on his lips. I could tell that our friend was getting close to orgasm as I stroked and sucked, his hips were moving and forcing his cock deeper into my mouth. My wife moved back down by me, and we began to share his cock again. This time though she was pushing my head down on his cock. As I couldn't take anymore, I would swirl my tongue around his shaft and all the way back out and around the tip. She was licking his balls while pushing my head down further. I was beginning to choke, but it only turned me on more to have this huge cock in my throat and my eyes watering about to choke. I realized that I wanted to make him cum. I wanted us to make him cum together. She knew this. He was really beginning to moan and move as his orgasm was building.

She just took over with her mouth. I was stroking his cock and squeezing his balls. I knew he was about to explode. He let out a loud groan and she moved her mouth away just enough so that I could get mine closer. Our lips were basically at the tip of his cock and as I squeezed his shaft, cum shot from the end of his cock. It was incredible. The first shot of his hot cum hit us both in the face. That caused us both to jerk a little and then a second shot flew straight up in the air. I felt some of it hit the back of my head. "FUCK," I thought to myself. "That was incredible."

About the time it hit me, another round shot out and hit her right in the center of her face. Marcus's body just went limp into the bed. I saw the hot cum all over my wife's face and didn't even think twice. Just like in the past, when she had my cum on her face, I wanted it. I wanted to taste it. I wanted to clean her up with my lips. Without even thinking about it, I locked lips with hers.

The taste of her lips and his incredibly hot and sticky cum just made me melt. I couldn't get enough. I sucked off all of the cum from her face that I could find. Then went right back to her lips. She then found some of his hot cum on my face and licked it off. We then kissed again for what felt like forever. She tasted like sex. Hot amazing sex. It was the taste of pure ecstasy and love all mixed up together. She looked at me and told me that I had lived up to my end of the deal. While Marcus lay there catching his breath, she made me lay down beside him.

Before I knew it, my cock was deep in her throat. The whole thing had me so turned on that I knew I'd only last a few seconds.

She knows what makes me cum quickly and she knew I needed it! In what seemed like seconds, she had my hot cum shooting from my cock and in her mouth.

She took every drop and swallowed most of it. As I lay there quivering from the most amazing orgasm, she moved to my lips and kissed me again. She kept some of my hot cum in her mouth and gave it to me when she kissed me. I basically melted into the bed. Nothing was hotter than kissing her. Hot cum with it was just a bonus! She just smiled at me and we stared at each other. Both of us forgetting about our friend beside us.

Apparently, though, he'd had enough time to recuperate. She was still faced to face with me and in no time he repositioned and was behind her. I got to watch her face when his huge cock started to spread her pussy apart. He went slow and she squeezed my head as he slid into her. Her eyes began to roll back into her head as he pushed his now swollen again cock deeper into her. It was so sexy to watch this chiseled man pleasuring her with his giant cock.

His abs were rock hard as he began pounding her a little faster. He slapped her ass harder than I ever have and she screamed but I could tell that she loved it. She began trying to kiss me again while she was getting a huge cock from behind. I just reached under her and squeezed her tits hard while he pounded her. He slapped her ass again and I could see the red mark he left. She screamed again. He slapped her ass again.

"WOW," I thought to myself. Maybe I'd been doing it a little too softly! She was begging for more.

"Fuck me harder!" she said. "Slap my ass again!"

Once again I found myself realizing how hot it was to see her get something new! Her pleasure was something I was getting to enjoy also! By now I'd had time to recover and I was hard again. I slid back a little so that she could see my cock. She immediately began stroking it the best she could while getting the biggest cock she'd ever had. Her mouth made it into the tip of my cock and she took almost all of it in her mouth. It wasn't easy for her as Marcus was now absolutely pounding her incredibly hard from behind.

Her sexy ass cheeks were just shaking from him slamming into her over and over. God it was hot to watch!

He pushed into her so hard that her mouth slid off my cock and I could feel her beautiful tits rubbing against my body on each side of my dick. Over and over again they rubbed against me. She was enjoying it immensely. She was getting fucked like never before, and I had a front-row seat to her pleasure! She would look at me and I could see the pleasure in her eyes and I think it was almost her thanking me at the same time!

What she didn't realize though is that I was taking huge pleasure in it myself. What an incredible view I had. I didn't think it could be any better but then Marcus pulled his swollen and dripping cock out of her and slapped that massive thing across her ass a couple of times. He then laid down on his back beside me and told her to get on top. All of a sudden, for just a second, she wasn't in charge anymore. I think this gave her some new stamina! She squeezed my cock with her hand as she raised up from me. I moved over and got up, my cock throbbing still.

Marcus told her, "Sit your hot ass down on this big dick right now."

She quickly followed his command and facing away from him, she lowered her glistening body down onto his huge cock again. He had his hands firmly grasping her ass she slowly slid down onto him. I was now sitting between his spread out legs and it was amazing watching her body just devour his huge dick. She began riding on it, up and down and getting faster. Her tits looked amazing as they bounced while she rode him.

I stood up on the bed and put my throbbing cock in her mouth again. She did everything she could to suck me again, but it wasn't easy while she rode his thick cock. She looked up at me, and I think she wanted some control back, so she told me to get down and pointed for me to go down. I got down on my stomach and my face was inches from her dripping and stretched lips. His balls were covered in her juices and all I could think is that I wanted to taste her again. Before I even had a chance to finish my thoughts, she grabbed my hair and pulled my face down to her pussy. I began licking and sucking on her just like I do when we play with a dildo at home. She began to really squirm at that point. I knew she was about to cum again! I didn't let up and Marcus just kept pounding her.

She tasted incredibly sweet and in seconds I felt her swollen pussy tighten up and she raised up off of his cock and screamed as she squirted all over my face. It soaked the bed and his cock and my face was now absolutely soaked. She reached down, ran her fingers across her clit, and came again! At that point, her body just sat down on Marcus. She was pulsing with ecstasy. She didn't let that moment stop the action though. She immediately let go of her pussy and grabbed the base of his throbbing cock and with her other hand she grabbed my head and forced it down onto his cock.

I didn't need any further instructions. I wanted to lick all of her sex off of him. I had one hand under his balls and squeezed them while my mouth was getting filled completely by his hard swollen cock. I never thought that I'd enjoy this so much but I knew it was due to her. There's no desire for that without her there. I could feel that Marcus was close to exploding. I wanted him to. She had other plans though! She knew he was about to cum and she grabbed my head and pulled me off of his cock.

She did it slowly, and as she did, she stared at me and said, "Fuck! That's so hot watching his cock slide out of your mouth baby!"

When the tip fell from my lips, she grabbed his shaft and pulled it back towards her now red and swollen pussy. She immediately slid him back in and he began fucking her ferociously! Again, it was so hot watching it! After a minute or so she slowed him down a bit and then even stopped him. He was still buried deep in her and his balls were pulsing. He wanted more. She pointed at my rock-hard cock and then pointed down to her pussy. I knew exactly what she meant but I couldn't believe she really wanted to try it! We'd done it with toys multiple times, but this was unexpected. I wanted to feel it though!

I moved closer to her and lifted her legs up and moved under her but I was still over Marcus. As I moved my cock close to her pussy, the look she gave me was incredible. She wanted to feel us both and so did I!

She just said, "Please go slow." I put the tip of my cock next to her lips and immediately felt the heat from her pussy and his thick shaft. I slowly slid the tip in, and her eyes rolled back and she moaned as her legs went limp over my arms. At that moment she relaxed just enough that my cock slid inside of her.

I slowly pushed all the way in and I could feel the huge veins in his cock while she was squeezing us both inside. I almost exploded but was able to hold it off. This was a brand-new feeling for both of us and I'm sure it was for our new friend also. I could feel his cock begin to move back and forth on the bottom of my dick and feel her on every other side of my dick. It was a feeling like nothing else ever. In moments though we were all beginning to move together. It didn't take long before Marcus and I were both now giving my sexy wife the best sex of her life.

The way she moaned and begged for more was intense. We were both now pounding her stretched and dripping wet pussy. I squeezed her tits while his huge hands were gripping her tightly around her waist. We were fucking her like madmen. I was highly impressed with him because he had been fucking her for a while. He almost came while I was sucking his cock a few minutes earlier, but he hadn't cum again yet. I knew I was about to explode. This whole thing was so new and different... and incredibly hot. I couldn't take much more. I told her I was going to cum. She said, "Do it! I want to feel all that hot cum. Do it now!"

Her saying that sent me over the edge. My balls tightened up and I shot what felt like a massive load of hot cum deep inside of her while we were both still fucking her. I felt three different loads shoot into her and she instantly came from the feeling of my hot cum inside of her! My cock fell out and my cum started squeezing out while he kept pounding her. She was shaking and screaming but he kept fucking her. After about a minute, he finally yelled out that he was going to cum. She told him, "Pull that big cock out. I want your hot cum all over my stomach and pussy!"

In about four more thrusts, that was all he could take, he pulled that long thick cock out and as he did, she came AGAIN! Once again, she came hard and squirted everywhere. It was incredible! At this exact same time, he pulled out, his cock began exploding with hot cum. He got it turned just in time for it to shoot almost straight up where the first load landed right on the top of her pussy. It was amazing how high he shot it. Two more thick ropes of his hot cum came shooting out and landed all over her stomach. The last one shot all the way to her tits. He let go of his pulsating cock and it just fell to the side of her leg.

At this point, I had already gotten back down so I could get a close-up view. I took the opportunity to get one more taste of her on his now softer cock. He quivered while I ran my tongue around the tip and took the last little bit of cum from his cock in my mouth. His hands fell from her waist, and he just laid there savoring the moment. I moved up to my sex drained wife, starting at her pussy. Her body jumped at the feeling of my tongue once again on her dripping, swollen, and cum covered pussy. She found the hot cum on her tits with her fingers and began rubbing it all over her nipples, enjoying the feeling of the thick sticky cum on her body.

Between my cum and his, I couldn't believe how much there was as I made my way up her body, licking a lot of it up as I went. The taste of her along with his cum made me me super hot. Once my mouth made it to her cum covered tits, I took turns on both of her nipples, cleaning them up from his amazing load. After that, she grabbed my face and pulled it to hers, once again kissing me incredibly deeply. She wanted to taste it all.

We both pretty much forgot about our friend for a few seconds as we enjoyed the most passionate kiss. I then just basically fell off of them both and onto the bed. As I laid there, she slid off of Marcus and he looked as if he'd just had the best sex of his life. We all just laid there for a few minutes not saying a word and let our breathing and heart rates lower. Eventually, Marcos stood up and as he was trying to find the words to say, my wife leaned over and threw her leg over my body. She smiled at me and then told Marcus, "My husband and I both thank you for that amazing experience!"

Marcus got an incredibly confused look on his face and before he could even speak, she told him, "That's right, we're married and I kinda made up a lot of what I told you earlier tonight. This is my husband. I know we both just had an awesome night with you but right now, I want time with my hubby!"

He still looked confused about the whole thing. He started to dress while she began kissing me again.

I couldn't believe it, but I was starting to get hard again. I watched her face as she watched him get dressed. I won't lie, he was a damn good-looking guy.

He quickly gathered his clothes and told us that he was totally surprised but that it was the best sex he'd ever had. We both agreed, and she told him that the number she gave him earlier at the bar was mine. She said, "Next time you're in town, shoot my husband a message. Maybe we can do it again in the future."

He just said, "Damn right I will! Y'all have fun."

He said goodbye and as we heard the door shut she looked at me with a huge devilish smile and said, "You're welcome baby!"

I smiled back and said, "Wait, was that for me or for you!?"

She grinned and said, "Maybe a lot of both!"

Before I could even respond her hand was on my hard cock again.

"Feels like you need some more too!" she said.

Our night wasn't over yet...

Written by PhillyPhil402
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