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Revising His Quote - The Sales Call

"A salesman finds a unique way to get the order without lowering his price."

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Jack had been in industrial sales since he graduated college at age twenty three, he was older now with salt and pepper hair. Jack was excellent at his job with a lot of happy customers.

He kept himself in shape by going to the local "Y" to work out a few times a week. Jack looked better than most men his age. Standing six feet tall with a trim body shape, he was a good looking man.

Jack got married soon out of college to Judy, who was a stay at home mother. She took care of the four kids who were now all grown, and all but one was living out of the house.

Judy was the perfect wife. She was in the same shape as when they met, sexy as a woman could be. They were life partners and deep in love after all these years.

Twenty-five years had passed since they got married and it seemed like yesterday. Jack was well known and connected in business and with his customers. He did business with many companies. Jack was one of the best in his field of work. Jack had changed a lot since he first met Judy.

Bill was a purchasing agent about Jack's age, and they knew each other from work and working out and spending time together at the Y. Bill was a long term member and Jack saw him there weekly.

Jack had always admired Bill's athletic build and how well he stayed in shape. Bill and Jack would often talk in the shower; Jack enjoyed looking at Bill, who was a well-endowed, uncut man with large gonads.

Jacked loved Judy's body in every way, but still Jack craved having a cock in his mouth now and then.

Bill had low hanging balls surrounded by his trimmed blond pubic hair. Jack had a seven inch thicker cut penis that was known as a grower. The two men dealt with each other from time to time when Bill might buy products from Jack. They often talked business and pleasure while showering.

Jack asked, Bill, "If the job he had quoted items to be used on was a done deal or not yet?"

Bill said, "We are supposed to get a purchase order, and I will be busy for a couple of weeks after that, weeding through old quotes and placing orders."

"Keep me in mind and let us talk before you place any orders."

Business was slowing, and Jack wanted to be sure he got the last look to match a price if he needed to get the big order.

Jack had taken Bill and his wife Sandy out to dinner with his wife Judy on a couple of occasions after a big project or sale that required him to see Bill more often. Judy and Sandy were old friends from college.

The two men got along well having a lot in common from age to where they lived in town. They had gone to high school together and played sports. Watching each other grow up from young kids to now older grown men.

They finished showering and went into the steam sauna. Both men enjoyed a hot steam bath in the nude. They were like many of the other older guys. There was something about relaxing in a hot steam room while sitting on their towels.

Sometimes they talked, other times they just rested in silence while sweating out their bodies' toxins.

Jack mentioned to Bill, "The steam felt good and hot today."

As Jack watched Bill's cock and balls extend down further in the hot steam room. Jack often wondered how Bill's cock would taste like if he could suck it.

Jack was not sure if Bill was interested in guys at all. He knew back in high school; Bill had some friends that were known to play around with each other. Rumors were they had exchanged blowjobs, but Jack was not part of that clique of guys.

Jack was bisexual but had not acted much with men since he got married. Jack had a couple of male encounters once married, but that had been ten years or more ago. Jack had exchanged blowjobs with guys in college; he very much enjoyed doing that.

Jack missed giving blowjobs, but there never seemed an opportunity to meet other bisexual men. Jack dreamed what it would be like to suck Bill's handsome looking cock. Bill's cock was a perfect shape for the size.

Jack and Bill went back to the showers for a rinse off after the steam sauna and Jack liked his shower cold. Bill had tried the cold shower and felt how it made you feel better after being in such a hot steam room. Bill shivered as the cold water first hits him, Jack was used to the cold water and enjoyed standing under the shower head to cool off completely.

As they stood there, Bill looked down at his manhood.

Bill said, “Shrinkage."

Jack smiled and said, "Even in the cold, your dick looks bigger than mine."

"It is like owning a Cadillac that you seldom take out of the garage."

"What, Sandy not in the mood much lately?" asked Jack.

"No, with two kids still at home she is always tired or a headache, I am frustrated. It has been over a month since I got laid. Sandy does not want to have sex with me anymore."

Jack was getting laid a couple of times a week with Judy always wanting more sex. Judy was a loving woman. Since the weekend in college, they met Judy was always receptive to making love. Except that period when motherhood had taken over her hormones.

"Sorry to hear about that Bill, I know that can be frustrating. Judy was like that when the kids still lived at home. Kids can be libido killers to most women it seems," said Jack.

"Yep when we can get away Sandy always loosens up and is more receptive. The problem we have is getting time to get away."

"So you see Bill there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Our son should be out of the house next month after graduation. He is hardly ever home as it is now. Judy even walks around naked sometimes when she gets clothes from the laundry room."

Bill said, "No way! Sandy always wears a robe and turns off the lights, I seldom see her nude, and I like to see her naked she is a beautiful woman."

"That surprises me; Sandy has a sexy body, why is she so modest?

"She always has been, and she is not really into sex, frankly our sex life sucks or doesn't if you know what I mean."

Jack took it as Sandy was not into giving Bill blowjobs. Bill mention he was not getting enough in the bedroom.

"I get tired of using my hand for sex," Bill said. "Do you want to go for a drink?"

Jack looked at what time the clock showed.

"Sure let have a few, Judy is out with her lady friends," said Jack.

They headed out of the showers and got dressed in the locker room. Jack had to chuckle as Bill watched the young guy across from him in the locker room changing his clothes under a towel with some difficulty.

What takes two minutes to strip nude and dress was taking much longer. I never understood, Bill looked at the guy and then Jack, and smiled.

Bill later said, "They are modest these days and do not even shower in high school."

"What are they afraid of, someone seeing their dicks?"

"It seems sad they do not seem comfortable around other men in the nude."

"That is part of being in a men's locker room we all have one; you are luckier than most Bill."

Bill smiled, "You don't seem to be getting any complaints."

Jack said, "It still works and thankfully it is a grower."

There was a watering hole they often would go to just up the street. Jack mentioned the name and suggested drinking there.

Bill said, "Good choice I will meet you there."

"Drinks are on me," Jack said.

Bill got there first and had a booth in the back of the tavern. Liz the girl that worked there for years saw Jack walk in the bar.

Liz asked, "You guys want the usual?"

Jack nodded yes, as did Bill, and Jack slid in the booth.

Bill said, "Quiet tonight."

Jack replied, "Sure is slow."

Liz brought the drinks and a basket of snacks. Liz was good looking women for her age with a perfect round ass, as she walked away Bill looked at her and smiled.

"I would love to tap that," Bill said.

 Jack nodded, "I bet she is fun in bed."

The drinks were going down smooth and quick as they started to talk.

Jack said, "Sorry to hear Sandy does not satisfy you in the bedroom."

"Thanks; I have survived since we got married. She never was much into sex when we were dating after the first six to twelve months. We fucked like rabbits at first. I hoped she would relax in bed when we got married; that did not happen."

"That is sad to hear, you love Sandy and then not get sex, let alone love in return," Jack said.

Bill continued, "Disappointing to want to please someone you love in the bedroom, and they do not care about those feelings. Sandy has more reason not to have sex than I can repeat."

Jack said, "I have to ask this since you mentioned it in the shower. If I am getting to personal, just let me know."

"Ask away, what would like to know."

"You said something about not sucking, does Sandy, not like oral sex?"

"No way; I have not I have not had a great blowjob since high school."

Jack's eyes popped! Jack said,"Oh man that is no fun."

Bill said, "Tell me about it. Sandy once and awhile lets me go down on her, but thinks blowjobs are gross."

"Well that sucks, or not, in your case."

"Welcome to my world."

"Does Judy like oral sex?"

Jack replied, "Judy always gives me a blowjob before we have sex. Judy's blowjobs are not bad, but I have had better. I always give her a big orgasm with my talented tongue as Judy calls it. I never leave her unsatisfied."

"You lucky bastard getting all that sex." Bill continued, "I use to love getting and giving blowjobs."

Bill then realized when Jack's face showed surprise he had just said he was a cock sucker. To everyone who was listening. Lucky they were in the corner away from people in a small place. Jack looked at Bill now red-faced.

Jack said, "That is cool no worries, I had heard you had friends in high school."

Bill still embarrassed, and stammering said, "That was a long time ago, Joe, Fred and I use to exchange blowjobs at the old quarry. Those guys were great, they could take my cock whole, and they swallowed."

Jack smiled, saying, "Sounds like fun."

Bill seemed surprised Jack was not shocked that he admitted to sucking a cock.

Jack said, "We all did some fun things back then Bill, no worries your past is safe with me."

Bill seemed relieved to hear that was Jack telling him it was okay.

Bill said, "I am not sure Sandy ever heard those stories from school. If she did, I do not think we would be married."

Jack was looking over at the bar for Lisa.

"Can we get another round over here young lady," Jack said.

Lisa came back with their drinks and smiling.

Lisa said, "Jack you are too cute," and walked away.

Bill said, "I think she likes you."

"She is a sweet woman," Jack replied.

"Can I ask you a question."

Jack said, "Sure."

"Did you ever give a blowjob to a guy?"

Jack paused for a moment, and said, "Well to be honest more than one."

Bill showed surprise!

Jack told him, "Yes, back in high school and college there were a few times."

"Did you like it," asked Bill?

Jack was now looking at Bill and said, "I expect what we are talking about stays in this booth."

Bill nodded in the affirmative.

Jack continued, "Yes I did enjoy it, both giving and receiving. Joe was one of the best I have got, and that was the night of high school graduation."

Bill said, "Wow! He gave me one that night as well! Fred, Steve and Scott told me they all got one as well."

Jack said, "Bill, I use to play around with guys and girls till college. I then met Judy; she was so horny she kept me well fucked. So much to the point I had no interest in anyone else. The year before I met her I had a roommate named Chad that liked to fool around. We would get horny while studying and blow each other off in a 69 or other positions. It was a great stress reliever before we went back to our school work. Chad had a nice dick, easy to suck, and he liked my grower cock.

"Chad, always loved my blowjobs as I enjoyed him sucking be off. Our room was hot, so we use to sit around in our underwear. It was easy to see when we would tent in our jockeys. We got to the point of just staying naked during finals like most tests."

Jack could tell Bill was curious about his past.

"Does Judy know," Bill asked?

Jack said, "Oh hell no, I am not sure what she would say if she knew. Judy is somewhat open minded but not to that point. I was fucking another girl when I met her and shortly after broke it off and I have been with Judy since then. Judy does show interest in other men; she was checking out a guy with a big package when I caught her. It is okay to look I guess that is fine. Judy once mentioned when we were in college about a threesome."

Bill sat there listening and showing keen interest.

Jack said, "Can I ask you a few more questions?"

Bill said, "Sure, what else can I tell you."

"Did you ever fool around with guys in college?"

Bill said, "Yes I did, I had some frat buddies that were gay. They all liked my dick, and I would help them with school work in exchange for blowjobs."

"Did you suck anyone in college?"

"Yes one of the gay guys had an average size penis which I preferred to suck since I gag easily. Sandy was soon much more in my life and at first; she fucked like three times a day. That fun came to end when the kids were born it dropped off a lot."

Jack nodded saying, "Same with Judy for a while we had stopped, and I was very frustrated, then she got her groove back."

Bill said, "You are a lucky man Jack. I think I better be heading home it is getting late; I do not need a lecture from Sandy."

Jack agreed, and Lisa came over to the table.

Lisa said, "You men done for the night?"

Jack said, "Yes, and I get the check."

Bill did not object; Jack paid the check, and the men left for home for the night.

Walking out of the door Jack mentioned to Bill, "If my boss asks you about our meeting here was about, we were talking about Bishopric contract job. I know you see him sometimes, and he has been checking my expense reports."

Jack went home, and Judy was there with a glass of wine in a robe only watching a movie on the flat screen. Judy was still as beautiful as when they first met. Size eight petite with bright blue eyes, with still perky size B breasts.

Judy asked, "Where did Jack go; it is late."

"Bill from LeBlond, and I went to the Bull Run Tavern to talk about the Bishopric contract and equipment needed. I saw him at the Y when I went for my workout. If they get that job, I might sell them a lot of new equipment. More commission money."

Jack asked, "Where did you and the ladies go?"

Judy replied, "We went to dinner at Outback and drank later at Mahindra Lounge."

Jack looked a little surprised, saying, "That is an interesting choice for drinks."

The place was a known cougar hang out.

Judy said, "Many of the girls I have hung with for years are still single and looking for Mr. Right if nothing more than one for the night."

Jack now walked back out of the bedroom in his soft cotton lounge-wear he often wore. Jack moved up close to Judy on the plush couch. Judy’s arm and hand moved to hold and caress Jack as he lay next to her.

Jack kissed her neck and lowered toward her breasts. Judy enjoyed the attention and as she reached for Jack’s cock. Judy fondled it some to get it to grow. Judy knew better than anyone what a perfect cock her hubby sported when erect, seven inches and thick. Judy stroked Jack’s cock.

Judy said, "Let us go to the bedroom," as Jack was now hard.

They both stripped down and were nude when they got into bed. Judy went down on Jack and swallowed much of his cock as she could. Judy loved Jack's cock but barely took it all at once. Judy loves to lick around his whole penis head with her lips and tongue.

Jack repositioned to play and finger fuck, Judy moaned. Jack lowered his head into Judy's pussy sticking his tongue in and sliding up and down her vulva lips. Jack was hard as a rock with precum oozing, and Judy was oozing pussy juice. Jack loved the flavor and licked away her juice. Judy was pushing Jack's head deeper.

Judy had a perfect pussy short trim with a musky sweet flavor. Jack had been down here so much he knew ever part and just the right buttons. Jack had enjoyed licking Judy's pussy for so long he could bring her to an orgasm in one to two minutes if he desired too.

Judy often during pillow talk would tell Jack, "I am not worried about ED concerns as long as that tongue of yours never stops working."

Judy always had trouble coming to orgasm with intercourse alone her whole life; she needed clit stimulation. Jack was the best she had ever gone to bed with her entire life. When it came to oral pleasuring, her Jack was by far the best. She never really had a big orgasm till Jack made love to her, and he kept getting better. Judy was a lucky lady, and her friends knew it when Judy shared their sex stories.

Jack loved the taste of Judy's pussy as he licked and sucked away on her warm wet snatch. Jack began using his tongue in a swirling motion around Judy's now swollen clit as she was moaning loud and grabbing at Jacks head hair.

He slid two fingers into her wet hole, and Judy bucked and arched her back and bottom as she shot out a massive squirt in part hitting Jack's face; which made him finger fuck her harder, soon another squirt happens.

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Judy was oozing more juice, as Jack whispered, "Keep them coming baby," and then licked Judy's pussy harder, scooping out her juice.

Judy, gasping for air said, "Oh God I love you, Jack, oh that feels so wonderful. Take me, Jack," as she spreads her legs to accept him.

As her lover mounts her, Judy guides his thick hard cock between her warm wet pussy lips. Jack pushes in his dick into Judy wet and ready pussy; she knew what was coming after so many years of making love to Jack.

Jack was now grinding his cock deep into Judy's warm snatch with ease as her legs wrapped around Jack spreading as wide as she could to let his dick glide and dive deeper into her wet hot love hole. Jack was pounding away to Judy's delight slightly rubbing her engorged clit with his soft finger.

Judy was a moaner and tonight she sounded especially great. Jack’s cock was swelling, and the pressure of his load started to build. Jack slowed the pace of his inserted pulsing wet warm cock as he began to ejaculate deep in Judy.

Judy's body shivered in ecstasy bucking feeling herself filled as Jack let out a yell, "Oh yeah baby."

Jack was unloading volumes of cum while still pumping away sliding his dick deep in her wet pussy. His cum was leaking out and made the fucking smoother.

Exhausted he repositioned Judy to do some spooning, hugged and cuddled with Judy was his hard cock was softening in her wet hole as they lay together.

"That was a fun time sweetie," said Jack.

Judy gave Jack a deep tongue twisting kiss, saying, "You are the best honey."

Jack thought to himself that has not happened in a long time.

Judy said, "Jack you are such a talented lover, I love you so much, sweetie. When you twirl my clit, it is like being in heaven."

Jack was feeling pretty relaxed and satisfied as the two of them drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Jack was up and out early the next morning on a few important sales calls. Still thinking of the hot passionate sex he had with Judy the night before. Judy seemed hornier and more into making love than their last sex session.

Jack was happy but surprised by the passionate kiss from Judy; she had not done that in many years. Jack enjoyed the passionate kissing they use to do all the time. Judy seemed more concerned Jack licked and kissed her pussy than kissing Jack over the last few years.

The morning was busy as Jack stopped in to see customers and working on some large sales that were pending. The economy was still shaky, and people were tighter with money and buying equipment.

Jack stopped for lunch and going through incoming email he saw he had a voice message on his phone. The number was from Bill's company. Jack called Bill as he was eating lunch.

Jack asked, "What is up Bill. Hope can I help you."

Bill asked, "What you are doing right now."

"Eating my lunch, why are you in your office, Bill?"

"We got the Bishopric order, and I am eating in my room."

Bill, sounding frustrated, said, "I need to get product ordered fast, so we are ready when the steel arrives."

"Well that is good news on the contract I know you guys needed the work.

"Yes, we do, but it is Friday afternoon, and I will be working late. Can you stop by around three to go over your bids," asked Bill

"Sure, Bill, I will be there with some quote copies and work things out," Jack replied.

Bill said, "See you then."

Jack finished lunch and went back to the office for copies of all the quotes. While gathering up, the paperwork in his office.

Jack's boss Ed popped in asking, "How is Bill today?"

"Good, it looks like the Bishopric job is now a done deal, and I have a meeting with Bill at three to go over the quotes. I am expecting him to beat me up the price on a few of the items. I went in high knowing Bill always wants a lower the price," Jack replied.

Ed said, "Good luck; we need the business," Jack nodded in agreement.

Jack got to Bill's company a little early just in case. LeBlond was an old company that still had large offices for the company officers like the President and such. The building was a massive old brick facility that went back to the days of having amenities for the higher ups. Tall ceiling offices connected with hallways with old dark walnut walls throughout the executive suites.

The owner kept the building and rooms in good shape. Jack had been calling on this company since he first started sales and everyone knew him there. When he began to make sales calls on the enterprise Bill was the young buyer back then. Now older and the head of purchasing.

Jack entered Bill's outer office where Bill's secretary Betty greeted Jack with a warm, "Hello."

Betty had been working there longer than Bill.

"Hello Betty," said Jack. "How is my personal executive personal assistant?"

Betty laughed saying, "Jack I love you; you are so full of bull poop when you tell me things like that."

Jack smiled while saying, "Betty, we both knows you run this place."

Betty had been the President's assistant till he went through midlife and hired a young lady that was rumored to be more than just an assistant.

Betty said, "Let me see what Bill is doing; he told me you would be in this afternoon earlier. He is stressed to get things finalized."

Bill and Jack were friends, but when it came to work, they both knew their jobs and the job they played when it came to buying and selling. Bill was not as friendly to sell to as he was to talk to in the showers or at the bar.

Jack came into Bill's office to see a desk piled with paperwork and a frustrated looking Bill.

Jack told Bill, "I have an easy solution."

"What is that Jack?"

"Just give me the PO's, and I will have what you need when you need it here on time."

Bill frowned, "That would be okay if your price were not higher than some of the other quotes."

The never ending argument began. The negotiation talks about the quality of the products, the service, and price. It is a never ending battle for the lowest price and sales needing a higher profit. Bill and Jack went back and forth for what seemed like hours discussing of price and service.

Betty called Bill, "It is five o'clock, and I am going home."

Bill asked Betty, "Is anyone in the building to lock up."

Betty laughed saying, "Bill it is Friday afternoon, what do you think. Do you have your keys with you?"
Bill checked his pockets, saying, "Yes I do, have a good weekend Betty,"

"You as well Bill," Betty replied.

Jack heard the outer door to Betty's office close.

Jack said, "How long are we going to stay here?"

Bill replied, "Me, maybe until midnight, you can leave once you drop the price on the machine center and tooling."

Jack groused, "I am down as low as I can go and still put food on the table."

"Do you have a bottle in that desk of yours?" Jack asked.

Bill pulled out a handy half-empty bottle of Scotch with a couple of glasses.

"If we are going to work after five o'clock, I want a drink," Jack said.

Bill poured them each some Scotch and sat down to sip on it a minute. Bill was tired and frustrated that all this work still needed to be done on a Friday evening.

"Sandy likely will not be happy you are working this late Bill."
"Screw her," Bill said.

Jack had a look of surprise and curiosity after hearing Bill say that.

"After we had parted last night I went home Sandy was on the couch in her pajamas so I thought I would give her a foot rub. She was watching the tube and enjoyed the foot rub not once looking at me. I suggested we go to the bedroom for a back rub. Sandy looked at me, 'I have a headache', she told me. I went to bed right after that showing some anger, and she did not care about me. It is frustrating to want sex, and my wife does express concern," said Bill.

 "Bummer," said Jack.

Jack did not want to mention what happened when he got home last night. Sipping on the splendid Scotch as the evening light shined through Bill's fifth-floor window they kept talking contracts. The sun was slowly setting,

"Jack if I cannot get a lower price I will have to give this order to Acme supply."

Jack said, "Bill I am at the lowest price I can go, and I need this order."

Bill sipped some more on his Scotch then stood up and looked out the window for a while.

"The parking lot is empty except for you and me," Bill said.

Then he walked across his large office to the door and locked it.

Bill began to unbutton his dress shirt as he walked toward the couch. Jack was looking at Bill in a curious way.

Jack asks, "What are you doing Bill?"

Bill was kicking off his shoes as he opened his shirt.

Bill says, "I was thinking about our talk the other night at the bar."

Jack swiveled his chair to see Bill unbuckling his belt.

"I think I have a way to revise your quote and still make a profit," says Bill.

As Bill unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, then they dropped to the floor. Jack was now very interested. He could see Bill's cock was growing bulging underwear. That handsome cock of Bill's now aroused.

Bill started to rub his cock through his underwear.

"You mentioned you were pretty good at blowjobs," said Bill.

Jack was getting excited saying, "I think I am pretty good."

Bill slipped off his briefs to reveal his half hard dick and low hanging balls. Jack noticed, unlike in the shower, more of the uncut cock head was now showing.

Jack moved over and took Bill's cock in his hand and with the other massaged his balls. Bill let out a low moan as Jack took his manhood into his hands.

Bill said, "You do not how good that feels Jack."

His big dick was growing harder, but unlike Jack's cock was not growing quite as much.

"If I do this do I get the order," Jack asked?


Jack asked, "Are we safe here."

"No one ever comes here after five pm on a Friday."

Bill put a towel on the leather couch and sat down as Jack took off his sports coat and kicking off his shoes.

Jack says, "Bill hope you do not mind, but I am going to take off my shirt just in case I cannot catch all your seed."

Bill sipping on some more Scotch said, "Jack take it all off if you want to, I do not care. It is not like I have not seen you naked before in the locker room."

Jack saw Bill's cock near fully hard, and it looked about eight inches. Jack unbuckled his pants and hung them up next to his coat and tie. Bill's eyes seemed transfixed on Jack's growing underwear.

"Wow! Your cock is huge Jack," Bill says.

Jack was smiling back at Bill with a devilish grin.

Jack said, "I told you I was a grower."

Jack slipped off his jockeys to reveal his seven-inch thick cock.

Bill was amazed, saying, "Grower, you are well hung!"

"That is what Judy said when she first saw my cock with an erection. She told me later that is was one of the most pleasant surprises in her life," said Jack.

"Can I hold your cock."

"Of course, you can Bill," Jack said.

Jack stood next to Bill as he was slowly stroked Jack's dick with amazement of his size and shape cock his friend had.

"I would never have thought your cock was this big seeing you in the shower," said Bill.

Jack said, "Being a grower can is sometimes embarrassing in the locker room and shower as a kid. Now I no longer care since I have seen other men. Why now care what other guys think in the locker room about the size of my dick. Men are too modest these days it seems."
Jack moved to his knees as he spread Bill's legs apart.

"Time to close the deal, Bill," says Jack.

Jack was rubbing Bills inner thighs while sliding over his balls and cock gently. Jack was sitting there admiring Bill's perfect looking penis surrounded by his blond bush. Bill's cock head was even poking a little more out of his foreskin than earlier before when Jack first saw it.

Jack licked the precum off the tip of Bill's cock.

Bill let out a moan, "Ah that feels great; it has been so long."

Jack enveloped Bills cock head while swirling his tongue under Bill's foreskin as Bill lay back on the couch as he put his hands on Jack's hair.

Jack had his warm wet mouth inch slowly down Bills cock due to the size and thickness of Bill's dick. Inching it deeper as Jack's lips applied some sucking pressure as his tongue twirled around the thick hard cock's shaft while producing as much saliva so he could take Bill whole.

Bill was making sounds of pleasure as Jack kept going down lower. Jack soon reached the bottom with his nose buried in Bill's pubic hair, balls deep. Jack had never taken a cock this big so deep in his mouth. It filled Jack's mouth entirely, and he was enjoying the silky smooth skin cock pulsing with the texture of a hard cock. Swelling and contracting with Bill’s heart beats and the coming juices.

Staying all the way down Jack swirled his tongue around Bill's full cock deep in Jack’s mouth, as he bobbed up and down ever so slightly. Bill laid his head back on the couch thrusting pelvis and cock deeper in Jack's wanting warm wet mouth.

Bill’s quiet voice mutters, "Suck me right Jack, oh god this feels like heaven!"

Bill’s hands were grabbing Jack’s head as to hold on, with Jack now gliding his lips up and down Bill's cock with a steady sucking motion.

Jack had to get some air, and when he pulled off, he tasted that familiar sweet salty taste of precum. Jack was using his tongue as he went back down while peeling back Bill’s foreskin.

"Oh, fuck yeah that feels, so great!" Bill shouted.

As a small squirt of cum came out into Jacks wet mouth. Jack kept a slow, smooth sucking pace from cock head to balls deep. Bill was breathing heavy and beginning to tighten up; Jack knew he was close.

Jack’s lower lips felt Bill’s cock swelling at the base; Jack slid his finger in Bill’s ass hole softly.

Bill’s eye’s rolled back in his head while yelling, "Oh my god, oh my god I am cumming!"

As the first massive burst of cum shot deep into Jack’s mouth, and right down his throat. Jack’s face and mouth recoiled while still staying on the throbbing cock as he kept swallowing Bill’s load after load. Bill was now pumping his hips toward Jack’s mouth in a primal moment of excitement.

Bill was cumming more than Jack could take and was escaping down his beautiful cock. Jack was sucking Bill for every drop he could

Bill began to slow the pulsation of cumming and flow of his man juice. Jack’s tongue was licking up all the sweet cum that had escaped him earlier.

Bill was running his fingers through Jack’s salt and pepper hair. Jack was finishing cleaning up the little amount of spunk on Bill’s now drawn up scrotum. Jack was still licking lightly on Bill’s now softening sensitive penis.

 Jack said, "Do I get the order?" as he held Bill’s satisfied cock.

"You will have them Monday morning," near breathless, Bill replied.

Bill was now looking at Jack’s rock hard seven-inch cock.

"Do you want a blowjob Jack?"

Jack just smiled with a look of satisfaction at Bill. Jack stood up to tease Bill with his cock.

Jack said, "I do not have time tonight, can I get a rain check. Judy is expecting me home for a late dinner. You could give me a blowjob for the next big order."

Bill was exhausted but still wanted to taste another man’s cock again. It would be well worth giving Jack another PO for the privilege of getting to suck Jack off. Bill was amazed at Jack's perfect sized penis shape.

Bill sat relaxing on the couch with his huge sausage lay soft across his leg, Jack started to get dressed.

Jack said, "My knees are a little sore, next time I need to remember to bring my knee pads."

Both men began to laugh.

Bill said, "A good idea I will need them next purchase order."

Jack was a happy man, and he got to suck Bill’s beautiful giant cock and get a massive sale at the same time. The flavor of Bill's seed still lingering in Jack's mouth.

Jack was now all fully dressed as Bill was getting off the couch.

Bill said, "I will see you at the gym this weekend."

Jack just replied, "And I will be looking for the PO's early Monday morning. Sorry to suck and run, but Judy would not be happy if I am late and if I am lucky she may want my special desert."

Bill just looked at his friend Jack and said, "I hope so you lucky bastard."

As Bill stood there nude and Jack completely dressed they shook hands.

Jack was saying, "Done deal."

The story of Jack, Bill, Sandy and Judy Begins
I hope you enjoyed the story. The story is copyrighted, ask before use.

Written by MrAvg
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