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Power Chapter Seventeen: Second Semester

"Mark and Sylvia and Jay. Oh My!"

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CHAPTER 17: SecondSemester

Studying, practical exercises, oral exams and lab experiments. Oh, also some classes.

Jay arrived on campus the day before classes started. He had signed up for a bunch of courses, most of which I did not understand. Theory II I got. Music History I got. Introduction to composition I didn’t get. He was also enrolled in HS 102, Introduction to Human Sexuality, but was in a different section. Second semester English and Intro to Anthropology rounded it out.

He told me about his winter break at home. One of the girls he had dated in high school invited him to a party. It did not turn out well. She was looking for a romantic evening and Jay was looking for sex. He went out with another girl and they wound up fucking in the back of her car.

“I had forgotten what a pain it is to fuck in the back seat of a car. There’s no place to put your legs and you can’t get inventive with your tongue. The fucking seat belt buckles left a brand on my leg and one on her ass. I’m sure glad to be back here.”

We ate in the dining hall where we ran into Marty. He invited us back to his upperclassmen dorm to drink. Tomorrow was the first day of classes, so we thanked him but went back to our room.

We went to take showers at the same time and ran into Jack and Helen. She was backed up against a wall and her feet were off the floor. I wasn’t sure I could ever do that with Sylvia since she is actually two inches taller than I am.

When we got back to the room Jay asked about my winter break. I told him I had cut it short because Sylvia was returning early. We had fucked and sucked for four solid days in every position I could imagine and every location we could find. I decided not to tell him about my time with Ben.

Jay walked over to the door and locked it. I knew what that meant, and was just a bit nervous. He caught my nervousness. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. I want to sleep with you tonight. That’s sleep only. I really like you. I like showing affection to you physically. I just want us to sleep in the same bed so I have you close to me.”

I hesitated a minute before speaking. “Jay, I feel the same way. I want to share a bed with you, and no sex is fine with me. I want to hold you, to have you close to me, to feel your body next to mine and to kiss you. Yes, let’s sleep together.”

We were already in our underwear. Jay got in his bed so I joined him. He kissed me gently on the lips and then held me. I loved the feel of his body next to mine. I loved being able to caress his body. I kissed him back, and then we just held each other and cuddled until we fell asleep.

We woke up the next morning in each other’s arms. I felt that everything was all right with the world. Then I remembered morning classes and jumped out of bed and got ready for a shower. Jay did the same.

One of the gang showers was empty, so we headed there. Brett and Drew were in the other gang shower, just washing and talking. We followed their lead, washed up, shaved, etc, then headed back to the room to dress for classes.

I felt a warm glow all day. Second semester American History was my first class, and Mrs. Toyoda was not the teacher. The gods were smiling on me. Then it was second semester Spanish. That was going to be easy. My last class of the first day was Intro to Psych. I was thrilled to see Sylvia in the room; she wasn’t so thrilled. She spoke briefly to Mr. Pella, then left the room.

I ran into Sylvia in the dining hall. I asked her what the discussion with Mr. Pella was about. “I’m his teaching assistant. I told him you and I are dating, so one of us would have to leave. Mr. Pella found another of his Intro courses where I could assist, so I left.” I thanked her. If she had stayed I would have had difficulty following the lectures with a full-time erection.

That night Jay and I shared a bed again, this time mine. We kissed and held each other. We stroked each other’s chest, backs and things. That was it. No sex, just physical affection for one another. I liked my new life a lot.

The second day I went to HS 102, Introduction to Human Sexuality. Charlene and Drew were in the same section. It was taught in a lounge in one of the other men’s dorms. Charlene and I reminisced. She said that Harold had freaked out the night that Jay talked about wanting to be the first guy whose dick I sucked. He had withdrawn from school.

Drew joined us, asked what we were talking about. Charlene told him. Drew said he had never sucked a guy’s dick, although as we knew he had fucked Craig at the dance. He admitted that there was a guy in our dorm who turned him on so much it was driving him crazy. I didn’t tell him that everyone knew it was Jack. Then class started.

The instructors were cool. They used team teaching for the intro course, one man and one woman. The man told us to call him Carl. He appeared to be about 30 and had just finished his Doctorate in Psychology and would start his clinical residency in July. Anthony was thrilled to hire him for a semester.

Carl was fully qualified and black. Anthony had diversity goals for its faculty and, being in the South, was often shunned by black Americans. They had asked Carl about joining a tenure track, but he declined. He turned out to be a real cool dude.

The woman told us to call her Brigitte. She was from the Netherlands and in her late 50s. Her pale white skin contrasted with Carl’s dark appearance.

In the Netherlands Brigitte had operated a sexual fantasy establishment. Sort of like Pete’s, but with customers on-site instead of on-line. Clients would explain their sexual fantasies and she would make them real. The exceptions were fantasies involving children, or animals, or inflicting or receiving pain. She referred all of those clients for professional help.

After they introduced themselves they called on Drew. “Why did you choose to wear those clothes today to class?” His answer was the same one I would have given.

“Well, they’re clean, and I don’t have a lot of clean clothes. Second, it’s cooler now so a long-sleeve shirt and long pants seemed appropriate.” They thanked him, then called on a guy I hadn’t met before. His name was Seth. All of the rest of us were fully dressed; Seth had worn only his briefs.

They posed the same question. “Well, it’s clean. I don’t mind the cool. And I like to advertise to the girls.” They asked if any of the girls in the class would like to comment. Charlene was on her feet and started speaking before she was called upon. She gave him the modesty and mystery speech, the same one I had heard before. All the rest of the girls were nodding their heads and speaking their agreement.

Brigitte responded. “I’m astounded that so young a woman can so clearly articulate the issue. Yes, some modesty in dress lends some mystery to what is underneath. Women can fantasize something better than what is actually revealed. If it’s the ladies you want, try a bit of mystery. If it’s the guys, lose the underwear.” Seth actually blushed.

Carl then called a guy named Daryl. “What’s the most important organ in your body for sex?”

“My penis, of course,” said Daryl.

Brigitte called on a girl I did not know with the same question. “I guess my vagina.”

They asked if everybody agreed. We all did. Carl then spoke.

“Well, you are all wrong. The most important organ in your body for sex is your brain. This class has nothing to do with penises and vaginas. It has to do with your brain. That is where sexuality originates. It controls what you respond to and whom you respond to. It controls what you do about it. We’re not going to teach you neuroscience. We are going to teach you the relationship between the brain and human sexuality.”

This could get really interesting. I wound up learning more about human sexuality from this class than from any other. There was no discussion of mechanics except for the biological mechanics of arousal. Nobody ever talked about fucking or sucking or any other sexual activity. And, remarkably, nobody ever got naked. Even Seth was fully dressed after the first day.

I learned about the importance of pheromones in sexual attraction, arousal and activity. I talked to Sylvia about it, and she slapped her forehead. “For shit’s sake, I’m so stupid. I already knew that. My issue with my ex and yours with Ben are both probably simple biochemistry involving pheromones.” I wasn’t sure that made me feel better, but it did offer an easily-understood explanation.

After that first HS 102 class I met Sylvia for lunch. We arranged for her to spend the night with me. Jay had a date that night with Valerie, and wound up bringing her back to the room for the night. The four of us sat and talked for an hour before getting ready for bed. Sylvia asked if either Jay or Valerie would be uncomfortable if the two of us had sex with them in the room. They both broke out laughing.

The following night it was just me and Jay. It was Jay’s bed’s turn. Jay slipped off his boxer-briefs before getting in bed and started tugging at my jockeys. I stopped him. “Jay, go see Dr. Wagoner and take her testing. It lasts a whole day. Then talk to her about the results. Once you’ve done that, I’ll sleep naked with you.” He seemed disappointed, but we both enjoyed the kissing, hugging, stroking and general closeness that night.

The next evening Valerie and Sylvia came over to the room. There was a “cat dinner” party the next weekend in Sylvia’s dorm and she wanted to make sure that Jay and I were invited. She told me I was already pretty good at giving her oral sex, but she wanted to improve my technique a bit. Valerie wasn’t invited because it was only for the girls in that dorm. She felt left out and asked if Sylvia could give Jay a few pointers also.

“Only if he wants them,” she said. Jay acknowledged that he wanted them. He wanted to get better at satisfying Valerie. She said he already satisfied her, but there was always room for improvement.

I asked Sylvia if she were familiar with Dr. Wagoner’s testing program. She was not just familiar but was one of the people who administered and interpreted some of the tests. I told her I had taken the tests and scored a 23. “Typical heterosexual male, then,” noted Sylvia. “But not fanatical about it, which I like.”

Jay said that I wanted him to take the tests. Sylvia told him that the discussion with Dr. Wagoner after the tests was the real value. Jay would get additional insights into himself that he didn’t have to share with anyone unless he wanted to.

“What does a 23 mean?” asked Valerie. I nodded at Sylvia.

“It means that he is a typical heterosexual male. He is open to emotional and even physical relationships with men, but his preference is women. Faced with a dick to suck and a pussy to eat, he will opt for the pussy almost every time.

“I said almost, because pheromones play a huge role. There’s a guy at school who probably emits pheromones that trigger a huge drive for sex in Mark. When he’s around the guy he can’t keep his hands or his mouth to himself. I have the same problem with my ex-boyfriend at home. We don’t even like each other, but whenever we’re together we fuck like rabbits.”

Jay asked her if she thought he should take the tests. “Only if you want to know more about yourself,” she replied. Jay said he’d think about it.

The four of us then finished undressing. I wanted to eat Sylvia’s pussy and Jay wanted to do the same to Valerie. I licked Sylvia’s pussy, and then started probing with my tongue. “A little more attention to the licking will do wonders,” said Sylvia. I licked a bit more before diving in with my tongue. “Can you go a little deeper with your tongue?” asked Sylvia. Unfortunately, I couldn’t. I was just born with a short tongue.

Jay came up for air and asked Valerie if he was doing things right. “Not now you’re not, because you’re speaking instead of eating. Get your tongue back in there.”

I was hoping Sylvia would get less clinical and just enjoy it. Fortunately, she did. She swiveled around and took my dick in her mouth. For the first time ever we climaxed at the same time. She neither swallowed nor spoke. She raised her face from my crotch and seemed to be waiting for something. That something turned out to be Jay erupting into Valerie’s mouth.

The two girls got up and switched beds. Valerie kissed me and we shared Jay’s cum. Sylvia did the same with Jay. I was too tired for more sex right then, and apparently Jay was, as well. The girls stayed in the beds we were in, and the two swapped couples cuddled and fell asleep.

The next time we had the HS 102 class one of the girls raised her hand. She said, “Carl, why do I have an urge to have sex with good-looking black men around 30 who are well-educated? I want to suck their dicks and fuck their brains out.”

Carl chuckled. “There’s something in your experience set that led to that. Perhaps you could find a 30-ish black well-educated good-looking male who isn’t madly in love with, and faithful to, his wife and ask him.” It was gentle, but there was no question it was a shut down for the girl.

That Saturday Jay went and took Dr. Wagoner’s tests. When he returned he said they sure asked a lot of personal questions. And some of the pictures and movies they showed him were really strange.

That night was the cat dinner. We both wore underwear only as instructed. It was a bit cool outside without pants and shirt. We were blindfolded at the entrance to the dorm and led to the lounge.

I heard Sylvia’s voice. “Place them next to each other with enough room for me to kneel between them at their heads.” I assumed that was meant for me and Jay.

“I’ll critique your performance and give you pointers,” she continued.

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I nodded my head and I assumed Jay did also.

This cat dinner was a bit different. Starting with the senior resident, the girls in order of age got to pick which guys would service them. I estimated that Jay was around number 20 and I was maybe five or ten behind him. I knew he was picked before me because I could hear Sylvia coaching him.” Don’t start sucking yet, get the juices flowing and then start sucking.” Without warning my mouth was covered by a woman’s crotch.

I began licking the lips. “That’s good, Mark, start stimulating the outside. And you can press your mouth up against her crotch. That helps.” Then, “Jay, no use of the teeth on the lips.”

This continued for an hour and a half. I think I averaged six or seven minutes each cunnilingus session, which meant somewhere between 12 and 15 vaginas. At one point I heard Sylvia say, “This isn’t a race.”

I wasn’t able to ask her what she was talking about, so I was relieved to hear her say, “Slow down a little, Jay. Progress is measured in orgasms.” I had given five of my kitties orgasms and felt good about it.

After the pussy-eating the girls came around and voted. I heard Sylvia say, “Please don’t vote for this one.” I hoped she was talking about me. I never knew whether she was or not, but I wasn’t selected. Neither was Jay, which disappointed him.

Jay and I were both hard, of course. Sylvia removed our blindfolds and told us to follow her. She already had a written invitation for us from the Senior Resident, and led us to her room; Valerie was waiting. “Time to test how much you’ve improved,” Valerie said. I couldn’t wait.

Both girls were already naked. Jay went to Valerie, lay down on the bed, and lowered her pussy onto his mouth. I did the same with Sylvia. My ears were mostly covered by her thighs, but I could still hear some groans. “That’s really good, really very good, really oh my god I’m cumming good.” Less than a minute and I had given her the first orgasm. Damn, I was proud.

I dove back in with my tongue and actually found her clit. I shoved my face into her crotch and was able to start nibbling on her clit. That caused Sylvia to rise up off my face. My ears were now free, and I could hear Valerie screaming. Evidently, Jay had given her an orgasm also.

The girls tore off our underwear and lowered their mouths onto our meat. I immediately shot a fountain of sperm into her mouth. Jay did the same to Valerie. The two girls then got up and kissed, sharing our cum between them. Exhausted, they came back to our respective beds and we snuggled with them until we fell asleep.

The next morning Jay and I returned to our room to get dressed. It was very cool outside and we had worn just our underwear over to the dorm.

We joined the girls in the dining hall for lunch (nobody got up on Sunday for breakfast) and decided to take a walk around the campus. We wandered by the pool and found Daryl and Seth getting pussy eating lessons from Helen. Jack was there with her, and she was sucking his cock. Helen asked the guys to get up out of the water and Jack to move so he could fuck her. The guys lay on either side of her. She told them to roll over; when they did I almost fainted.

Daryl had the biggest dick I had ever seen outside of a porn movie. I knew what was coming. While Jack fucked Helen, he and Helen put a hand on each guy’s dick. Both hands together barely made it around Daryl’s rod. They could clasp fingers on Seth’s.

When Daryl shot his load it was worthy of the size of his dick. Most of it landed on Helen’s face and tits.

Helen licked her fingers clean then put them in her mouth. She then kissed Seth. Whether it was his first taste of cum I don’t know; he had no hesitation in taking the load from her. She then told Daryl to lick the cum off her face, and Jack to lick the spunk off her tits.

“Too bad you can’t put that course online, Helen,” said Sylvia. “You’d make a mint.” Helen laughed then pulled the three guys in for a four-way kiss.

We continued walking around the campus for a while. It never got actually cold at Anthony, but most people were dressed for cooler weather.

With classes the next day the girls went back to their rooms. Jay and I showered then got ready for bed. I had lost track of whose turn it was, so we got into Jay’s bed together. He took off his boxer-briefs before climbing in, but didn’t try to get me to remove my own underwear. We kissed and cuddled until we fell asleep.

Monday Jay saw Dr. Wagoner for his test results. He said he wanted to do something before we talked about them. He called to Brett’s room and asked him to come over.

“Brett, have you taken Dr. Wagoner’s sexual orientation tests?” asked Jay. Brett had. “Do you mind sharing your score with us?” Brett had gotten a 93. He had no idea where the seven points of “straight” had come from.

Brett wondered why Jay had asked. “Well, I got my results today. I’ll be glad to talk with you about them after I’ve discussed them with Mark.” Brett had no problem with that and went back to his room.

Jay told me he had scored 32. Dr. Wagoner said that he was clearly a straight man, but was close to the far end of the bell curve. She said that he would probably form a lasting emotional and sexual bond with a woman, but might also do so secondarily with a man. It was possible that he would form a lasting emotional and sexual relationship with a man, but he would then always be tempted by women.

“I asked her if that meant that I was bisexual. She said I wasn’t, and that there were very few true bisexuals who responded equally to men and women. She told me I was a straight man, and had more openness than most straight men to emotional and sexual attachments with other men. That sounds bisexual to me,” Jay concluded.

“Not to me, it doesn’t,” I replied. “It sounds straight. Most people can be aroused by either gender. Your primary attraction is to women, just like mine. You’re open to close relationships with, and showing physical affection to, other men. So am I. So are most healthy straight men, according to Dr. Wagoner.” Jay said he was still kind of worried.

“Don’t be,” I told him. “You have sex with any female who is willing, as often as she is willing. Isn’t it true that the only guy you’ve had sex with is one to whom you feel a close emotional relationship?” He admitted it was true.

“So, how many guys do you have close emotional relationships with?”

“Just you and Garrett,” said Jay. “I didn’t really do anything sexual with him, but I think I might have if he had made the first move.”

“What about Craig?” I asked him. “He’s not terrible looking, and he’s available for sex with other guys 24/7. Does he appeal to you?”

“God, no!” said Jay. “He’s after guys the way I’m after girls. I’m not at all close to him. I don’t feel the emotional attachment and closeness the way I do with you. I suppose if I hadn’t had sex in six months, was falling down drunk and there was no pussy in sight for the next six months I might think about it for a few seconds.”

“What about Brett?” I continued.

Jay actually had to stop and think. “He is probably the hottest guy on campus. If I had his looks I’d never have to worry about going without sex. Then again, I could be as ugly as you are and not worry about going without sex. Brett is just a casual friend, not somebody I’m close to. For a girl, looks and sex appeal make a big difference. With a guy, it’s closeness and that emotional connection. I don’t have that emotional connection with Brett. Yeah, he’s a Greek God, but his looks are immaterial to my desire to have sex, so the answer is no.”

I told Jay he had his answer. He was a straight guy who was open to expressing physical affection for guys to whom he was close.

Jay said, “Speaking of physical affection for another guy, I took the tests.” He got up and locked the door, and got in my bed. He tossed his underwear on the floor, and I did the same and joined him in bed.

We kissed like there was no tomorrow. I loved having his naked body next to mine he felt the same way. I could pet him the length of his body without anything interrupting me. I did so, and he did the same. On his way back up he stopped at my dick and gave it a little tug. I took his rod in my hand and started stroking him. We stroked each other for a few minutes, then Jay said he was close to cumming and didn’t want to do that just yet. So I eased up on his dick.

Jay kissed my mouth, then lowered his tongue to my nipples. He licked me down to the waist, then moved around to my back. He licked me from my waist up to my shoulders and back down again. He continued licking me all the way down to my asshole. Then his tongue was in my ass.

I jumped, then apologized to him. If this made him happy then I wanted it to happen. He licked and probed at my asshole just like it was a pussy. Then he licked forward and found my balls. He took each one in his mouth and sucked on it for a minute. Then his tongue worked its way up the shaft of my manhood and he pulled back the foreskin. He licked around the head of my dick, then back down the shaft. He continued licking me all the way up to my chin. Then we went back to kissing. I was about ready to explode and told him so. He asked me to hold off for a little bit.

I gave him the same tongue bath he had given me. When I got to his asshole I licked it, and then I let my tongue play around the opening before diving in. I got my tongue as far up his ass as I could before continuing on to his balls and cock, then up to his chin.

I went to kiss him and he said, “Let’s finish the hand jobs.” So we did. My orgasm was sweet ecstasy. I had been edged for almost an hour, and so had Jay. We both shot our loads onto my sheets. We moved over to his bed to snuggle and fall asleep. I’d have to do laundry the next day.

The week went by without incident. Sylvia spent the night twice as did Valerie, although they came over together only once. The other nights Jay and I slept in my bed. We were still limiting it to mutual masturbation, but I could tell Jay wanted more. So did I.

On Friday Seth invited me, Drew and Daryl over to his dorm after our last class for a drink. I told him that the freshmen dorms were alcohol-free and he could get in trouble.

“No trouble at all,” said Seth. “I’m a sophomore. My girlfriend came here last year and finally persuaded me to transfer to Anthony this semester. When I got here she was already at the airport on her way out. She had met some guy from Sweden and was leaving me for him.”

We commiserated with him, but he said it was fine. If he couldn’t find a replacement pussy at Anthony he couldn’t find one anywhere.

I hadn’t been in Seth’s dorm before. It looked just like all the rest of them. We gathered in the lounge and grabbed a beer for each of us. I had a date with Sylvia that night, so I couldn’t stay long.

“Are you going to the dance tomorrow night?” asked Drew. Seth said that his roommate had told him about it and they were going together. I thanked him for the beer and then took off to pick up Sylvia.

We went to a movie downtown. It was some sort of chick flick, but she’s a chick so that was fine with me. She smiled and cheered and sobbed her way through the movie. Then we went back to my room. Jay was out, so we decided to take a shower. Sylvia wanted to try something new.

In the shower we washed each other, paying particular attention to the most sensitive parts, of course. We were both pretty horny when she backed up against a wall of the shower and said, “Fuck me.” She flexed her knees slightly, and I went straight in without any preliminaries.

I’d never tried fucking standing up. Yes, it was a bit of work, but worth the effort. I drove upward into her love canal while she squatted down against my meat. After six or seven minutes of pounding and squatting Sylvia came in a rush. That set me off, and I spurted my semen up into her cunt. We were both pretty tired from the week and the effort, but not too tired for Sylvia to lead my mouth down to her pussy. I sucked my cum out and she came again.

We washed up and returned to the room. By then Jay was there. Valerie had a cat food dinner to attend in her dorm, so he was alone for the night. When Sylvia and I got in bed she asked Jay to join us. He jumped in bed and kissed each of us.

Sylvia leaned over and took his dick in her mouth. She moved down to suck on his balls, then asked me to take over on his cock. I wasn’t sure I had heard her correctly, so she pointed at my mouth and Jay’s cock. I engulfed his cock with my mouth and began sucking.

Sylvia moved her hand to his ass and inserted a finger in his anus He started to squirm, but Sylvia told him to relax. How he was supposed to relax with his dick in my mouth, his balls in Sylvia’s mouth and a finger in his ass I don’t know. He began to push against her finger. Sylvia inserted another finger and pushed back. She found his prostate and began fingering it. In seconds there was a volcano in my mouth.

“Don’t be selfish,” said Sylvia. So I shared his cum with her and with Jay. This was the first MMF three-some I had experienced, and I felt really good. Of course, not as good as when Sylvia and Jay moved to share my cock.

They licked it up one side and down the other. Jay sucked on my balls while Sylvia toyed with my foreskin, then licked around the head. They swapped places, and Sylvia began sucking on my balls while Jay took my rod in his mouth. He pushed the foreskin back and licked all around the sensitive head. He then began riding his mouth up and down on my dick. It was all too much for me and I ejaculated into his mouth. Not waiting to be asked, he shared my semen with me and Sylvia.

We spent the night in one bed, kissing, caressing and cuddling. Eventually we fell asleep. Sex with my girlfriend and my best buddy at the same time was more than I had ever expected.

Written by marktreble
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