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Power Chapter 28: That's Private

"A new couple joins the group"

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Story to date: Mark Sherman graduated high school as a virgin, with no experience in sex. He had never even seen a naked woman. His mother paid for college if he would go where she chose – Anthony College.

His first day Mark was horrified that a woman saw him naked in the shower. He soon learned that at Anthony the women have the power. And, it was an unusual place. Public nudity and even public sex were both allowed. Uperclassmen could have alcohol. And women could go anywhere on campus that was not locked. The men had no such privileges.

Mark soon learned that attitudes toward sex were beyond open. At least half of the students experimented with same-sex activity before graduation. The women’s dorms held frequent pussy-eating parties for the guys, and the men’s dorms held less frequent dick-sucking parties for the girls.

Mark fell in lust with Janice. He also established a physical relationship with Jay, his roommate. He was seduced by a bisexual predator at a dance. He was uncircumcised, which led to a great deal of interest from women seeking novelty. By the end of his first semester he had had oral or vaginal sex with at least a hundred different people. Then he met Sylvia.

Mark fell in love as well as lust. His new girlfriend and he had regular swaps with two other couples, including Seth and Charlene. Although primarily straight, by the end of the second semester Mark and Jay had anal intercourse with each other – with their girlfriends’ approval.

Summer brought a campus job watering grass. Mark computerized the operation using a loan from his uncle. The uncle wanted to know about the operation, and gave Mark money to computerize part of his operation. Mark’s roommate, Drew (who was now Janice’s boyfriend) and Mark figured out how to monetize another part of the uncle’s operations. They were rich.

Drew fell seriously ill and left school. Janice replaced Drew in the new business. Mark became friendly with a psych professor, Carl, who had helped Drew with his medical problems. He also made friends with The Twins, two identical and highly-sexual women. Daryl (straight), with a penis of monster proportions, was accused with his gay roommate, Brett, of promoting prostitution.

More and more of Mark’s education was taking place outside the classrooms.

The first dance of the year was held on a Friday night. Jay and I went together, wearing cargo shorts and T-shirts. Valerie and Sylvia showed up in matching skirts and blouses. Seth and Charlene came together. He was in white T-shirt and briefs, she in white lace panties and bra. Ted and Melissa also arrived in underwear. She was wearing sheer purple panties and bra. Ted was in just a pair of green briefs. He explained that Melissa asked him to switch from boxers because she liked the look of briefs better.

Craig had shown up nude. He usually did. Tonight he was trying to hook up with Josh, Brett’s on-again-off-again boyfriend.

We all got drinks and gravitated to the dance floor. It was a pretty tame gathering. Some of the new freshmen seemed shocked by people dancing in their underwear or nude. For us it was just part of the scene.

I saw Carl Chabot dancing with a gorgeous woman of about 30 and went up to talk to him. He introduced me to Surya, his wife. This mixed black-Japanese woman was Sheriff’s Deputy “Crabot” I had met over the summer. Carl was in board shorts and his wife in a halter top and short skirt. I hadn’t seen him at the dances before and asked why he was here now.

It seemed his wife had been invited by the campus police; Carl just tagged along. The campus police had decided to start inoculating the local authorities against overwhelming surprise the first time they came to campus.

I grabbed Sylvia and we hit the dance floor. We stopped to watch two girls dancing together topless on a small dance stand. They pulled us up on the stand and separated us. Soon I was dancing with Harumi, a non-descript Japanese girl with average tits. But, of course, tits were tits, so I was hardly displeased.

Sylvia was dancing with a girl whose name I missed. She seemed Hispanic or Italian, and had adorable olive-colored skin. She brought Sylvia’s mouth down to her nicely-shaped tits; Sylvia must have been hungry. At the same moment Harumi opened my pants and they dropped to the floor. This had real potential.

From my raised perch I noticed some sort of ruckus going on at one of the tables. A short, slender black guy I had seen around the dorm seemed to be arguing with Rick and Ben. I paid it no more attention, and turned to talk to Harumi. That’s when I heard Sylvia shout “No! Stop it!” She ran off, followed by the olive-skinned girl and Charlene.

I turned to look and the black guy was crying. That’s what had gotten Sylvia’s attention. Then I heard Ben say to a couple of girls sitting at the table, “He sucks both of our dicks every day. He’s really good at it, too. It’s the highlight of my day.”

The black fellow screamed at Ben. “That’s private. You can’t tell anybody.”

Ben then stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs, “This guy sucks dick every day!” The humiliated twenty-year-old buried his face in his hands while he sobbed.

Sylvia finally reached Ben; she took him by the arm and told him to stop. He yelled “Back off, bitch.” That was enough for me.

I jumped off the stand and tripped; my pants were around my ankles. Pulling them up I ran toward Ben and tried a flying tackle. I spilled on the floor, humiliated; I had missed him. From the floor I could see why. Daryl was holding Ben over his head, parallel to the floor. Rick went up and started beating Daryl on the back. “Stop interfering. We’re just having fun.” Then Rick screamed. Brett had grabbed him by the balls and yanked as hard as he could. Rick was assaulting his best friend.

Surya came over and told Daryl to put Ben down. Ben didn’t see the sheriff’s badge pinned to her halter top; he told her to go fuck herself and shoved her. In seconds he was on his face, on the floor, hands cuffed behind him.

Rick was on the floor in agony. He tried getting up. Surya reached a hand out to him and he spit in her face. Two seconds and he was on his face in handcuffs.

Charlene had gone to the victim and put her arms around him. Naomi walked up and kicked Charlene in the stomach. I could see Seth, who was looking on as his girlfriend was assaulted; he just smiled. I wondered why he was allowing Charlene to be mistreated.

Of course he smiled. Charlene needed three seconds to grab Naomi by the hair and fling her fifteen feet. By the time I stood up Surya was reading Ben and Rick their rights. By then a campus police officer was there. Surya told him to cuff Naomi. I could do nothing in that mess, so I turned to Sylvia.

She was holding the black guy, who was crying. She told him nothing was his fault, and that nothing more would happen to him that night. Charlene adjusted his grey briefs as she might have done to a child, and then moved in to hold him as well.

Next Mike showed up. He told Ben he was expelled from the dorm, and probably from Anthony. He told the campus police officer holding Rick and Naomi to take them to the campus lockup, and he would stop by the next day. By then several more campus police and sheriffs deputies had arrived. Surya was clearly in charge.

She ordered one of the campus police officers to get names and contact information for all witnesses. She directed that Rick and Naomi be put in cells until Mike came over to sort it out. A campus police officer asked if he should allow them to get dressed first.

“At Anthony College you’re worried about naked students?” she asked. “Just how long have you been here?”

Surya glanced at Carl, who pointed to Sylvia and gave her some kind of signal. Then Ben was whisked away. The dance was over, at least for us.

Mike talked briefly to the black guy, whose name was Nate. He said that Nate’s roommate was going to jail, as were Rick and Naomi. He offered for Nate to spend the night in Mike’s room. Charlene said that he would stay with her and Seth that night.

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By now Jay and Valerie had shown up. Valerie ran to join Charlene and Sylvia, forming a protective ring around the guy. The girls gathered Nate in a cocoon and started out the door.

I asked Carl what the signal meant. “Sylvia has good instincts. Right now this is best dealt with by Nate’s peers. I’ll get involved if necessary.” I started out the door with Jay and Seth; we caught up with the girls and Nate near our dorm.

We all went to Seth’s room. Sylvia elicited the story from Nate.

Nate was a transfer student majoring in theater. He was serious about his girlfriend at home. He did not want to be unfaithful to her, so he had avoided the pervasive sexual hookup-of-the-day routine. Ben told him that if he just had sex with guys he wouldn’t be unfaithful.

Nate’s first night in the dorm Ben gave him a blow job. He enjoyed it, but mostly the intimacy, the kissing and the cuddling. The next day Naomi and Rick came over. Rick gave him a blow job. Naomi insisted that Nate reciprocate.

Over the next couple of weeks Nate found himself on the giving end of the blow jobs instead of the receiving end most days. Ben and Rick decided they wanted to humiliate Nate and to announce his finesse at fellatio to anyone who would listen.

Sylvia took charge. “Faithfulness is in the mind, not the body. We all enjoy sex, intimacy, kissing and cuddling. If you are faithful in your mind you didn’t make an emotional commitment to another person; you might have recreational sex, or show affection for another person physically. That’s not unfaithfulness, it is just sex.”

I asked Nate if his girlfriend could visit him at Anthony. He said they both wanted to, but did not have the money for airfare. Money problems I could fix. I asked him when his girlfriend’s schedule would allow her to come and visit. She had a three-day weekend coming up in two weeks.

I told Nate I would pay to fly her to Anthony, pay for taxis and put them up in a local hotel. He protested, but Jay told him I had more money than I knew what to do with, and I enjoyed helping friends. We agreed to talk with his girlfriend the next day and set it all up.

Seth told Nate that Charlene would take Rick’s bed that night, and he and Nate could sleep together. Nate started to look uneasy; Seth assured him there would be no sex. Nate agreed, so Jay and I and our girlfriends left for our room. The girls said they wanted to talk with Mike and would see us the next day.

Jay got in his bed and asked me to join him. Like Seth, he said no sex, just cuddling. We kissed for a while, removed our underwear and cuddled naked for the night.

Mike walked in at 7:30 and woke us up. He had work to do by people with strong backs and weak minds, and he couldn’t think of anybody better qualified. Charlene would tell us what to do.

“Did somebody die?” asked Jay. Mike was in dress shirt and slacks, coat and tie.

“Not yet,” replied Mike. “I have an 8:00 meeting with the Dean, then 8:30 with the sheriff’s deputy and the campus police.” Charlene walked in as Mike departed and told us to get out of bed.

We went to Ben’s room where Nate was sorting things. He told us what to take to Seth’s room, so we moved Nate down the hall. Of course, that was not completed without me running into something while carrying one of Nate’s suitcases and getting my naked balls jammed up to my nose. I went back to the room, put on clothes, and then completed the move.

When we had finished, Seth identified Rick’s things and told us to move them to Ben’s room. Seth took a playful swing at Jay with Rick’s baseball bat. After he got back on his feet (he’d wound up on the floor clutching his balls and moaning), Jay said it was his turn to go get dressed. Seth might be a good biology student, but he sucked at baseball.

If Rick was not expelled from the dorm he would live alone. Nate would room with Seth from now on. By 8:15 we were done.

I called Sylvia but she said she had an appointment. Valerie showed up at about 8:30. By then we were in the first floor lounge having an early beer. At 9:00 a.m. we called Marcy, Nate’s girlfriend.

Nate explained that a friend was going to pay for her to fly to Anthony, pay for taxis, and put them up in a hotel. Evidently her mother had told her not to turn down a gift, so she agreed. I booked her a round trip ticket on Delta (of course it was Delta, we were in the South). I called the sedan service and arranged for airport rides, then booked the honeymoon suite at the local Sheraton. Nate actually came over and kissed me.

Mike and Sylvia returned together. Sylvia explained that she had reported on Nate to Carl, who said that peer support seemed the best solution and suggested that Mike and Sylvia take a team approach to helping Nate also. He was available to assist 24/7 if needed.

I caught the “also.” “What also?” I asked. Mike and Sylvia looked at one another, then stumbled all over themselves changing the subject. Since my balls were still sore and I had a beer in my hand, I had more important things to worry about and dropped it. At least for then. For a math major I sure was lousy at spotting patterns.

Additionally, Carl suggested that Nate take Dr. Wagoner’s tests and talk with her about the results. That should help put his mind at ease.

Mike had talked to the Dean, who started the process to expel Ben from Anthony. He had called Naomi’s senior resident and said that Naomi was barred from entering our dorm. It seems that a senior resident, such as Mike, has the authority to over-rule the campus policy on a case-by-case basis.

Mike had gone by the campus police station and informed Naomi she was barred from our dorm. She protested that Mike didn’t have the authority. Her own senior resident, Keisha, walked in and fixed that. She said that not only did Mike have that authority, but she, Keisha, had the authority to bar her from entering any men’s dorm. Any other word out of her besides “yes” would get her barred for the semester. Any other mistakes would get her expelled from the dorms. As a sophomore, that also meant expulsion from Anthony

Mike told the police officers to hold both of them for the maximum 24 hours without charging them; he believed Surya would consult with the D.A. about charges later today. He told Rick he had been moved to a single room, Ben’s old room, while Mike decided whether to expel him from the dorm.

Rick had heard Keisha telling Naomi what dorm expulsion meant for a sophomore. Mike reported that the police were holding two agonizingly unhappy and terrified people. I thought that was just wonderful.

I told Sylvia that Nate’s girlfriend was going to visit for a long weekend, all expenses paid. She kissed me; infinitely sweeter than Nate’s.

Later that day all witnesses were interviewed at the police station. We wore clothes because this was serious official shit. Surya interviewed Nate. The D.A. was charging Ben with aggravated assault on a sheriff’s deputy and a slew of other charges. Rick and Naomi would be charged with accessory to aggravated assault and all the other charges. This shit was very serious.

That night Ben called his father. Mr. Parker was a lawyer and asked to speak to the D.A. He negotiated a plea to assault and of the other charges, if they would drop the assault on a police officer charge. That would spare Ben a felony conviction and Nate the agony of testifying. Ben would serve twelve months in prison for the conviction.

Rick and Naomi both got legal aid attorneys, who negotiated pleas to accessory to assault. Both would allocute in court and testify against Ben if necessary; they would receive eight weekends in jail, one year’s suspended jail time, three years’ probation and community service.

The Dean barred both Naomi and Rick from attending any campus social functions, including the dances. Rick was barred from any contact with Nate. I called Pete and told him he was right. Ben was not only a bisexual predator, he was now a convict.

All of this occurred in a two week period. Nate seemed happy to be rooming with Seth. On alternating nights he would sleep with Seth and then Charlene. No sex, just cuddling. Nate seemed very happy.

Written by marktreble
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