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My Brazilian Adventure - Part 4

"Is a moment of passion going out of control, or part of someone else's bigger plan?"

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Ami pulled the zip open on her rucksack and fished out a bottle of lube, a small tin and what looked like a fabric belt with a rubber attachment at one end.

I looked quizzically at the last item that Ami had placed on the table.

"Excellent!" Laura exclaimed. She had the look of giddy excitement and expectation on her face reminiscent of a young girl on Christmas morning.

Ami's hands groped around trying to find another item before finally locating what she had been searching for. Before extracting the second mystery item, she added to the suspense by cryptically announcing, "And the piece de resistance is ..." 

She pulled the mystery item out of the bag, and my eyes tried to make out what had been pulled out. I was hoping it wasn't a whip, the last thing I needed was to have got on the wrong side of a dominatrix. With a bit of a thud, a pale flesh-coloured dildo, about seven inches in length, was placed on the table.

'What the actual fuck?' I thought to myself, just as Ami looked up at me with an inscrutable grin on her face. Laura also turned her gaze towards me, biting her lip as she does when her mind is consumed by dirty, sexy thoughts.

"Leandro's told us a few things about you that he found out during his time in England."

My internal monologue sarcastically quipped, 'Who hasn't he told that he fucked me in the woods when I was pissed out of my head?'

Ami continued, "He says you've got the hardest dick and the tightest ass he's ever had. And he's had a few!"

"Has he now?" I asked, wondering where this surreal and not entirely comfortable edition of This Is Your Life would end up.

"I like hard dicks, Bill," Laura chipped in.

"And I like tight assholes," Ami declared. "Just how hard is his dick, Laura? I hope you managed to complete your assignment while I was out?"

"Leandro wasn't lying, he really does have the hardest cock ever, and he's a horny son of a bitch!"

I was starting to get a little put out at being called a 'horny son of a bitch' by all and sundry, but I resigned myself to it also being the undeniable truth.

The room went silent for a bit, save for the sound of Leandro and Alex splashing around in the pool.

"What are you waiting for, Bill?" Laura asked. "Have you gone all shy again?"

I was like a rabbit in the headlights. Here I had the sexiest girl I had ever met (certainly the sexiest that had taken such an instant shine to me) and her girlfriend wanting me to give them a good seeing to, and possibly give me a good pegging in the process. I couldn't tell if I was the luckiest man alive, or if I was going to be making an enormous fuck-up just because I couldn't keep my cock under control.

All the while Laura had turned my head so comprehensively, I hadn't really paid any attention to Ami. She was about 5ft 5, was fairly plump and had voluptuous breasts resting on her chest - she had returned to the house without a bra on. As the dim glow of the fluorescent energy-saving light bulb hanging from the kitchen ceiling grew strong as it warmed up, I could see her eyes were a beautiful bright blue - a stark contrast to her mousy brown hair with a few strands of grey appearing.

She might not have been as stunningly gorgeous as Laura, but she certainly had an attractive aura of sexual confidence and gave off vibes that she was positive about who she was and how she looked - something that especially gets me going with ladies. Plus I could just tell in her eyes that she really wanted my arse, which made my cock jolt when I realised just how hot it would be having her strap-on deep inside me.

Also, there was the small matter of having to get her on my side if I wanted any hope in hell of getting close to having my wicked way with Laura.

Ami and Laura moved in towards where I standing, like lionesses moving in for the kill. Laura started a wide smile that turned into her biting her lower lip again, Ami started to take her t-shirt off, flashing her armpit hair and exposing her sizeable breasts hanging down slightly.

As if I could hardly get any harder with that sight filling my eyes, Laura took her girlfriend's stripping as her cue to start taking her swimsuit off, starting with slipping the top half down, exposing a beautiful pair of her own that almost instantly hypnotised me.

Before I could let myself fall completely under their spell, I moved slightly towards them and their faces converged towards mine, and our lips all met in the middle. After a few seconds of our lips massaging each other's, one of the girls sent an exploratory tongue out to see if anyone else's fancied coming out to play.

Mine and the other tongue certainly weren't in the mood for sitting around in their room - there was a party in our collective mouth, and everyone was invited.

After kissing for about a couple of minutes, Ami broke away from the group snog, barely able to contain her laughter, tittering to Laura, "Isso é uma locura!"

"Too fucking right this crazy!" I replied in English, with a mile-wide grin on my face.

"We've only just met you, but you are even more sexy and horny than what Leandro told us," said Laura, just as her hand went down to grab my rock hard cock that had been convulsing and leaking pre-cum during the time we had been kissing each other.

First she tried to grab it through my swimming shorts, but then decided that they were superfluous to requirements and yanked them down. I lifted one leg then the other to facilitate their departure from my body. Laura flicked them away with the outside of her left foot, sending them thudding against the cupboard door. Just as the damp shorts slapped against the tiles of the kitchen floor again, Laura wrapped her hand around my dick and Ami started to fondle my arse.

"Mmmm, nice and furry," was Ami's verdict as her palms first caressed, then grabbed at my hairy buttocks that were tensing up as Laura started to work her tight grip up and down my shaft.

She was expertly pulling foreskin all the way up on the up stroke, and half way down the head of my cock on the down stroke. Just the way I liked it. I've never met anyone with such a sixth sense for what made my cock feel good - even all the gay men I'd had fun with didn't have as good an idea as what would pleasure me as this girl did.

"Are you enjoying yourself playing with your new toy?" Ami asked Laura. Before she could answer, she had already reacquainted her mouth with my hard dick. My groan of delight answered Ami's question.

Laura certainly wasn't messing around, and in an attempt to keep up, Ami reached for the bottle of lube on the table. I turned around and watched her press the pump and let a sizeable splodge of translucent gel land on her hand. Ami turned to me with a big grin on her face, letting me know she was looking forward to what she was about to do.

She took a small blob of the lube onto the index finger of her other hand, and sent it down below the waistline of her shorts to her clit and her pussy, before pulling the hand back out and moved the finger towards my backside.

"Do you want to feel how wet I am?"

Before I could answer, she made it clear this was going to be a rhetorical question.

"I know you're into Laura, but you're going to have to make it worth my while as well."

Just as she finished the somewhat sinister sentence, her index finger started to probe my hole, sliding in without much resistance. She certainly had proved how wet she was. Her juices lubed me up a treat, drawing another groan from me, higher pitched than the ones Laura's expert cocksucking had managed.

Ami's single finger was being gripped tight by my arse, which hadn't been fucked for a long time. The men I'd been with were more bottoms, and the girls I'd slept with just needed my cock to fuck their brains out in a one night stand.

"I thought Leandro was just joking when he said you had a really tight arse! I don't know if I can fit another finger in, never mind my dildo!" Ami laughed to herself, taking pleasure in hearing my groans, full of erotic enjoyment laced with a tinge of pain.

All the while, Laura had pulled her swimming costume off completely, exposing her neatly trimmed bush. Her left hand had gone down to her clit, which she was stroking at quite a rate already. I could feel her moans vibrating my dick that she was deepthroating. My cock was in heaven while my arse experienced a new level of erotic pain as Ami stuck a second finger deep inside me.

"You like that, don't you bitch!" Ami was trying to taunt me, though I was trying to laugh it off.

"Love you too, hun!" I sarcastically fired back.

I wasn't particularly into being dominated or being talked at like that during sex, though I thought I'd best not rock the boat if I still wanted Laura's attentions.

"God, I need your cock, Bill. My pussy's been crying out for you since earlier!"

"What were you two up to earlier?" Ami angrily enquired, sticking an extra finger in me to accentuate how put out she was by the implication that I'd got a headstart on enjoying the company of her lady.

I let out a loud moan, more anguished than my previous groaning.

"You'd better get used to that bitch, my cock is going to fill your ass right up".

The last sentence raised a giggle with Laura, causing her teeth to rub against my cock for a moment. Apologetically, she let my cock out of her mouth so she could say sorry, before getting up off her knees.

She went to kiss me, but was intercepted by Ami. I went to join in, but Ami pushed me away.

"Don't get any more funny ideas, gay boy."

They had barely been kissing for a few seconds before Ami reached for her belt, and clipped her dildo onto it. She opened the tin from earlier, and extracted a square foil package. She opened this with her teeth (her hands were far too lubed up), ensured the condom wasn't inside out, and then placed the rubber on the dildo sticking proudly out in front of her big hairy bush.

She pumped some more lube out of the bottle and slathered it all over her rubbered-up cock. She reached down to her fanny again, and rubbed some of her ultra-slippy juices onto my hole again - a capricious act of kindness to try to compensate for what was to come from her.

Just as Ami was rubbing the tip of her strap-on on my hole, Laura turned so that she was facing away from me, and bent down in of me. Ami passed me a condom to put on, and lubed me up with the lubricant from the bottle and her own self-made special lube that were all over her hands. I started to move my rock hard dick to Laura's vagina, my head slipping past her tight little hole and rubbing up against her hard clit a few times, drawing a groan from her.

"Stop teasing, just fuck me!" She grabbed my dick and angled it between her lips and into her hungry vagina.

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Just as the head of my cock was gripped tightly by her slippy yet vice-like grip, Ami had timed her penetration of my hole to perfection to coincide with my penetration of her beloved lady.

We all let out a loud groan of pleasure together. I was in the throes of pleasure, ecstasy and no small agony either. I'm no masochist, though the lacing of such euphoric pleasure with a burning pain seemed to be the perfect garnish, something that I'd never experienced so intensely at any moment of my life.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" was about all I could say to express this contradictory and conflicting state of mind to my lovers.

Ami's dick sunk deep inside me, her ample front almost enveloping my buttocks. I loved this feeling, her hot body completely covering my backside, just as my cock went deeper into Laura. We all let out another almost synchronised groan of delight. Mine was so high-pitched, you might have guessed there were three girls in this threesome.

Ami started to pump her appendage backwards and forwards inside me, while I held Laura ever closer to me. She implored me in her pained cries to keep going deeper and deeper into her.

"You're so fucking deep in me, this is incredible!"

I held her tight as the thrusts from her beloved Ami grew ever stronger. With each thrust into me from Ami, I was shunted even deeper into Laura, and sending her into deeper throes of ecstasy. All the while, she had been strumming frantically around her jet-black bush, as if it was her acoustic guitar. She let out scream after scream of a word in barely intelligible Portuguese, I could barely distinguish what the individual words were. though it soon became clear as her screams reached a climactic peak with one loud proclamation that I certainly did understand.


Just as the final scream rang out, as I felt her cunt suddenly tighten on my cock with a ferocious grip. This took me completely by surprise, I didn't expect her to come this quickly.

I don't think Ami expected it either, though to show appreciation she deepened the thrusts of her cock from my depths to all the way out, before ramming her way back in and slamming into me. This then unavoidably sent me cascading back into Laura drew yet more orgasmic screams of delight as her vice showed no signs of loosening.

I had to concentrate hard to not blow my load just yet, I wanted to give Laura so much more pleasure. I also didn't want to appear in any way inadequate to Ami either, her dismissive attitude towards me summoned a belligerent competitive spirit determined to show her I could show her cock-hungry girlfriend a good time.

"I must be making you come with my big dick up your ass, eh Bill?"

"Not just yet!" I was lying through my gritted teeth. I was getting so close involuntarily it was painful.

"Oh yeh?" Ami was on a mission to make me come, and started to go at my arse like a jackhammer. No man had ever fucked me like this. I let out a pathetic high-pitched yelp with each thrust.

"Leandro was right, you really do moan like a girl with a big dick up your ass!"

Just as I was getting irritated with Leandro gossiping to so many people about how much of a sissy I was with a cock up my arse, my concentration slipped and my cock erupted an enormous load into the condom. My cock was convulsing like crazy, causing Laura to moan some more, just as her orgasm was waning. I continued my yelping, trying to deepen the tone of my cries but failing miserably.

If I hadn't put the johnny on, my cum would surely have filled Laura up completely, and probably dripped out as well.

I came to a rest hunched over Laura, with Ami buried deep in my arse, as she sensed I was spent.

"It's my turn to come now." Ami declared, taking her cock out of my arse rather quicker than was comfortable for me. She took the strap off, and exposed her hairy pussy. I could see juice dripping from her lips and getting caught in her thick bush.

"I can see you can take my cock up your ass, now it's time for you to eat my pussy."

To be honest, I was more interested in rewarding Laura with some head for the incredible sex we'd just had, though Ami knew she had the upper hand in any bargaining I would try to do with her. As I discarded my filled-up condom in the bin, Ami perched her sizeable frame up onto the table, opening her legs in the process. Her lips opened, exposing her bright pink vagina in stark contrast to her dark pubic hair, inviting my tongue to lap up all she had to offer.

I moved my face towards her pussy, closed my eyes and held my breath as I dived into her muff with my tongue sticking out. Starting at her hole and sweeping up to her clit, my taste buds were overwhelmed by the tart salty and sour taste of her juices. It brought back memories of my awkward attempts of giving an ex-girlfriend head that she didn't enjoy much, but I reckoned must have been doing something right this time. Ami's tough tomboy act came tumbling down as she let out a scream of approval.

"The gay boy can eat pussy!" Laura exclaimed excitedly, feeling proud that her English was improving already. And clearly turned on as well, as she stroked her clit in approval.

Despite beforehand feeling like I was just trying to keep myself in Ami's good books, I was feeding off the sheer pleasure I was delivering to her. I lapped up her groans of pleasure and took her ever hardening and swelling clit as well as her groans of delight as extra motivation to pleasure her with ever increasing vigour. She was moaning so much that Leandro and Alex must have been able to hear what was going on, if they hadn't already heard all the noise we were making earlier.

Laura climbed under the table and, kneeling on the floor, took my cock in her mouth again. As her lips enveloped the head of my dick, I let out a big moan with my mouth engulfed by Ami's pussy, which transmitted itself through to her as an intensification of the waves of pleasure my tongue was imparting to her.

Laura's expert sucking of my dick spurred me on to really go to town on Ami, and it wasn't long before her moaning started to become screaming.

"Don't stop! Don't stop!" was about all that Ami could say, apart from "Yes!" repeatedly.

I could feel her clit was swelling up enormously, almost as if it was ready to burst with all the blood pumping through it. This could only mean one thing. Ami's screaming took on a new dimension of intensity and loudness, and some of her juices squirted out onto my chin and neck. If you didn't know she was being eaten out, you'd have thought she was in terrible agony.

Laura was shellshocked too, she stopped sucking my dick to check to make sure her darling wasn't in trouble.

She let her know she was perfectly fine by giving her a loud passionate kiss, punctuated by muffled yelps of delight as her orgasm rumbled on like an avalanche. My jaw felt like it was about to unhinge, though with the last ounce of strength left in my mandible, I joined us all together for an intensely sexy and beautiful three-way kiss. Laura was keen to taste Ami's juices, and let out a muffled groan of approval.

I felt like I had collapsed into a blissful afterglow for a few minutes, though it was rudely awakened by the kitchen door opening, followed by gasps from Laura and Ami, and incredulous laughter from Leandro.

I didn't understand what his exclamation in Portuguese meant, though it probably could be translated as something along the lines of, "Fuck my old boots!"

The sight that greeted him was his cousin and his lesbian best friend and her girlfriend completely naked and stinking of pussy. And a dildo with a used condom on lying on the table.

"Errr... Hi Leandro!"

"You haven't changed one bit, you horny son of a thousand whores!"

The last proclamation in Portuguese had us all in stitches, just as Alex came over to see what all the fuss was about. He walked in then melodramatically shielded his innocent eyes.

"The neighbours have all come out to their gardens to try and hear what all that screaming was about. I had to tell them not to call the police, they thought someone was being murdered!"

Laura then turned to Ami, with eyes that looked like a brewing storm, and asked her, "Why don't you come like that for me?!"

I couldn't quite tell if she was just joking, Ami seemed a little taken aback.

"Maybe gay boys are just secretly the world's best cunnilinguists!"

“I'll believe that when our gay boy here goes down on me! If he can make me come like I did when he was fucking me, I'll be in heaven.”

“Who said you're ever going to get to enjoy gay boy's tongue?”

I felt a bit awkward being caught up between Ami and Laura's argument, though I really should have thought of that before letting myself get completely consumed with desire for Laura, and then Ami as well.

Alex returned to the room, and held his hand to his eyes again, continuing to feign a fear of seeing naked females.

“Seriously guys, get some clothes on!”

“We're going into the pool!” Laura announced. “Come on Alex, Leandro – get your kit off!”

After all the attention from the neighbours that we brought on ourselves with our raucously loud sex, I couldn't believe that we were now going to rub it further into their faces by swimming naked in the pool.

Though a part of me was also rather excited – I'd never skinny dipped before and the whole situation with Laura and Ami was exciting like nothing else I had ever experienced before.

I couldn't wait to see where this was going next.

“Come on lads!” Ami shouted impatiently through to the house from the garden.

The mix of fear and excitement had caused my cock to swell again, though I was too far gone to care about any potential public embarrassment that might have caused. I headed to the garden and took in the sight of it bathed in the beautiful golden sunlight of the lowering sun. There I saw Ami and Laura already in the pool with their tits out, making my cock get completely hard by the time I'd jumped in.

As I was lying on my back underwater, my squinting eyes I could make out the pubic triangles of the two girls before surfacing, confirming they were completely naked as well. Laura greeted my presence with something that was to take me, someone without an exhibitionist bone in my body, completely aback.

“Now it's time to put on a show for our neighbours!”

Written by nobulator
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