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My Best Friend

"A young man comforts his friend and helps him through a messy break up."

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Author's Notes

"After all these years, if you're out there, just know I still wish I kissed you on your stupid face when you said you wouldn't stop me if I tried. This is how I like to imagine things would have gone."

This is a story set long ago, way back in ye olde 19-2010. It was a different time. Smartphones were fairly new, YouTube kept getting bigger, and I was on the edge of eighteen. It was an amazing summer, even though it started on a sour note. I had been in an on-again-off-again relationship with a girl since sixth grade.

We had one of those TV relationships that were so frustrating, and this was the season where going forward it would be nothing be tension, and contention between us until the end. We seemed destined now to be at a point where our next reunion would be right before the credits roll on the series finale, and our last scene would just be a long stare followed by a synchronized, 'hey.'

It was during this time that I would reach out to friends. One of those friends was a good friend of mine, Dan. We exchanged emails back and forth, with me being melodramatic about how life seemed so bleak and over now that we were through, and that there was no point in enjoying summer if we were parted. He teased me, and decided that he was going to come over tomorrow and drag me out, and into the sun to walk around and get fresh air.

I had known Dan for a long time. The first time we met was in 2000, when I was seven. I moved into a house nearby him. His house was on a side street off of my one-way street. When we first moved in we spent the summer going out and meeting all the kids. Dan had these large two front teeth that his little head hadn't grown to accommodate yet. The other kids would tease him on his appearance, but I thought it was cute. 

We spent several summers together, and went to the same school though preferring to hang out with our 'school friends' until after we got out. It all came to an end when my family split up and I moved several hours south. After what felt like a lifetime, but in reality was only three years, I moved back. We kept somehow missing one another, until one day my now ex reintroduced us and we caught up about everything. We exchanged our emails and would IM and email each other about anything. 

In that last year, during these emails, Dan and I would always 'jokingly' say to the other, "you know if you ever tried to like do anything to me I wouldn't try to stop you... joke, joke... or not..." and many variations of the same kind of joke. Just boys being boys and teasing each other, completely innocent.

We met up the following day and went to the park first. We decided a long walk would be just the thing to freshen up my melancholy so we started on the long path around the park. We chatted about mundane things like the weather, and what our plans were after our last year of school that was upcoming. We approached a bench and Dan suggested sitting down.

I was perfectly okay with that because I was terrible at dressing for the weather. No matter how hot I always wore jeans, converse, and my favorite black hoodie. It could be ninety degrees, but I would still at least tie the hoodie around my waist, as long as it was on my body and I could cover up if I needed to. 

Dan was more carefree. He wore whatever he wanted and didn't care what anyone else thought. He wore a pair of khaki shorts, some Nike's, and a Flaming Lips band tee. On top of all of this, he decided that he also wanted to wear some black eyeliner. At the time I always thought, wow, now that's a bit gay, but I also admired him for being so bold and doing what he wanted. This was contrasted by his contradictory shyness that seemed to fade away in most social settings.

We sat down and I proceeded to spill my guts about how things had gone bad, and how I knew how I had messed up some things but that it just didn't seem right to try to get back together and just repeat this same cycle over and over. It wasn't healthy for either of us, but neither of us would give the other any real closure.

"Well... There's always Harry and the Hendersons."

Dan somehow had the best inappropriate thing to say to liven up the mood.

I laughed, "well I suppose if I just can't quit her I can always resort to that." 

We kept chatting and the more we talked the better I felt about things. Things sucked, but he reminded me that we had an entire summer before us to enjoy. Possibly the last real summer we would ever have before going off and doing boring adult things. Nearly an hour went by and during that time only three people had walked past us. A dog walker, and two joggers engrossed in their disgustingly healthy habit. 

After running out of things to say about my failed relationship I tried to change the subject to get my mind off of things and to stop hogging all the talking time. 

"Hey, you know... never mind."

"What?" Dan just looked kind of blankly at me like he was waiting for me to say what we were going to do next.

"No, just forget it."

"Oh, well, of course, that completely satisfies my curiosity and I will drop it."

He stared.

Still staring.

"Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to just wait until your anxiety makes you crack? I can stare for a long time."

"Fine!! It's stupid, I was just going to joke that... well, you know what we used to joke about. I mean if you tried anything I wouldn't stop you." 

I just kind of blurted it out. It was supposed to be a joke to lighten the tension but when I went to say it I tensed up. It was a weird feeling. I kind of felt almost shy and embarrassed. I was of an introspective disposition, and Dan could bring out the best in me.

He was shy about some things, and easily embarrassed like I was. You could make him blush if you said a raunchy enough joke. Though I would too. Neither of us was the type to make a move of any sort, and both of us easily missed the most obvious of signs. Basically, we were each a disaster. In every other situation, Dan would be Mr. Personality if he wanted to be. 

"HA! Well I mean I wouldn't stop you either. Not joking though. Or am I?"

Playful reaction. Good. Why do I think it's good though, I mean why do I even care? Up until this point I had buried the part of me that liked boys as deeply as I could. I would go to church and say my prayers and repeat what I was told about those things and wash all thoughts out of my head. Then I would have an errant thought and just dismiss it.

I had known I was bi from the moment I first became attracted to the opposite sex. When I watched Even Stevens, I looked at Christy Carlson Romano and thought, 'wow, she's hot,' then I found myself watching Drake and Josh and looking at Drake Bell and thinking, 'wow... he's hot.' 

We just sat on the bench at that point and kind of awkwardly looked around. By sheer accident, we both put our hand down on the bench at the same time and the tips of our fingers just lightly connected. We both looked over at our hands that were lightly touching and then up at each other. 

My heart started beating against my rib cage threatening to break it, and the temperature outside started seeming colder compared to how hot my skin was getting. I started leaning forward a little and he leaned in too. 

Fuck it, I thought to myself.

I placed my hands on the side of his face, running my fingers into his hair, and then pulling his head towards me. Our lips met, and refused to part as we just kept pushing our mouths into the other if either started to pull away. I moved so that my knee was up on the bench, my other just sort of hanging slightly off to the side. He began to slide his tongue into my mouth. I had never kissed with tongue before and kind of closed my mouth slightly to let him know I wasn't ready for that.

This was all happening so fast. My heart was pounding and my skin was now on fire. My hands trembled a little as I pulled away and stood up, taking a slight step back. My face was beet red and I was panting.

"Uhm... I need to go!"

I turned around and ran as fast as I could back to my house. I don't know why I didn't just talk to him, I mean he was my friend and it was just a kiss. Was it just a kiss?

That night he emailed me:

To: Charles

From: Daniel

Subject: I'm so sorry, please forgive me 

Hey. I didn't mean to push you too far. I mean I'm not 'out' by any means but I don't hide who I am. I... I just don't want to lose my friend. I'm so sorry. 

Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit! I have ruined this beyond repair and now he thinks it's his fault. I'm so fucking stupid what did I do?

I wrote back a hurried response assuring him that it was okay, and that it wasn't his fault. I kissed him. I told him we could be adults about this and that I still really wanted to have him as a friend and that I was really happy he took me out. What I didn't tell him was that I was super confused. That all the feelings I had kept buried inside had just come rushing up uncontrollably.

I didn't tell him how he was my friend and that all those jokes weren't jokes, that I was serious, but I didn't want it like this. I didn't want to break up with someone and just rebound and ruin a friendship. 

We decided to meet up again tomorrow and to hang out and just forget that yesterday had ever happened.

That next day we decided to go hiking at a local national park. He had a car already, so he picked me up and drove and I kicked in for gas. We arrived around noon and decided we would drive to the car park at the top of the mountain first to take in the views, then pick a trail from the map. Looking around at the islands and the lobstermen off in the distance it was a magical sight. Too often we don't take time to look at our surroundings and appreciate how beautiful where we live is. 

Dan decided on the trail to take and we drove around the loop to the beginning of the trail. Putting on our backpacks we began the three-hour hike. I had dressed in some cargo pants and hiking shoes. Dan wore some thick shorts and hiking boots. I was self-conscious about my legs. I had some scars from some stupid choices that I had made in the past and I didn't want anyone to see my shame. 

We took our time smelling the fresh air and looking at the various species of plants that were growing. We got to the halfway point and I stopped to drink some water.

"Hey, Dan, I have to admit something to you... Just... I know it's weird but can you just turn around so I don't have to look at you when I say it?"

"Uhm, okay?"

He accommodated my strange request and turned around.

"Okay, I haven't told anyone this. I'm Bi. I have been my whole life and I've tried to deny it. I've hated myself, I've tried to pray the gay away, I've done everything. I don't want to hate myself or that part of me anymore. I admire you and how you can just be who you want to be. And I wanted to clarify something. I kissed you. You didn't make anything weird and I shouldn't have run away. I do like you, it's just that I JUST broke up with my ex and I don't want to ruin a friendship with you because of something silly. Okay. So I'm going to just close my eyes now because this was super embarrassing and if you want to leave me I understand just take the path we already took back, I'll go the other way and just catch a bus home."

I closed my eyes and I felt myself tense up a little. I had just poured my heart out and now I was just standing here eyes closed like some dork waiting to see if I just lost a friend of mine because I was being stupid. 

It felt like an eternity had passed and I heard his feet sort of shuffle along the path. The next thing I felt was a pair of arms reach around me and pulling me into a hug. I hated being touched by this felt nice. My arms were by my side and I had enough room to lift them to his waist and hug him back.

"Nothing has to be weird you know. We can both be adults about this."

With that he let me go and said, "Come on let's go!"

I followed after him and finished the trail. The ride back in his car was silent at first. He put on some Kid Cudi and we just listened to the music. After a few songs, I couldn't stand it so I reached my hand over and let it rest on top of his. He looked over at me and just smiled, opening his hand so we could interlock our fingers. The rest of the forty-minute drive we just held hands and listened to music. It was nice to just BE. No plans, no expectations, just spending time with someone. 

Dan dropped me off and home and I thought over everything that happened.

I sat at my desk and pulled up several tabs of my favorite porn. I enjoyed the blow jobs more than anything. I would watch both the woman and the cock. It was another of the many ways I knew I was bi before I could ever admit it to myself. I switched from tab to tab looking for the perfect video for the moment and settled on the one I would finish to.

As I was watching it, I began picturing that it was Dan's cock who was receiving this blowjob. I watched the woman's head bob up and down. I didn't fight the thoughts, and instead elected to embrace them. I imagined myself the woman, sucking his cock just waiting for the moment. I came and found myself thinking about what I had just done, and what had been happening over the last few days. 

I checked my emails and sure enough, there was one from Dan:

To: Charles

From: Dan

Subject: Free this weekend?

Hey, my dad is out of town for two weeks, and my mom is visiting her sister until Monday afternoon. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend some time together this weekend? It could be fun. I promise I won't do anything weird or make you uncomfortable.


To: Dan

From: Charles

RE: Free this weekend?

Hey, I'm free after 330 on Saturday, I can be at your place by 4. I'll see you then.


I took care of all my responsibilities for the weekend that Saturday and prepared myself for the weekend. I packed away my overnight bag of toiletries and put on some of my Old Spice antiperspirant, brushed my teeth three times, used mouth wash twice, and scrubbed myself raw in the shower. I was being ridiculous. I went through a stack of clothes trying to pick out an outfit that didn't look like I was trying too hard but also that looked good.

I settled on some jean shorts that rose to just above the knee. I hated showing my legs because of my scars but I felt comfortable with him. I didn't care if he saw. I picked out a white cotton button-up that would be comfortable in the heat. For sleep, I chose a cutoff T-shirt. I grabbed my pair of white converse and laced them up. 

Heading to the garage I grabbed my bike and began the journey to Dan's. I put on headphones and chose to just listen to some of my favorite music. I chose my Queen playlist. My father loved Queen and raised me listening to every song they had made. I started riding with no handlebars and whenever I was clear of cars I started to move as much as I could like Freddie, bobbing my head along to the song and throwing my arms up. I rode around in a zig-zag pattern carelessly, enjoying my youth. 

I arrived at Dan's house and he was waiting on his porch. He was wearing athletic shorts, a black v-neck, and that was it. That bastard. I entered his house and put my backpack away, and took off my shoes while he went about setting up the living room. I hated showing anyone my feet, and I knew it was probably no big deal to him but I knew it was to me, so I peeled off my socks and stuffed them into my shoes. I walked into the living room and Dan was standing there. 

"So we can play some video games if you want, or I have a ton of movies we can watch? Whatever you want to do."

He knew I hated making decisions and this was making me squirm. I reminded myself to keep a level head and just breathed, practicing my mindfulness. 

"Well I was thinking I wanted to kind of let loose a bit. Your parents are out of town right?"

"Yeah, like I said my mom won't be back until Monday and my dad's gone for two weeks."

"Okay because I brought this," and I pulled out a small amount of weed from behind my back along with a little pipe. 

He smiled back at me, "you trouble maker! The neighbors are going to smell that you know?"

"So, we're young, it's our time to be a little wild!"

"Let's do it."

We went outside and proceeded to smoke ourselves a little silly. We were sitting in his backyard on the deck across each other on some chairs. He put his legs up on the table and took another hit, passing it back to me. I was getting a bit more relaxed and placed my feet up as well, just an inch away from his. I looked him in the eyes as I took a deep hit, slowly exhaling. I put the pipe on the table and we just stared for a little while.

"So... let's head back inside for now then?"

"Yeah, that sounds good to me," I said. 

We re-entered the house and decided the next course of action would be playing some video games. I picked out Fallout New Vegas as I hadn't seen that played yet. 

"Really? I mean it's one player what am I going to do?"

"Uhm, play it, dummy? I like watching. I know I'm weird okay, just don't judge me!" I blushed a little.

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"Oh. My. God. You are such a dork," he laughed, "fine I'll play and you can watch.

He started from the beginning for me, allowing me to provide input as he played. He decided to make the character 'like me' and proceeded to make the statistics heavily Intelligence, Charisma, and some Agility and Perception.

"How flattering," I monotoned.

We played through more of the story than we had realized thanks to the weed and decided to head out to smoke again. This time we were sitting a little closer and taking hits back and forth. The weed was lowering my inhibitions a bit and I decided to be a little flirtatious.

"Hey, have you ever tried blowback? It supposedly makes the hit less harsh."

"What's that?" He took the bait.

"So you just sit there and open your mouth when it's time to inhale, okay?"

He chuckled lightly, "okay, I trust you."

The way he said I trust you made my heart beat a bit faster for a moment. I stood and made my way in front of him, my toes slightly between his feet just close enough to be invading his personal space. I pulled as much smoke into my mouth as possible without inhaling it into my lungs. I held in in my mouth and set the pipe aside, placing my hands on his upper legs, and leaning down as close to his face as I could get without making contact.

His lips parted and I slowly, deftly, blew the smoke into his awaiting mouth as he inhaled. I pulled back just an inch from his face and he held it in as long as he could. As he was getting ready to exhale I pressed my lips to his and understood to blow the smoke back into my mouth. I inhaled it all, leaning my head back and blowing it up into the now starry night. 

"Oops, sorry I didn't mean to get your lips at the end there," I lied.

"It's okay," he giggled slightly.

We headed back inside and settled on watching a movie. Being a good friend he again let me pick, and I settled on the Goonies. Putting in the DVD, he sat on the other end of the couch, and tucked his feet sideways and leaned onto the arm of the couch to get comfortable. I stretched my feet out onto the footrest and stretched out my toes. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I had noticed him look at my feet when I did it. 

We made it to the point in the movie where they are first entering the cavern underneath the restaurant when Dan stretched out his legs on the couch. I carefully stole looks. His athletic shorts went up far higher than my denim shorts, but still weren't too revealing or immodest. I looked at his bare feet and something overtook my arm as my hand reached out and placed it on his foot.

"Oh!" His foot slightly jerked back.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" My face started to turn pink. 

"No, no it's okay I just wasn't expecting that. You... you can keep going if you want to. I mean you can slide closer too, if you want. I mean if it's comfortable."

He turned his body so that he was completely facing me on the couch and pulled his legs up a bit. I moved a half a seat closer and put my feet up again. I reached my hand over and grabbed his right foot and pulled it onto my lap. At first, I just squeezed it lightly, slowly moving my hands a bit more, warming up to a full run. I stretched his foot out and rolled around his ankle to relieve any tension. After a few minutes, I reached over and grabbed his other foot. He began to pull his right leg back.

"You don't have to move your leg... I mean I just want you to be comfy. Whatever."

He slowly put his foot back on my lap, using the ball of his left foot to lightly press into my thigh. He did this without saying anything, turning his head back to the movie. I rubbed his foot in the same manner, slowly warming up to a full rub. After this, I just put my hand on top of his right foot so that it was stretched out across both of his legs and just left it there without saying a word about it. 

We sat in silence and finished out the movie without moving much save for a twitch here, or a slight move of my fingers on his feet. He stood up and took the movie out. It was now starting to get late. Not noticing before, but between the gaming and the first movie, it was now 9:45. 

"Let's go out to smoke again. I like seeing you relaxed."

It was nice smoking. All my anxiety that I normally had melted away, and the paranoia compared to the anxiety that I always faced was nothing. 

We headed out and each took a few hits back and forth. This time Dan wanted to try to give me blowback. He pulled in as much as he could into his mouth, leaned forward and placed his hands slightly higher than I had and leaned forward placing his lips and mine and blew in as I sucked into my lungs, leaning back and blowing up into the stars.

"Oops..." was his only word on the matter.

We headed back inside and I insisted that he decide on the next movie. He chose Across the Universe. This time I sat down first on the couch as he put the DVD into the player. He came back towards the couch, this time sitting much closer than before. This time I couldn't pay attention to the movie. All I could feel was the heat he was putting off. I slowly leaned closer to him as he did the same to me. Nearly halfway through we were both sitting right next to each other. I looked over at him and thought for a second time, fuck it!

I stood up, facing him and mounted his lap facing him, placing my arms around his neck.

"All you have to say is no and I'll stop."

"You better not..."

I leaned in and kissed him as passionately as I knew how. Our lips locked in a flurry of kisses, his tongue pushing slightly on my lips. This time I opened and allowed him to explore my mouth with his tongue. I felt what he was doing and reciprocated, exploring the inside of his mouth with my tongue. The harder we kissed the hotter both of us got.

I ran my hands up through his hair as I kissed him, and he placed his hands on my waist, pressing into me as hard as he could. He started to gently grind against me as I kissed him deeper still. His hands rose up and went under my button-up, running up my back causing a shiver to run down my spine like lightning. 

I paused, "before we go any further just... I haven't done anything before. With another guy."

"It's okay, you'll enjoy it. Just relax a little."

"No. I mean it. I know about blowjobs but I had to Google the rest because up until now I did not know. Google Dan. Like I don't even know if we ever did anything who does what? That's how ignorant I am." I blushed a little at my self-deprecating humor. 

"Just kiss me."

I leaned back in and began kissing him again, locking our tongues together. His hands kept wandering around my body, and his hips continued to lovingly grind against me, our cocks meeting now and again through our shorts. We are both fairly tall. I was six-foot-one with Dan coming in at five-feet-eleven. We were both pretty skinny boys too, so it didn't take much strength for him to grab me by the waist and flip me around so that I was now totally on the couch on my back. 

Dan mounted on top of me, kissing at my cheeks, my necks, what little of my chest was exposed from the first button.

I was laughing a little because it kind of tickled, "what are you doing?" I let out in a gasp.

"Just relax. I only want to hear you talk if it's to tell me no. Other than that just enjoy, okay?"

I nodded, not daring to say even okay lest he stopped whatever he was doing. He slid down the couch between my legs and lifted my shirt slightly, kissing just above my shorts as he unbuttoned my bottom shirt button. He progressively kissed upwards as he undid each button slowly one by one. 

"Now take off your shirt," he whispered.

I freely handed him my shirt without so much as a word, my face flush red, the skin on my chest pink. I was radiating heat, as was he. He kissed me again on the lips, each one with a loud smack. He returned to my neck and kissed his way back down to the top of my shorts, skipping down to my legs.

He kissed his way down, first at my knees, then down my calf. He looked at some of the scars and just kissed them, continuing down kissing my ankles. I pulled my feet back gently in protest but he grabbed them and kissed them gently. Starting on my foot on the opposite side he kissed his way back up my leg and back to the top of my shorts.

He began to undo the top button and I let out a sort of husky gasp. He slid down the zipper and pulled at my hips to signal me to lift them, which I did. he slid my shorts off and now there was only a piece of cotton between me and total nudity. He came back to my face and kissed me. 

"If you're that shy it's okay. It's kind of cute. Your face is like a beet right now. Just close your eyes, you don't have to watch if you don't want."

I closed my eyes. It was too much to watch, but I wanted it so badly. He pulled down my boxers, exposing myself to him. He gingerly tossed my boxers off to the side in a pile with my other clothes. I felt his hands run up along my thigh. My cock was started to throb slightly. His hand slid to the base of my cock, steadying it.

I felt an intense heat surround the head of my cock as his lips formed a seal around it. He gently sucked on the tip for a moment, swirling the head around his tongue. After what felt like an eternity of torture he began to slide down slowly. Every bit that he slid down, he refused to back up until my entire cock was in his mouth. 

He sucked very slowly, with the perfect amount of pressure as the heat and texture of the inside of his mouth did its magic. The heat began to rise inside of me and I could feel myself edging closer to climax. It was true, men do a better job because they know what it feels like. 

"Oh, oh-oh, please I'm going to cum. I know you don't want me to talk but... uhnn... Oh god, if you do it, I think I'll die... I'm... I'm..."

And with that, my words were lost. A feeling unlike any I had felt before began to rise from deep within my cock, exploding in an orgasm like I had never had. On rare occasions in the right settings if you cum while going slowly then gain some speed you can catch a second orgasm. Dan's head began to bob as fast as it could and sure enough, he milked out a second orgasm from me. 

"Oh! Oh... that felt so... I just.. Ohhhh..."

Dan climbed up on top of me, straddling my hips and looked at me as he swallowed. I felt possessed as I leaned forward to kiss him, pushing my tongue into his mouth to get a taste of what he was tasting. 

I flipped him over on his back this time and pushed his arms above his head embracing him in a kiss again. 

"I want to do it too. Just... this is my first time and you see how red I am already. Just promise you won't look, okay?"

"I promise."

I pulled off his shirt and pulled down his shorts to reveal his boxers. I had thought about his cock a little but now I was anxious. If it was bigger than mine I would feel a little jealous about it, but if it was smaller I would feel weird too. I pulled them down to reveal a cock just about the same as mine. The main difference was he was uncircumcised so I couldn't really tell the difference in size between us. I let out a soft, 'wow,' as this was the first cock I had seen in person in this context.

Dan laughed at the 'wow'.

It was now or never. I leaned down and opened my mouth, pulling as much of his cock in as I could at once and holding it there. The feeling was like soft velvet. I could feel the warmth emanating from inside of it, and the pulsating from his blood. I sucked on it a little without moving my head, then began moving up and down by just half an inch gaining some speed as I did so.

I went down further then gained speed with depth. I slowed down and pulled the whole thing in, gagging slightly. I slowly sucked up and down his shaft, reaching my hands up to play with his balls. It was strange touching another mans balls. The texture and feeling were interesting. 

Dan's breathing started to increase and he said, "listen I'm getting close, so I know you're probably not ready for this, so I can pull out."

I looked up at him and then put my eyes down blushing slightly, "I want to try..."

With that, I put my mouth back around his cock. He gently placed his hands into my thick hair and held them there as I pulled his cock in and out of my mouth. I was enjoying this but knew he was going to come soon. I slowed down more, wanting to prolong the experience but that seemed to make him go just that much faster. His hands tensed around the back of my head and I gently pushed back. He pushed a bit harder and I gave in to what he wanted and burrowed his cock deeper into my mouth.

He held the back of my head here, with his cock buried down to my throat for nearly thirty seconds until his cock started pulsating faster. I felt the hot cum hit the back of my throat as waves of it filled my mouth. The texture and taste were a bit more than I was expecting. I swallowed a little, but had to spit the rest out. 

"I'm sorry... I tried."

He smiled at me, "it's okay, that was amazing!"

"Really? You're not just saying it, are you?"

"You did a really good job. TRUST ME."

I smiled at this, and gave him one last playful lick on the head. We put our shorts back on but swapped shirts. I wanted to sleep in his smell that night. He laid back on the couch, and I laid between his legs resting my head on his chest. We fell asleep like that, holding onto each other.

The next morning I awoke and noticed a few things. First, Dan snores apparently. Second, a blanket somehow made its way on top of us. Third, I could smell bacon cooking in the kitchen. 

"Dan," I whispered, "Dan I think someone's here!"

His eyes opened and as they did Cindy, his mother, walked in. I had heard her coming and lay my head back down on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Oh.... um.... hi mom..."

"Once you boys are... awake... why don't you come into the kitchen for breakfast."

Her voice sounded a bit shaken but not angry. After she left I opened my eyes and I was in full panic mode. She saw us. She saw me sleeping on his chest and covered me. Oh god. Everyone was going to know exactly what I did last night. I quickly switched shirts back with Dan and threw on my socks. 

We walked into the kitchen thinking we were facing our judgment and before us, lay a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. Cindy stood there and just looked at us. We both just kind of looked down trying to avoid eye contact. She didn't look mad, sad, or even disappointed just... surprised.

"So... boys."

"Ma'am I'm so sorry, I was so tired I must have just-"

"You can stop there. It's okay. You can be yourself here, it's okay. I just wasn't expecting Daniel to have company this weekend. I made you breakfast. I came home a bit early because I thought we would go out shopping but I wasn't 'supposed' to be here so I'm interrupting and I think I'm going to let you boys have the house and head back to my sister's."

"Uhm.. thank,s mom."

A tear that I was trying to keep down came to the corner of my eye.

"Oh honey," Cindy said.

She walked over and hugged me and reassured me that what I was doing was perfectly normal. She gathered her things and walked back to the door. Turning back she said, "Oh Daniel just one more thing. There's a box of condoms in momma's top left drawer. If you boys do anything, play safe! Love you!"


With that, she left. I looked at Dan and just jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist and kissed him as hard as I could. 

"Wow, your mom is the best!"

"Yeah she kinda is," and with that he kissed me back, pulling me back to the couch. 

"Well, we have the rest of the weekend, what next?"

"Hmmm, I say let's finish up that breakfast and then I'll fall asleep on your chest again?"

"That sounds like a good start," he said with a smile. 

We headed back to the kitchen and tore into the breakfast that Cindy had so lovingly made. After we had our fill we made our way back to the living room and put on his 'tender' playlist and just snuggled back up on the couch. This time I stole the couch first and laid out on my back spreading my legs out. He rolled his eyes with a smile and crawled on top, kissing me on the neck before resting his head on my chest.

The playlist flowed and felt perfect. Norah Jones, Lauryn Hill, Nina Simone, Edith Piaf, and various singles like the Black Eyed Peas Sexy. He had good taste in music and I soaked it in and I felt his body heat pressed against me. His hands found their way to the bottom of my shirt where he caressed my stomach with the top of his fingers.

We lay there on the couch, enjoying the hazy feeling you get after eating a meal shortly after first waking. It felt dreamy just being there with each other's embrace. I didn't want this feeling to ever end. We fell asleep, and I looked forward to spending the rest of the weekend with my best friend.  



Written by lolwriter89
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