It was something about the way he gazed at me over his glasses. Kind of teacher like, but not really. I got a slight kick out of it anyhow, I knew he wasn’t interested and that fuelled me a little to try and tease him. The flight had just landed at Mexico City Airport. Beautiful Latin America awaited my arrival. The flight from Florida had been a bit hair-raising due to turbulence and I was now in desperate need of a sharp one. The alcoholic variety that is. The company had sent Mike and me out to Mexico on a fact finding expedition. So this was a business trip with a little leisure time built in. Due to the credit crunch everyone was tightening their belts, and every penny counted. Mike was the logistics guy, and me I was his boss. He was tall with dark hair and a bit of a geek, but I liked him. I was on a two year secondment from our headquarters in the UK and I was liking the job so far. And this trip was an added bonus for me as I loved to travel and do a little of my own sightseeing.
We sat in the airport lounge and enjoyed Scotch on the rocks. Nothing hits the spot better than that combination. Mike was gazing at me with that look again, crumbs, hope I could keep my hands to myself. He was a very attractive guy under that little goatee beard and designer frames. His right leg had just brushed mine below the table and a fleeting pulse had shot through me. If he carries on like that, he had better watch out. I’m sure it’ll be perfectly professional. Although, the intense heat was making me feel real horny. I may act a little out of character in these instances. We only had two days here, so surely I could control my urges.
Our hotel was in central Cancun, I had always wanted to visit the place but hadn’t quite got round to it. But this was my chance now, our business meeting was scheduled for 1.00pm and should take around an hour and a bit. But after that, the rest of the time was our own. Just don’t tell the company. It’s not supposed to be fun. Our car dropped us at the hotel around 12.00pm, so that gave me a little time to freshen up after the long flight. As expected the hotel was awesome, marbled reception, slick cherry wood finishings, spa, pool and opulence and extravagance in the extreme sense of the word. Perfect. I was going to really enjoy this.
The meeting went on a little longer than expected, but that was fine at least they had given us lunch and seemed to be in tune with our views on the way forward. I had to give my personal guarantee that all jobs would be safe. It was more of a logistics exercise anyhow. Could we come up with a better game plan to move freight back and forth over the Atlantic. It seemed we could, thanks to Mike and the Cancun team. I was enjoying being with Mike, he was a real cool guy. I hadn’t really had that much too do with him before, but we were gelling very nicely. Those gorgeous eyes and that boyish smile were giving me the hots. Not to mention the fact that the chemistry between us was on a high burn. Lethal combination.
Once back at the hotel I changed into my bikini and rubbed some sun cream into my already tanned skin. I then tied my dark flowing hair back in a ponytail and headed off to the pool for an hour. It was far too warm to do much else till later, so that was the perfect distraction in the meantime. As I sat reading my trashy airport bestseller, I couldn’t help but notice some familiar faces at the opposite end of the pool. I was straining my eyes a little, but it sure as hell looked like my friend Jane. I couldn’t be sure from here, so I threw on my sarong and headed off in that direction.
As I drew nearer my heart was giving a slight lurch. I’d come all this way and my best friend was staying at the same hotel. It was her. “Jane, … what in heavens name are you doing here.” I said in complete surprise.
It was obvious she couldn’t quite believe it either by her facial expressions. Eyes widen, big smile. Bet you remember that one. “Kate, … am I dreaming?” she said rising from her sun-lounger.
“No.” I said, observing her playmates. “Nice party.”
“Just a little last minute booking.” she said with a grin. “Couldn’t resist it.”
“Obviously not.” I said surveying the foray of luscious brunettes and redheads.
“The girls are just work mates.” she said through gritted teeth and a smile, but introduced me to them anyway.
All very nice girls by the looks of things. Crumbs, … this should be fun. Although I was still reeling slightly from our erotic encounter several weeks before. Jane and I hadn’t really spoken about it again, and that was fine. It was just a little one off night together. And unbelievable fun I have to say. Our little session was a bit unexpected but gave me a huge thrill. Jane and me had been friends from God knows when and her friendship was the most important thing to me. We arranged to meet up later on in the hotel bar around 8.30pm.
Later on that evening …
Well, … I was stunned, what a surprise. What a turn up for the books. Jane and me at the same hotel. I observed the other guests as Mike and I sipped our delicious cocktails made up of exotic fruits and a myriad of alcoholic beverages, complete with Mari chino cherry and sparklers. Tasted very nice, quite delicious in fact. Mike was looking very dapper tonight and I couldn’t help but hold on to his gaze as he spoke, I touched him on the arm as we continued to chat happily. He was looking a little more relaxed and nicely tanned now, it suited him well. He was one hot guy. Wonder if anyone had ever told him that. Under that geeky exterior lay a raging hormone fuelled bull. Wow. The very thought was making me blush and some more between my legs. He was younger than me by about ten years, but that made it even more fun. He was as keen as mustard and had a kind of innocence about him that I thought was quite cute. Some hair gel, a nice pair of chinos and a trendy shirt sure makes a world of difference. I was still feeling incredibly horny. So, he had better not touch my leg or anything like that or I won’t be held responsible for my actions.
The band were playing cheerily in the open air, their bongo drums and bass instruments synchronised to perfection. I really felt as if I was on holiday. Again, Mike was gazing at me in that silly way of his. Over the top of his specks, as if he was just about to reprimand me for being naughty. I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty as I was kind of leading him on. I couldn’t help it, I just wanted to see how far I could take him, before I bottled it. Work and relationships don’t go in my book. My professional integrity would be compromised to the extreme. Hard to keep it under wraps. Those knowing looks always give it away. It’s the ah, … I know about you kind of look, that I find so damn annoying. The big boss and the logistics geek. That would be good for company gossip. I liked Mike’ s look though, he was a bit doe eyed now, maybe the cocktail was a bit too lethal.
Just as I was gazing longingly at Mikes gorgeous face, Jane and her playmates arrived complete with designer handbags and sky scraper high heels.
“Hey you guys, … nice hotel.” said Jane kissing me on the cheek.
“Even better when it’s on expenses.” I said wickedly.
I introduced Jane to Mike and the other three girls introduced them selves to him, individually. Wow. I had competition on my hands. Didn’t realise he was such a chick magnet. Those geeky types always land the hot babes. Boy was I feeling good, must be the heat or something. Or even my new fantasy boy. I applied a little more of my hot pink lipstick, as Mike watched me, his gaze never leaving mine. Mike got the drinks in and settled himself in among the bevy of beauties for the evening. I couldn’t help but feel a bit pissed off. He now only had eyes for Laura, Mandy and Susan. Jane and I gave each other a look and laughed as we sipped our delicious cocktails. The band played merrily in the open air, as Jane and I tapped our feet to the groove and swayed our shoulders in unison. The beautiful reddish Latino sky was glowing like a furnace beyond, as the last of the sun disappeared from sight. On second thoughts, that just made me all the more determined to seduce him in the most flirtatious fashion. Mike, watch out those designer specks will be history just shortly. And your abs won’t know what’s hit them when I run my roving hands over them.
The evening was warring on nicely and the sexual tension was on an unexpected crescendo. The high burn chemistry lesson was cooking with gas. Mike had now abandoned his leggy lovelies in favour of Jane and I. No surprise there then, we were gorgeous too. That magnetism was quite irresistible once I went in for the kill. I should be so lucky the rest of the time. He seemed to like my method though. The sultry pouting look with the come to bed eyes, does it every time. Well almost. I couldn’t believe how attracted I was to him. It was like there was a pull of gravity trying to merge us together. I think Jane quite liked him too, the way she was now leaning towards him and hanging onto his every word. Rubbing her leg against his and brushing her hand up and down his thigh. A bit much I have to say, but it wasn’t my job to keep her in check. If she wanted to make a play for him then perhaps we could share him a bit. I didn’t mind in the least. I hadn’t put my stamp on him. If that had been the case then it would have been very different. But I liked a bit of fun as much as the next person. So game on.
We left the young and trendy brigade to dance the rest of the balmy evening away in our absence, as we strolled arms locked together in the direction of the elevator.

Boy I wish I had a sex manual handy. But, I had a good imagination and I too was fuelled with the natural aphrodisiac called lust and desire. The perfect ice-breaker to any platonic relationship. Although I have to say, Mike’ s aftershave was driving me a little crazy. The heady blend of male cologne always made wet with desire. And was slowly bringing me out of my shell. Mike and Jane were in a clinch now and were busy peeling off each others clothes, item by item. Her dress slipped to her ankles, after he undid the zip, then unclipped her bra in one movement. Her raven hair tumbled over her beautifully sun tanned body. I sure was having fun watching them, but reckoned I better make a move before they forgot about me. So I joined them and started kissing Mike passionately as Jane ran her hands over his great body. He was a bit tasty, was Mike and nicely endowed with a generous appendage. Could hardly wait to feel it inside me. Sometime real soon.
The lights were low and a compilation CD played softly in the background. The huge Queen size bed was generous enough to accommodate the three of us no problem. I was enjoying this more than I expected. Jane and I were already comfortable with each other and Mike was a great guy who I really liked, or this wouldn’t be happening. I closed my eyes and felt someone peeling my clothes off, hands so gentle and it felt so nice. I was in a kind of out of body experience now as we let ourselves go and enjoyed our little party - the three of us. My clothes were slowly being removed by Jane and Mike was behind me kissing my neck and cupping my breasts, caressing my silky smooth skin. His ridged cock was rubbing against my buttocks and was making me as wet a hell. I was in heaven as the electrical tingle between my legs grew more intense. My level of desire was rising and with it that feeling I always got all over, as my normally sensitive nipples somehow became ready to be sucked and pinched. It felt so damn good. My breathing was becoming deeper as I took Mike’ s throbbing penis in my hand and stroked the length of it. To which he gave a low groan. I continued to stroke it and watched as a drop of pre-cum appeared on the head. The throbbing between my legs was growing more intense by the second.
Mike then started kissing Jane again and I watched them as their tongues played off each others. I knelt beside them and stroked Jane’s thighs, lightly brushing her trimmed pussy, then working my hands up to her gorgeous breasts and over her luscious erect nipples. I could see she was enjoying it so I kept on going, brushing her silky skin and running my hand over her breasts again. And back down towards her inner thighs, my fingers coming close to her clitoris and moving off again. Each time getting a little closer feeling her wetness as I grazed her swollen labia with my fingers. It seemed to be having the right effect, as her chest was heaving with desire now and her groans of pleasure were really turning me on. Mike seemed to be getting stirred up as well and was stroking his pulsating cock, much to my own pleasure as I watched him, transfixed at the spectacle. His already huge member seeming to grow in size with each stroke. I guessed they were ready now as Mike eased himself on top of Jane and finally sank his cast iron cock into her giving her his whole length. To which she gave a gasp and moaned softly with pleasure.
Mike moved slowly to start with and then a little faster with a grinding action to which Jane let out a whine of pure pleasure. Pleasure for me too, their antics were turning me on big time as I pinched Jane's nipples and ran the back of my hand over her beautiful breasts. After a couple of minutes Mike pulled out and started kissing me again. His warm tongue felt delicious as I sucked and flicked it. I then started to pleasure Jane as she parted her legs and allowed me access to her wonderfully wet and aching pussy, I guessed it was aching anyway. Probably needed some more attention pretty sharpish. I inserted my middle finger and moved it in a circular motion. To which she moaned again, so I was doing something right. My index finger and the one beside my middle finger were massaging her swollen labia and catching her clitoris as I moved in a steady rhythmic action. Mike was kissing her and toying with her nipples in between stroking his rigid cock with his free hand. I felt giddy with the sexual kick I was getting and closed my eyes to take in the amazing feeling.
The room was pleasantly cool with the help of the air-con and the backdrop from the balcony looked onto a beautiful reddish Latino sky merging with a shimmering sea-scape that went on forever into the distance. I wondered if it was always like that at night, or was there a late summer storm brewing. I had a storm of my own brewing, if it didn’t see some action pretty soon. But I could feel Jane starting to respond to the stimulation I was giving her, so I alternated the pattern. I gave her clitoris some light circular movement with my fingers using her own juices and inserting two finger for four or five thrusts and then going back to circle her clitoris. She was groaning now and starting to tense, her groans were getting even louder so I reckoned she was quite close to a climax. Mike continued to kiss her and ran his hand up and down her body. I leant down and started licking her wonderfully pouting labia in between giving a few thrust with my two fingers. I moved my tongue to her clitoris and sucked and licked till I felt her buck and cry out with the force of her orgasm as it shot through her. Hope it was a good one, tried my best. She gave deep breaths as she lay motionless, in plane ecstasy and free of her tension.
“Wow, … thanks a bunch.” she said catching her breath.
“Hey, … my turn next.” I said with a grin. “Make mine a double.”
Mike seemed to be getting quite impatient now to jump on my bones. His kisses traced a line down my neck and onto my nipples. Sucking and pulling them with his mouth. His pulsating member prodding me to be stroked, so I obliged and worked it up and down, gently pulling and cupping his full balls. His kisses grew deeper as I continued the action. Those geeky types always turn out to be the hotbed lovers. I let out a groan as Jane eased her gentle hand between my legs, finding my soaking wet pussy so desperate for attention. That needy feeling sure makes you hungry for it let me tell you. Like to get someone who’s good at fingering and Jane was the best. It suddenly occurred to me why - she has one of her own. Her touch was like magic to my pulsating pussy. Suddenly my pleasure was immense as she rubbed my trimmed mound and eased her finger into my hot tunnel, thrusting and then working my clitoris as she went. I was in heaven and being ravished by two wonderfully attentive lovers at the same time. I couldn’t believe I was enjoying it so much and was glad Jane and Mike seemed to be relishing it as much as me. The fact that they were getting so much pleasure out of it, added to my own delight. I felt amazing and was loving every single minute.
I was getting pretty close to a climax myself now as I felt it well up inside me. Jane knew this by my body language and eased up, allowing Mike to finally have his turn. His pulsating cock wasted no time in entering me as we lay in missionary, his cock was so damn hard it felt like a rod working it’s way right to the hilt. I gasped at the sensation as he slowly started to thrust inside my sopping wet chamber. It had been a long time since I’d had anything quite so big inside me and I could feel my tightness gradually ease it’s grip. Accepting his full member to continue my pleasure. Boy was he good, I was really responding to him as he gyrated on top of me. Jane was kissing me now and her lips felt so soft and I could taste her lipstick as her tongue found mine. The beautiful sensation of her lips merging with mine. I was so hot now that I reckoned I wouldn’t last out much longer. Jane brushed my erect nipples with her hand and drew her fingers across my stomach in between her luscious kisses. I closed my eyes again as the first wave of my climax coursed through me like an explosion. I cried out and clenched my fists into a ball. Then another wave of pure pleasure hit me and rushed through my every fibre. Holding me static as the blissful feeling gradually subsided, leaving a taste of euphoria in its wake. My breathing gradually coming back under control. Mike then pulled out his slippery cock, engorged with my own creamy fluid. He immediately shot his hot lava over my breasts, giving his thick nectar a final release. The spasms of his cock violently spurting out more hot lava. The third spurt shooting more onto my already covered breasts. He seemed happy though, going by the state of rapture on his gorgeous face. Not in his own body now, I think.
“Thanks a bunch guys.” I said through my haze. “I was only joking about the double you know.” I was now wondering how I was going mop up the slick on my breasts.
“You looked as if you needed that.” said Jane with a grin.
“You bet I did, been on heat since arriving at the airport.” I said with a smile.
“The sultry heat and your favourite red wine would be a lethal mixture.” she said with a wink.
“Shudder at the thought, I’d be a raging nymph.” I said with a wicked grin.