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Francois' Girlfriend

"A story about a hot bisexual threesome…"

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Francois’ family were well-to-do. Apart from the large farm they owned, they had numerous properties and businesses in the community where they lived. His family well-respected and the envy of many people in the area.

Francois was slightly odd in his family, because his dad and mom, as well as his younger brother Dougie, were always neatly attired and respectable-looking. Francois was a bit of a slob and generally looked unkempt. To be more specific, he often looked like a farmhand, rather than a farm owner.

Additionally, although he came from a good-looking family, he was considered the ugly duckling of the clan because of his average looks. Francois was around five-foot-ten-inches-tall and carried an extra few pounds. He was stocky, rather than fat.

Francois was well-loved by everyone in their community. He had a very charming personality and always made time to engage everyone in a friendly manner. Francois was one of those people who made you feel like you were one of the most special people in the world, as he interacted with you. He was also the apple of his dad’s eye because he worked hard and did a great job, despite being ‘derided’ by his mom and dad frequently, for his slothful appearance.

Their farm had been in the family for generations, and his father was determined to perpetuate that. In his father's mind, Francois would be the guarantor of the on-going lineage of this remaining intact. Francois knew, and his parents suspected, that his brother Dougie was gay.

Francois, therefore, would supply the grandchildren that assured the family’s continuity. Dougie was sixteen, six years younger than Francois, and also did not have a head for business.

On the farm, Francois had moved into a substantial cottage that had formerly been inhabited by his grandparents, before they moved to an expensive retirement village. This cottage gave him all the privacy that he and his live-in girlfriend, Lisa, required.

He had met Lisa a year before. She was not only the best-looking woman in the region, but also very good in bed. Francois’ parents loved her and couldn’t wait to see the future grandchildren that a beauty like her would produce.

Francois loved his brother, and the siblings got on famously. Ironically, Francois was envious of his brother. With Dougie’s good looks, he could pick and choose sexual partners to his heart’s content. What nobody knew was that Francois was not only a closeted homosexual but comfortable with his bisexuality. Much as he loved fucking women, the odd bit of M2M action was not a problem for him at all. Unfortunately, Francois had to be extremely cautious about these assignations, which were, regrettably, few and far between. The one providential outlet for Francois, however, came in the form of Terry.

Terry was the local hairdresser, supported by everyone in the community. Unlike many in his trade, he wasn’t overtly ‘camp,’ although one and all knew that he was gay. On the odd occasion, when Francois got talked into neatening his hairstyle by his family, he would pop in to see Terry and not only get his hair sorted out, but have sex with Terry as well.

Francois also knew that Terry and Dougie regularly fucked, something that Terry was always very open about to Francois. Fortunately for Francois, Terry was extremely discreet about his encounters with Francois.

In conclusion, Francois’ life was almost entirely perfect. He had money, status, and assured future, the prospect of beautiful children, when he finally tied the knot with Lisa, and which he fully intended to do.

The only thing Francois didn’t have, however, came in the form of a guy named Winston.

Allow me to explain this obsession that Francois had with Winston:

Winston and Francois had attended school together. After school, Winston was employed by Francois’ dad, in the hope that he would eventually run the dairy division on their farm. After his two-year apprenticeship, Winston took up the challenge manfully and exceeded all expectations. He was punctual, diligent, trustworthy, and exacting at his work to a fastidious extreme. In short, Winston put his predecessor to shame.

Although Francois’ dad had worried about the fact that Francois and Winston were buddies, his mind was soon put to rest when he observed the protocol that the two guys followed. During working hours, Francois had an authoritative tone with Winston, clearly underlying the boss/employee relationship. After hours, their interactions reverted to the relaxed vocal tone of friendship.

Winston was not only a hard worker but had two qualities that made him irresistible to women in the area. Firstly, he was an unbelievable dancer, and at all parties, clubs, and gatherings in the region women would give their eyeteeth to dance with him. The secondary and far more private reason was; that Winston had the dick-of-death and was renowned as the Casanova of the county. Winston was not interested in relationships and happily played the field. Included in Winston’s following there were many of the married women and other females, only too pleased to succumbed to his advances. Being fucked by the top stallion in the region was awesome.

Francois was well-aware that Winston had fucked Lisa before she hooked up him. Francois, however, made it clear to both parties that he was comfortable with this situation. Not only was Francois relaxed with the situation, but from the time Lisa had moved in with him, Francois had begun to think about how he could engineer the possibility of having a threesome with Lisa and Winston. Winston’s cock that Francois had only ever seen flaccid, had mesmerized his voyeuristic predilections.

This prospect, magically fell into place, when Winston had to vacate the cottage he was living in because the owner had sold the property. Francois immediately offered Winston temporary accommodation in his home, generously adding that Winston needed to feel no pressure in finding another place to rent.

For Winston, this was heavenly. Not only were all his meals now taken care of, but having his washing done was also part of the deal. Winston worried about the Lisa factor because he had always liked her and thought that she had been a great fuck. Now, however, he would have to be very cautious.

As far as Francois was concerned, he couldn't wait for them to start fucking. Both Lisa, whom he knew was fully under his control because of the prospect of a life of luxury, once they married, and Winston, who was a very doing incredibly well in his employ, and therefore, wouldn’t want to gamble with his future, were under his control. All Francois needed was patience, before all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Francois was sure that in no time, Lisa would be availing herself to Winston. After all, what woman would be able to resist the temptation of having a Don Juan at their convenience? Francois was also aware that Winston and Lisa had enough free time to perpetuate their lustful pleasures, because Francois only arrived home after six p.m., after his working day. Winston always arrived home by three-thirty in the afternoon, because of his early four-thirty start in the mornings.

By the third day after Winston had moved in, Francois knew that Lisa and Winston were fucking. He could tell by their affected body language at dinner, that they were as guilty as sin. Furthermore, after Winston had left for bed by nine o’clock, Lisa almost sprinted off to the shower to get rid of the evidence. Francois was ecstatic about this development. Francois took it all in and decided that he would call her bluff the following day.

Much as Francois was sure that Lisa would offer little resistance, he knew that Winston would be a far harder nut to crack. 'Patience, simple patience,' Francis mentally reminded himself.

The following evening, things went to plan for Francois when he secured Lisa’s body on the bed, after denying her request to first shower. After clamping her body on the bed, his arms moved around her thighs, before his hands pressed down on her stomach, Francois’ face nestled into her pussy with her legs firmly open on either side of his head.

Francois had anticipated this glorious moment, and when Francois sniffed her well-fucked snatch, a bouquet of sexual smells assailed his nostrils. Francois then thought about the super phallus that had primed her encouraging cunt, as his tongue lapped at the nurturing froth that was nourishing his heightened lust. Lisa had always known that Francois loved cunnilingus, this time, however, a different kind of ardour seemed to have taken hold of him, as he slurped and groaned avariciously at her treasure cove.

For Francois, this was the closest he had ever been to Winston’s dick as he reverently suckled the emulsified carnal blend from her pussy. When Francois scurried up her body and shoved his dick in Lisa’s portal, he sniffed her face.

Yes, yes,’ he excited thought, ‘I can still smell Winston on her.’

Francois was so overwhelmed with exhilaration at this point that he shot his load within a minute or two.

“Your pussy tasted delicious tonight, the best it has ever tasted,” Francois said once he had cum.

Lisa was perplexed by what Francois had just said. She had worried that he had tasted Winston’s spunk, yet, it was almost as if he were giving her a stamp of approval.

“Make sure that from now on, it always tastes this good,” Francois added.

At that instant, she knew that he was aware that Winston was fucking her. Furthermore, it was as though he was reinforcing his consent. Confounded as she was, she was also intriguingly delighted by what was happening.

As Lisa finally showered, he lay on the bed, thinking about the possibilities that lay ahead. Anxious as Francois was to move things along, he knew that he would have to show restraint. He wanted Winston to be as comfortable as possible when he finally made his move.

Winston was ecstatic about his new living arrangement, and it felt like he had arrived in nirvana.

In the several days that followed, their nightly routine was continued, to the delight of all parties. Francois, however, was becoming restless and impatient and decided that the time for the next level of ‘fun’ had arrived.

That night when they sat down to supper, in a business-like tone, Francois said, “I know the two of you are fucking, and I have no problem with that. The only problem for me is that I feel excluded.”

As Francois looked at the two flushed faces looking at him, he continued, “From now on, I want to watch the two of you fucking.”

Lisa and Winston were dumbfounded.

From Francois’ tone, Winston was left doubtless that this revelation was an order and not a request. Although he had frequently had threesomes with two women, Winston had never had another male present when he had sex, and also definitely never been watched by another guy as he fucked a woman. A further worry that also crossed his mind was if Francois was going to do more than watch, which was not Winston’s scene.

In an attempt to lighten the mood due to the bewildered looks from Lisa and Winston, Francois chuckled as he added, “I am a voyeur… what else can I say?”

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When dinner ended, and the dishwasher was loaded, Francois matter-of-factly announced, “Let’s go to the bedroom, it’s time for the show to begin.”

Obediently, Lisa and Winston sheepishly followed.

In the bedroom, Francois quickly got down to business and placed the comfy chair close to the foot of the king-sized bed before stripping down to his underpants and sitting down.

Winston and Lisa uncomfortably glanced at one another as they gingerly commenced removing their clothing. Winston was quite freaked out by what was happening and was worried that he wouldn’t be able to rise to the occasion. Fortunately, this fear negated once Lisa lay back on the bed and opened her legs for him.

For Francois, this was a dream come true as he watched the most famous phallus in the area begin to inflate with blood. As Francois observed the spectacle before him, Winston got on the bed between Lisa’s legs and prepared to enter her pussy. As Winston did so, the murmurs from Lisa were like music to Francois’ ears. Additionally, as Winston’s backside began to stir and his groans began complimenting Lisa’s moans in a lower register, Francois immediately commenced toying with his knob.

Francois’s pleasure knew no bounds as he watched Winston’s backside twitching as he pummelled Lisa’s portal. The only problem for Francois was that with Winston’s legs together, Francois couldn’t see the interaction of Winston and Lisa’s genitals.

To remedy the situation, Francois shortly instructed Lisa to close her legs and for Winston to open his legs over Lisa’s thighs. The result of this bore instant results, because not only could Francois now see Winston’s twitching glutes, but more importantly, Winston’s winking pucker as he speared into Lisa’s cunt. The sight before him was magnificent!

“Fuck her harder,” Francois now announced.

The instruction met with Winston’s full approval. Much as the sheer size of his dick could bring a woman to orgasm at will, Winston was very uncomfortable with the scene that was playing out, and all he wanted to do was finish off and get the fuck out of there.

Once he had ejaculated, Winston arose before quickly getting dressed. For Francois, the sight of Winston’s gooey dick as Winston did so, was again mesmerizing.

“I’d better get to bed if I want to be fresh tomorrow,” Winston announced before he departed.

Once gone, Francois climbed on the bed for his nightly oral extravaganza. As his lips suctioned onto Lisa’s pussy far greater pleasure than ever before awaited his taste buds. For the first time, the erotic blend contained fresh spunk, a delicacy that Francois now savoured to the fullest.

The cunnilingus attack from Francois was the most animated that she had ever had. In an evening of surprises, Lisa now got turned onto her stomach. Francois had never anally penetrated her before and now was about to do so.

Lisa instantly knew that a full-on DP encounter would follow soon follow in the future. As Francois uncomfortably began to spear her arse, Lisa hoped that Francois would be performing the anal part and that Winston’s abnormally large dick would be restricted to her pussy, when this finally happened. Surprisingly, once Francois had cum, her first anal encounter had been far better than she had anticipated.

Lisa didn’t have to wait too long because the following night, she experienced her first DP. Fortunately, things worked out as she had hoped. For Winston, he had had also enjoyed the experience more that he thought. As he watched Lisa’s cunnilingus extravaganza with Francois later, he secretly hoped that he would soon fuck Lisa’s backside as well. The only aspect of Winston’s voyeuristic experience that freaked him out was how much Francois had enjoyed the taste of Winston’s cum.

Over the following few days, Winston began to chill and even began to look forward to their nightly sessions. Above all else, when Winston ultimately fucked Lisa’s arse, it was a dream come true for him. No female had ever allowed him to do so in the past.

A couple of nights later, when Winston and Francois double-fucked Lisa in her pussy simultaneously, Winston was amazed that despite the feeling of another dick rubbing against his, the sensation had been incredible. Even more astonishingly, by now, Winston couldn’t wait for their nightly sessions.

Francois was overjoyed by Winston’s progression and his own patience. By allowing Winston to gradually adapt to his masterplan had developed marvellously. The final hurdle for Francois, however, was to get a full-on, threesome relationship in place. Up until now, apart from their cocks rubbing together inside Lisa’s cunt, no other interaction had taken place with Winston. Francois was determined to change that.

The following night, Francois decided that the time had come. When Winston once again began to fuck Lisa and Francois saw his winking pucker twitching, Francois climbed onto the bed. Without pause, Francois lowered his face and commenced licking Winston’s starfish.

“Jesus, buddy, what are you doing?” Winston disbelievingly inquired.

“Just relax, buddy, and go with the flow,” Francois countered.

Although Winston’s mind was in turmoil, the sensation was unbelievingly pleasing.

“Let him lick you, he has a great tongue,” Lisa unexpectedly proclaimed, before adding, “Besides, this is fuckin’ hot.”

“Okay,” Winston nervously agreed as the sensation began to overwhelm him. Winston couldn’t believe how good it felt.

“Do you want me to stop?” Francois asked rhetorically.

“No… it feels okay,” Winston apprehensively whispered.

Francois was ecstatic with the reply and now really began to snog Winston’s pucker animatedly after his hands opened Winston’s cheeks to the fullest. Winston’s arse had never felt anything this good and when Francois’ tongue got going as he lapped and nibbled, Winston began to whimper like a randy bitch.

After a long build-up and before Winston could even process what was happening, Francois moved up and placed the head of his dick on Winston’s pucker.

“Now I’m going to fuck you at last,” Francois proclaimed as he began to slide his dick into Winston’s moistened manhole.

“Oh, Jesus… No, please stop, please,” Winston uttered.

“I can’t. I have always dreamed about this, buddy, and now I’m going to do it,” Francois said as his dick stilled against Winston’s sphincter.

Winston couldn’t believe what was happening to him. Even more unbelievably for him, was that he was enjoying it as the double sensation of having both his dick as arse pleasured.

Suddenly, the hot breath on Winston’s neck spoke as Francois whispered, “We want you in our lives and our bed. We want you to complete our love triangle, Winston.”

Although his arse was on fire, Winston had never felt more loved in his life. Winston had grown up in a poor and difficult family where he had never known affection. Since working for Francois and his family, Winston had never felt more content. Overcome by a feeling of the most incredible inclusion and warmth, Winston knew that his life had finally reached the level of contentment he had always yearned for.

“Fuck me, buddy, fuck me,” Winston uttered, as Francois obeyed his instruction and now pounded into him and kissed Winston’s neck.

With Winston’s body lifted onto outstretched arms, Francois also anchored himself on his left arm, and let his right hand now caressed Winston’s torso and head.

From below, Lisa was enjoying the extra pressure of Francois’s additional weight, as Winston’s massive cock stirred in her pussy. Her hands now also began to caress Winston’s body and tweak his nipples.

As this was happening an unbelievable rush of excitement began to surge through Winston’s body and he knew that his orgasm was fast approaching.

“I’m-getting-close,” Winston began stammering.

Francois was also very close to unloading and simply answered, “Let’s go for it, buddy.”

A heavenly double release followed as both men’s bodies shuddered in ecstasy. For both men, the ejaculation was the most sublime unloading they had ever experienced

Afterward, as Francois lifted upward, Winston rolled off Lisa and lay next to her on his back. On an impulse and in keeping with the ecstasy he had just delighted in, Francois again lowered his body onto Winston, and after cupping Winston’s head in his hands, began kissing him.

Instinctively, Winston tried to move his mouth away, but then he began reciprocating the ardour from Francois. Lisa loved what had happened, and shortly pushed her face into the oral tussle she was witnessing.

After a brief smooching session, Francois extracted his face from the melee. He, after all, had more important business to deal with. After moving his body downward, Francois took hold of the mythological phallus and commenced licking and sucking on it in a trancelike state. To Francois, Winston’s cock had now become the eighth wonder of the world. Francois took his time while Lisa and Winston continued kissing.

After Winston’s entire genital region had been venerated, Francois told Winston to open and lift his open legs before pulling them backward. Francois now commenced his feasting as his mouth and tongue extracted every drop of cum from Winston’s backside.

Later, after Francois resumed his normal cunnilingus position on Lisa, he looked at Winston and sternly said, “Now it’s your turn to make me your bitch, buddy.”

Much as Francois knew that this was going to be an ordeal to remember, he could wait to feel that cock inside him. It also pleased him that Winston unwaveringly moved behind him.

Winston’s entry hurt like hell, and Francois began to muff-grunt as his arse got wretched open.

Happily, Winston showed no mercy, and manically went about his business. Apart from that, Winston also became verbally abusive as he commenced berating Francois. Amazingly, he also instantly saw Lisa’s eyes spinning with lust as he did so, and knew from Francois groaning approval that he was hitting the right cord with this couple.

Fuck, yeah,’ he thought, ‘If these two are going to use me, then I’ll show them who the boss is going to be in this bedroom.’

Apart from the verbal tirade, Winston now also began to spank Francois viciously. As Francois winced with pleasure, the gratification scaled all the heights that he had ever hoped for. Even Lisa’s added vocalization now amplified the scenario, as she roughly mashed Francois’ face into her cunt.

Francois was happy to play along with this ‘abuse.’ He knew that in Lisa’s and Winston’s lives he was in control of their destinies and that this role-play was supplying them with a leveller of sorts.

Astonishingly, in all their previous interactions, potty-mouthed vocalization had never been used. Henceforth, however, this would become a stock-in-trade of their future threesomes.

When Winston finally unloaded, Francois backside felt like he had sat on a barbeque.

Not long after, all three of them exhaustedly drifted off into a blissful sleep.

After Francois departed early the following morning, Francois looked at Lisa and asked, “Are you happy about last night?”

“Yes… very,” she answered.

“Me too,” Francois replied, with a huge smile.

Written by Tuppie
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