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First Class - Part 2

"Vicky, Celeste and Bob in a sexy 3-way in First Class."

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Chapter 3 – First Class
“Ummm, Celeste?” Vicky said.


“These uniforms ….”

“Retro chic, I know, right?” Celeste said, her voice ringing with excitement.

The girls were standing together in front of the full length mirror in the dressing room at the 100 Years of Civil Aviation attraction. They were both dressed in 1960’s stewardess uniforms: navy blue long sleeved mini-dresses with deep v-necks and lapels, gold braiding around the cuffs and large gold buttons all the way down the front. Vicky was staring at herself with uncertainty and mounting concern, but Celeste was smiling and turning left and right, admiring the narrow cut at her waist and the way the dress buttoned tightly over her breasts, pushing them together and showing a deep cleavage. Sliding her hands beneath the lapels, she lifted them a bit higher, revealing a sliver of nipple on each side.

“Too much?” she asked.

“No. I mean yes; I don’t know,” Vicky said distractedly. “Don’t you think they’re a bit …”

“A bit what? Gorgeous?”

“A bit … well … short?”

Celeste looked down at the hem-lines which just barely covered their bottoms.

“Well they are mini-dresses,” Celeste rationalised. “And the sixties were pretty racy.”

“Are you sure they’re real?”

“Of course they’re real,” Celeste curled an admonishing eyebrow. “You’re wearing one, aren’t you?”

“No. Are they real airline uniforms?” Vicky explained. “They’re not … like … porno fantasy costumes or something.”

Celeste snorted laughter. “Oh, they’re real, all right. I even met the lady who donated them. Seventy years if she was a day.”

“Eeeeew! I didn’t need that visual.”

“Well she wasn’t wearing one of them!” Celeste retorted, laughing. “In fact she looked very elegant and modest for a senior citizen. But, man, she must have rocked it in her day.” Celeste adjusted the lapels until her nipples were hidden again.

Vicky still looked uncertain.

“Maybe they’re supposed to be jackets,” she suggested, brightening. “Are there any matching skirts back there?” She turned and eyed the racks of airline livery.

“Oh, stop being such a princess,” Celeste teased. “They’re plenty long enough. Now put your hat on; the boys will be getting restless.”

They had left Spike and Bob out in the anteroom and Vicky thought they were probably discussing in hushed tones what might be about to happen. She herself wasn’t sure what Celeste had planned until she saw the uniform; but now it was pretty clear. At least half of her concern and reluctance was that she didn’t want to lose Bob to the beautiful redhead.

Vicky compared the two reflections in the mirror and found herself envious of Celeste’s fuller breasts, flashing green eyes and cascades of long, glossy, auburn hair. At that moment she had her arms up and was winding those flaming locks into a tidy bun so that she could pin on the little stewardess’s pillbox hat, when a flash of pink lower down caught Vicky’s eye.

“Your knickers are showing below your ‘plenty-long-enough-mini-dress’,” she pointed to the reflection with a giggle. The gauzy gusset of Celeste’s panties was peeking out from beneath the hem. She finished pinning on her hat and lowered her arms, but the mini-dress stayed up where it was.

“Oh my goodness,” said Celeste with an amused grin, pulling down at the hem. “How did they ever load the overhead lockers in these things? They must have gotten groped six ways from Sunday.”

“Maybe they wore tights?” Vicky guessed. “Or maybe they were just shorter than us?”

She experimentally lifted her arms to tie her own hair and was not surprised to see her own simple bikini briefs appear beneath the mini-dress. Her serious eyes met Celeste’s in the mirror and to make a joke of it she did a sexy pout and snaked her body back and forth, running her hands through her hair and twisting her hips. The mini-dress rode higher still, exposing not just the gusset but the whole leg, all the way round to her hip.

Celeste copied, lifting her arms, provocatively grinding her hips and blowing kisses at the mirror until she too was flashing three of four inches of underwear and both of them were giggling uproariously. Vicky noticed with an unfamiliar thrill the way the sheer nylon of Celeste’s panties clung to the smooth curves of her outer labia. She could see a tiny thatch of auburn pubic hair through the translucent fabric and realised jealously that Celeste was almost completely shaved.

Unbidden, an image popped into her head: Celeste’s pussy open and wet, poised over Vicky’s face as she ran her tongue over those soft, flawless lips; feeling their smoothness as she inhaled the sweet musk of Celeste’s sex; and then kissing her there, tasting that sweetness on her tongue, straining and probing deeper into the heat of her womanhood to find the wellspring of that perfumed nectar.

Licking her lips guiltily, Vicky realised she had no idea how long she had been staring at Celeste’s pussy. She looked up and saw the beautiful redhead watching her with an amused look.

“You’re right,” she said. “These things are too short. We can’t be flashing our panties at the guys.” With that, she slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her long legs and off over the heels she had picked out for the costume.

“Well, that’s better,” she said matter-o-factly, both girls looking at the milky smooth lips of her pussy in the mirror as her dress stayed bunched up at her hips. “You can’t see them at all now.”

Vicky’s heart was pounding. The idea of kissing a girl had never disgusted her, but even though she had thought about it several times, she hadn’t really considered herself interested in the idea. Until now, that is.

“Does it hurt?” she asked, looking nervously into Celeste’s eyes in the mirror.

“Does what hurt?”

“You know … shaving … down there.”

“Only if you get it wrong,” laughed Celeste. “Actually, I wax; but the principle’s the same. It’s awkward and easy to make a mess of it. Much better to get someone else to do it.”

“Oh, I could never do that,” Vicky’s eyes flashed nervously as she shook her head.

“Nonsense,” said Celeste. “It’s nothing compared to what you let your gyno do. And it’s so worth it.”

“Worth it?”

“Hell yes. Guys can’t go down on you quick enough!” she laughed; her whole face lighting up. “You let them get a hand in your panties and then watch the look on their face when their fingers slide over smooth, bare skin. They practically start drooling to get their tongue into you. And it’s not just lick, suck, let’s fuck: they stay down until you’re coming like an early Christmas.”

Vicky blushed at the mental picture inspired by her friend’s profanity, still staring at her pussy in the reflection

Celeste turned to face her. “Close your eyes,” she said quietly.

“What are you going to do?” Vicky asked nervously.

“I’m almost naked and I’m feeling modest. So just shut them, OK?”

Vicky closed her eyes and then felt Celeste gently take her left hand and cup it to her pussy. She gasped in surprise, but didn’t pull back. She could feel the little crop of hair against the heel of her palm but everywhere else – all the way down to the tip of her middle finger somewhere near Celeste’s anus – was completely, utterly smooth.

With her own hand cupped over Vicky’s, Celeste slowly stroked up and down, Vicky’s fingers slid with frictionless ease over the soft, hairless flesh until she felt her friend’s juices welling onto to her fingertips.

“Now imagine you’re a guy,” Celeste said softly. “Imagine how that feels against your lips and your tongue.”

“Mmmmm. I can imagine it,” said Vicky, her voice catching as she struggled to control her breathing. And then, summoning up every shred of courage she could muster: “But I’m not imagining I’m a guy.”

In lieu of a response, Celeste continued stroking herself with Vicky’s hand, but applied the tiniest pressure over her middle finger. Vicky needed no further encouragement; she doubled the minute pressure and Celeste’s swollen lips opened like a flower, instantly coating the length of Vicky’s finger in her lubricating juices as it ploughed between the soft, hot folds of her womanhood.

“Wait,” Celeste breathed as Vicky tried to go deeper. “Let me shave you first; the boys aren’t going anywhere.”

Vicky opened her eyes. Too nervous to speak, she bit her lower lip and nodded.

“Great, give me a moment.” Celeste was all business again and transformed into a whirlwind of movement and grace that Vicky had already witnessed a couple of times. From her bag she pulled a foil sachet of sex lube, a miniature manicure kit containing a tiny pair of nail scissors, and - most improbably - a disposable razor.

“Girl Scout,” Celeste explained as Vicky looked with surprise at the little collection. Taking control, she pushed Vicky back onto the settee; pulled her bottom forward right to edge and stripped off her cotton panties in one swift movement.

With Celeste kneeling in front of her, Vicky had a moment of second thought, holding her knees tightly together as Celeste placed her hands between the her thighs, smiling and nodding encouragement as she applied pressure to draw them apart. Her last reserves of resistance melting away, Vicky relaxed her thighs and allowed them to be opened wide, exposing the throbbing, swollen lips of her sex.

“Oh, this is not so bad,” said Celeste gently as she combed the soft brown curls around Vicky’s mons with her fingers and stroked over the wisps covering her outer labia. Quickly and deftly, she snipped away the longer hair with the nail scissors and then smeared lube over the remaining stubble, massaging it thoroughly to coat the base of each hair and making Vicky gasp with pleasure.

Working with long smooth strokes of the razor, she shaped a small triangle of hair about half an inch above the top of Vicky’s slit and then shaved the rest clean. As she shaved down Vicky’s swollen labia, she worked a finger into her soaking pussy so that she could pull back the lips to reach the hairs on the most sensitive inner edges.

As she wiped away the residue of lube and shaven hair, Celeste unconsciously put her finger in her mouth to lick off the juices that had been running freely from Vicky and coating her hand.

“Oh my God,” she breathed, her green eyes widening in shock and pleasure as she licked down to the knuckle and around the webbing. “You taste like … something … pomegranates! It’s pomegranates!”


“Oh, Christ, that is divine,” she plunged her middle finger back through Vicky’s slit, eliciting a surprised shriek from the younger woman, and then did the same with her own pussy on the index finger.

“Here!” she said, offering them both to Vicky lips. “Taste!”

“No!” Vicky cried in shock, but with more than a little curiosity.

“What?” Celeste looked surprised herself. “Have you seriously never tasted yourself?”

“No!” Vicky affirmed, eyes flashing with a mix of embarrassment and curiosity. “Never!” She held up a hand to reject the proffered taste-test.

“Well stop being a baby,” she admonished. “Go on! You’ll thank me.”

Curiosity overwhelmed embarrassment and Vicky held the redhead’s hand up to her mouth. She could smell the musky aroma of sex on her fingers and felt a delicious shiver of anticipation coursing through her body. Closing her lips around the middle finger, she tasted herself first; heady and rich and nothing at all like anchovies – which she hated – and which popular opinion told her was how it was supposed to taste. She supposed that she could taste pomegranates … maybe. Sucking the last of her own scent from Celeste’s middle finger, she withdrew it with a small pop and held the index finder before her mouth.

“C’mon, it’s not as nice as you,” encouraged Celeste. “But it won’t poison you.”

Her heartbeat pounding in her ears like jungle drums, Vicky could feel more of her own juices welling and coating her hairless pussy lips. With a shuddering breath, she opened up to taste her new friend’s sex, and closed her eyes as she placed just the fingertip on her tongue, prolonging the anticipation. With that single taste she was sold. She folded her lips and tongue around Celeste’s finger with a low, animal moan; never in her life had she tasted anything so raw, primal and sexy.

Gently sucking and swirling her tongue over her friend’s finger, she tasted salt and honeysuckle and extra virgin olive oil and something else that she couldn’t identify, but which sang in her mouth and made her nipples tingle and her clitoris buzz. If she had to give it a name, she would say it was the taste of sex; not the taste of having sex, or the sweet afterglow of sex; but of sex yet to come; a potential future as yet unfulfilled. It was fresh and ripe and potent and strangely virginal.

“Oh God,” Vicky breathed, “That’s what I want.”

“Are you sure you want to keep the boys waiting?” Celeste asked, taking Vicky’s hand and helping her stand up.

“What boys?” Vicky breathed. A wave of passion that had been building inside her finally crested and broke, washing away the last of her reticence. Still holding Celeste’s hand, she drew the redhead closer, lifting her chin and parting her lips to signal her intent. Celeste tilted her head to the side and met Vicky’s kiss; her lips small and moist and supple and unlike any man Vicky had kissed.

Vicky’s nerve endings celebrated the new sensation of kissing a woman. She closed her eyes and allowed her hands to chart the foreign territory of Celeste’s body; her muscle-memory – so used to a man’s physique – told her that this was all wrong, but her hard nipples and soaking pussy lips sang with the news that it was not just right; it was wonderfully, breathtakingly right. She moulded her fingers over Celeste’s neat, round bottom and traced into her tiny, tight waist. She could feel the redhead’s full, firm breasts pressing against her own through their uniforms, but it wasn’t enough – she needed the feeling of skin on skin.

Panting and kissing with mounting vigour, Vicky whispered “Please” as she began unbuttoning Celeste’s uniform and “Yes, God, yes” when the older woman responded in turn. Unbuttoned from neck to hem, the mini-dresses hung like coats; Vicky pulled the lapels open to gorge herself on Celeste’s naked perfection.

Tentatively at first, she touched her body to Celeste’s, relishing the hard points of her nipples as every movement traced tiny arcs and swirls of erotic sensation on the sensitive undersides of her own breasts. As their bellies touched, Vicky stopped breathing and focussed all of her attention on her pussy; shaved and open and soaking wet and now just a few millimetres from the moist, pink folds of Celeste’s. Vicky felt the slightest brush of friction as their tiny patches of pubic hair met – so close now – it may have been imagination, but she thought she could feel the heat radiating from Celeste’s molten core.

And then their lips touched. Instinctively, both women arched upwards to make contact at the steaming centre of their sex. Whimpering with passion and desperation, Vicky moved from the hips, brushing her engorged inner folds against Celeste’s, feeling the wetness transfer both ways and coat their smooth outer lips with a mixture of their naturally perfumed lubrication.

Unable to resist any longer, Vicky grasped Celeste’s naked bottom in both hands and ground their pussies together, opening herself up and scissoring Celeste’s smooth lips into her own. Wonderful barrages of ecstasy exploded through her womanhood as Celeste touched down on her clitoris, and she rejoiced at the redhead’s soft cries in her ear that told her she was doing the same.

“Let me do you,” she breathed in Celeste’s ear, reluctantly breaking the contact on her pussy, which was screaming for the sweet release of orgasm. She began kissing down Celeste’s body; her neck, the points of her clavicle and the tops of her breasts before Celeste stopped her, drawing her back.

“No,” she whispered. “We’ll do it together.” She turned Vicky around and held her from behind, one arm crossed over her flat stomach to gently cup one of her small breasts; the other reaching down to close over her sex, the tip of her middle finger nestled in the brunette’s entrance as she kissed the hollow of her neck.

Celeste lowered them both to the floor and supported Vicky from behind as she lay on her back, folding back the lapels of her open dress like a blanket, her tanned and naked form laid out like a golden buffet for Celeste to feast upon.

Vicky looked up into the face of her friend; the beautiful female face that a few breathless moments from now would be the first woman to taste her, to take her, to enter her and – she knew this like she knew her own name – to drive her to an orgasm so intense she would never feel its equal from penetrative sex. Instinctively she drew her knees up to angle her pussy towards Celeste and with the flexibility of a gymnast parted them so that they were almost flat on the floor.

Now pointing straight up, the soft open cup of her entrance began to pool with her juices. Glistening with moisture at first, it was soon slick with her juices and by the time Celeste had kissed from Vicky’s breathless lips to her small breasts – pausing to tease and suck the nipples and to offer her own full breasts to Vicky’s eager lips – it was brimming with the sweet nectar of Vicky’s sex.

As Celeste moved down over Vicky’s young body, the brunette craned her neck up to kiss and trace the lines of her stomach and feel the muscles flutter nervously beneath her soft lips. She watched entranced as Celeste’s glistening opening passed over her eyes, her intoxicating scent filling Vicky’s senses; and then stopped, open and ready an inch above the younger woman’s breathless lips.

There was a frozen moment of time when nothing happened, as if both women were waiting for a signal to begin, and then just as Vicky opened her mouth to kiss Celeste’s pussy, she felt the tip of the other woman’s tongue tracing over her smooth lips. Vicky followed her movements, working down one side, tasting her own smeared scent alongside the more potent, intoxicating perfume almost dripping from Celeste’s molten core.

The exquisite, smooth softness of Celeste’s pussy was unlike anything Vicky had imagined; it was unlike anything she could have imagined. Her limited experience with oral sex extended to a few pleasant but nervous episodes of cock sucking, where she was more concerned about the boy taking liberties and choking her than she was with delivering finely controlled pleasure to her partner. With a man, she wasn’t exactly sure what she should be doing; apart from the one universal ‘no teeth’ rule, they seemed to like pretty much everything.

But this? This! This was indescribably different! Not that she was going lesbo any time soon, but pleasuring a pussy with a cock was like peeling an apple with a chainsaw. And better, she knew exactly what to do because Celeste was copying her; everything she did to Celeste, she felt the result in her own pussy in real time. Licking, sucking, kissing, probing, hard and soft, slow and fast; it was like the most perfect shopping experience where you could try on ten different pairs of shoes at once to see which one looks best … and better … which one feels best.

Gaining confidence, Vicky became more adventurous and moved from the wonderful softness of Celeste’s smooth pussy lips into her glistening, hot slit, where that intoxicating sexual perfume was strongest. Starting with gentle probes above and to the side of Celeste’s clitoris, she teased with soft, gentle strokes; working back and forth in slow arcs and establishing a rhythm with which Celeste quickly synchronised. In a surreal moment of transcendence, so perfectly timed was Celeste’s feedback that Vicky felt as though she was licking her own pussy. Far from revolting her (which would have been her natural reaction), it felt overwhelmingly erotic and sent her heart racing even faster.

As much as she normally loathed direct stimulation of her clitoris, in her breathless passion she grazed her tongue lightly over Celeste’s hard love-button, eliciting a muffled shriek of excitement from the redhead quickly followed by a reciprocal stroke over her own clitoris.

She expected a profound sensation and boy did she get it. But far from the normal sobering shock – like being pinched or doused with cold water – Celeste’s tongue revved her like a race-tuned engine on the starting grid; raucous, animal and powerful but smooth and emotive at the same time. With sparks of pleasure firing and lighting up her core, Vicky’s excitement stepped up to a new level and she felt the first stirrings of an orgasm tingling in her thighs and the base of her stomach.

Arching her back and giving voice to gasping cries of pleasure so that Celeste would know that she was close to coming, Vicky redoubled her efforts on the older woman’s pussy, hoping that they would climax together. Hardening the web of muscles in her tongue, she probed into Celeste’s tight opening, maintaining contact on her clitoris with her lower lip as she strained to go deeper.

Feeling Celeste’s thigh muscles bunch against her ears, Vicky realised that the redhead was at least as close to coming as herself. She almost had time to worry about being left behind when she felt Celeste close her lips over her sensitive entrance and she was forced open by the pointed tip of her probing tongue. The casual, ambling approach of her own orgasm became a full, frenzied gallop as Celeste drove her tongue into Vicky’s sex; the thick base stretching her wide open while the tip probed and danced, pressing and exploring – seemingly in every direction at once – in a way that a cock never could.

Vicky shrieked with passion and genuine surprise as the orgasm crashed through her; at one moment just a contraction in her core and then a light-speed explosion, igniting every nerve ending in her body in a blinding flash of pure ecstasy. Like fireworks, as the last embers of one sky-burst began to fade, another one – with different shape, colour and intensity – would tear through her again, contracting her muscles and arching her pussy into Celeste’s merciless tongue.

Unconsciously copying her actions, Vicky dove deeply into Celeste’s sweet centre, marvelling at the exquisite pressure of the redhead’s tight canal pressing back against her insistent tongue as for the first time she truly began to appreciate the unique ecstasy that a guy experiences driving his cock into the heavenly, silken embrace of a tight pussy. As her own orgasm began to abate, Vicky felt Celeste’s pussy convulse and her hips rock downwards, encouraging Vicky to thrust deeper even though her tongue was being squeezed out by Celeste’s powerful contractions. When finally both women were completely spent, Celeste kissed the last of Vicky’s juices from her freshly shaven lips before turning around to embrace the younger woman, their breasts pressed together as they whispered breathless gratitude into each other’s ears.

After a minute of quiet kissing, Vicky realised that Bob and Spike were still waiting outside and would be getting impatient. Disentangling from each other, both women got up and began putting themselves to rights; buttoning their dresses and touching up makeup as they stole knowing glances at each other in the mirror. Feeling a bit woozy, Vicky wound her hair into a bun and pinned on her pillbox hat. Pulling at her ludicrously short hem, she looked at her beautiful companion standing beside her in the mirror. Was she really afraid of Bob falling for her? Maybe Bob should be the one to be worried. She wondered what would happen next. Whatever it was, they were ready.

“Passengers and crew travelling to Coffs Harbour on flight BJ69, your flight is now ready for boarding. Passengers with special needs and those travelling First Class, please identify yourselves to crew members for priority boarding.”

Celeste’s voice over the PA system was unmistakable. Spike looked at Bob sitting opposite him in the anteroom. “BJ69,” Spike laughed, shaking his head slowly. “See? I told you this would be worth the wait.”

Bob had been increasingly concerned that something was wrong as the ten minute wait stretched to twenty minutes and then almost half an hour. Spike reasoned to the contrary: a longer wait was good news because the girls were making more thorough preparations. As they waited, Bob had finally come clean and told the whole story about his flight from Sydney; how Celeste had conspired to spill water on him, feel him up and then herd him into the tiny airplane bathroom with Vicky where he had lost his virginity. Well Bob, you didn’t exactly reveal that bit, but hey, it’s not like you’re under oath, right?

This revelation gave Spike even more encouragement. Celeste was clearly a master game-player, he reasoned; and they were in for a fun night, providing they played along and gave her every opportunity to execute her plan.

As they stood up, a door on the other side of the room opened, seemingly on its own. Bob and Spike went to investigate, but there was nobody there, just a corridor decorated to look like and air-bridge. They followed the corridor and turned the corner revealing another short passage way and what looked very convincingly like a bridge into an aircraft cabin.

Both girls were inside the cabin, smiling and standing with hands clasped in front of their tiny, navy blue mini-dresses. Bob thought Vicky looked nervous; he could see that her cheeks were flushed and her breasts – tightly bound beneath the gold buttons of her uniform – heaved with her rapid breathing. He stopped momentarily to admire the long curves of her legs, propped up on high heels to lend shape to her tight calves and small, round bottom; he could see so much of her long, slim thighs that he could scarcely believe that her panties were not visible beneath the mini-dress.

“Keep walking, mate,” Spike breathed from behind him.

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“You’re part of the show now, so play your part.”

Bob walked onto the bridge and then stepped into the cabin.

“Welcome aboard, sir,” Vicky stepped forward, embraced him and kissed him deeply on the lips. Bob responded, parting his own lips and meeting her tongue with his, detecting a foreign but not unpleasant taste on her lips that was not the champagne they had been drinking. Lip gloss? He didn’t think so.

“May I take your coat, sir,” Vicky husked, breaking the kiss but continuing to stand with her breasts pressed into his chest and one hand on his bottom.

“Uhhh? I’m not wearing a …,” Bob began before he felt a poke in his back from Spike. “Oh, I mean, of course. Thank you, miss.”

Vicky unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it over his shoulders, taking the opportunity to run her hands over his bare chest and back as she did so. With the shirt off, she kissed him softly on the lips again and said “Come with me, please. You’re in 1B; I’ll show you to your seat.”

They stepped past Celeste with a smile and the front row of First Class seats was right there. As Bob sat down, Vicky stepped slightly in front of him and reached up to open the overhead locker, where she stowed Bob’s shirt. She felt a little tingle of excitement when she heard Bob whisper “Oh my goodness” as he spied her freshly shaved pussy peeking out from beneath the mini-dress. Hurriedly she pulled down the hem, blushing as she realised that Spike could see her bare bottom from behind.

Spike stepped forward, smiling and clearly ready for the same treatment that Bob had received.

“Welcome aboard, Sir,” Celeste said primly. “Are you carrying any metallic items, knives, batteries, explosives, or weapons of any kind?”

“No ma’am,” said Spike. He smiled even wider realising the script had changed for him.

“Hold up your arms, please Sir,” Celeste said; she wasn’t smiling any more.

Spike did as he was told and Celeste stepped closer, close enough to kiss him if she wanted, and began to slowly frisk his upper body. She moulded her palms around his powerful pectoral muscles, slid them up and over his sloping trapezoids, over his biceps and then underneath his arms, testing his latissimus dorsi with her fingertips and finding them bulging from constant use paddling through the surf. Finally she moved half a step closer so that her full breasts touched his chest as she reached around to feel his back.

Stepping back, she said, “Sir, please remove your shirt.”

Spike was still smiling. “Do you always profile skegs as potential terrorists?”

“Skegs?” Celeste smiled.

“Yeah, you know: surfers,” he said. “We’re really not that dangerous.”

“Your shirt, Sir,” she said sternly. “Please don’t make me ask a third time.” Vicky sat in Bob’s lap, curled on her side with her head on his shoulder while they both watched Celeste with amusement.

Spike unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, allowing it to fall to the floor. He held his hands out to sides as if to say ‘What next?’

“Stand with your legs apart and your arms out, please Sir.”

As Spike did so, Celeste took her phone and began to pass it over is arms and chest, pretending it was a scanner of some kind. She knelt down and repeated the process up and down his legs, touching the standby button as she passed over his groin, making the phone light up and buzz with a small audible vibration.

“Are you carrying any keys or change in your pants, Sir?”

“No, ma’am,” Spike replied, trying to keep a straight face.

“Remove your pants please, Sir.”

Spike slipped off his shoes and pants, and then resumed his spreadeagled position wearing only his boxers.

Celeste passed the phone over his groin and pressed standby again to light it up.

“Sir, are you carrying a weapon in there?”

“Yes ma’am. I am,” smiled Spike. “As an Air Marshall I am licensed to do so.”

“Really?” Celeste trilled, clearly amused, her smile showing through momentarily as she tried to resume her part. “An Air Marshall?”

“That’s right ma’am. However I left my license in my other pants.”

“Well is your weapon loaded, Air Marshall?” she asked, smirking a little bit but unable to help herself.

“I don’t recall, ma’am,” Spike replied, his arms still held out to the sides. “But you’re welcome to check.”

Smiling as if this was the invitation she had been angling for, Celeste dropped the stern attitude again and stepped close to Spike, biting her lower lip in anticipation. Holding her right palm to his muscular stomach, she slipped her fingertips beneath the waistband of his shorts and stopped momentarily, as if giving him an opportunity to back out.

Spike merely held her gaze and smiled back. Celeste didn’t hesitate any longer; Bob watched as she delved lower, a big grin started to spread across her face and then stopped. “Oh, Jesus Christ,” she breathed, her grin melted into a wide “O” of shock and her eyes bulged as she stared at Spike.

Celeste took a moment during which Bob could hear her breathing heavily and then “I’m sorry to have detained you, Sir,” she whispered, removing her hand from Spike’s shorts. “You may …,” she stopped to clear her throat. “We’re glad to have you on board. You may keep that on the aircraft,” she continued and then, catching his eye meaningfully and placing a hand on his chest. “But please be very careful if you need to use that thing,” she swallowed hard. “I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“Careful is my middle name,” Spike smiled.

Collecting his clothes, Celeste led Spike to seat 1A across the aisle from Bob and repeated Vicky’s act of stowing his clothes overhead. Never to be outdone, she stood very close to Spike and gave her bottom a wiggle to make the mini-dress ride a bit higher.

Barely half a metre from Bob’s face, Celeste’s legs were slightly apart and he could see moist pink folds of her opening between the soft curves of her smooth labia. He felt a moment of confused lust: part of him – the testosterone-fuelled animal part – wanted to tear off his pants and plunge his cock into the silky depths of Celeste’s pussy; another part - and this part was not just sexual, but transcended sex - was drawn instead to Vicky in a way that he didn’t completely understand.

Vicky caught him looking and Bob thought he saw a flash of jealousy in her expression, however a moment later she smiled and winked at him before walking off to the front of the cabin with Celeste following, swaying her hips provocatively and tugging at her hem back down to cover her bottom.

Bob and Spike exchanged excited glances. Spike – wearing just his boxer shorts - pointed at Bob’s pants and made a “lose them” gesture with his thumb. Bob judged this to be sound advice and quickly removed them so that he was now dressed only in a pair of lycra trunks.

Bob heard some muted giggles from the front and moment later Vicky came out and passed them each a glass of champagne; presumably from the bottle Celeste sneaked out of the pub. “Compliments of the house, gentlemen,” she said, and then turned on her heel and walked back behind the bulkhead at the front.

“Good evening passengers,” Celeste’s voice came over the PA system again. “Pre-flight service has now commenced in the First Class cabin while the rest of the passengers are boarding. We hope you enjoy our complimentary service. If you require any further champagne, hors-d’oeurves, or blow jobs prior to take-off, please press your call button.”

Spike and Bob looked at each other in a perfect mirror image of shocked surprise.

“Did she say…?” Bob began.

Spike just hit his call button.

Celeste appeared with a huge smile and the almost empty bottle. “More champagne, Sir?”

Bob hadn’t pressed his call button, but Vicky came out behind Celeste anyway, figuring that it would be way too awkward to leave Bob alone while Celeste and Spike fucked beside him. Vicky was suffering mixed emotions; she wanted Bob all to herself, but she also felt guilty for the sex she had shared with Celeste. Which is crazy! She reasoned to herself. It’s not like Bob and I are exclusive. Heck, we only met today. And I wasn’t even with another guy!

She pulled the privacy curtain around Bob’s First Class suite, reclined his seat and then lay down with him, tucked sideways into the gap between his body and the arm-rest with her head resting on his shoulder. Bob had removed his glasses again and she was glad that he wouldn’t be able to see the mixed emotions on her face; she just held him and let her mind go, free-associating about their wonderful sex that afternoon where she experienced her first orgasm, their dancing at the pub, and then back to Celeste; the fresh taste of her sex, the tight embrace of her pussy around her tongue, and the explosive orgasm that followed.

Withdrawing deep into her own thoughts, Vicky didn’t even notice her own eyes drooping closed. With wet sounds of lust being sated filtering though the screen from across the aisle, her last conscious thought before she fell asleep was that there existed a perfect solution to her problem; one where she wouldn’t have to choose between Bob and Celeste, and one where she wouldn’t need to feel as though she was cheating on Bob. Mum always said it was good manners to share. Vicky smiled in her sleep.

Vicky awoke to relative silence in the cabin; the only sound she could hear was Bob’s deep breathing beside her – obviously he had dropped off to sleep as well. Her internal clock told her that she hadn’t been asleep for long; she could still feel the buzz of alcohol in her system and her pussy – despite coming twice already today – ached once again with the need for sexual release. As she began to move, she realised that her hand was resting on Bob’s groin; his cock hard and hot and straining beneath his lycra shorts. Panty-less herself, she briefly flirted with the idea of simply impaling herself on his shaft – a delicious throb coursed through her pussy as if in complete agreement with this idea – but the side of her face felt hot from sleeping on his shoulder and she didn’t want Bob to wake and see the likely train-wreck of her make-up. A quick touch-up was in order and she thought that if she was careful standing up then she could get out and back without waking him.

She wondered why she couldn’t hear Celeste and Spike and figured that they must have finished fucking. She felt a little pang of jealousy but ignored it and concentrated on getting herself tidied up and back into Bob’s arms.

Levering herself carefully out of the reclined First Class seat, she pulled down her uniform from where it had bunched up at her hips and took a moment to touch herself, feeling the wonderful smoothness of her freshly shaved labia, now hot and engorged again from the sweet and sexy dreams that followed her last waking thoughts. She pulled back the privacy curtain and was surprised to see Celeste in the seat opposite, alone and half reclined, still in her uniform and sipping a glass of champagne. Far from being hot and sweaty from her sexual exertions, she was still inexplicably immaculate; her makeup perfect and red hair still tucked neatly up beneath the pillbox hat.

Vicky put a finger to her lips so that Celeste wouldn’t wake Bob and beckoned her down to the front of the cabin to talk quietly.

“Where’s Spike?” she whispered.

“Gone,” she said. “We peeked in at you guys when we were done and you were both asleep, so I told him to grab a cab and I would clean up and get you guys back to our hotel room.”

“Oh,” Vicky said uncertainly. This was kind of good news; she wasn’t adventurous enough for an orgy, and it seemed like such good fortune that she was now alone with Bob and Celeste … but the thought of Celeste’s pussy – stretched and spent from her sex with Spike – wasn’t very appealing. “Soooo,” Vicky thought out loud. “Do we …? What do you …?” She didn’t know how to do this. “How was it with Spike?” Holy crap! Where did that come from?

“It wasn’t,” Celeste replied candidly. “I chickened out.” She held up her hand with the thumb and forefinger circled like an OK sign but not touching, suggesting something about the size of a police baton.

Vicky realised Celeste was showing her the size of Spike’s cock. “No way!” she gasped, eyes boggling at the thought of a shaft that big entering her pussy.

“Yes way!” Celested affirmed, giggling at Vicky’s reaction. “It was okay at the tip, but it was at least that thick at the base. I’ll suck it, but I won’t sit on it.”

“Oh my God!” Vicky shivered, wondering what it would feel like. “You’d walk like a cowboy for a week.”

“I know,” Celeste laughed. “Just give me the hot dog; I don’t want the whole bun!”

“Mmmm!” Vicky agreed, although she wasn’t completely sure that she did agree. “Like Bo-…” she clapped her hand over her mouth, surprising herself with her indiscretion. Maybe it was a Freudian slip; it had just occurred to her that neither of them had had sex yet, and the thought of Celeste’s pussy, still fresh and tight and sweet, was sending little tingles of excitement through her groin. She wished she had a cock of her own, imagining how it would feel to nuzzle it up to Celeste’s moist, pink entrance and then push slowly inside, gliding effortlessly into that silken heaven as it closed down tightly over the length of her shaft, drawing her deeper until their groins pressed together and the tip of her imaginary cock touched the innermost core of Celeste’s womanhood.

“Like who, Vick?” Celeste smiled disingenuously.

“Ummmm,” Vicky stalled.

“You forget I’ve felt his cock,” she laughed, referring to the incident she engineered on the flight that afternoon where she spilled water on Bob’s crotch and then mopped it up, stroking his erection with her fingertips before giving him over to Vicky to fuck in the airplane bathroom.

Suddenly, Vicky realised that what she wanted most of all – assuming she couldn’t grow her own cock – was to fuck Celeste with Bob’s cock.

“Soooo,” she began. “If you and Spike didn’t …”

“We didn’t,” Celeste agreed with a grin. “As evidenced by the fact that I’m not turned inside out.”

Vicky giggled. “Then that means you’re …”

“Horny?” Celeste finished helpfully. “Like a rhinoceros!”

“So you want …,” Vicky was not having much success finishing sentences.

“A three-way?” Celeste clasped her hands between her breasts in mock surprise and happiness. “I thought you’d never ask!”

“I don’t think I did,” Vicky sighed, exasperated but grateful to be spared the awkwardness of asking.

“So are you going to wake him up?” Celeste whispered, taking Vicky’s hand and turning back in to the first class cabin. “Or are we going to fuck him while he’s asleep.”

Vicky stopped; eyes wide and looking at Celeste. A moment too late she realised that the redhead was only joking.

“Oh, you minx!” Celeste hissed quietly. “I wasn’t serious!”

“I know, but …,” Vicky tried to defend herself. “But what guy wouldn’t want to wake up like that, right?” The more she considered it, the more it appealed to her. They were back at 1B and Bob was still asleep, his erection straining at the confines of his trunks. Using his sleeping cock to fuck Celeste was even more like using her own; it had a wicked appeal that was stirring the nerve endings in her nipples and making them harden.

She looked at Celeste, watching her consider the idea. Celeste regarded the bulge in Bob’s shorts with a hungry look that bordered on greed. “Yes?” Vicky asked.

“Shit yes,” Celeste agreed. “But how are you going to get those off?” she pointed to Bob’s trunks, lingering with her eyes longer than was strictly necessary.

“Do you still have those scissors?” Vicky asked with a mischievous smile.

Celeste’s green eyes flashed with excitement at the suggestion and Vicky felt a little thrill that she was able to shock the unflappable Celeste. Dashing back to her bag in the galley, Celeste returned brandishing the tiny nail scissors that she had used earlier to trim Vicky’s pubic hair.

“Rookie’s honour,” she said, handing them over with a smile.

“Chicken,” she muttered, taking them and turning back to Bob’s sleeping form.

Kneeling down beside the reclined First Class seat, Vicky moved her face close to Bob’s, listening to his deep breathing. Reaching down with one hand, she gently stroked his hard shaft through his shorts, seeing whether she could touch him without waking him.

Watching enviously, Celeste knelt on the other side and softly cupped his balls, running her fingertips around the smooth lycra to the base of his cock, where she traced the hard contours up to where Vicky hand was gentry stroking.

Bob moaned in his sleep and then took a shuddering breath and muttered something incomprehensible. “Shhhh,” Vicky whispered in his ear. “It’s just a dream. Just a lovely dream.”

Bob settled again even though Vicky continued stroking his cock. She figured that he was deeply asleep, probably assisted by the alcohol that they had all consumed. She looked across his sleeping form at Celeste who raised her eyebrows as if to say, “Well, what are you waiting for?”

What indeed? Vicky shuffled down beside Bob’s shorts and – keeping the palm of her left hand on his cock so that he wouldn’t feel a lot of transient contact, she plucked at the lycra beside his balls and – pulling a safe distance from his skin, she began snipping a slit in the fabric straight across the base of his cock. Thinking it would look sexier, she wanted to keep the hole small; just enough for her to release his cock whilst retaining the smooth structural integrity of the shorts. Rather than cutting up to the waistband, she snipped an arc down around his balls and then back up to meet the other side of the cross-ways slit. The result was a mid-sized, smilie-shaped hole centred over the base of his cock.

Putting the scissors aside and working with both hands, Vicky reached inside the hole with her fingers and guided it over the tip of his cock. She slid it down the length of his shaft and stretched it around his balls; the final effect of the fabric sitting closely around his cock and balls made them look strangely ‘attached’ to the outside of his trunks.

Vicky still had her hand closed around Bob’s cock; Celeste reached out to stroke it and Vicky swatted her away. “Not yet,” she whispered. “You’ll get your chance.”

Standing up, Vicky slipped out of her heels and wriggled her mini-dress up her hips to expose her freshly shaved pussy. Working with infinite care, she climbed on top of Bob’s chair and – facing his legs – straddled his stomach, settled to her knees and then moved down until the base of his shaft pressed into the silky cleft of her vagina, causing her to gasp as every tiny movement ground wetly against her sensitive clitoris.

Standing up straight and hard from her open pussy, the illusion of having her very own cock and balls was almost perfect. Closing her hand around the base of his (her?) shaft, she stroked upwards, pulling the skin like silk sheets over hard steel and deliciously grazing the surface of her clitoris, giving her a shuddering and envious sense of what it might be like to have her own cock to wank. God, guys are so lucky.

Still stroking her cock, she looked up at Celeste who was staring back at her with a slack jaw. This role reversal, where she was able to surprise and rock the super-confident, self-assured redhead, was very appealing. “Join me?” she asked.

“Fuck yes,” she husked, quickly unbuttoning her vintage stewardess mini-dress all the way up the front, releasing her full, firm breasts and the pink folds of her hairless pussy lips. Wanting that full skin contact again, Vicky unbuttoned her own dress and – like Celeste – left it on and open at the front.

Celeste climbed carefully onto the reclined chair and straddled Bob’s legs, wriggling awkwardly forward to bring her pussy up to Vicky’s, with just Bob’s cock between them. Nestling in on the other side, she pressed her wet lips against Bob’s shaft and they opened effortlessly, closing around the side until they brushed the sensitive tips of Vicky’s pussy lips.

Leaning forward, Vicky brushed her hard nipples against Celeste’s, tracing little circles, teasing the other woman even as she teased herself. Unable to sustain the titillating contact any longer, she closed her arms around Celeste’s narrow waist and pulled her into a desperate kiss, crushing their breasts together with nervous flutters of excitement as their flat stomachs made contact above the hard shaft of Bob’s cock.

Stopping before she lost control, Vicky pulled back to drink in Celeste’s naked beauty; the sensuous curves of her narrow waist and full breasts, her flawless, milky skin, red lips and flashing green eyes. Unpinning the little blue pillbox hat, she released Celeste’s long auburn hair from the loose bun, allowing it to fall in sparkling cascades around her shoulders and to frame her perfect breasts. Heart pounding, Vicky leaned forward again – slowly this time – and kissed Celeste, feeling those electric sparks fly again as their breasts touched.

Her pulse raced as Celeste kissed her back, seeking out her tongue as her hands stole around Vicky’s waist and pulled her closer. Holding on tight, Celeste rose up on her knees, bringing Vicky with her as Bob’s cock slid through the twin embrace of their pussy lips. Reaching the top, Vicky felt the ridge of his knob graze over her clitoris and stopped, changing direction to slide back down before they lost contact. They rose and fell in a synchronized dance, never losing contact with the hard shaft that dictated their range of movement.

On the next upstroke, Vicky rose a little higher when Celeste stopped and the natural curve to Bob’s shaft brought the tip to Vicky’s soaking entrance, which greedily opened and with a small movement of her hips, Bob was firmly seated in Vicky’s opening.

“Oh, you didn’t just do that!” Celeste breathed, breaking their kiss.

“You’re just jealous you didn’t think of it,” Vicky teased, rocking her hips on Bob’s cock and working a few inches into her tight love canal.

“I did think of it,” Celeste protested in a whisper. “But it bends the wrong way and I couldn’t get onto it.”

“In a minute, I promise,” Vicky breathed, biting her lower lip as she felt the wonderful heat of Bob inside her again. Still holding Celeste, she lowered herself all the way onto Bob’s shaft, feeling it touch down on the innermost depths of her womanhood. Turned around, the sensation was different to that afternoon’s sex where Bob’s curved member was probing and tickling her G-spot; this was kind of the reverse, she could feel him in an area she more commonly associated with her ass than her pussy, but the sensation wasn’t entirely unpleasant.

Vicky pumped her hips slowly, relishing the texture and contours of Bob’s cock as it glided through her parted opening with Celeste’s breath in her ear and her breasts pressing into Vicky’s own.

“Half time, change sides,” Celeste whispered urgently.

Rising up again to release Bob’s shaft, Vicky carefully pushed out her hips to keep him from slipping between her legs and then lowered back down, goose bumps popping up all over her body as his cock – slick with her juices – slid softly over her clitoris. Seated back down on Bob’s pelvis with his bulging manhood held steady in her glistening slit, she moved forwards a bit to lower the angle of his cock, pointing it towards the smooth hairless perfection of Celeste’s pussy.

As Celeste rose to mount Bob, Vicky could see the small pink folds of her entrance; open, wet and ready as they closed softly over the head; and she was swept by a vivid recurrence of how it felt to have that tight, hot embrace close down over her searching tongue. Again Vicky shivered with longing to have a cock of her own that she could plunge into that silken heaven of Celeste’s love canal.

In one slow, fluid movement, Celeste lowered herself all the way down; crying out softly into Vicky’s shoulder as Bob’s curved length touched down on her G-Spot.

“Oh, God, I think I’m going to come,” she husked in Vicky’s ear.

“Back off an inch,” Vicky whispered urgently, lifting Celeste at the waist.

Celeste’s green eyes flashed from one form of startled surprise to another as she came back from the brink; hardly able to believe she was about to come on the first stroke like teenage boy, she was more surprised still that Vicky knew exactly what was happening and what to do about it.

“Oh, God,” she gasped breathlessly. “It’s like he touched a … a something ….” She trailed off without finishing the sentence.

“An auto-orgasm button?” Vicky suggested.

“Exactly!” Celeste agreed, dipping down again and crying out quietly before rising up an inch or so.

“Same, same,” Vicky smiled. “I think it’s the G-spot. It just feels like you’re going to come, but instead it keeps building up and you have to really work it to get over the top.”

Celeste began again with slow, probing strokes; rocking from the hips and thrusting at the end as Bob’s erection touched that secret place deep in her core. With each thrust, Celeste’s smooth pussy lips touched Vicky’s and ground Bob’s shaft against her clitoris, causing both women to release muted cries of pleasure into each other’s ear.

Pressing their bodies together, Celeste’s movements became rougher and faster and Vicky felt an improbable third orgasm of the day approaching; brought on at least as much by the thought of Celeste’s impending climax as the feel of her soft curves on Vicky’s skin and the grinding thrust of Bob’s cock against her clitoris.

Vicky was hardly surprised when she felt Bob’s arms against her as he took hold on the top of Celeste’s hips where they narrowed in to her trim waist. She felt Bob buck his hips beneath her, driving harder into Celeste’s tight opening. Knowing he was now awake, Celeste lost any reserve she may have been applying and began crying out – Oh God … Yes … Harder … Oh my God, I’m coming … I’M COMING … Hold me – as she leaned back against Bob’s grip, arching and thrusting her breasts upwards as her hips bucked and writhed in the throes of a powerful orgasm.

Feeling a new wetness and warmth on her pussy, Vicky looked down and saw Bob’s cum squirting from Celeste’s pussy and coating her own smooth lips. Hearing and feeling Celeste coming so unselfconsciously and feeling Bob’s cum coating her slit as his cock ground against her love button, it was all too much for Vicky’s senses and she sailed over the crest of her own orgasm, gentle and sweet this time as it filled her body with a hot glow and made every nerve ending sing.

Her own hips thrusting now, Vicky pressed and ground her pussy into Celeste’s and into Bob’s wilting erection, spreading his cum and coating the length of her own slit until the three-way junction of their sex was a big, gooey mess. When Celeste’s orgasm subsided, they kissed, kneeling up to release Bob’s cock and Vicky reached one hand around to hold Celeste’s bottom while cupping a breast with the other.

Would this be her last opportunity to take advantage of her boss’s beautiful body? Vicky didn’t think so; this was still her first day on the job and her training was nowhere near complete.

~~~ THE END ~~~
Written by blin18
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