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Early journeys in love

"Two boys learn and share the pleasures of sex, in practice for the real deal"

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John and I were single children raised in a small Scottish town in the 1920s. We started at Primary School on the same day and but didn’t became pals straightaway. We each had our little group of pals with whom we hung out and played. As we got older, these friendships frayed, and John and I found ourselves isolated. Boys no longer included us in their games, and we were usually left on the side-lines when sports teams were selected.

“You’re a pair of wimps. We don’t want you around.”

In truth, we didn't fit in. John and I were bookish and interested in the natural sciences and art rather than rough sports. We found a common interest in sketching and began spending lunch breaks and free time together doing drawings of the local flora and fauna. Our art teacher loved this, but unfortunately, it reinforced our status as sissies with the boys.  

John and I moved onto the Secondary School when we were twelve. There were many boys in the big school with whom we’d grown up, so it didn’t take long for the message to get around that there were pansies in their midst. We were mercilessly harassed and bullied, and the school turned a blind eye to this intimidation. They believed it was acceptable and character building. To survive in this harmful environment, John and I became inseparable best friends. 

In those days, girls grew up separate from boys, so even at seventeen years old, John and I were green. We watched in wonder as girls blossomed in eye-catching ways but couldn’t begin to imagine their well-hidden secrets and delights. The juicy tales told by the older boys at school were our only source of information. We knew that these raunchy stories were mostly wishful thinking. Nonetheless, we always listened avidly to them in the hope of gleaning some basic titbits on the whys and wherefores of girls.

One day John and I were relaxing by the riverside in a local park when he asked a question that took me aback.

“Have you ever kissed a girl?”

“No, you know well enough that I’ve never got near a girl, let alone kissed one, more’s the pity. Why are you asking?”

“Yesterday, two boys were boasting about a great time that they had smooching with their girlfriends. I just wanted to know if kissing was as much fun as they said.”

At that point, I could quite rightly have just said that I didn't know, but that would’ve disappointed my best friend. So, I leaned over and embraced him and said, “Well, there’s only one way to find out.”

Before John could react, I planted a kiss on his lips. He rebelled at first, but as sweet sensations began to flow between us, he pulled back in, and we settled into a long luscious snog. Eventually, we had to break for air.

“Wow, it’s true. Kissing is fantastic.”

“I’m glad that it was as good for you as it was for me.”

“But this is so wrong. Boys aren’t allowed to kiss each other, let alone enjoy it.”

“Well, that is what the moral windbags would say, but they’re wrong. The world didn’t come to an end just because we smooched, but we can stop now if you’re uncomfortable.”

“What, don’t be silly. This pleasure is too good to miss. Get back in here for some more.”

John and I cuddled together and kissed off and on for most of the afternoon. Over the next couple of days, we continued to perfect our tongue tango technique whenever time permitted. These first tender encounters awakened many ideas and cravings that we knew were taboo. Still, nothing could now stop two curious and horny lads from exploring them.

A mark of our ignorance was that we had thoughts about each other but didn’t know how to move things forward. As always, nature found its way. We were relaxing under the sun after a breath-taking snog when John’s hands began to wander. I sighed and trembled with joy when they caressed my torso and gasped with delight when John undid my shirt and started rubbing my chest. Not to be outdone, I unbuttoned John’s shirt and cupped his boy boobs with my hands. He quivered when I kissed each nipple and moaned when I latched onto one while teasing the other with my fingers. While savouring these marvels, John slipped his hands around me, pulled us together and kissed me on the lips. As we lay together, mouth to mouth, nipple to nipple, torso to torso, we were engulfed by a wild mix of erotic sensations. We knew that we’d passed the point of no return.

Now emboldened I made the next move. I undid John’s belt, opened his fly and slipped my hand inside his drawers. His cock came alive and took charge. It engorged and began to wriggle and squirm happily within my tight grasp. There were no doubts as to its enthusiastic message; jack me off now, let me sow my seed. Without further ado, I began pumping the shaft. John was soon groaning and gasping for breath as his dick went rigid and closed in on climax. Suddenly, John unleashed a string of oaths as his tool shuddered violently and spat out an enormous load of spunk.

I will never forget the look of absolute joy on John’s face, but the pleasure wasn’t all his. The thrilling and agreeable sensations that I felt when John’s cock engorged, tremored and then climaxed within my grasp were memorable and gratifying.

John didn’t dillydally. He pushed my trousers and drawers down out of the way, grasped my erect willy, and began vigorously beating the meat. His hands quickly worked their magic and soon I was engulfed in waves of pleasure as my dick went through a breath-taking climax.

John and I threw off our remaining clothes, cuddled up with our flaccid cocks nestled together, and rested. This relaxation didn’t last for long. Hungry for more, we wanked each other to orgasm several times that day. Two drained and exhausted, but satisfied boys enjoyed the soundest of sleep that night.

Mutual masturbation became a regular feature of our partnership. This act was mainly for the pure pleasure it gave us. But it was also a stress-reliever when the pressures of school got too much. When John and I endured the spite of the tawse, an all too regular occurrence in those dark days, conjoint wanking later in the day always soothed our pain and anger. In time, we added blowjobs and exquisite sixty-nines to our repertoire of calming measures.

The challenges we faced at school dramatically increased when John and I moved into our final year. Not only were the subjects much harder, but two of the teachers took an extreme dislike to us. During the early part of term John and I got the belt at least three or four times a week. Unbelievable as this may seem today, we could do nothing but accept our fate. In those days, teachers were gods whose word was law. Any attempt to argue only gave them the freedom to flog you even more.

For me, things came to a head during week eight. I don’t know why the two teachers were so upset with me, but I got the belt from each of them at least once every day. By Friday afternoon, I was numb and didn’t show any emotion or reaction to getting the tawse yet again. The teacher went ballistic because I was supposedly disrespecting him in front of the class. He ordered me to go to his study at the end of the day. A collective gasp went around the room because this meant one thing. I was going to get the belt on the bottom. That reality didn’t stop the boys from sniggering when I finally had to head off to the office. After all, to them, I was just a wuss.

“How dare you make fun of me, boy. You’re about to get a lesson that you’ll never forget. Bend over the desk.”

There was no point in arguing, so I did so without a word. The teacher undid my belt and pulled down my trousers. That I’d expected but what came next was a shock. He pulled my drawers down to my ankles. This action was wrong. Only the Headmaster was permitted to give the tawse on the bare, but clearly, this teacher had other ideas.

“That’s got your attention, hasn’t it? Your pansy bottom is going to endure the full wrath of the belt. It will pay an agonising price for your insubordination.”

To add to my anxiety, the teacher picked up an extra heavy tawse. I now knew that my bum was about to be severely scorched, and it was. Every strike was agony. My bum was burning like a furnace as that thick hard belt unleashed its rage again and again. I lost count of the tally. It was certainly more than the Baker’s dozen and I was crying like a baby before the teacher vented the last of his frustrations on my rear.

I wasn’t even allowed time to recover or redress. “Get out of my office now, you pathetic specimen. Grow up and become a man if you don’t want any more of the same.” 

I was in such pain that I could hardly hobble out of the door. Thankfully, John was waiting in the corridor, and he helped me redress and recover my composure. Unfortunately, not before my distress was spotted by a few other boys. Soon, the whole school would know about my bare-bottomed trauma. The story would become part of school folklore, retold year after year as an example of what happens to sissies at this macho school.

John helped me get home. Of course, Mum noticed that I was walking very hesitantly.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

I couldn’t tell my mother the truth, so I resorted to a white lie. “I slipped on the stairs at school and landed on my bottom. It’s sore but nothing that a good night’s rest won’t cure.

“Okay, once we’ve had dinner you can pop off to bed to recover.”

I slept on my stomach on top of the bed that night. Fortunately, by early morning, my rear had calmed enough that I was able to slip between the sheets. This move meant that Mum didn’t see anything amiss when she came into my room.

“I’ve just had a message that Auntie Jean is ill. I’ll go and visit her today, so you’ll be here on your own. You can just chill out and get rid of your aches and pains.”

I thought that this statement was quite strange, but of course, Mums are clued-up. She knew that the agony in my posterior was due to a belting, deserved or otherwise, at school. This statement was her way of saying that she was there for me if I wanted to talk about it.  

Mum was gone less than half an hour when the doorbell rang. I got up, found a robe, and answered the door. It was John. He’d come to see how I was doing. Suffice it to say that before long we were both down to the buff and making out on my bed. John was wonderful. His magic ministrations sated much of my accumulated angst. Still, I couldn’t overcome the dark mood left by the previous afternoon’s humiliation. Even a couple of blow jobs didn’t cut the mustard.  

John and I had both heard a few whispered stories of boys riding each other, supposedly to practice for the real thing. But we'd dismissed them as just lurid playground fiction. However, as John and I became more and more affectionate, we realised that the idea wasn’t so farfetched. We did discuss the intriguing possibilities and got close to doing the deed on a couple of occasions. Each time we’d drawn back at the last minute – deeply worried by the physical and sensual repercussions of boy-boy penetration.      

“You’re still tense. Maybe a whole-body massage will lift you out of the doldrums.”

“Go to it. I can never have too much of your lovely hands.”  

John rubbed sunflower oil over my chest and arms and gently kneaded my tensions away. As John worked his way down to my groin, my dick sprang into life, thinking it was about to get some action. John ignored it. As he finished off with my thighs and legs, my willy reluctantly went back to sleep.

“Turn over. I’ll do your back.”

I rolled over, and John started to massage my shoulders. As he leaned over me, his cock and balls brushed against my still tender bottom. This gentlest of touches triggered startling effects. My bum began quivering, and John’s todger stirred into life. There was no mistaking the message. We were both ready and eager.

I got up into the doggy position, and I whispered to John. “I’m ready. My cherry is yours for the taking.”

John needed no further encouragement. He poured oil onto my butt and then drove his erect dick into the crack. My heart rate jumped, and I squealed in pain as the tip of John’s dick then forced its way through my bum hole. This acute pain quickly diminished, and pleasant feelings began to spread from my twat as John’s glans now trembled with delight in its new tight nest. Next, John’s cock plunged deeper and deeper into my pussy. In no time at all, I was impaled on John’s throbbing shaft, and his balls were kissing my bum cheeks.   

My boy pussy was still squirming around John’s slick cock and trying to accommodate it when he began to screw me. I was soon swamped with breath-taking sensations as stroke after stroke hit and lit up my twat’s many honey spots. John pounded me hard and fast and drove my fanny into turmoil. I was already squealing with joy when his cock convulsed and shot its soothing load into my ravished twat. The terrific sensations radiating from the hot spot at the tip of John’s dick just added to the ecstasy. The perfect finale to a good ride.

John and I got under the sheets, cuddled up together and enjoyed the fantastic sleep of the just after. As we stirred later in the morning, I knew who deserved a reward for soothing my angst in the most enthralling way.

I kissed John, and we began making out. Nothing needed to be said. Once he was aroused and ready, John got into the doggy position. I poured oil onto my cock and into his bum crack. Then, I worked my erect dick into the cleft until the tip was pushing hard against John’s hole. It twitched as it fought against this intrusion. John cried out when his hole finally gave way and my willy burst into his snatch. I worked my way deeper and deeper into his love tunnel. When the whole shaft was inside, I stopped to appreciate the stunning sensations now flooding from my willy.  

At first, I drilled John at a moderate pace, to maximise the pleasure for both of us. I even slowed down when I realised that I was getting too close to climax. Then, I pounded John’s fanny as hard as I could. He was moaning and gasping for breath as I closed on orgasm again. We both howled when my dick finally tremored and delivered its massive load of cum. I remained coupled with John for a minute or more as my cock wriggled with happiness in a sea of warm spunk; satisfied with a job well done.

John and I got between the sheets, cosied up and shared a long luscious kiss. We were over the moon. We’d sealed our partnership in the most intimate manner and in doing so discovered unequalled pleasure and satisfaction.

I relived every sensual moment of the day in my dreams while John and I slept together. Luckily, I stirred late in the afternoon long before Mum was due home. After a quick shower, I dressed, aired the room, tidied up, and made my bed. To my utter surprise, my todger came to life again as I watched John get out of the shower. Only after John’s redressed did my dick go back to sleep.

I prepared a light snack in time for Mum’s return. We chatted as we shared it. Thankfully, the conversation was mainly about Auntie Jean and didn't get around to what John and I were up to during the day.

I could hardly believe my ears when Mum said to John, “I’m glad that you kept George company today. It would’ve been a long day for him on his own. I must go to the hospital again tomorrow. Would you be able to keep George company while I’m away?”

“Of course, I’m only too glad to help.”

“Good, I’ll prepare some food for both of you before I catch the first bus in the morning.”

I accompanied John on his way home. When we were nearby his house, in a spot where no one could see us, I kissed him. “Don’t dawdle tomorrow. I want you.”

As I got back home, Mum said, "John’s a nice lad, be a good friend to him.”

I couldn’t help thinking that it was a good thing that Mum didn’t know just how friendly we now were.

"Yes, Mum. John's my best friend, and I intend to keep it that way."

I slept like a log that night despite the great memories spinning around in my head. I woke early the next day, showered, dressed and had breakfast with Mum before she left to get the bus. From then, time dragged out until John arrived.

We hugged and smooched as usual, but this time to add to our fun, we undressed each other. This process was prolonged but enchanting as we caressed and kissed every spot as it was exposed. John sighed as I kissed the tip of his cock and purred with delight when my fingers stroked his bum crack and teased his hole. We continued this erotic exploration long after we were naked, and both got very aroused and horny.

John and I satiated our ardour by going at it like rabbits. Both pussies were ravished and filled with fresh cum four times over the day. The first time we shagged each other doggy style, as before. But our early workout gave us some hints about alternatives. Soon, we figured out the missionary position and were enjoying its rewards. Watching the changing expressions and happiness on your partner’s face during the ride made it so much more sensual and pleasurable.

As John and I made love, I found an ultra-sensitive spot in his fanny. His face lit up like a Christmas tree each time my glans tweaked this site. By slightly adjusting my position and stroke to give this sweet area plenty of attention, I increased John’s pleasure and drove him wild. John was also quick on the uptake and found some of my sensitive spots. The rides got better and better, and we were blowing each other away by late in the afternoon.      

John and I couldn’t get enough of each other, but even we had our limits. Exhaustion overtook our lust and two weary, but very satisfied lads fell into a deep blissful slumber. Fortunately, I’d set the alarm to go off one hour before Mum arrived home. Despite this rude awakening, it still took us quite some time to overcome our tiredness and get up and going. Out tardiness meant that we had a close call. Luckily everything was shipshape, and Bristol fashion before Mum got home.

There was little conversation while we had our snack, but then Mum piped up. "Are you okay? You both look tired. Are you ill?”

Wow, what to say. “No, nothing like that. We were having a workout and overdid it trying to prove who was the fittest."

“Ah well, boys will be boys, but I hope that you’ve learned your lesson.”

“Yes, we’ll certainly not forget today any time soon.”

 As John and I walked towards his home, he said, "You're sharp. That story about keep fit was plausible, and in a way, we did do several whole-body workouts today.”

I kissed John before setting off home. “Today was marvellous, let’s do it again soon. It’s a pity that we have school tomorrow.”

When I got back home, I saw that Mum had set out my school uniform for the morning and had my PJs on the bed. We chatted a little about Auntie Jean and drank some hot cocoa.

“You’d better pop off to bed now and have a good night’s rest. You need to recover from your over-exertions.”

I swear that there was a twinkle in Mum’s eye. Did she suspect? If she did, nothing was said.

John and I didn’t go caveman. Having sated our immediate animal lusts that Sunday, we didn’t couple again until the following Saturday when Mum was away spending the day with Auntie Jean. On this occasion, John and I weren’t so wild and frantic. Even so, the bed springs worked hard as we rode each other to ecstasy three times over the day. Unlike the previous time, we were up and had a snack prepared long before Mum came home.

"By the smiles on your faces, you've had a good day.

“Yes, we’ve burned a lot of the calories with a good workout.”

 “Good, but just remember you shouldn’t overdo it.”       

Later, as John and I kissed nearby his home, he said, "Take care tonight, your Mum has guessed what we've been doing.” 

I didn’t believe him, but as soon as I got back to the house, I realised that John was correct. While I was away, Mum had changed all the bed linen and aired out my room. When she called for me later, it was with great trepidation that I went through to the sitting room.

To my surprise, Mum wasn’t upset. “Sit down George we need to talk. I know that you and John are a couple. Are you in love?”

The bluntness and stark reality of her question hit home, and while my mouth opened and shut, I couldn’t utter a word.

“Don’t worry. I’m not angry. I just need to know.”

I gulped and spluttered. “I’m not sure. John and I are infatuated with each other, but it’s too soon to know if it’s true love. For the moment, we’re just having great fun discovering the joys of physical affection.”

“What you boys are doing is considered immoral and disgusting, but I’m not going to stop you. At your age, my brother and his pal got very close. They were pilloried and persecuted by the moralist great and good and forced to split up. My brother never got over it, and I don’t want you or John to suffer as he did.”

Mum smiled. “There are, of course, advantages to starting your journey into intimacy and love with a best friend. Because you already like and trust each other, you can open up and explore your sensual and physical desires and needs, without risk or fear. To have such a cocoon of safety is unique and liberating. It allows you to share and delight in the most enchanting of experiences freely.

I could hardly believe what my oh so prim Mum was saying.

“Did you experiment as a teenager?”

“Yes, my best friend and I played together. Like most girls of the time, we knew nothing about our bodies, sex or relationships, but we were curious. At first, things were tame; we just examined and compared our girly bits. Then, we began to learn some of their pleasures. It’s a mark of my ignorance that I thought that I’d damaged myself when my body began shuddering and juices trickled from my fud as my friend fingered it for the first time. Of course, the waves of pleasure and deep satisfaction that followed my first ever orgasm told me the real story. Soon, my friend climaxed at my hand, and we were off on a highly erotic journey together.

“My best friend and I were a passionate couple for two sweet years before we eventually met, dated and married our husbands. No longer naïve, we didn’t accept the male-dominant wham-bam sex that most wives endure. We knew better and guided our spouses to the mind-blowing delights of an equally shared partnership. They never complained and oh my, neither did we.”   

I hugged Mum. “I was scared that you’d go berserk when you found out. Thank you for being so understanding.”

“Just be discreet. I want you to have a safe place, so you and John are free to meet here at any time, whether I’m around or not. Just hang a do-not-disturb sign on the door and lock it you are having a workout. Also, move your bed a little. I don’t need to hear the headboard banging non-stop against the wall. One last thing, you and John are going to face several traumas. Don’t fret over them, talk to me. I won’t be embarrassed. I’ll do my best to help you.”

“Mum, I can hardly believe my ears. It doesn't seem adequate, but all I can say is thank you for your understanding and support.”

“So Mum isn’t so bad after all.” We hugged for a long, long time.

At school on Monday, John asked me about what happened but refused to believe my story.

“Well, we will find out on Saturday. That is if you’re up for some more action.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

The week dragged out but eventually, Saturday morning came around. Believe it or not, I was vacuuming the living room, and Mum was doing the laundry when John arrived.

“John and I are going upstairs, Mum.”

She smiled. “Okay, have fun. Dinner will be ready at five.”

John and I were quite nervous as we headed to my bedroom but calmed down considerably when we found a do-not-disturb sign and a key laid out on top of the bed. I hung up the sign, locked the door, and we began undressing each other. We were hot and randy before we got onto the bed but kept things slow at first, still a little apprehensive over what might happen. That didn’t last, sheer lust took over, and we screwed each other with gusto. If anything, the knowledge that Mum was nearby added an extra zing to our exploits. With cocks drained and pussies satisfied, we dropped off to sleep early in the afternoon. Mum must have heard us snoring because she knocked on the door at four to say that dinner would be ready in an hour. We had plenty of time to shower, get dressed and go downstairs for our meal.

Understandably, conversation over the meal was a bit stilted. I mean we couldn't talk about what we'd done all day, could we? But eventually Mum and John talked about school and what he wanted to do at the end of his final year. I added a few mutterings here and there. 

John and I took a slight risk that evening and shared a long passionate snog to seal the day.

"Now, I believe. I can hardly wait for tomorrow.”  

So, it came to be that Saturdays and Sundays became our days of affection. Over the weeks, John and I became highly attuned. The sex became less frequent and frantic but lasted much longer and took us to heights of passion that were unimaginable in the early days.

John and I generally kept our intimate activities to the weekend. However, we occasionally engaged in stress-relief during the week if things were particularly bad at school. John and I found an unused stable where we could safely go at lunchtime or after school if we needed to quench our sorrows. Wanking or sixty-nines usually sufficed but sometimes we needed to go all the way to do the job.  

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One day our two ‘favourite’ teachers were particularly crabbit. One took delight in giving John and me the belt in the morning and the other found reasons to flay both of us twice in the afternoon. You could have heard a pin drop in the class as the teacher laid into me for the second time in one period. Sadly, he broke me. The pain was so bad that to his great delight, I burst into tears.

John and I now desperately needed to let off steam, so at the end of the day, we dashed off to our secret stable. As we arrived there, we discovered to our surprise that we weren't the only boy couple in the ultra-macho school. Jamie and Mark, two lads from another class, were already there, heavy petting in one of the stalls.

As soon as Jamie saw us, he let go of Mark and rushed towards us.

“What are you doing here? Are you following us?  Are you school snitches?”

“Calm down, calm down. It’s nothing like that. We’ve come here for some relief just like you. We’ll leave you in peace and go somewhere else.”  

As I was saying this, I couldn’t take my eyes of Jamie’s dick. Although he was a small lad, his cock was enormous; it was at least an inch longer and much, much thicker than mine.

Jamie smiled when he noticed that I was ogling him.

"Like what you see, do you? No need to leave. There’s another empty stall. Use that and have fun.”

Jamie walked back to Mark, who was soon face-down in the straw, having his love tunnel plundered by Jamie’s monster. Meanwhile, John and I undressed, placed some straw in the stall and cuddled together on top of it. We petted for a while. Soon, we were hot enough to go for it. We didn't hold back, and all our annoyance at the teachers dispelled as we ravished each other's fud. After sating our angst, we shared our love again but in a far more tender and satisfying way. We rode each other slowly but surely to bliss.

John and I had only made love in private until that day. It, therefore, came as a great surprise to find that our libido increased when we were within sight and sound of another rampant pair. The extra zest and enthusiasm with which we rode each other added to our joy.  

Jamie and Mark were an active couple, but their relationship differed from ours. John and I topped and bottomed equally, but Jamie seemed to be a dominant top. During our time in the stable, Jamie rode Mark on three separate occasions without ever offering up his boy pussy. This situation was okay if Mark was happy to be a subservient bottom, but I had to wonder. Did he get any satisfaction or was servicing Jamie just a chore that Mark accepted to keep his partner happy? Many wives would recognise and empathise with that predicament.

Mark’s situation became much clearer a couple of weeks later when I bumped into him outside school. He looked very downhearted and close to tears. I sat down beside him, and we chatted.

“I can’t take much more. Jamie’s just using me. We make out and heavy pet like there’s no tomorrow, but when it comes to the main course, there’s only one dish on the menu. Jamie screws me, no discussion, no arguments.”  

“Why do you put up with that? Why don’t you leave?”

"I can't. Jamie's my best friend. How would I survive without him?

There was nothing I could say. Hard as it is to believe, I could understand Mark’s point of view. I could never imagine being without John. I realised that Mark was in need of stress-relief and I knew how best to achieve it.

“Come with me.”

Mark followed me to the barn where we’d met before.

“Why are we here?”

As I got down to my birthday suit, I said, “You have needs, and I’m going to fulfil them. I’ll be a bottom so that you can play hide the sausage.”

Mark's eyes opened wide, and his jaw dropped, but he didn't linger. He was soon naked and making out with me. Mark quickly mounted me and began drilling my twat with enthusiasm. His cock was long and reached many untouched regions of my fud. I was already sighing with delight when excitement got the better of Mark, and he shot his load.

Mark and I lay together for a short time and then started petting again. Mark’s dick hadn’t read the book about recovery time. With fanny readily available, it wasn’t going to miss out on the opportunity. It quickly rejuvenated and went stiff. This time Mark was far less frantic. He rode me slowly and steadily for a few minutes before rapidly picking up the pace until I was groaning, and more hot spunk shot into my twat. Later, Mark rogered me again. Jamie had no idea what he was missing. Mark was a star as a top. I was gasping with delight long before my fud tasted his cum.

Mark was beaming ear to ear when he kissed me. “Thank you for everything. You’ve made me feel whole again.” He practically skipped out the door when he set off for home.

I was happy to have helped Mark and, in my naivety, I couldn’t imagine any consequences with Jamie. After all, I wasn’t threatening his relationship with Mark, or so I thought. The problem was that from then on, Mark was no longer willing just to be a bottom for Jamie and made this abundantly clear.

I was oblivious to this when I bumped into a crestfallen Jamie three weeks later.

“What’s wrong? Why are you so unhappy?”

“Mark and I had a row. I wanted him to try some role play: master and slave, but he refused and now won’t speak to me.”

In hindsight, I should've asked what the role-play involved. That Mark refused his best friend should have set off alarm bells, but it didn’t. My conciliatory instincts took over.

“Can I help you solve the problem?”

“Yes, if you’re willing.”

I intended to intercede with Mark to try to get him and Jamie back together. But Jamie decided that I was offering to substitute for Mark and got upset when I tried to say otherwise. In truth, I was intrigued by what he had in mind, and I couldn’t foresee any problems, so I eventually agreed.

Jamie led me away to a stock shed far off the beaten track. There was a large open area covered in fresh straw. Naturally, I assumed that this was where things would take place, but Jamie continued to the far end of the shed, where there was a set of single stalls. All but one was full of hay bales. There was a single bale on the floor of the empty one.

“Take off your clothes and get down on all fours over the bale.”

“Okay, master.”

As soon as I was in place, Jamie slipped an elasticated strap around the bale and buckled it. My legs and arms were now pinned tightly in place so that I could no longer get up or get free. Also, the stall was narrow and had high partitions. I couldn’t see anything beyond my immediate confines. To all intents, I was helpless and isolated.

“What do you think that you’re doing?”

“You’re my bottom slave for a day. The strap is just to make sure that you can't do the same as Mark and change your mind.”

Oh, so that was it. Mark must’ve rebelled against this role play and ever the willing idiot; I’d fallen into the trap hook, line and sinker.

“Okay, I consented. I’m yours to use as you want.”

“Quiet slave, there’s plenty of time for that. First things first.”

I heard Jamie walk to the barn door and shut it, leaving me all alone. What was going on? The sudden isolation, a worry that Jamie wouldn’t come back and worse still the fear that strangers might find me made me very jittery. I only calmed down once I figured out this was part of Jamie’s game; a period of solitude to heighten my anxieties and worries about the cock action to come.

Eventually, I heard the barn door re-open and footsteps coming towards the stall.

Was this Jamie or someone else? “Who’s there?”

I heard a familiar voice. “Be quiet. Your master needs to sow his oats.”

My love hole quivered when Jamie poured oil onto it. Jamie grunted like a wild animal, and I shrieked as he then forced his dick into my hole. The initial pain subsided, but I was soon gasping and squirming as I tried to cope with Jamie’s colossal weapon. Jamie didn’t relent. He rode me fast and hard and sent my fud into a frenzy.

My groin was also awash with enthralling sensations. These awakened my cock, which rapidly lengthened and engorged. I felt every prickle as my willy twitched and shuddered against the back of the bale. This added stimulation drove it over the edge. My dick thudded against the bundle as it went into a breath-taking climax and gunned out an almost endless stream of cum. This reaction spurred on Jamie. He now pounded me even faster and harder. I was bawling like a calf that’s lost its mother before his monster finally relented and filled my fud with hot spunk.

Now that I’d done my duty to Jamie, I expected to be released, but he had other plans. I tried to struggle when this became obvious. “Come on, Jamie, let me go. You’ve had your fun.”

“Be quiet, slave. We’ve only got started. Rest now. There’s plenty more action to come.”

I heard Jamie walk away and shut the barn door, leaving me alone again. This move left me in a state of confusion. I should’ve been afraid of what Jamie might do to me next. Instead, I found my helpless situation to be erotic and highly arousing. I was keen for Jamie to return and possess me. He’d ridden me to a fantastic orgasm, and I wanted more.   

I relaxed and fell asleep but was awakened early in the afternoon by the sound of thunder and lightning. Not long after, as heavy rain battered the roof of the barn, the main door opened. The shed then resonated with bleating sounds as a herd of goats trotted in out of the deluge. Before long, they discovered me, and multiple wet noses began sniffing me. One very soggy nanny goat even squeezed alongside me and began to lick my face. Now, I heard the door close, footsteps heading my way, and a voice, a female voice.

“What have you found up here that’s so interesting? Oh my, oh my, who are you?”

“I’m George. I’m Jamie’s slave for the day, and he left me tied up like this so that I don’t escape.”

“Sorry, I know that Mark and Jamie romp together. Are you a new friend?”  

“It's a long story. Jamie and Mark have split up, and Jamie picked me as a substitute.”

“I’m sure that you’d little choice in the matter. Jamie is dominant in every way. I don’t suppose that Mark ever got to be top. Any time I spotted them by chance Mark was always being rogered by Jamie.”

“Yes, you’re right. Jamie may be taking his revenge because I took pity on Mark and bottomed for him.”

“Oh my, Jamie would be upset about that. Right George, let’s get you free, cleaned up and out of here. I’m Irene by the way. I look after these goats for Jamie’s dad.”

Irene shooed the goats away and came back with a bowl of water, a sponge and a cloth.

“Okay, I’ll undo the strap and pull the bale out, but I want you to stay on all fours while I clean you up.”

I didn’t want to upset the apple cart, so I did as Irene asked. Despite everything, I blushed because I’d never been naked in front of any female other than my mother. Irene then gave me a sponge bath and dried me off. She was very attentive to my cock and balls, and they must've been spick and span when she eventually finished off.

“My, my, you’re hung like our Billy goat. He’s a randy beast as my nanny goats can testify. Are you the same? Let’s find out.”

Moments later, Irene slid underneath me. Then, she pushed me upwards as she got on all fours. I now lay against her bare behind with my cock dangling close to her sweet spot. My dick rippled with excitement when Irene then reached back and directed its tip into her wet gash.

“Go on, rut me. Don’t hold back.”

I clasped Irene by the hips and drove my cock into her hungry pussy. She gasped and moaned as the rabbit got deeper and deeper into its burrow. I stopped once my balls were kissing the back of Irene’s legs. This break allowed me to enjoy the lovely sensations in my dick as Irene’s tight and tactile fud squeezed, caressed and teased every millimetre of it. In turn, my willy wriggled and spasmed with delight inside its new warm, responsive cocoon.

Animal lust took over, and I screwed Irene. She wailed and moaned as I ravaged her pussy. Fortunately, as I closed on a climax, I came to my senses and remembered that this ride wasn’t all about me and my cock. Irene deserved to be satisfied as well. So, I quickly reduced the stroke rate until my immediate ardour subsided. Then, I returned to pounding Irene’s pussy with enthusiasm. Soon, Irene started yowling, and her breathing became erratic.

“Oh my, oh my, what’s happening?”

Irene shuddered and shrieked aloud as the dam burst and her twat suddenly flooded with peach juice. I climaxed at the same time and added my contribution to the nectar already in Irene’s fanny. We remained coupled together during the comedown period enjoying the sweet sensations flowing from our exhausted love tools as they twitched and rippled in a warm ocean of love juices.

“Wow, you’re a buck. Thank you for popping my cherry in such a mind-blowing way.”

“Wow, you should’ve told me that you were still a virgin. I would’ve taken my time, and I certainly wouldn’t have been so rough.”

“Don’t fret. I wanted it this way. I’ve fantasised for a long time of losing my innocence to a wild, hungry buck just like my nanny goats. Now, you’ve fulfilled that dream, you horny beast. I admit that the first stages were brutal, but that’s also how it is for them. Fortunately, my fanny was moist with anticipation and quickly stretched and slicked up by your cock. Once that happened, I was able to enjoy being completely possessed and ridden to cloud nine. My only worry is that we’ll never reach such ecstasy again.”  

Did I hear Irene correctly? Is she already planning for more action?

Irene stood up and moved away. Having been on all fours for so long, I got dizzy and staggered until I could grab the top of the partition for support. As I peered over it, I saw Irene clearly for the first time. She was a couthy country lass. One that I wanted to get to know more conventionally if she was keen.

As Irene pulled on her knickers and slacks, I remembered that I was naked.

“Are my clothes over there?”

“No, there’s no sign of them. That’s a problem. You can’t go outside dressed just as nature intended, and you can’t stay here because you’ll be back in Jamie’s clutches.”

Irene went to search for something for me to wear and eventually came back with a raincoat and a pair of boots.

“This garb isn’t ideal, but they’ll have to do. Put the coat and boots on. We'd better get out of here. There’s a shed nearby where you can hide until I find proper clothes.”

Irene led me along a short track to a nearby storage hut that appeared to be full of hay bales. We squeezed along one side of the shed and then Irene pulled out a couple of bundles to reveal two small pens hidden at the back of the shed.

“You can stay in here. I’ll put the bales back and lock the door when I leave. I won't be away for long.”

As Irene departed, I spread some hay on the floor. I kicked off the boots, flopped down and covered myself with the coat. It was rudimentary, but at least I was out of the cold. I dozed for a while, going over the events of the day so far. One reality hit me. I’d just coupled with a girl in the most intimate manner, but I still had little clue about the female form or even the appearance of a girl’s pussy. My cock didn’t mind. It had got to do its job.

I relaxed and fell asleep but awakened later when I heard the door unlock. I lay on the floor, trying not to make a sound. Thankfully, a familiar female voice spoke up. 

“Don’t worry, its only me. I have some things for you.”

I began breathing again when Irene entered the pen.

“Sorry that I took longer than planned but I had to avoid a big shouting match between Jamie and two farmhands. You were to be their amusement for the afternoon, and they weren’t best pleased that you weren’t there. With all the commotion going on around the bothy, I couldn’t risk hunting for boys’ clothes. I’ve only got spares of mine. I’m afraid you’ll have to be a girl for the remainder of the day.”

“Oh well, if that’s what it takes, so be it.”

Irene pulled out a pair of panties from the bag that she had with her and handed them to me. I quivered with delight as I pulled them on. Irene then fitted me with one her bras and padded it out with socks. She dressed me in a knee-length slip and summer dress. Irene handed me a pair of socks and boots, which I put on while she fitted me with a wig. Strangely, I felt good in her clothes. They were pretty and soft, and I was at ease.

I sat on a bale and ate the food that Irene had brought, and we chatted for a while.

“I’m afraid that you’ll have to stay here overnight until we get you some boy clothes.”

“That’s okay. At least I’m out of Jamie’s clutches. Thank you for looking out for me.”

“Thank me when the plan works. Now, you can help me get the goats inside for the night.”

“What, won’t Jamie still be around?”

"No, he'll be long gone. He knows when I usually bring the goats in for the night. Anyway, he'd only see two girls. Come on you need to get some fresh air."

Irene and I first went to the shed, put feed in all the hoppers, checked the water dispensers and spread out some fresh straw. Then we headed towards the fields. Once the goats saw us coming, they ran up to the gate and then trotted off to the barn when we let them out. After making sure that they were all inside, we closed the door behind us.

We walked amongst the goats to check that they were all okay. I was surprised that they didn’t scatter when I was there. Only when an inquisitive goat nuzzled my skirts did it dawn on me that to them, I was just another Irene.

Now that the goats were settling down for the night, Irene took me by the hand and led me to the other shed. Once back in pen, Irene kissed me on the lips. I pulled her in, and we snogged with a passion. This smacker was far more sensual and mesmerizing than any that I’d shared with John.

“Let’s settle down for the night.”

I could hardly believe my ears but was quickly moved to action when Irene rolled out some blankets and began unzipping my dress. I reciprocated, and soon we were both in bra and panties. I struggled to unhook Irene's bra while she had mine off in a second. Finally, I succeeded, I gasped with delight as her pert puppies poked into my chest. Irene smiled, and we enjoyed another luscious snog.

I quivered with joy when Irene touched my cock while pulling down my panties. I took Irene’s knickers off and lowered her on to the blanket. Irene then gasped with surprise when I planted a kiss on her lower lips. She squealed with delight as I licked them and found her ultra-sweet spot. As my tongue massaged the mysterious button, Irene began to shudder. Suddenly, she groaned and convulsed, and her pussy filled with peach juice. Irene purred like a kitten while I then licked out all the sweet nectar.

“Wow, I've often wondered what an orgasm was like, and now I’ve had two in one day.”

I lay down beside Irene and pulled a blanket over us. “The night is young; Let’s see if we can get you a few more.”

Irene and I enjoyed many delights of boy-girl love throughout the night. The stamina that I'd built up during my sessions with John was hardly enough. Irene was insatiable and drove my cock to distraction. I couldn’t get enough of her, and my dick was more than happy to take up her pussy’s challenge. We rode each other several times and added to Irene’s climax tally. For me, that night was a watershed. Boy–boy love had always been good, but it didn’t come close to the passion and ecstasy of unfettered girl–boy. Now there could be no turning back.   

Irene and I were both worn out by morning, but we still got up just after dawn, dressed and waddled unsteadily around to the other shed. The goats bleated with delight when we let them out, and they trotted off into the fields. We spent about an hour cleaning out the shed and putting out fresh straw bedding in preparation for their return in the evening. We were just finishing this off when I heard a female voice.

“Hi there, how’s it going. Is Irene here? I’m her sister, Brenda. You must be George. I’ve got clothes and food for you.”

Brenda was unphased to see me in a dress, which was more than could be said for her companion. John’s jaw dropped, and his eyes were out on stalks.

Brenda and Irene hugged. “I'm glad to see you, but you look terrible. You're both like half-shut knives.”

I blushed when Irene said, “Well, George and I are now an item and didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Brenda hugged both of us. “Oh wow, my little sister is now a woman. I’m so happy for you.”

By now, John had recovered and joined us in a group hug. "I'm pleased for you both as well."

I’d worried about how John would react to the new situation, but his comment cheered me up no end.

Brenda had a twinkle in her eye as she said, “We’d better get you both fed. We can’t have you running out of energy, can we?”

We all went to the storage shed and settled down in pen. Irene and I were hungry and scoffed down the food and coffee that Brenda and John had brought with them. Later as we rested and chatted, I saw that Brenda couldn’t take her eyes off John and was none too subtly dropping hints to him. John quickly got the message. They excused themselves and went through to the second pen. After smooching for a short time, they undressed each other and soon were eagerly engaged in the horizontal mambo.

Irene and I crawled under the blanket intending to rest, but the feral sounds from the next pen triggered our libido. Soon we were coupling again; not so frantically as before but no less pleasurably.

Brenda and John were still in the heights of passion when Irene and I got up late in the afternoon. We were both in Lala-land and doing everything on automatic pilot as we dressed and went off to deal with the goats. Only when some of them sniffed my bare legs did it dawn on me that I’d chosen to wear girls wear instead of the boy clothes that Brenda brought for me. Was this pure chance? I persuaded myself that it was the correct choice and safest for my present situation.

We had got the goats indoors and settled and were closing the doors when Brenda and John appeared. If John had been surprised to see me in a dress, it was as nothing as to my shock to find that he was now en femme. True he was in blouse and slacks instead of a dress, but he was in female attire.

John went crimson as Brenda said, “You can stay in our bothy tonight, but we can’t arrive there as a mix of boys and girls. That will set off far too many alarm bells.”

This idea made sense, so we set off together. My only worry was that we’d be close to Jamie’s home but if Irene and Brenda thought that it would be okay who was I to query.  

My nerves were on edge as were neared the farmhouse and were wolf-whistled by two farmhands. About one hundred yards beyond there was a small three-roomed building. This place was Irene and Brenda's bothy. It was cramped but homely. The girls left us there while they went off to see the boss and collect some food.

John and I sat in silence, but he eventually broke the ice.

“Well, this is one for the book. I’ve dreamed for so long about my first time with a girl, but never in a million years could I have guessed it be so instant and action-packed. I could hardly believe my eyes when this gorgeous girl appeared at my door this morning or how easily we clicked as we made our way over here. We would have been at the barn sooner, but Brenda and I began making out as soon as we were off the main road and out of sight. Neither of us has been alone with the opposite sex before, so we spent plenty of time exploring and appreciating the human form. I’d always thought that I’d be cool and restrained, but Brenda was so hot that I could hardly wait to get close and personal with her; to do for real, what you and I have been practising for so long. When Brenda indicated that she felt the same way, I couldn’t contain myself.”

“I know. You both went at it with enthusiasm.”

"You can talk.  You and Irene were still playing hide the sausage with the same intensity and passion as us even after you'd burned the candle at both ends overnight."

I blushed. “Yeah, you’re right. Irene and I can’t keep our hands off each other. We’re in sensual harmony and ride each other to new highs each time. Only exhaustion will stop us from chasing ecstasy."

“Better not overdo it. The world doesn't end tomorrow. You have a whole life in front of you."       

I leaned over and kissed John, and we smooched just as we'd done that first time together.

“This the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. We’ll still be best friends but not so close and personal. Thank you for sharing such memorable times with me.”

John and I reluctantly broke off. “Thank you for exploring many of the ways of love with me. We’ll always be friends, but Brenda and Irene will be the ones who reap the benefit of our experiences.”

“Why the long faces? Why are you both so sombre?”  

“Just missing you both.”

“Aw, that’s so nice. No-one has ever cared that much for us before.”  

Brenda embraced John and Irene clasped me, and we snogged until we needed to surface for air. Soon, we were tucking into the energy-rich food that the girls had brought from the farm kitchen and not long after were heading off to bed.

My cock began twitching as I watched Irene undress, and it was desperate to seek out its burrow when I slid into bed with her. As we cuddled together, I looked into Irene’s bright blue eyes. I knew that we’d be together for the rest of the night but what about the days, weeks and months ahead. I certainly hope so. I now knew that I wanted Irene as my soulmate, but only time will tell if that is possible.

As Irene and I cuddled together, an intriguing thought flashed through my mind. Would Mum be so tolerant and understanding about Irene sharing my bed as she was when it was John and me?                  


Written by beth10smith
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