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Bahamas Wedding Party

"Wedding in the Bahamas turns out to be more than expected"

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Competition Entry: Sizzling Summer Sex

Kate boarded the plane heading to The Bahamas for her cousin Mara and Brad’s wedding. She had not seen either of them since her last visit to them in Miami. She was excited to see the family and celebrate their wedding.

“Hi! Is anyone sitting here?” Kate looked up from her phone to see an incredibly erotic looking woman pointing at the seat next to her. She shook her head no and went back to her phone.

The woman reached up to put her bag in the overhead compartment. Kate couldn’t help but look over at the woman’s sexy legs as the skirt of her dress rode up to the very top of them.

“I am Diane,” the woman introduced herself as she put out her hand to shake Kate’s.


“Nice to meet you, Kate. Is this your first trip to The Bahamas?”

“Yes, it is,” Kate replied. “I am attending my cousin’s wedding this weekend.”

“Awesome! I love Bahama weddings, at one of the beautiful beaches. Let me guess at sunset?”

“How did you know?”

Diane laughed, “It is one of the things The Bahamas are known for.”

“So I guess you are not a Bahama virgin like me.”

Diane couldn’t stop laughing now. “No sweetie far from a virgin of any kind.” She winked at Kate.

“I was born there. My mother moved us to the states when I was four and I come back often. Every summer when I was in school, I would spend my whole summer with my family and dread going back to life back home.”

“Wow! That sounds incredible.”

“It was.”

The pilot came on the intercom and the girls buckled their seat belts. As the plane started to move down the runway and lifted off the ground, Diane closed her eyes and grabbed Kate’s hand. She squeezed it so hard she hurt Kate’s knuckles. Kate looked over at her, she was holding on to the other handle with her eyes shut so tight.

“I have always hated the take-off,” Diane said to Kate.

“Not a fan myself,” Kate said as she squeezed Diane’s hand too.

Once the plane was in the air and they were level again, the girls looked at each other, giggling at how silly they just were. The flight attendant approached them and asked for their drink order. Diane ordered a margarita and looked at Kate for here to order.

“Come on have one too. I am buying,” Diane showed Kate her credit card.

“I will have what she is having, thanks.”

They sipped their drinks and talked like old friends. They talked about work, friends, and boyfriends. They laughed and joked about bosses, and size of penises. They had the best time on the flight.

They ordered another drink when the flight attendant passed by them again. Diane handed Kate the drink and they toasted to their trip.

“I have to admit,” Kate started to say, “Tequila usually makes me do things I don’t normally do.”

“Then drink up, I want to see what you normally don’t do,” Diane said with a wink and a coy smile.

The flight went perfectly. Neither liked the landing either and squeezed each other’s hand at the end of the flight too. Diane didn’t let go once the plane landed she lingered a few moments longer, and rubbed the back of Kate’s hand. Kate got excited by Diane’s touch. Diane let her hand go, stood up to get her bag and again her short skirt rode up her legs. Kate could see her panties this time and noticed a little darker patch on them.

They got off the plane; and headed to the bathroom. each took a stall next to one another. Kate stepped out first and was at the sink washing her hands when Diane opened her door. She looked at Kate in the mirror and they smiled at each other. Diane walked up next to Kate to wash up. both went for a paper towel at the same time and their hands touched again. Diane turned to Kate; she went for it and kissed her.

Diane pulled Kate into her stall and locked the door behind them. They started to kiss again. Diane was in a hurry knowing they didn’t have much time in there. While Diane kissed Kate her hands unbuttoned Kate’s shirt. Her hands moved inside Kate’s bra before Kate could protest. Diane cupped both of Kate’s breasts, her palms pressed up against her nipples. She popped Kate’s breast right out. Her mouth went straight to Kate’s nipple, first the left one, she kissed it, licked it a few times and put it in her mouth and sucked it. After a few suckles, she took the tip of Kate’s nipple between her teeth and pull back on it, then let it go to pop back into place. She went to the right one.

Kate could feel herself getting wet. She wanted Diane to reach down her jeans and touch her clit so bad. Diane seemed content with her chest, one in her mouth, and the other in her hand. Kate began to moan as the touches, the licks, the nibbles, and the pinches drove her crazy. Kate moved her hands into Diane’s hair and was now running her hands in Diane’s curly black hair. Kate’s clit throbbed wanting some attention.

Kate slid her hand down her stomach and into the waistband of her jeans. She reached the warmth and wetness that had built up in her own panties. She began to rub her clit slow at first, but with every suck of Diane’s mouth on her hard nipple she moved faster. Kate’s moans got louder as she brought herself to an orgasm. Diane took her nipple in her teeth and pulled on it, this sent a sensation through Kate’s body straight to her clit. She started to cum. She rubbed faster, her leg began to shake, and her clit twitched. Her juices filled her hand.

Diane stepped back and watched Kate as she came down from her orgasm. When Kate opened her eyes, the beautiful woman smiled at her. They heard people coming into the bathroom, so they had to stop and pull themselves together in a hurry. They heard women’s voices and doors clicked shut, then opened the door carefully to exit. They washed up again and left the bathroom.

Kate and Diane exchanged numbers and promised to see each other while on the islands. Kate found her bags and shuttle to the resort where she was staying and the wedding would be held. Diane told her it was one of the nicest ones around and that she would enjoy it.

While on the shuttle, Kate got a text from Mara. She and the rest of the crew were delayed due to weather and wouldn’t be in until the next day. Mara apologized for leaving her alone. Kate understood and told her she would see her the next day, and take care of anything she could at the hotel for the wedding.

Kate sent another text.

Family delayed, I will be all alone tonight…Come have dinner with me.

Just Dinner??

Maybe some drinks…

Maybe finish what we started?

Oh yes!.

Kate met Diane in the resort’s main bar and the two women had a drink before dinner. They started to sip on their cocktails, not saying much to each other, just looking at each other and smiling.

“This is driving me crazy!” Diane blurted out.

“What is?”

“Us, I want you so bad.”

“Me too, let’s skip dinner.”


The girls put down their drinks and headed off to the elevators. They waited patiently with a few others for the elevator to make its way to the lobby. The doors opened, they walked in along with four other couples. Four other floor buttons were pressed, three stops before them and one after. The elevator ride took forever. They stood against the back wall. Diane reached over and linked her pinky finger into Kate’s; they looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. One by one, the other couples exited.

“This is us,” Kate said and rushed out of the elevator, holding Diane’s hand, almost knocking over the other couple still in the elevator.

They rushed down the hall to Kate’s room. She fumbled with the key card as Diane’s hand ran up her dress, over her ass, and between her legs. Diane’s fingers found her wet, naked pussy and began to rub her clit.

“No panties,” Diane moaned. “I likey!”

The door opened and the ladies went inside. Kate took Diane in her arms and started to kiss her. They crashed onto the bed. The ladies began to rub their bodies together as they kissed. Diane unzipped Kate’s dress and started to push it down her arms. She rushed her hands back to the clasp of her bra and undid it quickly. Kate’s bra fell down and Diane started to kiss down her neck and her chest, and sucked on her nipple.

Kate fumbled with Diane’s clothes and moaned at the sensations running up and down her body. Diane had one finger already inside her wet pussy and her mouth sucked on Kate’s breast. This drove Kate wild. Shock waves ran up and down her body. Kate finally had Diane’s dress off her.

Kate scooted up the bed as she removed her clothes and threw them on the floor. Diane sat up on her knees and removed her dress too. She tossed them in the same pile as Kate’s. Kate lay upon the pillows and crossed her legs, playing shy for Diane.

Diane took her hands and placed them on Kate’s ankles: she slowly uncrossed her legs. She took Kate’s left leg and brought it up to her mouth, placing little kisses on her skin. She ran her mouth and tongue down Kate’s long leg until she reached the top of her thigh.

Diane bent over and started licking Kate’s clit. She licked up and down her luscious lips, flicked her tongue on the little bud. Kate moaned louder and louder with each flick, each lick. Diane went faster and faster. Kate’s body quivered, her clit throbbed. She put her hands on Diane’s head and pushed her harder into her pussy. She felt her orgasm come over her. She was ready. Diane put her mouth over Kate’s pussy and sucked as hard as she could.

“Oh yesss!! Here I cum!!”

Kate started to squirm on the bed. She lifted her back off the bed, grabbed the sheets with both hands, and her juices squirted into Diane’s mouth. Diane didn’t let up. She sucked and licked all of Kate’s cum off her pretty pink pussy lips. She continued until Kate had another, milder orgasm.

“Please stop,” Kate begged. “It feels so good, but I may have another one if you don’t stop.”

Diane looked up from between Kate’s legs at her new lover. “You are complaining about having a third orgasm?”

“No, I just want you to have one too.”

“Oh, don’t worry, sweetie, I will have just as many as you. I had one, just feeling you cum in my mouth. Now lay there and let me do it one more time.”

Kate lay back and Diane brought her to another orgasm. Once she was done, Diane made her way up next to Kate and they kissed. Kate ran her hand down to Diane’s soaked pussy and began to finger her. She brought Diane to a cum as they kissed.

Diane broke away and lay next to Kate as she came down from her orgasm. Kate caught her breath too.

“Room service?” Kate asked.

“Yes please, I am starving.”

The girls put on robes and ordered dinner. There was a knock on the door while the girls were kissing on the edge of the bed. Kate answered the door. The server brought the cart into the room; she signed the slip and he left, but not before he noticed their clothes in a pile on the floor. His cock got hard that instant, knowing what these two beautiful women were up to.

They ate dinner, drank some wine and talked for hours. Diane put the cart out in the hall and joined a naked Kate on the bed. The two lay there on the bed, naked, talking to each other and giggling. They began to kiss again, rub on each other, and finally fell asleep after getting off once more.

Kate woke the next morning before Diane. Kate kissed down Diane’s body. She crawled between her legs and had her turn at Diane’s pussy. She licked and sucked over and over. Diane moaned and squirmed as she enjoyed Kate’s tongue on her clit. It did not take long before Kate’s licks brought Diane to a raging orgasm. Diane yelled out as her pussy throbbed and let a stream of cum into Kate’s mouth. Kate sucked it all in and then got up off the bed and went into the bathroom

“Do you want to have breakfast?” Diane yelled to Kate from the bed.

“I just did,” Kate yelled back.

They just laughed and then ordered breakfast.

They sat on the balcony and enjoyed their food. Kate admired the beautiful scenery and her beautiful lover. Diane pointed out different landmarks they could see, and told her of times spent there as a kid. Kate just soaked it all in as she drank her morning coffee.

Diane needed to get back to her family. She got dressed and headed out. Kate took a shower and got dressed for the pool. Her family was still a few hours from getting there, so she got in a little pool time before they arrived.

She sat by the pool, put on some sunscreen and sunbathed for hours. She cooled off in the pool a few times and ordered a pina colada from the swim-up bar. She lay back on the pool chair and closed her eyes. She fell asleep, dreaming of Diane and their night together.

Mara and the crew from Miami arrived just as Kate was heading up to her room from the pool.

“Katie!” Mara yelled out to her when she saw her. The two girls hugged. Kate greeted all the family and Brad as they walked up.

“Katie, guess who came with us?” Mara said to Kate as she turned her around. “Mark!”

“Hello, Kate,” Mark said to her as they hugged.

Mark was Mara’s best friend since grade school and Kate’s crush since a teenager when she met him at Mara’s first wedding. They also had a vacation fling on Kate’s last visit with Mara. He was so handsome, tall, dark and well-endowed. Kate’s heart skipped a few beats when their bodies touched.

“Wow, Mark,” Kate began, “It is so great to see you. I didn’t know you were coming.”

“Like I would miss one of Mara’s weddings.” They all started to laugh.

Mara took Kate off to the side as Brad, Mark and the rest of the crew checked in.

“Mark is single. He and that awful wife of his finally signed the divorce papers a month ago. She is already engaged and has her new man in his house, driving his car that she got in the divorce. You be gentle with him.” Mara finished her gossip and smiled at her cousin.

“I will be as gentle as he wants me to be,” Kate said as she looked over at Mark. He smiled at her.

This wedding is going to be so much fun, Kate thought to herself.

All went to their rooms to get ready for the rehearsal dinner and party. They gathered on the west side beach to see where the ceremony would be performed under a wooden frame with a canopy. The after party would be held on the little veranda area next to the beach with a bar, buffet, and deejay. They headed into the restaurant to have dinner and a few drinks.

Kate and Mark sat next to each other and had a few laughs about Mara’s first wedding and their last visit. They talked about how life had been. Mark told her about his divorce and how he was adjusting to single life. The party went great. Dinner was delicious, drinks were flowing, and toasts were made.

Mark asked Kate to take a moonlight walk on the beach after the party. She agreed. When the party wrapped up and everyone had gone, they headed to the beach. They kicked off their shoes and left them on the walkway before hitting the sand. Mark grabbed a towel from the pool area, just in case. He took her hand and they headed down to the edge of the water and strolled along the beach. They walked for a while and came to a secluded cove on the east side of the resort.

“This reminds me of that beach we were on a few years ago,” Kate remarked.

“It sure does,” Mark said as he laid out the towel.

Kate began to undress, “I am going in.” She ran off into the ocean, stark naked.

Mark hurried off his clothes and ran in after her. They frolicked in the warm ocean water, kissing and touching each other. They splashed around for a while.

“Let’s go in,” Kate said as she pulled away from their kiss.

They lay down, soaking wet, on the towel and began to make love. Mark was the most gentle lover she had ever been with. He caressed her body and kissed her all over. He eased his cock into her once she was ready. Kate’s arched her back and pushed her hips into him as his hard dick plunged deep into her. His soft kisses on her neck gave her goosebumps down her arms.

Mark wrapped his arms around Kate as he pushed and pulled himself in and out of her warm pussy. Mark sat back on his heels as he picked Kate up, still inside her. Kate straddled his lap, pressed her body into his and rode his cock. Mark kissed her breast and she moved his mouth to her nipple and bobbed up and down along with her.

Kate yelled out with passion as her orgasm started to build up inside of her. Mark felt her pussy walls tighten on his cock. She rode him harder. The water crashed along the shore as waves of pleasure crashed through her body. Kate’s orgasm began and Mark exploded inside of her.

They crashed back onto the towel. After a few moments went by, Kate looked up at Mark as she lay next to him, wrapped in his arms. She felt so safe and protected with him. She ran her hand down his body to his limp dick. It didn’t take long before she had it in her hand, and jerked it hard again. They both came once more on the beach before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

No one disturbed them and they woke to the sun peeking over the horizon. It was the most romantic thing Kate had ever experienced. Mark held her in his arms as they watched the new day begin. They kissed and then realized they'd better get dressed before they were arrested.

They walked slowly back to the hotel, got their shoes and headed in. Mark walked her to her room and kissed her again before leaving her there. Kate floated into her room after that romantic night with Mark. She lay on the bed and fell back to sleep.

She awoke to the ringing of the hotel room phone.

“Where are you?” Mara yelled into the phone. Kate noticed the time. She was late for the wedding day breakfast.

“I will be right down. Sorry, I was sleeping and didn’t set an alarm.”

Kate went down to meet up with the other woman for the breakfast, as Mara kept talking about everything that was going on for that day. ‘Wedding Day Wake Up Call’, ‘Wedding Day Mimosas’. She just put ‘Wedding Day’ in front of everything she said. The guys went off to play “Wedding Day Golf,” so Mark was not around and Mara didn’t waste any time asking her about her night with Mark.

“So was it as romantic as it looked?” Mara asked her cousin.

“What are you talking about, looked?” Kate replied with her own question.

“I could see you two from my balcony,” Mara came back. “I couldn’t sleep, so I went to watch the waves, and I could see you two, skinny dipping in the ocean. I knew it was you two once you headed back up to the hotel towel on the beach. I couldn’t help but watch. It got me so excited, I went in and called Brad and we had phone sex.”

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“Oh my lord, Mara, I didn’t need to know that,” Kate said to her cousin. Then she giggled, “Yes it was, it was as romantic and hot as it looked.”

The two girls laughed and drank more mimosas.

“I really thought it was not a good thing that you two hooked up while he was split up with this wife when you came to town,” Mara began. “I just knew you both were in bad places in your lives, and I didn’t want to see either of you hurt. I honestly think it is a good thing now. I am so glad he finally got that evil bitch out his system.”

Breakfast turned into a three-hour, bottomless ‘Wedding Day’ mimosa fest. Mara had to get up to her room and rest before getting ready. Kate and Mara were walking to the elevators when they ran into Diane.

“Diane? What a surprise.” Kate said, with a questionable expression on her face.

“Who is this?” Mara asked, a little tipsy.

“This is my new friend, Diane. We met on the plane.” Kate introduced the girls. “She is sort of a local.”

“Nice to meet you, Diane. You need to come to my wedding,” Mara said, slurring just a tad. “Right outside on the beach, at…”

Before she could finish, Diane said, “Sunset.”

“Yes, it is going to be the sweetest thing. Please come.”

“I would love to, if Kate is okay with it.” Diane looked at Kate.

“Of course it is okay with Katie,” Mara said, “Right, Katie?”

“Sure, it would be nice for you to be there Diane,” Kate said to her new friend.

The elevator opened and they all headed to their rooms.

Once inside Kate’s room, Diane explained that she came by to return Kate’s bra; she picked up the wrong one the other day when she was there. Kate laughed and told her it was okay and assured her she didn’t have to stay for the wedding if she didn’t want to. Diane was fine with it and leaned in and kissed her lover. Kate didn’t resist; sure, the mimosas and Kate’s lustful desire for Diane helped her continue. The girls kissed a little more and began to undress.

“How about a bath?” Kate asked she went into the bathroom and began to run the water.

She came back out into the room. Diane and Kate removed the rest of their clothes and watched the tub fill up. Diane found a bath bomb on the counter by the sink and dropped it in. The tub began to bubble up. Kate turned off the water and the two lovers climbed into the tub.

Kate and Diane sat across from each other in the big tub. They took sponges from the side ledge and began to drip soapy water onto each other’s bodies. They washed each other’s arms and chest. They circled each other’s breasts with the warm sponges. They ran the sponges down each other’s backs, pressed their bodies together as they reached behind the other. Diane ran her sponge down Kate’s belly and pushed it into the mound between her spread legs. Kate moaned with pleasure and did the same to Diane. She began to kiss her lover, holding her body close to her.

Diane ran her hands up and down Kate’s body. Kate put her legs over Diane’s and pressed her pussy lips to Diane's. The lovers rubbed their pussies together in unison. The water splashed around the tub. Diane slid her hand between their bodies. She curled her fingers together and entered Kate’s warm hole. She began to finger fuck Kate. Diane used her own body to push her fingers deeper into Kate. Her fingers curled up in Kate and she rubbed her just in the right spot.

Kate moved up the side of the tub and sat on the edge. Her lover knew why, and began to lick Kate’s pussy. Kate was going crazy. Her entire body was wet and she rubbed her hands all over herself. Her orgasm began, her body quivered and Diane sucked all the juices from her dripping clit. She put her whole mouth over and took it all. When was finished with her orgasm, Diane stood up to lead her lover out of the tub to the bed.

Kate sat down on the bed and pulled Diane to her. She kissed her firm belly and traced her tongue down to the trimmed patch of light hair above her clit. Kate’s arms were wrapped around Diane’s hips and pulled her closer to her. Kate slid down to the floor and spread Diane’s legs above her. She slid her tongue between the folds, straight to Diane’s bud at the top of her clit. She flicked at it. She could tell it was driving Diane crazy; her lover responded with loud moans.

Kate moved her head inward and tilted it to position herself right under Diane’s dripping pussy. She lapped at her lover’s lips and clit and pushed her tongue deep into her waiting hole. She pulled out, licked at her again and plunged back in. Diane’s moans grew stronger and stronger. Kate’s tongue got faster and faster. Kate then stopped right as her lover at the verge of her orgasm.

“No!” Diane screamed.

Kate looked up at her. She scooted back up to the edge of the bed, lay back and pulled Diane on top of her. Kate’s clit was throbbing and wanted to feel her lover’s clit against hers again. She wanted to feel her and Diane cum together. She rolled Diane to her back, straddled Diane. She put her left leg under Diane’s right and her right leg over Diane’s left leg. Their clits smashed together. They scissored each other, feeling the friction of their hot pussies rubbing together. They both came together, both of their juices mixed together, Kate went down to Diane’s clit one last time to taste them both, then up to her mouth, and kissed her.

Kate noticed the time and they hurried to get ready for the wedding. Diane borrowed something from Kate’s closet. They were fixing their makeup when there was a knock at the door. Kate went to answer it. It was Mark.

“I thought I could accompany you to the wedding,” Mark said as Kate held the door open slightly.

“Who is it, sweetie?” Diane called out from the bathroom.

“It’s Mara’s friend Mark,” Kate said as Diane came out of the bathroom to meet him.  Kate introduced her two lovers. They exchanged how-do-you-dos.

“We aren’t quite ready yet. Mara invited Diane this afternoon to the wedding and she needed to borrow a dress.”

“Okay, well, I will wait for you both in the lobby. I can have two dates, then.” Mark glanced at Diane with a smile and turned to the elevator.

“See you downstairs,” they both said to him as he pressed the button.  The girls shut the door and giggled as they finished getting ready. They headed down to the lobby to meet Mark.

“So is he also your lover?” Diane asked in the elevator.

“We have, on occasion, hooked up.” Kate was not ashamed.

The doors opened and Mark was in the lobby. He put out both arms and the girls held onto him as they walked out to the beach together.

“I am one lucky guy, to have the two most beautiful women as my dates tonight.” The girls giggled as they walked out to the wedding ceremony.

The ceremony was gorgeous. The waves crashed behind them as the sun set. The sky was streaked with gold in the background as the couple said "I do" and kissed. Everyone was snapping pictures and cheering as they did.

The reception was just as nice. The food was amazing and the deejay played a good mix of music. Everyone danced and danced all night. Mark and Diane were getting along great. Kate’s family loved Diane, and she fit right in.

Diane suggested to Kate for Mark to join them for a threesome. Kate was unsure at first, but when Mark came up behind them and put his arms around them both, she blurted out,

“Do you want to have a threesome with us?” She was shocked the words came out of her mouth.

“Sure, let’s go to my room.” She was even more shocked those words came out of Mark’s mouth.  The three of them left and headed to the elevator.

“Brad will be in the room with Mara tonight, so it will be empty,” Mark said as they waited.

“Perfect!” Diane exclaimed when the bell rang and the doors opened.

They were alone in the elevator. Diane didn’t waste any time taking advantage of that. She started kissing Kate and running her hand up Kate’s leg under her dress and over her ass. Kate and Diane put on a little show for Mark. Kate wrapped her leg around one of Diane’s hips as they kissed passionately. Mark was enjoying every moment of it. The elevator stopped, and so did the show. They hurried out the elevator down to Mark’s room. Once inside the room, he brought them to the little sofa in the sitting area.

“Can I get you anything?” he asked them. They both responded with a nod of their head, 'no.'  Kate and Diane were sitting on the sofa, Kate watched as he sat in the chair opposite them.

“Continue what you were doing in the elevator, it was hot,”  Mark said.

Kate was a little embarrassed, but Diane scooted toward her and started to rub her hands on Kate’s leg. The two women began to kiss for Mark. Diane ran her hand up Kate’s thigh and under her skirt. Kate did the same to Diane. Both girls were rubbing the other’s pussy while they kissed. Mark was in awe; he had never had two women in his room. His cock was throbbing and growing hard fast.

Diane reached behind Kate and unzipped her dress; Kate followed and did the same. Both girls stood up, let their dresses fall to the floor, and stepped out of them. Both girls only had on their bras and heels. Kate turned around and undid the clasp on her bra and removed it from her body. Diane did the same. The two women kissed again. They sat back down on the sofa, this time Diane was behind Kate and she began to run her hands over her body. Kate sat at the edge of the sofa and looked into Mark’s eyes. She felt like he was watching her as if they were the only two in the room.

Then Kate felt Diane’s hands caressing her breast, pinching at her nipples, trying to make them hard. Diane’s hands moved down her stomach, her hands glided over Kate’s smooth skin. Kate felt Diane’s breast pressed into her back; she could feel her nipples poking into her.

Mark watched as Diane’s hands started to play with Kate’s clit. She rubbed her fingers in between the folds of her lips. Kate’s pussy was glistening with her juices. She was so wet. Diane moved her fingers up and down her slit, stopping to roll the bud at the head between her thumb and finger. Up and down, then she stopped at the opening. Kate moaned with the excitement that her finger would enter her.

"Oh yes!” The sound was barely heard by the others. Two fingers entered Kate and she tightened her hole around them, Diane pulled them back a little and then forward again, fucking Kate with her fingers. Back and forth, fast, slow, faster, slower. Kate was moaning, her eyes closed. Her body bucked against the body of the beautiful woman behind her.

Suddenly she felt a new sensation. It was the touch of a tongue against her clit. Mark could not keep himself away any longer and began to lick Kate’s clit. His tongue, along with Diane’s fingers, sent another wave of orgasmic pulses throughout Kate’s body. This time, both of them quickened their actions to bring Kate all the way, Kate’s body quivered, her legs shook and she let herself go. She yelled out in pleasure and her cum squirted out of her in three quick pulses. She sighed, and her orgasm subsided.

Mark had her entire pussy in his mouth, sucking all of her juices. He sucked and licked them all up. Diane sat up on the back of the sofa and began to play with herself. When Mark released Kate from his mouth, Kate turned quickly to Diane and knelt on the edge of the sofa. Kate’s hands began to find their way up her thighs, to her stomach, reaching for her soft breast and hard nipples.

Kate leaned her head between Diane’s legs and began to eat her pussy. She ran her tongue up and down her slit. It was so wet, and she tasted of sheer delight. Kate had one breast in one hand and the other guiding her way through the lips and folds of Diane’s pussy. Diane was getting louder with her moans, a beautiful sound coming from her beautiful body as Kate lapped at the juices flowing out of her.

Kate’s finger, lubricated with Diane’s own wetness, found its way to her anus. Kate found it already wet and easily probed the opening. Kate’s tongue, now inside of Diane, could feel her finger on the other side of the wall between the two openings. Diane was so ready to explode, her body began to shiver and Kate continued to move her tongue in and out of her. She felt her tighten up around her tongue and knew Diane was about to explode.

At that same moment, Kate was surprised to feel a thrust into her own pussy. Mark had stuck his cock right into Kate. She moaned into Diane’s pussy as Mark’s dick reached deep inside of her. She was fucking Diane with her tongue and Mark was fucking her from behind. Diane must have been aware of the actions and it made her go into her orgasm. Her body stiffened and her juices flowed out of her. Kate sucked as much as she could into her mouth and swallowed them.

When Diane’s climax had subsided, Kate kissed up her body, stopping at her chest, sucking a bit on her nipples and kissing up to her mouth. Mark pumped his hard cock in and out of her pussy. Kate began to kiss Diane, letting her taste herself. They kissed for a few moments and then Diane slipped her way down the sofa, kissing Kate’s body as she went down. Diane positioned herself under Kate so she could lick at her clit while Mark pumped his cock in and out of her.

When Kate felt Diane’s tongue touch her hard clit, she moaned and dropped her head to the sofa. Her body reacted to the double attention her pussy was getting. It quivered, the bottom half of her body tightened up. She could feel her orgasm coming on. She screamed with delight as it began to take over her body. At the same time, she could feel Mark also about to explode. He pulled out and Diane took his cock into her mouth. He came into Diane’s mouth. She swallowed all of his cum. She went back and sucked up all of Kate’s cum too.

Mark sat back on the chair in front of the sofa as both girls sat back up. He watched as the two of them kissed each other’s bodies and caressed each other. His dick became hard again just watching these two beautiful women.

He went to his knees in front of the Diane. He played a little with her sopping wet pussy. He got up level with her and stuck his dick in her pussy. She lifted herself off the sofa to welcome it in. Diane pushed herself into him as he fucked her. He moved faster and faster with each plunge.

Kate watched them. She just sat there, feeling herself stirring. She moved closer to kiss along Diane’s body and started to suck on her nipples. Diane reached over and moved Kate’s hips toward her. She looked at Kate and told her to sit on her face.

The three of them shifted on the sofa. Diane laid on her back hips over the low side arm, her head on the other one. Mark stood there and lifted her to his cock. Kate straddled Diane’s face at the other end. Kate enjoyed her tongue running up and down the length of her slit. Diane circled Kate’s clit with her tongue then pushed it deep into her hole. Kate moved her body back and forth over her tongue to guide it. She watched Mark fuck her friend as she rode Diane’s tongue. He reached over and began to knead one of Kate’s breasts. Kate held on to the back of the sofa as she leaned over so he could reach.

Mark was ready to explode. He stiffened his body, grunted, closed his eyes, pulled himself out of Diane and shot his cum all on her tummy. Kate bent down to finish off Diane. She rubbed Diane’s clit while Diane licked hers faster and faster. Kate was about to get off, along with Diane. Kate began to feel Diane’s cum on her finger; she leaned over more and licked it from her pussy. Then she twirled her tongue in Mark’s cum on her belly. Kate came into Diane’s mouth.

She moved off Diane and leaned down again to run her tongue through both her partners’ cum. Kate moved back to Diane’s mouth and kissed her; wanting a taste of all three of them at once. Diane sat up and Kate sat next to her again on the sofa. Mark walked over to them, took them by the hand, and led them to the king-size bed in the room. All three of them lay there and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning, Kate sent Diane to her room. She wanted to say goodbye to Mark. Diane kissed Mark and left. Mark and Kate lay on the bed, Kate snuggled up against his naked chest.

“Thank you for last night,” Mark said to Kate. “You know that is every man’s fantasy and I am glad I shared it with you.”

“Me too,” Kate replied. “I wasn’t sure you would be into it.”

“It was very hot,” Mark responded while running his hand up and down Kate’s arm.

“I enjoyed the beach also,” Kate said, looking up at him

“That was wonderful too,” Mark bent down and kissed her.

They kissed for a long time. Neither of them wanted to stop. Kate finally pulled away. They just smiled and she got out the bed. Mark was not having that, and pulled her back to him. He turned her on her back and climbed over her, pinning her hands to the bed. She didn’t resist, and let him do what he wanted. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, then her breast, each one once.

She wrapped her legs around his back to pull him to her. He let her wrists go. She felt the tip of his dick rub along her clit. He reached down and guided his hard cock into her. They rocked back and forth and, after only a few thrusts, he shot his cum into Kate. Mark rolled off Kate, back onto the bed.

Kate didn’t mind not getting off; she knew Diane was waiting for her in her room. Kate got off the bed this time with no resistance from Mark. She got dressed. She walked back over to Mark and kissed him.

“Can I come to see you in New Orleans?” Mark asked Kate.

“I would love that.” Kate walked out of the room, blowing Mark a kiss before the door closed.

Kate hurried off to her room. She hoped Diane didn’t leave. She knocked on the door, since she gave Diane her room key. Diane opened the door, naked. Kate smiled at her and Diane pulled her into the room and kissed her.

“What took so long?” Diane said between kisses.

“I just wanted to say goodbye.”

“Are you going to say goodbye to me for that long?” Diane twirled Kate around the room and on to the bed. Then there was another knock on the door.

“That must be room service,” Diane said. “I ordered our breakfast.”

“I will get it,” Kate jumped up, opened the door, signed the slip and pulled the cart in herself.

“Now get naked and eat with me, “Diane told Kate.

Kate undressed. The two women opened the balcony doors and sat right inside, naked, and ate breakfast. Kate loved how carefree Diane was and enjoyed being the same.

“I really must pack up,” Kate said. “My plane leaves at one and check-out is at eleven.”

“Do you have to leave?”

“Well, I can’t stay here another night, it costs way too much.”

“Come and stay at my aunt’s with me. She has two other bedrooms. It is on the Northside beach, not so touristy, and she would love it.”

“I don’t know. I don’t’ want to impose.”

“You would not be imposing. I want you to stay.”

“I was just going to do a staycation back home before returning to work on Monday.”

“Have a real vacation here, with me.” Diane grabbed Kate’s phone and told her to change her flight to the same as hers.

Kate did, and spent the next week with Diane in paradise.


Written by nola4life
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