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Amy's Pool Party

"Amy finds the girl of her dreams at a Las Vegas pool party"

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The mid afternoon sun was still high in the sky over our Las Vegas resort's pool. We'd already been partying for hours, enjoying the music of the DJ with a large group of people that were all in town for a friend's birthday.  

The pool and surrounding pool deck were packed as the energized crowd enjoyed the music and their drinks while sporting a wonderful lack of clothing.  Skimpy bikinis, surf shorts, tattoos, and bling were the order of the day. We still had a lot more sun in front of us today, so pacing ourselves was definitely in order.  

Luckily for us, our group was enjoying the benefits of a well stocked cabana for the occasion, providing some much appreciated shade, comfortable seating, a private restroom and most importantly an attentive wait staff. 

Eric and I had just refreshed our drinks when I noticed an extremely attractive woman approaching our group. She wore a revealing black bikini with gold embellishments and her dirty blonde hair was seductively tossed in loose ringlets.  Her well rounded, medium sized breasts offered an enticing amount of side boob and even though covered, you could tell she had very small nipples.  

There was an ethereal bohemian quality to her look that was quite captivating.  She exuded a tasteful class through her hippie-like facade and her smile was radiant. I loved her taste in shoes, as well as her choice in body jewelry. In fact, I realized that I loved it so much because we were dressed nearly identically.  

My eyes fixated on her moving casually through our group and slowly positioning herself well inside the boundaries of our private cabana.  A very slick move I thought, and after all - who was going to deny her? Certainly not I.  

With no further to go, she stopped in front of Eric and I.  While playing with her hair, she asked, "Hi, would I be able to get a drink?" 

" No problem," I answered with a smile. "What would you like?  

"Bubbly or bourbon... your choice," she replied. 

I loved her style.  There was a relaxed confidence about her, an alluring aura that was quite attractive and I instantly wanted to know more about her. 

"Bubbly it is!" I said as I handed her a flute of Prosecco.  "I'm Amy."

"Nice to meet you Amy, I'm Zoe," she replied with a captivating smile.  

And with that, the conversation flowed. Zoe was a well educated and liberal leaning rich girl from Newport Beach. She was in Vegas for the weekend with a few friends just to hang at the pool party and the others in her group were already off in various states of hookup with guys they had met today.  

I couldn't help thinking to myself what fantastic hair and skin Zoe had. Her wind tossed blonde mane and bronze skin were captivating and she smelled like coconut oil.  I'm usually not so outwardly attracted to women, but there was something so mesmerizing about her that I found myself drawn closer and closer to her.  

The beat of the music intensified now and our bodies moved effortlessly in sync with it.  I could tell Zoe was interested in Eric too as she split time between the two of us.  The chemistry we shared was organic and electric, building steadily in intensity by the moment.  

"Do you need another drink?" Eric asked. 

"Absolutely," Zoe replied with a smile.  "And maybe a little bump too if you have it."

"My thoughts exactly," I replied while taking her by the hand. "Come with me."

Zoe's hand was soft and warm as I led her into the cabana and closed the curtain for privacy. She squeezed mine firmly back in return which peaked my excitement. I grabbed my clutch purse off the sofa and rummaged through it briefly before slipping a finger into an indiscernible hole in the corner of the inner liner and extracting a small vial that had been neatly hidden away from the event security personnel.  

"Very sneaky," Zoe said with a giggle. "Should we go in the restroom for some privacy?"  

"Yes, that would probably be wise," Eric replied while opening the door.  "Ladies first."

Eric closed the restroom door behind us.  It was a very tight fit for three, but none of us cared. My breasts were immediately pressed against Zoe's and I could feel the warmth of her body against my chest, matching Eric's heat against my backside.  

"You have the best skin and hair,"  I said to Zoe. "They are definitely your best features."

"Why thank you," she replied softly, "you're too sweet." 

Zoe hesitated just for a moment before adding shyly, "I think your breasts are yours."

I smiled upon hearing my affirmation that Zoe was into me as much as I was into her.  

"Well then thank you too." I giggled.  "Would you like to see them?"

As Zoe nodded silently, Eric untied the strings on the back of my neck and mid back. He gently removed my top, taking care not to break by gold body and belly chains.  Zoe raised her hands and gently pinched each of my nipples between her fingers as I tipped my head back.  

With Eric supporting me, Zoe took the vial from my hand and dumped out a small amount of the contents on the top of my left breast, just above the nipple.  

"You'll love this," she said. 

Holding a finger against one nostril, Zoe inhaled deeply, cleaning my breast in an instant before using the tip of her tongue to delicately clean up any remnants.  A moment later, she repeated the practice on my right breast as I felt Eric's cock hardening against my ass. 

"That is so hot!" I mumbled.  

Without a word, Zoe reached around and unfastened her own bikini top before letting it fall to the floor. Her breasts were incredibly round and firm with the tiniest of dime sized nipples located just north of the mid point, giving them the perfect amount of perkiness. 

"I think I could use the same assistance from Eric as you had," she teased. 

Eric tipped me back upright and carefully moved to change positions in the tight conditions. As he pushed around me I gave a glancing squeeze to his cock through his board shorts. I knew in a moment that Zoe would be enjoying the benefit of it pressed against her ass as well. 

Eric took his place behind her and Zoe arched her back to thrust her flawless tits upward.  Holding the vial between my fingertips, I gave it a few taps with my index finger and watched as the bleach white powder sprinkled into a very crude line from her nipple upward about an inch. 

"Are you aroused?" Zoe asked. 

"Very..." I answered before inhaling deeply.   "And getting more so every minute."

With that I outstretched my tongue and starting just below Zoe's hard little raisin of a nipple, tracked upward over it and across her breast before ending just short of her collar bone. 

"I think I'm owed one more," I teased.

Looking down, I could see Zoe's hand gripped firmly around the bulge in Eric's trunks before he shifted her slightly for my access. After repeating the exercise a second time, I finished with a long kiss on Zoe's soft lips, our pair of numb tongues teasing one another's. 

Not wanting to be left out of the action, Eric took each of us in succession and while supporting our lower backs with his forearm, took his turn off of each of us while the other assisted. 

The energy in my body was intense now as we exited the bathroom.  I felt so alive and invigorated. Taking only a moment to safely stash the vial back away in its hiding place, I grabbed Zoe's hand and pulled her poolside to dance. The music was pounding and the vibration of the bass reverberated off of our bodies.  Our threesome now danced tightly together, brushing against each other purposefully as we drank champagne and explored each other's bodies in a flirty and unrestrained manner. 

Inside, my head was spinning wildly.  I already knew exactly what this was. This was the situation that Eric and I had talked about often.  The mood, the music, the company... it was all perfect.  

Zoe was to be my unicorn.  

Thoughts were now racing through my mind. I'd never wanted another woman this badly. I thought of all the things I wanted to do to her and all that she would do to me. Every one of my inhibitions were lost in the moment now and I didn't care.  

Eric would be my willing companion in this adventure, I knew that.  We'd already agreed in the past there would be only one rule - he would not kiss or fuck our unicorn, but beyond that he was free to run.  I trusted him totally and he trusted me. I wanted to experience this so badly, and I wanted him to as well. 

Zoe was mature and confident.  Her eyes tracked up and down both of us seductively now.  Her face showed that she knew what I was now thinking and her wry smile told me that she agreed.  I pulled Eric's head downward to whisper my intentions in his ear, but before I could, he wrapped his arm around my waist and said simply, "I know."

I was crazed with desire now. A beautiful, anticipatory, and frantically wired torment.  My entire life I had been secretly bi-curious, yet too afraid to act upon it, too worried about what it meant and what it made me if I relented to the experiment. No more.  That was all behind me as I gave in to the excitement of what I now wanted. I felt like a virgin who had decided to give herself up for the first time, and I loved it.  

I'd always had a fantasy about having sex in a cabana. My intention today had been to find the right time to fuck Eric in this one, curtains pulled, and the crowd within earshot. But now that my plan had changed, it didn't feel right.  I needed privacy.  I needed to be able to be totally uninhibited without all the dangers and distractions of the party that surrounded us. I wanted Zoe in my room, so that my first time would not leave me interrupted or disappointed.  

I knew how this would have to be. The unicorn was certainly not going to pose the question to us and Eric asking the question of her sent the wrong message, that this experience was for him.  I had to be the one.  

"Do you want to make a quick run to the girls room again?" I asked Zoe.  

"Absolutely!" She replied.  "All this sweaty heat is wrecking my makeup. I should probably powder my nose."  

With that, I told Eric we would be back in a bit and that he should get us a few fresh cocktails.  The sun was now hanging lower in the sky and the crowd had thinned a little. I knew that when we returned, if all went according to plan, that we would need a few "roadies."

After a quick stop off to grab my purse and makeup, Zoe and I hit the ladies room for a touch up. This time we went a little heavier on the makeup, taking turns helping each other. My heart was racing for more than one reason as our eyes looked upon each other's topless bodies. The sexual energy between us was incredible and I felt a lump in my throat as I summoned my courage to say...

"I find you so attractive... and..." 

"And what?" Zoe replied. 

"And I'd like you to come up to our room with us," I stammered shyly. 

"Why?" Zoe teased, not letting me off the hook so easily. 

Taking a deep breath with both of her hands in mine, I looked straight into her eyes and said  "Because Eric and I want to have a three-way with you."

"Good.  I thought you'd never ask," Zoe replied with a smile.

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"What are we waiting for?"

We practically flew out of the room and back to the pool deck to find Eric.  He could see from the smile on my face that my mission had been successful.  

"Amy and I have had too much sun," Zoe said.  "We'd like to head inside now and cool off, is that okay?"

"Sure thing!" Eric replied. "Let's go!"

Taking Zoe's hand in mine, we were off. I was practically dragging her through the crowd and into the hotel.  The normally fast elevators seemed painfully slow as I waited for the ping I wanted to hear.  Finally it arrived and I pressed the 21 button. The doors closed and the three of us grew totally silent as it rose floor by floor, each in contemplation about what was about to occur.  The sexual tension was thick in the air. 


We walked down the hall quickly without a word, before Eric unlocked the door with his card key.  


The door slammed behind us and the cool air of our suite felt invigorating.  The living room blinds were open revealing our unencumbered view of The Strip. 

"This is incredible!" Zoe said with excitement in her voice. 

"Yes it is," I replied moving toward her.  "In every way."   

My hands rose and held her face as I kissed her. The release was instantaneous. Energy exploded from our bodies as our hands grappled to explore each other.  Hot and sweaty, our breasts pressed against one another. I felt one of Zoe's hands cup my ass as the other slid upward between my thighs.  In the other room I could hear the water of the shower starting. 

Zoe aggressively towed me toward the sound. As we entered the room Eric had already removed his swimsuit and was testing the shower water with one hand, waiting for it to be warm enough to get in.  His ass was firm and highlighted with distinct tan lines from his day in the sun.  As he entered the shower and turned, Zoe was able to catch her first glimpse of his thick and generous cock, while he bowed his head under the water. She smiled naughtily with approval and pulled me into the shower still wearing our bikinis. 

Turning toward one another, the water cascaded down between our breasts. Eric dutifully removed my swimsuit first and then Zoe's leaving our matching body jewelry in place.  Zoe's pussy was small and compact, much like my own, only hers sported a beautiful diamond tipped piercing bar through her clitoral hood.  I had contemplated getting one like it myself previously, but had never pulled the trigger to do so. Upon seeing hers, the real life modeling of it made me wish I had one too now. 

Reaching back, I grabbed the bar of soap from the dish and rubbed it generously across my chest and stomach before handing it to Zoe to do the same. Tipping her head back under the water, she she closed her eyes and said softly "You both do it."

Eric took the bar from her palm and began softly scrubbing her with it starting at her neck and moving downward. He circled each breast with it several times as I watched her tiny nipples contract further, even under the warmth of the water. He continued down her delicate belly before his hand and the bar covered her mons from view. Eric now moved slowly behind her before letting the bar fall to the floor while his hand worked on.  I looked downward and watched him pet her pussy to a soapy froth until his middle finger hooked and disappeared inside her. 

Zoe moaned with approval as she spread her thighs wider for him. Reaching down she took both of my hands and placed them on her breasts. They felt soft and delicate in my hands while I kneaded them. Her reaction told me she loved this, and I pinched her nipples softly between my fingertips forcing her to cry out louder.  Her body now pressed harder against Eric, grinding against his cock, wanting it, but as of now she did not know she couldn't have it.  

The shower was thick with steam as Zoe turned and bent over to recapture the soap again.  Handing it to me, she began nibbling Eric's earlobes and kissing his neck as I began to soap his cock.  He was fully erect now and lavishing in the attention of two women. Zoe cupped his balls in her hand and pulled down gently, while I continued stroking him for her. 

I put the soap bar back in the dish while Eric turned and rinsed himself off. Zoe turned off the water as we exited the shower and handed each other towels to dry ourselves with.  It felt exhilarating to be clean, cool, aroused, and wired.  With only our Lili Claspe body chains acting as golden ribbons on our tanned packages, Zoe and I were now ready to be unwrapped. The three of us could hardly contain ourselves as we approached the king sized bed and pulled back the comforter, revealing the tight white sheets. The colored lights of the Las Vegas Strip were now beginning to glow brightly through our windows as the sun lost its battle to stay above the distant mountains. 

Zoe's face tightened just for a moment before offering with a touch of apprehension, "I've never done this before. I'm not sure what to do next."

"We haven't done this either!" I shot back with relief.  "But I knew when I met you at the pool that I wanted you to be my first."

"I picked up on that vibe right away," Zoe countered, relaxing a little. "And I knew that I wanted you to be mine as well.  I'm so relieved, but I have to be honest with you, I have one just request - that you both honor my boundaries."

"Absolutely!"  I responded.  "What are they?"  

"Well, no offense to your husband, as I can tell he is fantastic, but I want this to be so utterly exciting and that there are no regrets afterwards.  I don't want to do anything that would cause either of you a problem later, so with that being said I will not kiss him and he cannot fuck me.  Anything else is on the table."

"We are going to get along perfectly," I said stroking Zoe's beautiful face. "Just perfectly."

With that I lay back onto the sheets as Eric and Zoe each kissed the opposite sides of my face and neck, working downward as their hands explored my body.  My nipples were hard and erect and they each took one into their mouths. The feeling of two mouths simultaneously on my tits was mind blowing.  Eric's hand slid down between my legs and parted the lips of my freshly waxed pussy with his fingers before sliding one of them into me. I gave out a quiet moan before Zoe's lips covered my mouth and eclipsed it. 

Eric rolled to his knees and grabbed one of my ankles in each hand firmly before spreading them apart. 

"Please fuck her for me," Zoe begged.  "PLEASE!!!!! Fuck her hard while I watch!"

"Only if you help," Eric answered. "She wants you to help."

"Tell me what to do," Zoe pleaded. 

"Take my cock in your hand.  Yes.... that's it.  Stroke it nice and firm.  That's really good...  Ok, now take it and put it into her for me." 

Eric hovered above me and lowered himself slowly as Zoe directed his cock into me.  She held it firmly and gave it a little wiggle back and forth as it made contact with me. I could feel the soft head part my little slit as he entered me, forcing me to cry out in pleasure from the penetration.  Zoe's hand lingered between us with her fingers splitting each side of my little slit as Eric fucked them along with my pussy.  

Eric increased his pace now with his shaft glistening from my excitement.  Zoe turned her attention back to my breasts again. Her mouth and her hands moved to my throat and she looked into my eyes as she strangled me lightly.  I felt like a captured animal in their grasp, trying to escape only to be thrown back and punished further each time.  Eric pounded into me for an eternity with Zoe working my breasts.  

As I started to cum my body racked uncontrollably. Zoe's hands tightened on my throat and her mouth covered my screams while she sucked the air from my lungs to the retching of my body. I loved the feeling of her control.  Slowly she eased her kiss and loosened her hands, allowing me precious air as my orgasm subsided.  

Eric pulled out of me, leaving my limp and spent body on the mattress momentarily.  He grasped Zoe by her upper arms and pulled her toward him while spinning her around with her ass to him. His hands slid around her front side and cupped her breasts before sliding one palm under each of her hamstrings and opening her for me. His engorged cock was vertical against her ass crack.  No penetration, but she was helpless but to sit on it as he lifted her legs up and down. 

"Does that feel good?" He asked her. 

"Uh huh.... it does." She moaned.  

We could all feel that we wanted to break the only rule. Eric wanted to fuck Zoe. I secretly wanted to watch him do it. Zoe ground herself against his cock.  Her body and eyes saying what her mouth wouldn't. Please fuck me. Please....  Break the rule. 

Fucking boundaries.  

I rolled over and reached down over the side of the bed and into my suitcase to retrieve a very large vibrator.  Clicking it onto the low setting, I gently circled the outer limits of Zoe's well waxed pussy before slowly penetrating her with it. Deeper and deeper I probed with successive strokes until she had taken the entire 8". I clicked the setting up to medium as she began to moan and my mouth traced her now familiar nipples again.  

Heavier and heavier Zoe breathed until her body began to tense.  Sensing she was close, I clicked the vibrator to high and buried my mouth over hers as she bucked and thrashed with Eric still restraining her as she lay on his manhood. With her body now limp herself, Zoe was released to lie next to me , her chest heaving while gasping for much needed air.  

Eric rolled onto his back, tugging a pillow under his head.  His cock stood like a flagpole next to us, defying gravity and begging to be attended to. He'd worked so hard to pleasure both of us. He needed to be rewarded.  

I rolled over Eric's legs, so that Zoe and I could flank him from each side. We each teased and rubbed his inner thighs, up across his outer groin as he shivered from being tickled there.  Slowly, Zoe's hand crept closer to his very erect shaft before closing her fingers around it. After a few slow strokes, she tilted it my direction and allowed me to mouth the head for a moment before pulling it back for herself. She looked Eric in the eye before wrapping her lips around it and saying, "My mouth is way more talented than my pussy anyway."

Eric's head tilted back on the pillow now and we assaulted his cock in tandem. Tugging and cradling his testicles, licking his shaft, and deep throating him in alternating fashion as he reveled in our attention. I could tell we were very good, as good as a porn film, and it excited me to know that we were giving him an experience he would remember forever. 

Closer and closer, Eric moved toward orgasm. We slowed our movements and kept our eye contact with him as we slowly traced the opposing sides of his cock from bottom to top. As our mouths met at the tip, I could feel him begin to orgasm.  A generous amount of cum pumped between mine and Zoe's wanting lips, flowing down our chins and the length of his shaft.  We kissed fiercely, our tongues battling for one another through Eric's cock as we lapped up every drop before cleaning the length of his cock with a final deep throated stroke.  

What a perfect day it had been.  


Written by DreAmy1
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