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Alex and Vicki: Twin Tales

"“Oh my Vicki – what have you gotten us into now?”"

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Several years ago we had neighbors a few doors down that went through a nasty divorce. Their names were Dusty and Shari, and they had two children - twins. Their son’s name was Drew, and he was a real good-looking boy. In fact my wife would always say ‘that when he grows up, he’ll have every girl in school chasing after him.’ Sara, their daughter, now she was just a little doll with natural blonde hair, and she had the cutest, most innocent face.

Before Dusty and Shari’s marriage and alcohol problems escalated, we were pretty good friends, and we would occasionally sit for their kids. In fact Drew and Sara would always call us Uncle Alex and Aunt Vicki, and the kids knew they were welcome at our house any time.

I believe Drew and Sara were twelve or thirteen when the shit finally hit the fan, and that was over five years ago now. For a while, the police would be over for domestic issues on a regular basis - it was just an ugly mess. Oftentimes when there was trouble, the kids would run to our house to take refuge from their fighting parents, and they would usually end up spending the night. But after their parents’ divorce was final and they moved, we never saw or heard from Drew or Sara again.

> > > > >

It was a little after seven o’clock on a Friday night. Tara was working a rare late shift, but she was due home by ten o’clock - so my wife and I had the house to our self. Actually it felt like old times, as we had a nice dinner together and enjoyed each other’s company.

Not long after Vicki and I sat down in the living room to relax and watch TV, the front doorbell rang. By now my wife had changed into her typical evening garb (that Tara started), sexy panties and short t-shirt, so at first I was reluctant to answer the door. But after the bell rang for a second and third time, I got up to see who it could be - it was Drew, and he had one piece of luggage.

Seeing as my wife was not dressed for a visitor she ran upstairs. Once I let Drew in, he said, “Uncle Alex, I came here because I have nowhere to stay tonight, and none of the hotels will rent me a room.”

Just like my wife predicted years ago, Drew did grow up to be a very good-looking young man - although not as tall or muscular like his dad was. I figure that my wife must have seen Drew from our upstairs landing, because she came running downstairs without changing her clothes. Needless to say I wasn’t happy that my wife was willing to let Drew see her in her sexy panties and a t-shirt that barely covered her big tits, but what’s done is done.

Well let me tell you, when Drew saw my scantily dressed wife his eyes lit up, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his cock didn’t get hard – mine would have. In fact, when he gave my wife a hug and a kiss (on the lips no less), the bottom half of her big tits hung out of her shirt, and his hands were all over my wife's panties until I said, “Drew - have a seat.”

As soon as we all sat down on the sofa, Drew explained that he’d been living with foster parents, but since he turned eighteen today they kicked him out. Drew also said that he enlisted in the Army, and that he leaves on Monday for boot camp. In the meantime, he asked if he could stay with us until then. Since my wife felt sorry for the kid – and against my better judgment, I agreed to let him stay. I figured there had to be a reason that his foster parents wanted him out so fast, but that’s just how my skeptical mind works.

As we sat and talked, my wife asked Drew about his sister Sara. We were both surprised when Drew said they were separated years ago, and they didn’t keep in touch with each other. Also, Drew seemed to be uncomfortable talking about Sara, and then he changed the subject by asking if he could order a pizza. Drew also mentioned that he wanted to shower and change into his nightclothes before the pizza arrived.

Seeing as the kid was hungry, I ordered a pizza for Drew while my wife took him upstairs to a spare bedroom to get settled in. While they were upstairs, I sat and waited in the living room for the pizza to arrive.

> > > > >

About forty-minutes had passed when the doorbell rang - it was the pizza delivery guy. After I paid, I yelled to my wife and Drew that the pizza had arrived, and then I brought the pizza into the kitchen and set it on the table. After a few more shout-outs – still no response. Finally, I figured they must not have heard me so I went upstairs to get them.

When I opened our bedroom door, my wife and Drew were fucking the living shit out of each other… In fact my wife was on top of him riding his cock like she rides mine, and squirting as she rode him. Needless to say I was shocked - and pissed at my wife for secretly fucking him.

In retrospect I should have seen this coming – after all Vicki did greet Drew in her panties instead of putting some proper clothing on, and also because she let him feel-up her ass while they shared a hot kiss that was far more than your typical fucking ‘hello’ kiss. Plus, before Drew showed up at our door Vicki was teasing me with her big tits, so she was already horny.

As I stood in the doorway, and as fucking pissed as I was, I couldn’t resist watching my slut wife fuck young Drew. After a minute or so, once she saw me my wife got off of his cock, and then she laid down on her back and said, “Fuck your Auntie’s hot cunt while Uncle Alex watches – he can fuck me next week.”

Young Drew didn’t miss a beat… He got on top of my wife and shoved his not-so-big cock into her cunt. Within seconds, he was pumping the fuck out of her as she cried out, “C’mon Drew… Fuck your Auntie’s cunt, harder, fuck it harder, harder kid, harder, now shoot it, shoot it.”

On demand, Drew began to slam his little cock into my wife's cunt, but all of sudden he said, “Oh fuck Aunt Vicki, I gonna cum again, I’m cumming,” and with that he pumped his load into her cunt with at least a dozen hard strokes, and then he rolled off of my wife and onto my fucking pillow.

Now, as my wife lay there, she looked at me with her fingers on her pussy, and then she said with a laugh, “You can eat the pizza Hon’ - Drew ate my pussy."

Well that fucking did it - my wife's ‘in my face’ attitude got the best of me… I slammed our bedroom door so fucking hard that I made shit shake and rattle throughout the fucking house, and then I headed back to the kitchen. Oh yeah – I was beyond fucking pissed!

> > > > >

It was about fifteen-minutes and another shower later when my wife strolled into the kitchen, alone and topless, just wearing a clean pair of panties – and she was on the defensive… “Alex, you can slam all the fucking doors you want, but I intend to fuck that hunky kid’s brains out all fucking night – so you can sleep with Tara in her room tonight,” and then she turned around to head back to the bedroom.

“Get back here Vicki,” I said… And when my wife walked back into the kitchen with her arms crossed - I laid into her… “Vicki, if you intend to fuck that kid’s brains out all fucking night, you better get a fucking motel room, because you’re not fucking him in my fucking bed, or in any other fucking bed in this fucking house… In fact Vicki – just get your fucking ass dressed, pack a fucking bag, and get the fuck out!”

“Hon’, you can’t mean that - you want me to leave?” Vicki said with a stunned look on her face.

“Vicki, don’t you fucking dare Hon’ me… Because Vicki, if the shoe was on the other foot, and a hot young girl came into ‘your’ home, and you were downstairs waiting for me like a fucking asshole while I was upstairs fucking the hell out of her… Are you going to tell me you’d be okay with it - especially after I taunted you, and made you felt like a fucking worthless piece of shit while you watched me fuck her?” I said.

“But Alex…” My wife said.

“But Alex my fucking ass Vicki – because this gets better… So now after you catch me fucking that pretty little creamer I come downstairs, but not to apologize to you for being an insensitive asshole – oh no Vicki… Instead Vicki I confront you… And I fucking tell you that I intend to fuck that young creamer’s brains out all fucking night, in your bed Vicki with a too fucking bad if you don’t fucking like it attitude… And then I tell you to sleep with Tara because my little creamer’s head will be on your fucking pillow Vicki… Because that Vicki - that is exactly what you just did to me… So yeah Vicki, pack a fucking bag, call a fucking cab, and get the fuck out… And take your fucking boy-toy with you,” I said.

No sooner were those words out of my mouth - I heard footsteps rumble down the stairs… And then seconds later I heard our front door open, and then close. “Drew must have left,” I thought. I sprang out of my seat and ran upstairs to see if that was the case, and sure as hell it was. While I was in our bedroom I grabbed my wife’s t-shirt off the floor, and then I brought it with me to the kitchen.

By the time I returned to the kitchen, Vicki had taken a seat at the table. She was understandably shaken and distraught, with tears running down her cheeks. Frankly - I didn’t give a flying fuck... I whipped her t-shirt at her and told her to fucking put it on, and then I grabbed one beer out of the fridge for myself – screw her.

As I sat across from her as pissed as hell, when I looked at her left hand while she wiped some tears from eyes, I said, “Vicki… And where the fuck are your wedding rings – do you squirt harder with them off?”

Startled by what I just said, my wife looked at her hand, and then she jumped off her chair and ran upstairs - I followed her step-for-step. On her pillow was a note that read, “Aunt Vicki, I didn’t have the heart to take these, and thanks for the hot suck and fuck… I’ve never had a girl cum on my tongue before, Drew.”

As angry as I was, I was also relived that my wife's rings were left on her pillow. As I watched her put them on, her tears continued to roll down her cheeks. Now, as looked at my wife, I thought about the first time I put her engagement ring on her finger, and the day we married. I was about to head back to the kitchen and let my wife contemplate her slutty actions when she said, “Alex, you are right, I would have been incensed with you… I have no excuse and I am sorry… Please don’t make me leave – I love you.”

Seeing as my wife came to her senses and apologized, I went and sat on the bed with her and kissed her. After I did, I held her left hand and said, ‘Babe, I remember the day I put this ring on your finger… Let’s put what happened tonight behind us – and I’m sorry for saying what I said… I do love you and want you to be my wife forever,” and then I kissed her again.

With tears still streaming down my wife's cheeks, she said, “Hon’, let’s shower, and then make love to me – I love you so much, and I always will.”

It’s always been hard for me to remain angry with my wife, although she had me about as pissed as I’ve ever been with her. Tonight, her lust bit her in the ass, and my anger bit mine. Now, for the next hour we made passionate love and renewed our love for each other… And once again all was right with our world.

> > > > >

It was about ten o’clock now. After we made love we took a quick shower, and then my wife and I went downstairs. Tara had come home, and she was sitting on the sofa wearing her typical garb, panties and t-shirt, so we joined her.

Throughout tonight’s ordeal I had left the TV on, and now the news had just started. When Tara cuddled up with me, she asked why there was a whole pizza sitting on the table. To answer her question, I said, “Tara, it’s a long story and let’s just leave it at that for now – but have some pizza if you’re hungry.”

“Oh thanks Hon’ but I already did… And what was up with you two lovebirds tonight? Holy shit - you two made my pussy so wet that I came in my panties – so thanks for leaving your bedroom door open, and the pizza!” Tara said.

“I really love that girl,” I thought…

> > > > >

Once the news was over, we found a movie that we all wanted to see. We were about ten-minutes into the flick when once again our doorbell rang. This time if it was Drew again, I was half-tempted to let him in and let my wife fuck her brains out until Monday… But then I quickly came to my senses and discarded that stupid idea, “Who knows what that kid might try to steal this time,” I thought.

After the doorbell rang again I answered the door. Lo and behold - this time it was his sister Sara, and she was frantic. When I opened the door, Sara rushed in without any luggage, and then she asked me to please turn the outside lights off - just in case she was followed.

When my wife heard Sara’s lovely voice she came running to the door - yes in her panties and t-shirt. Sara immediately gave us both a big hug and kiss, and then she followed us into the living room to meet Tara. Vicki had Sara take a seat on the sofa, and after a couple of minutes she calmed down some. Once she did she said, “Uncle Alex, Aunt Vicki, I had to run away – I just had to.”

For the next half-hour, Sara explained why she ran... She said that she was living with a new set of foster parents for six months now, and they are bad people – and I’ll leave it at that. She also said she turned eighteen today, and that she intended to join the Navy next week. In the meantime she said that she had no place to go, and asked if she could stay with us until she enlists.

“Déjà vu,” I thought, and then I said, “Sara, did you know that your brother was here earlier because he had no place to go, and that he is joining the Army next week?”

“Uncle Alex, Aunt Vicki, are you serious, I haven’t seen that jerk in years… I hope you didn’t let him in - he’s a bad apple,” Sara said.

“Sara… No, he didn’t stay, and I’m sure he won’t be back.” I said.

> > > > >

Since Sara spoke from her heart, and although I made a bad decision with Drew, Vicki and I both felt good about Sara so we let her stay. And since she was almost the same height and size of my wife, boobs included, she could share my wife’s or Tara’s clothes until I could gather her belongings from her foster home. Seeing as I know the Police Chief, it shouldn’t be a problem to retrieve them.

Although it was late, since Sara said she was hungry I ordered another pizza. This time both my wife and Tara took Sara upstairs to get her settled into her room, and to let her shower and change into some nightclothes. While they were upstairs, this time my wife let Sara take a shower in our room, and I was fine with that… I once again waited in the living room for the pizza to arrive.

As I sat there, I couldn’t believe what a coincidence it was to see both Drew and Sara on the same night after not seeing either of them for years...

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Plus, as good-looking as Drew turned out to be, little Sara was a ‘ten’ from head to toe – and sweet.

> > > > >

Just like earlier, about forty-minutes after the ladies brought Sara upstairs to shower and change, the pizza arrived. This time when I yelled upstairs a bunch of footsteps headed my way. But when the ladies walked into the kitchen, I almost shit my pants… Sara was dressed in the same evening garb as my wife and Tara - panties and a short t-shirt... “Holy fuck,” I thought!

As soon as Sara and Tara sat down at the table, I calmly excused myself and motioned for my wife to follow me. I led her upstairs to our bedroom, closed the door, and then I calmly said, “Babe, are you trying to kill me – why is Sara wearing sexy panties - and a t-shirt that barely covers her big boobs?”

“Hon’, now don’t get mad at me... Tara and I offered Sara a pair of pajamas, and a robe, but she wanted to be comfortable… And remember Hon’, she is eighteen now – she’s not a little girl anymore,” Vicki said.

“Babe, I’m not mad at you – I’m not, but to have three beautiful women with hot as hell bodies running around the house like that, well it’s just not fair… And her boobs are almost as big as yours,” I said.

“Hon’, I’m sure you’ll survive, and we will release all of your frustrations after you get in bed with us tonight - I promise… Oh, and Hun’, I told Sara about Tara when we showered – so she knows and she’s fine with it,” Vicki said.

“Vicki, did you just say that you and Tara showered with Sara... Tell me that you and Tara didn’t touch her,” I said.

“Alex, she started it… And Hon’ with a body like hers - that girl needed some lovin’ on her birthday, so we gave her a taste,” Vicki said.

“Oh my Vicki – what have you gotten us into now,” I said, and then I hugged and kissed my beautiful wife before we went downstairs.

> > > > >

Since it was Sara’s birthday, we had an impromptu ‘eighteenth birthday celebration’ for her at the kitchen table. I popped open a vintage bottle of wine that I’d been saving for a special occasion, and we all toasted Sara. But now as I sat at the table, and although it was uncomfortable at first, I tried to look at Sara in a completely different light… And hell yes - I did look, as her beauty, her body, and her charm reminded me of my wife when she was young.

As the night flew past, I was happy to see that Sara, Tara, and Vicki were completely comfortable with each other… They talked, and joked, and even talked about sex – a lot about sex. It turns out that young Sara was no stranger to having sex with women - but not men.

While the ladies chatted - I mostly listened. Sara explained that before she was placed with her latest foster parents, for years she lived with a beautiful lesbian woman named Marie. She went on to say that after she turned seventeen they often had sex, and sometimes even with her lesbian friends. Sara also described some of her sexual encounters in detail - especially the first time she licked Marie’s pussy while one of Marie’s lesbian friends watched, and then she licked her friend’s pussy… And that turned into a hot threesome.

Curious, after my wife asked Sara what happened with Marie... Sara said, “Aunt Vicki, everything was great until a so-called friend of one of Marie’s lesbian friends, and this old dike was an ugly bitch, anyways she reported Marie to the authorities for having a lesbian orgy with me… All because I wouldn’t eat her dirty-smelly pussy, and that’s why I had to move… And now get this, Marie’s not even allowed to contact me and that really sucks – I loved her.”

As I’m listening to Sara’s stories, I had absolutely no control over my cock - I popped a hard on for the entire time. It was about two o’clock in the morning when we decided to call it a night, and just before we hit the sack Sara said, “Uncle Alex… When we were in the shower Aunt Vicki said I could sleep with you tonight.”

I was stunned and my wife knew it, so she immediately chimed in and said, “Hon’, it’s okay, Sara wants too - and remember what I said when we were upstairs?”

“Oh sure I do Babe… And Sara that’s fine, but it will be a little crowded in bed,” I said.

“Hon’, I don’t think you caught my drift – but you will,” Vicki said with a big smile.

“I guess I didn’t,” I thought as I headed for our bedroom.

> > > > >

What a crazy night… When the ladies joined me in the bedroom, my wife lit three candles, and then she turned the lights off. In fact - she only lights the candles when her and Tara want to screw my brains out. “But what about Sara,” I thought, as she stood between my wife and Tara.

Well, I was soon to find out… My wife and Tara sent Sara to join me in bed before they climbed in, and then my wife said, “Hon’, remember… Sara’s never been with a man - so go easy.”

When I looked at Sara in bed with me, at first I again saw this innocent little girl… Then, when she took her t-shirt off to reveal her big beautiful breasts to me, I once again saw my wife as a teenager, and remembered the first time she showed me her big breasts in the backseat of my car. But when Sara slipped her panties off, I saw an irresistible young woman that was hungry for a man’s love.

With a sudden move Sara kissed me, and then she slipped my pajama shorts off. Since my cock was already standing tall, at first she slowly stroked it, up and down, over and over as she knelt on the bed and smiled at me. Then, as Sara was stroking my cock I scooped this young beauty into my arms and laid her pretty face on a pillow beside me. At first I just looked into her eyes, and then I repeatedly kissed her young lips while I felt her big breasts. Sara’s nipples were hard, and as I pinched them she rolled me over on my back, and then she hung her big breasts in my face and said, “Suck them Uncle Alex.”

Shit - when Sara said ‘Suck them Uncle Alex,’ that turned me on to the tenth-degree. I sucked, nibbled, and munched on her youthful tits so much so that I could feel my pre-cum as it dripped down my cock. A few minutes had passed when Sara moved down my body, and when she did she licked the pre-cum off my shaft, and then she began to suck her first cock while my wife, Tara, and I watched.

With my head on the pillow, I closed my eyes and let her suck and suck. I will say, nobody sucks my cock like my wife and Tara, but just the thought of having young Sara suck her first cock, and it happens to be mine, that thought quickly took me to the edge… “Sara, if you don’t stop - I’ll cum.”

“Shoot it Uncle Alex… Tara said you can cum a few times…” And without any hesitation Sara went right back at me, and again she sucked and sucked.

“Damn,” I was already out of my mind turned-on by this sexy little vixen, but when she gently grabbed my balls and massaged them as she sucked, that took me over the edge. “Sara, I’m gonna cum Sara, I’m gonna cum… Ohooo fuck yes Sara…” And with that Sara hunkered down and sealed my cock in her mouth, and then she sucked every bit of cum out my cock - and swallowed it all.

> > > > >

Although it was late I quickly discovered that young Sara was just getting started. After I shot my load, Sara spread her legs, and then while Sara kissed me, my wife and Tara took turns at licking Sara’s virgin pussy to get it ready. After a few minutes, Tara shifted her body my way, and then Tara began to suck me until I was hard again. Once I was, Tara reached over me to grab a few towels, and then she set them under Sara’s sweet pussy while she said, “Sara, the first time can hurt a little… So Hon’, be gentile with her.”

When I moved onto Sara’s beautiful body, she had a look on her face as if she was bracing herself for a very painful experience… To calm her fears I said, “Sara, just relax, just relax love… I won’t hurt you – I promise I won’t,” and then I gently prodded her pussy with the head of my cock.

In an effort to distract my young love from any pain, I kissed Sara time and time again while my cock slowly inched its way inside her tight pussy. Once I was all the way in, I pumped her pussy as gently as I could until Sara said, “Harder Uncle Alex.” Now, with her soft-spoken words I proceeded to pump her wet pussy harder and harder.

While I was on top of young Sara, I pumped her for a few minutes, but then my wife said, “Hon’, let Sara get on top and ride your cock like I do… Tara and I will teach her how to squirt.”

Sara and I quickly swapped positions, and then she impaled my cock as deep into her pussy as she could. Now, while Sara was riding my cock, my wife set her pussy lips over my mouth… And when Tara moved behind Sara, she reached around her and began to stimulate Sara’s clit as she rode my cock.

While young Sara rode my cock harder and harder, I pampered my wife's insatiable pussy and clit with my tongue. When my wife was about to cum, she told Sara to rub her clit while I licked her pussy, and while she squirted a little love juice on Sara’s hand she said, “That’s female cum Sara - you can do too.”

Sara was in complete awe to watch and feel a female ejaculate for the first time. Tara then took over, and as she stimulated Sara’s clit she whispered in Sara’s ear, “C’mon Sara, ride Uncle Alex’s big cock hard, ride it Sara, harder now, faster Sara, faster… That’s it, now Sara, when you feel like you have to pee, just push it out Sara – it’s not pee Sara, it’s your precious cum sweetie.”

With Tara’s words of encouragement, Sara rode my cock faster and harder until she screamed out, “Tara - I’m cumming Tara,” and as she said that she soaked me with her hot love juice. After her first big squirt, Sara rode me even harder, and harder. With my young love driving my cock crazy, I continued to lick my wife's pussy. This time when Sara again reached down for my wife's clit, my wife soaked her hand and my face with a huge squirt of her love juice.

Seeing as Sara experienced her first squirts, Tara moved between Sara and my wife. Now I had three squirting pussies on me - I was in pussy heaven. While Sara continued to ride me hard, she reached around and grabbed one of Tara’s tits with one hand, and Tara’s clit with her other. After she did, she fingered Tara hard and fast, and then Sara said, “I’m gonna cum again.”

I was ready… Now that Sara was bottoming out her pussy as hard as she could on my cock again and again, I lifted my wife's pussy up some and said, “I’m gonna cum in you Sara...” And with that I pumped and pumped my load into young Sara’s pussy. As I did - Sara, Tara, and Vicki squirted, no, actually they all soaked me with their love juice as we all came together.

“Holy shit,” I thought… And since I was literally soaked, the ladies quickly dried me off before the bed was also completely soaked, and then we headed for the shower.

Funny, while we showered, Sara had a twinkle in her eye as she said, “Uncle Alex – one more time?”

> > > > >

When we got back in bed, I discovered that young Sara also had an insatiable appetite for sex. She immediately went after my wife and Tara, and it wasn’t long before this young hottie had their pussies squirting and begging for more. But when Sara got on all fours to eat my wife's pussy, I moved behind her and plowed my cock into her hungry pussy – she screamed with pleasure.

This time as I fucked Sara, I showed her now broken-in pussy no mercy. From the get-go, as I slammed my cock into her pussy over and over, my wife told me to fuck her in the ass. Well, young Sara wasn’t ready for that yet, and she said, “No Uncle Alex, no, not in my ass – please don’t.”

Since ‘no means no’ I just kept pumping her tight pussy. Tara then moved down on the bed. After she did, she got under my little creamer’s pussy and licked the hell out of her snatch while I fucked and fucked her. Then, after I had pumped her hot young pussy for a while my wife again said, “C’mon Sara, take it in your ass like your Aunt Vicki does – just do it.”

Again, Sara said not to, but then a few seconds later she said, “Okay Uncle Alex - I’ll do it…”

Tara grabbed the lube and lubed me up. As soon as I was good and slick, I lined my cock up with her dainty little hole. As I did, Tara and my wife scooted under her, and then each of them sucked one of Sara’s big tits while they masturbated each other’s clits.

I really did not want to hurt Sara, so I pushed my cock into her ass as gingerly as I could - an inch at a time. As I did, Sara kept saying, ‘a little more, a little more’ over and over until my cock was balls deep in her ass – and even though she said it hurt she seemed to love it.

I’m not sure where I got the stamina tonight, but after a hot blowjob and a long fuck in Sara’s tight pussy, I was able to pump my cock in her ass for quite some time… But all of a sudden, and without saying a word I buried my cock as deep into her ass as I could. Now, as I shot my load into Sara’s ass, she said, “Holy shit Uncle Alex… Holy fuck is that hot… Holy shit Aunt Vicki,” as she felt rope after rope of my hot cum splatter eight inches deep into her ass. While I was loading Sara’s hot ass, my wife and Tara sucked the hell out of Sara’s big tits and squirted like crazy as they came with us.

Needless to say – by now I was spent. After I showered myself off I got back in bed and collapsed. As I lay there, all three ladies found a piece of my body and piled on. Now, as the four of us laid in bed quiet and motionless for a few minutes, it was Sara who broke the silence when she said, “Holy shit Uncle Alex, is your bed wet.”

“Sara, if you think it’s wet now, just wait until Ginny and Amber come over tomorrow night – but I think I’ll just sit back and watch five of the hottest women on the planet have an all out lesbian orgy and squirt up the bed,” I said.

“Really Uncle Alex – tomorrow night… But you’re just going to watch?” Sara said.

“Nice try Mr. Alex,” my wife said.

Sara added… “Uncle Alex, you better eat your ‘Wheaties’ in the morning - all five of us are going to screw your brains out…”

“Yeah Hon’, and you owe me,” Tara said… And then she added, “It’s been over a week now and my pussy needs regular maintenance…”

After a good laugh from Tara’s comment, we changed the bed liner and the bedding – hopefully to get some sleep this time.

> > > > >

For the entire time that Sara stayed with us, her insatiable sex drive wore each of us out, including Ginny and Amber when they were over – and it was great.

Before Sara enlisted in The Navy, and since she was technically homeless, we insisted that she use our address as her home, our names as her contacts, and we made it clear to Sara that our home was her home for as long as she wants. Plus, Tara, my wife, and I all looked forward to attending Sara’s celebration in eight weeks when she graduates boot camp, and to have her come home with us after she does. Really, none of us wanted to see her leave, but she’s a real trooper and she’ll do just fine.

More to come…

This fictional story was written by Alex Foremen and shall not be copied or re-produced.

Written by AlexForemen
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