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A Honeymoon of Discovery

""A new wife, who submits to her true feelings""

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Author's Notes

"I do hope you enjoy my first story. I would love any feedback good and bad, with any advice for future."

The soft, silky hands of the sun’s rays pulsated down deep between my shoulder blades. Hitting this sweet spot, the heat helped me slip away into the depths of relaxation I didn’t realise I craved. The sound of waves lapping onto shore, and a light breeze around my ears hummed away, as I felt every inch of my body melt into the sunbed.

 I could feel the presence of my new husband to the left of me, and as I tilted my head to open just one eye, I could see he too was having the tension melted from within him. After months of stressful wedding planning here we were, finally on our honeymoon, a little Greek island. A world away from the hustle and bustle of the big day, which turned out to be everything we wanted and more.

An hour or so passed and I was thirsty, my throat felt suddenly so dry as I pulled away from the bed and sat up almost a little dazed. James, my husband, continued to lay there, his muscular frame glistening from the sun and the oil I had caressed into his skin hours earlier. I would go and get us a drink, no need to disturb him, the beach shack was just a few steps over the hot sand.

The long sandy beach was rather quiet, mostly dotted with couples, all enjoying the same air of relaxation. As I walked up to the bar I was contemplating my drink of choice, it was 3 pm and I felt the need for a cocktail. James I’m sure would prefer a refreshing local beer, I would get him that.

The local man behind the counter was creating what appeared to be a pina colada, he looked happy in his work and it was a rather impressive looking finished product. The lady waiting for the drink noticed me viewing the menu and stated, “So much choice however you must try the mojito." I turned to see her properly under the shade of the bar canopy. My eyes filled with her beautiful figure, enveloped in a kaftan, her dark shoulder-length hair framed her face which held warm inviting eyes.

“Oh thank you," I replied, “This is our first full day and my first cocktail of the trip so I don’t want to make a bad choice. So yes, I’ll take a mojito on your recommendation."

We exchanged pleasantries and I learnt her name was Sarah and she was here with her husband, Chris. This was their second holiday to the island in the past few years. We chatted easily and found we would be holidaying for the same amount of time. Sarah made a point of saying we must get together for a drink as a four and she looked forward to it.

As I walked back to James, I noticed he was sat up, looking similarly dazed to me a little while earlier. As I expected, the beer was gratefully received, and he gulped down half of it in one go. I told him about my meeting with Sarah and how we may have already found some holiday friends. We love meeting people when we go away, to us it just passed the time on well and broadens your horizons. What I maybe held back was how beautiful I thought Sarah was. I would take a guess she was about ten years older than me and I could not help hoping I continued to age in the same way!

After a full day of sun, we decided a shower was in order and we could begin to think about our evening meal. We headed up to our suite which was perfectly positioned looking out onto the Aegean sea. James took me by the waist as I looked out at the breathtaking view and I knew exactly where this was heading. His hardening cock pressed up against my buttocks and I could feel the familiar heat between my legs as he unhooked my bikini top, caressing my nipples right there on the balcony. It was quiet out there, but part of me didn’t care if anybody saw, the atmosphere was making me feel incredibly sexy and horny.

James laid me back on the bed kissing me deeply, teasing my left nipple between his thumb and forefinger before taking the right between his lips. I love the feeling of his hardness against my leg as he takes me to fabulous places when devouring my nipples. He began to slide down my body, painfully taking his time until he reached between my legs. I was soaked and he knew it. He began his slow insistent teasing between my thighs, making me arch my back closer to him and his awaiting tongue.

After what felt like an age, I felt him tease the fabric away from my swollen mound, my lips so wet they peeled away slowly from my bikini bottoms. Pushing them to the side, he took his first lick all the way along my slit. My body stiffened as his tongue brushed my clit and I melted into the soft bed linen. As he began his assault on my pussy and took me to higher places, it was with shock Sarah entered my mind. It was no longer James there but her, looking up at me with these warm brown eyes. “Oh God James I’m cumming!” and within seconds of seeing her face I hit the point of pleasure as my pussy clenched deep within and shock waves ran through my body.

Out to dinner that evening I could not explain to myself what had brought the image of Sarah on so erotically. I know I had been exploring my bi-curious side during solo play sessions but this was a first. A real woman in the flesh having such a profound sexual effect on me. James noted my vacant expression and asked if I was ok. “Yes darling I think the day is just catching up with me, I think a good sleep is needed tonight,” I replied with a smile.

The next few days passed by at a steady pace exploring the island, finding secluded coves to swim, enjoying fine Greek food and enjoying some, as expected, hot sex.

As we walked down the harbour side that evening after yet another outstanding seafood dinner, I heard my name shouted to the right of me. “Lucy, Lucy hi over here." I turned to see Sarah, and presumably, her husband Chris, sitting on a plush white sofa at a bar. They both looked impeccably dressed, hardly a hair out of place and both oozed beauty as we got closer. I introduced James to Sarah, and she introduced us to Chris. Chris stood to shake hands and pulled up two comfy chairs. He was a tall man with shoulder length dark blonde hair, dressed smartly in a designer shirt, white chinos and brown boating shoes.

 “Would you join us for another carafe of wine? It is really beautiful, you just don’t seem to get wine like this in the UK,” asked Sarah.

We readily agreed and began chatting about anything and everything.

As I sat there the image of Sarah from two evenings ago popped into my mind. I felt myself blush, with goosebumps forming on both arms. I excused myself to the bathroom where I looked at my reflection in the mirror asking what was wrong with me and an inner battle ensued to keep my thoughts at bay.

Upon my return to the bar, I noted Chris had moved seats and was sitting with James showing him something on his phone. “Oh, they’ve found common ground, cars, we’ve lost them Lucy,” Sarah said, “Take a seat on here with me and they can talk all things boys." Chris flashed me a smile and asked if I minded.

“Of course not, I’d rather he spoke to you than me about cars if I’m honest!” I told Chris.

So with that, I settled next to Sarah and we chatted easily. We were both nurses and the conversation flowed. I could not help but notice her beauty now more up close. She wore a tight-fitted red dress, just above the knee and her long-tanned legs seemed to go on forever, finished with, what she later confirmed, a pair of Christian Louboutin heels. I was suddenly very grateful for the pre-wedding preening I had gone through!

As we began on our second carafe of wine together, Sarah turned to me and said in a hushed tone, "I really love your dress, with your figure it looks fabulous. How lucky is James with those pert breasts of yours. Full and pert with no bra. You lucky girl." Her comment took me back but with the effects of the wine I thanked her and told her of James’ love for my nipples. This sudden change of conversation had me looking over to the guys, who were still enthralled in car chat.

Sarah asked if we had been having plenty of bedroom fun since we had arrived and I filled her in on a few details, leaving one big part out. I had not had that much wine after all.

As we spoke, Sarah kept placing a hand on me, be it touching my arm, thigh or on the odd occasion my cheek. Her touch was soft and given the nature of our conversation, each touch sent a little shockwave through me, often landing deep in my pussy.

I learnt Sarah and Chris are quite adventurous lovers and I enjoyed listening to her tales of the downright dirty. What she said next came as a shock, “I know you are newly married but after twelve years of marriage like us, things need to be kept fresh. Over the last few years we have enjoyed time with other couples and I especially have enjoyed the chance to explore other women." Now it appeared I had drunk enough wine and I began to tell Sarah a little about my own explorations and thoughts and how James was unaware of this.

Without warning Sarah stood and declared we should maybe head back and carry on the evening in their suite. They had a whirlpool on their terrace and had told us earlier in the evening how relaxing it is before retiring to bed. I looked at James and it was at this point I realised I had not looked over his way for some time. I had been mesmerised by Sarah and our conversation. He looked at me differently, but I couldn’t put my finger on it but readily agreed with Sarah.

As we walked back to the hotel, James took my hand and held us back from Sarah and Chris. He asked me if I knew what was going on, to which I replied, “Yes, our new friends want to show us their room which is even fancier than ours.”

“I’ve noticed the way Sarah looks at you Lucy, I think she has more than showing you around the room in mind,” replied James.

I found his tone hard to read and simply replied, “Well I am really enjoying myself. We are on holiday so let's just enjoy the moment.” I felt my body tense as I awaited his response. A wide smile and squeeze to the hand turned out to be it.

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Sarah and Chris had a well-stocked mini bar. I believe it was beers for the guys and Sarah pulled out a bottle of white wine, before pouring two glasses and leading us outside. It was pitch black, but you could hear the familiar sound of the ocean waves, and the view would be like that of ours in the daylight.

“Shall we take a dip in the pool Lucy?” Sarah asked as she fired up the jacuzzi.

“Absolutely, although I have just realised, I need to call at our room for a bikini,” I replied.

Sarah scoffed at my remark, “Bikini! Don’t be so daft. We noticed you on the beach a few days ago topless so I really wouldn’t worry yourself.”

I felt a hint of embarrassment followed by a rush of excitement; I certainly had a streak of exhibitionist in me.

Sarah wasted no time in letting her red dress fall to the floor, her black thong and bra visible on the dim lit balcony. Slipping out of her thong with her back turned and unclasping her bra she stepped into the pool. Realising I was up next I too kept my back to the guys, however this meant she had full view of my front. As her lips pulled into a devilish smile I knew she was enjoying this very much. I quite hurriedly slipped out of my white dress, and as I was already braless this just left me to slip out of my thong, my soaked thong I may add due to my mind working overdrive back at the bar. I hopped into the pool, put my body in the water and turned to look at the guys. They had pulled up two chairs and decided they would be keeping dry for now.

I took another sip of wine as I felt Sarah’s skin on mine, my skin became hyper-sensitive. I could feel my wetness escape once more, although it had nowhere to really go now we were in the water.

“James you are one lucky man, your wife is gorgeous. I’ve been hearing a little about the honeymoon fun you’ve been having and that is just how a marriage should start,” Sarah said to James.

James agreed he felt he had struck gold and with that walked over and planted a kiss on my lips before returning to his seat. I could be wrong, but as he walked away I was sure his pants appeared to be bulging.

The guys continued to chat quietly, glancing over at us, as I thanked Sarah for her hospitality. As I began to speak Sarah found my thigh and ran her fingers slowly to the top, stopping just short of my exposed swollen mound. The look in her eyes changed, to one I have never experienced from a woman, and it was one of lust. She leant forward and whispered in my ear, “Lucy I want to touch you, I want to taste you and I know you want me to. Don’t worry about a thing I will lead the way, you can just enjoy this.”

As Sarah spoke my nipples hardened and the pulsing between my legs became almost unbearable. I looked over to James and Chris who continued to give reassuring glances. I placed my hand on Sarah’s thigh and with new found confidence said, “Sarah, I want this more than I care to admit, I am soaked for you, please touch me.”

Sarah needed little more encouragement and with that kissed me softly on the lips, cupping my puffy mound. She could feel how wet I was, moaning into my mouth, as she allowed her finger to slowly explore my slit. She positioned herself with her own pussy resting on my thigh. I could feel the thick slick juices sliding up and down my leg as I lifted a hand to hold her breast, the palm of my hand resting upon her nipples.

We kissed for what seemed an eternity until Sarah whispered in my ear, “Not here, let's get out and go inside. I want to see exactly what I’m tasting.”

With that, the guys were there helping us out of the pool, both bulges were now unmistakable, and I looked James straight in the eyes. Before I could say a thing, he soothed, “Just let yourself go and enjoy every moment."

I stood and felt my legs wanting to give way, they felt like jelly as I was led to the bed by Sarah with James keeping me steady from behind. Sarah passed me a soft towel and I began to dry myself with her help, in between soft kisses. Her body was visible in all its glory inside the lit bedroom. Her nipples stood proud from her ample D-cup chest and as my eyes fell down, her neat shaven mound looked equally as puffy as mine.

I laid back onto the bed, where Sarah wasted no time exploring my body. My long blonde hair fell to the side of my shoulders as she teased each nipple with her fingertips, before taking each one slowly into her mouth. I had told her earlier how I love James' slow torture, pulling them between his lips and nibbling them between his teeth. But this felt better. The pressure was just right and I felt I could just cum there and then. As she began working her way down my stomach, I tensed in anticipation of being touched there. Pleasurable pulsing radiated from my pussy down into my toes.

As I looked over I could see James and Chris sitting back on the sofa, their cocks out in their hands, slowly stroking and eyes wide enjoying the sight of their wives before them. But I didn’t care about them anymore, it was all about Sarah and how I was going to be tasted by a woman for the first time.

As Sarah worked her tongue between my thighs, making my pulse quicken and my breaths become shallow, I realised that image from the first night was about to become reality. Her tongue hit my slit with a shock, a full flat tongue up the whole length. Resting upon my pulsating clit, she took it into her mouth ever so gently. Circling the tip with the tip of her tongue causing waves of pleasure from my fingers to my toes.

“Ahhhhhh,” was all I could breathe and muster.

I widened my thighs instinctively to give her better access. Her tongue pressed into my opening lapping the juices from within, which were streaming down my thighs. This was soon replaced by her fingers, two fingers slowly sliding into me, search for my g-spot. I was so close, and she knew it. I could barely keep still, writhing on the bed as I got closer and closer. The next moment her fingers slid out of me. I silently moaned, "Please no," wanting them back inside me. Sarah stretched back up to my face, offering her glistening fingers to my mouth, painting my lips with my juice. I accepted them with pleasure, tasting myself. With a smile, she went back and pushed those two fingers back into my needy hole. Wasting no time in finding that special spot, moaning into me as her tongue began flicking my clit with vigour. Oh god that was it, “Sarah I’m going to cum,” I moaned.

I think I momentarily passed out. Sarah was lying next to me breathing heavily as I panted alongside attempting to bring myself too. I turned and kissed her softly, tasting the familiarity of my own pussy juices. Stroking her nipples as our breathing relaxed a bit further. James and Chris suddenly popped into my mind, they too looked spent and from their softening cocks I realised it was not just me who had hit dizzy heights. They remained quiet however, not wanting to interrupt.

“I hope you enjoyed that,” Sarah giggled.

“I think that is an understatement, I have never cum like that,” I replied feeling a pang of guilt saying that in James' earshot.

“Well if you’re not ready for it to be over just yet I’m certainly not, and I know those two are very much enjoying the show,” said Sarah in her husky lustful voice, pointing towards the guys.

I looked over Sarah’s body, her rock-hard swollen nipples needed attention and I was the one she wanted to tease them. I know she liked a rougher touch from Chris and with the first pinch between my fingers, she elicited a deep moan. I reached over and felt. with renewed excitement between my legs, the urge to take one between my lips. Gently at first rolling my tongue around her areola. It felt just how imagined, and I understood the feelings Sarah would be experiencing deep within her pussy, as I pulled her nipple between my teeth letting go and seeing her breast bounce as her nipple fell back to her body. I enjoyed the feeling of her nipples, hard, yet such softness. I could feel the tension rising in Sarah’s body, she arched her back, lifting her bottom off the bed and I knew where she wanted my mouth.

As I moved down Sarah’s body and could feel her tremble with excitement as I got closer to the heat between her legs. Her moans escaped her lips as I stroked the inside of her thigh, so soft and delicate. Her pussy looked divine, her lips so red and puffy, glistening with juice. I could not wait a moment longer and licked her open with my tongue up and down her slit. She squealed with excitement as I processed it all; her smell, her taste. Sweet and musky, rather like myself. Sarah moaned how good it felt as I took her swollen clit between my lips and sucked hard. She was so close after making me cum I knew she wanted me to bring her quickly to the edge. I felt her wet opening and slid two fingers inside. Her pussy walls gripped them tightly and I tried to find the sweet spot we as women love so much. Curling my fingers and with just the amount of pressure Sarah began to scream, she was so vocal. Expletives flew from her mouth “Oh fuck, oh fuck yes. Right there don’t stop!”

I didn’t stop. I kept on with the same pressure and Sarah bucked around under me. “Lucy, oh god! I’m cumming!” She screamed and with that, bearing down on my fingers, she came hard over my face. Clear liquid flowed from her pussy all over me and the bed.

We both fell back onto the bed, spent and high in the clouds in a post orgasmic fuzz. After a few minutes we rolled over to look at our other halves. They had nipped out onto the balcony for some fresh air. As Sarah laid her leg over mine, they both came in and joined us on the bed thanking us for making them very happy husbands indeed.

As we all lay there, slowly coming back to reality I wondered where the events of the night put mine and James’ marriage. Was this a blissful memory we would cherish to the grave or would this be the start of something new, with more exploring to come?

Written by horny123
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