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You Belong To Me Tonight!

"What would you do if your best friend let you play alone with his favorite toy? His sexy wife!"

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Author's Notes

"WARNING - This story contains consensual non-consensual (CNC) and dom/sub play. Do not read if that's not to your taste. - I've got the inspiration for this story while asking questions in a Reddit AMA. <p> [ADVERT] </p>With the user's permission, I am publishing this story inspired by the recounting of her own life. Check out my profile for the Reddit link or message me for her name on OnlyFans. Happy reading!"

I smile hungrily as I open the door to let you in, then wave at Andrew, your husband, before he drives off. I admire your long black coat even though it is thirty degrees centigrade outside, expecting a delicious surprise underneath. As I gaze back up, I see your wide smile, a soft laugh getting out of your voluptuous red lips. Even though we both know where this is going, there is tension in the air and I’m getting nervous as we both look into each other’s eyes.

“James, come here,” you say warmly as you open your arms wide, welcoming me in your comforting embrace.

When my body gets in contact with yours, we get grounded, a lightning bolt of desire running through us. I breathe deeply, inhaling your intoxicating perfume, raising again my desire for you.

“You know we can do normal stuff, it doesn’t need to be--” you say before I interrupt you with a long and passionate kiss. My hands are starting to roam on your spine, feeling the slow curve of your back transforming into the voluminous globes of your ass. You also move your fingers over me, feeling my cock over my tight jeans, fumbling what has been hard for the last hour as I was thinking of our upcoming time together.

I don’t know how long we kiss but when we separate from our passionate tongue-twisting, we are both breathing hard. Our eyes lock together as we gather our thoughts, as we continue to rub what will soon be joined together.

“I just needed an ice breaker. Lara, I’m so fucking excited to have you here,” I say with conviction, feeling my dominant side invest me, the side of me I want to explore with you tonight.

“Good, I’m all yours,” you say with emphasis on the last word.

I pin you against the door of the entry closet, pressing my body on yours so you can’t escape. The kiss I give you is now forceful, pushing your lips open with my tongue, invading you without mercy. You slightly resist me but I know this is what you deeply want.

I rise again, only having two things I need to clarify before I unleash myself, “As soon as you climb the stairs, it begins and it ends when I give you back to Andrew. I only need your safe word before we start?”

Your smile widens at my forcefulness, saying playfully, “Do we really need a safe word? I’m not sure you can do anything bad to me.”

I jump at your throat, putting my hand around it and lightly pressing as I pin you harder against the door. I now see fire in your eyes, my demonstration having touched your deep desire for submission.

“My safe word is koala,” you say before starting to laugh.

I do the same, not expecting something so random yet so appropriate if you need me to stop.

“Koala it is.”

I get back into our power play to focus back my full attention on you. Our eyes find each other, the laughter changing into playfulness, into a burning desire.

“Get upstairs when you are ready,” I say with the last air of a breath, feeling the moment I’ve been waiting for so long. I release most of the tension I was putting on you, removing my hand from your neck.

I see you open your mouth as if you want to say something but you stop yourself, your lips staying ajar as if you are just waiting for me to stuff it with my big cock. Your face slowly morphs to take a frightened look as I asked you to when we planned this evening, lost in your immense bed after you worshiped your husband and me so expertly. I feel your body slacken against me, the role you will be playing tonight investing you slowly, getting defenseless against me.

The woman I have in front of me is no longer my best friend’s wife, the sexually confident woman is gone. The character you give me is of a delicate and vulnerable young woman that is trapped with me, knowing that nobody can do anything to save her, including her beloved husband. Your eyes are shifting left and right, never staying locked with mine when you see my demanding gaze. Your hands have left my cock, pushing on my chest with insistence, protecting yourself as much as you can from me, even though we both know that I can overpower you whenever I want.

With my right hand, I lock the front door of my house, denying your freedom, cutting you from getting any help from outside. Then, I move it to the right of your face, pressing my palm firmly on the door, only giving you one way out of my presence, upstairs. I slowly come toward your face, to taste the fright escaping from your lips.

Suddenly, you shift your body and use it to push me away with your arms, getting up the stairs, signaling that you are all mine. I wickedly laugh at you, seeing your despair in the way you quickly climb to the main floor of my house while you look left and right for an escape. You turn around when you hear my slow but determined steps behind you, your eyes wide open and misty at the thought that I’m getting closer to you.

You start to turn back to look again for an exit but I’m quicker, pulling on the bow in front of your coat to expose you, to finally find how you will tempt me tonight. You scramble as I pull on your long jacket, attempting to keep it on but it soon leaves your shoulders and you are finally exposed to my raging desire of owning you.

The white and black schoolgirl outfit you wear is too small for your voluptuous body. The shirt is stretched to its limits, the buttons having a hard time keeping your immense breasts in. Your skirt is barely covering your bottom, exposing your round ass cheeks and a thin black string of cloth barely covering your crack. I laugh as I see you panic at being exposed so lewdly, sprinting to your right in a futile attempt to get away from me. Unfortunately for you, you chose to go to my bedroom, a dead end.

When I get in, I see you briskly exit my walk-in, having found out that you are trapped, that you made the wrong choice. The realization is on your face, the certainty of your error watering your eyes. When we discussed this evening, you rightfully warned me that you will fully commit to your role, otherwise, I would have stopped right away, afraid that I’m going too far. The emotions you show on your face are vivid and feel so real, also reflected in your demeanor, in your whole self.

I close the door behind me, keeping an eye on you as I know you could attack me to get away, not giving you any chances. Then, I walk slowly toward you, my carnivorous smile exposing my lust to control you, to get what I deserve, to make you mine.

“Please, James, no! You’re frightening me!” you say with a trembling voice, your hands shaking as you put them in front of you.

I laugh at your feeble protection, knowing that they are no match against me. “You shouldn’t have tempted me. You know I lust for you, what do you think would happen coming here?”

I reach you and grab your hands to force them behind your back. You resist as much as you can but my grip is solid. With my arms behind you, I bring you to me, pressing your crotch to my cock, your breasts against my chest. You turn your head to the side, denying me your beauty and your lips.

“Andrew cannot protect you tonight, I’m the only one that controls you. Now, look at me,” I tell you with a commanding voice, asserting my dominance over you.

You stubbornly look away and you move your body left and right to escape my grip, without success. Binding both wrists with one hand, I get the other behind your head and force you to look at me, capturing your hair to face me. Without notice, I force my lips on yours, restarting the kiss we had earlier. This time, you actively try to avoid me, keeping your lips tightly closed and moving your head left and right. I do not let this deter me, it invigorates me to press on, to handle your reluctance with more power.

Grabbing your hair more tightly to prevent you from escaping me, I force my tongue between your lips, finally breaking your barricade to invade your mouth. You let a cry of surprise as I get your mouth to open wider and wider, not leaving you any opportunities to take initiative or control of the situation. A thrill runs through me at finally having you all for me, not having to behave myself as I usually do in front of your husband.

Having had enough with your mouth, I pull your head back, liberating you momentarily from my assault on you. You breathe loudly as you catch your breath, although not for long. I push you down, forcing you to get on your knees. I let your wrists go to unbuckle my belt and bring my tight jeans down, moving closer to have your mouth only a few centimeters from my hard cock bulging from my boxer. You open your eyes in panic, at my silent request, at the size of it.

“Why aren’t you a good girl and suck my dick?” I invite you with a firm voice, pushing your head to my boxer.

Your newly freed hands reach out and push back on my legs, wanting to get away from me.

“If you take it this way,” I say with deep satisfaction.

Using my bulky stance over you, I move closer, forcing you to move back until you reach my bed, pinning you without any way to escape. With my free hand, I get my dick out and line it up to your mouth, getting it closer and closer to you. You look at it with worries yet you are subjugated by it, not trying to move away or deny what I command you. When the tip touches your lips, it is only then that you try to fight it.

I grin as you thrash and even try to push me back but I keep a good grip on your hair. As I firm my handle on you, I continue to push my dick on your lips, feeling your reluctance. As with anything inevitable, you finally succumb and your mouth opens up for me, getting halfway in one thrust. You weep as I let a deeply rooted ‘fuck’ out loud, feeling your contracting mouth milking me as you try to force me out. I push further in, adding centimeters after centimeters of my hardness inside of you until I get almost to the root of my cock. I keep myself there until I feel you lightly choke, extricating myself to let you breathe.

Your watery eyes look up begging me to stop as you take your breath back. I smile with all my teeth out before I plunge back in as you were getting a gulp of fresh air. This time, I do not go as deep as before but I start to fuck your mouth, pressing you against the mattress to make sure you can’t move away. I slowly move my pelvis back and forth, looking you down while I make sure to properly use your lips to my liking. You look at me, the fright back as I do not leave you any say in the way I use you.

I don’t know how long I fuck your head but I’m damn sure that’s not how I’m going to blow my first load. Thrusting again deep inside of you, I get your nose to touch my crotch as I exhale in complete delight at feeling your throat adjust to my girth. I leave you to choke over me, the sensation of ultimate power over you. When I feel your hands clamping harder on my legs, a prearranged signal between each other, I extricate myself from your skull to leave you to take a deep and difficult inhale.

My heart twinge at seeing your eyes water this much and how difficult I seem to be on you but you do not say anything as I leave you to recuperate. Although all this, when you raise your eyes to me, I see the excitement behind the character’s fright, knowing that I can continue with our evenings without worrying for you.

Bending down, I kiss you with passion as you are still getting yourself back from the difficult blowjob. My tongue invades you where my cock was only a few seconds ago, making me so excited, wanting to use you again and again. To that end, my free hand goes under your skirt, pushes aside the small cloth covering your pussy, and insert three fingers. You squirm at my new assault, although I hear a moan coming from deep inside of you as I twist my tongue in your mouth.

Using my hand in your pussy and the other still grabbing your hair, I get you on your feet and push you on the bed, landing heavily in the center. I jump over you, straddling you before you get any chance of running away, sitting lightly on your chest, just below your breasts. I grab again your two wrists, bringing them over your head, and extend my other arm to get something from under the pillow at your head.

As I bend over your body, my cock ends up where it was previously, brushing your lips. To my surprise, you open your mouth and suck the tip in, playing with it softly.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I ask you with delight at your willingness.

Pushing me out with your tongue, you say softly, “If I make you cum, will you let me go?”

Softly laughing, I purposefully do not answer, pressing my cock back in your wet embrace, letting you polish me of your own free will. In the meantime, I open what was under the pillow and get it closer to your hands. You’re sucking me with force and purpose, really wanting me to cum, making me work hard at not giving you satisfaction.

Working quickly, I insert your wrists into the restraints, locking you to my bed. Feeling the cold metal, you look up and test the solidity of my hidden toy, forgetting my cock as you find in what predicament you are now in. I get off you and leave you to swarm at your inability to escape me. I slowly remove my clothes, keeping an eye on you as you keep testing the handcuffs. When you calm down and gaze back at me, you find me naked, waiting patiently at the base of the bed.

“Now, let’s have some real fun,” I say joyfully as I get on my bed, kneeling slowly toward you.

Your eyes become wider as the reality downs on you, that I’m going to fuck you until I have satisfaction. You raise your legs to confront me, denying access to your enticing pussy. I dodge your first two attempts but you finally connect with my chest with your left foot, sending me backward. Even though you used real force into your hit, that’s not the reason why I’m getting angry at you; the pain that you give me only slightly registers compared to the denial of what is mine to take.

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“Oh, I love a feisty prey. I’ll make you pay for this,” I roar to you, getting back on my knees in no time and pinning your legs down.

I get inside of your thighs and open them by force to reveal what you have been hiding below that skirt all along. Bringing your legs over your body, I move your g-string aside and look up at you with a devilish grin. You fight me as much as you can but I’m pinning you well, my weight exposing your pussy for my cock’s delight. I know instantly that I do not need to get the lube I prepared just in case; your glistening pussy is shining with your wetness in the subdued light of my bedroom.

I plunge inside of you without any mercy, getting deeper and deeper into your slit until I hit you with my weight on your ass. We both moan at my forcefulness, at my large cock stretching your pussy, at the power play we so much love. I close my eyes as I savor the sensation coming from your warm and wet hole. When I open them again, I find the same desire in you, of wanting to fuck each other until we can’t stand it.

I start to move my waist with purpose, bouncing heavily on your ass, driving you into the mattress with each thrust in. At this point, I do not mind that you aren’t pushing back at me; I wouldn’t want to handle your character as I’m jack-hammering you. Your eyes are locked on mine, a need in them, a desire for a release I’m not ready to give you.

When I cum, I feel it spread from my cock through my body, a wave of intense pleasure reaching every corner of me. I let myself fall on you, putting all of my weight on to get fully inside of you. I spray your insides with multiple ropes of cum, shooting out with pressure, giving you a creampie as you asked me to. I get lost in the scenario we just played, multiplying the intensity of the whole experience, never having felt this excited in my sexual life.

When I regain my faculties, I look down at you, seeing the satisfaction for having brought me to this intense orgasm, although I also see your unfulfilled need. I smile widely at you, playing the friendly card, reaching down to kiss you. I share my tongue softly, in the post-coital haze, where you have passion, needing that release.

I raise from you and stay one centimeter from your face, saying “That was perfect. Now, I’ll take a breather before round two.” With that said, I get off you and go for the door.

“What about me?” you say with a hint of anger.

“Since when a sub needs to get off? You should only be happy that you made me cum. You can’t pleasure yourself, that’s an order. Oh, wait, your hands are tied, it’s not like you can’t defy me anyway,” I reply with a joyous smile, then turn around and head for the living room, where I start my PlayStation.

I hear you say, "Please, come back, I’ll be obedient! I’ll do whatever you want!" in the background but I completely ignore you. I put my headset on and see that your husband is currently playing Call of Duty. I join his game and we kill some enemies while chatting on the public voice channel. We talk covertly about you and our evening, not wanting to expose it to the rest of the players. I play with him for two games, enough time to replenish my energy and make you wait for your master of the evening. I bid farewell to Andrew, confirming when he should be picking you up before disconnecting.

When I walk back into my bedroom, a glass of water in hand, the gaze you send me contains daggers, the initial scenario long gone by your frustration. I laugh happily at the effect it has on you, hoping it would be something like this.

“How’s my sub doing?” I ask you with a grin, putting the half-empty glass on the nightstand, away from you.

“You’re mean,” you reply while pouting, maybe hoping I would take pity on you and deliver you from your orgasmic chains.

“I know and I like seeing you so powerless,” I reply as I climb on the bed, my hardness quickly growing back at your sight.

I’m back over you and start to unbutton your schoolgirl shirt, freeing your pair of fantastic breasts. I play with them for a few seconds, enough for you to let out a moan of delight. I stop and straddle you, putting my cock between your breasts while I handle you. I unlock one arm at a time to remove them from your white shirt, locking you back afterward. You look at me with a mix of desire, surprise, and frustration, making me chuckle every time I look at your face. I take off your top, then your skirt, and I finish with the thin G-string that was barely covering you.

Putting your clothes on my nightstand, I look back at you in all of your nudity. Even though I’ve seen you many times without any clothes, I can fully appreciate you without anyone else messing up the picture. Also, the fact that you are mine, that I have control over you gives me such an adrenaline rush, guiding my next actions.

I flip you on your stomach and raise your ass in the air, your expecting eyes on me as I do so. The tension in the room increases as we both feel the upcoming round, I sure feel it getting into my hardening cock. I get behind you and without any warning, get deep inside of you.

You moan loudly as you feel me penetrate you, my pelvis bumping on your ass with vigor. I bend over you as you try to raise your head. I push it down, putting pressure on you to show who is leading. Your head sideways, you look at me with excitement as I start to pound you, keeping my hand on you as I do. You moan at my forcefulness, at my domination over you, at my cock stretching your inside.

I fuck you without mercy for a long time, bouncing on your ass in that bend-over doggy style that I love, seeing my cock disappear inside of your pink slit. It is only when I feel that you are getting close to orgasm that I remove myself, not ready yet to give it to you.

Moving to the head of the bed, I sit in front of you, my cock close to your head. I move your restraints on my legs, giving you enough room to blow me.

“Please, make me cum. Fuck me hard like you were doing before,” you beg me, your sad puppy eyes almost making me waver. Only the thought of the last part of my wicked plan preventing me from giving in, having decided how you will be rewarded.

“You will suck me regardless of whether you want it or not,” I tell you as I push on your head, forcing my cock once again through your lips. You resist briefly but you give in relatively easily, taking my dick inside of your delicious mouth.

I keep my hand over your head even though you do not need any encouragement or commands like before, you fully commit to my pleasure, to my desire. Sometimes, I push you to take my dick in your throat, keeping you until you lightly choke. With the hard fuck I was giving you before, I do not last long in your sweet mouth, soon calling that I’m cumming.

You suck me dry like nobody ever did before, taking me as far as you can and sucking the life out of me. I shake like a leaf as you continue without stopping, fully experiencing this delight. You swallow my load without budging, gulping each jet of cum I send down your throat.

Even when I’m done, you keep me inside of your mouth, resting your face on my left leg as you absently lick me. I brush the hair that has fallen on your face, rubbing my finger around your ear. You close your eyes as I do, liking my delicate attention to you.

“You were a good girl tonight, you know that? I love our role play, that I control you, that you trust me enough to do this with me,” I confess to you softly.

Your eyes shine as I praise you, at my delight in having you with me. You continue to suck me softly, making me wince as I feel the extenuation of my cock. I keep my hand on your head, helping you move slowly over me. The other goes for your breasts, playing softly with them as we spend this quality time together.

As you feel my cock growing back, having been resurrected by your dedication, you ask, “Can I cum? Please, I need you to get me off. I can’t bear it anymore.”

“Patience, my dear Lara. Continue to suck me, I’ll need to be fully up and running for what’s to come,” I command softly, not wanting to play the harsh master anymore.

With hope filling your eyes, you get to work and polish me with more force, bringing me slowly to full hardness. At the agreed hour, the doorbell rings. I grab my phone as you look up with questions in your eyes. I wink at you before unlocking the door remotely and saying through the smart doorbell to enter.

I put pressure on your head as you try to rise to see who is coming in, wanting you to continue to suck me as the mysterious man opens the door of my bedroom. I lock eyes with him, smiling widely as he takes the sight in.

“Get in, take the seat there,” I command him while pointing to a chair I have installed just for him. “Look who’s here,” I tell you as you can finally see your husband.

You try again to raise your head but I keep you firmly on my cock, telling you who is still the boss. You look up at me and see my insistence, restarting to suck me. I feel your breathing accelerate, at having Andrew in the room while you pleasure me, while he’s not in control. I let you work on me for another thirty seconds before I push you down for a deepthroat, again to show who is commanding tonight.

When I remove my hand, you get my cock slowly out, running your lips over my length in a very sensual way. My cock is now glistening with saliva, your mouth staying connected with my hardness for a few more seconds as a spit string extends between you and me.

“Good, you got me all ready. Get on your knees,” I instruct you, helping you to raise from my lap.

As the length of the chain of your restraints is too short, I disconnect it to only keep the shackles around your wrist. I move you to face your husband and place myself behind you, having your arms in front of you to show your servitude to him. I do not waste any time and insert myself in your pussy, getting deep inside you to make you bounce up. I bring a hand to your clit, the other going for your neck, encircling you so I can better control you.

As I pound you in front of your powerless husband, I get close to your right ear and say, “Look at him, show him how you love to get fucked by another man.”

I hear you breathe deeply at my command, fixating on your love as you show him how I’m making you feel good. As my assault on your body increases in intensity, you swarm as you can barely contain the pleasure coursing through you.

“I know you are close, you can only cum when I do. This is an order,” I command you.

We continue to fuck, moans and loud breathing creating an intoxicating soundtrack. Your husband only has eyes for you, smiling widely as you fixate on him, a bulge in the front of his jeans.

“You see his erection? When I’m done with you, he will take you home and fuck you senseless. You will be an obedient girl and do everything he asks you,” I say to further reinforce your role as a toy.

I accelerate my finger on your clit, I add pressure on your neck, I fuck you with more vigor, I want to make you suffer. You respond in kind, moaning louder and tightening your grip on my cock.

“Don’t cum before me, I’ll have to punish you,” I say harshly.

“Please, let me cum. I can’t take it anymore,” you reply with a strained voice.

I continue to hammer you without mercy. You do your best to control yourself, shaking as you physically work to prevent your orgasm. This is what triggers me, what I wanted, to feel you on the limit, on the tipping point. I bury my cock one last time in you, as deep as I can.

“Cum for me!” I exhale at you, giving you permission to let your pleasure run freely.

I hear you let out the most satisfying sigh of all time as your body is finally free from experiencing the earth-shattering orgasm. I feel you lose control, from my cock being milked to your body shaking like a leaf in my embrace. The smell of your sex intoxicates me as you finally orgasm. I see your face glowing with pure pleasure as you look at your husband, showing him how you deeply love being shared with other men as he watches. Even though I haven’t eaten you tonight, the taste of our last time together, when I licked you until you came on my face, comes back to me as vividly as if it was happening right now.

Our common orgasm is the most intense I have ever experienced. I embrace you more tightly as I want to communicate how I loved what we did tonight, as this is a unique experience, as you helped me fulfill my fantasy of domination. I kiss your neck as I slowly remove your restraints, running my hands up your arms as they are free, massaging your shoulders as they must be strained by now. I keep you close to me for a long time, feeling the need to thank you, to give something back to you, more than just an orgasm. You turn your head toward me and we kiss, a slow and passionate swirl of our tongue. When we leave each other, our gaze stays locked in for a few seconds, the satisfaction of tonight shared from one to the other.

I look at your husband, his wide smile indicating how he is also happy at the show we just gave him. I nod at him while grinning back in complete delight, giving him back control over you, having played enough with his favorite toy. He rises from his seat and goes to pick up your clothes while we get off my bed in silence. He comes back with your coat and puts it on you, not bothering to put your outfit back on.

As you raise after putting your shoes on, I kiss and hug you again, bringing your delicious body to mine.

“I hope we can do it again. Maybe a full night next time?” I tentatively say, hoping that this is just the beginning of something great.

“You have to convince Andrew. I’m his toy after all,” you say passionately as you approach me again.

Our kiss gets interrupted when your husband puts a commanding hand on your shoulder. I turn to him, recognizing his eyes of desire for you. Now that we had our fun, it is time for him to play with you.

Written by wiha
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