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When Good Guys Finish Last

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The street reeks of routine, the rhythm as people avoid one another as ingrained as the ballet of pedestrians and stop lights, predictable, constant. Today, the low sun peeks through the rolling clouds onto the sharp-edged architecture, blacktop damp from recent rain, humidity steaming, illuminating the constant abrasion of endless car exhausts.

The noise of so many breaths taken by so many people makes the atmosphere itself breathe.

New York has the highest population of any city in the US for the area it covers. Noah is used to the overlapping of lives as he walks past familiar and energized buildings, some that scale so high one must crane their neck to take in its sky-scraping size.

Some people offer Noah goods as he passes -- food, clothing, souvenirs -- which he ceremoniously declines with his direct stride. He knows he’ll arrive early. He wisely lives without a car akin to the rest of New York’s teeming crowd. Parking is hell and time is often wasted, subways and cabs far more convenient.

Noah reaches the ostentatious entrance of the hotel, stopping to hold the door for a pearl-adorned woman who nods in return. He strides in without hindrance though his attire is far more casual than even the bellhop. His t-shirt hangs from his well-chiseled shoulders, hands in the pockets of his dark jeans.

Past the reception at the mouth of a semi-occupied hall stands Garrett, Noah’s oldest friend of fifteen years. They greet each other with a hug and a slap on the back.

“Glad you could make it.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss this.”

“You’re early.”

“Not too early, I hope.”

Garrett laughs. “Never too early. Come on.”

The posh, shiny room meets maximum capacity when a hundred guests arrive for the anniversary party of Garrett’s parents. Mostly the mingle is a mix of other doctors and lawyers, Wall Street Walkers and Manufacturing Moguls. Noah follows his suit-clad friend, a perfectly easy smile on his face as he converses with the few people he knows and many he doesn’t, all of whom are sipping champagne. Garrett’s mother squeezes his shoulder with delight, cooing about him as if he were her own son. Noah blushes behind his rectangular-rimmed glasses.

Their shared education at a reputable school was the foundation for Noah and Garrett's friendship, never failing to entertain one another throughout their years of study. Though Noah’s never been as well off as his best mate, it has never created a wedge between them. The line that separates their classes of society has always blurred where they’re concerned.

The large gilt-framed windows give way to twilight, Noah’s second glass nearly empty when the sudden itch of her presence distracts him.

Garrett notices him turn, following Noah’s line of sight. Strutting toward them like a feline in heels, Garrett’s sister Allison has arrived, her occupied hand towing a broad man behind her. Her long blonde hair would put silk to shame, though that's her most innocent feature. Her eyes are the vibrant and wild blue they’ve always been, dressed head to toe in all black, pant and shirt revealing her curves like a second skin, jewelry silver-studded leather. The man trailing her adds to the intimidation: Taller than nearly everyone in the room, dark and muscular and sticking out like a sore thumb, he shadows the small, stunning blonde.

Noah hasn't seen Allison since New Years. His eyes go to her perfect set of white teeth, outlined by an attractive smile.

“Hey,” she greets them. 

“It’s about time,” Garrett gripes playfully, though anyone who knew them well enough would sense his tested patience.

“I’m sorry, we had to make a stop on the way.” Her eyes glitter mischievously. “Hi, Noah.”


“It’s good to see you.”

“And you,” he agrees easily.

Both he and Garrett are older than her by a decade. The most notable memories Noah has of Allison is when he was a teenager and she was still learning her ABC’s. As she grew older, he saw her considerably less. It’s hard to sit still when the hormones kick in. 

Allison is her own generation’s version of a ‘free spirit’. An untamable girl with a craving for life, even those who think they know her best would be shocked by the extent of her choices. She’s always teased Noah for being so polite, the opposite of her own daring personality. It is an ongoing, light-hearted conversation that Noah can only ever shrug in response to. His single mother taught him more manners than found in all of Manhattan, most likely.

“Who’s your friend?” Garrett inquires. Allison pulls the enormous man to her side, clinging to the stand-alone muscle that is his arm.

“This is Drake. Drake, this is my brother and my brother’s best friend.”

Drake nods his head to accompany the “Wassup?” that comes out of his mouth. Garrett looks back to his sister, already deciding to skip that conversation.

“Have you seen mom and dad yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Well, get over there! They’ve been waiting on you.”

Allison rolls her eyes with another flash of her brilliant teeth, Drake stalking her as they walk like a pair of lions amongst a crowd of birds, her parent’s finely dressed acquaintances stepping out of their way with speculating eyes. Allison doesn’t waste a glance on them. She dangles on Drake’s sleeve as they socialize, much to her parents' chagrin. If the relationship were meaningful, they wouldn’t mind so much. So what if her boyfriend doesn’t fit the polished mold of an undergrad med student? As long as she’s happy. But they’re fully aware their daughter’s intentions are far less honed.

Allison is a twenty-year-old rich girl with a reckless streak. Bringing around guys like Drake is less an act of rebellion and more for her mere amusement.

Noah starts on his third glass as Allison makes her way to the crowd he’s fringing, Drake following like a well-trained pit bull. The conversation steers the usual route of catching up as Allison quizzes Noah on how his life’s been.

“What do you do again?” she asks.

“I’m a working photographer at a few of the centers for performing arts.”

“That’s right. You take pictures.” Noah senses Allison’s condescension, her face unapologetic. He smiles in return.

“Yeah, I take pictures.”

Allison smirks at him, a calculation in her eyes. “Do you want to get out of here?” Noah raises an eyebrow as if to point out not only the date on her arm, but the brashness of her comment. “Drake and I are going to a party,” she explains.

“You’re already at a party.”

“It’ll be better than this,” she gestures, calm instrumental filling the air, bouncing off the sheer marble floor as emphasis. Noah appraises her, instantly certain he can see the lewd trajectory of the night should he join her, and what that would mean.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”

Allison scoffs a small laugh as her eyes rake in the simple, safe, clean-shaven gentleman before her, appraising him as well.

“Let me know when you’re ready to have some real fun.”

Allison grins as she tugs Drake along, says goodbye to her family, then exits the hotel.

Noah can’t help but ponder her open-ended invitation. Allison is like his little sister, though that was the last thing on his mind as she eyed him in a way that wasn’t so young anymore. As if he could assign this as the precise moment he realized she was no longer a little girl.

Full of food and fine wine, Noah says goodbye to the guests of honor who are quick to request his company at their next get-together.

“We’re all heading to Staheli Estate on Friday. You’re more than welcome to join,” Garrett’s father tells him.

“I’d like nothing more, but I already have plans Friday.”

“Next time?” Garrett offers.

“Undeniably.” Noah smiles in affirmation.

He considers Allison once more as he walks down the crawling street back the way he came. The general perception of him as a good guy is no accident. Noah has always been a humble person, unconfrontational, easygoing. It’s who he is. It’s also how he prefers to be seen.

Unbeknownst to his close circle of family and friends, Noah isn’t a straight-through saint. His Friday plans are far more scandalous than anyone would ever guess.



The morning of, Noah wakes up and showers. His cock is hard. His appointment today is one he’s been looking forward to. In both preparation and desire, Noah strokes himself until he orgasms, steam billowing as his cum hits the drizzling wall, the flat of his palm braced to the tile.

It helps some.

Grooming himself immaculate, Noah gets dressed -- still not fully deflated in his jeans. His dark blond hair dries in effortless disarray, the black wire glasses assisting his farsighted vision. After an unreasonably healthy breakfast, he leaves his apartment.

One yellow taxi and twenty-two blocks later, Noah arrives at a building he’s been to many times before. The memory of each visit jumpstarts his pulse, just the act of pulling open the door making him fully hard again. He jogs up the stairs of the seemingly vacant floors, the next door he comes to the literal and metaphorical threshold between real life and a rabbit hole of experience just waiting to pull him in. Behind this door, Noah gets to be someone else, and he has found that release to be shockingly beneficial.

The doorknob clicks behind him. He passes someone arranging trays in the kitchen, another person adjusting cameras stilted on tripods. He finds Scott in the South Room. Standing beside Scott is a stark naked brunette. Her supple body is without the threat of a tan line, nipples a tantalizing light brown. She nods, listening to Scott’s instruction as he talks with his hands.

“Noah!” Scott calls when he notices him, arm coming around his shoulders. “Eyes up here -- she’s not for you.” Noah laughs.

“Hi,” the brunette grins, eyeing him anyway. Unaffected by her nudity, Noah offers his hand and introduces himself.

"You're early.”

Noah smiles. 

"Not too early, I hope."

Scott laughs, that response never failing to amuse him.

“Your partner isn’t here yet, so we’re gonna let Viv and Eli go first.”

“That’s fine. I’ll wait.”

“Alright, get yourself some food. And be quiet, we’re gonna start filming them in ten.”

Noah finds a bottle of water and a chair, preparing to sit tight. His well at ease posture implies he is no stranger to this hole in the wall. Five years ago, Noah never imagined he’d be in a place like this. It’s the filthy rawness that keeps him coming back.

In the next room over, with the grace of two horny people, Viv and Eli begin acting their first shot. Noah listens. Eventually, he moves to lean against the doorframe, arms folded, watching the show. The snapping sounds followed by Viv’s cries are mesmerizing.

More than an hour passes this way.

At the end of the set, when the room is full of stretching cameramen and Viv’s rhythmic panting, the main door sounds.

“That’s probably your partner.” Noah follows Scott through the hallway.

The moment of reveal, when he finds out which particular stranger he’ll be fucking that day, always makes him anxious. For Noah, there’s an ever-present thrill in meeting a woman one moment, then fucking her brains out the next. It’s an odd connection to share with someone. Freeing in a way, the stain of personality judgment from time spent together nonexistent.

Noah comes to Scott’s side and pauses. Indefinitely.

Her hand is grasping the thin purse strap at her shoulder, long locks swaying around her petite torso, the look in her eye more curious than anything.

She meets Noah’s frozen gaze, and she pauses, too.

“Noah, Allison. Allison, this is Noah. You guys will be filming together today.”

Nothing is said.

“… Do you know each other?”

Allison turns to Scott. “No,” she answers, and to Noah, it’s believable.

“Alright, well you have the next thirty minutes or so to get to,” Scott says cheerfully, then walks away. Noah and Allison stand solid a moment more, exchanging something too dense for words.

The smallest smile tugs on Allison’s lips. “Are you going to say something?”

“I wouldn’t even know where to begin.” Noah’s smooth voice is a shade lower than usual. Allison's mouth twists into a man-eating smile.

“Guess you’re not as boring as I thought.” His eyes flit the length of her body, and she lightly laughs.

“We can’t do this,” he says, reciting the alarm blaring in his head.

“No?” She raises an eyebrow, perfectly at ease. He doesn’t know what else to say. She wants to do this? His head is spinning.

“We’re not doing this.”

“Tell me you don’t want to fuck me,” she says casually, confidence the height of a giant. Noah casts his eyes down on her anyway.

“I had a lot more than fucking planned for you.” Allison’s heart thuds. “Before I knew it was you, anyway.”

She steps towards him. “You’ve done this before.”

“You haven’t,” he responds, the truth of it in her face.

“I’ve been tied up,” she justifies.

“But have you ever been tied down?” Noah counters, unintentional heat seeping into his eyes. Allison bites her lip, eyeing him like he’s prey and not predator. “We’re not doing this,” Noah says once more, then steps away to leave.

“Figures,” Allison quips. He turns back to her, looking for other nonsensical side effects caused by whatever wire’s loose in her head.

“I respect you far too much to do this with you. You’re my best friend’s little sister.” That should be all that needs to be said.

“Why do you come here?” Allison wonders, neck tilted to meet his eyes. He doesn’t respond. “You come here to escape that chivalrous persona? To take off your mask and let that demanding pervert living inside you have free reign for a time?” She can tell she struck the right chord when his lips press together.

“You’re right. I’ve never done this before.” Allison lowers her head, then looks up through her lashes, diminishing another inch between them. “Will you guide me through it?”

Noah gets the unmistakable feeling he's just been strapped to the seat of a roller coaster. He blinks once. “Go home, Allison.”

“So this is good enough for you, but not me?”

“This isn't about being good.”

“Noah, you know me well enough to understand I'm going to do this with or without you. And if I know you like I think I do, I'd wager you respect every girl you do this with.” Noah swallows. “If you respect me so much, wouldn't you want to make sure I'm in good hands my first time?”

Her confidence is stifling. Very nearly persuading. Noah can see past it.

“You’re not here because you want respect, Allison. You want the exact opposite; to be slapped around and treated like a…”

“A what?” she urges him to finish, on the verge of another smile.

“A whore.” Noah’s mouth molds around the degrading word with contempt, but Allison can see past that, too. She grins.

“Why do I have the feeling that turns you on?”

Noah has a moment of clarity, suddenly understanding. Allison doesn’t flock to chaos. She is chaos.

His eyes linger on the tips of her two front teeth; so perfect, so white.

“You are a good guy, Noah, no one would deny it. But that doesn’t mean you’re without want. You enjoy slapping girls around and treating them like whores.”

“Only women who want it,” Noah inserts firmly.

“Yet I’m separate from that category?”

“You want me to treat you like that?”

“You want it, too.”

“What makes you think so?”

“Because you know it’s wrong,” she says as if the answer were plainly elementary. Allison takes another step, a literal inch between them now. Her eyes drop to Noah’s neck -- level with her face. "You’ve known me almost my whole life. You shouldn’t want me, but now we’re both here, and you can’t stop thinking about it.” Her words are whispers by the time her lips brush Noah’s throat. 

“And what do you gain from this? Why me?” Allison’s eyes lazily travel up to meet his.

“I’ve only ever known you all buttoned-up, Noah. I’m intrigued by your inner pervert. I want to meet him. Make friends with him. You keep him caged up all the time; I bet he runs wild when you let him out.”

His jaw clenches. “You couldn’t handle him, Allison.”

With shameless intention, she rises to her toes, resting her mouth right before Noah’s without the courtesy of a kiss.

“You're terrible at making threats,” she says into him. He could kiss her so easily. Instead, his left hand grips a fistful of her hair and forces the length of her body against his. Noah holds her head tightly in place, watching the shock of his unbidden action burn in her ice-blue eyes.

“How about I stuff that pretty mouth full until you can’t breathe? Spank you until you hate me? Make you cry while you come?” Allison’s blood ignites like flame-struck gasoline. “You’ve no idea what I can threaten you with."

Allison wants to tell him how wet she is, but before the words come out, Noah releases her and walks away. Slumping a few inches, chest heaving, she watches him disappear down the hall, her pussy drooling into her panties.







In the West Room, decorated in dark wood and odd looking furniture, Allison stands with Scott and the camera crew. She idly wonders the journey of each person here, how they came to be in this place of all places. Especially in Noah’s case. She wonders if he left. He hasn’t returned since he stalked off after talking dirty to her. Noah, her big bro’s best friend. The same guy who’s spent many holidays as an extension of her family, the guy who took her to her junior prom when she was on a dating hiatus -- still wanted to go but refused to go alone. Noah, the guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Allison’s eyes flicker to the furniture again, fascinated by the medivality of it. The table against the wall is strewn with devices that make her feel things, though they haven’t touched her yet.

“I noticed you didn’t list any hard limits. If you need a break at any time just say so. Remember; you’re in control.”

As Allison nods in response to Scott’s pep talk, Noah walks into the room. He is without his glasses. Someone totally new. His eyes meet hers; daring him, encouraging him, belittling him. Noah’s response is to brazenly gaze at her wicked nakedness.

Not a thread on her, Allison’s skin is like honey-kissed milk, lightly tanned and silky smooth, the meat of her curves complimenting her more slender parts. Her sharp hip bones glide elegantly to a round, weightless ass that was clearly carved with an artist's eye. Her delicate collar bones sit above her gloriously firm, pointed breasts, quarter-sized nipples jetting out to be touched twenty-four hours of the day. Without black clothes as contrast, Allison appears perfectly blonde and infinitely more innocent, not a tattoo or piercing in sight, much to Noah’s surprise. 

She doesn’t bother to smirk at his ogling. Allison is aware of her demanding physicality.

“Glad you could join us. She’s beautiful, no?” Scott says. Noah forces his eyes to the director.

“That she is."

“Did you have the chance to talk?”

“We did.”

“And everything’s good?” Scott asks as he turns to Allison, intent on her reaction.

She smiles. “Everything’s good.”

“Good,” he claps, backing up. “Let’s get started then.”

Noah steps to Allison, the thin membrane of his t-shirt the sole thing between her chest and his. He reaches up, holding her jaw as his thumb traces her lips.

“You know you have a perfect mouth?” he idly asks her. The sheen of Allison’s white teeth mimics the finish of a pearl, perfectly aligned, lips invitingly full.

“Is that what brought you back?”

“Just because I like the way you talk doesn’t mean I like what comes out of your mouth.” Allison isn’t used to him speaking so impolitely. She likes it. This New Noah.

“Why are you here then?”

“If Scott doesn’t believe we like each other, he won’t let us film. He’s all about consent, handling the situation.”

“An admirable trait.”

“If you really want to do this, we have to be believable,” Noah responds, fingertips grazing the fine stray hairs left out of her ponytail.

“Do you want to do this?” she asks point-blank.

“Do you?” Noah says tightly, his expression suddenly so serious he won’t take anything less than the truth. It’s enough to make Allison pause. Not from doubt, however. She stares at him, his intensity, the worrying line between his brows. His concern arouses her. The desire behind his concern even more so. 

“Show me who you really are,” Allison whispers.

With one quick flex of his arm, Noah’s hand is around the front of her neck. He grips Allison's throat, squeezing a hint of his strength.

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

Then his mouth is on hers.

Noah towers over her, dominating her mouth with tongue and teeth, refusing her escape. She doesn’t even kiss him back. He doesn’t allow it. Relishing his first taste of Allison's tongue.

When he finally releases her mouth, he grabs her ponytail and guides her to the floor; her first destination. Beneath her knees is a layer of padding to keep her comfortable. Beneath her hands is the glossy surface of the dark hardwood. Noah locks her feet into place, one strap around each ankle so her legs stay anchored to the floor. Then he does the same to her wrists.

Allison watches with a grin as Noah ties her down on all fours. In front of her is some kind of ladder, only much too frail to support anyone. The structure runs from the floor to the ceiling, made of thin, shiny metal bars, and on each rung is a hook. The next strap Noah places on her is a thick one that goes around her neck. A chain extends from it.

Allison’s heart is thrilling from her new accessories. Her peripheral registers the people beside her have come to attention, watching Noah prep the scene.

“Action,” Scott says quietly, as not to interrupt, and the little light on the camera beside him illuminates green.

“Are you ready to have some real fun?” Noah says, echoing the last thing she said the last time she saw him. Allison smiles inside. Outside, she turns her large blue eyes up to him, mimicking a perfect innocence.

“Yes,” she utters, so sweetly it makes his nostrils flare.

Grabbing the chain threaded from her throat, Noah pulls, then loops it on the lowest hook of the makeshift ladder, forcing four-legged Allison down to her elbows. He stands back to admire her.

“How beautiful you are,” he says, mocking Scott's earlier comment. Allison contemplates her position; ass and pussy open to everyone in the room, ready for mounting. Her first threesome gave her a sense of exposition that hadn't been rivaled until now.

Beside her, a guy named Vinny kneels, the camera on his shoulder aimed at her face. The smile she gives is heartstopping.

“Comfortable?” Noah inquires.

“Very.” She grins.

“Maybe we should change that.”

Noah walks to the table and grabs his first weapon of choice. The paddle is black, smooth, and wide. Still fully dressed right down to his shoes, he approaches her heart-shaped ass, dropping to his haunches. 

For a fleeting moment, Noah wonders if he should be thanking a deity or the devil for the view before him. Surely both, he decides, as he sucks his thumb then puts it to Allison's split valley, rubbing the pinkest pussy he’s ever had to pleasure to see, let alone touch. She shouldn’t be so appealing; the one girl he shouldn't have. It’s hard to feel bad as he glides the pad of his thumb along her delicate slit.

Allison sighs at the friction.

“So pink,” he comments. She purrs. “How about we make it a little more red?”

Allison’s stomach tightens as Noah unleashes a quick, short strike to one side of her round ass. A huff of breath rushes from her lungs just before Noah pushes his thumb into her pussy. She gasps at the sudden invasion as the next hard slap stings her opposite cheek. The sensation of immobility makes the flame on her ass lick its way through her core, and when Noah paddles her again -- hitting both cheeks this time -- Allison reluctantly groans.

“That’s what I wanna hear.” His words are affectionate, thumb dancing delightfully on her g-spot. She swallows hard, remembering the camera that’s recording her every nuance.

She planned on giving a show. Being degraded, fucked, choked, reduced to a single-minded organism. Now, her only goal is to take whatever Noah gives and not let him break her while doing it. She wants to make him reel, to prove she can handle his beast.

It’s hard to feel independent when his fingers leave her pussy. And then when he abruptly reaches over her head and shoves something between her teeth. Her tongue tells her it’s leather; a cylinder; soft yet firm, holding her mouth open. Noah fastens the straps of this device together at the back of her scalp.

The sight of Allison’s teeth biting into the gag like a dog on a bone makes Noah’s cock twitch. When her eyes come up to his face, blue and wide and framed with dark makeup, he instinctively knows this will be a day he’ll never forget.

Allison smiles around the leather.

“No hands, no legs, no words. I think I like you better this way." The room is unaware they know each other at all.

Noah pushes on the small of her back, the arch forcing her ass to broaden, and when he swings the paddle, the entire square surface makes sounding contact with her skin; thighs, ass cheeks, pussy. The small cry that lurches from her lungs gives Noah the greatest pleasure.

“Trying to be quiet, are we?” he muses behind her, lightly tapping her smarting behind as she pulls against her bindings. Then he grabs her ponytail, forces her head back, and spanks her the hardest he has yet.

Allison’s eyes squeeze shut as the pain rips through her nerves. She doesn’t make a sound this time, much to Noah’s disappointment.

He releases her, leaving her panting through her nose, dying to adjust herself but unable to, still in a low crouch.

Noah presses his mouth to her ear. “Being quiet doesn’t put you in control, sweetheart.” The rasp in his voice travels down her spine. “I like that you’re holding back. It’ll help you appreciate when I finally force you to let go.”

Noah leaves that warning in her ear as he steps to the table, and when he returns, he comes to kneel in front of her. Holding her chin, he leans forward and runs his tongue along Allison’s forced open lips. His warm muscle smooths over her epic teeth, intoxicated by the smell of her breath, licking up the spit that’s pooling at the corners of her mouth. Allison is shocked by the intimacy of the contact, his coarse chin like sandpaper on her face.

The camera catches it all, crew silently enamored by the intensity between their two main characters.

Pulling away, Noah clips something onto Allison’s lower lip, small and silver with black rubber tips. She pays close attention to his fascination, how his eyes never leave her mouth, watching his jaw clench right before he yanks the clamp from her lip. She gasps in response to the bite-like effect.

“Should we do that to your pussy?”

Allison replies unintelligibly.

“I’ll take that as a 'yes'.” Noah smiles, moving behind her again.

Spreading her pussy lips, he smacks her slit a few times before fastening the small pincher to her clit. Once in place, Noah soothingly runs the pad of his finger against the pulsing, red, hard little nub, shiny and straining from the clutch of the clamp. Allison gives a pathetic moan in her attempt not to give one at all, the sensation putting her pussy somewhere between heaven and hell. 

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Vinny is still beside them, zooming in on the action as Noah gently tugs the silver string that dangles from the small device attached to her flesh. In response to her pleasure, he rips it from her clit without warning. Allison gasps, and he paddles her hard.

“Mmhmm!” she sobs in ecstasy, the evidence of her likeness revealed in tiny trails of young, aroused juice seeping away from her smooth cunt, down the inside of her thighs.

"I knew you couldn't stay quiet forever," Noah taunts as Allison pants through her nose, teeth imprinting the leather gag, saliva beginning to coat her chin. 

Noah attaches the tiny clamp to her once more, letting it squeeze her puffy clit before snapping viciously when he tears it away. He does this many times, and after each and every tug, the paddle kisses her ass with severity.

Allison wants to cry at the abuse on her pussy, aware her backside is glowing red without seeing it. She can feel it, the heat radiating from her silken skin. Though the crowd around them is scant, it doesn’t diminish the rush Allison has at being the only played-with person in the room. Still on her elbows and knees, the taut chain stemming from her neck is beginning to supply an ache through her spine. Every spank of Noah’s paddle brings her closer to an orgasm built on pain.

The next time Noah fits the clamp to Allison’s clit, he leaves it there, chain dangling. Holding the paddle an inch away, Allison hears the short swish, then feels the caustic crack as the paddle smacks against the diamond between her legs. 

Mmm!!” Allison groans loudly, scratching the glossy floor and pulling against her restraints. Noah grabs his cock outside his jeans, watching a red-bottomed Allison moan and cry from being spanked by his ‘good’ hands.

“Should I give you your first orgasm?”

The words are cool water on her pulsing arse.

When Noah comes into view again, Allison’s eyes linger on the bulge in his pants. She wants it more than anything, and she doesn’t even know what it looks like. They exchange a wordless gaze as he unhooks her leash from the metal structure. She knows what he’ll do before he does it, unsurprised when he rises to his feet, pulling her off her grateful elbows. Tugging the chain higher, forcing her to face the ceiling, Noah attaches it to one of the highest rungs.

The end result is Allison’s wrists, ankles, and neck all strapped and pulled opposite directions, refusing to afford her any adjustments, silky blonde ponytail brushing her back. She wiggles her hips -- the only control she has -- earning a smile from Noah.

She tries to swallow around the leather on her neck and in her mouth.

“How do you feel?” Noah asks, eyes on her face.

Allison’s pride is larger than even she understands, refusing to show him how affected she is, despite her submission. He hasn’t gotten the better of her. Not yet.

She bats her long lashes once, then lets a small moan out around the gag in her mouth, letting him know she’s still game.

Allison watches Noah pull his shirt off revealing the hard body hidden beneath. His subtly intimidating stature reminds her of an artist she dated last year; someone who spent too much time in an underdeveloped studio on the fringe of the metropolis, painting and fucking and smoking cigarettes on a petrified fire escape. Though the sinew of his muscle is lean, Noah is still dense, shoulders and biceps round and strong, chest defined. The stubble on his jaw adds to his alter ego.

He lowers to her level again, reaching out to pinch and roll her erect nipples.

“Still want that orgasm?”


“Answer me,” he says, getting off on the fact that she can’t. The constant pressure of Allison’s tongue on the leather in her mouth leaves a delicious amount of warm saliva coating her chin. She whimpers as he pinches her nipples harder.

“Answer me,” Noah says again, voice as even as the first time. Vinny is beside them, unobstructive, yet attentive.

Allison yelps and he finally releases her. She sags no more than an inch, leaning into her restraints, panting hard.

“How about I make you a deal?” Noah moves out of her view once again. She listens, unable to respond. “I’ll give you that orgasm. But you have to squirt on the first try.” Allison’s eyes widen. Squirt? “If you do, I’ll let you come as many times as you can handle. Can you do that?”

She doesn’t know. She’s never done it before. She lets out a whimper that clearly says, 'I don’t think so'.



“If you don’t squirt on your first orgasm, I’ll spank that pussy until you cry.”

Allison’s back rolls upward, a futile attempt to stop the wetness that’s just left her aching cunt, knowing he’s serious. She agreed to certain terms and was reassured what to expect, but there’s no specific script. She knows she is here to submit to whatever dom they assigned her, and that dom happens to be the same gentle guy she shared a New Year's Eve kiss with not so long ago.

As the house filled with cheers, party kazoos, and confetti post-countdown, Allison pulled Noah to her, so unashamed she even cupped his zipper, hand soon full of something else. The thrill of rattling the frustratingly reasonable, prudent best friend of her older brother gave her the exact flavor of mischief she sought out. Only now does she understand he's not as prudent as she thought.

Afterward, Noah didn’t say anything, just stared, shocked and throbbing until Allison rolled her eyes with a grin and walked away.

That was the last time they’d seen each other, nearly eight months ago, none of their family aware it happened. Allison could surely destroy him with the knowledge of his incurable ache for her since then. Although she is the one in the posture of an eager, begging dog, she has all the power.

Noah’s hand tightens around the paddle’s warmed handle.

“What do you say?”

Allison is silent, though she isn’t debating. Say she’s done and be done? There’s no way she’s walking out of this room without coming first. She came here for an experience, one she’ll always remember for reasons now different than before she arrived.

Allison tilts her head and raises an eyebrow, arching her back in offer of herself.

“Nnn,” she hums, a tiny sway in her hips. Every ounce of Noah’s blood surges to his groin.

Without further ado, he drops to one knee, abandons the paddle, and sinks two fingers into her pussy. He doesn’t give her half a moment to acclimate herself to his invasion before he’s forcibly fucking her, vigorously burying himself to the knuckles and grinding hard on her g-spot. Allison’s eyes roll back. She whimpers into her gag as he gives her the roughest, most heavenly friction, his other hand squeezing her freshly spanked ass.

“You want to come?” he goads. “You better soak this hand.”

His touch is unforgiving, arm working her fast and hard. Her orgasm festers inside her, a fuzzy picture rapidly becoming clear until it hones in on the exact nerves he’s connecting with, and her pussy starts milking his fingers.

Allison garbles, biting the gag between her teeth as she comes. 

She cringes forcibly around his hand, knees and elbows shaking, but unfortunately, she doesn’t squirt.

Noah lets her ride him, chin pulled toward the ceiling, knees apart as she fucks his fingers, and just before she’s spent, he removes his hand, leaving her wanting.

“That was beautiful,” he comments, making her shiver as he strokes her slit. “But it wasn’t enough.”

Expecting the paddle, Allison startles at the grazing smack of Noah’s hand. He slaps her cheeks several times, addicted to the slight jiggle of her firm ass. Without breaking rhythm, he aims lower, continuing the spanking on her pussy. She winces each time, his hand on her back keeping her arched so he can torment her beautiful, reddening cunt.

Attempting to find pleasure through a sea of burning, tingling sensitivity, Allison is thoroughly thrown when she feels something quickly and completely sink into her. Warm and thick and hard as steel, the thought of Noah’s bare cock penetrates her as entirely as it does physically. When he bottoms out, she belts a cry.

“Ahh gudd!” Allison groans around the gag.

“So you do know how to moan.” Noah's teasing is tainted with his own shock at her tightness. 

Mounted behind her, he holds himself deep within her, intent to stretch her out and touch her every nerve. Tugging on her ponytail, he reaches around and plays with her clit. Allison sobs, wishing he would pull out and thrust back in, but all he does is push deeper.

Still buried, Noah jerks his hips forward, one sharp thrust, and Allison feels another orgasm building. As she tries to push back against the weight in his pelvis, Noah abruptly pulls out, cock glistening. Allison vocally bears the disappointment.

“Poor thing. You like it though, don’t you? Look how wet you are.”

The effort it takes to ignore her resulting humiliation surprises her. Makes her angry. 

Noah does another trip to the table. When he returns, Allison feels something new slapping at her pussy.

He spanks her eight times before she realizes it’s a leather strap. Maybe two inches wide, flat and flexible. The tenth slap is the harshest. Allison sobs as she feels the pain travel to her face, tingling in her tear ducts.

Fuck, he might make her cry after all.

Vinny’s camera comes close as Noah uses her pussy to lube up his finger, then sticks it in her ass. Allison tries to pull forward. When he’s buried to the knuckle, he strikes the leather on her pussy again. This time he doesn’t stop at ten.

Noah fingers her ass and spanks her into the thirties, each sharp tap landing on her clit. When she starts shaking her head, he finally stops.

“Too much?” he asks, concern half mocking. “Would you like my cock again?” She whimpers, though even she’s not sure if it’s a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Noah lines himself up and in one slow, heavy stroke, he’s in her again, keeping his finger in her clenching ass. For the first time, he pulls back and immediately re-enters her. A steady rhythm, Noah fucks Allison. No pain, no spanking, just evenly paced thrusting. His finger works her ass in the process, double penetrating her. The friction in both her holes is so good, so perfect, she feels her orgasm rising again.

A little faster, Noah goes a little harder, and right when it seems he may give her what she wants, he pulls away once more.

Yanking out his dripping cock, he takes his finger from her ass and sticks it in her grasping pussy. Ruthlessly fingering her g-spot, Noah spanks her bottom with the leather strap, and the sensation is overload on her senses.

Being brought to the brink of orgasm, denied, spanked, brought back, Allison’s insides surge with intensity, boiling pleasure until it explodes out of her.

For the first time in her life, Allison squirts.

“There you go,” Noah coos. “Just like that. Focus on it, baby.”

His endearment coupled with the assault on her g-spot makes her gush, Vinny’s camera catching it all.

Allison cries aloud in spite of the leather in her mouth, her will to remain silent shattered with his talent. She expels copious amounts of fluids onto the pad beneath her knees. It sprays from her, drips from her labia, soaks Noah past his wrist.

“That’s nice, isn’t it?” he asks, thrusting his fingers to guide her release. Allison’s knees and hips fiercely shake, letting the neck restraint do the work of holding her up. Noah loves it, fingering her until she sprays again, followed by another round of tremors rocking her frame.

“Good girl.”

Unclasping the gag from her head, Noah discards it, leaving her open-mouthed and panting, on the verge of incoherency. He grabs her upturned face and waits for her reluctant gaze to meet his.

Vinny watches, enthralled, his recording focused on Noah’s tight eyes penetrating Allison’s face as she finally looks up. Blushing. Noah’s mouth twitches into a smile before he kisses her, tongue making love to hers as she kisses him back. 

“I think I’m ready to fuck that mouth,” he says as he pulls away, thumb grazing her bottom lip.

Kneeling in her wetness, Allison chases her breath, watching him unbind her. Noah pulls the loop jetting from Allison’s collar and forces her to crawl, the clips of her leather cuffs tapping the floor as she goes. Away from the taunting ladder, on a bare section of hardwood, he sits her in a kneel. She doesn’t speak as he fastens her wrists behind her back.

Noah comes to stand directly before her, used cock hanging from unzipped jeans. His dark eyes are on her, familiar, but in no way the same. The guy she used to know never returned to this room.

Running the tip of her tongue along the flat edges of her incandescent teeth, she watches New Noah focus on it. She is slowly perceiving the fetish he has for her mouth, hoping this will tease him.

She realizes how effective it is when he grabs her hair and with his other hand, reaches into her mouth.

Allison chokes on Noah's fingers, his cock swelling ridiculously as he feels around inside her warm orifice. From the texture of her inner cheek, her slippery tongue, to her furthest molars. When he brushes her uvula, she gags, the clench of her esophagus making him throb. He pulls away and she sucks in a breath, Noah rubbing her saliva all over her chin, slapping her tits and tugging her nipples. Allison whimpers, knees widening by unconscious decision.

Fisting her ponytail, he guides her sloppy mouth to his crotch, forcing her hot tongue to stroke his balls. By the time he pulls back and aims the head at her mouth, she is ravenous.

“Let see if this hole feels as good as it looks.”

Pink tongue hanging from cupid’s bow lips, Allison eagerly envelopes his tip, kneeling on the floor, hands behind her back. Noah groans. He feels nothing but soft wetness, her tongue swirling around his crown. Though he’s holding her ponytail, he allows her to go at her own pace.

Noah recalls the numerous times he stroked himself while thinking of her over the last several months. Feeling her superior little mouth around him now is a level of taboo straight from his fantasies. It isn’t long before he has to take control and vent that frustration.

Infallible tension in his fingers, Noah cradles her head and neck, and pulls her face firmly onto him. Allison writhes, knees coming up, back twisting as her head bows lower, forced into the best angle for Noah’s cock to slide down her throat. She is hyperaware of the camera crew’s nonexistent breath, the immersed gaze of Scott The Director, high on knowing their heads are filled with her. She loves that they’re forced to watch and barred to join, seeing her come apart at the hands of the unsuspecting alpha in the room.

When Noah pulls her off, she gasps aloud.

Fuck," he rasps, “that throat is perfect, baby.”

Then he thrusts back in.

Allison’s flawless white teeth refuse to bite down on him, though every time the tips graze his foreskin, he throbs. Noah slides along the sopping warmth of her tongue, down into her flexing throat. The fresh wetness on her eyelashes is his cue.

Noah pulls out of Allison’s mouth and backs away, leaving her breathless. Vinny is there, capturing the perfect shot of a submissive Blonde, hands behind her back, nipples hard, abdomen taut. Her ponytail is coming loose, makeup blurred.

The unfazed glint in her eye makes Noah’s cock bob.

“That was good. I think I’ll let you come again.”

Allison literally drips at his words, still-wet pussy clenching at the thought of him touching her. A wave of shame follows arousal. Noah sees this, smiling when her gaze goes to the floor.

“Come here. I want you on the big table.”

He pulls Allison’s collar until she’s on her feet, legs wobbly, and guides her to her final destination.

Atop a long dark table is a display of that odd looking furniture Allison was observing earlier: A cluster of metal bars placed in indistinguishable fashion, hinging in many spots. She wonders the purpose of the square, firm leather pillow situated amongst the modern apparatus. She finds out when Noah unhooks her bound wrists and turns her to face him, then lifts her by the waist and onto the platform, urging her to lean on the vertical pillow shaped perfectly to her lower back.

He stands between her naked legs, the table putting her at the perfect height to be fucked by him. It’s here she notices he’s tucked his cock back into his pants. Noah grins at her frown.

He removes the cuffs from Allison’s ankles, bending her legs so her feet are on the table, leaving her in an exposed squat. His newly menacing fingers begin twisting the metal braces, caging each leg with the spin of a nut and bolt. Once the same is done to her arms, he fastens her neck to the headrest.

Much more comfortable than her previous position, Allison leans languidly into the abstract restraints, hands at her sides, knees wide open, cushion supporting her back. The exposure of her splayed pussy makes even the air caressing her feel naughty.

Noah takes the same chain he used to punish her clit, and this time clamps each end to each of her nipples. He gives the chain linking her breasts a little tug, and she gasps.

Allison is surrounded by smiles. 

Noah goes back to the toy-table as Vinny steps up to her center, filming her face, the rise and fall of her crudely adorned chest. She guesses that the exploration of her glistening skin, the close-up of her still-pulsing labia, will be used transitionally during the editing process of this film.

When Noah returns, the sight of his occupied hand makes Allison's stomach flip. Activating the vibrator, Noah hooks two fingers inside her while holding the spheric end to her clit -- the one-handed maneuver second nature to a pro.

Allison's teeth clench together, eyes on his hand, trying to hold in a reaction even she isn't certain of.

"Don't be afraid to enjoy yourself, sweetheart." Noah’s words are calm as he fingers her. Allison whimpers, holding her breath in anticipation of the next orgasm that's rising within her. But, of course, Noah slows before it can boil over.

"I'm not going to let you come again until you relax."

His expression is collected, soft brown eyes trained on her as his arm rhythmically guides the stimulation both in and on her pussy. Allison pushes against the headrest, though hard as she tries, she’s unable to turn away from him. Shutting her eyes would feel like defeat.

Noah places his hand on her abdomen, his warm palm massaging her stomach as he keeps the vibration on her clit, fingers on her g-spot.


The word envelopes her. Allison meets Noah’s gaze and doesn’t look away.

She doesn’t want to relax. To relax would be to give in, and giving in to him would be giving up control.

If she let him truly dominate her, would today be the end of it? Or would his power uphold outside this room? Would she want it to?

The uncertainty leaves her in a knot.

They stare each other down, panting, unblinking, the speed of the vibe matching Noah’s leisure ministration, putting her on the edge of climax without putting her over. When enough time passes, Allison feels herself relaxing, resistance slipping. Instead of discomfort, she finds it feels… good. As if Noah’s eye contact is connecting with the core of her erotic needs.

Embarrassed, she turns her gaze down. Noah forces a kiss on her.

“Look at me,” he breathes into her.

Determined to keep that connection, Noah holds his forehead to hers, staring into her as his hand gradually increases speed. Allison moans, complying, losing herself in his eyes. Slowly, her muscles unwind, tension melting, concentrating on his glorious manipulation of her displayed pussy.

Noah’s eyes penetrate her, studying her while simultaneously speaking volumes, countless confessions just behind the windows of his gaze. Allison, locked on his excited, concentrated face, instantly understands. She wanted to be in control, to make him reel. Only now does she realize in order to do that, she has to give in. Allowing Noah to ravish her as he sees fit -- to control her -- would be her single biggest display of dominance.

Pleasing him is her power, the most intense sense of comfort she’s ever felt, and when she finally lets go, euphoria is waiting to meet her.

“Noah,” she breathes, “I’m coming!

Writhing in her restraints atop the dark wood table, Allison comes apart like an ill-sewn doll. Orgasm overridden like before, she gets to watch this time as her cunt gushes clear fluid, spraying against the knob of the vibrating wand, dripping from Noah’s wrist.

“Aahhh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck me, god, please!” she begs, toes curling, trembling as she comes.

A tiny piece of her conscious notices the way Noah’s jaw drops, eyes on her convulsing pussy, the utter fascination. His satisfaction. His cocky smile. He can tell she ended her fight for control.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me.”

Allison clenches wetly around his fingers until she has nothing left to give.

“F-f-fuck.” She shudders as Noah moves the vibration down, away from her sopping clit, pressing the large tip of the toy against her opening.

“You’ll like this, I promise.”

Allison curls and uncurls her toes, wishing she could grab something with her hands as Noah forces the fat bulb of the sex toy into her tight slit. The inside of her thighs are only just beginning to burn, legs still spread for Noah’s access. 

When he pushes it far enough in, Allison’s pussy sucks the roundness of the toy inside, gripping it like a fist.

“Oh fuck!” she squeaks, the vibration of the barely-contained toy filling her, purring against her g-spot, teasing her still sensitive flesh. When Noah tries to urge it a little deeper, Allison cries, “No, no, no!”

Immediately dropping the handle of the wand, Noah puts his palms up, showing he respects her limits.

By the time Allison remembers Vinny, he’s in front of her again, camera getting intimate with her twitching face, teeth grinding, whimpering at the sensation in her overfull pussy -- which he zooms in on next. Before she chews through the skin on her lip, Noah grabs the vibrator and slowly pulls it out. Allison moans when the toy is free of her.

Setting it aside, Noah forces two fingers into Allison’s slit, hooking inside her and coaxing her g-spot. Now fully in tune with the bounds of her body, Allison can feel the bubbling of that special kind of orgasm. She clings to the feeling, looking up at Noah as she pants like a caged animal.

“You’re gonna make me come again,” she warns in her sweetest voice, watching his gaze darken.

“As long as you squirt.”

Jaw on the floor, Allison looks down as she comes yet again, spraying like a hose on full-force. She screams and squirms, fingers extended, hips shaking, Noah’s hand providing the ultimate friction.

When she’s a shivering mess, Noah shoves another finger into her.

“Again,” he demands.

“I can’t,” Allison sobs, shaking her head.

“You will.”

“No, please,” she groans, though there’s no backbone in it. Noah presses harder, faster. “Don’t make me come again!” Allison cries, the constant pressure on her g-spot too much.

“You’ll love it, baby. Just relax. Let me play with you.” Noah’s soothing instructions ease her discomfort a bit, trying to do as he says and focus on what feels good. “That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me, one more time.”

The familiar tingle returns, welling inside her deepest spot, Allison letting out a long moan as she dangles above it.

“Noah,” she whispers his name. He responds by reaching into her mouth, forcing her to gag on his fingers. When he pulls away, he strokes her saliva over his cock, lines himself up, and enters her in one long thrust.

“Ahh,” Allison sighs aloud, unashamed of her intense need. “Yes, please, fuck, me!”

Noah pulls out and drives back in.

“You want to be fucked?”

She nods rapidly. “Yes, fuck me, baby, fuck my pussy, please!”

Noah grabs the chain connected to her nipple clamps as he reaches up to choke her, the tug on her breasts complimenting her asphyxiation, his cock deep inside her. Slowly out and viciously in, Noah fucks Allison as he holds her by the neck, his other hand pinching and pulling her clit.

“You like when I fuck you?”

If Allison could respond around his grip on her throat, she’d say yes.

“This pussy’s so tight, baby. So fucking wet. You like when I shove my cock in there? When I spank you and choke you?” 

Noah’s dirty talk is the cherry on top.

‘Oh fuck’ Allison mouths before her next climax consumes her, waves of pleasure washing through her as she comes all over Noah’s cock, still pumping deeply into her, over and over. She can feel the tears -- one from each eye -- roll down her cheeks and over her jaw. He releases her neck as she gasps for breath, pussy expelling a ludicrous amount of wetness, on the table beneath her ass, dripping to the floor, spraying Noah’s pelvis as he thumbs her clit, tugging on her nipple chain.

“Oh, sweetheart.” Allison shudders, another wave leaving her; washing over him. “You’re fucking beautiful when you come. Keep going,” Noah urges, setting a constant pace, out-in, his cockhead coaxing Allison’s orgasm into a marathon.

She moans and sobs, her juices lubricating Noah’s thick meat as he thrusts up into her. When his pace increases, it sends Allison into orbit, floating weightless on her neverending high. She knows he’s about to come.

“Fuck me harder,” Allison growls through her perfect teeth. Noah complies. His hand goes back to her throat, though he leaves her able to speak. “Ohh don’t stop. You fuck me so good. Please, more!” Her innocent tone knows what it’s doing. Noah grunts, fucking her with abandon. “Yeah baby, give me that cock!”

An hour of teasing himself via punishing her, Noah’s climax is timed perfectly, building as he pounds her pretty pink pussy, until it threatens to push him over the razor-sharp edge.

“You ready for me?” Noah asks as he looks down on her.

“Please,” she whispers, returning his gaze with full-size pupils. Noah shoves his thumb in her mouth, holding her chin, and when she starts sucking, it submerges him in ecstasy. He groans as he comes, spurting into Allison as her body high spikes once more. She writhes, her brows knit together as he fills her up, pumping her full. A prospect he embraces with soul-deep satisfaction. The capture of his unicorn everything and more.

“Oh god,” Allison breathes, jerking abruptly from the lingering effects of multiple ruthless orgasms, the phenomenon of his cum soothing her raw insides. Noah slowly pulls out, a rush of his cum leaking from her used hole. 

Before he leaves her, the moment right before the end, Noah leans down and presses his lips to hers. The feeling lingers long after he pulls away.







Allison stands in the kitchen, holding a mug of coffee as she looks out the window above the sink; one ice-capped mountain after another, spanning for miles and miles. She hears the front door, blinking away distraction.

Rounding the corner into the opulent foyer, tastefully decorated for the holidays, she sees him.

A dark scarf hangs over his coat’s lapels, flecks of snow melting in his unkempt hair, the neatness of his smile a feature she never noticed before. His voice sends a signal to her brain, telling her legs to open. To expect pain, and above all, pleasure. 

After greeting Garrett, he turns to her. Their eyes connecting for the first time since. He grins, pulling her in for a hug. Their nonchalance is perfect.

After sitting through dinner and drinks, Allison slips away. Noah finds her in the cottage-sized library. She doesn’t hear him at first, but once his breath is at her ear, she thrills with anticipation stronger than she realized herself capable of.

“Hello, sweetheart.”

She sighs, pushing her ass into him, his pelvis responding with equal pressure. Noah chuckles.

"Miss me?" Allison bites her lip. "Come on, you can say it."

"Yes." Her confession is a breath in the dark room.

"I was hoping you'd say that." His identical words spoken in an identical way remind her of when he took her last. “I have a present for you.”

Opening her eyes, Allison looks down at the small object topped with a bow. A clear CD case.

Noah kisses the back of her head and leaves her, slipping out the way he came. Slowly, Allison opens the case, and handwritten on the front of the movie they made together are the words:

Only this once.





Written by TangerineSky
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