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Wait For Me [F4M]

"Your mistress indulges while instructing you on patience."

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Author's Notes

"This story is designed to be listened to as an audio experience, which you can do for free by clicking here and searching for my name: This is a work of fiction depicting a consensual encounter between adults, involving BDSM elements. Contains whispering, suggestions of spanking and edging, and allusions to consensual "ownership." For adult entertainment purposes only."

You’d better be alone, and naked, somewhere private and secure. If you’re not, hit pause, and come back when you’re actually ready for me.

Are you ready? Are you naked? Are you safe from being interrupted? By anyone other than me of course.


Now, have you been good for me?

If you're sneaking this time with me after less than three days of abstinence, we're going to have to start with a little punishment for being so greedy and impatient.

Look around the room and find me something appropriate for your spanking. A real paddle is ideal, a nice flat hairbrush or a ruler will do.

If you can’t find anything at all, you can use your hand, just this once, if you promise not to go gentle with it. If your hand ends up stinging just as much as your ass when we’re done, then that’s just what you get for being unprepared.

Now, if you have been waiting patiently for three days or more, you get to spend this time giving yourself some soft, warm-up touches. You can run your fingers lightly up and down the dry, smooth underside of your cock. Don't get too excited too fast, though. We're going to be here for a while.

If a spanking is in order, take your implement in your right hand now, and brace your left hand against the wall or a sturdy piece of furniture, so that you can bend over at least forty-five degrees.

Reach back and rest the implement against the right cheek of your ass. Take a moment to get a feel for where you're aiming, how much range of motion you have. 

Now lift the implement, and when I say one, smack it back down as hard as you can.



We're only going to go to five on each side today. But as we go, I really want you to understand that I am spanking you.

I count down a number, and that sting lands on your body right where I say. The fact that I'm letting you hold the implement for me, to extend my reach, is really immaterial, isn't it?

Okay, that's enough resting to think about your situation. Time to keep going. 


Three, four.

Now adjust your aim and brush the implement across the back of your thigh. Let all that tender, sensitive skin know what it's in for. That's your next target.

My next target.


Very good. Now, switch hands. You're holding the implement in your left hand and the wall with your right.

Take a moment to line up your aim. Lift it up, and…


Two. Make sure you're making a good, loud smack every time.

Three. You could have been patient. You could be stroking yourself by now. But you just couldn't wait for my attention.


This last one is for your thigh. Give it a little caress to warn it, and line up your aim.


There we go. That’s all. Well done.

Set your implement aside and make yourself comfortable. You should be either sitting in a chair, or lying on your back in bed, propped up on a few pillows.

If you’re already there, stop touching yourself.

No matter how or when you got here, place your hands flat on your thighs.

From this point forward, I’m going to get quite a bit more specific with some of my instructions, and I expect you to follow them with equal precision. This is your rest position. Any time you feel in danger of crossing the point of no return without permission, you will return to this position, hands flat on your thighs like this, and miss out on whatever other tempting instructions I may be giving you. You can join in again after you’ve calmed down.

Don’t push yourself to participate more than you can handle. I don’t want you to ruin yourself. Well, not by accident. And not this time.

This time, I want you to have the perfect, explosive, satisfying orgasm.

Just not until I say so.

Are we clear?

Are we ready?


First, lift your palms off of your thighs, until only your fingertips are brushing the skin. Just barely making contact. Slowly, reach down toward your knees. Sit up a little if you need to. Trace each one of your fingertips around the underside of your kneecaps, from index finger to pinkie.

Pay attention to the way your nerves respond, the way they’re connected. Feel those tiny little impulses of pleasure running up your legs toward your cock.

Now we’re going to follow them. Slowly, lightly, brush your fingertips up along the insides of your thighs. So lightly. You’re almost touching your hair more than your skin. Follow that sensitive trail along your inner thighs all the way up to your balls.

Take a moment to stroke them that same way, ever so softly. Feel the sensation radiate outward instead of inward this time, like this space between your legs is the center of your whole physical being.

Gather up your balls in your left hand, and give them a gentle but firm squeeze.

How are they feeling? Are they feeling tender? Are they feeling full? Is it time for them to be feeling full? Or have you just been overexcited?

Maybe when you’re being impatient, and needy, I should punish you here, instead of your ass. What do you think? This seems to be where so much of that impatience comes from. Would you like me to try that? Hmm. Maybe next time.

For now, just give them another gentle, firm squeeze, and set them down.

Put your fingertips lightly back on your thighs, right at the very tops, near your hip joints.

Still just barely making contact with your skin, drag your fingertips up your body, past your cock.

Don’t touch it. I know you’re thinking about it. I know you’re imagining how it would feel to be fully stroking your cock right now, but don’t even let your fingers acknowledge it. They’re going to skate right on past it like it’s not even there, up your naked torso, to your nipples.

When you get to them, you’re going to start by treating them like they’re no different from the rest of your skin. Just brush right over them, barely touching, and then wander those fingers around the rest of your pecks, like you’re just checking yourself out. Like it’s pure coincidence that you happened to brush those two sensitive little buds of skin at all.

But then, of course, you brush over them again. And again. And again. And again. Keep doing it, just like that.

It’s like your fingers are obsessed with them, and of course they are, because I’m in control your fingers, and I’m obsessed with all of your buttons. Jealously, possessively obsessed.

God, I love getting to decide when they get pushed, and when they don’t.


Good boy. That was practice. This is going to get so much harder, when I start playing with stronger buttons.

You know it’s true. Lucky thing I’m still having fun with these.

On each side of your body, take your thumb and index finger and place the tips of them on either side of your nipple. Slowly, squeeze inward, just until you feel a pulse of sensation run through your body from each of those two little buds.

You don’t have to make them hurt, unless you really want to.

Yes, you heard me right, I’m giving you a choice here. And not just an A or B choice either, but a full spectrum choice. Until the next time I say stop, you get to squeeze your nipples exactly as hard as you want to. I’ll even allow you to roll them back and forth between your fingertips a little. You can roll fast, or slow, or somewhere in between.

Mmm, what a luxury that is, isn’t it? Getting to use exactly as much force as you want, on such a sensitive area?

Enjoy it.

What’s wrong, babe? You don’t seem quite as excited about this privilege as you could.

Aww. There’s another sensitive spot you’d rather be allowed to give attention to, isn’t there?

Well, I can’t promise you the same kind of free rein you’re getting now, but if you really want to, I suppose we can go check in on your cock.

Stop. Stop pinching your nipples, but leave your fingertips in contact with your chest. Using that feather-light touch, slide them down your torso, little by little, until you reach the first strands of your pubic hair.

With your non-dominant hand— Oh, I’m sorry, every part of you is non-dominant, at least right now. With your left hand, if you are right-handed, or with your right hand if you are left-handed, lightly pet those hairs, so that you can feel them moving against your skin.

At the same time, take your other hand, and place the tips of your first two fingers under your cock at its base.

Now, I am going to emphasize particularly clearly, because I know you’re excited.

Feather touch.

I am touching you, even though I have to use your hand to do it. I am touching you, and I am doing it so teasingly, frustratingly softly.

With that touch, and no more, run those fingertips up the underside of your cock, all the way to the tip. And back down again, to the base.

And up to the tip. And down to the base.

Just like that, tease your way up and down the underside of your cock, until you’ve got it fully, fully hard. If it’s already there, get it even harder than that.

If you absolutely have to, to make sure you’re as hard as you can be, you can use just a little more pressure on the next couple passes, but still only with the very tips of those two fingers.

Up to the tip, down to the base.

Up to the tip, down to the base.

And one more. Why not.

Up to the tip, and down to the base.


Now take the hand that’s been playing with your pubic hair and rest it at your side.

Bring your more dexterous hand up to your mouth, touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your tongue, and give yourself a long, wet lick, down the side of your thumb and up the side of your index finger, all the way up.

Now, take that thumb and index finger, and wrap them firmly around the base of your cock in a in a tight little circle. Pull that circle slowly, slowly upward. Slide that grip up over every inch of your shaft, until your finger is just below the head.

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And stop. Stop right there.

Let go, and reset your grip to the very base again. Just thumb and index finger, nice and tight.

Pull up, so slowly. Millimeter by millimeter.

You’ve got a little more length to work with here than you thought, don’t you?

And stop. You know where. The same spot as last time.

I know. I know, babe. The head of your cock is right there. But you’re not going to touch it.

You’re going to reset your grip to the base, and tease that tightness up your shaft again, stopping just short of where you really want it.

You’re going to do that again, and again, and again, while you wait for me.

Yeah, you’re going to wait, because just thinking about you squeezing your shaft, and only your shaft, is making me so horny that I literally can’t stop humping my chair right now. So, the only rational thing to do is have you keep on doing exactly what you’re doing, while I take a break to cum.

Yeah, it just makes sense that way. Because I don’t have to stop after I cum.

And because I need it more than you.

And because I said so.

What I’m doing right now is I’m lying back in my chair. I’m shifting my hips to the front edge, and spreading my thighs apart.

I’m already wearing nothing but a clingy black tank top and panties, and I don’t even have the patience to take them off right now.

I’m taking my left middle finger, and pressing it right to my clit, through the thin, cotton fabric. It’s already soaked through, and fingering my clit through it feels almost the same as being naked, that’s how sensitive I am right now.

God, I just started touching myself and I’m already so close.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to take up time with my pleasure, the way I do with yours. I think about how I spend days, weeks, sometimes even a month working up to just one of your orgasms. Making sure it’s just right, perfectly timed. Making sure you’ve been teased enough. That you’re always guessing. Punishing you when you get presumptuous.

Meanwhile, what do I get? One, three, maybe ten orgasms a day, quick, and efficient, and right when I want them, but completely without fanfare. Even if you put them all put together, they don’t take up half as much time as I spend making sure you get exactly the pleasure I want you to have, no more, no less.

Which is exactly how you want it too, isn’t it?

It’s almost selfish of you, really.

But you do give me such delicious things to think about. Right now, I’m picturing the head of your cock, all swollen and lonely, and waiting, waiting, waiting to be touched.

You haven’t touched it, have you?

Good boy. Keep it that way. Keep teasing your thumb and finger up to right below that frustrated head, and then taking them away.

Keep holding off.

Keep waiting for me.

You almost make me wish I took longer to cum. I could spend all day right here, like this, rubbing my clit while you wait so politely for permission to rub the head of your cock.

But I just get so excited so fast.


Oh god.

Where were we?

Right. Stroking your shaft.

You’ve been patient so far today. So, now, I’m going to let you close your whole hand around your cock, with a nice, firm grip, and pull it all the way up, to the underside of the head, then up over the head, squeezing out as much wet, slippery precum as you can.

Take that precum and spread it down, making sure to coat the whole head, and fill in that crevasse underneath it. You are not rubbing yourself right now. You’re just making sure you’ve got good coverage. Very clinical, very functional. If you’ve got extra to spare, spread it farther down your shaft.

If you get dry easily and keep lube handy, now is the time to add some.

You’re allowed.

I want you slick and smooth and ready to feel amazing.

When I say you can.

As soon as you’ve got a nice layer of lubrication going, you may wrap your hand around the head of your cock, but don’t move it yet. Just hold it.

Hold that treasure, my treasure, my favorite possession, and think about what a privilege it is, just to be allowed to hold it in your hand. Even if that hand is also mine.

And it does what I say.

Right above the tip of your cock, press your thumb firmly against the rest of your hand. Now, pulling your hand downward, I want you to force the head of your cock in between your thumb and index finger.

Don’t make it easy for yourself.

Your thumb and finger try to stay flat against each other, but they’re just not quite strong enough to stand up to your cock, as you fuck them apart.

Pull your hand back up, press your thumb and finger back together, and then fuck them apart again.

Keep doing that.

Fuck them apart.

Fuck them apart.

Fuck them apart.

Keep going. You can even clench your ass and thrust up with your hips as you’re bringing your hand down, if you want, to get a little more movement, a little more force, as you fuck the tight slit between your thumb and finger.

Look at that. Not only do you get to be touched today, not only are you going to get to cum in a little while, but you even get to fuck. Sure, it’ s just a hand, but still, what a forceful, aggressive gesture that is.

It’s almost inappropriate, really, for someone in your position. Someone who doesn’t even own the cock he’s using. Someone who chooses not to own it.

For you to be allowed to thrust with it is almost perverse. But I just love making you fuck, knowing that all I have to say is…


Stop right where you are, don’t move a muscle. Not one more thrust.

Good boy.

Oh, that is perfection, you staying right there, motionless, for me. That is a thing of beauty.

From this point forward, I want your cock completely passive. Your hips will stay flat to the cushion beneath you.

After all, I can’t let you get used to actually fucking your way to orgasm, can I? I’m going to treat you today, but I’m not going to spoil you. You will cum from passively, submissively, accepting my generous gift.

You might as well be a helpless statue, except for me moving your hand, understood?


Oh, you’re being so good for me.

Do you want to cum?

Do you think you’re ready to cum?

Are you sure? You want this to be over?

Well, you have worked pretty hard to earn it.

I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. You’re going to wait for me, one more time. Only this time, you’re allowed to touch your whole cock while you wait. Hand movements only, hips stationary, medium grip, any pace you want.

And after I take my second orgasm thinking about you, then, I will give you permission to cum.

Sound good?

Good, because I’m already getting started.

If you have tissues nearby, you have permission to get a few ready in your other hand. If not, well, you’re going to have a sticky, wonderful mess to contend with soon, aren’t you?

I’m making a bit of a mess myself.

I have my hand down the inside of my panties now, and, you know what? I’m just going to take them off. It’ll only take a second.

Here, I’m pulling them over my hips, and all the way down my legs, and I’m stepping my feet out of them, so that I can spread my legs as far as I want, with nothing in my way.

I’m sitting naked from the waist down now, with my pussy fully splayed out. It’s dripping wet and still a little oversensitive from before. I’m stroking my clit again, directly, with one finger, back and forth, back and forth, so, so lightly, and even that much contact is almost too much, but that’s okay. It’ll relax soon.

It just takes a little longer the second time, even for me.

But I know you don’t mind that.

Are you fully stroking yourself right now? Rubbing that head with your whole hand? Are we touching ourselves together right now? I hope so.

But don’t forget to take breaks if you need to.

In fact, I’m going to give my clit a break and work on myself from the inside for a little while. I’m sliding in my middle finger, and everything is so slick I can just slide my index finger right in next to it, no problem.

I’m holding my hand still against the chair beneath me and just rocking my hips back and forth so that my g-spot hits against my fingertips.

My g-spot doesn’t get as oversensitive, so I can actually ride my hand pretty hard, even now. And every time I hit that spot, it sends a little jolt of pleasure outward to my clit, telling it to get hard, and ready, even though it’s tired.

And the best part, is that, when I’m riding my hand like this, and you’re stroking your cock waiting for me, I get to pretend that the hardness of those two fingers is your cock.

I get to pretend that you’re lying still and helpless under me, while I use your cock as slowly as I want. I imagine that you can feel my wet, warm pussy moving around you, building up sensation in you, but you’re not giving into it, not yet, because all that matters is that you stay hard, and unfinished, for as long as I say.

My clit is ready. I’m bringing my thumb up to rub it.

It’s still sensitive, but it wants the pressure, too. Every time I rub my thumb over it, the feeling is almost too intense to take. It hurts a little, but it’s so good. It’s so, so good. And I know it’s going to stay like that when the orgasm comes. It’s going to be intense, and sharp.

And it’s going to be so much better knowing that you’re waiting for me. Waiting so patiently just for me.

Oh, my legs are shaking!


Oh, you make me want to share.

Go ahead. Cum for me. Keep your hips still, only move your hands, but don’t fight it anymore. You’ve held it in so well for me. Let it out. Feel those hands working you just the way you like it. That’s a gift. A gift from me. I want to you enjoy it.

Good boy.


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Written by KathrynLocksley
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