Rod needed more time with Marie, the extra hour was not enough. Her punishment had taken longer than he had anticipated; there were after all two dozen strokes of the cane and belt to administer and he had to slow down and take longer breaks between strokes. He had taught her to count each stroke out loud and thank him and she had started to struggle at stroke number sixteen. She was not only crying profusely but she was also squirming and wildly writhing. It had been the changeover from the belt to the cane at stroke thirteen that had made things more painful. A belt will just sting but a cane gives a blunter type of pain as well.
“Sixteen, thank you sir,” she had sobbed after some time.
By speaking she had accepted it and was making the way for the next one. “Just eight more now Marie,” he had told her as he raised the cane again. It was another twenty minutes before she finally sobbed, “Twenty four, thank you sir.”
The fucking came next. He asked her if she still wanted fucking and she sobbed ‘yes’. So they untied her and took turns with her. Brad and Doug left quickly afterwards leaving them alone and they slipped under the duvet and rested; the cool black silk bottom sheet soothing her bottom. She continued to sob profusely in his arms though, wetting his chest and shoulders with her tears. They wanted to make love again but Rod looked at his watch and saw that they had no time so they went to the shower. They were still drying themselves when the doorbell rang, John had returned.
Rod went downstairs holding the towel against his nakedness to answer the door. “We’re running a bit late,” he told him.
Rod grabbed her clothes from the stand and went upstairs with John in tow. There was a bemused look on his face when he saw Marie standing in Rod’s bedroom drying her naked body. Rod had seen that look before having cuckolded a number of husbands in the past. His sadistic streak was not just reserved for BDSM for he also got quite a kick out of humiliating husbands. He liked them watching while he fucked their wives, knowing that he was giving them much better sex than they ever could. He sensed that streak again as he looked at John staring open mouthed at the two of them together, naked.
Rod noticed a bulge forming in John’s trousers which in turn gave him an erection. “Can you give us an extra few minutes John?” he asked as he raised the towel from over his groin and began to dry his shoulders.
John was staring at his cock now; transfixed with his arousal. It was already obvious what the extra time was wanted for but Marie underlined it when she reached and held Rod’s cock. John swallowed hard at the sight of her hand folded around Rod’s erection. “Yes... yes, sure,” he responded as he began to move away.
As the door closed behind him Marie reached up and kissed him. “Fuck me hard please, Master.”
Rod groaned as she squeezed him gently. In an instant he had been elevated from Sir to Master. He guided her back to the bed, pushing aside the webbing that had bound her and all but one of the pillows. Marie settled her bottom down on it and opened her legs wide for him. Ten minutes later they had both satisfied their lust.
John was waiting for them in the hallway as they came back downstairs. He would probably have heard them fucking; most certainly he would have heard Marie’s cries of ecstasy, she was very vocal.
“All done are we?” he asked as he kissed her.
“Everything’s fine now darling,” she responded. “I’ve learned my lesson.” She turned and smiled at Rod. “He... he’s a good master,”
John looked at him nervously. Rod had seen that look before. He remembered a husband who had come home unexpectedly one afternoon and caught him and his wife coming down stairs as he came through the front door. He looked surprised and yet Rod detected that his suspicions had been confirmed. There was no “What the hell is going on,” or any outward sign of anger and emotional hurt. Rod later learned that he had actually come home early a few months before when they had been in bed together. He heard all the noise and quietly slipped out the house.
“Would it be okay if Marie came over on Saturday night John?” Rod asked.
“What, for punishment?”
Rod shook his head.
“We are going out to dinner with Jamie and Sandra,” Marie cut in. “But Sunday would be okay.”
Rod looked at John.
“The... the whole night?”
Rod nodded.
John turned and looked at Marie. “Please?” she asked.
John looked back at Rod and nodded his head. He had seen that look before as well; the look of defeat knowing that he could not stop his wife from fucking him.
That Monday morning feeling was hard to shake off after the weekend. He had enjoyed himself with Marie but he was also missing Hazel. She was away at a meeting with a firm of venture capitalists hoping to persuade them to invest in the project that the two of them had been working on over the last few weeks.
He knew that she would be interested in his time with Marie and he wasn’t disappointed when she rang just after lunch to tell him that the meeting had gone well.
“And how did the disciplinary hearing go?”
He laughed. “Instant dismissal,” he retorted.
Hazel laughed. “I... I take it that she was suitably reprimanded?”
“She certainly was and she is very contrite now.”
“And probably sore too?”
Their call ended and he sat in silence for a while contemplating on how to take things forward. She was interested, that was obvious, but the question now was, what was the best way to take things forward? The sparring would come to an end before long and it was now a matter of how to move to the next level. He suspected that she may have dabbled in BDSM before but he doubted if she had gone too far into it.
Whatever she had done he knew that he wanted to put his collar on her and make her his slave officially. He had wanted to do the same with Marie but she couldn’t face a public ceremony: a ceremony where the slave is naked and takes vows before being collared. Both Marie and John had drawn the line at that; although he got the impression that John had the stronger of the objections against it.
“Sixteen, thank you sir,” she had sobbed after some time.
By speaking she had accepted it and was making the way for the next one. “Just eight more now Marie,” he had told her as he raised the cane again. It was another twenty minutes before she finally sobbed, “Twenty four, thank you sir.”
The fucking came next. He asked her if she still wanted fucking and she sobbed ‘yes’. So they untied her and took turns with her. Brad and Doug left quickly afterwards leaving them alone and they slipped under the duvet and rested; the cool black silk bottom sheet soothing her bottom. She continued to sob profusely in his arms though, wetting his chest and shoulders with her tears. They wanted to make love again but Rod looked at his watch and saw that they had no time so they went to the shower. They were still drying themselves when the doorbell rang, John had returned.
Rod went downstairs holding the towel against his nakedness to answer the door. “We’re running a bit late,” he told him.
Rod grabbed her clothes from the stand and went upstairs with John in tow. There was a bemused look on his face when he saw Marie standing in Rod’s bedroom drying her naked body. Rod had seen that look before having cuckolded a number of husbands in the past. His sadistic streak was not just reserved for BDSM for he also got quite a kick out of humiliating husbands. He liked them watching while he fucked their wives, knowing that he was giving them much better sex than they ever could. He sensed that streak again as he looked at John staring open mouthed at the two of them together, naked.
Rod noticed a bulge forming in John’s trousers which in turn gave him an erection. “Can you give us an extra few minutes John?” he asked as he raised the towel from over his groin and began to dry his shoulders.
John was staring at his cock now; transfixed with his arousal. It was already obvious what the extra time was wanted for but Marie underlined it when she reached and held Rod’s cock. John swallowed hard at the sight of her hand folded around Rod’s erection. “Yes... yes, sure,” he responded as he began to move away.
As the door closed behind him Marie reached up and kissed him. “Fuck me hard please, Master.”
Rod groaned as she squeezed him gently. In an instant he had been elevated from Sir to Master. He guided her back to the bed, pushing aside the webbing that had bound her and all but one of the pillows. Marie settled her bottom down on it and opened her legs wide for him. Ten minutes later they had both satisfied their lust.
John was waiting for them in the hallway as they came back downstairs. He would probably have heard them fucking; most certainly he would have heard Marie’s cries of ecstasy, she was very vocal.
“All done are we?” he asked as he kissed her.
“Everything’s fine now darling,” she responded. “I’ve learned my lesson.” She turned and smiled at Rod. “He... he’s a good master,”
John looked at him nervously. Rod had seen that look before. He remembered a husband who had come home unexpectedly one afternoon and caught him and his wife coming down stairs as he came through the front door. He looked surprised and yet Rod detected that his suspicions had been confirmed. There was no “What the hell is going on,” or any outward sign of anger and emotional hurt. Rod later learned that he had actually come home early a few months before when they had been in bed together. He heard all the noise and quietly slipped out the house.
“Would it be okay if Marie came over on Saturday night John?” Rod asked.
“What, for punishment?”
Rod shook his head.
“We are going out to dinner with Jamie and Sandra,” Marie cut in. “But Sunday would be okay.”
Rod looked at John.
“The... the whole night?”
Rod nodded.
John turned and looked at Marie. “Please?” she asked.
John looked back at Rod and nodded his head. He had seen that look before as well; the look of defeat knowing that he could not stop his wife from fucking him.
That Monday morning feeling was hard to shake off after the weekend. He had enjoyed himself with Marie but he was also missing Hazel. She was away at a meeting with a firm of venture capitalists hoping to persuade them to invest in the project that the two of them had been working on over the last few weeks.
He knew that she would be interested in his time with Marie and he wasn’t disappointed when she rang just after lunch to tell him that the meeting had gone well.
“And how did the disciplinary hearing go?”
He laughed. “Instant dismissal,” he retorted.
Hazel laughed. “I... I take it that she was suitably reprimanded?”
“She certainly was and she is very contrite now.”
“And probably sore too?”
Their call ended and he sat in silence for a while contemplating on how to take things forward. She was interested, that was obvious, but the question now was, what was the best way to take things forward? The sparring would come to an end before long and it was now a matter of how to move to the next level. He suspected that she may have dabbled in BDSM before but he doubted if she had gone too far into it.
Whatever she had done he knew that he wanted to put his collar on her and make her his slave officially. He had wanted to do the same with Marie but she couldn’t face a public ceremony: a ceremony where the slave is naked and takes vows before being collared. Both Marie and John had drawn the line at that; although he got the impression that John had the stronger of the objections against it.

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As far as he knew Hazel had no man in her life at the moments and that might make her more susceptible to it.
Hazel surprised him on Tuesday when she returned to the office; she surprised everyone. Hazel was wearing a skirt; a dark knee length one that had a slight flare. It was leaving time when he managed to catch up with her. She called him and asked if he had a few minutes to listen to a summary of her meeting. Rod sat at her desk and listened as she spoke wishing that it didn’t have a modesty board. He would have liked to have looked down and seen her legs and maybe even a bit more.
“So that’s it,” she summed. “They will let us know by Friday and hopefully we can then get contracts drawn up.”
Rod smiled. “More money for Shylock and Shylock,” he said referring to the company’s lawyers.
She laughed as she stood up.
He stood up as well and nodded at her legs. “”You’ve caused quite a stir today, by the way.”
“A stir?”
“The skirt.”
She smiled and shook her head. “Men!”
Rod laughed. “They are wondering who he is?”
“Who who is?”
“They think there is a man in your life,” he explained. “A long weekend away and back with a spring in your step.”
She smiled. “I see,” she said quietly. “And who is this man in my life then?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Probably the next man they see you talking too.”
She laughed with a shake of her head.
“Anyway, you have their attention now. They’ll be putty in your hands from now on.”
She returned his laughter.
“Nice legs by the way.”
A flush came to her cheeks.
“Perhaps I should tell you what else my friend’s wife was disciplined for?”
“Th... there was more?”
Rod nodded.
“And what was that then?”
“Well like most other red blooded males my friend wanted her in stockings all the time instead of those horrible passion killers called tights.”
“You’re not suggesting...”
Rod quickly shook his head. “Like I already said, you’re the boss and besides, it would be offensive of me to tell you what underclothes you should wear, wouldn’t it?”
She thought for a moment. “Anyway, they would never know what I was wearing so what difference would it make”
“Well there is always the off chance that a man might get a quick glimpse if a woman forgets herself sitting down or bending over. Then there is always the chance that a suspender strap might be detected if the skirt tightens up when she sits down. But most of all, some men would notice a change in her demeanour. Wearing sexy underwear gives a woman a sense of daring, a feeling of naughtiness and it does show in her manner.”
Hazel was silent for a few moments. “You are a dark horse, aren’t you Rod?”
He smiled. “As I said the other night, we all have a dark side. It’s just a matter of the right person knowing the right buttons to press!”
“And what are your buttons, Rod?”
“I would imagine that they are synonymous to yours.”
Hazel looked hard at him before he turned away. “I had better get going,” he told her. “Catch you tomorrow.”
Rod knew that she would be wearing stockings the next day. His instinct was right. It often was. Just a short hard look into a woman’s eyes was enough to tell him if she was submissive or dominant. A submissive would look down and lower her head slightly as if bowing and showing subservience; acknowledging superiority and dominance. All his women had done that. Hazel had also done it.
Like the day before they caught up with each other at the end of it. Rod had already seen her around and he had glanced at her legs. The material of quality made stockings was easily distinguishable from tights and Rod had spotted them; Hazel had managed to give him an erection for most of the day.
They touched base on business quite quickly as everybody left for home and soon there was just the two of them left on the premises.
“So, you’re wearing stockings today then?”
She asked him how he knew and he told her. “But it would be nice to be one hundred percent certain,” he told her. “You could be telling porkies.”
She smiled. “And do you always make one hundred percent certain with your friend’s wife?”
“Every day?”
He shook his head. “Not every day,” he responded. “But I do spot checks every now and again.”
Hazel thought for a few moments.
“She must be quite near here then?”
Rod didn’t respond.
“So... she...”
“She lifts her skirt for me when I ask her too.”
“And you’re expecting me to do the same?”
Rod shook his head. “I won’t ask you. I don’t expect you to do anything for me like that but I have a feeling you would like to voluntarily show me.”
He nodded as he looked into her eyes. Hazel looked down and suddenly turned sideways. Her hand grabbed the hem of her skirt and lifted it so that he could see the laced top of her stocking and the suspender strap affixed to it. He also got a glimpse of white flesh above the stocking top. It was all over so quickly though as she let go and allowed the skirt hem to fall. Rod took step closer to her and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Thank you for that,” he responded quietly. “But if you are going to give a man a look at what you have on under your skirt then do it properly please.”
Hazel gulped.
“Now then, grip your hem again, both sides and lift very high.”
Her hands went down and gripped but she hesitated. “Well?”
Her hands rose taking her skirt with her. Rod looked her in the face but her eyes were already looking away. He stepped back and looked down. She wore black panties. Expensive silk that clung to her sex giving off a perfect camel toe appearance. He stared for a few moments and then moved slowly round her.
“You have a well shaped bottom,” he commented. “Very nice!”
He saw her lips move but no words escaped as he nodded to indicate that he had seen what he had wanted too. Rod then began to walk away but turned after a few steps. “You do know what day it is tomorrow don’t you?”
She looked puzzled. “Thursday?”
He smiled. “It’s no panties Thursday.”
“No panties?”
Rod nodded and then turned away. “Yes,” he replied. “Thursday is no panties day. I thought every girl knew that!”
Hazel surprised him on Tuesday when she returned to the office; she surprised everyone. Hazel was wearing a skirt; a dark knee length one that had a slight flare. It was leaving time when he managed to catch up with her. She called him and asked if he had a few minutes to listen to a summary of her meeting. Rod sat at her desk and listened as she spoke wishing that it didn’t have a modesty board. He would have liked to have looked down and seen her legs and maybe even a bit more.
“So that’s it,” she summed. “They will let us know by Friday and hopefully we can then get contracts drawn up.”
Rod smiled. “More money for Shylock and Shylock,” he said referring to the company’s lawyers.
She laughed as she stood up.
He stood up as well and nodded at her legs. “”You’ve caused quite a stir today, by the way.”
“A stir?”
“The skirt.”
She smiled and shook her head. “Men!”
Rod laughed. “They are wondering who he is?”
“Who who is?”
“They think there is a man in your life,” he explained. “A long weekend away and back with a spring in your step.”
She smiled. “I see,” she said quietly. “And who is this man in my life then?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Probably the next man they see you talking too.”
She laughed with a shake of her head.
“Anyway, you have their attention now. They’ll be putty in your hands from now on.”
She returned his laughter.
“Nice legs by the way.”
A flush came to her cheeks.
“Perhaps I should tell you what else my friend’s wife was disciplined for?”
“Th... there was more?”
Rod nodded.
“And what was that then?”
“Well like most other red blooded males my friend wanted her in stockings all the time instead of those horrible passion killers called tights.”
“You’re not suggesting...”
Rod quickly shook his head. “Like I already said, you’re the boss and besides, it would be offensive of me to tell you what underclothes you should wear, wouldn’t it?”
She thought for a moment. “Anyway, they would never know what I was wearing so what difference would it make”
“Well there is always the off chance that a man might get a quick glimpse if a woman forgets herself sitting down or bending over. Then there is always the chance that a suspender strap might be detected if the skirt tightens up when she sits down. But most of all, some men would notice a change in her demeanour. Wearing sexy underwear gives a woman a sense of daring, a feeling of naughtiness and it does show in her manner.”
Hazel was silent for a few moments. “You are a dark horse, aren’t you Rod?”
He smiled. “As I said the other night, we all have a dark side. It’s just a matter of the right person knowing the right buttons to press!”
“And what are your buttons, Rod?”
“I would imagine that they are synonymous to yours.”
Hazel looked hard at him before he turned away. “I had better get going,” he told her. “Catch you tomorrow.”
Rod knew that she would be wearing stockings the next day. His instinct was right. It often was. Just a short hard look into a woman’s eyes was enough to tell him if she was submissive or dominant. A submissive would look down and lower her head slightly as if bowing and showing subservience; acknowledging superiority and dominance. All his women had done that. Hazel had also done it.
Like the day before they caught up with each other at the end of it. Rod had already seen her around and he had glanced at her legs. The material of quality made stockings was easily distinguishable from tights and Rod had spotted them; Hazel had managed to give him an erection for most of the day.
They touched base on business quite quickly as everybody left for home and soon there was just the two of them left on the premises.
“So, you’re wearing stockings today then?”
She asked him how he knew and he told her. “But it would be nice to be one hundred percent certain,” he told her. “You could be telling porkies.”
She smiled. “And do you always make one hundred percent certain with your friend’s wife?”
“Every day?”
He shook his head. “Not every day,” he responded. “But I do spot checks every now and again.”
Hazel thought for a few moments.
“She must be quite near here then?”
Rod didn’t respond.
“So... she...”
“She lifts her skirt for me when I ask her too.”
“And you’re expecting me to do the same?”
Rod shook his head. “I won’t ask you. I don’t expect you to do anything for me like that but I have a feeling you would like to voluntarily show me.”
He nodded as he looked into her eyes. Hazel looked down and suddenly turned sideways. Her hand grabbed the hem of her skirt and lifted it so that he could see the laced top of her stocking and the suspender strap affixed to it. He also got a glimpse of white flesh above the stocking top. It was all over so quickly though as she let go and allowed the skirt hem to fall. Rod took step closer to her and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Thank you for that,” he responded quietly. “But if you are going to give a man a look at what you have on under your skirt then do it properly please.”
Hazel gulped.
“Now then, grip your hem again, both sides and lift very high.”
Her hands went down and gripped but she hesitated. “Well?”
Her hands rose taking her skirt with her. Rod looked her in the face but her eyes were already looking away. He stepped back and looked down. She wore black panties. Expensive silk that clung to her sex giving off a perfect camel toe appearance. He stared for a few moments and then moved slowly round her.
“You have a well shaped bottom,” he commented. “Very nice!”
He saw her lips move but no words escaped as he nodded to indicate that he had seen what he had wanted too. Rod then began to walk away but turned after a few steps. “You do know what day it is tomorrow don’t you?”
She looked puzzled. “Thursday?”
He smiled. “It’s no panties Thursday.”
“No panties?”
Rod nodded and then turned away. “Yes,” he replied. “Thursday is no panties day. I thought every girl knew that!”