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To Sir, With Love Part V

"Mathew leads Jamie to a life of service."

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“So let me get this straight. We get the suite and Mathew gets a regular room?” Don asked in disbelief.

Cindy answered, “His instructions say to pick up keys to the suite at the desk. That’s all I know for sure.”

Wednesday morning, Cindy received an email from Mathew that was addressed to her and Don. It read:

“We will be spending the weekend at a very nice downtown hotel. You will be given the hotel name on Friday afternoon. The weekend will be a celebration of Jamie’s birthday. You will be the gifts, so no need to go shopping.

You are to arrive at the hotel at 6:00 pm and pick up the keys to your suite at the front desk. It is prepaid and in your name. You will get settled and use room service for dinner. At 7:30, a guest will knock at your door saying that I sent him. He will prepare you for our arrival. You are to follow his instructions. As we will be staying in a regular room, we will use yours for the celebration.”

On Friday, Don headed home early to be sure they would have plenty of time to get to the hotel. Cindy had packed one suitcase for the two of them.

“Mathew sent the name of the hotel,” said Cindy.

“Good. Let’s get going then,” Don said as he picked up the suitcase.

“There’s one more thing. Mathew says we are not to wear underwear and that you are to fuck me before we leave.”

Don put the suitcase down and started to strip. He followed Cindy to the bedroom, dropping clothes behind him. Cindy fell on the bed and lifted her skirt above her waist. Don needed to taste that already swollen pussy before following Mathew’s orders.

Cindy was impatient, “Just fuck me! We don’t have time for fooling around!” She grabbed Don by his ears and guided his face up to hers. Then she gave his dick a few strokes before guiding it into her cunt.

Later, as Don was putting his pants back on…without underwear…he said, “Wow, I’m really glad Mathew wanted you fucked before we left. Takes the edge off!”

Cindy answered, “Oh, that. Actually, Mathew just said “no underwear”. I threw in the fucking thing on my own. I was going to use the vibrator, but you came home early, and..what the heck!”

Don laughed out loud and then took Cindy in his arms and kissed her.

“Hmmm,” he said, “I really like the no bra thing.”


Jamie read her email.

“A cab will pick you up at 5:30. It will drop you off at the hotel I have chosen. You are to pick up our room key at the front desk. The reservation is in your name.

I will arrive at 7:30. Before that time, you are to prepare as follows:

· Shower and shave.

· Fix you hair and make-up

· Put the collar on that I have put in your suitcase.

· The wine should be opened with glasses beside it.

· Wearing only the collar, you are to squat facing the door with your mouth open and your eyes closed.

· Wait for me.

I recommend that you take a nap this afternoon. You will be up late.”

Mathew could see Jamie pick up the key from his vantage point in the lobby bar. It was just 6:30, so he had plently of time kill and the bar was as good a place as any. He had already put his suitcase and toy case in the room, but well out of sight.

As agreed, Sam joined Mathew in the bar at 7:00.

“I see the traffic wasn’t the problem you were afraid of,” said Mathew.

“Actually, I was so concerned about getting here on time, we took the day off and got here in time for lunch. Had a really nice afternoon. Not knowing what’s going on has Amy as horny as I’ve ever seen her.”

“Don’t take this wrong, but I’m looking forward to seeing her. Where is she now?”

“She’s in the room. I gave her a whole list of things to do and told her I’d call around 8 or so and give her further instructions.”

“What do you have her wearing?”

Sam answered, “Right now nothing. But her ‘going out’ outfit is a black mini, tube top, garter, stockings and heels. Going for the trailer slut look.”

“Damn. This is going to be good. You’re going to like Cindy and Don.”

“Gotta admit, that’s the one thing that’s kinda nerve wracking. What if they tell me to go to hell, or don’t even answer the door?”

“If it happens, walk away and give me a call; but it won’t. You remember what I told you about Don…and Cindy is a lot wilder then you’d think. After all, they got here, and they already had their instructions. If they really didn’t want to play, I doubt they would have come.”

“Good point. I’m still kinda nervous about the cock sucking thing.”

“If you don’t want him to suck you, then skip it. But, I’m telling you, it gets him going, makes her gush and you’ll never feel so dominant. Just remember, turn them on, but don’t let them cum. You’re just getting them ready. You got your bag?”

Sam pointed to the bag at the foot of his bar stool. He starred at his drink. “This is unbelievable, man. I owe you. Hell, we owe you!”

“Nobody owes anybody. Just six consenting adults doing what comes natural.”

They clinked glasses for one final toast.


The envelope that came with the key to the suite told Cindy and Don to be sure they were showered, shaved and collared by 7:30. They were to wait in their room until their guest arrived.

After his shower, Don put on a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt. Cindy wore a simple summer dress. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be wearing it for long. Of course, neither of them wore underwear in line with Mathew’s instructions.

“Are you ok with a strange guy coming in and telling us what to do?” Don asked Cindy.

“I’d be more nervous if you weren’t here. But there’s no way Mathew would do anything to put us in danger.”

“I didn’t really mean danger. I meant like, are you going to be ok if this guy tells you to blow him as soon as he comes in?”

“Honestly? I find it terribly exciting. Knowing Mathew, I know it would be safe. And being ordered around like a whore is an incredible turn on. The real question is are you ok with me sucking strange dick? Or maybe the real question is how will you feel if he tells you to blow him?”

“It’s all hot. I’m just a weak sub at heart who loves to see that his dear wife is well fucked.”

They kissed for a long moment. Then Cindy pulled away and said, “How does my collar look?”

With that, there was a knock on the door.

Don went to the door. Cindy stood in the middle of the room. “Who is it?” Don asked.

The firm voice on the other side of the door said simply, “Mathew sent me.”

Don opened the door and shook Sam’s hand.

“It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Don and this is my wife Cindy.”

Sam found it strangely exciting to see this fully clothed couple wearing their slave collars as if they were jewelry.

He dropped his bag, walked past Don and approached to Cindy. “Cindy, my name is Sam. It’s very nice to meet you.” He kissed her hand. “You are very beautiful. Why don’t you and Don sit down while we talk for a couple of minutes.”

This was not what they were expecting, but the gradual introduction was most welcomed.

“As I said, my name is Sam. When in scene you will call me ‘Sir’, but there will be plenty of social fun time and I look forward to getting to know you. My wife Amy will be joining us all at the appropriate time. I know your safe words and will honor them as Mathew would. Now if you don’t have any questions, I need to play this recording from Mathew.”

They nodded and Sam pushed the play button.

“Cindy and Don, I’m very grateful to you for coming and helping me make this a great birthday for Jamie and what I hope will be a significant lifetime experience for us all. Jamie does not know you are here, so surprise will be a key element.

Now Sam has introduced himself. He is a very good friend and Jamie and I have had the opportunity to play with his wonderful wife, Amy. You will meet her later. But right now, Sam will prepare you for our visit. You are to do what he says when he says it and obey him as you would me. Be good little subbies!”

Mathew almost ended the recording with “…your mission, if you should decide to accept it….”, but he thought it might kill the mood.


Amy was growing impatient. Sam told her to wait in the room until he called, but how long would that be? All she could think of was being Sam’s slave for the entire weekend. She hadn’t been this happy in her marriage before. Amy was so grateful to Mathew and Jamie for bringing out her submissive side; and for giving her the nerve to bring it up to Sam.

“Would he order her to strip? Fall on her knees to suck his cock? Bend over his knee to be spanked? Tied up and whipped?” The possibilities were endless and she was growing extremely horny. “What if Sam doesn’t allow me to come? And why did we come to the hotel anyway? He must have something up his sleeve.”

She could feel herself getting worked up just thinking about the possibilities. Amy stepped in the shower as instructed and let the hot water fall on her shoulders. She ran the soap across her breasts, taking time to be sure her firming nipples were very clean. “What is Sam going to demand of her tits tonight? Sucked? Twisted? Pinched? Slapped? Clamped?”

Her hand moved to her crotch and gently washed the outline of her labia and the space between her pussy and anus. She eased her hand through the crack of her ass and used her soapy fingers to ensure it was clean. “Would Sam plug it tonight? Finger it? Fuck it?”

Her pussy was very wet just thinking about the night. She had to cum now! Her fingers spread her cunt lips apart and eased into her as far as she could go. With her other hand she began to work her clit to what she hoped would be a quick orgasm.

Just as she was falling into a rhythm, the phone rang. “Damn him,” she thought. His timing is impeccable!


Jamie ran around the hotel room like a madwoman, desperate to get everything just as Mathew wanted. She unpacked by putting her makeup and toiletries in the bathroom, her clothes in the drawers and closet, and her collar on the bed.

The collar was new. Sky blue, two inches wide, with at least six D rings. The inside was lined with a soft fur-like lining. The golden padlock fastener was open and of course, without a key.

She put the printout of Mathew’s emailed instructions on the bed to use as a check list. She decided to open the wine first. Mathew didn’t say she couldn’t have a glass or two. It might help her get out of the frantic mindset she was in.

Jamie put the half finished glass on the shower bench where water wouldn’t bother it and started shaving as directed. Once she was dried off, she sat before the vanity and worked on her hair and makeup. Occasionally, she would daydream about what Mathew had in store, but she forced herself to concentrate on what she was doing. She knew she wouldn’t out guess Mathew, and besides, the last thing she wanted was to get all worked up now. There would be plenty of time for that later.

She fastened her collar and admired it in the mirror. “There,” she thought, all dressed!” Even she had to appreciate how hot she looked. The alarm clock went off; Jamie had set it to 7:25 so she would be in place, as instructed, when Mathew walks through the door.

Jamie stood about ten feet from the door and squatted down so her ass was resting on her feet. She spread her knees as far apart as she could while keeping her balance. Her hands went behind her head, her eyes were closed and her mouth was as open as she could hold it. Her tongue stuck out as far as it would go.

She listened intently at every sound coming from the hallway, and kept telling herself, “He’ll be here soon.”


“Well, we’d better get on with it. We’re running out of time,” said Sam.

Don and Cindy squeezed each other’s hand and looked toward Sam for his direction.

“Both of you stand. Cindy, take Don’s clothes from him. He’ll have no need of them tonight.”

Cindy always enjoyed this. She pulled Don’s t-shirt over his head and let it drop the floor. Next, she crushed her breasts against his chest while she unbuckled his belt. Cindy dropped to her knees to unzip his jeans. Her hands went around his hips and grabbed his ass checks. She then eased her hands down the backs of his legs while pulling his pants down to his feet. After lifting each foot to allow the pant legs to come off, Cindy stood as if to present a finished work of art to Sam.

Don put his hands behind his head as Mathew had taught him to do. His dick was starting to come to life.

“Don, go get my bag and bring it to me.”

Sam took his time taking everything out of the bag so they could both see it. Many of the items had uses that they could only guess at, but others served as a general outline of the night’s agenda.

He threw cuffs and collars at their feet. “Cuff each other wrists and ankles.”

Once completed, Sam told Don to stand before him. “Turn around. Hands down and behind your back”. Sam locked the cuffs together. Don felt a rubber ball gag being shoved into his mouth and buckled behind his head.

“I’m sure you’re an interesting guy, but I don’t want to hear you. Now, turn around again. I want to see your dick.” Sam took his seat to get an eye level view.

Sam pulled a leather cock ring from his pile of toys and snapped it around the base of Don’s cock. Not too tight to cut off circulation, but enough to make it very difficult for him to cum easily. Don’s dick was now at full attention.

Sam realized that was the first time he touched another man’s penis since childhood curiosity games. In fact, it was the first time another man touched Don’s. Feelings were confusing, but surprisingly exciting.

Cindy was standing with her hands in the correct position, watching her husband and feeling strong stirrings going on in her loins. She felt a little jealous of all the attention Don was getting and feeling a bit neglected.

Sam could not help but see Cindy’s fascination with her husband’s treatment. He said to her, “Don’t worry slut. You’re next.”

Don was having trouble dealing with one wave of sexual rush after another. When Sam called his wife, Slut, his cock grew harder yet.

Now Don, kneel down right here. That’s right, I want you to be able to see the little woman.

“Stand here between hubby and me. Good girl. Now tell me, do you want to be fucked by someone other than you husband tonight?”

Cindy turned to look at Don.

Sam barked, “Don’t be looking at him for an answer! He just let a man cuff him and tie his dick up. I asked you and I expect an answer.”

Cindy thought that maybe this would be the time to use her safe word. She knew what she wanted, but wasn’t absolutely sure about Don. Then again, Don could always use the safe word if he didn’t like the answer.

She couldn’t believe the words were forming in her mouth. “Yes, Sir.”

“Yes, Sir what? You have to really want it.”

“Yes, Sir. I really want someone other than my husband to fuck me tonight.”

Sam continued, “You don’t sound very enthusiastic! Let’s hear it again like you mean it!”

“I want to be fucked by another man!” Cindy said it like she meant it, because she meant it. A tear formed in her eye. It was not a tear of regret or shame. It was a tear of release.

Don was smiling so wide, Sam could tell even with the gag in his mouth.

“What do you think, Donny? Should your slut wife get fucked by Mathew and I tonight?”

Don looked up at Cindy and their eyes met. They both nodded yes at the same time.

Sam stood and attached a leash to Cindy’s collar. Then he pulled the elastic top of Cindy’s summer dress over her shoulders and down her arms. The sight of her freed tits was thing of beauty. “Amy’s going to love working those tits over.”

He lead her over to where Don was kneeling with the dress pulled down to her waist. Sam stood facing Don with Cindy by his side. With the leash still around one hand, he pulled the gag from Don’s mouth, unzipped his pants and pulled his firming dick out through the fly.

“I’m told you like sucking cock Donny. Let’s see what you can do. And don’t take your eyes off your wife.”

Don explored the head of Sam’s dick and tasted a trace of precum. Gradually, he worked Sam’s cock into his mouth and sucked. His eyes never left Cindy’s eyes.

Sam pulled Cindy’s leash to bring her face close to his. “Kiss me while your husband sucks me.”

Cindy gobbled Sam’s lips like she was on fire. Her tongue shot down his throat and her hands held the back on Sam’s head. Don sucked harder and faster. Cindy kept her left hand behind Sam’s head, but let her right hand drop to Don’s head. She pushed his face into Sam’s crotch.

Sam took his dick from Don’s mouth and backed away. “As much as I would love to play with you two all night, you’re not here for me. You’re here for the birthday girl. It won’t be long before she arrives and I’ve got to get her present wrapped. Get rid of the dress Cindy.”

Sam was quietly dealing with the realization that he could have easily cum in Don’s mouth. Now that the saw Cindy completely naked, he knew he had to come in her; any part of her. But he knew it would have to wait.

“Now both of you in the bedroom. Cindy, help me carry some of my stuff in.”

Sam handed her the things she was to carry and reached down to her pussy. She was defiantly not dehydrated.

“Slut.” he said, as he slapped her ass and headed her off to join Don in the bedroom. She was smiling from ear to ear.


Jamie finally heard the door open and Mathew walk in. He had fantasized about Jamie presenting herself this way before, but his imagination came no where near the reality. Here was a woman that was totally his. More importantly, a woman that wants nothing more than to be totally his. The spread lips of her pussy and gaping mouth caused his cock to instantly become as hard as rock.

As Jamie expected, Mathew put his dick in her mouth without so much as a ‘hello’.

“Well birthday girl, is that what you wanted? My dick in your mouth?”

Jamie nodded yes and almost fell over.

Mathew said nothing for a few minutes. He had his eyes closed and was enjoying every bit of Jamie’s mouth magic. He could already tell, she was in into it tonight.

“For your birthday, I’ve decided that you will be a fuck toy. You will fuck when I want, where I want and who I want. You will be an outstanding little sub and make me very proud. Now give me my dick back.”

Jamie was not surprised by the “when” and “where”, but the “who” was new. It hit her; she was going to have a fantasy fulfilled. Now she was glad she was another year older.

Mathew put a finger in her wide open pussy. “Already getting into it, I see.”

After a few pictures of Jamie in her position, it was time to get her ready.


Sam wanted nothing more than to throw Cindy on the bed and fuck the hell out of her. But not only did he not have time, he promised Mathew that he wouldn’t to anything to potentially ruin the flow of the evening.

“Stand and hold each other in your arms as tightly as you can.” He almost forgot to free Don’s hands.

Don and Cindy held each other in a bear hug. Sam hand cuffed each of them with their hands behind the other’s back. A rope was wrapped around their torsos to hold them together as tightly as possible without interfering with circulation.

More rope was used to secure Cindy’s right leg to Don’s left leg, and then the same with the other legs. While their legs were tied together, they could still spread them apart. Sam attached a spreader bar to their ankle cuffs, keeping their feet about three feet apart. One more rope was wrapped around their waists to minimize wiggle room.

Sam used a short clip to lock their collars together. They were just close enough to allow them to rub each other’s cheek but the clip was not long enough to allow them to kiss.

Sam laid them on their side on the bed. He figured he’d let them decide who was on top. Blindfolds for both and gag for Cindy that matched Don’s and Sam was done.

He looked at his masterpiece and couldn’t help but take a few pictures. Something to show his grandchildren someday.

Don was still hard and Cindy was wet. Sam decided to one more touch before he left.

“You two are now all wrapped up as a present for the birthday girl. Mathew wanted me to remind you that you are still to be totally submissive to Jamie as well as Mathew and myself. You won’t be here for long, but you are not to make any noise. You’ll ruin the surprise. I’ve decided to leave you with something to work on to help the time fly by.”

With that, Sam reached between their legs. He took Don’s dick and put the head of it into Cindy’s cunt.

“You should be alone for about the next 30 minutes or so. When I return, Don’s dick is to be where it is right now. If there has been any fucking, you will share in a most unpleasant punishment.”

Sam shut the door to the bedroom and went out of the suite to the hallway.

After ten minutes, they couldn’t stand it. Cindy pushed down on Don’s cock just as Don decided to push into her pussy. In their current predicament, it was hard for them to come right away. But with a little hard work and determination, they made it happen.

OK, they knew they were probably going to get their asses beat, but it was worth it. Cindy thought that if she managed to get Don hard again, maybe no one would notice. It was a long shot, but what the heck, it was something to do.


“There is nothing I’d rather do than cum in your mouth right now. But we can’t be late for your party,” Mathew told the Jamie as he wiped the pussy moisture on his fingers between her lips. Jamie sucked them gently.

“On all fours, little one. Ass in the air.”

Mathew went to the closet to recover the suitcase he left there before she checked in. He opened it on the bed and removed a good sized butt plug and lube.

“First we get this birthday ass plugged up. I know how much you like that.”

Some lube on her anus and a bit more on the plug. Mathew put it to her puckered little asshole and eased it in. It would be in for awhile and he wanted to be sure it settled as well as it could.

Jamie moaned when the widest part was clearing her entrance. Mathew swatted her ass and told her to be quiet. He then gave her a couple more just because he enjoyed the first one so much.

“Stand up and get this on. It will help keep the plug in. There’ll be hell to pay if it falls out.”

Mathew handed her what looked like a g-string. However, it was modified in such a way as the rear string was wide enough and elastic enough to hold the plug firmly in place. The front patch of material was slit down the middle to allow unimpeded access to her cunt.

Mathew attached something to the front, just above the slit. “I’m sure you’ll remember this.”

He used the remote to turn the butterfly clit vibrator on. It was on the lowest setting and only for a few seconds. That was enough to make Jamie relive good memories.

“Thank you Sir. This girl does not deserve your kindness.”

Mathew kissed her deeply while she continued to hold her hands behind her head. He rolled each nipple between his fingers and massaged each breast with both hands. Her nipples were as hard as little pebbles.

He put two fingers into her cunt. They went in easily as her natural lubrication was already working overtime. He replaced his fingers with a traditional 7” dildo. He worked it into her pussy and moved it in and out a few times. Jamie’s eyes were closed.

“Take the dildo in your hands and work in your cunt. Don’t let it come out.”

Mathew stepped back and took a few more photos for the ages. He turned the vibrator on to the middle setting. Jamie’s reaction was strong and immediate.

“Keep working your cunt while I give you your birthday jewelry. Oh, and by the way, since it’s your birthday, you may ask for my permission to orgasm.”

“Sir, may the girl cum? Please Sir, may I?”

“Not now.” He turned off the vibrator and took the dildo from her. She thought she was going to pass out from frustration. She was so close.

“I have a gift for you. Jewerly.”

Jamie watched as Mathew took a thin long chain out of a small box. Attached to the chain, about eight inches from each end, was a golden loop that fit around each nipple. Mathew secured the loops to each of Jamie’s nipples and stood back to look.

The chain draped from tit to tit, highlighting Jamie’s beauty. She looked in the mirror behind Mathew and had to admit that it gave her an exotic and almost regal appearance. She liked it, and as a bonus, the loops around her nipples don’t hurt.

Forgetting her frustration, Jamie said, “Thank you, Sir.

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It’s very pretty. I love it.”

Mathew said nothing. He picked up her blue satin short robe and put it on her. The belt was tied loosely, but more than sufficiently for now. The vibrator went back on.

“Sit in the chair. Here, put this back in.” Mathew said as he tossed her the dildo.

While Jamie slowly started to get the dildo working again, Mathew got the wrist and ankle cuffs from the suitcase. He took the rest of the bag’s contents and put them in smaller black gym bag.

As he put the cuffs on Jamie, he said, “Do you want to please me on your birthday?”

Jamie answered, “Yes, Sir. What do you want me to do?”

“Cum for me, Jamie.”

Mathew worked her nipples through the thin bathrobe. The new sensation Jamie felt because of the nipple jewelry was more than exciting. He pushed the butterfly into her clit and moved it back and forth. Jamie pushed the dildo in hard and held it there. Her back arched and her right leg shook as a huge orgasm overtook her. Mathew shoved his tongue down her throat.

Jamie held Mathew near. He turned off the vibrator, removed the dildo and waited for her to recover her facilities.

“It’s time for your party, Sweetie. Put the high heels on and then stand up.”

Mathew put the small blue ball gag in her mouth and fastened it around her head. He knew she hated it, but it was probably for the best; at least for awhile. Once Mathew completed the outfit with a blindfold, attached her leash to her collar and cuffed her hands behind her back, it was time for more pictures. She was so hot. So beautiful. So Jamie.

Mathew put the handles of the small black bag in her hands and told her to carry it.

“Come on, Jamie. It’s time for a little walk.”

Jamie felt Mathew yank her by her collar and guide her in the desired direction. She realized he was leading her around the room. It was challenging at first. Between the black bag and the high heels, not to mention the blindfold, it took some effort to maintain her balance. Mathew didn’t hesitate to smack her ass a time or two to help her concentration.

Jamie was startled when she heard Mathew open the door to the room. “Where are we going?”

“We are going where I say we’re going! Now come on, we’ll be late for your party.”

Jamie thought, “Is he really going to take me out to the hall of the hotel where I can be seen by anyone going by? We’ll get thrown out…worse, I’ll go to jail.” She thought about using her safe word. She always thought if she used it, it would be because of pain…not simple humiliation…that usually turned her on.”

Then it struck her. She knew Mathew would do nothing to harm her or cause her to be in any trouble. She knew she must trust her Master. She knew he would be so proud of his little subbie.

Jamie stepped forward and said, “Yes, Sir,” but it sounded like a distorted hum through the gag.

Jamie didn’t know that Mathew carried a large bathrobe to put around her if any one was in the hall, or that he choose this time of day because of the usually light hall traffic. Besides, the destination suite was just at the end of the hall.

Mathew took his time leading her down the hall. Jamie thought it was the longest walk of her life. She was hoping Mathew would say something; anything to give her an idea of where they were going or how long she would be in this hallway.

When she finally did hear a voice, she thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest. All she knew for sure was that it was not Mathew.

The male voice said, “Oh my, what have we here?”

Mathew replied, “What this?” Jamie felt a tug on her leash encouraging her to stand up straight. “This is my sweet little pet. Today is her birthday, so I’m celebrating by taking her for a little walk.”

Jamie could feel the humiliation burning through her entire being, and she knew that it was exactly what Mathew had intended.

As she felt Mathew pull the ball gag from her mouth, he said, “Sweetie, please introduce us to this gentleman and explain to him what we are doing.”

Jamie felt her stomach turn over in her gut, but that sensation was instantly forgotten when she felt the vibrator turn on.

Mathew coaxed her out of her stunned silence. “I believe I told you to do something birthday girl.”

Jamie started, “This is Mathew. He is my love and my Master. I am his to do with as he pleases.”

The male voice asked, “Why are you dressed like that, and why are you out in the hall?”

Jamie knew there was only one correct answer, “Because I was told to.”

“What happens if you don’t do what you’re told?”

Jamie was sure her face must have been beat red from this ordeal. But the vibrations in her crotch were causing her body to betray her. It was incredibly exciting. She could feel her hardened nipples against the inside of her robe.

“Then I am punished.”

The male voice asked, “How are you punished?” She saw that question coming from a mile away.

“It is always up to my Master. I can be told to stand in the corner, I could be ignored, I could be spanked, or whipped, or tied up, or hung upside down. Whatever my Master requires.”

Mathew said, “Tell the nice man how you were punished last weekend for taking the TV remote from me.”

She couldn’t believe he was going to make her tell that! But then again she could. She felt the intensity of the vibrator increase. She kept her legs as close together as she could to keep her pussy from leaking down her leg.

“After I was spanked until my ass was red, I got to suck Master’s penis for the entire forth quarter of the game.”

The strange voice said, “You have a very beautiful slave,” as Mathew returned her gag to her mouth. She usually did not like the gag, but it gave her great relief to know she wouldn’t need to answer any more questions. She waited for Mathew to wish the stranger well and move on.

“I hope you give your little one wonderful gifts for her birthday. This beauty needs to be rewarded.”

Mathew said, “Actually, I got her some very special jewelry. Here, let me show you.”

Jamie felt Mathew untie the sash to her robe and push it over her shoulders back to hold it open. She was mortified that she was standing in a public hallway, displaying her body to a complete stranger.

“Wow! That chain is very pretty. May I?”

She felt him pull gently on the chain as if to examine it closer, but knew it was to see her reaction as the loops tugged at her nipples. Just as she felt the tug, Mathew turned the vibrator up yet again. Jamie hoped there weren’t too may levels too go.

“May I ask what that is on the front of her panties?”

Mathew answered matter of factly, “Oh that, that’s her butterfly clit vibrator. See, I control it with this remote.”

“It’s hard to believe that little thing could vibrate hard enough to really excite her.”

Jamie felt her heart go into her throat when she heard Mathew say, “Go ahead and touch it. It’s stronger than you think.”

The stranger pressed on the outside of the butterfly with significantly more pressure than he needed to feel its strength. Jamie knew she passed the point of no return. Not only was she being displayed virtually naked with her hands cuffed behind her back and an plug up her ass, she was about to orgasm in front of a perfect stranger in a public hallway.

The stranger rubbed the vibrating butterfly around her clit. Mathew squeezed her left breast and sucked on the nipple of her right. Her orgasm wracked through her like a freight train. She felt the butt plug being forced out of her ass by the spasms in her cunt. She bit down on the ball gag that held her scream in her throat as she realized she was cuming by the hands of someone else besides Mathew. Her knees were weak, and she felt someone catch her as her ability to balance left her and she started to fall.

She heard Mathew say, “Sit here, little one, and catch your breath. You are a very good and very beautiful birthday girl.”

Jamie was regaining her composure when she suddenly wondered how a chair got in the hallway. “Where the hell am I?”

She felt the ball gag being released from around her head. Mathew knelt down in front of her, removed her blindfold, pushed her hair back from her forehead, and held her face as he kissed her deeply.

She opened her eyes and realized she was in a large suite. Mathew had brought her into the suite and let her think she was in the hall. “That scheming bastard,” she thought.

She looked him in the eye and said, “Thank you.”

Mathew said, “Happy birthday, Sweetie. You still have a lot more presents to open.” He rose to his feet. “But first, I want you to meet Sam.”

She turned and looked at Sam. “Are you Sam? Amy’s Sam?”

“That’s me.” He lifted Jamie’s hand to kiss it. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet the birthday girl. Amy has told me a lot of good things about you. A lot.”

“You’re cool with all of this?” was all Jamie could think to say.

“More than cool. I’m deeply in debt to you two.”

Jamie laughed, “Well, you sure made a good sized down payment on that debt. Is Amy here?”

“She’ll be here any minute. She has no idea why she’s here. She has no idea that I’ve even met you guys. This should be fun.”

“I’m dying to see the look on her face,” answered Jamie.

Mathew spoke and held her hand. “We don’t have much time before she gets here, and you need some additional instructions before she gets here. For the rest of the weekend you do not need anyone’s permission to cum and you and Amy will be obedient to both Sam and me. Now get down so I can take your ass plug out, at least for now, and then go look in the bedroom for your next birthday gift.”

She really liked having the plug in, but it did get old after awhile. She opened the bedroom door and tentatively reached in to turn on the lights. Jamie expected a new toy or whip or something like that. Instead, there on the bed was Cindy and Don; all tied up and all for her.”

“Surprise!” cried Mathew and Sam. “Your very own subbies!”

“Just what I wanted! Can I open my present now?”

“Wait,” Sam said. “There’s something I need to check first.” He reached down between their trussed crotches. He turned to Amy with his finger in Cindy’s pussy. “I told these sluts to not fuck!” Addressing the offenders, he said, “I’ll bet I wasn’t gone 5 minutes before you blatantly defied my instruction!” He slapped each of them on their asses, and it hurt.

“I should chain the both of you up and whip the crap out you for that! But since I don’t want to break Jamie’s present I’ll let her take care of you. I recommend you don’t fail any of us again!”

Jamie thought he was actually kind of scary, but noticed the smirk he let Mathew see.

“We’ll let you deal with them.” Mathew said to Jamie. “Sam and I have a phone call to make.”


Amy jumped out of the shower to answer the phone. She suddenly understood the reason for bathroom telephones.


Sam got right to the point. “Put the outfit on that’s in the second drawer under my jeans, then come to Room 61200. You have 15 minutes.”

She heard him hang up. “15 minutes! Crap.”

She dried off quickly and continued to rub the towel through her hair while she opened the drawer. Under the jeans were her black mini skirt, a white tube top, stockings, garter belt, heels and black lace panties. She put them on the bed then concentrated on her hair and make up. She knew her hair would never dry in time.

As she put her heels on she glanced at the clock and saw that she only had three minutes to get there. Fortunately, she was only one floor below and could take the stairs. Not only would she get there quicker, but it lowered the potential number of people that would see her in this outfit. She was proud of the way she looked in the mirror. Slutty, but damn good. She was proud of the way her breasts filled out the tube top, even without a bra.

It was a little hard going up the stairs in the heels and mini skirt, but she got to the right floor quickly. She spent a few moments making sure she had the right room. She did not want to knock on a stranger’s door in this get up.

One of the hotel ice buckets was on the floor next to the door. She double checked the room number and knocked. At first there was no answer. She knocked again.

“Who is it?”

A surge of relief went through her as the voice was definitely Sam’s.

“It’s me.” Amy responded in almost a whisper.

“I can’t hear you! Who is it?”

She spoke up. “It’s Amy. Let me in.”

“Step away from the door so I can see you through the eye hole.”

Amy stepped away about 4 or 5 feet and waited for the door to open.

“You look like a slut, Amy. Are you sure you want to come in?”

She put her face near the door to minimize the needed volume to her voice. “Yes, I want to come in. I look like a slut because of these clothes. Now, please let me in.”

“I’m embarrassed by your lack of respect Amy. Take your clothes off.”

“Here? I’m in the middle of the hallway. Someone will see me.”

There was silence for at least a full minute. Finally, all she heard was, “I’m waiting.”

Amy was angry and embarrassed and more then disappointed that she wasn’t already in his arms. But she also knew how wet her pussy was becoming. “Dammit! He knows how to get her hornier than hell.”

She looked up and down the hall, then kicked off her shoes. Next, she took off her stockings and garter belt and worked her panties down her now naked legs. She figured she would be able to remove the skirt and top quickly and then be let in.

She took the top off, then the skirt. She could feel the relief as the door finally opened.

She stepped forward, but the safety chain was attached.

“Hand me your clothes.” Sam commanded.

Amy complied right away, figuring that the faster she gave them to him, the faster he would open the door. The door slammed shut.

“Open the ice bucket that’s on the floor and put on what’s in there.” came the voice through the door.

Amy opened the bucket and saw a slave collar. She was shocked when she realized it wasn’t just any collar. It looked exactly like the collar Mathew made her wear on that first day. The red color and buckle design was hard to forget. She couldn’t believe Sam would pick the same one.

Once she got the collar on, Sam said, “That looks very nice. Do me a favor while you’re out there. Go fill the ice bucket up, will you?”

“Please Sam, someone’s going to come and see me. Please let me in?”

Sam feigned anger. “You insolent little bitch! Where do you get off calling me ‘Sam’? Move your slutty little ass to the ice machine and get back here on your hands and knees! Now move it, or go home!”

Amy could feel the moistness in her pussy increase. She needed to surrender. “Yes, Sir.” She knew a different approach would be in order.

She trotted down the hall to the vending area that contained the ice machine. She filled the bucket and turned to run back to the room. When she turned, she was looking square in the eye of the soft drink vending machine guy. The poor bastard couldn’t believe what he was looking at.

As his eyes looked up and down Amy’s body, he said, “Well…hello there.”

Amy put the top on the ice bucket and said, “Hi!” as she stepped around him and headed back down the hall. He stood at the door watching her until she went around the corner and out of sight.

She got to the door, dropped to her hands and knees as directed and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”

“Sir, it’s your little slut whore with the ice. I’ve been very disrespectful and need to be corrected. Would you please correct this bitch?”

Mathew looked at Sam and quietly said, “I’m impressed”. He went to sit in the main room. Sam opened the door.

“Crawl in here. Keep your eyes to the floor.”

Amy was so happy to see the door open, she gathered up the ice bucket and crawled into the room with her head down. This was going to be good.

Sam took the ice from her and knelt down behind her. Three fingers slid into her well hydrated cunt. He slid them out and ran them over her ass before plunging back in. Amy knew it would not be long until her first orgasm if he kept this up. Sam suddenly filled her pussy with two of the cresent shaped pieces of ice and held her lips together to stop them from falling.

“It won’t take long for you to melt those. Did the vending guy turn you on?”

Amy closed her eyes and let the shock of the cold ease up and felt the ice melt in her cunt. “A little, Sir, yes.”

Sam pushed one more into her ass.

“Get in the living room. Kneel facing the wall with your hands behind your head.”

She thought that was a bit odd. Sam always wanted her to hold her hands on her thighs. Behind the head was Mathew’s thing. She crawled in and assumed the position.

“Bend over bitch. I’m plugging your ass.”

Amy put her head down and held her ass high. Sam’s fingers covered her brown spot with lube. The lube usually felt cold at first, but with a melting ice cube in her ass, it felt warm as toast. She relaxed as she felt the plug ease in. She loved the fullness.

“Stand up with you eyes closed tightly and keep your arms where they are. Now turn around and face me.”

Amy expected Sam to inspect her thoroughly and declare something amiss that would require punishment. But to her surprise, the next voice she heard was a woman’s!

Jamie walked in from the bedroom dressed only in her robe, her collar and her cuffs. She held the leashes of her two little pets and guided them as they crawled behind her. The ropes were off, but they were now cuffed also, and the gags remained in place. Mathew smiled when he saw how pink their asses were.

“You’re not starting the party without the birthday slut are you?” Jamie asked with the most sincerity she could muster.

Amy opened her eyes and watched Jamie hand the leashes to Sam and run over to Mathew. She held him, kissed him, and said, “This is going to be the best birthday I’ve ever had. Thank you, Sir.”

Mathew said, “Jamie, your pets are yours to do with what you want tonight. But you are to obey both Sam and myself. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir. Sir…Sirs, may I please kiss Amy?”

Mathew deferred to Sam. “Yes you may,” Sam said, “but, I also want you to do me a favor.”

“Yes, Sir. What may this girl do for you?”

Sam made a note about how careful Jamie is with her language of respect. Amy needs some serious training in that area.

“Jamie, Amy slut has embarrassed me greatly and I need to apologize to everyone here for her behavior. First she failed to follow my commands at the door. Then she let her pussy get wet while she was supposed to be concentrating on what I told her to do. She could not honor a simple request to get us some ice without whining. Just now, she opened her eyes after I told her to keep them closed. I’m so disappointed that I don’t even have the strength to punish her. I want you to punish her. Ensure that she will remember this lesson for a very long time.”

Jamie bowed her head and said, “Yes, Sir.” She walked over to Amy and kissed her full on the lips. Amy sucked on Jamie’s tongue. The thought of Jamie punishing her was moving her dangerously close to cuming. “Hell,” she thought, “I’ll get punished for that too.”

Jamie addressed her charge. “Did you really fail your Master that badly?”

Amy looked down and said, “Yes. Yes, Mistress, I did fail him.”

You have come very close to ruining my birthday; and after all the effort my Master and everyone else here went through. You have insulted my Master, and your Master. Do know you need to be punished?

“Yes, Jamie. I’m sorry.”

Jamie went to Sam and took Don’s leash from him. As she tugged it she said, “Get on your feet and go get the rope from the bedroom.”

It took Don only a few seconds to retrieve the ropes. He held them out to Jamie.

Jamie said, “Tie this thankless bitch’s hands behind her back.” She turned to Cindy. “Come here Cindy.”

Cindy was grateful to stand up. Jamie went to Mathew’s bag and removed the nipple clamps. She handed them to Cindy. “Put these on her tits.”

Cindy started by pinching one of Amy’s nipples to harden it as much as possible.

Don finished binding Amy’s hands and looked to Jamie for further instructions. “Take out your gag and put it on her.” He was happy to be rid of the ball gag, but made an effort not to show it.

Cindy clamped the first nipple and Amy instinctively turned away from her. Jamie had Don hold her still. She lifted Amy head by her chin and told her, “That just earned you five strokes with the cane. Stand still and accept Cindy’s gift!”

Cindy attached the second clamp and yanked the connecting chain. Whatever Amy said was muffled by her gag..

“Put her over the footstool. If she moves from that spot, we’ll each give her five.”

Don pushed her toward the stool and pushed her to her knees. Cindy pushed her head down and rested it on its edge.

“Let’s get this ass warmed up before the cane. Don, spank her ten times. Rub her ass after each one. I want her to last for awhile.”

After Don’s tenth stinging slap to her ass, a small part of her was ready for the cane.

“Cindy, now you give her ten.”

Cindy was surprised at how much she enjoyed spanking this woman; a complete stranger to her until a few minutes ago. Amy’s ass took on a red glow. Jamie took the cane from Mathew’s arsenal.

“Five with the cane. Move and it’s five more.”

Jamie took her time striping her rear with five parallel lines. Amy was quiet, but the tears streamed down her checks. Jamie left her there for a few moments to let her regain her wits.

She went to Sam and knelt down in front of him on one knee. “Master Sam, would it please you if I were to have Cindy slut suck your dick?”

Sam fell in the nearest chair. “That would please me very much. Make sure Amy has a front row seat.”

“Cindy, is your pussy still wet?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Remove Master Sam’s clothes and suck his dick until he comes in your mouth. Keep his cum in your mouth and don’t swallow.”

Cindy knelt between Sam’s legs and unzipped his pants.

Jamie turned to Don. “Stand over her next to Master Sam and watch you wife’s face get fucked.”

Don couldn’t move fast enough. His half hard erection was now fully developed and at complete attention. Jamie took his balls in one hand and removed his leather cock ring with the other. She started to stroke his dick just as Cindy removed the last of Sam’s clothes. Don remained fixated at the sight of his wife taking this virtual stranger in her mouth.

Jamie looked at Mathew sitting on the couch taking this all in. “Sir, would you like to fuck Cindy from behind?”

“I would like that very much, Jamie.”

Jamie stopped stroking Don and went over to Amy. She untied her hands and lifted her face from the stool. “Take Master Mathew’s clothes off.”

Amy crawled over to the couch and started with his shoes. Once he was naked, he knelt down behind Cindy. Jamie fell on her knees and sucked his cock until it was completely hard. She then took his dick in her hands and guided it to Cindy’s pussy. His first stroke slid into her very went cunt with ease. Mathew started fucking her.

Jamie took Amy by her collar. “Over here and suck Don off while he watches his wife get fucked by two guys!”

Amy was more than ready for a dick. As she worked Don in and out of her mouth, she couldn’t take her eyes off of Sam being pleasured by this friend of Mathew. Mathew was fucking Cindy harder and faster now. Sam was holding her head to his crotch by pulling by her collar. Don looked like he could possibly pass out. The sights and sounds were becoming too much for him to handle.

Jamie started the camcorder. This was a scene she knew she would want to re-experience more than often.

She went to Mathew and massaged his balls while she kissed the back of his neck and gently pinched his nipples. Mathew arched his back and filled Cindy’s cunt while Jamie reached for her clit. Cindy was in the middle of her orgasm as Sam grunted and filled her mouth. Amy sucked Don harder and faster.

Jamie went to Don. “Do you like having your dick sucked? Don’t you think you should thank me?”

“Yes. Thank you, Mistress! May I cum, Mistress?”

OK, but cum on this bitch’s face.

Don couldn’t hold out any longer. He shook as he shot more than a normal load on to Amy’s forehead.

Jamie had Amy lay down on the floor and had Cindy empty her mouth on her face.

Mathew took Jamie in his arms. “You are turning into a hell of switch, baby.”

She kissed him and stroked his cock. She held her hand up to her nose. “mmm, my favorite scent, Balls and Cunt.”

Mathew settled her into the nearest chair. “It’s time for the birthday girl to get a ride!” Starting with her inner thighs, he moved his tongue up to her pussy. He motioned to Don to come over.”

Mathew took himself from her pussy. “Down here, Don. We’re all going to take turns eating Jamie until she cums. Amy, you’re next.”

Jamie was too close to cuming. Don was pretty good at this. Mathew tapped him out and told Amy to get to it.

Sam watched Amy and Jamie for a awhile and then asked Mathew, “OK if I play with those tits?”

“Help yourself.”

Sam wrapped his arms around the back of Jamie’s chair and took each tit in his hands. She rolled her head back and shut her eyes. One man was squeezing her tits and working her nipples, while another was lapping her hot cunt.

Mathew was fully aware that Amy was the only one that hadn’t cum yet. He took the battery operated dildo with the built in clit vibrator and worked it into her cunt as she went down on Jamie. She pushed back with an urgency caused by her now over excited state.

Don crawled over to Cindy and began eating her freshly fucked cunt. Cindy grabbed his ears and shouted, “Get that cum out of your wife’s fuck hole!” Don went at her with wild abandon, augmenting his oral efforts with three fingers in her pussy and his small finger in her ass.

Sam and Amy worked together to pull Jamie from the chair and lay her on the floor. Amy stepped up her lap licking as Mathew increased the settings on Amy’s dildo. He lubricated his finger with her pussy juice and slowly started to work it into her ass.


Written by xzf5z6
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