It had been a truly shitty day. He parked the car in the driveway and turned the engine off. He stayed in his seat, trying to figure out how to rub this day off his temper. He could come up with two solutions. None of them really held any appeal to him though. Beating the sandbag just wouldn’t do it for him today. He needed more than that. Beating his sex slave might, but then again. Could he hold his temper? He didn’t want to hurt her badly. Oh, it’d be fun, but grossly unfair. That wouldn’t have touched him with any of her predecessors, but this one was different. Lately, she’d been the only positive thing in his life, really.
Maybe he should reward her for that. Take her out for a good dinner and a show. A few good laughs would do him quite a lot of good as well. Hell, yes. That was it. A few good laughs, something good to eat, and then home to get laid – by her. That’d be the cure for his blues – no doubt.
He opened the front door and kicked his shoes off. There was a little noise from the bathroom. So she was taking a shower. Good. He was home early anyway, so he took off his jacket and hung it on the hanger, she’d put out for him. None of the others had ever done that. They’d only done what they were told. Not this one though. She was truly subservient. Always coming up with new little surprises for him. New little ways to make his life easier and more comfortable. Yep, this one was a keeper – no doubt. He ditched his tie and opened the two top buttons of his shirt.
He smiled to himself at the memory of yesterday’s night. They’d been lying in bed, talking about sex and stuff. She had confided that she had actually never jerked off on her own account. Not that she thought it sinful or anything. She’d just never seen the point. He’d been amazed. He’d told her, she ought to do so sometimes. Apart from being a healthy way of venting, it was also great education in how her body reacted to different stimuli. He had asked her if she would do it on camera once in a while so that she could show it to him, and that way they could make some of their sex games even more stimulating for both of them. He started towards the bathroom. Partly to take a leak, but mainly to watch her in the shower. Her exquisite body inspired him to no end.
He chuckled a little at the memory of her expression, as she – partly shocked – partly aroused by the idea – had agreed to film herself going at it for his sake. Oh, the sweetness of this one was truly addictive. He would have to do something to ensure that this one stayed with him. It ought to be possible. It seemed like she actually loved him. He was beginning to suspect that that was a mutual feeling.
Close to the bathroom door, he stopped dead in his tracks. What was that? A moan? He concentrated on listening. What he was hearing left no doubt in his mind. She was going hard at it in the steam shower. A wide smile played on his face, as he stripped naked and very, very silently opened the door to the bathroom.
The view was amazing. She had three fingers deeply buried in her twat. Her palm was pounding against her clit. Her eyes were closed tight in ecstasy as she rolled one nipple between two fingers of the other hand. His cock jumped to attention, as he listened to her panting and moaning.
Soundlessly he slid open the door of the shower cabin, making sure he covered it with his body. She was so completely engulfed in her randiness, that she was utterly unaware of anything in her surroundings – let alone his presence. He reached out to pinch her other nipple, putting on his deep baritone voice, that seemed to go straight to her groin.
“Would you happen to need a little help with that, pet?”
– — o O o — – -
It had been a strange feeling. She had gotten up, feeling dirty after last night’s hot sweating sex. She was amazed at how much he cared for her part. He had actually once said that sex was only good if she came as well. Her previous masters had only cared for their own release. But this one was different. So much that she was actually growing attached to him – despite her previous experiences. That was stupid. She had been very scared, once she realized just how afraid she’d become of losing him. She had told him once, and he had answered, that there was no reason to worry about that. He wanted to keep her. She had heard that song before though. But this one really was different. Not just a cock with a whip.
The way she could see the little extra things she did for him actually pleased him and made her happy. She’d never felt like that before. He smiled at her, almost every time she did something for him, that he had not ordered himself. She didn’t really understand that. That was the entire point of being a slave, wasn’t it? Had his other slaves been that lax? What a waste! A master like that DESERVED somebody that served him – and served him well. She was determined to be that one. To get that good. She would have to ask him how to improve though. She was running out of ideas herself. She hoped he would help her become better so that he wouldn’t grow tired of her and send her on to another jerk like the others before him.
This one had feelings and didn’t have any problems sharing them. Perhaps...NO! That line of thinking was too dangerous. She had been there before. No more of that. She would serve him, and serve him well, and enjoy it for as long as it lasted. And that was that. No more fooling herself into believing that a MAN of his class would be interested in a lasting relationship with someone like her.
She was in love with him though. And honestly quite sure that he felt likewise. But there was no way she was going to let her feelings run that much out of control again. NEVER! She would serve his every wish. She would make sure he had no reason whatsoever to be angry with her. And she would enjoy the outrageously good sex for as long as it lasted. End of story. And right now she was on a mission.

Last night they had talked about masturbation. He had been astonished that she had never played with herself except when ordered to do so. He had told her about all the good sides of it and asked her to start doing so – on camera. Well, an order was an order – even when concealed as a friendly request. She would give him what he wanted. He had mentioned different stimuli – and immediately the steam shower had sprung to her mind. The thought had actually made her hot. She was quite certain he would enjoy this movie. She had already set up the camera. Now she was going to put on a show for him, that would convince him to keep her a little longer.
She entered the bathroom and started stripping for the camera. Slow blues on the stereo. HIS favourite music. She was doing all the moves he liked. Heck, she liked it as well. The thought of how horny he would be when she played this tape for him, was making her pussy soaking wet. She stepped into the shower. She had very carefully swept the windows of the shower cabin with the glycerine solution he used on the windows of his cars and bike helmet to avoid them steaming up. Now was show time!
She turned the steam on and started lathering up with soap. Very carefully remembering to make the show as hot as possible, she was playing with herself. She massaged her tits thoroughly. Her one hand moved to her groin and started to massage her labia. Her pussy was soaked in juices. She was doing this for HIM. It was going to be good! As she stuffed first one finger and a little later two into her pussy, liquid fire started rolling around in her body. From her abdomen through her pussy far down into her thighs, it burned. It was marvellous. She added another finger as she started piching her nipple hard. It was weird. She would almost swear, she could actually feel another pinch on the other nipple...
From very very far away she heard a familiar voice. HIS voice.
“Would you happen to need a little help with that, pet?”
– — o O o — – -
Just as she opened her eyes and stared into HIS sapphire blue gaze, she lost it. With a scream of lust, her orgasm overwhelmed her so that her legs slipped away under her. She stumbled forward into his incredibly strong arms. He caught her with the same ease a pro player would have caught a softball. Completely trusting his ability to hold her, she let go and fell into his amazingly gentle – yet firm embrace. He took her up in his arms and carried her to the bench on the other side of the room – stopping on the way to push the camera around with his foot. He lay her down gently on her back and bent over her to kiss her. His hand found its way to her nipple again. The other hand came to rest on her hand still buried in her twat. A slight pressure was applied, and liquid fire started rolling again, as he bent down and took her nipple between his lips and sucked hard. The other hand started spanking lightly on her other tit. Her chest began to rise in time with the swats. They slowly intensified as did the liquid fire. Her fingers started massaging her G-spot. She felt a finger of his slide in along her own. It found the spot she was so feverishly thumbing and took over. Gently tapping it to the beat of the music, she started to push back against it what little she could.
His mouth disappeared from her tit. The other hand followed, and she felt an acute sense of loss. But then his hand took hers and gently but firmly guided it to her tit. Her other hand found the other nipple on it own. She started playing with them, with a feeling that something monumental was about to happen. He walked around her legs, his finger inside her never even missing a beat. Her eyes closed again as her feelings went berserk and she lost touch with anything but the tapping in her pussy and the pinching on her nipples.
She felt a finger on his other hand slide up the crack to take up the counterbeat at her asshole. She wanted to hump both of them, but when she tried to move towards one of them, she lost touch with the other. She couldn’t move at all. No chain in the world could have held her more firmly in place than HIS two fingers were doing right now.
Stars exploded behind her eyelids. She heard herself scream in lustful pain, as his lips closed firmly on her erect clit. Her pussy erupted in fire, and what felt like gallons of fluid splashed out of it and onto his face and torso. She screamed again as one more of his fingers entered her and prolonged her orgasm. Totally out of her mind with horniness, she reached out and grabbed his hair and pulled his face into her twat.
He drank her nektar. He was so overwhelmed by the enormity of her eruption, that he let her take control. He felt her foot come up between his legs, to gently caress his boner, and he lost it right at her first touch, his come covering her lower leg and foot. Weak from his own explosion he slumped against her groin, as she gently started to come down from her avalanche-like orgasm.
With a worried look, she raised her face to look down at him, her hands still entangled in his hair. As if she had burned it, her hand shot away from him, and he smiled at her.
“I came, pet. My cock hardly even touched you, but your orgasm was so powerful, it made me cum as well. What do you think of that?”
“Wow.” She could think of nothing else to say. He’d been right though. There were definitely things to learn from masturbation. One of them was, that no orgasm would ever rival one given by HIM!