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"The Pull of the Paddle"

"When punishment becomes the norm..."

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Competition Entry: Unleashed

Author's Notes

"Kate finds sex unfulfilling as she struggles to achieve an orgasm. Then Martin comes into her life and things quickly change. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This a complete BDSM story, whipped and cropped to come in under the 5,000-word limit."

Kate stood there as her eyes focussed on a black door on the other side of this uninspiring London street. It had a gold number seven on it, and beneath it, a huge brass knocker. It matched the photo on the bespoke playing card, which she was currently twiddling in her fingers.

It was the Ace of Hearts.

She glanced at it once again, and read the words on the card, and smiled. Each rotation had brought further clarity… this was the place.

Kate stepped off the safety of the pavement, and a shiver of anticipation wriggled down her back. It made her pussy quiver and if she had been wearing any knickers, they would have been more than a little damp. Kate was horny. She needed this.  

Mrs Kate McMullen had followed the instructions on a series of special playing cards, which she had clandestinely received at work over the last month. She didn’t know for certain whom they had come from, though she had a good idea. After all, they had been secretly playing a dom/sub game for the last few months.

Kate thought back to the last but one playing card, the Two of Hearts. That one had been explicit. It simply said no underwear to be worn except black fishnet stockings.

Like always, she had done what she had been told. Kate was submissive; following commands was what she always did. Every one of the seven playing cards instructions she had obeyed, right from the Seven of Hearts down to the one she currently had in her fingers. She had to. It was what she wanted… and needed.    

Kate wore no makeup, and no jewellery, including her wedding ring. On her feet were red stilettos and beneath her heavy winter coat was a simple, black, knee-length dress. That is all she wore other than the stockings.  

It was what the Master wanted. It had been written on the Two of Hearts, which was the last playing card she had received before the one she now held in her hand.      

There had been only one instruction where she had hesitated. It was on the Three of Hearts. That playing card had told her to remove all her body hair professionally from her neck down. Kate had been shaken. She knew those words meant that she should tell her husband what was going on.

But she didn’t mention it!

Kate walked towards the black door, its pull ever stronger the closer she got. There was no turning back. The click of her high heels was a gentle reminder of her imminent arrival.

The final instruction on the card said, “Knock three times,” and like all the playing cards before it, the card was signed, The Master.

The previous echo of her heels was replaced by the heavy thud of the door knocker as it fell three times. Then silence as that echo faded. It was replaced by a new sound, the click of new heels. It came from behind the black door. It was a sound from another world, one which Kate wanted to embrace; her pussy now crying out that she needed this…

She needed to be punished.

The door slowly opened and standing there was a tall, middle-aged lady. She dressed and looked like a schoolteacher from the nineteen-fifties with her brunette hair tied up in a bun, and thick glasses hanging by a chain around her neck. She wore a tweed business suit.

The ‘schoolteacher’ looked down, past her longish nose, first taking in Kate’s face and then trailing her eyes down her body. She was visually undressing her, and Kate knew it.

“You must be Kate,” the woman said with a slightly posh voice and a smile which was more menacing than warm. “I am Miss Sweet, do come in.”

Kate McMullen stepped nervously across the threshold. As she did so, her mind went back to the start of her journey of sexual discovery, and how she had arrived here.




Kate was eighteen and living in Surrey when she had her first sexual experience. Like many of her friends, she lost her virginity in the rear seat of her college boyfriend’s car. The sex had been both uninspiring and unrewarding. She wanted to enjoy it, but after a couple more feeble attempts, they broke up. Kate quickly moved on through a whole string of lacklustre lovers. However, in doing so, Kate gained the reputation of being a quick, easy lay, and unfortunately, also a cold-hearted bitch.

But that was unfair.

Kate wanted to enjoy sex. She thought it was just a matter of time before she found the right partner and when she did, excitement and enjoyment would come. She frequently masturbated searching for it, the big 'O', but just got frustrated when it never happened.

Her friends told her what it was like, but each time she listened in on their sexual conversations, jealously took hold of her. Her solution was to put a barrier up and cut herself off from sex.

Kate felt that she hadn’t gone through her true sexual awakening.

At nineteen, Kate had given up on boyfriends of her age. She knew she was pretty, with long blonde hair and slender legs that matched her athletic body, though she thought her boobs, though perky, were a little on the small side.

Then something quite expected happened…

With college completed and university dependent on the grades she achieved, Kate took a summer job running errands for a local company. One of the packages she had to deliver was to a property in the countryside, not far outside the Surrey village where she had lived all her life. Kate knew the house. It was well-kept, yet old and mysterious.

As she walked up the gravel drive, she was surprised at how much the property had changed. It had a new owner, and it was now warm and welcoming, and yet, she sensed the property still had a story to tell. It was a thought that caused an unwelcome shiver to go down her spine.

Kate tapped on the large brass knocker and just a few seconds later, an older, tall, thin man appeared. He must have been watching her come up his drive. He looked down at Kate, and it was only then that she noticed his piercing blue eyes. They seemed to see right through her, and a second shiver went down her spine. This one came with uncertainty and some apprehension. 

“Yes?” he questioned, his eyes cold and never leaving hers. It was as if he was looking into Kate’s soul.

She handed over the package, but as she did so, something caught her eye. It was a life-size painting on the wall behind the man; its presence making Kate gasp. The canvas showed a naked woman bent over a man’s knee, her bare bottom a rosy red from being spanked.    

Her reaction was partly from the shock of what she was seeing, but also the sudden, unexpected pleasurable realisation in her loins.

Was this what she was missing from sex, to be disciplined?

The thought sent a third shiver down her body, this one more of a warm tingle that seemed to go straight to her vagina. She had her answer.

With Kate’s eyes now straining to see the painting, and the package almost forgotten, the tall man introduced himself,

“I am Martin,” and with those words, he stepped aside so the young delivery girl could take in the whole of the painting.

“I have others like it if you want to see them?” Martin’s words came with an air of authority. He had seen her type before. She was submissive. Just the type of woman he preferred to play with. He hoped she might be interested in what he could offer.

Kate entered, and though she didn’t know it then, that step over the threshold would turn out to be a life-defining moment. She had just passed into another world.

Martin was a Dom who liked to have control of submissive females. He had immediately recognised the signs in Kate and was hopeful… and right!

Within an hour, Kate was over Martin’s knee, experiencing new, exciting, erotic feelings. Her pussy was on fire as his bare hand spanked her panty-clad bottom. Kate's moans were of sexual contentment as she realised what she had been missing.

She needed to be punished.

Martin switched to using a paddle and with it, came new, intense, feelings. Kate’s body convulsed uncontrollably as the smack of the paddle came down on her now bare bottom. Those paddle smacks led directly to Kate’s first-ever orgasm, and importantly, both her mind and body never forgot it.   

Over the coming months, Kate got to know Martin as she became a regular visitor to his house, or more accurately, to the BDSM dungeon that he had built within it. Their dom/sub relationship became strong, and yet remained secret to all who knew them.

During this time, Martin introduced Kate to the joys of bondage; he also asked her to shave her pubic hair off. This was something she just did; being submissive meant it was not in her nature to question why.   

As the months passed, their dungeon games grew more intense. Kate would often be tied up or strapped to a bench. There she would be teased and then disciplined by Martin, but it would always end with Kate being paddled and coming in an earth-shattering orgasm.  

They started to use a safe word, 'Porcupine.' It was the name of Kate’s grandmother’s cat. Blindfolds, gags, butt plugs, nipple clamps and leg spreaders were all gradually introduced as their role play became more intense… and addictive.  

Slowly, Kate slipped more and more into her submissive side. She just wanted to obey Martin. He was her Master.

After eighteen months, Kate regularly wore a collar to denote her sub-role in their relationship. Gagging became the norm, her sexual cries becoming nothing more than muffled moans.

Her safe word was now joined by the act of her deliberately blinking three times. It was another safety net, but Kate now completely trusted Martin. Her spankings had become an addiction, her bottom was always warm and a rosy red when she left her Master’s dungeon. 

Martin never penetrated Kate with his penis, it wasn’t his thing. His cock always remained covered, and she never once saw it. Instead, he used his hands and sex toys as part of their d/s sex games. 

However, Kate did not go without sex. Her Master didn’t want that or for her to fall in love with him. So, he ordered her to fuck nameless strangers while away at university. It was during this meaningless sexual intercourse that Kate realised that she could now achieve an orgasm from straight sex.

Later on in their relationship, Martin started to cover his face by wearing a black mask. Incorporated within it was a synthesiser, which gave him a cold, mechanical voice. Like his piercing blue eyes, this unnatural voice could penetrate the very core of Kate’s body.    

Their dom/sub relationship went on through Kate’s university years. She returned home as frequently as she could. Kate simply craved the paddle and with it, the joys of both pain and sexual pleasure it brought her body.

However, Kate knew it was always the pull of the paddle that got her hot and without that, she feared those regular orgasms would simply fade away.  

Then one day she returned from university, and Martin was gone. She was shocked. There was no note, no explanation, just an empty, sold house. Kate’s sexual world fell apart. She feared that she would always need a Dom, like Martin, in her life.

However, as they say, when one door closes, another door opens…




It was almost on the rebound that she met Josh. His piercing blue eyes immediately attracting her and also reminding her of Martin. Josh was four years older than her, tall and thin, but that was where the similarities ended, as Josh was no Dom. He was sweet and caring, and Kate couldn’t help but fall in love with him.

They married, and Kate tried to push all thoughts of Martin away. She kept telling herself that she didn’t need to be disciplined and spanked. She loved her husband, though she worried their sex life was too vanilla, and without being disciplined, her orgasms would dry up and disappear.

Kate managed to remain faithful to Josh, though she never achieved an orgasm with him through straight sex. Instead, Kate relied on her ever-increasing collection of sex toys to get off.

It took several years of married life before Kate opened up and told Josh her sexual history. She broke down and cried as she went through it all, the desire to be bound, disciplined and, above all, to be spanked with a paddle. She told her husband that she needed discipline and submission to feel sexually liberated.

Josh was shocked, but he was no prude. He even tried to repeat the role Martin played in their BDSM games. But Josh was no Dungeon Master. He just couldn’t discipline Kate in the way she needed to get off and have that big 'O' she so desperately needed once again.

Josh was keen to fulfil the Master’s role, but the trouble was he kept using words like, “Please, love,” and the most infuriating, “Could you?”

Kate wanted to hear forceful words like, “Bitch, fuck,” and her favourite, being called a “Slut.” 

It felt as though it was never going to work for Kate, and after many failed attempts with her husband. She decided to push the sub-desire to the back of her mind.

Josh was disappointed that he had failed, and they stopped trying to simulate what Kate so desperately desired. Kate’s orgasms dried up, even when using sex toys.

And there it might have stayed if it wasn’t for Mr Crawford, Kate’s new boss.




Several years had passed, and Kate had just turned twenty-seven, Josh thirty-one, and he was now in a senior position in the city. They had moved to London and lived in a large, plush apartment which overlooked the River Thames. On the surface, their lives could not be any better. They were still in love, wealthy, and at the point in their lives, where they were starting to think about starting a family.

However, their sex life had gone stale. Kate had simply stopped enjoying the sex. Josh knew why and he decided to give her a little space, thinking that perhaps the new job would help.

Working not far from her family home, Kate had recently taken a position as a Personal Assistant to Mr Crawford, the CEO of an American company.

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However, there was one thing Kate had not told her husband. She was sexually attracted to her new boss. He had an authoritative manner and self-confidence. She loved the way he gave her orders. But there was something else about him and this cut Kate right to the core. Ken Crawford had piercing blue eyes and a tall, slender body frame. That, coupled with the way he acted, reminded Kate of her former dungeon Master, Martin.  

There was a connection with Mr Crawford, a sexual attraction, and they both knew it. Once again, Kate’s submissive side bubbled up. It was caused by little things, like having to call him sir, or the way she was made to stand upright in front of his office desk.

“No slouching,” he would bark if she started to relax while waiting.

Then another day, he said without even looking up, “Kate, I want you to stand there, upright and just wait.” As she stood there, she could feel her panties getting damp.

Kate realised this was a little submissive test.

Ten minutes later, she was dismissed. As Kate walked out of the office, she could feel Mr Crawford’s eyes burrowing into her bottom, and couldn’t help but give it an extra wiggle. Her pussy was once again alive and for the first time at work, she had to go to the ladies' bathroom and masturbate. 

That was the start of their office dom/sub game.

To begin with, there was nothing too sexual, just little exercises to show Kate’s obedience. It was not in her nature to question anything. So when she was told by Mr Crawford to stand upright in front of him and turn around slowly, she just did it. No questions asked.

“Kate, you have a fine figure. I want you to show it off, especially when you travel with me. With that in mind, I am going to give you a company clothes budget… Oh, and I prefer you to wear stockings.”   

Kate knew a line was being crossed; that she should tell her husband and probably HR… but she just couldn’t. She needed this. Kate felt more alive than she had been for years. That night, Josh didn’t know what hit him as he and his wife enjoyed the best sex of their marriage.  

Kate never mentioned what happened in Mr Crawford’s office. Instead, she chose to buy new, sexier clothes out of the cash she was secretly given. Stockings became the norm. Her new work suits were tighter, lower cut, and her skirts shorter.    

Josh didn’t seem to notice. If he did, he certainly never mentioned it to Kate.

The work d/s games continued and, as they did, they became increasingly sexual. Mr Crawford increasingly reminded Kate of Martin, her old Master. That was especially true as he became more dominant, which caused Kate to slip further into her natural submissive role.

“Mrs McMullen,” her boss said with his usual air of authority. He had stopped using Kate’s first name when he wanted to play their secret d/s game. “Come into my office. Lock the door behind you and sit on the chair provided.”

Kate felt her pussy moisten. She knew locking the office door was against company policy, and that something sexually exciting was going to happen. She stood and brushed her skirt down. Kate was going to do whatever her boss wanted. To her, Ken Crawford had become her new Master.

She sat there in the centre of the office. The lights shone on her, Mr Crawford behind his desk in partial shadow. This was different. Kate was nervous, yet excited… She had never felt so alive.

Kate shivered nervously in anticipation as Ken Crawford’s piercing eyes rose, their blueness once again reminding her of Martin.

“Mrs McMullen, pull your skirt up. Show me your stocking tops.” It was an order. Kate did what she was told, but also knowing what she was doing was completely wrong. “A little higher,” the CEO commanded with no emotion in his voice.

Almost without thinking, Kate lifted her skirt and only stopped when the white skin of both her thighs was visible to her boss's piercing glare. Her pussy was now soaked as she realised this was another test, maybe the first of many. It was the next step in their dom/sub game.

“Do you like these little games, Mrs McMullen?”

“Yes,” Kate whispered, though unsure.

“You may go, Mrs McMullen, but we need to be careful,” he warned.

Kate nodded. She understood. She also didn’t want her husband to find out.

Their d/s games continued over the next few weeks, with little submissive tests almost every day. Then, out of nowhere, a plain white envelope appeared on Kate’s desk. All it had written on it was her married name.

Kate opened it. Inside was a specially designed playing card, the Seven of Hearts.

She looked around, intrigued. But no one was looking her way. She wondered who had sent the card and flipped it over. On the other side, there was writing which said…

I am the first of seven playing cards. Each one will have an instruction on it, which you need to obey to achieve your secret pleasure.

Being spanked by a paddle, Kate thought. That was her secret sexual pleasure.

Instruction one: Go to the ladies and remove your panties. You must stay that way for the rest of the day if you want to receive another card… The Master.

Kate looked around. Then stared at Mr Crawford’s office door and smiled. She quickly went to the ladies and did what she had been ordered to do. Later, just like before, she was summoned to Mr Crawford’s office and ordered to sit in the chair. Kate knew what was coming.

“Mrs McMullen, pull your skirt up and show me your stocking tops.”

Kate once again did as she was told, knowing that this time she was going to show all.

“A little higher,” Mr Crawford ordered. There was no emotion in his voice.

A little higher; it was all Kate heard as she pulled her skirt up. Her pussy was drenched; her body was on fire. She wanted for Mr Crawford it all and her blonde bush of pubic hair came into full view.

Kate stopped and waited for the next instruction, but there were no further orders.

“Martin,” she absently whispered as she slid back and spread her legs wide. Kate wanted to be punished. She needed her Master.

Ken Crawford took in the erotic sight and secretly smiled to himself. He knew Kate’s wet cunt was there for his taking, but it was far too risky to take this further today.

There was silence. Neither of them moved; the office air filled with sexual tension. A full minute ticked by, before…

“You can go now, Mrs McMullen,” he announced with an ominous smile.  

Ken Crawford now knew what he had to do!




Kate stepped across the threshold and followed Miss Sweet. They walked down some stairs into what could only be the basement. It resembled a small office and was well-lit and warm.

“As this is your first time here, Kate, you will not be gagged. The Master will punish you in stages to get to know your limits. But first, he has instructed me to have you fill out this short form.”

“We don’t want any mistakes, do we?”  

Kate looked at the A4 piece of paper. She filled out the normal things, including her safe word, Porcupine. There was a line specifically asking her if there was any punishment she didn’t want. She left that blank. Lastly, she wrote down that her preference was to be spanked, particularly with a paddle.

Kate signed the form, and as she did so, another shiver of expectation went through her body, straight to her pussy.

“Right, Kate, from now on you are in the hands of the Master and you will obey him. I will be assisting him, any questions?”

Kate shook her head.

“Take your dress off… You are to enter the chamber naked, apart from what was mentioned on the Master’s playing cards.”

She knows about the playing cards, Kate thought. She removed her black dress and then shivered. Miss Sweet was hungrily staring at her naked body; Kate had never been with another woman.

“Follow me.”

They walked into a darkened room full of BDSM equipment. Kate had seen most of it before in Martin’s dungeon. She felt alive. She knew this was her induction night and it would culminate in being spanked with a paddle.

Miss Sweet strapped the submissive, Kate, to a table, checked that she could not move, and then left the chamber. Kate felt vulnerable, the darkness of the corners of the chamber creeping into her mind. The quietness reminded her of what was about to happen.

A light flicked on. She was illuminated, and then a rumble of what could be described as distant thunder. A black-cloaked figure appeared. It was a man; he wore the same type of mask that Martin used to wear.

“Martin,” Kate cried in surprise.

“I am not Martin,” the Master replied. His menacing voice sounded mechanical, like he was speaking through a synthesiser. It was the same type of sound that her old master used in the latter days.

“Remember, I am your Master and if I ask you to speak, you will address me as that, Mrs McMullen.”

Kate’s eyes went wide. Was it Mr Crawford?

Then she felt a slap on her thigh and flinched. It was Miss Sweet. She was now dressed in leather, her large breasts exposed, their nipples pierced.

“Let’s spank the bitch,” she growled. Those words sparked an electric wave of pleasure through Kate’s body. It was why she was here.

“Not yet,” the Master said. “I have something else planned for Mrs McMullen.”  

He cranked a leaver and Kate felt her legs being forcibly pulled apart until they were spread wide. She was now in a very vulnerable position, her pussy open for the Master to see and explore.

This is too soon, she thought. I want to be teased, spanked and paddled.

Then the Master stepped forward, into the light, and Kate gasped. Jutting out of him was his erect cock. It looked menacing, hairless, yet vaguely familiar.

Kate screamed!

This was no dungeon, Master; she had never seen Martin’s cock when he had pleasured her. This was a man who just wanted to fuck her. She realised it could only be one person, her boss, Mr Crawford.

“No… No… Mr Crawford.” Then Kate remembered the safe word as his erect penis got closer.

“Porcupine… Porcupine… Porcupine,” she screamed.

The Dungeon Master stopped, his menacing cock a few inches from her wet, open cunt. Kate was at his mercy.

She cried out once again, “Porcupine,” and looked across at Miss Sweet. She was grinning, it was clear that to her the enjoyment had not finished!

Kate felt defeated. Her eyes returned to her Master’s erect cock and then to his piercing blue eyes. They were penetrating her, but his cock remained still.

“Mr Crawford, I don’t want sex with you. Just punish me, spank me,” Kate sobbed. “I love my husband,” Kate then cried out.

A brief silence filled the room. Everyone remained stationary.

Then Kate heard a small titter, which became louder as it turned into laughter. It was coming from Miss Sweet; it was completely out of character.

Kate remained frozen. She had no idea what was happening.

She glared at her Master; he was taking off his mask; his shaven cock was still erect and threatening.

The mask inched higher, a chin, then a grin…

Josh!” Kate shouted.

She didn’t understand, but wanted to throw her arms around her husband. However, she was strapped down; her legs still spread. She simply couldn’t move.

“I needed to hear it,” Josh mumbled. “I needed to hear it,” he then repeated, this time harshly.

“I love you,” Kate said without thinking. She really did!

It was enough for Josh; he grinned and plunged into his wife.

Josh took his wife with hard, masterful strokes. They fucked as Miss Sweet looked on, her presence forgotten by the married couple.

Then, after a few steamy minutes, it happened. Kate's body convulsed as she had a toe-curling orgasm. For Kate, it was the best orgasm she had ever had in her life… and had been achieved without being spanked!




Later, as the married couple cuddled up in their bed. Josh explained, “Kate, I realised you were changing. First, the way you dressed for work, then it was the sex, your libido… Well, we both know your sexual history, your submissive preferences… I didn’t want to say anything as I was enjoying the sex, but I suspected something was going on at work, so I made enquiries and did a little digging.”

“Digging,” Kate giggled.

“Yes, digging. I made it my business to meet Mr Crawford. He didn’t know who I was, but as soon as I saw him and heard him speak, I knew.”   

“The playing cards?” Kate questioned. 

“Yes, Miss Sweet’s idea. She is a dominatrix, and I hired her. Together, we came up with a plan; each playing card was a little test. We wondered how far you would go before you said something to me. The underwear, no jewellery, shaving…”  

“Sorry,” Kate whispered. “I just got carried along…”

“Kate, it is okay… We even used Miss Sweet’s dungeon to teach me what I needed to do. I only had to be the Master for a few minutes.”

“You are always going to be my Master,” Kate whispered.

Josh smiled and pulled his wife closer.

“Miss Sweet knew Martin. That is why I could dress like him, the same mask and electronic device to talk through. She told me that he sold up quickly because his job moved, and then he got married. He no longer plays the d/s game.”

“Josh, I thought you were Martin when you first appeared… then Mr Crawford. Though your cock seemed familiar, but it was bald!”

Josh chuckled, “That was to keep you from recognising me. I needed to make sure you only wanted your husband.” 

Kate loved Josh more than ever. Not only had her husband given her the ultimate orgasm, but he had once again proved his love for her. Tomorrow, she knew what she had to do, hand in her notice.

After all, she now realised that Mr Crawford was no dungeon Master. He just wanted to control her and have an affair.

Kate warmly smiled to herself as she curled up with her husband. She knew she only had one Master, and that was Josh. She also knew it was time for them to start a family, but there was something else…

Until that happens, perhaps, they could carry on using Miss Sweet's dungeon!

Written by wxt55uk
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