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The Key

"Chloe knew just how to make sure Megan would be a good girl"

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Competition Entry: Unleashed

Megan glared as she looked around the Accident and Emergency room. Her Mistress, Chloe, had a silly smirk on her face like she found the whole thing hilarious. They’d been here for almost an hour already.

“Megan O’Reilly.”

Megan sighed and wrapped the coat tightly around her naked body as she followed the attractive blonde nurse into the cubicle. The click of Chloe’s heels echoed down the corridor as she came too. Megan sat on the bed and blushed again as the nurse asked her what the problem was.

The problem, if she was honest, was Megan’s lack of self-control. She thought back to the morning just over a week before when it had all started.

Her Miss and lover, Chloe, had kissed Megan with a long, loving, sensual kiss once Megan had crawled back up the bed. Chloe’s honey glistened, still smeared across Megan’s mouth and chin.

“I love you,” she had whispered.

“I love you too, Miss,” Megan had whispered back.

“You are my lover, aren’t you, Megan?”

“You know I am.”

“And you are my slut, aren’t you, Megan?”

“Yes, Miss.” Megan blushed as she reassured her Miss.

“What will you do for me?”

Megan felt the blush rising to her cheeks as she whispered, “Anything.”

“And what will you let me do to you?”


“Anything is such a big word. Are you sure?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Good girl,” Chloe whispered, kissing her way along Megan’s neck. Megan arched her head back and whimpered when Chloe’s teeth marked her neck.

Chloe had snapped Megan’s legs apart and slid down between her submissive’s spread thighs. She’d drawn her tongue along Megan’s swollen slit again and again. Megan had squirmed on the bed, needy and dripping.

The unspoken mantra pulsed through Megan’s mind. “Please let me cum, please let me cum.” It seemed so long since she’d last orgasmed. When Chloe had first told her she wasn’t to cum without permission, Megan had struggled and humped the fresh air when the vibrator no longer buzzed at her clit. But now, after enduring weeks of last-second denial, she felt she was becoming better at controlling the aching feeling as the orgasms fluttered just out of her reach.

Chloe swirled her tongue around and around her needy, aching, throbbing clit. Megan’s fingers clawed at the bed sheets. The familiar stirrings pulsed through her. Oh god, the constant denials were making her so needy and on edge so quickly. Her hips jerked up as her Miss snaked her tongue through her sticky folds.

When Chloe rolled her tongue into a tube and pushed it inside, Megan arched her back and howled. Chloe’s nose rubbed at her clit. Megan found herself floating as she struggled to control the primal desires coursing through her.

Chloe’s tongue seemed to be everywhere at once. Megan felt it lick her insides, then swirl around her clit, then tease her perineum all at once. She gasped. Her breathing was ragged. Her legs shook. Juices dribbled down her ass crack. It was no good. She couldn’t stop it. She felt it swelling against the dam and then she came. As the first spasm of her orgasm overtook Megan, Chloe’s hand smacked down hard on her clit.

Megan howled. Her pussy clenched and quivered in the empty air. Her orgasm was ruined. A second slap on her clit brought tears to her eyes as the realisation she had disobeyed her Miss dawned on her.

Chloe stood up and headed to the shower without a word. Megan glanced at the clock. She knew she’d have to get ready for work too but having disappointed her Miss once this morning, she didn't want to head off without at least a show of contrition.

With a sigh, she knelt on the floor and waited with her head bowed. Finally, when it was way too late to have a shower before leaving for work, Chloe came out of the bathroom and let Megan watch as she pulled on panties and thigh-high stockings. She tugged up the black skirt and buttoned her white silk blouse before patting Megan on the head.

“Good girl, I’ll see you this evening.”

And with that, she was gone.

Megan quickly jumped up, hurriedly gave her pussy a wipe with her facecloth, pulled on her clothes and ran out the door.

Megan made it home just a few minutes before Chloe. She’d been delayed by the Headmistress wanting to discuss an unruly pupil in year twelve and Megan was terrified Chloe would arrive home to an empty flat. Luckily, Chloe was a creature of habit who always got the same bus home and was always home at two minutes to six. Megan stripped and knelt in her usual place in the centre of the living room rug and waited.

At two minutes to sex, she heard the key in the lock. She visualised the briefcase being placed under the coat rack, Chloe hanging her coat up. She heard the jangle of keys as Chloe dropped them into the bowl. Megan waited, hoping her Miss would come in and be pleased to see her kneeling, naked, waiting and available.

“Good girl.”

Megan glanced up. Chloe stood smiling at her, obviously pleased by the simple show of submission. She held a large black box tied closed with a pink ribbon in her hands.

“I’ve bought you a present.”

Megan gasped in shock. Her Miss had bought her a present. Her eyes welled. She was sure she was in trouble after forcing her Miss to ruin the orgasm this morning, but instead, she was being rewarded. Chloe placed the box on the ground in front of Megan.

“Can I open it, Miss?”

Chloe smiled and nodded. “Of course.”

She pulled the pink ribbon to open the box. Megan reached inside.

“Open it and we can try it on,” Chloe urged.

Megan reached in and pulled out a purple velvet bag. It was light but whatever was inside was hard and oddly shaped. She slid it out and held it in her hands. It gleamed in the light of the setting sun. Megan turned it over, a look of confusion on her face. The curved metal triangle had padding on the inside with three hinged metal strips. A decorative key protruded from a keyhole at the end of the thickest metal strip. It felt so incredibly light.

“It’s titanium,” Chloe whispered. “As strong as steel but much much lighter. You’ll hardly know you have it on.”

Megan stared at her, open-mouthed as the realisation of what it was dawned on her.

“Stand up.”

Megan quickly obeyed, placing the metal object on the ground and assumed her natural standing position of hands on her head and legs spread slightly apart.

“Good girl.”

Megan shivered. The metal triangle pressed against her mound. The two metal bands fitted snugly around her waist. Then the third band looped up her ass crack. It fitted tightly together and with a metal click, Chloe locked it, locking Megan in place.

“It’s obvious that you can’t be trusted to follow my instructions and not to touch so I’ve been forced to put temptation out of reach.”

Megan watched as Chloe’s hand slid between her legs but felt only a light pressure as the metal triangle of the chastity belt pressed into her.

“If you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll let you out for the party.”

The party! Megan’s mind swirled. That was a week away. How was she going to survive that long locked up in this?

“But Miss, what about…”

“Oh, don’t worry, there are holes for you to go to the bathroom. You just won’t be able to touch that needy little pearl.” She smirked. “Try it.”

Megan lowered her hands. She ran her fingers over the smooth metal. Chloe was right. It was incredibly light. It felt like she was wearing a pair of snug-fitting panties. She ran her finger over her clit and dipped down along her slit. Everything was encased in metal. She could feel the indentations of the pee holes and the gap around her bum but there was no way she could slip a finger near her pussy.

Megan watched as Chloe attached the key to a chain and put it over her head. The key hung there, nestled in Chloe’s cleavage.

‘Now get on your knees and show your Miss how grateful you are for your present.”

Megan nodded and dropped to her knees. Chloe fingered the key as she watched Megan crawl towards her. She sat back on the chair and spread her legs.


Megan stood and let the water cascade over her. She turned the water up as hot as it would go as she washed the scent of her Miss from her face and hair. Her Miss had kept telling her to touch herself as she had used Megan’s face. Megan let her fingers press against the metal again now with the same effect as earlier. None. Megan swore. It had only been a couple of hours and already she craved the release. She took the shower head and played the stream of water over her crotch. The water drummed on the metal but she felt nothing. She could only feel the need growing inside her.


“No need for panties, darling.”

Megan nodded.

“Yes, Miss.”

Chloe had picked out a red sundress with white polka dots for her along with a lacy black bra and as Megan walked through the park to work, she felt the breeze flowing between her legs. Even though she was covered, she still blushed.

Over the next few days, the urge continued to grow. She found herself thinking about sex constantly. The urge to touch herself grew and grew. When she was doing the laundry, she ground against the washing machine as it started the spin cycle, but she felt nothing. She had rubbed against the tweed armrest of the sofa, blushing as she remembered how Chloe had made her rub against it before and how her clit had ached. This time, her clit was too well protected to feel anything.

Every morning, her eyes fixed on the key hanging around Chloe’s neck.

By Friday, she thought she was going to lose it. Her pubes were starting to grow back and she could feel them itch, encased in their metal prison. It was the first time in years she hadn’t shaved and she felt herself giving little subconscious wriggles every so often in an attempt to ease the itching. As she sat at her desk marking homework, her mind wasn’t on the French Revolution or how badly her students had written their accounts of it. All she could think about was cumming. Then Chloe’s words floated back to her, “If you are a good girl, maybe I’ll let you out for the party.”

Megan shuddered. “For the party.” Surely, she wouldn't put her back in here again. She was a good girl now. She’d learnt her lesson. She wouldn't touch without permission, wouldn't cum without permission ever again. She’d promise anything. And what about that word, “Maybe.” Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn’t. Megan squeezed her thighs together. Fuck, the thought of being locked up all weekend was too much.

Chloe had been hornier than ever all week. She had used Megan’s face every morning and at least two or three times every evening. Chloe had told her all she was good for now was making her cum. She’d even suggested she might get to use her favourite strappy on some other little slut at the party if she kept Megan locked up.

Megan knew she couldn’t cope with that. She’d watched before as Chloe had used another girl in front of her. Megan had been forced to kneel and watch as Chloe had first taken the girl from behind with the strap-on, then pushed the girl onto her knees and ordered her to lick her clean before cumming on her face. Only then had Megan been allowed to clean them both. The humiliation of being told to clean up the slut that her Miss had used in front of her made Megan so horny but her Miss had ignored her whimpered pleas to be used. And now here she was, locked up. Her needy clit and pussy encased.

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Megan was kneeling obediently in her usual position when Chloe came home.

“I’ve got a present for you, darling.”

Megan froze. The last present Chloe had got her was still securely attached between her legs. She waiting for her Miss to continue.

“You’ve tried so hard to be a good girl, I thought you should have something new to wear tonight.”

Megan glanced down at her naked body. She dressed for work but couldn’t remember the last time she had worn clothes at home. Her Miss liked her naked, and constantly available.

Megan kept her silence. She didn’t want to interrupt her Miss, who seemed as excited by the prospect as Megan did,

Chloe removed the box from behind her back. Megan’s eyes filled with tears. There was only one word embossed in black text on the lid of the white box. Prada.

Megan’s mouth opened and her bottom lip quivered as her Miss crouched down in front of her and slid the box across the floor. Megan’s eyes darted between the white box and the triangle of black silk she could see between Chloe’s legs as her Miss knelt, the skirt ridden up, revealing a flash of lace stocking top as well as her panties.

“I thought this would be perfect on you. I want you to wear it.”

Megan smiled. The dungeon party was always the hedonistic event of the year. Last year she had been used by at least half a dozen women throughout the evening as she was passed among them as Chloe’s plaything. Chloe had been there, egging them on as she was spanked, pinched, fucked and used for the entire evening.

She held up the garment. A black diaphanous silk and lace negligee.

“Oh, Miss,” Megan blushed. “It’s beautiful.”

“Try it on.”

Megan stood and let the fabric fall around her waist. It clung to her curves and felt like she was being kissed and caressed as the lace whispered against her nipples. She turned and faced her reflection in the full-length mirror.

The chastity belt glistened, obvious even through the lace. Megan knew at once that she would still be locked away during the party. This outfit had been bought to accentuate her predicament.

She glanced at her Miss. Chloe stood, her fingers massaging the key that had hung around her neck all week.

“You look perfect. Wear the Louboutons. I’m just getting changed and then we can go.”

Of course, Chloe just getting changed involved a bath, make-up, and several changes of clothes before Chloe deemed herself ready. They’d both consumed a couple of glasses of champagne. “To celebrate a lesson learned,” Chloe had declared when Megan pleadingly tried to reassure her that she’d learnt her lesson.

Her Miss had chosen a simple, classic look while considering the evening’s entertainment. Megan had seen her wear this outfit before. The black latex corset could be pulled down when she wanted her nipples attended to. The black skirt was usually removed within a few minutes of arrival and the knee-high boots allowed her those extra couple of inches to dominate and loom over whichever submissive she’d set her eyes on.

Megan tottered down the steps from the flat to the waiting taxi. The coat Chloe had chosen for her barely covered her naked ass. Megan glanced and checked. The key still hung around Chloe’s neck. At least there was still a possibility she could be unlocked during the party.

The party was in full swing when they arrived. There were brightly lit stages for the flamboyant extroverts and dark corners for the more reticent. Once they had left their coats in the cloakroom and lifted two glasses from a tray, Chloe paraded Megan around the room.

The chastity belt was obvious and drew many admiring glances and comments.

“I see you’ve put her out of bounds tonight. Not surprising after last year.”

Megan blushed as she recognised the buxom blonde who had pounded her ass with a Black Mambo dildo while Megan’s face was pressed between someone else’s legs.

“Oh, she’s still free to use, just some bits are under lock and key.”

Chloe smirked and rubbed the key along the chain. Megan gasped. Free use? This hadn't been discussed. Granted, she was so horny, she would willingly do anything if she thought her own orgasm was at the end of it. But with the key still around Chloe’s neck, that didn’t look too likely.

By midnight, Megan was beyond horny. Word had gone around the club that there was a free-use submissive who was locked up and hadn’t cum in weeks available. Megan’s face was rubbed raw. She’d had so many pussies rubbed on her face. Her nipples had been clamped, tugged, pawed, twisted and even bitten at one stage. She had been spanked, groped and forced to hump one woman’s thigh as a group gathered around to watch her humiliation. The glistening metal seemed to be coated in everyone’s cum but hers.

Megan’s eyes rolled, her head thrown back as two submissives suckled and licked her nipples. She didn’t know who they belonged to, she just knew that Chloe had sent them. She saw Chloe walk slowly towards her and raised her head to look at her properly.

“Hello darling, are you having fun?”

Megan opened her mouth to reply but then froze. Chloe’s neck was bare. Where was the key? Had she the key in her hand?

She looked at Chloe’s hands but she was only holding a glass of champagne.

“Where’s the fucking key?” Megan screamed.

She watched in slow motion as Chloe’s free hand moved to her neck, then patted her chest, as if searching for it.

“I… I… I don’t know,” Chloe stammered. “It must be here somewhere.”

“Somewhere?” Megan felt her insides howling. How could her Miss have lost the key? They’d never find it if it was lost somewhere in a club with hundreds of people about.

Megan felt like a bystander at an explosion as she watched Chloe shake out her corset, searching in vain for Megan’s only means of release.

“Have you a spare?” someone asked.

Megan whimpered when Chloe informed them that there was only one key and she never imagined she’d need a spare. She liked the idea of keeping access to the belt close to hand.

“Maybe you could call the Fire Brigade,” someone else suggested. Megan could imagine the reaction to asking a group of men to cut her free from her chastity belt. A lifetime locked up seemed preferable to that.

Finally, a more sensible suggestion to go to the Emergency Department was made.

They collected their coats from the cloakroom. Megan’s Prada negligee was lost somewhere back in the club too and Megan realised with a pang that Chloe must be feeling contrite when she gave Megan her long black coat to wear while she wore the shorter ass-revealing one.

Now, in the hospital cubicle, Megan had to stand up, open her coat and explain to the nurse how she needed to be cut out of her chastity belt.

The nurse did her best to hide the smirk but it was no good. Megan saw the nurse and Chloe lock eyes as the grins widened.

“So, who lost the key?” the nurse asked as she bent close to examine the belt.

Megan flinched at the impossibility of telling on her Miss. She whimpered as the nurse’s fingers traced her inner thigh. She was sure the nurse could feel the juices dried on her skin.

“I seem to have mislaid it,” Chloe admitted.

The nurse tapped Megan’s mound.

“It seems stronger than tin. What is it?”


“Oh, expensive. Nothing but the best, eh?”

Chloe tilted her head in agreement.

“We could try cutting it but it’s such a snug fit I’d be worried about damaging the skin. And titanium is bloody tough.”

She slid her finger along Megan’s slit and despite being shielded, Megan let out a slight whimper. She was still edged. Despite the situation she was in, the lack of orgasms was consuming her every thought. Having this attractive blonde caressing her thighs and stroking her concealed slit was making her drip.

The nurse turned Megan around and ran her hands over Megan’s arse cheeks. The strip of metal ran up her crack and the nurse’s thumbs slid along it as her fingers massaged the cheeks.

“If at all possible I’d prefer if the belt wasn’t broken in its removal. I’d quite like to use it again.”

Oh god, Megan couldn’t believe her ears. After all this, Chloe wanted to lock her up again.

The nurse stood up and turned to them.

“We’ll see what we can do. But, first things first. Introductions. I’m Nurse Molly and I think we need to get you a gown.” She ran her eyes over Megan again. “You’ll catch your death standing naked in here. I’ll be back in a minute.”

When they were alone, Chloe crossed the cubicle and ran her fingers up Megan’s thigh.

“I can tell you find that Nurse Molly attractive. You almost came when she touched your thigh.”

Megan shivered. Her silence just confirmed what Chloe had said. Chloe trained her finger up Megan’s body. Her nipples were rock hard. Chloe’s painted nail traced and teased the left one.

“Please,” Megan’s whimpers sounded even needier than before. She was sure if her Miss only said the word, she could cum even through the belt.

Chloe stepped away when Molly swished the cubicle curtain open, carrying a gown and a small back bag.

“I’m just going to get a coffee and have a cigarette.”

When Chloe was gone, Molly told Megan to put on the gown and lie face down on the bed.

“It’s an unusual design,” Molly observed. “Having the lock at the back. It seems designed for someone who might break the rules.”

Megan blushed as Molly continued.

“Do you break the rules often, Megan? Are you a bad girl?”

“No,” Megan whimpered. “I’m a good girl… honest.”


Molly’s silence spoke volumes. Megan tried to see what the nurse was doing.

“Are you picking the lock?”

“I am. I’m a woman of many talents. Been locked out of the flat too many times so taught myself. I didn’t think it’d come in useful here but there you go. This job is full of surprises.”

Suddenly, with a click, the lock sprung free and Megan felt the belt slacken. Molly carefully opened the strips.

“Just roll over now and sit up for me.”

Megan turned. She sat with her knees up, legs spread, the gown pulled up to her waist. Molly carefully unpeeled the titanium shield.

“Fuck,” Megan gasped as she felt the cold air on her clit.

“You’ve got a bit of growth there,” Molly commented as she ran her hand over Megan’s mound. Her curls were starting to grow back and the dark brown hairs felt stubbly as Molly brushed her thumb through them.

Then Molly dipped her hand lower. Megan screwed her eyes shut. She could only imagine the mess a week’s edging and deprivation had made. Her head felt lightheaded as Molly slowly dipped her thumb into Megan’s pussy. Her juices were oozing out over Molly’s thumb.

Molly dragged her thumb slowly through Megan’s slit. The sensations Molly’s thumb created pulsed into Megan’s core.

“Please… Please... Please,” Megan whimpered but it was too late. Molly’s thumb pressed against Megan’s clit. Molly rolled her thumb over and over and around and around. Megan threw her head back and after the weeks of deprivation, she came.

Her hips jerked off the bed. Tears flooded down her cheeks as the relief, the shame and the realisation she’d disobeyed her Miss collided and swarmed around her head.

Megan opened her eyes just in time to see Molly bringing her thumb to her mouth. She sucked it as she made eye contact with Megan. Then she turned, still sucking her thumb, to look at Chloe, who was standing at the entrance to the cubicle. The look on Chloe’s face meant only one thing. Megan smirked at the thought that she was going back in the belt and she knew it’d be more than a week before she got let out again.

Written by deviantsusie
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