Virginia Parker had it all. At least that’s what it appeared on the outside. She’d recently acquired the corner office at the law firm where she had started during her junior year in college; hard work and a law degree later, she had recently become a partner. Her lifestyle was exactly as it should be: a lovely house in the perfect neighborhood; a personal trainer; a nanny for her two adorable children, and the perfect man with his brilliant career who spent his weekends golfing at the country club. An avid socialite, she hosted parties at their home frequently. Yet for all of this, something was missing, she had an itch that was never scratched.
Working hard and exceedingly late was her forte, and she logged more hours at the office than at home. This Tuesday night was no exception. She had messaged her husband about the case she was buried in and promised to be home to kiss the kids before sleep. Keeping this promise was proving difficult as she couldn’t stay focused. Her mind kept drifting, yet she needed to finish this brief. Reaching back, she grabbed her Grey Goose from the mini fridge and put two ice balls and several shots in a tumbler. This was turning into a long night and thirty minutes later she had made zero progress on the brief, but her ice balls rattled as she set down her empty glass.
An intrusive thought had been climbing forward from the back of her mind since the weekend playtime of her and Husby. It was good, it always was. He was fit and strong, had a good-sized cock, a patient lover. He tried hard to care for her needs, but all he ever seemed to serve was vanilla. The same routine on Sunday afternoon: kissing, then reaching under her shirt to tease her dark red nipples hard, then straight to the panties to tease her wet before mounting her missionary. Five minutes later, he would be lying breathless on top of her and she would be wanting more.
After he had cleaned up and gone to hang with the kids, she would reach into her nightstand to grab her necessary vibe and new erotic fiction; warmed up, she could now achieve a proper climax. Her story was dark, and the lead male was powerful and dominant. Directing his lover, having her wait to cum, teasing her again and again, her bound wrists unable to stop him. Mrs. Parker came hard on page 57: the female bound and being fucked from behind.
The mental image she had formed of this kept creeping in and distracting her from work. As her alcohol-laden mind came back to the present, she realized her hand had pushed up her black skirt and was dragging slow circles across her silk panties. With a start, she pulled her hand back and returned to attempt work. Yet that image pushed intrusively in, over and over…soon she was on the internet, incognito mode enabled, searching for a video. She would know the right one when she found it and there it was, seemingly, the lead picture was of a brunette woman bound and blindfolded. After a quick scan of the dark office through her windowed wall to verify she was alone, she clicked on it.
The woman had on only black silk panties, much of her nude form hidden by ropes and the couch she was pressed into. Her ‘Dom’ was still fully dressed in a suit, tie removed and used to blindfold her. He was talking to her in a low steady tone, baritone richness with a slight English accent. As the woman on the screen finally came, his cock buried deep in her ass, Mrs. Parker came as well. Her fingers buried in her pussy, furiously fucking herself to match his rhythm, black silk panties forced to the side with one stilettoed foot propped on her desk.
As her breathing slowed, the couple kept fucking on the screen before her, the moans of the female and the direction of her lover now seeming much louder. Her fingers still making lazy circles across her hard wet clit, she raised her eyes just above the screen and saw his reflection in the glass. Adrenaline now dumped into her bloodstream and a flurry of activity followed. Hand ripped from her panties, her white blouse clutched together where she had unbuttoned it and her laptop slammed shut. But as she looked again his face was gone. A quick scan through the office showed no one, only the security light near the elevator. She called out a timid, “Hello? Who’s there?” But the office stayed silent and still. Had she imagined him? Was she projecting the image of her fantasy lover? The answers to these questions she did not know, but it was time to go home. Chagrin clutched her. How could she have done such a thing publicly in the office? Attempting to pull herself together, she looked once more through the darkness of the office and took stock of her situation.
It seemed everything was okay. Her blouse was now buttoned up, yet something was odd under her skirt. Hitching it up, it became obvious that during her flurry of activity she had ripped her panties and her pussy now puffed through the wet material clinging on either side. Ensuring she was alone, she shimmied out of them. Placing her destroyed panties in her trash, she moved papers to cover them. She would deal with them in the morning, but right now she needed to go home, leaving her sex-scent-filled office behind.
The next morning, Mrs. Parker arrived at the office, laser-focused and ready to work. The long hot shower at the gym after her workout that morning was just what the doctor had ordered. Her latte was waiting in her office, a daily gift from her assistant. Settling in behind her desk she noticed a few things moved from the night before. Along with that, her chair had been cleaned and trash emptied. Panic coursed up at the thought of the soiled panties she had discarded last night. Hopefully, the janitor had been too busy to note the contents. After several moments spent convincing herself no one knew of last night’s activity she got to work.
The day flew by and it was dark in the office again before she even realized it. The good news was her brief was finished and she was ready to press forward on the case. First, she needed to ease her screaming bladder then she could message home and let her man know she would be late. Very late.
Heading back from the restroom, she pressed send on the text and stepped into her office. Something was different: a little cream box sat on her desk, a delicate pink bow adorning it. On closer inspection, she saw the pearly envelope under it. Picking the box off the envelope, she was startled to see calligraphy letters spelling out, “Mrs. Parker”. Curious now, she picked it up and popped the point. Nestled inside a simple embossed card read: “I know what you want and plan to care for your needs.” The card was signed, “The Janitor”. Clutching the card to her chest, heart racing, Virginia looked around the office again. It appeared empty. “Hello, anyone there?” she breathed out. “Seriously, is this some kind of sick joke? I will call security,”she said louder. Still nothing in the darkness outside her office. Turning her back to the door she looked at the box intently. It begged to be opened and her interest grew in what it might contain.
In one motion, she snatched it up and pulled it open. A light perfume and her scent came from it. There seemed to be material in it, black silk, she noted. Suddenly she dropped the box and covered her mouth gasping, they were her torn, soiled panties. She whipped around, wild-eyed, surveying the dark office, “I don’t know who you are, why are you doing this?” Heavy silence greeted her in return. She seemed alone and now in a quandary.
Bending to retrieve the box, she noted its contents had spilled and more than her panties were in there. A black silk scarf and another embossed card were on the floor as well. With a shaking hand, she reached for the card. Opening it she saw written neatly, “I know what you need. Sit in your chair, tie the scarf over your eyes, and wait for me.” Standing, note in hand, scarf draped over her wrist, she took in the darkness around. She felt her body trembling and yet…
Taking the box, cards, panties, and scarf, she sat in her chair and arrayed them on her desk. “I know what you want and plan to care for your needs.” Drawing her attention again and again, this line had her thinking of her needs. The needs she had barely scratched the surface of last night, the needs to be taken, to be dominated, to be used and enjoyed. But putting on that scarf just felt so dangerous, and yet the loss of sight and thus the loss of control were intriguing. She rubbed the material between her fingers, slick and sensual. Lifting it to her nose, she breathed in the light perfume. It looked, felt, and smelled expensive; how could a janitor afford such things? Even the box and cards were deliberate, unhurried, and perfect. Who was this janitor, and what did they want with her?
After many minutes of debate, she couldn’t deny the seductiveness of this situation. It wouldn’t hurt to put the scarf over her eyes; after all, she was alone. Slowly, she brought the scarf up to her face and tied the cool fabric around her head,covering her eyes. She breathed in deeply.
A deep steady voice from behind her said, “Good, Mrs. Parker. Now I can set about caring for your needs.”
Her hand shot back to remove the scarf, but found one holding the knot already. “Who are you!?” She yelled, anguish filling her voice.
“I am the janitor, here to help you with your needs.” A calm deep voice responded. “Give up control and you will be satisfied you did.” This time the voice whispered into her ear, his other hand going to her shoulder.
“Why are you doing this?” She questioned back shakily.
“Because you desire me to, you crave my domination. Give yourself to me and all your needs will be met. A simple ‘Yes,’ would inform me that you would like me to proceed.” His rich deep voice somehow soothing her worry and raising her desire simultaneously.
‘I can stop him at any moment, why not just say yes for now…’ A surprising thought she found at the front of her mind. After a few moments of mental debate, her wisdom was overruled by her desire and curiosity. She spoke slowly: “Yes.”
“Good, we can begin.” His tone is reassuring. “I would like you to choose a safe word; if at any point you wish me to stop, simply say it and I will disappear.”
The first word popping in, “Tennis,” she chose.
“Okay. If for any reason you feel uncomfortable, just say ‘Tennis’ and we stop. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
His hand released the knot on the scarf and both fell to her shoulders. A soft massage motion began, his hands running down the full length of her arms that were resting on her chair and back up again.
She couldn’t see, but the strength in his hands, a restrained, soft, but powerful touch, spoke of what the future could hold. His breath smelled mildly of chocolate and mint; his body scent clean and earthy with notes of lavender and mahogany. Her senses heightened and discerned nuances she would likely otherwise miss, such as the slow change in the tempo of his hands, now lingering along her arms. She gasped as some part of his hands brushed over the top of both breasts, her nipples tightening in excitement.
“Slowly unbutton your shirt,” his baritone richness resonated through her office.
Mrs. Parker felt herself breathing faster, the anticipation of what might happen growing with each button she popped. Her skin raised in bumps as blood coursed underneath, her nipples pressing against the lacy fabric of her bra, sending these chills to cover the rest of her body. She finished the process with her shirt and felt his hands leave her arms.
“Now stand and take off your shirt. Just throw it forward onto your desk.”
Nervous and a bit lightheaded, Virginia stood, awkwardly leaning a bit due to the blindness he had caused. His strong grip wrapped around her for support.
“Easy Virginia, we are taking this slow,” he reminded, voice reassuring.
“I’m fine, just a bit excited and my senses a bit overwhelmed, but I'm good, very good.” The last few words almost poured like syrup from her lips. The sexy tone she tried to take surprised her. ‘Horny,’ she thought, ‘you are definitely horny and very turned on already.’
His grip let her go slowly, making sure she had her balance. “Now finish following my instructions,” this time his voice, still calm, was stronger and direct.
She quickly complied and her shirt was off and flung on where she imagined her desk to be. She stood there shivering for a moment, her mind racing as to what was next. Would he still want her after seeing her flesh? She didn’t have to wait for long. She heard her chair rolling to the side and his hands were on her arms again.
“Well done, Mrs. Parker, you are doing so good I may need to reward you soon.” His voice came from just above her head, his slow sensual touch resuming on her more naked flesh.
‘He’s tall,’ she thought, ‘6’2” or more’, but that’s as far as she got as he pulled her against him, the coldness of his belt buckle pressing against her back, his hands leaving her arms to caress her stomach and cup under her breasts.
A warm tongue tracked across her right shoulder and ended with a light bite on her neck. His hands, rough with callouses, moved up to her shoulders and pushed the straps of her black lace bra off. “You have a lovely form, Mrs. Parker. I look forward to fucking you.” The last six words were left to hang in the air and fill her mind with lurid fantasies. Her bra was unclasped and slid off her chest and arms.

Virginia was now exposed; her nakedness was being viewed by a man who seemed to appreciate her beauty, but was under no obligation to lie as her husband was. She worked hard on her body, exercising three times a week, but she was a mother in her late thirties and nature had its ways of causing insecurities. She acted on instinct and brought her hands up to cover her breasts.
His hands were on her wrists, pulling her resistant arms down, “Now, Virginia, did I tell you to do that?”
“No…I’m sorry.” She relaxed her arms and let them be directed by him.
“You do only what I direct you to. Do you understand?” His breath was hot in her ear.
“Yes sir, Mr. … Janitor,” she stammered.
Her arms were taken behind her and she felt lace binding her hands together, ‘Her bra?’ she wondered. She tested the knot once done and realized she was bound well, she couldn’t pull either hand out.
“Did I tell you to move your hands?” His voice was not threatening but close.
“No, sorry,” her meek reply.
“I don’t want you to say sorry again, do you understand?”
“Yes, I’m sor…” she stopped herself. “Yes, sir,” she affirmed.
Fingers, cool, tickled down her cleavage and across to her hard nipples. A bite on her neck at the same moment. She was slowly turned and felt her butt pressed against her desk, her hands lifted and set behind her. A bite again on her neck, his lips dropping slowly down her chest, coming close to her cherry nipples, but not touching them.
She felt herself slightly arching her back, as if making sure he could see where to lick. Her nipples puckered, waiting, wanting, desiring his mouth, tongue, and teeth. But still, he didn’t take them in or even touch them. His measured exhales on her areolas were all he gave. As he dropped his lips down her torso, she felt his hair, soft and somewhat long, finally drag across her nipples. A gasp and shudder flowed through her unexpectedly.
“Shall I continue?” His rich voice rose from below.
“Yes please, sorry. I didn’t mean to shudder. It was for a good reason though,” she said, doing her best to be reassuring.
He rose in front of her, his voice now above, “What did we agree regarding saying ‘sorry’?” The question sounds like it was asked through a grin or smile.
“Not to say sor… not to apologize again,” Virginia caught herself.
“Yet you did anyway, correct?”
“Yes, I did, sir,” she gulped, wondering what was happening next.
A bouquet of faint warm amber, lush raspberries, and musk came across her nose along with a command, “Open your mouth.” The instruction is somehow laced with power, suggesting ‘Or else.’
Complying, silk slid across her cheek then filled her mouth. The taste of her cum covering her tongue.
“Do not spit them out, unless directed. There will be consequences if you do.”
A nod and moan were all she could manage, feeling his hand gently on her throat, thumb pushing her chin up toward his voice. His other hand pushed through her hair and pulled her head to him, his lips pressing against her panties.
“You taste good, spicy,” His voice lowered, appreciation heard in his tones. Then in her ear, “I want a fresh taste.”
His lips trailed down her neck, across the outer edge of her right nipple, and down her stomach. His hands slid up her stockings.Both her legs were trembling, the skirt hem being pushed up and set at her waist. His breath was now hot on her bare thighs. A single slow, soft kiss right next to her damp panties, a mere inch from her wet pussy. She wanted to cum so badly, yet his lips moved away from hers toward her hip bone instead. Then silence as he pulled back.
Virginia heard a scrape on her desk, followed by his familiar hand pressing on her throat. “Do not move!” His voice from above. After nodding, she felt a cold metal object slide down from her shoulder, following the entire line of her arm. At the same moment, warmth enveloped her hard nipple as he finally took her in his mouth. The object slid down lower, then a tug on her panty strap, the cold metal sliding under. As her panties fell away, she realized they had been cut off with her scissors.
His mouth leaving her desperate nipple, she sensed him crouching again, heading to lick her to orgasm. Instead, she heard metal rattling in front of her. Then her wrists were grabbed, untied, and brought to the front of her, where they were bound with the lace of her bra again. ‘What was he up to?’ She wondered, ‘Eat my pussy already, I need to cum.’
“Lie back on your desk. I have cleared it of objects. Raise your hands above your head.” With a slight boost to get her naked bum on the desk, she lay back, following the guidance of his hand on her wrists. An object wrapped around her binding and she guessed from the clinking it was his belt. A moment later, her hands were now attached to something and she could not bring them down to stop anything. She was his to use and control, which was affirmed as he spoke, “You are all mine tonight. Do you want to cum?”
A nod and moan were all she could manage in reply. His fingers dragged down her stretched-out form over the folds of her skirt and right through her wet slit. Excitement building for the orgasm she was about to experience.
His hand came to rest on her inner thigh, fingers on her strip of hair that was damp from her juice, his lips kissing right at the top of her ‘landing strip’. His lips moved to the top of her slit, his nostrils casting hot air across her sensitive skin. She wanted to move, to force her pussy into his mouth and face, but knew there would be repercussions. Strict obedience to his direction was needed. Yet his sensual teasing of her had her more turned on than she had ever been and she needed release, now!
Her clit was swollen and delighted as his tongue flicked across it, fast then slow, a constantly changing rhythm. His hand slid up and began penetrating with a slow, constant pressure until her body opened to allow him two knuckles deep. As he licked her clit in a way different than her husband, his finger slowly waved in its upside-down position. She began to tense, moaning loudly through her gagged mouth; she was close, just another few moments and she would release her cum.
Then everything stopped. His finger buried but still, her clit no longer receiving attention from his dexterous tongue, ‘Wait, what is happening? I am so close!’ she thought. Her orgasm slowly faded back from completion. The finger pulled out and a wet trail was left on her leg.
“Did I give you permission to cum yet?” Authority fills his tone, a direct question.
She shook her head after his question registered, hoping he could see it where it lay on the desk.
“You will cum when I give permission, but only then.” With that, his calloused hand once more slid up her thigh, this time something more pressing into her pussy. As they slid home, she could tell a second finger had joined in making the come-hither motion inside her slit. His tongue resumed the tease of her clit once more. Again, as she tensed and moaned her release imminently, he stopped, moving his lips to kiss her goose pimple-covered skin.
Virginia heard him shift positions as he removed one slick finger, his thumb swirling her clit. The slickness was now on her rosebud, pressing on that entrance. She gasped and relaxed, allowing herself to enjoy the sensations and inviting his finger to slip in.
The two fingers and thumb worked in unison, his tongue joining to bring her back to the edge.
When he next sensed she was close, he asked, “You want to cum, don’t you?” his voice floating over her naked form to her ears. “You may cum now, Mrs. Parker. You have been very good.”
His tongue began flicking fast, his fingers sliding in and out quickly, and they beckoned. He pulled his fingers almost out, then pushed them home again, and that did it.
Screaming into the panties, she tensed and gushed from her pussy. Her asshole grabbed and released his thumb over and over as wave after wave crashed in her brain. But he didn’t stop and she couldn’t make him, bound as she was, and another wave rolled in and washed over her. Then a third, much bigger one pushed her near madness. She had never experienced this before: her body was on fire, her pussy exploding and her ass pulsing, her legs clamped in on him unbidden, cutting off his air,but still he fingered her and she gave in to the darkness as she came again.
As reality began to return and her senses readjusted, she could tell he had untied her from the desk but left her wrists bound. “Mrs. Parker,” he asked, “are you okay?” and again, “Mrs. Parker, can you hear me?”
She replied with a weak nod, but when the panties were pulled from her mouth, she said, “Yes, sir.”
The crack of something opening, then pressing against her lips, cool refreshment flowing across her tongue. “Drink Mrs. Parker, you are going to need it,” his cum covered thumb brushing a bead of water from her lips.
“You are going to serve my direct needs now, Virginia. Are you ready to proceed?”
She nodded compliance not even sure what he meant.
“Good, I’m going to fuck your mouth.” As she was pushed down to her knees, his zipper slowly lowered and the scent of him filled her nostrils, prompting a liquid response from her tender slit. As drips fell between her knees on the hard floor, his smooth coolness slid across her lips, leaving a trail of precum on them.
She licked slowly across her lips and spoke, “I like your taste. May I please have some more?” With that said, she opened her full lips wide and waggled her tongue. She was rewarded with his head entering and filling her mouth. Being bound she couldn’t touch him, so she had to be sure to use what she could. Leaning forward, she sucked him deep then let him free of her mouth and licked his growing length.
“Mmm, yes Mrs. Parker, just like that,” a low growl followed his words.
As he hardened, she had to lick more, finding it difficult to get him deep in her throat. She wanted to rise, to use her hands, but he had not directed her to do so. His hand was now on her shoulder, lifting her to her feet. She was bent across her cool desk, her nipples hardening and scraping as they touched it. Her hands pulled ahead of her were attached by his belt to something once more. Then her legs were pushed apart further, her high heels barely on the floor, the desk supporting a lot of her weight, her arms being pulled slightly by the tie down.
A package was torn open, with some light noises and a groan of pleasure. His finger was slowly pushed in and removed from her ass. A fresh amount of cool lube coated her, one finger pushing in, then two. Her cheeks were spread by his hands, her hole opening, his sheathed cock ready to enter her. He pressed lightly at first, but then more as his lubed condom-covered hardness sought her ass. His head popped in first and she gasped, a mild pain building toward pleasure. He put himself deeper and deeper, filling her.
“I must put these back in; can’t have you screaming too loudly.” Her used panties pressed back into her mouth. “I’m going to fuck you until we both cum.” With that, a slow pumping began, speeding up every few seconds, his left hand coming up the front of her leg to tease and play with her clit and wet slit, his right holding her hip. A lovely slapping sound as he smacked his body into hers again and again.
She was going to cum, she knew it. He seemed to have given her permission with, ‘I'm going to fuck you until we both cum.’ Yes, she could, she must, her body was demanding it, he was providing it, the best night of sex of her entire life! With that final thought burning through her, she came, a squirt spattering on the desk drawer, her ass clenching down on his cock as he pounded her.
It brought him to the precipice and pushed him over the edge. “Oh, fuck Mrs. Parker. Oh, fuck Virginia, I’m cumming! Fuck!” Growling mixed with ‘fuck’ was all she heard for several moments, him continuing to fuck her ass through it. As his hand came across her butt cheek in a sharp slap, she just let the rush of darkness claim her as she came again.
As she surfaced to reality, she heard a man and woman yelling out their release in unison. Opening her eyes, she noted the blindfold was gone, her bra was on her desk, and her hands were free. Her skirt was pushed up to her waist with three fingers in her wet pussy, a puddle under her in her chair. Playing on her screen was the porn she had chosen the night before? Looking up from the loud screen, she saw his face, a reflection in the dark glass.