“Women can defend themselves just as well as any man. You may not be as strong as a man but karate is about the mind, not just the body. Learn to use your mind to control your body and you'll be ahead of any attacker. An attractive woman needs to know how to control her mind if she is attacked. Look for a weak spot and know what to do and you'll be able to get away from even the strongest man.”
My friend got bored of the talk and told me she was going to go hang out with some of our crew. I didn't even look away. His eyes were dark brown, deep, and soulful. He had a scar that went across his right eyebrow and then just under his eye. I was dying to know how he got it. I was dying to know where else he had scars. I wanted to move closer but a crowd had piled around him now. Students, both guys and girls, wanted to know if he actually had skills or if he was just another geek trying to make money.
“I need a volunteer.” He said and his eyes scanned the crowd. I was surprised when he stopped on me and called to me. I hesitated but he said with a power beyond normal speech, “Come here, you are perfect for our demonstration.” When he looked at me with those big brown eyes, I wasn't about to say no. I pressed through the crowd of students and walked into the opening that they had made.
“First I want you to relax. Act like you are walking to your car after shopping at the mall. You are alone in the parking lot. Some guy comes up behind you and...” Then he swoops in behind me and grabs me by the neck and pulls me to him. I fucking nearly had a heart attack!
“What did you think of that?” He asked.
“I think you could have done anything to me you wanted.” I said. I didn't actually mean it like it came out but the snickers of students around us made my face flush red. He smiled slightly and then said, “I certainly could have. I could have broke your neck or cut off your air and knocked you out or I could have simply held you and taken your purse. The point is, I had you and in seconds I could have done anything I wanted.”
Yes, he could have.
“But there were several opportunities if you had been using your mind and not reacting out of fear. My side was open. I was extended forward and off balance. My face was close to you and that gave you several good targets.” He motioned for one of his buddies and then went through the same thing again. His buddy tried to grab him but in seconds, well actually more like half a second, his buddy was flung to the ground and he had shoved a fist into the guys neck!
“That was just one of many techniques I could show you if you joined my class.”
I joined. A few months later I was training with him.
The classes were brutal. Most of the people from my school had dropped out within the first week. I kept going. I wanted to learn how to do what he showed us and I was devoted. I believed. Now I stood in front of him and his fist was hovering just millimeters from my face. I hadn't been able to block him and he could have knocked through my skull if he had wanted.
“You know why I would have been able to hit you just then?” He asked. I didn't reply. I was still reeling from the speed at which he struck out at me. He was as fast as a viper and just as deadly. He stood close to me. Fuck, I could smell his sweat and see his muscles. “I was able to get you because you aren't trained to react. When you are trained then you can defend yourself without even thinking. Your problem is that you think about it too much. Fighting, any style of fighting, isn't about thinking it is about knowing your body and allowing your deeper mind to take over. It is about thinking without thinking. You have to learn to give yourself over and submit to the moment.”
He looked at me for a long time. I thought he was waiting for an answer but I didn't know what the proper response should be so I just said, “Yes Sir.” He smiled. He was beautiful when he smiled. Wrinkles formed at the corners of his eyes and made him look stronger. I wanted him to strike at me again. All that power and muscle unleashed. It was only when he walked back up to the front of the class and yelled for everyone to get in attention stance that I realized my breathing was deep, erratic and worst of all loud enough for others around me to hear.
That night I masturbated in my bed thinking about his power and that punch. I imagined him striking the air, muscles flexing, arms covered in inked designs. What were his tattoos? Dragons? Naked women? It didn't matter to me because I already worshiped the strength in those arms and his powerful voice booming out to the class telling me to submit. I wanted to submit. My fingers sank inside the tender little hot pink folds of my secret flesh and I rubbed around my naked little tiny pleasure bud until I was moaning and opening and closing my thighs. I touched my breast, my smallish swell of soft white skin with the delicate little pale rose bud nipple that was so small and soft. I imagined kneeling before him, worshiping his power and strength and reacting without thinking, totally submissive to the moment. What would he ask me to do? The thought of doing whatever he desired sent a wave of warm passion through me and down between my thighs until I cried out and sank three fingers into my sticky soft pussy. I came and my body curled in until I was balled up and crying. As I cried and kept my fingers down inside my silky moist pussy and then I closed my eyes and brought my hand to my mouth so I could taste myself and fall asleep. My cum clung between my fingers like summer taffy or melted white marshmallow puff cream. I licked my fingers and tasted my sex and suckled until I fell asleep.
“What are you doing? You call that a punch? What are you trying to attack, sick butterflies? I think the butterflies would win! That's the sickliest punch I've ever seen.” He said and touched my arm. I felt heat flush through me and I know my pale skin flushed pink. He seemed surprised by my reaction to his touch and removed his hand for a second like a child caught in the cookie jar. I smiled as warmly as I could muster but already I felt myself getting wet. He placed his strong hand around my arm and grabbed my fist. He pulled my arm out straight and made sure that it was good and ready and then he opened his other hand and forced me to punch him in the palm of his hand.
“Now hit me like that.” He said and I was eager to please so I punched with all my might and hit him more on the thumb than the palm of his hand. He smiled and said, “That was a little better, I think you might scare a puppy with that punch.” but now his voice was calm, friendly. I didn't care for it. I immediately thought of ways to make him come back over and yell at me again. My body craved his voice, his muscled body tensed and ready to fight.
We began kicking and I made sure to do it wrong. He ignored me at first, moving from student to student and helping them but finally he could ignore me no longer. He came over and stood in front of me and I made sure my kicks were low, off balance, not on target, and most of all weak.
“What is this? What are you trying to kick at? If you are attacking the wall then I think you've made progress but if you are trying to kick your target then you are pathetic. I've seen better kicks from a five year old.” He said but he was trying to control his anger. Why? Why wouldn't he yell at me? What did I have to do? But I could see the frustration in his face and the muscles in his jaw tensing and releasing. I wanted him to grab me, force me down and fuck me. I was already sloshing wet. Instead he grabbed my leg when I kicked out and threw it back down.
“Kick harder, show me some power.”
I kicked softer.
“Oh GOD! That was sickening! You really are hopeless. What the hell was that? KICK HARDER!” He yelled. I think he was actually angry at me. I was ready to attack him. I wished I hadn't worn a bra. Would he be lost in the sight of my breasts, my budding little nipples protruding as they always do. I tried to stop thinking of his mouth on them. I kicked again but this time I lost my balance and fell to the floor. I honestly didn't do it on purpose. I'm not used to this and I don't know how to turn my feet. He rolled his eyes in frustration and walked away.
“Stay after class and I'll work with you. I can't waste time on this right now.” He said.
The rest of class was torture. He wouldn't help me. I played dumb. I asked obvious questions. I kicked out like a five year old again. I even considered falling down again but decided that it was stupid and would just make me look foolish.
After class I stayed. I waited. I felt my muscles burning. What would he do with me?
“Ok, we are going to work just on your punches and kicks. I want you to work on what I show you between now and the next class.”
“Ok.” I said.
He went over the kicks and punches. He didn't touch me. I wanted him to touch me and yell at me again but he didn't. I tried asking stupid questions again but it made no difference. He wouldn't show the force gave out in class. He was trying to be gentle with me. Damn it. I didn't want gentle. I wanted him to yell, scream, and force me to do whatever he liked.
“Sir?” I said knowing that was the wrong thing to call him.
“Sensei, I've told you that a thousand times. It is Sensei, are you stupid?”
“Don't call me stupid!” I yelled. Anger flashed on his face.
“Why the fuck are you here? You are obviously not interested in trying to do karate. Are you here just to make my life miserable? I can't believe that you are wasting my time. What do you want out of this class? Answer me!”
“I do. I want to learn, I want you to teach me. I'll do anything you ask.”
“Ok, now show me a real kick!”
“Yes Sensei.” I said.

“You are so weak. Get on the ground and we are going to do some push-ups.”
We dropped to the floor and he faced me as we did push-ups. I tried to push, tried to lift my small frame off the ground but I could barely move after only 3 or 4 push-ups.
“Stop sticking your butt up in the air! Keep your body straight and push! I want you to do at least five more! Push it!” He yelled.
I tried but I just couldn't. I dropped and my face pressed into the mat. I felt like crying but I was also excited. Suddenly I felt my body lift and then I was flipped onto my back. He looked directly at my breasts and I followed his gaze. They only flattened slightly but the little rose bud nipples poked out clearly, erect and ready for him. I felt my body flush with heat again.
“Oahmmm..Ok.” He had to clear his throat and I knew my body had thrown him. I smiled. “Ok, I want you to tuck your legs together and put your feet flat on the ground. Now, squeeze your stomach muscles.”
He put his hand on my stomach and felt for my muscles.
“Good, now you feel that? But you are using all the muscles up here.” He said and he put his hand high on my stomach and I felt his fingers just lightly brush the bottom swell of my breast. I felt my body tighten and my breath escaped me. “But I want you to use the muscles down here.” and he moved his hand down lower, letting his hand slide under my bottom and he moved his hand just above my panty line. His palm rested there, warm, strong, hard, and so close to my sex. His fingers were just touching my pubic hairs and if he just turned his hand slightly he would feel that I shaved into a thin line pointing straight down to my tender little clit. I want him to turn his hand.
“Now I want you to lift yourself until you feel those muscles tighten. Go slowly...yes, that's it. Slowly.”
Now his fingers did move. They were sliding under my panties! I continued to hold my shoulders off the ground and I didn't move. I was eager to make him happy, I wanted to hold this until he told me to stop. I wasn't going to stop until he said it was ok. His fingers moved and touched my pubic hair. He followed the line down until his finger tips were just above my clit. I moaned slightly.
“Yes. I can feel them now. Do you feel that? Feel your muscles tightening down there? It should move all the way down and if you keep working these muscles you'll find your able to do so much more. These are important muscles for a woman, even a girl your age.”
“Please.” I said. I couldn't help myself. I was holding the pose and I wanted his fingers inside me but he mistook my pleading to be asking him to allow me to relax.
“Ok, you can stop.”
I didn't want that. I wanted him to fuck my with those calloused fingers. I wanted his hard knuckles inside me. I wanted to feel all that muscle pushing into me, fucking me, using me. He lay over me, his hand still down my bottoms and under my panties. I lay on the floor under him. Helpless. Submissive. I was willing to do anything he asked. I would do anything he wanted.
“Did you feel it?”
“Yes.” I said.
Now there was nothing said. He lay over me and I lay under him. The moment seemed to draw on and on. I wanted him to say something but his hand was still down my pants. His fingers still hovering jus above my clit. Finally, his middle finger slipped between my tender little moist folds of flesh and he moved it up and down. I didn't close my eyes because I wanted to see him. He pushed down and his fingers sank into my sticky, creamy hot tunnel. I could feel his rough skin. He wasn't gentle and I didn't want him to be. I closed my eyes and pressed my hands to the mat as he pushed in and out of me. I slapped the mat hard with my palm and the sound was louder than I expected. I opened my legs for him and another finger pushed inside me. I felt his other hand moving up my shirt and I didn't resist. I let him feel my breast just as long as he didn't take his fingers out of my pussy.
“Cum. I want you to cum now.” He commanded.
I don't know if it was his voice. I don't know if it was the situation. But I came. Right when he asked I came. My legs trembled. My body jerked. I felt the sensation of orgasm rock through my body and mind. Then I pulled my legs together and held his hand there.
“Is this what you came to my class for? Are you just here for me to fuck you?”
“Then why are you here?”
“Because I need to learn to defend myself.” I said.
“I don't believe you. I saw the way you stood to the side at your school, watching, waiting. You wanted something then and I think you want it now. Tell me what you want.”
“I don't know what you are talking about.” I said, starting to turn red. How could he know this? He saw me that day. A mental image came into my head of me standing there all pathetic and with little doe eyes while he watched me. He moved his finger inside my pussy again. Slowly he pressed down into me and then very, very slowly he pulled it back out. I was dripping wet. I wanted him to fuck me. I would do anything he wanted.
“Now...” He whispered, “I can stop or you can admit that you want me. But if you do, you need to know that I'm not looking for a girlfriend, I already have one.”
This came as a shock and a relief. If he already had a girlfriend then what was he doing fingering me in the middle of the workout room? I instinctively looked to the door half expecting her to walk in. I also started my train of jealous thought. Was she pretty? Did she look like me? Was she good to him? Could I steal him away from her? Would she think the same things of me that I already thought of her?
“I don't think you are looking for a boyfriend either. I think you recognize something about me and I see it in you. I think you want someone to tell you what to do. I can see it in your eyes. I think you are looking to give in and stop thinking. I think you...” and he took his fingers and ran them across my skin and up my face brushing the hair out of my eyes, “...you are looking to submit.”
“Yes.” I said.
“Then come back tomorrow and be here promptly at 7am. Not a minute earlier and not a minute later. You will wear pink panties, the green top you wore the other day and jeans. Don't wear shoes at all. Also, don't wear any make-up, you wear too much. I don't care that you are into punk shit but tomorrow morning you'll be into what I like which is nice and natural. I do like your hair though, that's why I'm asking you to wear pink underwear.”
“No, from now on you'll call me Sir or Sensei and you will do exactly as I say or you'll be punished.”
He closed his eyes, obviously upset at my question.
“Oh, I mean Sir.” I said sarcastically.
“See, you don't have any idea how you should act. I should just show you punishment now.”
“Maybe you should.” I said with a smirk on my face.
Immediately I was lifted up and turned in the air as if I were nothing more than a rag doll. He plopped me down on my knees with my ass lifted in the air. He kept his arm under me so that I couldn't move and with his free hand he ripped my workout shorts from my body. The fabric ripped and he yanked and pulled until it came free. It hurt. Then he grabbed my panties and did the same thing, only this time it really hurt as he ripped them from my body. I cried out in pain but he didn't stop until my shorts and panties lay ruined on the mat. Exposed, completely naked from the waist down, I closed my eyes. Fear and complete excitement took me. My pussy was dripping wet and now he could see it. I felt the cool air on my naked pink lips. My little ass was vulnerable and he first touched it lightly and then he brought an open hand across my ass.
“If you don't know how to behave then I'll spank you like a child. You asked for this. I didn't want to do it. I..” he stopped talking but his hand didn't stop spanking. The pain burned through me. Stinging sensation vibrated through my ass, stomach, and legs. My pussy burned as she was completely exposed and his hand also smacked my open vagina. Oh god, I was so embarrassed but at the same time desperately turned on. It was only when he stopped spanking me that I realized that I was crying.
Then silence and he withdrew. I didn't move for fear that I would upset him. I lay there with my face pressed into the mat. The mat was wet with my tears and my pussy was dripping wet from excitement. I hoped that he was moving behind me. I wondered how his cock would feel inside me. I had only had sex twice before. The first time was with a boy I used to walk home from school with and it was quick and completely unsatisfying. I invited him into the house and knew I was doing something wrong. It was that idea of being bad that gave it the thrill. He came in but his fear was obvious on his face and in his body. We sat on the couch not speaking. We both knew what was going to happen but neither of us knew how to start it. Finally he reached over and pulled at my clothes and in minutes he was done and running out the door. He didn't even say goodbye.
I thought of that now, of walking out without even a goodbye. I looked up and saw him with his bag in hand and standing in front of the door. He seemed to have been waiting for me to look up and as soon as our eyes met he opened the door and left. I lay on the floor with my ass up in the air for several minutes not knowing if he was coming back or what. Finally I stood and picked up the ruined remains of my clothes. I changed back into my jeans and threw the ripped up clothes into my bag.
That night I knelt on my bed with my ass in the air and masturbated. My pussy was still a little sore but it felt good to satisfy the built up desire. I thought of how I would get out of the house and make an excuse to drive out to the studio to be there at 7am. I decided I would just leave and not say anything to my parents. They didn't need to know. No one needed to know. I was his now. I was his dedicated love.
I came and came and came. I tensed and thought of that first time, of being left alone. I would never be left alone as long as I gave myself to him. He would take care of me. I would do whatever he asked. I would be his. He would own me. I would give myself to him. I looked at the clock. Only 8pm. I wouldn't be able to sleep.