When I saw the message in my inbox I assumed it was spam. No sender was listed. It just said:
You are cordially invited to the House of Lush. Bring yourself and no-one else. Leave your inhibitions at home. Tell no-one, even trusted friends on Lush. You have been recommended by a friend and approved by the circle. Reply with your mobile number then delete this message.
I read and re-read the message. I was 95% certain that this was spam, and yet doubts nagged away at me throughout the day.
Later that evening I logged back into Lush. The message was still there. I took a deep breath, typed in my mobile number and clicked 'send' before I could have second thoughts. I deleted the message as instructed and went to bed.
For three days I heard nothing. Then at 6pm on Friday evening I received a text message.
32 Cambridge Road, Kempford - 8pm tonight.
Kempford was an hour's drive away so I had little time to make my decision. I could follow this cryptic summons into god-knows-what kind of situation, or play it safe and go down the pub. I flicked through the clothes in my wardrobe as I struggled with this dilemma. My eyes fixed on a jacket I'd only worn once. What a waste of money that had been. I had been an unsatisfactory 'safe' choice. I was sick of playing safe. Fuck it, I'll go!
I arrived just before 8pm . It was a large house on a new estate. Not a mansion by any means, but it was clear that whoever lived there had money. Two cars were parked on the driveway and several more cars were parked on the roadside. Dusk was falling and I could see shadows cast on the curtains by people moving around inside the house. I could still drive away and return to my life, but it didn't look threatening. In for a penny, in for a pound!
I rang the door bell. The door opened and I was faced with a beautiful woman of around 30. She had lushious long brown hair, a full bust and a very pleasing figure. She smiled at me.
"Dylan, I am so glad you could make it."
"You have the advantage over me. Have we met?"
"We have met on Lush. It was me who proposed that you join our circle."
I started putting the pieces together. This must be Heather, albeit that was not her username on Lush. We had met in a chat room and talked about music and movies. Some flirting ensued and I loved her company online, but I had never seen her face. Despite this, I knew it was Heather. It had to be.
"Yes Dylan."
She smiled again. A smile to brush away any doubts I may have had. Turning, she gestured that I should enter the house. Once inside I could hear talking, laughter and music from a nearby room and some different music playing upstairs.
"I've never had such a cryptic party invite."
"I'd wager you will never have been to a party like this!"
I noticed the door to the first room off the entrance hall. It had a sign on it.
The Lush Lounge
I started to understand what was going on here. This was Lush made flesh, and if my inkling was correct flesh would indeed be on the menu.
Heather opened the lounge door and we walked through. Inside were around 10 or 12 people. Men and women. A range of ages. People were chatting, clutching a glass of wine or beer and it took me aback slightly. If this was an orgy then it was the most sedate orgy ever. At once I felt a strange mix of disappointment and relief.
"Can I get you a drink Dylan?"
"Yes please Heather, though I'd better just have the one as I'm driving."
"Oh are you? We'll see."
With a cheeky wink Heather headed out into the hall and was gone. The conversation in the lounge was wide ranging. Pretty much what you would expect from any house party. I soon felt comfortable in the company of my new friends. Ten minutes passed, then fifteen and no sign of Heather with my drink. I was pointed in the direction of the kitchen and I helped myself to a large glass of wine. Sipping my wine I was pondering my next move when a short red headed woman joined me in the kitchen.
"Are you Dylan?"
"Er yes...yes I am. And you are?"
"Heather asked my to direct you upstairs. Second door on your left"
Clutching my wine glass I headed up the stairs. The higher I climbed the clearer I could make out sounds and smells. The aroma of scented candles was in the air, along with the unmistakeable noises of people having sex. Whether these were the sounds of people on film or in real life I wasn't sure. The first door on the left was labelled The Lush Basement. I walked past it as instructed. The next room was unlabelled. I took a deep breath and opened the door.
It was a wetroom. To the left was a shower area and in it a couple were fucking. The water was cascading over their lithe bodies. The woman braced herself against the wall as the man thrust himself inside her from behind. They were oblivious to my presence. I was transfixed. A voice broke me out of it.
"Dylan, oh Dylan!"
I looked to my right. In a white vintage bath lay Heather. Bubbles covered her modesty but it was clear to me that Heather was naked. She raised an arm out of the water and beckoned me with a finger. I walked slowly towards the her, breathing more rapidly as nerves started kicking in.
"Come on in, the water's lovely!"
I paused. Was this really happening to me? I glimpsed a nipple through the bubbles. Without truly realising what I was doing I started undressing. I left my clothes piled on the floor and stepped in to the warm bubbly water. I sat down facing Heather. She smiled at me as I felt her foot slide up my leg and rub against my cock. A second foot joined soon after, and with those feet she gripped my rapidly stiffening cock. I closed my eyes and lay there as Heather's feet gave me an exquisite massage. We said nothing to each other. Then without warning she leant forward and lay her body on mine. She started raining kisses onto my lips.
"I'm so glad you came Dylan. You are going to have such a special night."
"It already is!"
"Dylan, it's only just begun"
Heather slid down my body and took my cock between her breasts. She slid back and forth, giving me a sensuous and soapy tit wank. I came too suddenly to warn her. My cum shooting over her chest and breasts. A small amount splashing her chin.
"My my Dylan, you were eager." She wiped her chin and licked the cum from her fingers. Sliding further down she took my cock in her mouth and licked up the cum that continued to seep out.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.
Heather looked up at me, her beautiful hazel doe eyes setting my heart aflame.
"Don't be sorry darling. There is nothing to apologise for. This is a lot to take in. But you will be better able to cope with the rest of this evening having already cum once."
I smiled weakly.
"Now, I need to dry myself off and grab a drink. Soak here for a while if you want, or grab a bathrobe and continue the evening. It's up to you. There is no right or wrong in the House of Lush. I can recommend the Pic Room."
There was a glint in her eye as she sloshed water over her breasts, rinsing off my cum. She stood up, and for the first time I saw her body in all its glory. I could feel my cock starting to stir once more, but Heather was quickly out of the bath and into a bathrobe. With a little coquettish wave she was away.
I waited for a few minutes, taking in what had just happened. I became aware once again of the couple fucking in the shower. I turned to look at them. The woman was now in the throws of her orgasm and I presumed the man was too, as his thrusts were slowing down. Before long the two were finished. The woman turned to face the man. She looked to be in her 40s. A good decade or so older than the man. She wore a wedding ring. He didn't. They kissed and held each other. Suddenly I felt awkward. They were no longer fucking, but this felt like a more intimate moment. I stepped out of the bath, hung my clothes up and donned a soft white bathrobe. Without saying a word I slipped out of the wetroom and onto the landing. So where was the pic room, and more to the point; where was Heather?
I turned left along the landing, looking for the Pic Room. I passed the Men Only room on the left and the Girls Only room on the right. The last door on the left said Pic Room. I entered the room which was in darkness save for the glow coming from a large plasma screen at the far end. I paused at the door to let me eyes adjust to the dim light. Six sofas were arranged facing the television.
You are cordially invited to the House of Lush. Bring yourself and no-one else. Leave your inhibitions at home. Tell no-one, even trusted friends on Lush. You have been recommended by a friend and approved by the circle. Reply with your mobile number then delete this message.
I read and re-read the message. I was 95% certain that this was spam, and yet doubts nagged away at me throughout the day.
Later that evening I logged back into Lush. The message was still there. I took a deep breath, typed in my mobile number and clicked 'send' before I could have second thoughts. I deleted the message as instructed and went to bed.
For three days I heard nothing. Then at 6pm on Friday evening I received a text message.
32 Cambridge Road, Kempford - 8pm tonight.
Kempford was an hour's drive away so I had little time to make my decision. I could follow this cryptic summons into god-knows-what kind of situation, or play it safe and go down the pub. I flicked through the clothes in my wardrobe as I struggled with this dilemma. My eyes fixed on a jacket I'd only worn once. What a waste of money that had been. I had been an unsatisfactory 'safe' choice. I was sick of playing safe. Fuck it, I'll go!
I arrived just before 8pm . It was a large house on a new estate. Not a mansion by any means, but it was clear that whoever lived there had money. Two cars were parked on the driveway and several more cars were parked on the roadside. Dusk was falling and I could see shadows cast on the curtains by people moving around inside the house. I could still drive away and return to my life, but it didn't look threatening. In for a penny, in for a pound!
I rang the door bell. The door opened and I was faced with a beautiful woman of around 30. She had lushious long brown hair, a full bust and a very pleasing figure. She smiled at me.
"Dylan, I am so glad you could make it."
"You have the advantage over me. Have we met?"
"We have met on Lush. It was me who proposed that you join our circle."
I started putting the pieces together. This must be Heather, albeit that was not her username on Lush. We had met in a chat room and talked about music and movies. Some flirting ensued and I loved her company online, but I had never seen her face. Despite this, I knew it was Heather. It had to be.
"Yes Dylan."
She smiled again. A smile to brush away any doubts I may have had. Turning, she gestured that I should enter the house. Once inside I could hear talking, laughter and music from a nearby room and some different music playing upstairs.
"I've never had such a cryptic party invite."
"I'd wager you will never have been to a party like this!"
I noticed the door to the first room off the entrance hall. It had a sign on it.
The Lush Lounge
I started to understand what was going on here. This was Lush made flesh, and if my inkling was correct flesh would indeed be on the menu.
Heather opened the lounge door and we walked through. Inside were around 10 or 12 people. Men and women. A range of ages. People were chatting, clutching a glass of wine or beer and it took me aback slightly. If this was an orgy then it was the most sedate orgy ever. At once I felt a strange mix of disappointment and relief.
"Can I get you a drink Dylan?"
"Yes please Heather, though I'd better just have the one as I'm driving."
"Oh are you? We'll see."
With a cheeky wink Heather headed out into the hall and was gone. The conversation in the lounge was wide ranging. Pretty much what you would expect from any house party. I soon felt comfortable in the company of my new friends. Ten minutes passed, then fifteen and no sign of Heather with my drink. I was pointed in the direction of the kitchen and I helped myself to a large glass of wine. Sipping my wine I was pondering my next move when a short red headed woman joined me in the kitchen.
"Are you Dylan?"
"Er yes...yes I am. And you are?"
"Heather asked my to direct you upstairs. Second door on your left"
Clutching my wine glass I headed up the stairs. The higher I climbed the clearer I could make out sounds and smells. The aroma of scented candles was in the air, along with the unmistakeable noises of people having sex. Whether these were the sounds of people on film or in real life I wasn't sure. The first door on the left was labelled The Lush Basement. I walked past it as instructed. The next room was unlabelled. I took a deep breath and opened the door.
It was a wetroom. To the left was a shower area and in it a couple were fucking. The water was cascading over their lithe bodies. The woman braced herself against the wall as the man thrust himself inside her from behind. They were oblivious to my presence. I was transfixed. A voice broke me out of it.
"Dylan, oh Dylan!"
I looked to my right. In a white vintage bath lay Heather. Bubbles covered her modesty but it was clear to me that Heather was naked. She raised an arm out of the water and beckoned me with a finger. I walked slowly towards the her, breathing more rapidly as nerves started kicking in.
"Come on in, the water's lovely!"
I paused. Was this really happening to me? I glimpsed a nipple through the bubbles. Without truly realising what I was doing I started undressing. I left my clothes piled on the floor and stepped in to the warm bubbly water. I sat down facing Heather. She smiled at me as I felt her foot slide up my leg and rub against my cock. A second foot joined soon after, and with those feet she gripped my rapidly stiffening cock. I closed my eyes and lay there as Heather's feet gave me an exquisite massage. We said nothing to each other. Then without warning she leant forward and lay her body on mine. She started raining kisses onto my lips.
"I'm so glad you came Dylan. You are going to have such a special night."
"It already is!"
"Dylan, it's only just begun"
Heather slid down my body and took my cock between her breasts. She slid back and forth, giving me a sensuous and soapy tit wank. I came too suddenly to warn her. My cum shooting over her chest and breasts. A small amount splashing her chin.
"My my Dylan, you were eager." She wiped her chin and licked the cum from her fingers. Sliding further down she took my cock in her mouth and licked up the cum that continued to seep out.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.
Heather looked up at me, her beautiful hazel doe eyes setting my heart aflame.
"Don't be sorry darling. There is nothing to apologise for. This is a lot to take in. But you will be better able to cope with the rest of this evening having already cum once."
I smiled weakly.
"Now, I need to dry myself off and grab a drink. Soak here for a while if you want, or grab a bathrobe and continue the evening. It's up to you. There is no right or wrong in the House of Lush. I can recommend the Pic Room."
There was a glint in her eye as she sloshed water over her breasts, rinsing off my cum. She stood up, and for the first time I saw her body in all its glory. I could feel my cock starting to stir once more, but Heather was quickly out of the bath and into a bathrobe. With a little coquettish wave she was away.
I waited for a few minutes, taking in what had just happened. I became aware once again of the couple fucking in the shower. I turned to look at them. The woman was now in the throws of her orgasm and I presumed the man was too, as his thrusts were slowing down. Before long the two were finished. The woman turned to face the man. She looked to be in her 40s. A good decade or so older than the man. She wore a wedding ring. He didn't. They kissed and held each other. Suddenly I felt awkward. They were no longer fucking, but this felt like a more intimate moment. I stepped out of the bath, hung my clothes up and donned a soft white bathrobe. Without saying a word I slipped out of the wetroom and onto the landing. So where was the pic room, and more to the point; where was Heather?
I turned left along the landing, looking for the Pic Room. I passed the Men Only room on the left and the Girls Only room on the right. The last door on the left said Pic Room. I entered the room which was in darkness save for the glow coming from a large plasma screen at the far end. I paused at the door to let me eyes adjust to the dim light. Six sofas were arranged facing the television.

Online Now!
Lush Cams
Four of the sofas were occupied by couples, one was empty and the remaing one had one person on it.
On the screen was a succession of short pornographic scenes. Missionary, doggie, anal, bukkake, threesomes... all manner of sexual practices were shown on the screen. I looked over at the empty sofa and the sofa occupied by a lone woman. Not knowing the form in this room I walked past the girl on the sofa and sat by myself. Almost immediately the woman got up and sat beside me. I turned to look at her, and though she was gazing straight ahead I could see that it was the girl I met in the kitchen earlier. Only now, she like me was clad in just a bathrobe.
I turned back to the screen. A small breasted college girl was giving a jock a blow-job whilst being fucked from behind. I slipped my hand inside my robe, but almost immediately the girl pulled it out and slipped it inside her own robe. She guided my hand to her pussy and left it there. In turn she slipped her hand inside my robe and took my cock in hand.
As I fingered her soft wet pussy, the woman ran her finger around the tip of my cock. Then gripping my shaft she began slowly moving her fist up and down. It was a slow, delicious motion that brought my erection to its full height and girth.
I slipped my fingers inside her cunt. She spread her legs wider and shifted on the seat. To my left a man had his cock in the mouth of a young blond. The couple directly in front of me were kissing passionately. Meanwhile between my legs I was receiving a top quality hand-job.
On screen a middle aged man came on the face of a young Japanese girl. To my left the man came in the mouth of the young blond. The girl holding my cock leaned over and whispered in my ear:
"Would you like a change of location?"
I nodded.
Pulling me to my feet by my cock, I was led cock in hand out of the room. She led me down the corridor towards the stairs. We stopped outside the Lush Basement.
"Trust me," she said in a sincere hushed tone.
We entered the room. It was empty save for a large double bed. The sheets were black satin. Around the fringe of the room were several candelabras burning scented candles. Attached to the headboard were two pairs of handcuffs. Attached to the foot of the bed were some leather straps. Against the wall was a cupboard, contents unknown and a wine cooler with a champagne bottle inside.
"Trust me Dylan," she repeated.
I was so far out of my comfort zone that all natural instincts to flee were short-circuited.
"Tell me your name..."
It took all of the composure I could muster to ask that. When she kept silent I was unable to press the matter further. She slid my robe off my body to leave me naked. I was led to the bed and with a push to the chest I fell backwards. I just lay there as first one wrist and then another was clipped into the handcuffs. From under the pillow she drew a blindfold, and then slowly placed it over my eyes. I was plunged into a world of darkness.
I waited. Nothing. Not a touch, not a sound. I was hard with the anticipation. Aching for something. Anything.
I heard a pop from across the room.
With a jolt I felt the cold shock of ice on the head of my cock. It was almost intolerable. I arched my back seeking some relief. The underside of my balls were next for the ice treatment and slowly the ice was rubbed all over them. I felt a cold liquid pour over my crotch. The fizz of champagne bubbles on my frozen cock produced a stinging sensation that was both painful and intensely pleasurable. A tongue licked my balls before moving up to my cock. I felt the tongue lick up my shaft before circling the tip of my cock. Then an intense feeling of heat spread over my cock as it slid inside a soft warm mouth.
I relaxed. Full feeling slowly returned to my cock as I received the sweetest oral ministrations imaginable. And then without warning, it stopped.
Nothing. No-one touching me. No sounds. The aroma of the scented candles hung in the air. My cock throbbed with anticipation. I had been taken close to the brink and then left hanging.
I felt the bed move as someone joined me on it. A hand caressed my cock back to full hardness. I felt a pair of legs straddling me, and gently a soft, wet, tight warm cunt enveloped my cock. I let out a gasp as my full length slid in. Holding me inside she laid a delicate kiss on my lips. I felt her breasts touch my chest. I opened my mouth longing to touch tongue on tongue. Instead I felt a breast put to my lips. I sucked on the nipple as if my life depended on it. It was so hard. So so hard. I pinched the nipple between my lips. The only modicum of control I could exert on my situation.
I felt her place a hand either side of my head. Slowly she lifted her hips up, my cock slipping free of her cunt. Then she lowered herself back onto me. She rode me smoothly and expertly, subtly ramping up the speed. Her hips shimmied and drove me yet further towards my impending orgasm.
I felt a hand stroke my hair followed by my cheek. I turned my head to kiss the hand. A finger slipped inside my mouth and I sucked it eagerly. I felt the hand move to the side of my head. Gripping the elastic of my blindfold she removed it. Blinking, my eyes adjusted to the light. And I saw her, a smile on her face. It was not the face I expected to see. It wasn't the red head, it was Heather who was looking back at me. It was Heather who was riding me, faster and faster.
"I wanted to see your face when you came. And I want you to see mine when I cum."
Those words alone took me to the brink. Heather rubbed her clit as she rode me faster. I bit my lip, trying to hold back the inevitable. I wanted to touch her body, but my handcuffed wrists just added to the pent up frustration. I felt the tell-tale throbbing along my cock. I clenched but I couldn't hold it for long. I came deep inside Heather. I felt Heather tense up as the feeling of my hot cum coating her vaginal walls shot through her body. Her cunt gripped my cock as yet more cum entered her. A shiver ran through her body, and for the first time during our love making I heard her.
"Oh god yes Dylan, yes. Fuuuuuck. Oh yes."
Heather's back arched and she threw her head backwards as she came. She looked magnificent in that moment. A sight that will live forever in my memory.
Finally Heather flopped forward on top of me. She gave me long, loving, deep kisses and ran her fingers through my hair. Reaching down to the floor by the bed Heather retrieved the key for the cuffs. Undoing them felt like such a moment of liberation. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. My cock was still inside her, the erection slowly subsiding to the point where I slipped back out of her.
I don't know how long we lay there kissing and cuddling. Time no longer meant anything. All that mattered was Heather and I in that moment. At some point we took a shower. Running my hands over her body I could help but grin.
"Whatcha thinking?"
"Just remembering that I almost decided not to come here tonight..."
"I'm so glad you did!"
"You're glad? This has been the greatest night of my life "
Heather smiled. She took a towel and began drying herself.
"It's not over yet."
She was right. We went downstairs to a room marked The Lush Bedroom.
"I reserved it....on the offchance."
The remainder of that night was spent kissing, cuddling, a small amount of sleeping, and yes we did make love again a couple of times. We talked about many things, but not about ourselves. I must have fallen asleep at some point near dawn, and when I woke Heather was gone. On the pillow next to me was a note.
Sorry, I had to go. It's a long trip home and normal life has its demands. Thank you for playing along. See you on Lush. xoxoxox
I lay there for a while, thinking on the night's events. The house was mostly empty when I got up to leave. I exchanged smiles and pleasantries with a few people, but I knew I needed to leave.
I have paid visits The House of Lush again and again. Each time, a large house in a discreet location. Never the same house twice. Now that I was in the circle I had the option to propose that others be invited. I never did. Heather was the only person I wanted.
She still is.
On the screen was a succession of short pornographic scenes. Missionary, doggie, anal, bukkake, threesomes... all manner of sexual practices were shown on the screen. I looked over at the empty sofa and the sofa occupied by a lone woman. Not knowing the form in this room I walked past the girl on the sofa and sat by myself. Almost immediately the woman got up and sat beside me. I turned to look at her, and though she was gazing straight ahead I could see that it was the girl I met in the kitchen earlier. Only now, she like me was clad in just a bathrobe.
I turned back to the screen. A small breasted college girl was giving a jock a blow-job whilst being fucked from behind. I slipped my hand inside my robe, but almost immediately the girl pulled it out and slipped it inside her own robe. She guided my hand to her pussy and left it there. In turn she slipped her hand inside my robe and took my cock in hand.
As I fingered her soft wet pussy, the woman ran her finger around the tip of my cock. Then gripping my shaft she began slowly moving her fist up and down. It was a slow, delicious motion that brought my erection to its full height and girth.
I slipped my fingers inside her cunt. She spread her legs wider and shifted on the seat. To my left a man had his cock in the mouth of a young blond. The couple directly in front of me were kissing passionately. Meanwhile between my legs I was receiving a top quality hand-job.
On screen a middle aged man came on the face of a young Japanese girl. To my left the man came in the mouth of the young blond. The girl holding my cock leaned over and whispered in my ear:
"Would you like a change of location?"
I nodded.
Pulling me to my feet by my cock, I was led cock in hand out of the room. She led me down the corridor towards the stairs. We stopped outside the Lush Basement.
"Trust me," she said in a sincere hushed tone.
We entered the room. It was empty save for a large double bed. The sheets were black satin. Around the fringe of the room were several candelabras burning scented candles. Attached to the headboard were two pairs of handcuffs. Attached to the foot of the bed were some leather straps. Against the wall was a cupboard, contents unknown and a wine cooler with a champagne bottle inside.
"Trust me Dylan," she repeated.
I was so far out of my comfort zone that all natural instincts to flee were short-circuited.
"Tell me your name..."
It took all of the composure I could muster to ask that. When she kept silent I was unable to press the matter further. She slid my robe off my body to leave me naked. I was led to the bed and with a push to the chest I fell backwards. I just lay there as first one wrist and then another was clipped into the handcuffs. From under the pillow she drew a blindfold, and then slowly placed it over my eyes. I was plunged into a world of darkness.
I waited. Nothing. Not a touch, not a sound. I was hard with the anticipation. Aching for something. Anything.
I heard a pop from across the room.
With a jolt I felt the cold shock of ice on the head of my cock. It was almost intolerable. I arched my back seeking some relief. The underside of my balls were next for the ice treatment and slowly the ice was rubbed all over them. I felt a cold liquid pour over my crotch. The fizz of champagne bubbles on my frozen cock produced a stinging sensation that was both painful and intensely pleasurable. A tongue licked my balls before moving up to my cock. I felt the tongue lick up my shaft before circling the tip of my cock. Then an intense feeling of heat spread over my cock as it slid inside a soft warm mouth.
I relaxed. Full feeling slowly returned to my cock as I received the sweetest oral ministrations imaginable. And then without warning, it stopped.
Nothing. No-one touching me. No sounds. The aroma of the scented candles hung in the air. My cock throbbed with anticipation. I had been taken close to the brink and then left hanging.
I felt the bed move as someone joined me on it. A hand caressed my cock back to full hardness. I felt a pair of legs straddling me, and gently a soft, wet, tight warm cunt enveloped my cock. I let out a gasp as my full length slid in. Holding me inside she laid a delicate kiss on my lips. I felt her breasts touch my chest. I opened my mouth longing to touch tongue on tongue. Instead I felt a breast put to my lips. I sucked on the nipple as if my life depended on it. It was so hard. So so hard. I pinched the nipple between my lips. The only modicum of control I could exert on my situation.
I felt her place a hand either side of my head. Slowly she lifted her hips up, my cock slipping free of her cunt. Then she lowered herself back onto me. She rode me smoothly and expertly, subtly ramping up the speed. Her hips shimmied and drove me yet further towards my impending orgasm.
I felt a hand stroke my hair followed by my cheek. I turned my head to kiss the hand. A finger slipped inside my mouth and I sucked it eagerly. I felt the hand move to the side of my head. Gripping the elastic of my blindfold she removed it. Blinking, my eyes adjusted to the light. And I saw her, a smile on her face. It was not the face I expected to see. It wasn't the red head, it was Heather who was looking back at me. It was Heather who was riding me, faster and faster.
"I wanted to see your face when you came. And I want you to see mine when I cum."
Those words alone took me to the brink. Heather rubbed her clit as she rode me faster. I bit my lip, trying to hold back the inevitable. I wanted to touch her body, but my handcuffed wrists just added to the pent up frustration. I felt the tell-tale throbbing along my cock. I clenched but I couldn't hold it for long. I came deep inside Heather. I felt Heather tense up as the feeling of my hot cum coating her vaginal walls shot through her body. Her cunt gripped my cock as yet more cum entered her. A shiver ran through her body, and for the first time during our love making I heard her.
"Oh god yes Dylan, yes. Fuuuuuck. Oh yes."
Heather's back arched and she threw her head backwards as she came. She looked magnificent in that moment. A sight that will live forever in my memory.
Finally Heather flopped forward on top of me. She gave me long, loving, deep kisses and ran her fingers through my hair. Reaching down to the floor by the bed Heather retrieved the key for the cuffs. Undoing them felt like such a moment of liberation. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. My cock was still inside her, the erection slowly subsiding to the point where I slipped back out of her.
I don't know how long we lay there kissing and cuddling. Time no longer meant anything. All that mattered was Heather and I in that moment. At some point we took a shower. Running my hands over her body I could help but grin.
"Whatcha thinking?"
"Just remembering that I almost decided not to come here tonight..."
"I'm so glad you did!"
"You're glad? This has been the greatest night of my life "
Heather smiled. She took a towel and began drying herself.
"It's not over yet."
She was right. We went downstairs to a room marked The Lush Bedroom.
"I reserved it....on the offchance."
The remainder of that night was spent kissing, cuddling, a small amount of sleeping, and yes we did make love again a couple of times. We talked about many things, but not about ourselves. I must have fallen asleep at some point near dawn, and when I woke Heather was gone. On the pillow next to me was a note.
Sorry, I had to go. It's a long trip home and normal life has its demands. Thank you for playing along. See you on Lush. xoxoxox
I lay there for a while, thinking on the night's events. The house was mostly empty when I got up to leave. I exchanged smiles and pleasantries with a few people, but I knew I needed to leave.
I have paid visits The House of Lush again and again. Each time, a large house in a discreet location. Never the same house twice. Now that I was in the circle I had the option to propose that others be invited. I never did. Heather was the only person I wanted.
She still is.