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The Gift

"An office crush fantasy becomes a hot sexy reality."

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The Gift

The smile spread across her face as she woke. She slid her hand down her soft abdomen to her velvety mound and squeezed herself, sliding a finger between her lips and stroking her sensitive button. Her dreams had been of hot, hedonistic sex and she wanted desperately to return to them. She knew what, or rather who, had inspired the dreams and smiled even more. He was amazingly handsome, tall with piercing blue eyes, and he had such an air of sensuality about him…just irresistible. He didn’t know she existed, however, and that made her smile fade in an instant. Ah well, she thought wryly, one could always dream. 

She crawled reluctantly out of bed and made her way to the shower, letting the water sluice away her dirty dreams. She soaped her ample breasts longer and more sensually than normal, but otherwise, did what was necessary and got out.

She slipped into a pencil skirt, wrap around shirt and heels, all of which were office appropriate. She applied scant mascara, a little lip gloss, grabbed a bagel and was out the door of her apartment five minutes early, which was unheard of on a Monday morning. She drove to work preoccupied by the hot dream she’d had that was still making her feel a glowing warmth in her panties. In her dream, she could really physically feel his lips trailing down her neck; the way his hands had explored every inch of her body that his mouth had previously moistened and warmed. She shivered and felt herself tingle all over. "Yum, I hope that dream comes true someday," she thought hopefully.

She walked into the dreary office where she worked, and her face flamed in a giant blush as she nearly collided with the man of and in her dreams. She could feel her face burning and quickly stepped aside, looking at the floor, anywhere but at his gorgeous face with those brilliant baby blue eyes. 

“Morning, Chelsea.” He said smiling down at her. He saw the blush on her face and felt a sudden rush of protectiveness sweep through him. He barely knew this woman but something about her delicate features and vulnerability, made him just want to gather her up in his arms and keep her safe from the world.

“Morning,” Chelsea stammered, feeling the heat of her blush from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair. She quickly side stepped around him and headed to her cubicle. She turned on her computer and tried to distract herself. She organized papers and folders on her desk, then got up and headed to the ladies bathroom.

The heat between her legs was undeniable and too distracting to continue. She let herself into a stall and slid her panties down. She leaned her back against the door and reached down between her legs, her fingers splaying open her hot wet lips, exposing her throbbing clitoris. Her mind drifted to him, she thought of her dream, the hot intensity of his touch, the thick width of his hard member entering her. She could feel herself physically react to her thoughts of him as she stroked herself, her sex dripping with wetness. Her orgasm washed over her quickly as she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out, her legs shaking, her breathing ragged and fast.

Her hand stilled over her mound and she tried to catch her breath. If the mere thought of him can do this to me I wonder what would happen if he ever touched me for real, she thought. Just then she heard the bathroom door open and she pulled up her panties and smoothed her skirt down. She flushed the toilet for appearances sake, and left the stall. Her co-worker, Amy was standing at the sink, fixing her lipstick. 

“Hiya!” Amy chirped at her brightly. “You all right? You look flushed, like you might have a fever.” Amy’s perfectly shaped eyebrows knitted together in concern.

“Oh I’m fine, just too much coffee I think.” Chelsea ran the tap water cold and scrubbed her hands vigorously. She touched the cool water to her neck and face, trying to regain equilibrium after her massive self-induced orgasm. 

Amy didn’t look convinced but asked brightly, “See you at lunch?”

“Yeah, sounds good,” Chelsea dried her hands and checked herself in the mirror. Her color was finally returning to normal. She wiggled her fingers at Amy and left the restroom feeling much more relaxed and in control of her libido.

She plodded through her morning, sending faxes, making calls and the other boring crap that was the sum total of her job. She got a message ding and saw it was from Amy, asking where she wanted to go for lunch. Chelsea thought about it briefly then typed her reply. She had suggested Schooners restaurant because it was just down the block and she liked the atmosphere there. 

Amy popped her head over the cubicle wall, “Ready?”

“Yeah, just let me grab my purse.” Chelsea grabbed her purse and a couple of packages she needed to mail off, and headed out with Amy. 

Amy was one of those women other women loved to hate. Her perky breasts, blonde hair, petite frame and impossibly sunny personality all conspired against her. Chelsea liked her though, she knew Amy was genuinely a nice person even if she was disgustingly perfect physically. Chelsea was also confident enough in her own skin to not be threatened by her, which helped.

They arrived at the restaurant and were seated near a window. The slim, overly effeminate waiter handed them their menus and swished away. Amy and Chelsea looked at each other and giggled, both thinking the same thing. 

The two perused the menu, chatting absently about work and people watching out the window. After they ordered their meals, Chelsea decided to share her secret crush with Amy. In the middle of Chelsea’s confession, Amy’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as she glanced over Chelsea’s shoulder.

“Speak of the devil and he appears.” Amy said under her breath, then looked Chelsea in the eyes with an ‘oh my god’ expression. Chelsea cut her words off mid-sentence and felt her body go rigid. She knew he had just come into the restaurant, and felt the familiar blush rise from her neck to her hair line. The next thing she knew she could smell his lovely cologne and feel his presence at her side.

“Hello ladies,” he said congenially. Chelsea was afraid to meet his eyes, she was already too hot and felt claustrophobic with him standing so close.

“Hiya, you here for lunch too?” Amy responded brightly, flashing her gleaming white smile at him. Chelsea felt a slight kick to her shin under the table and knew Amy was trying to snap her out of the fugue she was in. Chelsea shook herself mentally and glanced up at him. "Oh damn he is handsome," she thought hungrily.

“Yes, but there doesn’t seem to be any tables left. I was wondering if I could join you perhaps?” He asked. “I don’t think we have been properly introduced, I’m Simon.” He extended his hand first to Amy, who shook it enthusiastically, then to Chelsea. Chelsea stared for an odd few seconds at his hand before she took it in her own. She felt his warm palm press against hers and it sent a shiver down her spine. Her mind returned briefly to her dream and what his hands had done to her prone, willing body. She let go awkwardly, like he had stung her with an invisible barb, and tried to arrange her face into a smile.

“I’m Amy, and this is Chelsea,” Amy stated while kicking Chelsea under the table again. Chelsea swung her head around and glared at Amy briefly while Simon pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. Chelsea glanced around the restaurant to find the waiter, and noticed that there were plenty of empty tables. Simon caught her facial expression and said a little self-consciously, “ All reserved apparently.”

“Well lucky us!” Amy flirted with a batting of her lashes. Chelsea didn’t miss the teasing look Amy threw at her either. Chelsea knew Amy was trying to get her riled, she refused to rise to the bait. She was too distracted by how close Simon was to her anyway.

The waiter arrived at the table, then and took Simon’s order with a wink and a flirty smile. Chelsea and Amy rolled their eyes at each other as he swished away again. Their drinks were delivered with a flourish, Simon and Chelsea had both ordered extra dirty Simonis and Amy a white wine. 

As they sipped their drinks they chatted idly about the office gossip and each other’s plans for the up coming holiday break. Amy’s cell chimed and she looked at it and smiled, “Hey you two, sorry to leave early. Chels, could you have them box my lunch and maybe you could bring it back to the office for me?” She was already standing up to leave.

“Uh, sure. Everything ok?” Chelsea asked.

“Oh perfect!” Amy practically squealed with delight as she kissed Chelsea’s cheek, and shook Simon’s hand briefly. “See you back at the office later.” With that, Amy flounced out of the restaurant on her high heels, leaving Simon and Chelsea alone. 

Chelsea shifted in her seat, very aware of the heat between her thighs. She gave Simon a side long glance and found him staring at her. She dropped her gaze and lifted her drink, taking a long swallow. 

“Sorry, I was staring,” Simon admitted guiltily. “I was just thinking how we have never gotten together before now and why that might be. …And about how soft your lips look and how much I would like to taste them or feel them around my hard-on." He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.

Chelsea was emboldened by the gin in her martini, “I’m not sure, I have seen you around the office plenty of times.” She got warmer as her mind raced, and in my very hot, erotic dreams. She glanced at him and smiled. His eyes were so blue, like the color of ice over a lake high in the mountains, but with just a hint of green. His hair was a dirty blonde and was not too short, just long enough to grab handfuls of while he was between her thighs and…she cut the thought short and gulped the rest of her drink. 

Simon raised his eyebrows at her and smiled, “You want another one of those?”

“I better wait until after I eat.” She smiled back at him, feeling very tipsy and slightly brave. She noticed for the first time a slight dimple in his left cheek and wanted to lick it. Lucky for her, the food arrived just then.

They ate in relative silence, but not awkwardly. They made comments about the food, about the upcoming office party, the weather. Chelsea loved watching him eat. It had always been a slight fetish of hers to cook great meals and secretly enjoy putting decadent pleasure in someone’s mouth. Watching as they tasted her creations, inwardly dancing like a stripper, finding the whole process erotic. If someone she dated was a fussy eater, or didn’t take full pleasure from food, it was over pretty quick. But Simon, she could tell, was a bona fide follower of Dionysus. She relished the thought.

Simon couldn’t figure this woman out. This morning she practically ran from him when he said good morning, and now here she was eyeballing him as he ate. It was like she was studying him, her the entomologist, and he an insect under glass. It made him a little nervous but he also felt his dick twitch in his pants as she watched his mouth. Damn she has beautiful eyes, he mused taking in her long lashes. Her eyes were the green of lush hillsides in spring, flecked with tiny gold stars, like pinpoints of light. His eyes roamed over her features as she ate, when she wasn’t examining him. 

Her hair was long and wavy, medium blonde in color, like wheat. Her shirt revealed a modest amount of cleavage but she had ample breasts. Her legs were long and well shaped like a dancers. Her hips were a little wide but her waist was small. He had glanced more than once at her luscious rump while she moved around the office, now that was something he would love to sink his teeth into, or perhaps give her a sound spanking. His Johnson twitched in his pants at the thought.

They finished eating and ordered another round of drinks. Chelsea considered taking the rest of the afternoon off just so she could linger with him over drinks, then maybe they could go back to her place and explore each other more intimately. She wiped her mouth with her napkin and excused herself to the ladies room. 

Simon sipped at his drink and thought about taking the rest of the afternoon off, mostly so he could get to know this complex creature a little- no a lot- better. The Simonis were going to his head a bit but he really did want more time with her. He had noticed her before, but she always acted so weird around him that he just figured she hated his cologne or something. He reached in his jacket for his cell to call off work for the rest of the afternoon and grinned. 

Chelsea was debating calling work while she emptied her bladder. She finished up, still undecided, and went to wash her hands. She felt an odd tickle and realized her cell phone was vibrating in her jacket. She grabbed it and read the text from Amy, ‘so how’s it going?.’ 

Chelsea smiled, and before she could respond, her phone popped up with a new message from Simon, ‘I am playing hooky the rest of the afternoon, want to join me?’

She felt her knees buckle just a little and sweat popped out on her upper lip. It was like he read her mind. Ok, that is just weird…she mused with a stupid gin soaked grin on her face. Her hands shook a little as she responded in what she hoped was a casual response, ‘Sure,’ and snapped her phone shut before she could change her mind. She sent a quick text to her boss that she’d be out that afternoon, then replied to Amy. 

‘Playing hooky with him this afternoon. Have fun at the office xx.’ 

She quickly reapplied her lip gloss and fluffed her hair. She felt like her crotch was on fire and the rest of her was catching as she walked back to the table. Her eyes drank the sight of him in from across the room, his hair, his broad shoulders, the way the cut of his suit hugged him like a lover. She nearly tripped over the waiter in her distraction as he walked in front of her, “S’cuse me, sorry,” she mumbled as her eyes relocked on him like a homing missile. 

She slowed her gait just a little so she could linger over the view of him, then he turned his head and smiled at her. Dear god, I swear if he is half as well endowed, and a tenth the lover as he is good looking, I will be a faithful girl the rest of my days, she silently begged a god she had no faith in whatsoever. She smiled back at him noting there were two fresh drinks on the table. She tried to slide casually back into her seat but her heel caught on the table leg and she fell forward into Simon’s chest. 

Simon caught her around the waist as she tumbled into him, feeling her breasts warm against him for a split second before she righted herself. She was blushing furiously. He grinned at her and winked. “Happens to the best of us.” He slid his hands slowly from her waist, not wanting to let go. What he really wanted to do was bend her over the table, rip her skirt up and pummel her without mercy. The thought brought a more insistent twitch from his groin as he shifted in his chair to cover his growing erection.

Chelsea was mortified, great, now he will think I am drunk or clumsy or both, she thought miserably. Then he gave her that sexy wink and she felt better. Not entirely over her embarrassment, but a little better. Her cheeks cooled to their natural peachy color for a moment, then she thought of how his chest felt against hers and the strong grip of his hands on her waist, and the flame returned.

“Sorry, that was clumsy of me. I’m not drunk, really.” She sounded convincing to her own ears from what she could discern through the rushing of blood ringing in them. 

“Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re drunk. I wouldn’t have ordered you another if I did.” He raised his glass to hers, and looking in her the eyes he toasted, “Never above you, never below you, always beside you.” Clinking at each phrase the top, bottom, and side of her glass gently. 

“That is lovely, much better than simply ‘cheers.’ Where did you learn that?” She really did think it was a touching salute, and she had never heard it before. 

“A friend of mine from the UK, he made it up and I have been waiting for the right opportunity to use it ever since.” He looked at her sincerely and noticed her color rise again. “If I had a dollar for every time I have seen your cheeks color like that, I would be a rich man.” He teased her.

“So what are your plans for the holidays?” He stroked the stem of his martini glass as he asked, and looked at her with a gleam in his eye.

“Well, I was thinking about taking a trip to St. Thomas island.” She really hadn’t thought of it at all, but it sounded romantic. She could picture Simon in a pair of board shorts, drink in hand, laying by the aquamarine sea. She sighed wistfully without realizing it.

“Sounds like you have been there before,” he heard her sigh and thought it sounded so full of longing that he assumed she was longing for another trip there.

“Uh, no, I haven’t. I have seen pictures. It looks really relaxing and warm. The water is so clear and incredibly blue, I would love to go.” She finished her drink and looked at him, kind of like your eyes, she thought and fought the urge to sigh again.

He finished his drink and looked out the window at the busy people walking along the avenue. This is the tricky part, ask her home, or out on a proper date? He was unsure of himself, which was not a common thing for him, and it made him feel uncomfortable. Besides that, he still had a raging boner and couldn’t leave the table just yet.

Chelsea watched him and wondered what was on his mind, he seemed uneasy about something, she couldn’t imagine what. 

“Chelsea, I want to ask your opinion about something.” He smoothed the table cloth in front of him. “If you had lunch with someone, and wanted to get to know them better, what would you do? Would you ask them back to your place, or out on a date, or what?” 

He spoke so casually, she misunderstood his meaning. She thought at first, he was referring to Amy, that he wanted to see her again. Her ego deflated and she felt a moment of jealousy, which didn’t happen to her often. She tried to keep her face a mask, and chose her words carefully.

“Hmm, well I suppose I would ask them to dinner or a movie and go from there.” She wished like hell she still had a drink in front of her.

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She felt crushed, to be honest. She thought he liked her and that they had chemistry. Maybe she had misread the whole afternoon? Why would he get off work then? Her mind was a hamster on the gerbil wheel of questions.

He observed as her face closed off to him, and she went from warm to cool in an instant. At first he thought, she doesn’t want to continue. Maybe she changed her mind about me. But everything had been going so well, they had flirted and joked. They seemed to have a great spark between them, so what changed? Then it dawned on him that she had misunderstood why he had asked what he did. A mischievous smile spread across his lips.

“Is your friend Amy single?” He asked perpetuating what misconception he realized she had. 

Chelsea was well and truly crushed now. He had just lingered with her to get more information about Amy. The gin wasn’t helping in the emotions department and she felt her eyes prick with tears.

“I am not sure to be honest with you,” she thought Amy had been waiting for a call from someone she had met at a club the previous weekend. When Amy got the text at lunch, Chelsea assumed it was the guy, considering her friends elated behavior.

She couldn’t take it anymore, she signaled the waiter and ordered another martini. Fuck it, she thought, I have the afternoon off for no good fucking reason anymore, may as well get hammered. She glanced up and caught the look on Simon’s face and wanted to strangle him. His look was clearly one of devilish glee. He had obviously gleaned from her expression that she had misread the reason behind his question. She reached out and smacked his bicep.

“Hey, no reason to get violent! Damn, just when I was going to ask you to dinner, you get all Chuck Norris on me, jeez!” He rubbed his upper arm dramatically and tried not to laugh.

“You are not nice Simon! That was mean! You shouldn’t mess with a girl under the influence of dirty martinis you know? That was just messed up.” She pouted outrageously, sticking her generous bottom lip out in mock despair. “And yes I will go to dinner with you even if you are a total ass, you owe me a meal after that!” 

He was chuckling at the theatrical forced pout and then just wanted to nibble that nice curvy bottom lip of hers. He moved his face closer to hers, “So you will go to dinner with me then?” He reached up and smoothed a strand of hair behind her ear.

Chelsea felt a shiver run from the earlobe he had just grazed, straight to her nether regions, which had quieted in the last few moments during her stupid misunderstanding. His face was close to hers, she stared and held her breath. He leaned in a little closer, within an inch of her mouth now, she could feel his warm breath on her lips and chin. He trailed his finger from her earlobe down her jaw to her chin and tilted her mouth towards him. Just as his lips barely whispered across hers, the waiter swished up with her drink and set it down with a thud on their table.

Simon moved away from her and glared at the waiter with a look so withering it could’ve been registered as a lethal weapon. I would never want to be on the receiving end of one of those looks, Chelsea thought. That little miss Mary deserved it though, he knew exactly what he was doing, the asshole. She sighed at the lost moment and took a drink.

“Wait a tick, I’m not done yet.” Simon once again moved in close and tilted her mouth to his, this time making real contact. His lips covered hers in a warmth so delicious she could feel it down to her toes. No one had ever kissed her like this, ever. His hand slid to her cheek as his lips parted and he offered her his sweet soft tongue. She slid her tongue tentatively along his, then more aggressively as she tasted him. She could feel her whole body flush at the heat and passion in his kiss. All misunderstanding forgotten, she let her tongue play with his as his hand held her cheek. She felt his other hand slide along her thigh under the table and thought she might just explode right then and there. 

Simon slowly, reluctantly, disengaged from the kiss feeling his erection straining at his slacks. He looked at her wanting her so badly it was like he was possessed. 

“We need to stop and get the hell out of here,” he whispered at her in a low sensual voice.

Chelsea was temporarily speechless from the kiss and the incredible sensations coursing through her body, she simply nodded her agreement as he took her by the elbow and led her out of the restaurant. She stood, still stunned, as he hailed a cab and gave the driver his address. He sat close to her in the cab and held her hand in his while he stroked her fingers. She was finally coming back to her senses as they pulled up to his high rise apartment building.

He came around her side of the cab and opened the door for her, then took her hand as she got out. Major chivalry brownie points, she thought dreamily and followed him into the building.

The doorman tipped his cap at Simon, “Mr. Knightman.”

Her mind did a flip flop at the sound of his last name. Holy fuck, Knightman, as in Knightman Enterprises? As in where I work? Oh no! She suddenly felt very sober. She knew he couldn’t be the CEO because he was too young, but maybe the son of the CEO? She didn’t know how to react. Should she just lay it out there like it was no big deal? But maybe he was just a cousin or some other beneficiary of nepotism? She didn’t know the answers. What she did know was she wanted more of those kisses and so much more, oh yes, a lot more!

They continued to the elevator and proceeded to the penthouse. So not just a fortunate family member then, she thought with dread. The elevator music plucked out a horrid version of Rod Stewart’s “If You Want My Body”. It was actually a song she liked, but the elevator version was awful. She quickly lost interest and went deaf to the music as Simon moved in front of her and pushed her back to the wall of the elevator.

Chelsea felt his hands on her face again as he pressed his body against her. There was something very hard and rigid poking at the sensitive area just below her navel. She reached between their bodies and stroked him. He moaned as his mouth met hers, his hands ran through her hair and squeezed. 

Chelsea responded by pushing her chest against him and squeezed his hardness through the fabric of his pants. His kiss became almost violent as he pushed his tongue into her mouth and pulled her hair with his fists. From some distant place she heard the elevator ding. She felt him pull away slowly and grab her hand. She followed him as he led her to his front door in a daze of sexual tension. Her whole body seemed to vibrate with need and desire.

Simon fumbled with his keys as he opened the front door. His hands were shaking in the wake of what Chelsea had done to him in the elevator, or had undone in him was more like it. He felt like a beast unleashed, ready to devour her completely. They were no sooner through the door, when he swept the glass vase from the entryway table and grabbed her by the waist, hoisting her up onto the mahogany top. The glass made a satisfying shatter as it hit the marble floor, water and flowers spilled everywhere.

He grunted low in his throat as he tugged at her tight skirt, hitching it up above her hips and scooting her closer to his straining erection. He heard her moan deeply as she tried to unbuckle his belt and undo his trousers. His cock sprang free like it was a striking cobra when she succeeded. His mouth claimed hers again as he scooped her up and slid her down on his aching cock. He heard her sharp intake of breath as he entered her roughly, pumping hard and owning her completely. She was tight and so hot and slick, that his head was dizzy with the sensations. He gripped the small of her back tighter and bit her neck and ears as he ruthlessly pumped himself inside of her.

Chelsea’s head rocked back when he entered her, she could hardly breathe. Oh yes, thank you, thank you! She wasn’t sure who she was thanking but she was so relieved the fantasy was living up to the reality she didn’t care. Chelsea wrapped her long legs around him tighter as she felt his thick hardness reaming her insides and cried out in sheer pleasure. She could feel herself building and climbing to that special place of oblivion as she let him take control of her body and use her in any way he wished.

Her inner walls clamped around him as he thrust inside her. Simon could feel his orgasm roiling and building to a height never reached before, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. He couldn’t believe how vice-like she was gripping him with her Kegel muscles, and it sent him into a spinning, reeling, earth shattering orgasm that made him shout, “Oh fuck yessss!” He could feel her release along with him, her muscles unfurling and throbbing in time with his. He heard her scream out her own cries of ecstasy as she shuddered and bucked in his arms.

They both slumped against each other, breathing hard, hearts beating rapidly. Simon stayed inside Chelsea, loving the feel of her pulse on his hard cock. His erection was not subsiding even a little, and he moved inside her slowly. 

Chelsea had never come so hard in her life and now he was moving in her again, reawakening all the lust in her. She matched his movement, squeezing her slick walls around him, nipping at his earlobes, and slid her hands down his chest to pinch his nipples. He moaned in her ear and pushed into her farther with more aggression.

Simon scooped her up off the table, still inside her, and carried her to his bedroom. He slid her off his stiffness and laid her on the four poster bed. “ Give me one minute,” he told her and disappeared into a walk in closet. 

Chelsea slid her hands up and down her body, missing the fullness of having him inside her already. She wondered what he was up to while she slid her fingers over her dripping slit then brought them up to her mouth and tasted their mingled juices. Delicious, she thought as she went back for more.

Simon gathered the equipment he needed and left the closet. He stopped at the doorway and spied on Chelsea for a moment. He watched as she dipped her fingers between her legs then licked them clean. The sight of her tasting their cum was so erotic he was momentarily transfixed. Then she turned her head to him and smiled the most amazing, sexy smile he had ever seen.

Chelsea caught movement from the corner of her eye and turned her head to see Simon standing there watching her, she smiled at him in guilty pleasure. She realized he had been watching her and that made it even better. She noticed he was carrying some kind of gear.

“Have you been being naughty?” Simon asked while moving towards her in a menacing way.

“Me? No, not at all,” Chelsea protested with all the innocence of Scheherazade. She smiled at him impishly.

“Well you are in serious trouble my dear.” Simon dropped the gear to the bed and grabbed her ankles, roughly yanking her down the bed. Chelsea cried out in surprise. Simon grabbed a restraint and secured each of her ankles to the foot posts. On his way up to the head posts he grabbed the riding crop he had brought out and smacked her inner thighs with it. He then trailed the tip of the crop up and down her vulva and watched her shiver. He laid the crop on her belly and grabbed her wrist securing it to the post at the head of the bed. He then walked around the other side and did the same with her other wrist.

Simon smiled down at her prone helpless figure and picked up the blindfold he had brought out. He fastened it over her lovely eyes and watched her belly quiver in anticipation. Then he got the ball gag and told her, “Open your mouth sweetheart.” She parted her lips slowly, opening her mouth only a little. “Wider!” He commanded. Chelsea obeyed. “Good girl.” He placed the ball in her mouth and fastened the strap snugly at the back of her head. 

Chelsea moaned with pleasure. She wanted to be at his mercy, she wanted him to abuse her in all kinds of kinky ways. She could feel herself getting wetter at the thoughts playing in her head. She felt him lift the crop from her belly and trail it down her abdomen. Then she felt a sharp smack on her mound, it stung, but she loved it. Then two sharp swats on each of her nipples, which were as hard and erect as they could get. She felt his fingers trace her lips around the ball gag then down her chin and between her breasts, down her abs making her muscles flutter. He slid his fingers between her labia and stroked her wet throbbing button, she arched into his touch and moaned.

Chelsea was lost in a sea of desire and abandon, as she completely submitted to his will and demands. Saliva made its way around the ball gag and she felt Simon wet his finger in it then trace the wetness around her erect nipples and pinch each of them roughly. She could only feel what he was doing, she couldn’t see because of the blindfold. She trusted him completely anyway.

Simon moved down between Chelsea’s thighs and pushed her knees as far apart as the restraints would allow. He drank in the sight of her, her plump labia, the darker pink inner lips glistening with her wetness. He slowly lowered his head to her and licked her gently in the crease where her thighs ended. He heard her gasp, and traced his tongue further into her finding her swollen clitoris, tugging it with his lips. She pushed her hips up, grinding her sex onto his face and he bore down on her sucking, nibbling, and tasting every part of her most intimate places. He could feel her thighs start to quiver as she bucked and writhed under his tongue.

He reached up and undid the blindfold and ball gag. “Talk to me babe, tell me what to do.” he demanded huskily.

Chelsea felt the blindfold and gag release. She looked down between her thighs and watched as Simon buried his face in her, licking and sending her body into roiling spasms of pleasure. “Bite me like that, oh yes, mmm. Spread me with your fingers, Oh God yes!” Chelsea pleaded and whined her requests. She felt as he inserted three of his fingers into her tight, wet hole, spreading her open almost painfully. She felt a spasm and cried out as her body released a raining spurt of hot fluid all over Simon’s face and chest.

“Ah, oh YES!!” She cried while her squirting went on and on. 

Simon drank as fast as he could, relishing the sweet hot fluid as it shot from her body. He felt it spatter over his face and neck and chest. He moaned around her clit as her body vibrated in a whirling rolling orgasm. He felt her shudder deeply as she finished her climax. He rose up between her legs unshackling her ankles and wrapped her legs over his shoulders. “I am going to bury my cock in you very hard and very deep now.” He growled at her and looked at her flushed sweating face.

All Chelsea could manage in response was a grunt and a nod, completely depleted by the orgasm and squirting she had just had. She let him move her body however he wanted, feeling like a soaking wet rag doll. She felt the tip of his cock poise for a second at her still twitching opening, then felt as he rammed his hardness deep into her making her shudder and cry out again. He thrust in and out of her viciously, pumping in her, gasping and growling. “Ah fuck, oh yes! You are so tight and hot!” He felt like he would explode at any moment. He felt her vice-like inner muscles clench and release around his pummeling shaft. “Oh fuck babe going to cum so hard!” He thrust deeply into her once, twice, then shuddered as he climaxed in a mind-numbing orgasm.

Chelsea watched his face in the throes of his orgasm and smiled as she felt him release. He collapsed onto her stomach still breathing heavy and sweating. She licked his earlobe and nibbled it softly. She moved her legs down from his shoulders and sighed deeply as the warmth of his body crushed her to the bed.

They both caught their breath for a few minutes each glowing in the wake of orgasms that were more incredible than either had ever experienced before. Simon lifted his head and kissed Chelsea’s sweet soft mouth. “You are incredible my dear,” he said softly.

Chelsea smiled and kissed him back deeply. “You are amazing as well. I don’t think I have ever squirt that hard before. Did I drown you?” She chuckled. “I hope you were thirsty.” 

“I would drink your nectar as much as you would give it to me my sweet.” He touched her face. “That was really hot, all of it! I have never cum so hard.” His hand trailed down and tweaked a nipple.

“Me either.” She grasped and pulled at his nipple in return.

“What do say we hit the shower then I take you out to dinner?” He nuzzled her neck and ran his hands down her torso. She shivered under his touch again.

“Stop touching me like that and we might make it to the shower.” She grinned at him. “I am starving, I think you better feed me soon.”

“Oh, I will.” He moved up and straddled her face. She opened her mouth and took him in tasting their mingled juices. She licked and nibbled for a moment then swatted at his abdomen, pushing him away. 

“I need real food, as much as I like to eat you. Now let me up before we get too distracted.”

He backed away from her, a petulant pout on his lips. “Oh fine,” he said petulantly. “Maybe finish licking me clean in the shower then?”

"Yes baby I would love to.” She sat up and moved toward the bathroom. “By the way, when exactly were you planning on telling me about your name?” 

“Oh that,” he said sheepishly. “I didn’t want to give you the wrong impression, like I was taking advantage of my position or something. My father is the CEO, I am second in line. Really doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I noticed you months ago and have been to shy to ask you out.” He smiled at her as he led her into the shower and turned the water to hot. 

“Really? That’s kind of funny because I have had a massive crush on you since I started there as a temp.” She confessed, a little embarrassed. 

He looked down into her eyes, then kissed her passionately. “I am glad we finally met properly.” He swatted at her backside playfully and she squealed. 

“Me too, more than you know.” They soaped each other languidly, not in any hurry to be disconnected. They toweled each other dry and dressed.

“Where would you like to eat?” He asked, eyeing her sexy rump hungrily.

“How bout we just order in?” She batted her eyes at him suggestively as she reached for the waist of his trousers.

“Mmm, you have the most brilliant ideas my dear.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her, knowing they were probably going to be too busy to eat any time in the near future. That’s fine by me, he thought happily and picked her up to carry her back to the bedroom.


Written by Jaynesmith42
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