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The Dollification of Olivia

"A kink in which one partner is transformed into a living "doll," allowing them to be controlled and played with by their "maker.""

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09:42 AM (in bed)

Morning light seeped through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the bedroom. Adam lay awake, his gaze drifting to his wife, Olivia, who slumbered beside him. She looked serene, her chest rising and falling with the steady rhythm of sleep. But instead of warmth, Adam felt a chill settle in his bones.

"Olivia..." he whispered.

Olivia stirred, her eyes fluttering open slowly. "Hmm?" she murmured.

Adam hesitated; there was no going back.

"Last night was the last time."

Olivia tried to wipe the sleep from her eyes, confusion knitting her brow. "Last time? What do you mean?" she mumbled through a yawn.

Adam struggled to find the right words to articulate the disgusting slimy feelings he’d been debating against in his mind. "The last time you made me feel less than you,” he answered, staring straight ahead at the wall.

Olivia’s perfectly laminated eyebrow rose. She quickly lifted herself up, brushing her hair back and then smoothing it as Adam watched the wall. "Adam, what are you talking about? We have everything we need, don't we?" she questioned steadily. She was always calm in a crisis.

Adam's gaze drifted back to her, searching for the connection they once shared. His mouth gaped open as he noticed her smoothing her hair. That was her, in a nutshell.

She always said he’d met her during the tail end of her “misspent year,” as if it were something that should relieve him, but he often thought back to that woman. The first time he met her, he was stunned by her. Her tan seemed to originate from the waves of admiration showered on her wherever she went. She’d been wild then. Men flocked to her, and she loved it, buzzing around them like a hummingbird dipping its beak into a bunch of meatheads at the bar. He had wanted her, and she had wanted him, and they fell together in a way that made him feel like he was the best man and he had won.

"I used to think so... but lately, I don't know. It's like, I'm looking at you, but I don't recognise the person I see," he confessed.

Olivia's eyes closed, letting out a drawn-out sigh as she lowered her head, her black hair obscuring her tired face. "Just tell me," she muttered.

Adam's chest tightened at the tone in her voice. He hated that tone. Once he might have grabbed her and pinned her down, making her laugh and squeal until it changed to his favourite mewling moans, but now it just makes him feel like an idiot. "I don't know, Olivia. I don't know what you feel anymore," he let out. He felt his voice rising, and he winced.

Olivia let out a scoff directed at the sheets. "Really?" she replied scornfully. “Who is she?”

Adam flinched as if a physical blow had landed.

“How can you say that to me?” he demanded. “When would I even look? I’ve been wrapped up in your needs so deeply that I feel castrated by them. You don’t respect this person, and I’m getting pretty sick of pretending that it’s okay that you treat me like a frustrating roommate.”

Olivia heard the pain in Adam's voice and lifted her head to look at him.

“But you are a frustrating roommate,” Olivia answered back. "Babe, I love you, but I run our lives. I’m sorry.” She took a moment, scooting closer to where Adam was sitting.

“See, that’s exactly it, Olivia. You talk to me like I’m not capable.” Adam turned to look at her, his jaw tense, and then looked away.

"Adam, look at me.”

Adam turned to her as she met his gaze; tears seldom seen pooling in her eyes. “Just give me the day to form a counterargument.”

“I...” Adam answered.

She cut him off. “I’m going to go to the coffee shop next door for a few hours. I’ll be back here at 3 p.m. Decide if you want to hear me out. Adam, I…” Olivia’s voice began to tremble. “I really hope you’re still here.”

Adam watched her get up silently and prepare to leave. Her sniffles, as she cried, pierced his heart. The door clicked shut as she left.

11:02 AM (Flick The Bean Coffee House)

Olivia walked up to the counter, quietly praying she didn’t look like she’d been pulled through a bush backward. She ordered her latte and then took it to the quiet corner booth. She reached for her phone, opening the group chat with her two closest friends.

Olivia: Guys, Adam wants to break up with me. I have until 3 p.m. to decide how to stop this. I need receipts; I need timelines.

Almost immediately, Paula tried to start a group call, which Olivia rejected.

Olivia: Paula, ew. Calling is for birthdays. Focus, bitch.

Lee: Paula??? The gift that keeps on giving.

Lee: @Olivia When did you go from “hard to get” to “hard to get rid of”?

Olivia: @Lee I know your roster. You’ve had enough jokes to fill a football stadium. Be serious.

Paula: Okay, I’m done sulking over your rude call rejection. No wonder Adam is leaving you.

Olivia: Can we just stick to the task at hand? Adam is leaving. He let ME LEAVE.

Olivia: @Paula A pile of ash is typing this...

Lee: What happened? Give me the thesis, and we can gaslight him.

Paula: Or at least benevolently manipulate him.

Olivia sipped her latte and began furiously typing.

Olivia: Adam woke me up this morning. He told me that he doesn’t even recognize me (which slays, the filler is working).

Olivia stopped typing, shook her head as if to empty it, and then cleared the text and started again.

Olivia: Things have been weird for a while now with Adam and me. Before the house and everything else, it felt like we were together because we wanted to be. Now we just bicker constantly. Cut to this morning when he wakes me up to tell me that he doesn’t recognize me anymore and that he feels castrated by my needs! I’m a literal ball guillotine. He was so broken. I broke him. How does a person even break a guy like Adam?! I need to devise a method to undo this!

Olivia leaned back, her eyes watering as she stared up at the ceiling, sending the message. Her phone was silent for a few minutes, and then two text alerts in quick succession roused her.


02:51 PM (The cosy home of Adam and Olivia)

Olivia let out a breath as she arrived at her door slightly early. She had spent most of the day researching her approach under the advisement of her diabolical friends, and she felt confident. She let herself in noisily to alert Adam.

“Adam, are you still here?” She called.

She heard his steps as he walked down the passage towards her and stopped at the threshold of the entrance hall.

“Before you say anything,” she interrupted as his mouth opened to speak. “I have a letter here. It will influence how this goes by giving you a choice. Pick the argument you want. She held up the letter and showed Adam the writing. The letter said, “open if you think sex can fix this." She waited for Adam to read it.

 Adam raised his brow and frowned as he read the writing on the envelope. His immediate response was to scoff at the idea of sex fixing what was clearly the imminent breakdown of their relationship, but beyond that, he was surprisingly intrigued. It wasn’t like Olivia to resort to sexual favours, and while they were pretty active, theirs wasn’t a relationship based on sexual excess.

He deliberated for a moment, and then, his mind made up, he grabbed the letter from her hand and opened it up to read it.



I was hoping you’d hear me out.

At the coffee shop, I kept thinking about what you said about making you feel incapable and castrated. There’s a lot about you that I’ve tried to correct; I always wanted you perfect. However, in the face of losing you all together, I realised that my version of perfection bores me to fucking tears. I make our lives comfortable, but you’ve always been the charm.

It’s true that you always put me first; you made my needs your priority. It’s one of the things that I love about you, but not at the expense of yourself. I’ve never been interested in a doormat, Adam. 

So here’s my proposal: I want to flip your perception of our roles and give you total control over how I take and use my body. You said you felt castrated. Take it out on me. I will be yours to dress, pose, and use. You will be the one in charge. You always said I reminded you of a doll. Perhaps a doll you’d like to try?

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While I am your doll, I will not speak, move without you, or direct you. I don’t know if this will make up for my treatment of you, but I intend to take what you dish out regardless of whether this will be our last night together or not. You always had power over me; use it.

As always, my safe word is ‘apples’.



Adam finished reading and looked up at Olivia, who had moved to sit quietly in a chair at the dining table. She looked calmly back at him. His thoughts churning, he approached the table and sat down.

“So, you think if I fuck you the way I want to fuck you, everything will be okay?” he asked incredulously.

Olivia raised her chin as she held his gaze. “I think you need to get in touch with your inner dominant. You don’t need to cater to my every whim to make me happy, Adam; you just need to stop being such a pussy all the time.”

Adam felt his cheeks warm at the unusually offensive words, and he felt the rage he’d been suppressing shoot up his spine. He took a fortifying breath, trying to calm down. Then another.

“Go to the bedroom and sit down on the bed. Pull your shirt up over your arms, but leave it covering your head. Wait for me.” Adam barked. He watched Olivia jolt at the tone of his voice and rush to complete his orders. He felt a grin tug at his mouth.

He heard her footsteps, echoing off the wooden floors, come to a halt. Adam quickly scanned the space as if looking for inspiration while he prioritised what he wanted to do to her in his mind. The options were really endless, and he felt his cock thicken in his slacks with anticipation. “Liv, you are so fucked,” he said under his breath as he walked towards the bedroom.

He walked into the room and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed, just as he’d ordered. Her stretchy white shirt was flipped over her head like a weird hood, and she sat with her palms facing down onto her thighs, still covered by her wide-legged trousers. He admired her for a moment.

“I’ve always loved those sexy lingerie sets you wear. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not match. But those pants do you no justice at all,” he said as he walked up to her. He reached to unbutton her pants as he continued, “I think the first thing I’ll do to my doll is dress her.” Adam tugged her pants down over her ass and legs. Under her pants, she had a tiny pink thong that matched the pink lace that covered her chest. He was impressed that while he had pulled off her pants, her arms remained in the same place. She was committing. He reached for her back and unclipped her bra, pulling it off her. He slowly stroked her skin down her arms and over her stomach, coming to a rest between her legs. Adam ran two fingers down the lace that covered her folds and was surprised to find the lace soaked.

“It seems my doll has been holding out on me. We haven’t even started, and you’ve soaked through your panties. My little slut,” Adam teased her as he pushed aside the thin material and plunged his fingers into her. He felt her body tense for a moment, but she held still as he pumped his fingers into her. He moved his hand so that he massaged her clit with his thumb and heard a little gasp under the makeshift hood.

“Careful Olivia. You don’t want to find out what I do to broken dolls,” he warned as he maintained his moderate pace. He noted the flush building on her chest as he worked her with his fingers. Suddenly, without warning, he removed his hand and stood up.

“You know, with you sitting like that for me, it’s hard to remember why I’m angry. I’m still breaking up with you, though,” he said. He watched her reaction to his words. Other than a slight shift of her shoulders, she remained in her prone position.

“Interesting… So my little doll still wants to play with me even if I leave her. I didn’t quite believe you. That just makes my cock hard,” Adam said as he walked over to the armoire in the corner of the room. He squatted down to open the bottom drawer. This was the drawer where Olivia kept her least favourite things. He reached to the back of the drawer before feeling the telltale scratchy material of the gaudy pink chemise he’d bought her when they had first started fucking. The tight, cheap satin chemise had a heart-shaped cut out over the ass, surrounded by rhinestones. He used to think these little outfits were sexy before Olivia’s lingerie habit shamed his choices. She’d never even worn it; she just thanked him with a smirk. She’d wear it now. He pulled out the chemise, and seeing a stocking caught in the strap, he untangled it and grabbed it too. He shut the drawer with a snap and got up.

He strolled over to where Olivia still sat, and he moved her arms so they lifted straight up to the ceiling and carefully pulled the dress down her torso. He gripped her ass with one hand and raised it slightly so that the chemise clung properly to her body. He pushed her shoulder, so she fell back down on the bed with a flop, her knees still hanging over the edge. He shifted to use the leftover stocking to bind her knees together.

“You really should have worn this; your boobs look incredible,” Adam murmured huskily as he removed his clothes, tossing them to the floor until he stood naked. “Such a pretty doll, and so many places to put my cock.” He reached for his bedside table, pulling out a bottle of massage oil, and flipped open the lid. Adam squeezed the tube until he had a palm full of oil and reached over to rub it on her chest. He pawed at her chest over the satin, leaving oily handprints on the material, before pulling the cups down so that her tits popped out. Olivia’s nipples puckered as he ran his fingertips over them gently in turn.

“You’re such a good girl,” Adam complimented, shifting his body so that he moved on top of her, straddling her chest. He lowered his cock so that it lay in the dip between her boobs and pushed her chest on either side so that his shaft was tightly encased in her cleavage. The tip of his shaft, already gleaming from precum glimmered swollenly in the low light. Adam began his long, slow strokes, rubbing his thumbs over Oliva’s nipples as he used her chest.

“I wonder if you like me using you like this. It’s a little weird; I can’t see your face,” Adam said before letting go of a boob to yank Olivia’s shirt off. Olivia’s hair had lost its battle with the rough treatment and static. She looked down at the cock between her chest, a small smile crossing her mouth before tilting her head up to catch Adam’s eye. She winked.

“Ha ha, that’s my perfect girl,” Adam chuckled. She was definitely into it, and it emboldened him. His strokes became frantic as he returned his hand to her chest and began fucking her tits in earnest.

“Fuck yeah, Liv, this feels so good. Your chest is perfection.” Adam complimented. He could feel his ball tighten with the delicious friction. “Fuck, it’s your mouth’s turn before I embarrass myself by coming too quickly,” Adam said huskily. He shifted up the bed so that his knees landed on either side of her neck and roughly grabbed Olivia’s chin, pulling it open.

“Swallow my cock for me, babe,” he instructed before putting his hard cock deep into her open mouth. He felt her throat seize before she leveled her breathing. He let her catch her breath for a moment, pulling his cock back before plunging into her mouth again. He could feel her tongue moving against the sensitive underside of his cock, and he felt his control vanish.

“I need to go hard, Liv; you have permission to tap my arm if it’s too much.” He instructed as he began thrusting. He could feel the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat as he thrusted. Her careful exhales were audible over the shifting on the bed, the only sound as he let himself lose control. She had told him not to hold back. He wanted to use her.

He kept his eyes on hers as he fucked her face. Her eyes were watering; the hastily applied mascara from this morning was smudging with all the moisture, giving her eyes a messy frame.

“You look beautiful like this Liv, fuck. I can’t believe I have the whole night to look forward to.” Adam praised, “I’m so close.”

He could feel his cock swell, and he knew it was almost time. He pulled his cock from her mouth and aimed it at her face, covering her in the thick ropes of semen. He stilled as he tried to catch his breath.

“Ouch! Your jizz got into my eye,” Olivia whined and then jolted as she realised she had spoken out loud.

Adam looked down at her and smirked. He said, “I was hoping I would get to show you what I do to broken dolls.”

Written by PrincessC
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