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The Crystal Days Chapter 2

"Paul posts an advert to be a sex slave and suffers the consequences"

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Chapter 2

Once Julie had shut the door Paul looked across at Elf. "I think they are lesbians" he whispered to Elf.

"I hope they are" replied Elf. "I applied to be slave to a lesbian couple". Paul's suspicions were now proved. Why had Madame Crystal chosen him? If she was lesbian, she would not want sex with him. She would not be sexually arroused by his slavery......or would she? Maybe that was it. His train of thought was interupted by Elf. "Why are you here?"

"I put an advert looking for a mistress. I didn't know she was lesbian. If I had, I probably wouldn't have agreed".

The door opened and Julie came in, followed by Madame Crystal. This was the first time Paul had really had the oportunity to look at them both. Madame Crystal was in her mid thirties, tall, lean but muscly woman, built like a sportswoman. Her breasts were medium sized and carried high, and she had a well-defined waist and hips. She had long black hair tied up behind her head. She was wearing a white skin-tight body suit from her toes to her neck and black ankle boots with 3 inch stiletto heels. She walked briskly between them and told Julie to remove the dildos.

Julie was younger, maybe late twenties, softer and more voluptuous with rounded hips and strong thighs. She was blonde with shoulder length hair in a pony-tail. She was wearing a black pencil skirt to just below the knee and a mauve silk blouse. He could see that she was not wearing a bra and her full breasts jiggled against the silk.

Elf sighed as the dildo was unclipped and slid out. It was moist and shiny with her excitement. Her hole remained partly open and Paul could see her red lips pouting. Julie unclamped Paul's dildo and it slipped out. He sighed with relief as his anus contracted. He wondered if his hole also remained partly open.

Crystal addressed both slaves. "You have both signed contracts and are now my property. You have seen how I can do what I want with you. You have both been exposed to each other and will now remain naked. This will be your usual state; I may order you to wear certain garments if it suits me. Jules, throw away the clothes they arrived in." Julie collected up their cut tee-shirts and their shorts and put them in a bin-liner. "Elf, you are to be my sexual plaything and will sleep with me and Jules. You will be available to each of us 24 hours a day and will please us, and be pleased by us, as we see fit. During the day you will wear these high-heeled shoes". She took a pair of 6" black stiletto shoes. "You will have to walk with your pert bottom sticking out, showing off your cute slit."

She turned to Paul. "Dog. You are a worthless male. I will not tolerate your pathetic erection when you have not been ordered to present it. You will be our maid, butler and servant. You will wear nothing at all. Each week you will be assigned an evening duty. You will be told what it is, and how to behave, when it is assigned. Your sexual activity will obviously be limited. If you perform your duties well you MIGHT be wanked off once per week - never more frequently. You will sleep at the foot of our bed in case we need you. You are forbidden to masturbate - we will all be keeping an eye on you. Elf, you will be rewarded for informing on any such behaviour. You will be punished for transgressions. Your cock, balls and anus will be the targets. If you are caught playing with yourself three times, I will take permanent steps to prevent you." She stepped forward and stroked Paul's groin, rubbing the palm of her hand over his cock and balls like she was rubbing cream in.

"Nice job Jules. I prefer it redder. I'll make a mental note to redden it frequently".

Paul quivered. His cock swelled under Madame's touch. She smiled at Jules and took hold of his rising penis, pulling and rubbing it until it was fully erect. She pulled the foreskin tightly down and studied the head. "Look Jules, this is where we will concentrate our punishments." Both women studied his glans, their faces a few inches away. Jules pinched the tip to opened the hole. "I'm sure we can find something to shove in there if he displeases us" she said. 

The two women smiled and turned away. Paul looked down at his erection throbbing up and down. He looked across at Elf who was also looking at it.

"OK. We will release them now and set them to work." said Madame Crystal.

The two slaves were unhooked and set down on the floor. When they had recovered the feeling in their arms and legs Julie told Elf to put the high heeled shoes on. While she was doing that, Julie placed a dog collar around Paul's neck. It had a length of chain leading to a loop of leather. "Get on all fours Dog" snapped Julie. "We are going to take a tour of the property." Paul did as he was told. "Not like that. You must not put your knees on the floor. Dogs don't. Up on your toes!" Paul Lifted his rear end and raised himself as explained. He found it difficult at first. His weight was on his hands, and his bottom in the air. They left the room with Paul and Julie in the lead and Crystal and Elf behind.

"Have you noticed Elf?" asked Crystal. "Dogs always walk with their testicles on view. This one doesn't even have a tail to hide them." Elf agreed with a simple "Yes madame". She was clearly concentrating on walking in the high heels. Paul could hear the tip-tap as she followed them out of the door.

They toured the downstairs rooms; the lounge, dining room, conservatory and entrance hall. Paul remarked that the rooms were large and had quite a lot of seating considering there were only two people living there. Madame Crystal explained that they were to clean and polish each room thoroughly every day. They then climbed the stairs and toured the four bedrooms, each with its own en-suit bathroom. They were also to clean and tidy these. Paul slowly realised that this was a guest house! What would the guests think of two naked workers!! Finally they climbed to the top floor where the private bedroom was. It had a large round bed in the centre of the room with deep burgundy bed linen. There was a mirror on the ceiling above it. The bed had several fixing points around its circumference which he assumed were for tying up Madame Crystal's bedmates. At the foot of the bed (opposite the pillows), was a rug surrounded by metal rings attached to the floor. Paul realised that this was his sleeping area. Crystal repeated the cleaning tasks required.

"You now know your cleaning duties. You will also be called upon to for other duties and will be required to perform them to the best of your abilities. Failures will be punished immediately and harshly. The cleaning will be completed by midday. During the afternoons you will perform other maintenance tasks around the house. You are forbidden to talk unless addressed by us. Now we will go to the kitchen to assign this afternoon's duties."

Paul had difficulty going downstairs in the "dog" position so Julie allowed him to reverse down. As he climbed down the stairs he had a "worm's-eye" view of Elf as she stepped awkwardly down the stairs in the heels. She was forced to open her legs for each step and Paul had a clear view of her cute slit opening and closing, pouting her red and swollen lips. His cock expanded to a semi erection but he managed to control it from stiffening up completely by looking away and concentrating on his descent. At the foot of the stairs Paul turned around and they crossed the entrance hall to the kitchen door. As it opened Paul smelled cooking and upon entering the room saw another woman busily at work.

"Oh, you surprised me" she said as she turned to look at the group. "I wasn't expecting you so soon." She was perhaps sixty years old, well groomed and attractive. She wore a blouse and skirt under a pinny.

"OK Maud" responded Julie. "This is Dog and Elf. I will leave Dog for you to do as you wish. Work him hard, but NO accidents!" She tapped Paul's testicles with her foot by way of explanation.

"Understood Julie. Thank you Madame" she said to Crystal. Clearly she was the same status as Julie but below Crystal. Julie and Crystal led Elf out of the kitchen and closed the door.

"You had better stand up. You will be more useful upright" said cook. Paul stood up and cook unclipped the chain from his dog collar. "Let's have a look at you then" she said and walked slowly around him looking him up and down. Paul felt like an animal for sale. "What do you call this?" Cook took hold of Paul's cock. "Not very big is it?" She pulled and rubbed it until it grew and stiffened. "That's a bit better. I know the others don't like to see a stiff cock but I am not a lesbian and do like to see one. While you work for me I will keep it stiff." She pulled the foreskin right back and the head was revealed, red and shiny. 

"OK. Let's get to work." Paul was given tasks to do; washing up, peeling vegetables, filling saucepans with water.... Every so often cook would stiffen Paul's cock up again if it had wilted. Paul worked hard to please cook as she had been nice to him so far and he wanted it to continue. Despite her age she scurried around nimbly, and showed a keen interest in Paul's organ, often standing staring at it as Paul performed his tasks.

Paul reflected on his lot. During the few hours since his arrival at the house he had been exposed to four different, unknown, women, had his penis closely examined, and rubbed, by three of them, seen a young woman spread wide open and plugged, and had himself been impaled on a huge dildo! He was now naked in the kitchen with a sixty-something woman ogling him and playing with him whenever she wanted. If this was his future as a slave, he was exstatic!!! He had a few concerns about the frequency of his orgasms but hoped he would at least appreciate them when they came.

Cook kept him busy for some time and Paul began to wonder why they were preparing so much food. As they began to come to an end of the work cook asked him why he was so quiet. Paul explained that he was not allowed to talk but cook over-ruled this in her kitchen. Paul took the opportunity to ask why they were preparing so much. To his horror she explained that the house was in fact a BDSM guest house and they had reservations for the weekend. Was he to be available to the guests? Cook said that often the slaves were "on duty" but she was usually not allowed into the public rooms when visitors were there.

When Paul asked about her role she explained that she was a member of staff who was "well paid" to be discreet. Unlike the others she didn't live in. She had been working there for a few years and enjoyed it very much. As a widow she had the opportunity of "enjoying" male company like today without any comittment. As the males were all submissive, she could please herself what she did with them, except "spilling their seed" as this was the sole responsibility of Madame Crystal.

When the work was complete and everything tidied up cook rang a bell. A few minutes later Julie came in to collect Paul. She took one look at his stiff cock and said "What do you think of the new slave Maud?"

"Very good" said cook. "He obeys commands very well. His cock's a bit small but it stiffens up quickly. I may try him out later this week."

"No spilling though" laughed Julie.

"I will see how long he can keep it up me without making a mess" replied cook.

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"I like that game. It makes them work at self control - something they are not used to!"

" He will be on duty here each afternoon this week. There's a lot to prepare for friday. Work him hard and play him hard. That's what he's here for". She snapped the chain on Paul's collar and ordered him on all fours. Turning on her heel she led Dog out of the kitchen.

As they crossed the hallway Elf walked past them and entered the kitchen. Julie led Paul into a small dining room where Crystal was already at table.

"Everything OK" she asked.

"Cook likes her new cock" laughed Julie. She led Paul to a corner and ordered him to "Sit!". She helped position him; squatting, legs wide apart with his hands on the floor between his feet. His private parts were clearly visible between his arms, his buttocks stretched wide open "You will stay there until we have eaten. Then you can eat.".

Julie joined Crystal at table and they chatted about their day. They talked quietly and Paul couldn't hear what they were saying. A few minute later the swing door from the kitchen opened and Elf entered. She had her hands tied behind her and a type of harnes/belt around her middle with a food tray on it. Elf was a mobile food server. The tray was mounted mid-way between her beasts and her vagina, allowing full access to all. From behind Paul had a good view of her buttocks. They were well presented due to the high heels and the tight belt around her middle. He could see them glowing where she had been spanked and a hand mark was clearly visible. Elf presented herself to Crystal who helped herself to a plate from the tray. Julie did the same and they started to eat. Elf moved to the opposite corner of the room to Paul and turned to face the table. She avoided looking at Paul and stared at the floor between her feet and the table. Paul thought how fragile and beautiful she looked; her small breasts with their pink nipples, her perfect slit barely showing her labia.

They ate in silence and when they had finished Crystal signalled to Elf who approached to collect the plates. She left the room by the door she had entered. Julie said "She really is achingly cute. I can't wait to see her come. Can I do her tonight?"

"Once we are both satisfied you can do her. Take your time, I want to relish it also. I would like to hurt her a bit too. Hopefully that will slow her down" she smiled.

"Once she has satisfied us I shall tie her wide open. We can take our time then."

This conversation was spoken loud enough for Paul to hear. He was sure he would be in the same room for Elf's orgasm and his cock swelled in anticipation. Julie looked across and nudged Crystal under the table indicating Paul's condition. She smiled and said something quietly to Julie that Paul didn't catch.

A few moments later the door opened and Elf returned with the next course. The process was repeated with the dessert and coffee.

Elf returned without the harness or tray but carrying a bowl. Julie told her to place it on the floor in front of her.

"Time to eat Dog" she said. "On all fours, head in the bowl. Come and get it."

Paul crossed the room on all fours and put his nose in the bowl. He had difficulty doing this and Julie gave him permission to place his knees on the floor but to spread them wide. This position spread his buttocks wide, giving a clear view of his anus, his cock and balls hanging below. His dinner was of high energy biscuits and Paul ate hungrily. Elf placed a bowl of water alongside. Paul lapped thirstily.

Madame Crystal landed a heavy hand on his backside. "This is for the latest erection" she said as she laid into his upraised globes. Paul cried out as she slapped his sack. "Be careful if you want this emptying this weekend. I have decided that you will sprinkle at 10.30 saturday night. This will happen exactly on time, no matter what your duties are, or where you happen to be." She took Paul's balls in her hand,forming a ring around the base of his scrotum with the thumb and forefinger, his testicles resting in the palm of her hand. She tightened her grip and pulled.

"They need filling up a bit more Jules. Perhaps we'll ask Maud to work him up. I think that will amuse her, don't you?"

"She had him rigid with excitement when I went to collect him. I think she has played with him already" she mused.

"I will tell her to give him a good wanking every hour or so."

"That'll fill his balls up. It should be an amusing sight when you sprinkle him" smirked Julie.

"Time for some basic obedience training. I want Dog to learn the important positions. I'll leave you and Elf to do that while I get ready for bed." Crystal left the room and Julie asked Elf to take the lead. They all went into a larger, sitting room and Julie ordered Paul to "Sit".

"You will walk to "Heel" while Elf walks you around the room. Your head will stay close to her knee." Elf set off and Paul followed, keeping close to her knee. "Lift your arse more. I want to see those little bollocks." Paul did as instructed. "Good" she rewarded him.

"Next you will "Down!". This is kneeling but with your head touching the floor, arse high in the air. OK, Down!" Paul dropped to the down position. "Stay!" ordered Julie. She walked slowly around him, checking his position. "Good" again.

""Show" is the next command. Lie on your back and bring your feet up and take hold of your ankles, legs pulled wide apart. The object of this position is to expose your cock, balls and hole for inspection. "Show!"" she snapped. Paul lay on his back and spread himself as commanded. "Pull those legs up and apart. I want to see your anus pouting open." Paul complied. "Good".

"You have done well Dog. You are now trained. You will obey these commands wherever you are, and with whoever is present. This is VERY important. Failure to obey will bring swift sanctions."

Julie took the lead from Elf. "Time for bed Elf" she announced and they all went upstairs to the bedroom.

The trio entered the bedroom where Madame Crystal was already in bed. She had a silk pyjama top on but Paul cold not see the rest of her as she was beneath the sheets. Julie led Paul over to his sleeping zone and ordered "Show!". Paul lay on his back, spread his legs and waited. Julie took chains from a cupboard and attached a wrist to each ankle in turn and then, using the eyes in the floor attached him, pulling his legs up and apart until he was spread wide open.

"Very good Jules. He seems to have learned his lessons. Come and occupy yourself with me and Elf."

Julie went to the bed and undressed. Paul could see nothing of the bed as his head was in the corner of the room and his backside was raised up in the air, thus blocking his view. He did however catch a very quick glimpse of Julies breasts as she was standing at the side of the bed. They were well formed and firm, with big, suckable nipples.

The next half an hour was difficult for Paul. He could hear movements as the bed creaked. He also heard the sounds of love-making, moans, groans, kissing, licking. He strained to see and eventually stretched enough to see the three women in a "love triangle". Julie was on her back with Madame Crystal sitting on her face, Elf was straddling Julie's chest with her behind pushed into the face of Crystal while she was head-down between Julie' legs. All three were licking, and being licked. Julie came first. She shuddered and Paul heard a muffled cry. Crystal slapped Elf's arse hard as she came loudly, sqealing into Elf's wet cunt and grinding her own onto Julie's face. Before Elf could come she was pushed away. She moaned with dissatisfaction but was quickly grabbed by Crystal and pushed on all fours towards Paul. Julie stapped on a dildo harness with a huge black cock while Crystal secured her hands behind her. Crystal pushed Elf's head down until it rested on Pauls groin, her face pressed hard onto his testicles. Paul's erection rubbed against her temple.

"Fuck her hard Jules. I want to hear her come" ordered Crystal.

Elf gasped as Jules shoved the dildo its full length up her wet, slippery tunnel. Her head slid backwards and forwards over Pauls cock and balls as Jules rode her hard. This position was clearly intended to slow Elf's arrival at orgasm as she clearly wasn't turned on by her face sliding about on a man's erect organ. Several times during the assault on her, Elf turned her head, her nose and mouth rubbing hard on Paul's shaft.

Paul had an uninterrupted view of her face as she came. She screwed up her eyes, her mouth opened and she squealed, like a young animal. "Ahh". "OOhhoooo" she cooed as the next wave shuddered through her in rhythm with the pumping from Jules.

"Keep going Jules" said Crystal. "I want to see how many she can have".

Jules fucked her for another five minutes during which she came twice more early on, and then endured a further three minutes or so of shafting that exhausted her completely. Eventually Jules withdrew the dildo and stood back to admire her work. Crystal undid Elf's hands and helped her to her feet.

"Well done Elf. You are beautiful when you come. You will be treated regularly."

"Thank you mistress" said Elf as she bent down to kiss Crystal's feet.

"Jules. Punish Dog for his erection then put him to bed."

Julie unstrapped the dildo and picked up a paddle like the one used earlier. She walked over and stood between Paul's legs, looking down at his upturned arse. "This disgusting display has got to stop Dog. We don't want to see your little stiffy all of the time. If it keeps "popping up" when not wanted you will end up with a permanent redness." Thwack! she flicked the paddle and it landed squarly on his sack. "Aaargh" squealed Paul.

"Good. Now that you have had your say, I don't want to hear you again". She laid into him again. Splatt! Full on his sack. His erection reduced but his cock, still a semi hard-on, laid straight downwards towards his belly-button. The third strike landed full along the back of his shaft. Paul triede not to make any noise but it was difficult. He could see the paddle as it arrived, and between his legs, the face of Julie as she concentrated on placing the blows where she wanted them to land. She struck him six more times, concentrating on his shaft, but inevitably his balls took their punishment at the same time. When she had finished she undid his chains and fitted him with two gloves, like small boxing gloves. "These are anti-wank gloves Dog. We dont want you playing with your toy. Now go to sleep - AND NO SNORING!"

Jules joined the two other women in the bed and Paul heard the sheets slither as they settled down. He felt like the family dog must feel when it is not allowed on the bed. He realised that that was how he was meant to feel. His scrotum and the back of his cock smarted after the paddling they had received. Deep down he was in heaven. This was real femdom, and he loved it! He was looking forward to his orgasm on Saturday (even though it was now only Monday night!) and wondered which of them would rub his cock to explosion. He drifted off to sleep thinking about this and listening to the rhythmic breathing of the three women.

Written by prbbooks
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