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The Crystal Days

"Paul posts an advert to be a sex slave and suffers the consequences"

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Famous Story
Chapter 1

"Submissive "anything goes" male seeks live-in position with strict Mistress as sole slave or as part of a stable".

This was Paul's internet advert which received a swift, and unexpected reply:

"Mistress Crystal offers you the opportunity of a lifetime. Print and sign the attached contract before scanning and returning it. An immediate reply will qualify for a list of instructions, a delay will incur a rejection".

Paul quickly opened the attachment. It was a slave contract which quite simply relinquished all rights for the slave, gave permission for "Mistress" to perform any acts she deemed necessary, either for the well-being of the slave or for her purposes. Mistress agreed to safeguard the health of slave.

This was just the sort of thing Paul had been waiting for. The email had been in his in-box since yesterday. There was no time to lose! He quickly printed off the contract, signed it and sent it back with a covering email begging to be forgiven for the delay.

One week later, just when Paul thought that he must have been rejected, he received the acceptance email and instructions. He opened the message with his heart pumping, and his cock twitching. The message was short and stern:

"You are now my property. From receipt of this message you are forbidden to masturbate to ejaculation. Playing with what is now MY penis will therefore result solely in frustration. It is your choice. 

Follow the attached instructions exactly. Failure to do so will result in severe punishment. You will not believe how much pain my disobedient slaves suffer." Paul opened the attached instructions and read:

"You will prepare yourself in advance. All hair is to be removed from around the penis and testicles, and from the crack of your buttocks. You will shower, paying particular attention to those areas.

You will be on the train that arrives at Banford Forest station at 11.15 on Monday next.

You will wear a pair of light blue shorts and tee-shirt, a pair of light, flip-flop style sandals and NOTHING ELSE!

You will arrive without any money, credit cards etc and your pockets will be empty.

On arrival you will approach the black Volvo estate car in the station carpark. From that point on you will obey ALL spoken commands".

Paul had the urge to rub his already stiff cock. He re-read the message. His heart pumped as the adrenalin surged around his body. He had signed up to life as a sex slave!! He had had several partners who had indulged his fantasies but always with love and tenderness. Visits to prostitutes were quickly over and represented a "one-off" episode of slavery. This would be different.

The rythmic clicketyclack of the train wheels sent Paul into a daydream. His cock swelled in the blue shorts as he thought about how he would be treated by his new mistress. He imagined himself tied up, his erection twitching as Madame settled onto it. She would glide up and down until he nearly came, stopping as she orgasmed and then slowly wanking him off, "forcing" him to an explosive orgasm.

The train stopped at a station and Paul woke to a panic. Was this Banford Forest? No. It was the station before Banford. Paul mentally checked through the list of instructions. He had shaved his cock, balls and crack. He had had a huge erection during this process and seeing his genitals completely exposed turned him on. He was wearing only shorts, t-shirt, and sandals which made him feel "available" especially being shaved; one quick yank and his private parts would be on view to the world! He could feel the flimsy material of the shorts rubbing on his foreskin, swelling his cock embarrasingly.

The train drew into Banford Forest station and Paul took a deep breath and got off the train. He was beyond the point of no return now; he had no money for the return trip and was a very long way from home. He didn't even consider the possibility of hitching a lift dressed as he was.

He could see the Volvo estate in the carpark and walked towards it. As he approached the rear passenger door opened and a female voice told him to get in. The windows were all smoked glass and when he closed the door his eyes were unaccustomed to the low level of light.

There were two women in the front of the car. "Climb into the very rear of the car, and remain silent. I don't want to hear a sound from you." one of them ordered. Paul climbed over the rear seat and almost stepped on a young woman, with her hands and ankles cuffed behind her. She was also wearing blue shorts and tee-shirt. One of the women from the front came around and opened the hatchback door and snapped cuffs on Paul in the same fashion as the girl. She slammed the door shut and got in. The car sped off. Paul heard the two women talking as they drove. "What a nice touch with the hand-cuffs Julie. They will be unable to play with themselves, or each other." "Yes, I expect the male wanks alot, as they all do. The males are the worst, but the female looks like she no stranger to the middle finger!" The two women chuckled. The two slaves looked at each other, emarrassed. Paul liked the look of the other slave. She was perhaps thirty years old but had a slight figure and elf-like features. He could just make out a small pair of breasts through the tee-shirt, with two small peanut nipples stiff at the tips. Clearly she was experiencing some sexual excitement. If she had had the same type of instructions as he, she would not be wearing knickers.

They were not secured in the boot and as the car weaved along the country roads they slid about. The woman who had put the cuffs on Paul had arranged him head to toe with the girl. As they were jostled about, they rubbed against one another. Paul was heavier and therefore moved less. At one stage the girl slid into a position where her face was against Paul's groin. She must have felt the growing stiffness in Paul's shorts against her face. She turned her head away but still had her cheek rubbing Paul's erection. A minute later she was dislodged by another corner and Paul saw her disapproving look.

Some time later the car turned through a wooden gated entry and into a medium sized enclosed garden. The gate closed automatically and the car drew to a halt at the side of a house. The hatchback door was opened by the woman who had handcuffed Paul. She unlocked their ankle cuffs and ordered them to get out of the car. The girl climbed out first, with difficulty as her hands were still locked. Paul fell to the ground as he tried to get out of the boot. As he struggled to stand up he was aware that his shorts were quite wide legged and his cock and balls were probably visible. The woman helped him to his feet with a little smile.

The woman led the two slaves into the house. It was a very large Victorian detatched house with a walled garden and outbuildings. She took them into a side room which had many hooks, eyes and chains fixed in the ceiling. There were also many dungeon type items of furniture including two horizontal, parallel, metal rails at waist height, about a yard apart, with ceiling hooks above each bar. The woman undid their cuffs and attached their wrists to one of the ceiling hooks. They were facing each other, about a yard apart, their arms held high. Each of them had their buttocks resting against a horizontal bar, pushing their hips forward. The woman cut Paul's and the girl's tee-shirts off with a pair of scissors that she found on a side table with many tools on. The girl squirmed in embarrassment as the cloth slipped to the floor and her small breasts were revealed. "Now, now," said the woman. "don't be shy, we will all see a lot more of you in a few minutes."

Paul focussed on her pert breasts, stretched flat by her raised arms.

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Her nipples. peanut sized and pink, were erect. Paul liked what he saw; his cock stirred in his shorts.

The door opened and in walked the other woman from the car. "Well done Julie." She said. "Ooh. She's a cutie isn't she." She walked up to the girl and cupped her chin in her palm. "Oh yes. We shall enjoy playing with this one. I shall call her "Elf"." Her hands moved over her neck and down to her breasts. Elf moaned quietly as long fingernails scraped over her rock-hard nipples. Madame Crystal took each tip between her finger and thumb and pinched, pulled and twisted. "Aargh" squeaked Elf.

"Good" crowed Madame Crystal. "The pleasure is for me, the pain for you." She turned to Julie and said "Let's open her up". Julie pulled Elf's shorts off, revealing a shaved slit, her inner lips barely visible. They each grabbed an ankle and lifted and seperated Elf's legs. Each ankle was quickly snapped into a cuff suspended from the ceiling. Elf was hanging from her wrists, buttocks resting on the horizontal bar, her legs stretched wide apart, with her feet pointing at the ceiling. Paul had a bird's-eye view of her most intimate region. Her sex was pulled open, the small lips pouted and he could make out her vaginal opening. Her tight anus was fully on view. Elf looked down at herself and then at Paul. She could see the bulge in his shorts and gave him a "please don't" sort of look. She looked at Madame Crystal and Julie. They both crouched down a few inches in front of her and studied her. "Very tiny lips" said Julie. "Yes" replied Madame Crystal. "We shall try and stretch those a bit. I like them to hang down a bit. It gives me something to get hold of."

They continued to discuss Elf's anatomy as if she was a product on sale. Paul started to suspect that they were lesbians. He felt a shiver run up his spine - was he slave to two lesbians? If so, he wasn't going to be well treated, and would probably not fuck either of them, maybe he would never again have the pleasure of slipping his cock into a warm cunt. Julie opened Elf's hole and put two fingers in. "Mmmm" moaned Elf. "She is very wet" sniggered Julie and began to work her fingers in and out. Elf responded by girating her hips as best she could. Paul suspected Elf was also lesbian.

"OK, cork her now. Lets see about the other" said Madame Crystal. Julie went over to the side table and returned with a huge vibrator and a clamp. She inserted thehead of a thick black dildo and pushed. Elf "cooed" as Julie rammed it in hard. "Oww" she sqeaked. "I think it is right up now" said Julie and attached the clamp to the bar to prevent the vibrator from slipping out. "Switch it on Jules. Let's see how long she can last while we take a look at the male." Julie switched the vibrator on. It started humming quietly, deep inside Elf's belly. Elf wriggled but could do nothing about her situation - she would be forced to cum in front of Paul. This would be the first time for her while a man was there.

Meanwhile, the two women had turned to look at Paul. He was embarrassed by the bulge in his shorts. Julie pulled them down straight away in a swift, angry way. Paul's cock was pulled downwards by the elastic waist, and then released. It waggled vertically up and down a few times before coming to rest pointing upwards at a 30 degree angle. The head was fully exposed and bright red. "What is THAT!?" she spat. "Who gave you permission to point that disgusting thing at me?".

"I'm sorry" said Paul. "I can't help i.." THWACK!! Julie slapped his penis and made it waggle again.

"At least it's only a small one" laughed Madame Crystal. "Look at his tiny nuts. I shall call him "Dog" because my dog had equipment about that size." Paul went red. His cock continued to twitch. She slid her hand up his thighs and slowly massaged his balls. Paul breathed hard as her hand rose slowly up his erection. She gripped it in a full fist and pulled the foreskin back over the head. "Look. His stiffy is so small his foreskin covers the head completely. How cute. I shall be able to attach him by that." Madame Crystal used penis's solely for controlling her slaves. Paul would be nailed to the punishment chair by his foreskin if he displeased her. This was one punishment unavailable with circumcised slaves, and it was one that she LOVED doing.

"Let's open him up" said Crystal. The two women opened, lifted and attached Paul's legs as they had done to Elf. Paul looked down at himself. His cock had started to wilt as he worried about what was going to happen next. He looked across at Elf and saw that the vibrator was doing it's stuff. she had her eyes closed and her mouth open. She started to groan rythmically as the waves of orgasm built up. "Switch her off" ordered Crystal. She can perform for us later. We now know she is a vaginal cummer. We'll test her clitoral response in the bed tonight." This confirmed Paul's theory that the two Mistresses were lesbian.

Julie switched Elf off and caressed her face with her hands. "There, there, my beauty. We'll save the spectacle for later" she said.

She turned back to Paul. He was spread wide open, his cock wilted to one side. "Do you want to punish him for erecting without permission" asked Crystal.

"Of course" smirked Julie.

"Fifteen minutes" said Crystal as she left the room.

Elf, still impaled on the black vibrator, watched as Julie went over to the table and returned with another huge cock-shaped dildo. "Ever been arse fucked Dog?" Julie asked.

"" said Paul

"Enjoy your first time" sang Julie as she smoothed gel on the tip. She massged the head of the cock into Paul's anus, pushing harder and harder. "Relax" she snapped. Paul concentrated and relaxed his sphincter. At that moment she pushed hard and the head slipped straight in. Paul squeaked but she pushed again until the broad, long, shaft slid nearly up to the base. Only an inch and a half of the eight inch length was visible.

"Oooohh" moaned Paul as his anus stretched to its limit and the tip pressed home against his inner sphincter. Julie clamped the shaft to the bar and stood back to admire her work. By now Paul's cock had shrunk to its smallest and was stood upright against his scrotum. When at its shortest, Paul's cock measured a pathetic 1 3/4" with another 1/2" of foreskin bunched up on the tip. The foreign object inside him had caused his scrotum to constrict, encasing his small balls tightly next to his body.

"Now THAT is more like it" laughed Julie. Elf looked at Paul and smiled. She shifted uneasily on her dido. Julie went to the table and returned with a leather paddle. It was three inches wide but thin and flexible, like a stiff belt. Swishh - Shplatt! Julie swung the paddle and it landed perfectly, hitting his tiny cock on the tip of the foreskin, and arriving squarely on his little sack. The paddle was light and didn't land a bruising blow, but it stung!! "Aiii" yelled Paul and jumped and wriggled on the inserted shaft. Julie paddled him five times, leaving him wimpering, and his cock and sack reddening to a warm glow. She noted that his wriggling had caused the dildo to slip up him right to the end. She knew his inner sphincter had been forced open. Paul looked uncomfortable but could do nothing to give himself any relief. 

"Let that be a lesson to you Dog" said Julie. "I don't want to see your little stiffy unless you are ordered to present it. Next time you disobey me I may use a heavier paddle, or perhaps the "Cat"". 

Julie returned the paddle to the table and left the room.

Written by prbbooks
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