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The Corner

"My response started in my stomach, a hunger that was dark and desperate but absolutely certain."

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I felt so vulnerable. Naked in my loft, sent to a corner. His eyes, I could feel them, were on my ass.

He’d kept me there for what felt like hours. I wanted to talk to him, I wanted him to touch me but I was too scared to ask for any of that.

It was cold being naked. At least, I was all goose bumps. My skin felt tight. I wondered if my neighbors were watching. I kept feeling like he was right behind me but he wasn’t.

From across the room, he lit another match and blew it out. I swear he’d worked his way through almost a whole box. Every time, the sound of it shook me up and then the smell made its way over and I was glad for it. It made me feel connected to him.

Sometimes, he cracked his knuckles or gave a sigh like he was thinking about something. Most of the time, he was quiet. That’s when he scared me the most. Scared me, which turned me on like nothing else.

My God, what was he going to do to me? I spent the entire time thinking about it: a spanking? Clamps? The other night he tied me up in some “behind the back” thing where I could barely move but then I came all over the bed like the “dirty slut” he told me I was. He could be so mean but in a really sexy way.

I was filling up down there. Everything was rushing to one centralized spot, anticipating, getting ready for his attention. Touching myself was not an option. I did that last week, without asking and paid the price of not having him that night. He wouldn’t fuck me, even when I started crying for it. Yes, I know how pathetic that probably sounds but believe me, I wanted it that much. No one comes close to him.

Please, please, please come over here.

I was willing him to me. Though he’d told me not to move, I inched my bum out in his direction, hoping to bait him. He always talked about my ass, how “perfect” he thought it was, how much he liked it. He was so blunt about it. Because of him, I had started to think about it in an erotic way for the first time. I enjoyed the attention, I wondered about the possibilities.

“What are you doing?” Flat, cold and hard, his words slapped my ears, sent my body into overdrive.

“I’m just standing here like you said to.”

“No you’re not. You’re sticking your ass out like you want me to spank it.”

I didn’t know what to say. I tried to figure out what he wanted. When he’d spanked me before it was incredible but it hurt like hell. I kind of wanted him to spank me, at least that way he’d be touching me, we’d be together.

“Do I deserve a spanking?” I started to turn my head to him.

“Don’t look at me.”

I snapped my head back and fought the welling up of tears. He could be so strict. The thought of a spanking started to seem really good, it made me sigh a little.

“You should be silent,” his chair scraped against the hardwood floor, “unless I ask you a question.” He’d stood up.

Yes! He’s coming to me.

A hurricane was raging through me, everything swirling around the eye of my sex. Thinking I was being sneaky, I pressed my thighs together just so I could have some friction down there, anything for relief.

“Nikki, Nikki, Nikki… why are you so bad?” His words soaked with disappointment.

Now he was behind me. I was just a few feet from feeling him, his voice was on my skin, I could almost smell him. On the floor, his boots clicked like a gun getting loaded over and over again.

Come on touch me. Please, just put your hand on me.

“I like your ass, Nikki.”

It seemed like such a funny thing to say. I started to laugh but tried to stop it but snorted instead. Embarassing.

“Why is that funny to you?” He was not amused.

“I don’t know. I just don’t know why you like it so much.”

The metal of his belt buckle clinked open, the leather hissed through the loops of his jeans and hit the floor with a smack.

“It would be a bad thing if anything happened to your sweet, little ass, Nikki.” He was walking back and forth, the belt slithering along behind him.

Fear and impulse got the best of me, I peeked over my shoulder.


The belt whooshed through the air, I squeezed my eyes shut, balled my fists against the plaster walls and pulled my butt in from what I was sure was coming.

There was a violent, time-stopping crack and I sucked my breath in hard.

But nothing happened. It was only a threat.

A warm trail of want oozed down my thigh. I knew he would see it.

“It’s so strange to be turned on like this isn’t it?” Close to my ear, his breath was unearthly cool and I was on fire. “Who likes pain? Who wants to submit? Who wants to really trust someone else?”

My response started in my stomach, a hunger that was dark and desperate but absolutely certain.

“I do”

Outside, I could hear a couple of kids playing on the street. Their mother called for them to come inside, to get out of the cold.

I wasn’t supposed to look at him, so I didn’t. But his face was close to mine. I was completely at his attention. This was intimacy. Anything he’d ask, I’d do. Anything he wanted, I’d give.

He kissed my ear and walked around behind me. The pressure of his lips stayed behind, a warm memory to savor.

“Open your hands and press them against the wall, arm’s length away.”

I did it.

“Bend over a bit and spread your feet. That’s it. Do it so that cute, little bottom really sticks out.”

With my legs open my cunt felt like its own being. My lips were so full, they hung with a sensuous weight and in the middle, my clit stood like a lighthouse signaling for attention. Spread like this, my ass was exposed, available and I liked it. My twisted hole twitched open and closed.

“A spanking, Nikki?”

“If you want.” My voice was so small next to him.

Again he cracked the belt and it shocked me from my feet to the top of my head, a full body flinch. But again, it did not touch me.

“Something better.”

Behind me, he dropped to his knees. The belt buckle clattered on the hardwood and I jumped a little. Like a pilgrim, still on his knees, he slid across the floor until he was between my legs, his face just above my ass. The cool breath slid over the small of my back, charging my pussy, triggering spasms that opened and closed me. His fingers landed on my hips and the palm of his hands lay down across the soft flesh of my bottom. His thumbs pressed slowly into either side of my hole and he spread me open like an orange.

“Nikki, you’re going to love this.”

I purred to him and pushed back. Wet and firm, his tongue pressed right up against my “never” spot. Self-conscious for a moment, I wondered how he would react to that part of me. But then I didn’t care. It loosened with the swirling motion of his tongue and my pelvis started humping the chill apartment air. This was new. It was raw and animal and it felt so damned good. I pushed back again for deeper penetration but he held my hips in place.

“Don’t get greedy. You’ll get enough.”

The pressure from his thumbs intensified. I could feel it right up through my jaw, opening it, driving out a throaty moan.

His tongue entered me again, its rotation wound me up like a mechanical doll, twisted into a state of suspended animation, waiting for him to release me into a state of what, I could not imagine. In this new territory, I had no frame of referential pleasure. I just knew I wanted what was to come, on his terms or mine.

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Still tonguing my ass, he opened something, I didn’t know what. His mouth came a way and a cold, wet hardness took its place. I felt it outside of me and then in three stunning expansions it was in me.

“You like that, Nikki?”

I had to fight back tears. Going in, it hurt. Bad, so, so bad. I didn’t like it at all at first but I couldn’t tell him and I didn’t want to disappoint him, so I just nodded my head “yes.”

“Breathe, Pumpkin. Take a deep breath and relax. If you do what I tell you, your body will adjust.”

He was right, the pain eased and the feeling of fullness that replaced it was hard to ignore and even harder not to enjoy.

“That’s a butt plug. It’s going to get you ready for what’s to come.”

“Okay,” I breathed.

My ass cheek lit up with the unexpected arrival of his open hand. It stung for a moment and then melted into a hot feeling I craved.

His lips were at my ear again.

“I’m going to fuck your little ass, baby. You wanna cum now or when I’m in you?”

“Will you do it soon?”

He moved away, his hand smacked me again. It was quick, sharp, effective.

“Who asks the questions?”

“You do.” I sounded like a child. I hardly recognized myself but God help me, I’d never felt more real, more immediate in my world.

“You wanna cum now or when I’m in you?”

I want to cum now! I screamed to myself but I could tell by the way he asked the question that it was not what he wanted to hear.

He was gone from my side and back behind me. Another expansion, the plug inserted deeper, the invasion of my bottom was total and complete. What was going on in my ass chased away any thought. It was hard for me to catch my breath. I wanted to drop to my knees. I wanted what was to come next. At least, I thought I did.

He went back to his chair and sat down.

Are you fucking kidding me?  I was on the verge in a bad way.

From across the room, I was sure he was looking at me. Looking at me bent over, the plug sticking out of my bum, his handprints glowing on my skin.

“This is your first time getting fucked in the ass isn’t it, Nikki?”

I nodded my head.

“What a shame.” He chuckled like he does, kind of mean and ominous. “It’s gonna hurt a little bit, hope you’re okay with it.”

His boots came off, his jeans dropped to the floor.

Again, I nodded my head.

“How’s your pussy? You wet?”

From behind, his fingers slid right into me. I moaned like a wounded animal. The fit was tight because of the plug but he slowly worked his way around inside me and my need to orgasm came to roiling boil. Sensing it, I’m sure, he took his hand from me and slapped my breasts. Just hard enough for the pain to distract me from where I wanted that pleasure to take me. But then the sting on my breasts turned molten and my nipples cried out for more. I couldn’t help myself.

“Please, fuck me now.”

He slapped my tits again. Hanging like this, they swung in pain and pleasure.

“Nikki, you’re impatient. That’s going to cost you.” He went back to my ass. One, two, three smacks burned right through me. It hurt like a son of a bitch, why did I want him to do it again? Tears ran down my face, my cheeks were flushed. This was all so uncomfortable and fucking sexy at the same time. I started to sniffle.

He hit me a fourth time and I peed. One little squirt on my hardwood floor. The sound was so outrageous but it felt somehow normal. 25 years old, and I’d just wet my floor.

“What a shame.  You can’t control yourself, Nikki.” A fifth expansion, it felt as though he’d pushed a golf ball up inside me. I peed some more or was it cum? Every inch of me was trembling, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand up.

“Are you ready?”

I loved his voice, I loved the way it carved me down to a simple, sexual being. I didn’t give a damn about his job, his family, his future, I just wanted him to fuck me again and again and again.

“Yes,” I started to blubber a bit. “Yes, please. Yes, I am. I’m ready.” I closed my eyes and held my breath waiting for him.

His finger pressed on my clit and the effect brought me up on my toes. Mimicking the same rotating motion his tongue had taken in my ass, his finger drove me to a near instantaneous finish. My hips bucked with each completed circle. My thighs were covered in my piss and juice.

“Don’t you cum until I tell you to, understand?”

“I won’t. I won’t”

“Good, relax, okay”

“It’s hard, I wanna cum so bad.”

He chuckled, again and again my ass was forced open, this time the plug was on its way out. It hurt but not for long and when he eased the second knob out, I missed it immediately. I wanted that fullness back in a very serious way.

He started flicking my clit with his free hand while the other conducted the sad retreat of the plug. My ass swished from side to side, like a horse’s tail. Every nerve in me was lit up like a Christmas tree. I was twinkling with perversion, starving for him and completion.


“Yes,” I wailed.

He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, slowly and firmly. Then he was pressed up between my butt cheeks and forcing himself inside. With my head back, I tried to open my mouth and give voice to the rebellion going on in my bum but nothing came out. The head was in me, then the shaft started sliding in, it opened me even wider.

“That’s a good girl, Nikki. That’s it.”

Buried to the hilt, he stopped. We froze in respect to what we can handle. I had a fat cock up my ass. He had me exactly where he wanted me.

In and out, he started, methodical and focused. I had to fight to relax at first but then the motion wiped my mind clean. I bucked back against him, urging him to go deeper, faster.

“You like it, Nikki. I knew you would.”

Faster again, he was sweating, his hands were slippery on my rump and I felt droplets of his sweat falling on my back. Against his thighs, my skin snapped out the tempo of our filthy work. Pulses of messages my body did not understand rushed up from my bottom and bounced between my hunger and experience without finding a home. I was overloaded on feeling and on the brink of collapse.

“Alright, Nikki, it’s time for you to cum.”

His finger returned to the trigger button at the top of my pussy and obedient to his command, I let loose with an loaded charge to my finish.

“Fuck, yes. Oh baby, harder, harder.” Finding an extra gear, he delivered. Lost in his force, made stupid by pleasure, I had no sense of time or reason but it felt like I came for a week. At the peak, I felt him tense and then erupt with a savage yell. He made a proper mess inside of me and I was thrilled by its absurd quantity. Like a flower deprived of water, I felt him slowly wilt behind me. Depleted, the being I lived for became human once again.

Pulling himself out of me, he rested his head on my back and stroked the sides of my legs. Our liquid selves poured all down the inside of them

“Well, Nikki, you can come out of the corner now.”

“Thank you. I love it when you put me there.”

I stood up, turned and passed out in his arms.








Written by BlakeLightfoot
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