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Sweet Surrender

"Blind obedience to a stranger..."

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The room was dark and the lingering scent of a recently extinguished candle hung in the air. Soft music could be heard playing under the hum of the ceiling fan. The window had been left cracked open to let in the cool evening breeze. In the center of the room was an enormous bed and Alexis lay sleeping upon it – a mask covering her eyes. Covered only partially with a dark gray sheet, her blue cami and matching panties could be seen along her left side.

This tranquil scene was interrupted by the sound of a nearby window sliding open. Alexis remained unaware, dreaming. A dark form climbed silently through the open window, dressed in black and barely discernible in the dark room. The figure’s near-invisible status was briefly compromised when a smile caused a flash of his teeth to be shown.

He watched Alexis sleeping for a minute, carefully planning his initial move; knowing that he would only have a short time before she woke. He noted with pleasure that her bed frame would serve his purposes perfectly. He reached into his bag, removing and placing each item strategically so that it would be within reach when he needed it. He moved to the side of the bed opposite from the way she was facing.

“Now or never,” he whispered to himself and carefully sat on the bed, doing his best not to allow his weight to shift the mattress. Slowly, he pulled up beside her and lay down carefully, inching his body closer to hers. He moved to press his body into hers – spooning her – then slowly began tracing lines down her exposed flesh with his fingertips.

A soft sigh of excitement escaped his lips which he then pressed to her pale, soft skin, watching to see if she would stir. Then, he turned his attention to nibbling at the exposed skin of her shoulder and neck. His hand moved to cup a soft, heavy breast; his fingers pinching softly at her hardening nipple. Alexis moaned softly in her sleep, arching her body into his.

This was the precarious point in his little adventure. Reaching behind him with his other hand, he swiftly fastened the restraints to bed posts on her headboard. Taking hold of one of her wrists, he brought it to his mouth and kissed, licked and nibbled the sensitive flesh. Alexis whimpered and began stirring. His cock grew hard in anticipation as he fastened the restraint around her wrist.

Alexis rolled on her back; he could tell she was waking up. He swiftly pushed her thighs apart and pulled on her legs to shift her down the bed; his pants stretched at the seams from his arousal. He began grinding against her pussy so she would feel his erection. He tugged the fabric of her cami down beneath her breasts so he could suckle one of her pointed nipples while grabbing her unrestrained hand and fastening the cuff around it.

At the feel of the hot mouth on her breast, Alexis woke fully, immediately confused by her arousal; a moment later she understood. She could feel a hard cock pressing against her panties; the weight of a man lying on top of her; the feel of his mouth on her nipples. It felt amazing…but, she lived alone and didn’t have a lover. She tried to move her hands to push the intruder from her body, and discovered she was bound to her headboard.

“Get off me!!!” she shrieked in horror, her body writhing to try to dislodge the man from her body.

The man made a tsking sound at her, clicking his tongue like a parent would do to a disobedient child. He grabbed her legs once more and pulled her against his hard cock again. “Hold still.” His voice was commanding and confident…and perhaps even vaguely familiar.

Alexis tried to place the voice as she wriggled away again. “Let me go! I will give you all the money I have in the house! Just leave me alone!”

Again the man clucked his disapproval at her dismissively. He stood from the bed and Alexis felt a moment of relief. She heard the click of the light on her nightstand, but was unable to see due to the sleeping mask still on her face. Her reprieve was short-lived as she felt the man grab one of her legs and fasten a cuff around her ankle. She screamed and tried kicking wildly with her other foot.

He chuckled as he caught her other leg and restrained it as well. The sound of his mirth caused a surprising tingling sensation to course through her body. His hand covered her mouth firmly as he moved to whisper in her ear, “Now, now. Be a good little girl and I will see that you are rewarded properly.”

She felt him checking and tightening all of the restraints; taking his time to ensure she would be unable to move or thrash.

She tried pleading with him, “Please, just let me go. Don’t hurt me…”

“No, no. I am not going to hurt you. In fact, I am going to tease you until you beg for release.”

Alexis felt her whole body shiver with anticipation at his promise. Oh my, this man knows what I need. Despite her body’s intense desire to succumb, her mind continued to fight. “What if I don’t want you to do that?”

“I will not do anything you don’t want. Trust me baby…your body is mine to command.”

Oh my god!! Her brain felt like it was on fire. She bit down on her lip hard, trying to focus on regaining a measure of self-control. That was when she felt his lips at the arch of her right foot.

“Oh!” She cried out. “What are you doing?”

“Just getting started…now stop asking questions, or I will have to punish you.”

He ran his thumb along the underside of her toes and she felt a lightning bolt sensation travel up her leg to her now moistening pussy. Running his finger slowly and firmly over her middle toe she wondered, how the hell did he find that spot so fast?

She heard him chuckle as if reading her thoughts and he said, “Quit thinking so much; just feel.” He then kissed the sensitive toe softly and she moaned involuntarily. He repeated the same treatment with her left foot, causing Alexis to whimper slightly.

Silently, Alexis hoped this intruder was just a foot fetishist and would leave her alone soon. After all, she was still dressed and it would be rather difficult to remove her clothing in her bound state.

The man moved up her left leg, caressing a scar on the back of her calf tenderly while his fingers roamed in slow, ticklish paths up her thighs. Alexis was taken aback by the tender treatment she was receiving. This man seemed to know her intimately: her scars, her desires, her erogenous zones – nothing was secret as she lay restrained to her own bed.

Suddenly, his hands were no longer on her and the room was silent. At first she was relieved, thinking the man might have grown tired of this game and decided to leave. Or perhaps there was a sound outside that scared him away. After what felt like several long minutes, she felt his presence nearing the bed again.

“My apologies, my sweet, I had to go locate an item in your home. It proved more difficult than anticipated.”

Fear flooded her body once more, “Why me? Please…don’t hurt me.”

“What did I say about asking questions? And I already promised I would not hurt you. Last warning… Stop talking!” His voice was stern and commanding. She found herself unable to respond; yielding to his dominant presence.

She nearly shrieked when she felt the cold metallic edge against her side, immediately assuming the worst. Then she heard the resounding snip of scissors as they cut away her cami on both sides of her body. She was horrified to discover that this new development had her pussy flooding with moisture. What’s wrong with me, get it together! She chided herself.

He pulled her ruined top away from her body and tossed it to the side. She tugged at her restraints in an instinctive attempt to cover her exposed breasts, but found she was firmly fastened in place. Her nipples hardened more when the cool air hit them; the sensation added to the insistent tingling between her thighs.

She felt his fingertips slowly circling her stiffening nipples and then twisting them hard. “Oh,” she moaned involuntarily. Suddenly, his warm mouth was on one nipple – sucking it in and flicking his tongue against its peak. Then he was gone again, leaving her aching for his return. The chill in the room made her moist nipple feel icy and goose bumps rose on her thighs.

She felt his weight as he moved between her thighs on the bed, his hard cock pressing against her damp panties. He began nibbling and kissing her neck, his fingers twisting her nipples sporadically. He rubbed his cock against her and a whimper escaped her lips. He carefully kissed up her neck and to the corner of her lips. When she leaned in to return the kiss, he knew she had finally submitted to him. He made himself hold back a victorious chuckle so as not to break his spell on her body. His kisses trailed lower, focusing on teasing her hard nipples with his tongue and teeth.

She arched her body into him, rotating her hips to invite him lower. His mouth continued on its path lower still, until he planted a soft kiss on her covered pussy. Her sharp gasp told him she was ready.

She felt the cold metallic scissors against her skin again – this time cutting away her silky panties. It was too erotic for her to care that he destroyed her favorite pair. Another ruined garment was tossed to the floor and Alexis lay completely naked – restrained to her bed at the mercy of an unknown man. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should be screaming for help or trying to fight. But this man seemed to know her so intimately, her body just responded to his will. She didn’t want to fight; she wanted to submit – to let go of her carefully controlled life and allow this man to call the shots.

He kissed and nibbled her thighs, moving his mouth ever closer to her silken center. She was desperate to feel his lips…his tongue…there! Instead he teased her; kissing everywhere but where she needed it. His fingers slowly ran up and down her slit…but never enough. She whined in protest.

“Is everything okay, baby?” he asked innocently.

Taking a deep breath, Alexis didn’t know how to respond. She simply shook her head.

“What is it you need, mi esclava?”

Those words resonated deep within her. She couldn’t yet place them but she felt a sensation of deja vu.

Despite her mind’s confusion, she instinctively understood what was needed. She needed to feel his tongue parting her nether lips, pressing against her aching clit and then plunging deep inside her. If she wanted him to do that…she needed to beg. Nicely.

“Oh please…” she started shyly.

“Please what?” He wasn’t going to let her off easy.

“Please, I need you. I am so wet and my pussy is aching for your tongue. Please, please, I need it!”

He chuckled softly, “My pleasure, baby.”

Then, oh! His tongue pressed firmly between her wet pussy lips, delving deep to find her hard little clit. He flicked his tongue against it and Alexis about came right there. His tongue seemed capable of magic as it deftly flicked and circled her clit; his lips were heaven as he sucked it between them. And then, Oh my god! His tongue pressed to her tight opening and then inside. His tongue was long, strong, and fucking her greedy cunt. Her arms went tight against the restraints as she tried to grab the back of his head – only to discover, again, that she couldn’t move them.

His tongue curled inside her, once, twice, three times…and then Alexis saw stars. She felt her body erupt in a mind numbing orgasm. But he didn’t relent, he drank up her sweet nectar and he moaned. The sound caused another ripple and she cried out, “Oh!”

Her pussy was now completely hungry and insatiable; she wanted to feel his cock inside her. But her brain shouted at her that she was being a terrible slut.

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She couldn’t fuck a man who she didn’t even know!

All the while, the stranger between her thighs continued to tease her pussy with his tongue, lips, and fingers. His moaning as he tasted her was driving her mad with desire; pulling at her restraints futilely, she whimpered and writhed beneath his relentless tongue. He plunged two fingers deep in her pussy as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Moaning loudly, she felt her body passing the brink once more, her juices covering his fingers.

Her mysterious guest continued lapping at her clit, which had reached the point of overstimulation. She wiggled her hips to try to dislodge the probing tongue. She heard him making that tsking sound again as he restrained her further by wrapping his arms around her legs thus preventing her from being able to move at all. His tongue resumed its torture and she whimpered and squealed.

His chuckle filled the room as he asked in a feigned innocent tone, “Is anything the matter, my sweet one?”

“Please…” she gasped.

“Please what?”

“You are killing me here!” she exclaimed as he flicked her clit once more.

“Not even close, baby. I am going to tease you until you beg for release. Now, no more speaking unless you are going to beg.”

He proved his intention as he circled her clit with the point of his tongue, then lashed it briefly. He let out a soft, molten breath against her pussy and then plunged his long tongue deep inside her once again, moaning at the taste of her sweet juices.

The sexy sounds coming from his mouth combined with the amazing skill he displayed with his tongue had Alexis close yet again. She whimpered and tried unsuccessfully to squirm out of his firm hold. His tongue dipped inside her again…once, twice, three times causing her to scream, “Oh fuck!” as her body erupted in the most intense orgasm yet.

She was trembling and trying to catch her breath when she felt his weight shifting on the mattress. She could not see him through her eye mask, but she sensed his presence next to her head. She felt his hand on her face, turning it towards him.

“Wha…?” she started to ask, but was immediately stopped short by the feel of his hard cock pressed against her lips.

Alexis was suddenly scared again. “Ummm…” she started.

“I told you not to speak unless you were begging me. Now you will be punished.”

She whined nervously and pursed her lips tightly together.

“Oh stop, I already told you I won’t do anything you won’t want. Now just relax and trust me, baby.”

She felt his cock rubbing against the outside of her lips. It was hard and heavy against her mouth. As he moved against her she was able to discern its size causing her pussy to ache to have him buried inside her. Oh, he has a fucking nice cock! It had been a long time since she was properly fucked and she found herself wondering how it would feel to have his thick length pounding inside of her.

He moaned softly above her and she gasped at the sound, her lips parting slightly. His smooth skin against her moist lips became torture. Her greedy tongue darted out of her mouth to flick against him.

“No. You cannot do that unless your master says.” he chuckled at the pout that formed on her lips. “You know what to do if you want something…”

Her body was at war with her mind that was stubbornly trying to avoid begging. He sensed this internal struggle and reached down to tug a nipple with his fingers as he continued to stroke his cock against her quivering mouth.

Her resolve completely dissolved in that moment. “Please! Please fuck my mouth.”

His chuckle sent warm tingles down her body and she felt relieved when she finally welcomed his cock between her parted lips. He thrust slowly into her mouth, hearing her excited (though significantly muffled) moans. Increasing his tempo, he began to fuck her hungry little mouth while continuing to alternate tugging at her hard nipples.

“Do you like that, mi esclava?”

She nodded eagerly and tried to press her legs together to alleviate the insistent ache between her legs. Her bindings prevented her from finding any relief despite her continual writhing beneath him.

“Would you like to deep throat me now?” The whimper that escaped her lips sounded like assent, so he thrust his cock deep into her mouth; her throat tightened around his cock as she swallowed him. The moan that escaped his lips surprised him and he felt a momentary lapse of self-control. Steeling his resolve, he fucked her mouth for a little longer until he heard her moans growing louder.

He pulled out with a loud pop and chuckled softly when he heard her whine in protest. “That’s my naughty little girl! Did you enjoy having master’s hard cock fucking your mouth?”

“Yes sir,” she replied with a pout.

He shifted his body between her legs and slid his cock slowly up and down her slit. At the feel of his cock on her slick pussy, Alexis felt her mind go blank and she forgot to breathe momentarily.

“Mmm…you are so wet for me. Good girl,” he murmured as he continued to tease her. His words of approval brought her more pleasure and she silently chastised herself for responding to a praise that is usually reserved for dogs. “Do you want my cock now, baby?”

She bit her lip hard; longing to say yes…but terrified to let the word escape her lips. She furrowed her eyebrows in frustration; she hoped that he would just take her now without her having to say anything.

He chuckled as he watched her tortured facial expressions. “Come on my goddess, just let go and tell me what you want.” He leaned forward and nibbled at her neck, starting a trail to her lower earlobe and whispering, “You want my cock hard and throbbing inside you…deep…filling your pussy, making you cum for your master. You want to be my good girl…right?”

Alexis couldn’t take it any longer; this mystery man had figured out every one of her buttons…including this one. She loved the sound of his voice in her ear, whispering naughty words into it.

“Yes! Oh fuck me, please! Please, I need you now!”

He filled her tight pussy in one hard, triumphant thrust causing her to cry out loudly in pleasure. “Mmmm, do you like having my cock inside you baby?”

“Yes…” she answered shakily.

“Yes what, mi esclava?” His voice was clear and sharp; she understood what he was expecting to hear. She bit down on her lip, attempting to regain control. Seeing her hesitation, he slowly pulled out until the tip was just barely inside.

She pouted at him, so he leaned forward and nibbling on her outthrust lip in response. “Ooo!” she gasped loudly.

“Quit fighting my goddess. I know what you need.” He kissed her hard as he thrust deep inside of her again. She moaned against his lips softly, her hands tight against her restraints as they tried to fight their confinement to touch him. “Now, be a good girl and answer my question properly.”

“Yes master…I love your cock!” she finally allowed herself to fully surrender to his will. Every day she spent in control, planning every move. And in one night all of that control had been stripped away, leaving her vulnerable…and relieved. She had been craving this surrender her entire life without understanding.

“Mmm, that’s my good girl.” He started slow; thrusting in long, hard strokes…making her feel every inch of him. She no longer struggled against her restraints; her body had fully been entrusted to his desire. Just the sight of her yielding to him had his heart racing and he could no longer take it slow. He began pounding into her faster, reveling in the feel of her pussy tightening around his cock.

Alexis felt his cock slamming repeatedly inside her pussy and she knew she was close again. His unrelenting rhythm had her unable to think or second guess her desires any longer. He had freed her from her constant inner criticism and allowed her to finally just savor the moment. “Oh! Master!! I am going to cum!!!” she shouted suddenly.

“That’s right my goddess! Cum hard for your master!” He moaned as he felt her pussy spasm and erupt around him; bathing his cock in her sweet juices. He took a shaky breath to keep composure; watching her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

He continued to fuck her hard and fast; her pussy still quivering around him.

“Ohhh!” She gasped as she squirted on his throbbing cock again.

“Mmmm good girl,” he whispered in her ear and then kissed her forehead tenderly.

Suddenly, Alexis felt him pull out of her and move off the bed. She whimpered in protest, “What?”

He chuckled softly, “Shush now and just trust me, baby.”

She felt his hands on her ankles, unfastening the restraints. Her mouth fell open in surprise, but she did not attempt to kick at him or squirm away. He unfastened one of the restraints from the bedpost and then carefully helped her turn over onto her stomach. He reached up and re-fastened the restraint to the same post as her other hand.

“On your knees,” he commanded in a firm and confident voice.

She slowly moved her body into position – on all fours, her ass up in the air, restrained to her bed, in her room with a mysterious stranger. Fuck this is hot, she thought.

She felt the bed shift as his weight joined hers on the mattress; he positioned himself between her legs. She wiggled her ass at him, trying to entice him to resume fucking her. He smirked and smacked her ass with a resounding slap.

“Oh!” she gasped.

He slid a finger between her wet lips to slowly tease her clit. Her body began to writhe against his finger; he spanked her with his free hand in response. “That’s my girl. Tell your master what you want.”

“Please,” she whined, “I need your cock inside me.”

He pressed his cock against her hot entrance, but didn’t slide inside her. Instead, he continued to rub her clit, spanking her each time she moaned or squirmed against him.

She rocked her hips back, attempting to make his cock enter her aching pussy. He tsked at her firmly and said, “No. Hold still.”

She growled in a frustrated protest, but stilled her body obediently.

“Good girl,” the sound of his voice caused goose bumps to rise on her skin. “Now, don’t cum until I say you can mi esclava.”

“Yes master,” she whispered reluctantly. She was so close already, she knew it wouldn’t take much to set her over the edge.

He slammed his cock hard into her wet hole; he moaned as he felt her pussy spasm and clench around him. He began fucking her in a relentless rhythm once again; going faster and harder with each thrust. He felt his cock twitching as he neared release but he summoned up his willpower to hold back until she begged for release.

Alexis was panting and moaning in a guttural voice. Her entire body was tingling and the sensation of his cock stretching and pounding her pussy was becoming too much. She knew she needed to cum, but her body refused to comply. It had surrendered itself completely to the will of her master.

“Please, oh fuck,” she gasped, “please, sir!!! I need to cum! Please!!”

Grabbing her hair in his hand and pulling hard, he groaned, “Cum hard, my goddess!”

Her pussy exploded around his cock; her juices coating his length. The intense warmth and wetness sent him spiraling over the edge. He spanked her hard, his other hand still gripping her hair. His cock pulsed and throbbed inside her as he came in long spurts, moaning her name in her ear.

They both fell heavily onto the bed, gasping; their trembling bodies slick with sweat. He pulled Alexis into a protective embrace, her head resting on his chest as he slowly pushed the mask from her eyes.

Alexis timidly raised her ocean blue eyes to meet his. She knew his face well; every line, every contour. She stared into his eyes, unable to speak.

“At last, we meet my goddess…” he murmured contentedly.

Smiling tiredly, Alexis replied, “It was worth the wait.”

The End

Written by TheSometimesGoddess
Contributing Authors
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