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"Tired of always being professionally in control, she hands herself over to her husband"

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She sighed deeply to herself as she tapped away at her keyboard. It was almost the weekend, but somehow that didn't matter. The relentless calls, meetings and deadlines had taken their toll. Her eyes strained against the screen. What she wouldn't give to be spirited away, to feel fun and be fun.

She needed an escape. She was getting hungry as darkness fell across the house. He would be home soon, probably keen to shake the shackles off of his week as well.

At least the house was theirs for the weekend. A chance to have some peace, maybe sleep in and just take time to draw breath and be together.

Her phone rang.

"Hey baby, are you on your way home?" she asked.

"Trying to be, but the traffic is frightful," he said, sounding defeated.

"That's ok, I was just hoping we would have dinner and unwind tonight," she replied.

"Nothing would make me happier. Did you have a rough day too?" he asked her.

"Not especially rough, just a long one and I am over being the one always in control".

He understood. He loved how accomplished and professionally respected she was. But he also understood what comes with that, a relentless need to decide, fix problems and constantly be the person who has to decide. It was exhausting.

"Why don't you pour yourself a tall glass of something strong, make a small platter and sink into the bath," he suggested.

She laughed. "Maybe that's what I need, you to be in charge," she responded playfully.

"Tonight that's exactly what you need," agreeing through his wry smile.

She logged off her computer and poured herself a large drink. Her phone beeped with a text message from him. He said was going to swing by a shop and get her something. Intriguing, perhaps he wanted to play too.

She sliced herself a small platter of her favourite cheeses, dips, and bread as the hot water from the bath filled the room. She almost groaned, stepping in. It was almost too hot but felt heavenly on her skin. Time to herself, just to relax and unwind.

She placed her iPad on the vanity and put her favourite period drama on and as the hot water enveloped her, she felt warm inside as the drink settled inside of her, feeling weightless, soft and slightly fuzzy.

She heard her phone buzz and opened the message from her husband, asking if she was relaxing yet. She smiled and took a photo of herself as evidence.

"As directed," she wrote back with a giggle.

"You're gorgeous," he messaged back straight away before adding, " I can't wait to get home and help you unwind".

"What did you have in mind?" she messaged back.

"My only aim tonight is for you to submit to being pleasured," he responded.

She blushed slightly, and her mind drifted. Whatever he had in mind, it sounded like he had a plan. She wanted to be kissed, touched, caressed and enveloped in pleasure. To surrender to his desires and be ravished. The perfect escape.

Her hand traced over her breasts, slowly brushing against her nipples, watching them respond to the subtle touch and caress. Feeling the softness and fullness of her breasts emboldened her sense of sensual feminity and knowing how desired she was by the man she loved. She traced her hand down her stomach, brushed past her hair, and slowly caressed her lips before finding her clit. Gasping, she slowly traced around it.

She wanted to keep going, just edging herself closer but not wanting to leap off. She wanted to feel the smouldering desire of build-up. Whatever he had planned, she wanted it to be explosive. She wanted it to be while his mouth was between her legs. She wanted to gush on his face.

She took another photo and messaged him.

"When will you be home? I'm having naughty thoughts without you," she wrote as she sent the picture.

Her phone rang.

"Are you touching yourself?" he asked firmly.

"Yes", she replied with feigned innocence.

"I want you to wait until I come home so I can pleasure you," he responded.

"But I'm having naughty thoughts," she replied.

"Like what?" he asked curiously.

"Like fucking you until you explode inside of me and then using your cum to play with myself".

He gasped slightly.

"Well, that's very naughty, but I want you to wait. I am almost home," he said almost urgently.

"Better get home soon before I get too naughty".

She smiled as she imagined him driving home. The look on his face, the massive bulge with his cock straining against his pants, drove him wild with anticipation, and she wondered how she could whip him up into such a state of desire he would bound in and take her.

Stepping out of the bath and wrapped herself in her robe before making her way around the house, turning off lights as she went and replacing their harshness with soft candlelight. She turned off all the lights and lit candles before making her way to the bedroom and her imagination went wild with ideas. She lit some incense and spread more lit candles throughout the room.

The light in the room was soft, flickering, and smelled intoxicating. She went to the dresser and rummaged around the bottom before finding something special. It was a pair of thigh-high stockings. She knew how much this drove him wild.

Slipping them on, she paired them with her tallest black heels and looked in the mirror. She red lipstick and eyeliner as she tousled her curly hair. She felt sexy and confident as she looked back at herself. She was feeling herself a temptress.

Her eyes traced their way down to her large breasts and she rummaged around through a door before finding a bottle of massage oil. She dripped it all over them and slowly massaged them until her nipples were erect, centring in a shimmering sheen of flesh.

She continued to rub it on herself. Her soft stomach, her thighs and between her legs, resisting the urge to bury her fingers into herself and rub her engorged clit. She could already feel her wetness. She traced her fingers again to the point of release but pulled back.

Wanting to create a sense of theatre and theme, she took a moment to imagine the perfect temptation trap. A theme was chosen, wanting to be caught out, caught out being naughty. Pouring herself another tall drink for herself and one for him. She then lay down on the bed and opened her iPad and scanned for something naughty, provocative and very naughty. She knew it would drive him wild to see her indulging and it would keep her going until he came home. Deciding on a set of a couple being explored by strangers outdoors, her screen lit up with the sounds of sex and the sights of exploring pleasures without boundaries. It was intoxicating, watching the sea of yearning skin.

She laughed as she imagined the look on his face when he would walk in. His wife was slick with oil, stockinged, and red lipstick and laying on their bed touching herself while she watched an orgy unfold in front of her. The sounds, sights and scents of erotica would fill the four walls.

This is what she wanted. The perfect setting. To be a temptress and have him unable to restrain his desires to take her. She waited and hoped he would be home soon. She knew she could not hold back much longer.

He opened the front door, and the house was dark. He called out to her, but nothing. Perhaps she was still in the bath. He hoped so.

His heart was slightly racing. He knew the contents of the bag full of items he had picked up on the way home were racy, but he also knew that they had never shied away from exploring new things, and tonight felt like such a night.

He opened the bathroom door and saw an empty room. The bath was still hot, candles burning. He looked at the vanity and spied something in the mirror. She had left him a note in red lipstick asking that he make his way to the bedroom.

As he approached the door, he heard the sounds of sex on the other side. As he opened it, he gasped at the scene. She was utterly enticing.

On the bed, on all fours. Her skin shone. Her hand was nestled firmly between her thighs. She feigned a gasp and looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with him and made a mock pout with her gorgeous lips.

"I'm sorry baby, I've been in a bit of a mood tonight," she almost purred to him.

"What mood would that be?" he demanded.

"Naughty, horny, and fairly slutty," she responded meekly.

"And what are you watching?" He asked.

"I'm watching this couple being fucked in public and wishing we were there," she said, smiling.

"That is very naughty," he responded sternly.

"I just can't seem to help myself tonight. I think you need to help me stop being naughty".

"Do you want to stop being naughty?" he asked.

"Nope, am I in trouble?" she asked him.

"Yes, you are in trouble. You have been a very naughty girl and I think you need to be punished," he replied.

"Good," she gasped back as he walked over and placed his hand on her firmly.

"What's in the bag?" she asked as he placed it on the floor.

"Only good girls get to know that and that's not you tonight," he laughed as he softly ran his hand across her ass before squeezing it firmly.

Asking her to lie on her back, she again teased out a naughty girl pout. He reached into the bag and pulled out a soft blindfold before leaning over her and kissing her delicious red lips. Her tongue darted into his mouth and he pulled back. She tried again, and he softly bit her lip as she gasped.

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"You forget, I'm in charge tonight," he said and placed the blindfold over her eyes.

The blindfold was made of a thin, almost opaque mesh. She could slightly make out his form, but not much else. Immediately, she felt her senses heighten. The tease of not being quite able to see felt extra hot. She leant into those senses. She could smell the incense burning and the subtle aroma of massage oil. It smelt of raspberry and chocolate.

Her ears could hear his gentle breathing as he undressed and over the top, the sound of pleasure from her iPad as the husband entered his wife as she brought another woman to climax with her mouth. She could only guess, but she had hoped that's where it was going and it sounded delicious, taboo, and utterly heavenly.

Making out the shape of his body through the blindfold, she could see his tall, strong and commanding presence. He appeared to take his clothes off. Suddenly he leaned over her, and she smelt him too. He smelt masculine. She then felt soft bindings on her wrists and she smiled as he gently but firmly bound her.

"Now you're mine," he whispered in her ear before softly biting it as she moaned.

Suddenly, she gasped as she felt something entirely new. A sharp sting of heat than warmth. It dripped slowly, then spilled down her breasts. She gasped with each drip. The sharp sting for less than a second before the enveloping heat of the oil as it trickled down her.

He was dripping massage wax, alternating between slow and fast drips. She arched her body into it, wanting more and begging for it.

"Drip it on my nipples," she pleaded.

"Not yet, I have something else for them," he returned strongly.

As the wax melted, she could feel the slickness of the oil cascade over her breasts, her tummy and her hips. He leant over her and suddenly she felt a familiar firmness. He held her breasts together and slowly placed his cock between them.

"Fuck my tits!" she begged.

He ground into them just enough so she could feel his hardness. She bent her head down.

"Do you want to suck my cock?" He asked her.

"Mmm yes, so badly," she begged.

He placed it between her breasts and just within reach for her to lick the head. He watched her beautiful mouth yearn for it before easing closer so she could place him in her mouth. She sucked hungrily and breathlessly.

A bead of pre-cum glistened on the head and knowingly she licked it off, almost savouring it as she did. She felt him play with her nipples.

He pulled back and took one and then the other in his mouth. He traced them before running his teeth over them, sending shock waves through her.

"Bite them," she begged.

He did with one but with the other. Reaching into the box, he pulled out two clamps. He then slowly fixed them on one nipple as he played with the other and then alternated, slowly tightening them and waiting for her to tell him it was tight enough, but she never did.

She moaned as he fastened them to her, her nipples purple, engorged and teased as she bit her lip, savouring the pleasure and pain.

"You are naughty tonight," he said, laughing.

"Yes," she panted back.

"Do you like me being in charge?" he asked.

"I do," she moaned back.

"Then what does that make you tonight?" he demanded.

"I'm your dirty little cum slut," she responded almost forcibly.


"I am your dirty little cum slut and I want your cock to unload cum in me badly so I can use your cum to pleasure myself," she begged.

"Earn it, get on all fours," he told her.

As she did he stepped back and breathed her in. Prone in this position she was completely vulnerable, totally his and his to play with. He looked at her gorgeous body and his eyes took delight. From her soft hair to the small of her back. The curve of her breasts from the side teased him with a tantalizing suggestion of the complete picture.

Her soft stomach, her wide hips and her ass. Her ass was utterly perfect, the shape, firmness and thick thighs a window to the pleasures between them. The curvature between her cheeks revealed avenues of taboo pleasures leading down to her pussy. Slick, wet, and aromatic, with feminine desire.

It was taking restraint to not bury his mouth in her, to taste and smell every bit of her. The smell made his cock throb, wanting to be within the soft, wet and velvety heaven within. This was his wife, she was his, and she was, for him, the very definition of his desire and attraction.

He ran his powerful hand over the length of her back and traced her body, caressing her, teasing her before placing it on her behind. She then gasped as she felt the firmness of leather. It was soft across her backside but felt firm.

Then, a sudden crack as the leather met her skin. She gasped at first, then begged for it again, but harder. He smiled as he firmly smacked her again, hearing the crack and gasp.

"Is that enough?" he asked.

"No, I've been naughtier than that," she said as she bit her lip and he spanked her again harder.

He took a step back and saw the red marks across her ass as she moaned. She felt happy hormones as the feeling of pleasure and pain mingled. He was completely in control and she felt at his whim. But she ached to feel him inside. She had been edging now for hours and wanted to gush.

Suddenly, she felt the drip of massage oil between her cheeks.

It beaded down the small of her back, over her ass and then into her wet cunt. Still prone, she wondered if this was it. If he was going to fill her.

His hands found the area between her thighs and he kneaded them, caressed them, alternating between soft and hard, tantalisingly close to her aching pussy. He traced the outside and as he did, she felt his face make its way between her ass.

She gasped as his tongue found her hole and slowly traced it. It was electric. He teased and pushed with his tongue as his hands found her clit. She moaned and pressed into him before he suddenly withdrew.

"Don't stop!" she begged, panting from how close she was to exploding.

"I think you have forgotten that I'm in charge," he responded.

"But I want to feel you," she moaned.

"I know, but I want you to feel full," he replied.

She heard the box open again, and curiosity and anticipation filled her head. What was he doing?

She felt more dripping as a cascade of slickness dripped between her ass. She then felt an unfamiliar texture against her ass, but it felt good. He slowly teased and placed light pressure against it, letting her set the pace, but she never pulled back for long and kept exploring it.

"Are you going to tell me what that is?" she asked meekly.

"Before it enters you, of course, it's a vibrating plug," he responded.

"Oh, is it big?" she asked with meekness and playful curiosity.

"No bigger than me," he responded.

"Could I take it?" she asked again meekly.

"Do you want to try?" he asked.

"I do," she breathed back.

With one hand, he cupped her pussy and slowly stroked it as he held the plug with the other. Again, he let her set the pace, and she slowly eased into it before gasping as she reached the hilt.

"How does that feel?" he asked.

"Full, exposed, excited and hot," she moaned back.

He smiled and hit the remote. Her body went limp as the vibrations started. She felt her whole clit come alive as every hidden nerve ending unexplored, was newly awoken at once. She felt her thighs weaken but suddenly felt his cock slide into her.

She fought the weakness to hold the position as she felt the alternation between his long, hard and eager strokes fill her as her ass quivered with newly discovered pleasures.

The edging, the teasing, the full exploration of every nerve ending within this novel sensation almost overwhelmed her, and she squealed as a powerful climax erupted within her and raced across new rivers of undiscovered pleasure.

She felt her pussy pump him as it contracted as he came powerfully inside of her before collapsing on the bed. She felt the rivers of his cum cascade outside of her as she tried to catch her breath.

He removed the restraints, the clamps and the mask before staring her deeply in her eyes. He kissed her and whispered how much he loved her.

They both erupted, flooded by all the happy endorphins that had welled up between them.

"Is that what you meant by me taking control?" he asked.

"I had ideas, but that went in a completely fun new direction," she responded.

"Do you feel better?" he asked.

"I feel loved, desired and completely pleasured," she responded.

He kissed her again deeply and held her face.

"Should we go to sleep?" He asked.

"No," she said sternly, holding his face with her hands.

"So what do you want to do then?" he asked, confused.

"Switch," she said, looking serious.

"I've heard you have been a naughty boy, and naughty boys need to clean up their mess," she said as she opened her legs.

He smiled and savoured her.

Written by LoveLustUs
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