Katy woke early today, it was her 18 th birthday. She had received a text last night from her best friend Tre: “Big day planned for you on your birthday, get up early.” She smiled knowing it was going to be amazing, from all the other times he planned their adventures. Plus she was happy he had finally asked her out. Two years of giving him hints and signals finally paid off.Â
Sitting out on the balcony of her parents' house, she sipped her coffee as she watched the sunrise, thinking to herself, “This day is starting out nice, can’t wait for Tre to get here.” Getting up slowly, she headed into the bathroom to get ready, desiring to be nothing short of perfect for her birthday adventure with Tre.Â
She had a feeling this was going to be their first official date. Stepping into the shower, the warm water caressed her soft skin. The water fell across her shoulders, forming a stream as it passed through the valley of her perky full breasts. The stream continued its path across her flat tight stomach, ending its glorious fall across her body in her raven curls.Â
Her hands moved along, soaping herself. She was paying special attention to her whole body. Cupping her breasts, massaging the soap into her skin, she smiled. Touching her breasts always made her smile. It brought back countless memories of envious stares from other women and drooling looks from all the men she came in contact with. She had caught Tre ogling her tits often. It made her feel powerful to have that effect on everyone.Â
Reluctantly, she turned the shower off to finish getting ready. Throwing on her robe, she headed downstairs. "Happy Birthday," started erupting everywhere as she passed her parents and siblings. Out of nowhere she was airborne in a mighty bear hug, squealing and giggling. She finally realized it was Tre swinging her around.Â
"Put me down, you big oaf. My robe won't stay on at this rate."Â
Setting her down, he leaned in smirking. He whispered, “And that is a bad thing?”Â
“Yes,” she said, “It most definitely would be bad to have it open in front of the rest of my family.”Â
“Happy birthday, bestie,” he said, “Go get your butt upstairs and put your hiking gear on.”Â
“Yes, sir,” she mock saluted and marched upstairs, laughter following her.Â
Finally ready, she got in Tre’s truck to begin the adventure. Arriving at the trail they had discovered after months of roaming across the mountains by their home, they made their way to what they considered their own secret waterfall area. Climbing up the path deep in the mountains, she could feel the burn in her thighs. She secretly enjoyed these long alone times with the man she was hopelessly in love with. She knew he was just spending time while keeping his woman in shape, she laughed inside at that thought.Â
She stood there as she watched Tre move the giant log he was so adamant had to be there to make others think the trail was impassible, leaving our area alone. She couldn’t stop laughing though. It was his bullheaded idea to put himself through the constant strain of moving it. Remembering very clearly when she told him the log was ridiculous, nobody could find the trail we had, or should I say lack of trail.Â
“What’s so funny there, missy?” Tre asked.Â
“Oh nothing, just admiring my man doing his thing,” she said, “Flexing those great big man muscles!” At that point, she almost lost balance and fell due to her laughing.Â
She wasn’t paying attention to the predator look on Tre’s face, the look of pure animalistic need resonating from his eyes. He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. “Fuck the log,” he muttered, jumping over it to proceed to their waterfall.Â
“Tre, put me down, I am not a sack of luggage,” she stated between breaths and giggles.Â
“Where’s your cell phone?” he asked.Â
“In your bag, like always,” she said. “Why?”Â
“Good.” He un-ceremoniously dropped her into the pool of fresh spring water from the waterfall.Â
“You jerk!” she yelled, trying to climb out. He pushed her back in, quickly shedding everything but his trunks.
“That’s it, you’re a dead man,” she beamed furiously.Â
“What can you do, Shorty?” he taunted. “It's not like you can out match me!” He grinned stupidly.Â
“Just because you’re taller and heavier, does not one bit mean I can’t make you pay for this,” she said struggling to stay angry. Climbing out successfully, she knew from countless other times that hiking would involve stripping to her bikini so she already had it on. Shedding her clothes, she looked over at the oaf; his back was turned trying to draw shapes through the cascading water.Â
Seeing her chance she stepped back to prepare for her strike. Running as fast as she could she lunged forward, flying through the air and collided with him, pinning him under her. “Hah,” she taunted, “Can't out match he said, and now whose head is below the water?”Â
Her victory was short lived though. He erupted from the water to tackle her, and this went on for a while. Wrestling back and forth, to the casual bystander, it very much represented a wild fuck fest. Panting, Katy climbed out, and collapsed on the edge, out of breath trying not to laugh. She hadn’t had this much fun in forever, and only her best friend could pull this off.Â
After their much-needed break, she got up to wander around. Stopping in her tracks, she finally saw the coolers sitting under the branches. Looking further a small table was set up, with a little camper stove next to it. She felt arms wrap around her tiny waist. “Happy birthday, my love. I did ask you out on a dinner date, didn’t I? Guess you weren’t expecting this,” he said. The way he said "my love" made her heart skip, and a strange feeling below. She knew she was still soaked from the pool, but this was different; she could feel the wetness inside her. Unsure, she pushed the thought from her mind, she never felt that before.Â
The sun came over high above, breaking through the dense tree coverage. “Tre I am going to lay out and tan while we got the sun.”Â
“Okay, love. I’m just going to get dinner going,” he said. “ I will wake you when it's ready.”Â
“Okay,” she said dreamily as she stretched and flexed her muscles from the hard play earlier.Â
The smell of her favorite dish wafted past her. “Mmm,” she said. “You made those roasted potatoes again, which can only mean you made me a steak also.”Â
“Of course, love, only the best for your birthday,” Tre said. “Now get up and come eat this amazing meal.”Â
Sitting there eating, she could remember all the times they had dinner together. Since they were able to walk they had been inseparable. This dinner however really did seem like a date. Now just because Tre took forever to ask her out didn’t mean she hadn’t been on dates. Guys were lining up to ask her out. This time now made her feel just like a real date; it wasn’t friends eating, this was growing into something more. A fear started creeping through her heart though, this fear was one that had shut countless relationships down. Rejection was forming in her, an automatic defense-building to handle the wait of the fear. All her previous dates had ended in disaster.Â
“Babe, what’s bothering you? You're awfully silent right now,” he said.Â
“It's nothing, babe, just a thought passed through,” she practically whispered.Â
“Okay, babe, well let me clean up and we will get you home,” he said.Â
“Actually, Tre, can we go back to your place and watch a movie?” she asked.Â
“Sure, babe,” Tre said.Â
Later that night at Tre’s place, it was quiet with his family gone. “Go pick the movie, babe, I'll get the couch ready,” Tre said.Â
She walked over to the movie wall, picking out her favorite movie, setting up the player. She turned to see Tre already lying down in his customary position. Her heart warmed again at the sight. Ambling over she crawled on top of him, resting her head on his shoulder; she smiled. She loved feeling the warmth emanating from him.Â
As the movie progressed, she could feel his hand creeping its way down her length. Glancing over he was so focused on the movie, she thought maybe he wasn’t intentionally moving his hand. She pushed the thought from her mind. But a few minutes later when he began to massage her ass, she instantly knew his intentions. That old familiar fear reared its ugly head up again. Katy suppressed the evil feeling, and she could feel him staring at her. Looking up, she thought “it's now or never,” and swung her legs over him, straddling him.Â
He made the first move; a quick peck, and the wetness inside her happened again. “Oh he’s not getting off that easy after massaging my ass,” she thought. Lunging in, she grabbed his face and kissed him with so much passion her heart was crying out cheering her on. The kiss was truly amazing, though not her first. She had gotten her first from one of the boyfriends that got past Tre. Trying to regain her breath, her conscious overwhelmed her suddenly. “You have to stop this, you promised yourself you'd wait till marriage,” it yelled at her.Â
Tre stared intently at her. The dam gave way, the tears were released. “Tre," she wailed, "I wont have sex till I am married.” Crying harder, she continued, “I can see by your face this is the end, our friendship is gone, and I have failed you.” She was trying to reign in her tears but couldn’t. She was bracing for the impact of the rejection.
"You're going to have to try a whole lot harder to get rid of me, bestie,” he said.
She was stunned, and couldn't speak. He grabbed her back and pulled her down into a tight hug.
"Babe, if you’re going to wait till marriage then so will I," Tre said. After that he just held her, comforting her as he turned the movie back on.
This all took place at the beginning of their senior year. The two best friends continued on. When year-end arrived, they knew it was it for a while. Tre had been accepted to NYC on an engineering scholarship.
She was lost without her friend there all the time, the first year was especially rough.
By her 21st birthday she was trying to cover her loss of Tre by staying busy. She worked, dated, and was dragged around by her friends. The only joy she would admit to was when Tre called, chatting for hours at a time.
A few boyfriends later and plenty of rejection, she sat there crying. Her sister Amy was consoling her. "You're 24, Katy, it's time to move on. He is successful in NYC and isn't going to move back just to hang out with his best friend from childhood."
"I know, you're right. I am just being an obsessive idiot," she croaked, "I have an interview in Denver tomorrow, maybe I will meet Mr. Right there. I will be back in two days."Â
The interview was a lie, she just needed an excuse to go driving for a long time to think. Arriving in Denver, she just wandered around. There were guys everywhere nearly breaking their necks to see this natural beauty. In her walking around the town, she came across a specialty store. The sign simply read "Come in to receive satisfaction". Intrigued she went in.
Standing in the sex store, her mind was receiving massive input of ideas and concepts she deemed to herself she was totally naĂŻve about. Wandering slowly through the store, the attendant walked up.
“Hi, is there anything I can help with?” she asked.
Katy was stunned. She wanted to be anonymous while wandering through such unfamiliar territory. The beauty in front her was to die for, she never been attracted to other women before. She glanced down to find a nametag while admiring the rather large breasts mounted to her chest. Her name was Alexia, and she had a very slim waist with nice round curves.
“Ummm, well Alexia I’m not sure what I am looking for,” she said.
“Okay, well you’re the only one in here right now so lets figure out what your fantasy’s are about as I show you around,” Alexia said.
Unsure of what to do, Katy followed the girl. She figured at least the decision would be guided on what she would get. This notion excited her having someone command her to follow. Alexia led the way, through the dildo section. This didn’t really do anything for Katy, as she was clueless to what she liked. She had never used one or even held a real penis, for that matter.
Seeing Katy’s lack of interest, Alexia continued moving her along. Arriving at the BDSM section, Alexia began to explain the different pieces. Katy’s eyes drifted along the wall losing interest till she saw the two video screens, the first one was showing a recent bondage video. The man on the screen stood above the gorgeous girl on the floor, he was grabbing her up to move to the next scene. Attaching her to the wall, he proceeded to assault her body with a flogger. Katy was feeling that feeling inside her again, the last time she felt it was with Tre.
The next screen displayed another man getting his cock sucked off by another beauty. Something that caught her by surprise was the joy in the woman’s face and eyes. She was enjoying being on the ground, bound and receiving verbal abuse, all while sucking this guys cock. The feeling got stronger inside her, she was rapidly becoming aroused as she pictured herself in the woman’s shoes.
Alexia could see that this was the area to focus on. Katy’s face spoke volumes, sympathy for the girl being hit, and lust for wanting to be the girl on the floor sucking the cock.
Grabbing Katy’s attention, she said, “We also have books on General BDSM, and other topics relating to the practice.”Â
“Oh really, I will take the one on General BDSM,” Katy said.
Packaging up her purchase, Alexia said her farewell. She told Katy she hoped to see her come back in once she was done reading.
Now you all have heard the story of me and Tre up until the time he made plans to return home.
* * * * *
I sat in bed the Friday morning that my life was soon going to begin to return to normal again. At the time I was thinking another day ahead of me. I had just walked out of the shower I took before heading to work, when my cell started buzzing. It was a number I don’t recognize. Answering it, I said, “Hello.”
“Hey, bestie, been awhile,” Tre said excitedly.
“TRE! How you been?” I said just as excited. It had been nearly eight months since he had called.
“I been good, babe. I got an amazing surprise for you,” he said.
“You do? And what could possibly be so amazing?” I said, knowing he liked to play these games with me.
“Nothing really, I am just moving back home. I will be there Monday,” he said, “My flight arrives then and my things will arrive on Tuesday.”
“Oh my God, no way!” I was speechless for a second. “I can’t wait for you to get here! How come you’re coming home though?”
His answer was simple, but it cut right to the core of my heart. “I missed being around you, babe. Your smile, and most of all your endless energy.”
I dropped the phone, my mind going a million miles an hour. He missed me so much he would move back here to be with me. That thought brought me so much comfort, I was lost in my reverie till I finally heard his concern coming through the phone on the floor.
“Babe, Babe, BABE, is everything all right, BABE!” he was screaming.
“Sorry, Tre. I dropped the phone in my excitement.” I laughed.
His chuckling came through this time, he always did enjoy my laughter. It always gave him the biggest smile.
“It's all right, love, just be at the airport on Monday as you’re my only ride home,” he said.
“Oh yeah, already demanding things of me? And why should I follow your directive?” I taunted.
“Well, two simple reasons. Because you missed your best friend and my parents are out of town,” he said.
I did miss him immensely but then it dawned on me, “Oh right they are out of town with my parents.” I started to laugh at my forgetfulness. “Okay, babe, Katy’s taxi service will be there to pick up its cargo.”
“Ha, Ha, Okay, Katy, see you then. I gotta jet to a bunch of meetings to wrap things up here. Love you,” he said as he hung up.
I was beside myself with excitement! And the best part was on Monday, I got to rub my sister's callous comment back in her face.
The weekend was a blur to me. I was mindlessly moving along with daily operations as my mind was focused on one singular event - hugging my best friend of childhood. Monday arrived, and I did something out of my normal routine. I wanted to be perfect for Tre. My mind flashed back to the last time I felt this desire was my 18th birthday.
I took an hour-long shower, inside I let the water cascade across me, I couldn’t stop rubbing and massaging my breasts. My nipples were so hard it hurt, I was thinking how only Tre could impose this reaction on me. All the other countless guys I dated lasted one to three dates, and tried to push things past my one and only boundary line right now; my virginity.
I arrived at the airport to watch the small plane bring my best friend home. I was slowly losing my mind to out of control joy. Then I saw it the plane appear over the mountain edge. It was the only plane due in today, so I couldn’t be mistaken. This plane was the one that held the only man I truly trusted aside from my father.
The plane jostled as it hit the runway, pulling up near me. I started chanting in my head, “He’s here! He’s here!”
The plane door opened and few others piled out of the cramped space, but none were him. Why? I was lost in despair - where was he?
“KATY,” I heard to the side of me. Turning, there he was. Wait! I saw that guy get off! Oh my God, he’s huge! I don’t remember him being that big. I took off running, cursing myself for not recognizing the face behind the beard and clear muscle definition everywhere else on his body. As I got within touching distance, I was suddenly airborne. Oh he did his signature move. I loved being in his arms lifted high above everyone else.
Smiling down to him, I saw that irresistible grin. I couldn’t resist, I had to kiss him. I leaned in and planted my lips on him, securing my legs around his body. I was a grappling net, rapidly surrounding him. With my arms behind his neck he could only move his arms, which he rested on my lower back.
I was in heaven. But I was struggling to get over just how much bigger he got. I could see the muscles everywhere. Oh well that was just semantics, my real need was met. He was here and that was all that mattered.
He asked me out that very day over dinner, and I remembered how understanding he was when I was 18. I knew he would be the boyfriend that could handle not demanding me to cross my line.
We dated for a year and a half. We traded keys, we each had a room at our homes for the other. My room at his house was more convenient as it was an actual house not like my apartment. I enjoyed toying with him, to see how far I could push him and have keep his control. I would sunbathe at his pool, and over the last three months I got bolder and bolder with the bikinis I would wear at his place.
About a month ago, he came so close. I had just finished kissing him, and was starting to walk away when I felt myself flying. What an amazing thrill that is. Anyway, I landed gracefully on his bed and he was there a second later on top of me, we kissed more. I slowed down the kiss to the point we stopped and I just stared into eyes. The animal in his eyes stalked around angrily, till finally it decided to retreat back to its cave in his mind.
I saw the compassion and understanding return to his eyes followed by him rolling off me. My conscious had no issues in informing me at just how close it came to crossing my line. I was glad that even I was able to hold onto my love and a small shred of sanity and rationalism.
We had a very heated discussion about likes and fantasies a week ago. He informed me of his desire to control the woman, to love her and command her and watch her love every minute of it. I have to admit to myself that it made me feel incredibly funny inside. That feeling just above my pussy returned, but so so strong. I couldn’t push the idea of the video I saw as it returned to the forefront of my memory. I saw myself at Tre’s knees being called every name in the book, his hands woven through my hair as I sucked diligently on his cock.
Tonight I was supposed to go to his house. It was his night to cook, and I always enjoyed his cooking. Arriving there early like usual, it was Friday so we'd have some wine or beers and I would just crash in my room.
Sitting out on the balcony of her parents' house, she sipped her coffee as she watched the sunrise, thinking to herself, “This day is starting out nice, can’t wait for Tre to get here.” Getting up slowly, she headed into the bathroom to get ready, desiring to be nothing short of perfect for her birthday adventure with Tre.Â
She had a feeling this was going to be their first official date. Stepping into the shower, the warm water caressed her soft skin. The water fell across her shoulders, forming a stream as it passed through the valley of her perky full breasts. The stream continued its path across her flat tight stomach, ending its glorious fall across her body in her raven curls.Â
Her hands moved along, soaping herself. She was paying special attention to her whole body. Cupping her breasts, massaging the soap into her skin, she smiled. Touching her breasts always made her smile. It brought back countless memories of envious stares from other women and drooling looks from all the men she came in contact with. She had caught Tre ogling her tits often. It made her feel powerful to have that effect on everyone.Â
Reluctantly, she turned the shower off to finish getting ready. Throwing on her robe, she headed downstairs. "Happy Birthday," started erupting everywhere as she passed her parents and siblings. Out of nowhere she was airborne in a mighty bear hug, squealing and giggling. She finally realized it was Tre swinging her around.Â
"Put me down, you big oaf. My robe won't stay on at this rate."Â
Setting her down, he leaned in smirking. He whispered, “And that is a bad thing?”Â
“Yes,” she said, “It most definitely would be bad to have it open in front of the rest of my family.”Â
“Happy birthday, bestie,” he said, “Go get your butt upstairs and put your hiking gear on.”Â
“Yes, sir,” she mock saluted and marched upstairs, laughter following her.Â
Finally ready, she got in Tre’s truck to begin the adventure. Arriving at the trail they had discovered after months of roaming across the mountains by their home, they made their way to what they considered their own secret waterfall area. Climbing up the path deep in the mountains, she could feel the burn in her thighs. She secretly enjoyed these long alone times with the man she was hopelessly in love with. She knew he was just spending time while keeping his woman in shape, she laughed inside at that thought.Â
She stood there as she watched Tre move the giant log he was so adamant had to be there to make others think the trail was impassible, leaving our area alone. She couldn’t stop laughing though. It was his bullheaded idea to put himself through the constant strain of moving it. Remembering very clearly when she told him the log was ridiculous, nobody could find the trail we had, or should I say lack of trail.Â
“What’s so funny there, missy?” Tre asked.Â
“Oh nothing, just admiring my man doing his thing,” she said, “Flexing those great big man muscles!” At that point, she almost lost balance and fell due to her laughing.Â
She wasn’t paying attention to the predator look on Tre’s face, the look of pure animalistic need resonating from his eyes. He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. “Fuck the log,” he muttered, jumping over it to proceed to their waterfall.Â
“Tre, put me down, I am not a sack of luggage,” she stated between breaths and giggles.Â
“Where’s your cell phone?” he asked.Â
“In your bag, like always,” she said. “Why?”Â
“Good.” He un-ceremoniously dropped her into the pool of fresh spring water from the waterfall.Â
“You jerk!” she yelled, trying to climb out. He pushed her back in, quickly shedding everything but his trunks.
“That’s it, you’re a dead man,” she beamed furiously.Â
“What can you do, Shorty?” he taunted. “It's not like you can out match me!” He grinned stupidly.Â
“Just because you’re taller and heavier, does not one bit mean I can’t make you pay for this,” she said struggling to stay angry. Climbing out successfully, she knew from countless other times that hiking would involve stripping to her bikini so she already had it on. Shedding her clothes, she looked over at the oaf; his back was turned trying to draw shapes through the cascading water.Â
Seeing her chance she stepped back to prepare for her strike. Running as fast as she could she lunged forward, flying through the air and collided with him, pinning him under her. “Hah,” she taunted, “Can't out match he said, and now whose head is below the water?”Â
Her victory was short lived though. He erupted from the water to tackle her, and this went on for a while. Wrestling back and forth, to the casual bystander, it very much represented a wild fuck fest. Panting, Katy climbed out, and collapsed on the edge, out of breath trying not to laugh. She hadn’t had this much fun in forever, and only her best friend could pull this off.Â
After their much-needed break, she got up to wander around. Stopping in her tracks, she finally saw the coolers sitting under the branches. Looking further a small table was set up, with a little camper stove next to it. She felt arms wrap around her tiny waist. “Happy birthday, my love. I did ask you out on a dinner date, didn’t I? Guess you weren’t expecting this,” he said. The way he said "my love" made her heart skip, and a strange feeling below. She knew she was still soaked from the pool, but this was different; she could feel the wetness inside her. Unsure, she pushed the thought from her mind, she never felt that before.Â
The sun came over high above, breaking through the dense tree coverage. “Tre I am going to lay out and tan while we got the sun.”Â
“Okay, love. I’m just going to get dinner going,” he said. “ I will wake you when it's ready.”Â
“Okay,” she said dreamily as she stretched and flexed her muscles from the hard play earlier.Â
The smell of her favorite dish wafted past her. “Mmm,” she said. “You made those roasted potatoes again, which can only mean you made me a steak also.”Â
“Of course, love, only the best for your birthday,” Tre said. “Now get up and come eat this amazing meal.”Â
Sitting there eating, she could remember all the times they had dinner together. Since they were able to walk they had been inseparable. This dinner however really did seem like a date. Now just because Tre took forever to ask her out didn’t mean she hadn’t been on dates. Guys were lining up to ask her out. This time now made her feel just like a real date; it wasn’t friends eating, this was growing into something more. A fear started creeping through her heart though, this fear was one that had shut countless relationships down. Rejection was forming in her, an automatic defense-building to handle the wait of the fear. All her previous dates had ended in disaster.Â
“Babe, what’s bothering you? You're awfully silent right now,” he said.Â
“It's nothing, babe, just a thought passed through,” she practically whispered.Â
“Okay, babe, well let me clean up and we will get you home,” he said.Â
“Actually, Tre, can we go back to your place and watch a movie?” she asked.Â
“Sure, babe,” Tre said.Â
Later that night at Tre’s place, it was quiet with his family gone. “Go pick the movie, babe, I'll get the couch ready,” Tre said.Â
She walked over to the movie wall, picking out her favorite movie, setting up the player. She turned to see Tre already lying down in his customary position. Her heart warmed again at the sight. Ambling over she crawled on top of him, resting her head on his shoulder; she smiled. She loved feeling the warmth emanating from him.Â
As the movie progressed, she could feel his hand creeping its way down her length. Glancing over he was so focused on the movie, she thought maybe he wasn’t intentionally moving his hand. She pushed the thought from her mind. But a few minutes later when he began to massage her ass, she instantly knew his intentions. That old familiar fear reared its ugly head up again. Katy suppressed the evil feeling, and she could feel him staring at her. Looking up, she thought “it's now or never,” and swung her legs over him, straddling him.Â
He made the first move; a quick peck, and the wetness inside her happened again. “Oh he’s not getting off that easy after massaging my ass,” she thought. Lunging in, she grabbed his face and kissed him with so much passion her heart was crying out cheering her on. The kiss was truly amazing, though not her first. She had gotten her first from one of the boyfriends that got past Tre. Trying to regain her breath, her conscious overwhelmed her suddenly. “You have to stop this, you promised yourself you'd wait till marriage,” it yelled at her.Â
Tre stared intently at her. The dam gave way, the tears were released. “Tre," she wailed, "I wont have sex till I am married.” Crying harder, she continued, “I can see by your face this is the end, our friendship is gone, and I have failed you.” She was trying to reign in her tears but couldn’t. She was bracing for the impact of the rejection.
"You're going to have to try a whole lot harder to get rid of me, bestie,” he said.
She was stunned, and couldn't speak. He grabbed her back and pulled her down into a tight hug.
"Babe, if you’re going to wait till marriage then so will I," Tre said. After that he just held her, comforting her as he turned the movie back on.
This all took place at the beginning of their senior year. The two best friends continued on. When year-end arrived, they knew it was it for a while. Tre had been accepted to NYC on an engineering scholarship.
She was lost without her friend there all the time, the first year was especially rough.
By her 21st birthday she was trying to cover her loss of Tre by staying busy. She worked, dated, and was dragged around by her friends. The only joy she would admit to was when Tre called, chatting for hours at a time.
A few boyfriends later and plenty of rejection, she sat there crying. Her sister Amy was consoling her. "You're 24, Katy, it's time to move on. He is successful in NYC and isn't going to move back just to hang out with his best friend from childhood."
"I know, you're right. I am just being an obsessive idiot," she croaked, "I have an interview in Denver tomorrow, maybe I will meet Mr. Right there. I will be back in two days."Â
The interview was a lie, she just needed an excuse to go driving for a long time to think. Arriving in Denver, she just wandered around. There were guys everywhere nearly breaking their necks to see this natural beauty. In her walking around the town, she came across a specialty store. The sign simply read "Come in to receive satisfaction". Intrigued she went in.
Standing in the sex store, her mind was receiving massive input of ideas and concepts she deemed to herself she was totally naĂŻve about. Wandering slowly through the store, the attendant walked up.
“Hi, is there anything I can help with?” she asked.
Katy was stunned. She wanted to be anonymous while wandering through such unfamiliar territory. The beauty in front her was to die for, she never been attracted to other women before. She glanced down to find a nametag while admiring the rather large breasts mounted to her chest. Her name was Alexia, and she had a very slim waist with nice round curves.
“Ummm, well Alexia I’m not sure what I am looking for,” she said.
“Okay, well you’re the only one in here right now so lets figure out what your fantasy’s are about as I show you around,” Alexia said.
Unsure of what to do, Katy followed the girl. She figured at least the decision would be guided on what she would get. This notion excited her having someone command her to follow. Alexia led the way, through the dildo section. This didn’t really do anything for Katy, as she was clueless to what she liked. She had never used one or even held a real penis, for that matter.
Seeing Katy’s lack of interest, Alexia continued moving her along. Arriving at the BDSM section, Alexia began to explain the different pieces. Katy’s eyes drifted along the wall losing interest till she saw the two video screens, the first one was showing a recent bondage video. The man on the screen stood above the gorgeous girl on the floor, he was grabbing her up to move to the next scene. Attaching her to the wall, he proceeded to assault her body with a flogger. Katy was feeling that feeling inside her again, the last time she felt it was with Tre.
The next screen displayed another man getting his cock sucked off by another beauty. Something that caught her by surprise was the joy in the woman’s face and eyes. She was enjoying being on the ground, bound and receiving verbal abuse, all while sucking this guys cock. The feeling got stronger inside her, she was rapidly becoming aroused as she pictured herself in the woman’s shoes.
Alexia could see that this was the area to focus on. Katy’s face spoke volumes, sympathy for the girl being hit, and lust for wanting to be the girl on the floor sucking the cock.
Grabbing Katy’s attention, she said, “We also have books on General BDSM, and other topics relating to the practice.”Â
“Oh really, I will take the one on General BDSM,” Katy said.
Packaging up her purchase, Alexia said her farewell. She told Katy she hoped to see her come back in once she was done reading.
Now you all have heard the story of me and Tre up until the time he made plans to return home.
* * * * *
I sat in bed the Friday morning that my life was soon going to begin to return to normal again. At the time I was thinking another day ahead of me. I had just walked out of the shower I took before heading to work, when my cell started buzzing. It was a number I don’t recognize. Answering it, I said, “Hello.”
“Hey, bestie, been awhile,” Tre said excitedly.
“TRE! How you been?” I said just as excited. It had been nearly eight months since he had called.
“I been good, babe. I got an amazing surprise for you,” he said.
“You do? And what could possibly be so amazing?” I said, knowing he liked to play these games with me.
“Nothing really, I am just moving back home. I will be there Monday,” he said, “My flight arrives then and my things will arrive on Tuesday.”
“Oh my God, no way!” I was speechless for a second. “I can’t wait for you to get here! How come you’re coming home though?”
His answer was simple, but it cut right to the core of my heart. “I missed being around you, babe. Your smile, and most of all your endless energy.”
I dropped the phone, my mind going a million miles an hour. He missed me so much he would move back here to be with me. That thought brought me so much comfort, I was lost in my reverie till I finally heard his concern coming through the phone on the floor.
“Babe, Babe, BABE, is everything all right, BABE!” he was screaming.
“Sorry, Tre. I dropped the phone in my excitement.” I laughed.
His chuckling came through this time, he always did enjoy my laughter. It always gave him the biggest smile.
“It's all right, love, just be at the airport on Monday as you’re my only ride home,” he said.
“Oh yeah, already demanding things of me? And why should I follow your directive?” I taunted.
“Well, two simple reasons. Because you missed your best friend and my parents are out of town,” he said.
I did miss him immensely but then it dawned on me, “Oh right they are out of town with my parents.” I started to laugh at my forgetfulness. “Okay, babe, Katy’s taxi service will be there to pick up its cargo.”
“Ha, Ha, Okay, Katy, see you then. I gotta jet to a bunch of meetings to wrap things up here. Love you,” he said as he hung up.
I was beside myself with excitement! And the best part was on Monday, I got to rub my sister's callous comment back in her face.
The weekend was a blur to me. I was mindlessly moving along with daily operations as my mind was focused on one singular event - hugging my best friend of childhood. Monday arrived, and I did something out of my normal routine. I wanted to be perfect for Tre. My mind flashed back to the last time I felt this desire was my 18th birthday.
I took an hour-long shower, inside I let the water cascade across me, I couldn’t stop rubbing and massaging my breasts. My nipples were so hard it hurt, I was thinking how only Tre could impose this reaction on me. All the other countless guys I dated lasted one to three dates, and tried to push things past my one and only boundary line right now; my virginity.
I arrived at the airport to watch the small plane bring my best friend home. I was slowly losing my mind to out of control joy. Then I saw it the plane appear over the mountain edge. It was the only plane due in today, so I couldn’t be mistaken. This plane was the one that held the only man I truly trusted aside from my father.
The plane jostled as it hit the runway, pulling up near me. I started chanting in my head, “He’s here! He’s here!”
The plane door opened and few others piled out of the cramped space, but none were him. Why? I was lost in despair - where was he?
“KATY,” I heard to the side of me. Turning, there he was. Wait! I saw that guy get off! Oh my God, he’s huge! I don’t remember him being that big. I took off running, cursing myself for not recognizing the face behind the beard and clear muscle definition everywhere else on his body. As I got within touching distance, I was suddenly airborne. Oh he did his signature move. I loved being in his arms lifted high above everyone else.
Smiling down to him, I saw that irresistible grin. I couldn’t resist, I had to kiss him. I leaned in and planted my lips on him, securing my legs around his body. I was a grappling net, rapidly surrounding him. With my arms behind his neck he could only move his arms, which he rested on my lower back.
I was in heaven. But I was struggling to get over just how much bigger he got. I could see the muscles everywhere. Oh well that was just semantics, my real need was met. He was here and that was all that mattered.
He asked me out that very day over dinner, and I remembered how understanding he was when I was 18. I knew he would be the boyfriend that could handle not demanding me to cross my line.
We dated for a year and a half. We traded keys, we each had a room at our homes for the other. My room at his house was more convenient as it was an actual house not like my apartment. I enjoyed toying with him, to see how far I could push him and have keep his control. I would sunbathe at his pool, and over the last three months I got bolder and bolder with the bikinis I would wear at his place.
About a month ago, he came so close. I had just finished kissing him, and was starting to walk away when I felt myself flying. What an amazing thrill that is. Anyway, I landed gracefully on his bed and he was there a second later on top of me, we kissed more. I slowed down the kiss to the point we stopped and I just stared into eyes. The animal in his eyes stalked around angrily, till finally it decided to retreat back to its cave in his mind.
I saw the compassion and understanding return to his eyes followed by him rolling off me. My conscious had no issues in informing me at just how close it came to crossing my line. I was glad that even I was able to hold onto my love and a small shred of sanity and rationalism.
We had a very heated discussion about likes and fantasies a week ago. He informed me of his desire to control the woman, to love her and command her and watch her love every minute of it. I have to admit to myself that it made me feel incredibly funny inside. That feeling just above my pussy returned, but so so strong. I couldn’t push the idea of the video I saw as it returned to the forefront of my memory. I saw myself at Tre’s knees being called every name in the book, his hands woven through my hair as I sucked diligently on his cock.
Tonight I was supposed to go to his house. It was his night to cook, and I always enjoyed his cooking. Arriving there early like usual, it was Friday so we'd have some wine or beers and I would just crash in my room.

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When I got there I saw that tonight would not be like any other night. Setting my stuff down on the bed, I saw this beautiful dress laid out on my bed. It was a deep green like emerald. I was stunned, staring at it for a while. Green wasn’t my favorite color but I knew it was his. I finally saw the little white piece of paper resting on the dress. “Put this on and join me on the patio for dinner.”
I lifted the dress admiring it, it was clear real fast it would require no bra. Setting it down I proceeded to undress. I lifted my shirt off and dropped my jeans down, standing there in just my simple white bra and cotton underwear. I reluctantly pulled off my bra, letting my breasts fall free and taking a few minutes to massage them.
I finished lightly playing with myself and picked up the dress and began to pull it up, glad that I had shaved that morning. It fit like a glove around my hips, watching myself in the mirror I pulled up the front half as there was no back. The top fastened snuggly around my neck, my breasts rubbing against the material made my nipples harden. I checked the mirror. Nope, nothing showing - all is good and I headed out the door.
I stood at the patio door edge. Looking at him all dressed up as well, my heart began to wonder what this was all about. He must have heard me, he turned to see me. His face went from happy smiling, to lusty wonder as he absorbed my body. Self-conscious of my lack of a bra, I saw the plate in his hands begin to wobble. He managed to hold onto it, quickly setting it aside. His stares penetrated into my soul. He finally appeared to regain his conscious will, and rapidly knelt before me.
I had seen enough movies to know what this was. I knew also because my heart stopped. I watched in joyous rapture as his hands revealed the black box. I heard his words but didn’t latch onto them, he told me how beautiful I was and how he loved me so much. My eyes blinked and I finally was pulled out of reverie as he asked, “Katy, my love, will you marry me?”
My brain was four steps ahead of my heart and nodded followed by my heart quickly snapping out it. I whispered, but to me it seemed I was yelling, “YES!” Tears broke lose from the dams in my eyes, my brain was still trying to understand everything. Tre once again grabbed me, holding me up. I couldn’t help but laugh at his eagerness. He kissed me so passionately, so urgent, but I was on cloud nine loving every minute of his attention.
He set me down, motioned - or maybe he spoke, I am unsure - but he was implying we eat. I made some quick reason to run back inside. Standing in my room with the door shut, I tried so hard to get my heart to calm down. I then begun a debate with my mind, isn’t engaged close enough? I wanted him so badly right now. How could I go back out there though, and say okay we're not married but engaged is close enough, let's fuck. I couldn’t and I knew it. But I still had that deep-seated passion for my fantasy of being controlled and suddenly now the knowledge his was the same.
How would I break that news to him? It must be memorable, something emphatic. At first, I decided to take my panties off. Lifting up my dress I pulled them down in one stroke releasing all my raven curls to the air. I dropped the dress then started thinking to myself further, this wont be enough. I can't walk out there and go "hey look - no panties! Let's fuck, we'll be married soon." No, it would have to be nothing short of all in, I had to go all the way if I wanted him to not back down out of his own respect for me. I dropped the dress to the floor letting it pool at my feet. I stared at myself in the mirror. I was gorgeous and I knew Tre wanted me.
Now just for clarification this whole debate with myself lasted like four minutes.
Silently I walked through his house naked, except for the ring of my engagement on my finger. Standing once again at the door, I saw his back to me. I approached and knelt at his feet. “Tre will you please turn around?”
He turned around and his jaw dropped. If it was the cartoons we'd grown up with, it would have hit the floor. “Babe, I don’t understand what is this?” he said, his face told only of confusion mixed with desire over my naked body.
“Tre for some time now I have dreamed of serving you all the time. To have you command me, and at the end cherish me. After last Friday, your own fantasy made my dream a sudden reality. So tonight as your future wife, I offer you everything I can. I wish to only love, serve, and submit to everything you desire. You have been nothing short of an angel with me since you returned. I trust you will always take care of me.”Â
“Babe, look up at me,” he told me. As I looked up I could feel fear, excitement, lust, and love dancing through my mind. “Is this what you truly want, Katy, my love? For so long I have dreamed of this day and have waited because of your wishes,” he said.Â
“Tre, that is exactly why I know tonight is the night to begin this journey. Your gentleman's spirit has long proven that you will always be there for me and not force me into something I truly don’t want,” I said.
“Well, stand up so I can see you,” he said. As I stood I could feel my breasts bounce slightly, my nipples were hardening. “I love how perfect your skin is, smooth tan throughout followed by crisp tan lines from all the time next to my pool.”Â
My breasts were full and stood proud on my chest with no real need for a bra. His eyes passed along my toned stomach, trailing down to the edges of my thick raven curls. Beads of my juice, that wet feeling I was feeling, pooling in my curls. My arousal made his cock go to full attention. His pants were tented and strained by his need for me. He wasn’t that thin gangly guy that went to New York City, he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen.Â
“Come here, baby, sit on my lap,” he said.Â
I did exactly what I asked but I was nervous as hell. I sat on his strained cock, his bulge nestled nicely in my wet folds. “Now, love, I have to ask, you say you wish to serve and submit.”Â
“Yes, Tre that is what I said.”Â
“How far will you submit though?”Â
“Tre, I trust you. You're fair and kind. I know you will do right by me. And I know I won't always like it. but I know you won’t go too far,” I said. Such trust I had for him, such a daunting responsibility for him to manage. How would he know things had gone too far?Â
“Okay then, babe, do you feel my hard cock touching your folds?”Â
“Good. You have tortured me with your body for many years. You stopped me from having sex with you all these years over a notion that you wanted to save it till you married. I respected this decision and didn't push it,” he said. “Now with only an hour or so since I proposed, you’re naked in my lap ready for me to possess you. Stand up and turn around for me. Bend over and grab your ankles, I want get a good look at your glistening pussy.”Â
I was shaken. This Tre was so different from my best friend, yet it excited me so much I hesitantly followed orders.Â
“God your ass is to die for,” he said. “Now my love I'm going to swat your pretty little ass seven times on each cheek for each year you denied me your treasures. After each one, you will say the number and my name or you will say Thank you Tre. You will alternate each phrase. Do you understand? Each time you mess up a phrase, I will add another stroke per cheek. Are we clear?”Â
Clearly overwhelmed, my mind was freaking out. My breathing was ragged at the verbal assault and promise of displeasure. I could only muster a “Yes, Tre.”Â
I felt his hand rub my ass, gripping and kneading it. His other hand slipping along my split, knuckles grazing across my wet folds. I was slipping into a peacefulness as the pleasure built. His hands disappeared. Before I could miss his hands, one impacted my right cheek. I let out a gasp as my mind was like "Holy fuck, that hurt!" My conscious piped up and reminded me to say the words Tre asked me to.Â
“One, Tre,” I finally managed.Â
He gave me a compliment, and my mind had a hard time evaluating the pain along with a compliment. “Good girl,” was all he said.Â
My breathing was rough, the pain still searing through me. I knew the whole time I still had thirteen more. The next time a hand fell onto my left cheek. A grunt of pain slipped past my lips. "Oh my God, this hurts so bad!" I thought. I strained to say, “Thank you, Tre.”
What the fuck is wrong with me? I am thanking him for inflicting pain on me. By the 7th stroke my resolve to submit was on the verge of collapse, my brain came to my rescue in a very perverted way. My pussy suddenly was releasing that feeling constantly. I was getting aroused by his brutal hands. I was enjoying getting my ass beat. The pain hurt like hell, but then it got all mixed up and fucked up as I was trying to create pleasure.Â
I was crying hard by the time it ended. I had never felt such pain before, but my fucked up brain was loving it at the same time. He finally spoke, that cruel bastard could speak, “Stand baby and face me.”Â
Did he seriously just call me baby after doing that? What had I signed up for? My tears were falling in volumes now. The pain was intense and I was conflicted so much inside. The man I loved I could only see as the villain. How could my decision to keep my virginity warrant this?Â
“Do you understand why I spanked you?” he said.Â
I was thinking of course I didn’t, you fucking bastard. I wasn’t going to anger him though. I finally mumbled, “No.”Â
His hand grazed over my cheek capturing my tears, pulling me into an embrace. It took all my effort to suppress the need to withdraw from his touch.Â
“Because my love, the internal frustrations you have caused me over the years,” he said. “I also wanted to instill that giving up on your beliefs and values, is not what I want from you. I want you to submit and learn, but not give up the very beliefs and strengths that made me fall in love with you.”Â
Holding me tightly, he was still talking. “I love you so much,” he assured me. I nodded as my tears soaked into his shoulder. How can someone have so much desire and compassion for me, and yet still be so cruel. I was so confused; my emotional spectrum was a blurry mess. But I couldn’t deny that my body did enjoy the pain once the assault subsided. The moisture in my legs was everywhere.Â
“Now my love, we need to make some slight changes to your beautiful body,” he said.Â
Oh no, he already made my ass a blistering red, what could he possibly want now. “Like what, Tre?”Â
“Well for one,” he said. as his hands now were grazing along my sides touching the soft flesh on the side of my breasts. “I want no more tan lines, so sunbathing nude will be necessary.”Â
My mind withdrew at that point, pain and now humiliation. What next? Rejection and sitting at home with the love of my life too twisted to live with?Â
“What about the neighbors seeing me?” I blurted.Â
His eyes had this new element, the animal was back. This time it wasn’t pacing - it was staring at me, its lips curled back. This look made me quake in fear, and once again my brain came to the rescue telling me I was hornier now. I would really need to sit it down and try to figure out just how it got this fucked up.Â
“Do you trust me, my sweet girl, to care for you but at the same time push your limits?” he asked.Â
Of course I trusted him. Fuck, I got naked in front of him and followed all his commands. Let him hit my ass! I thought, "Sweet, I’m wet and horny now!" I couldn’t deny my love or my lust for this man, he could do whatever he pleases and I would just sit there and ask for more.Â
“Yes, Tre, I trust you. It’s my commitment to us, my trust for you has been earned.”Â
The animal sat on its haunches, it had gotten its way. I was pulled down into a loving kiss.Â
“Then there is this untamed mess down here,” he said, as he cupped my bush and sex.Â
Mmmmm that feels so good, the warmth from his hand; words can't describe it.Â
“It must be smooth every time I want to touch your pussy. These changes are final and not up for discussion,” he stated.Â
“Yes, Tre, anything else?” I asked.Â
“Just this,” he said, I was pulled into his arms and tossed over his shoulder. Then he lightly swatted my still super red ass, and I moaned, Then as he bounced me like a little kid I let loose my laughter.Â
“I love you so much,” he said as he rotated me back into his arms, cradling me. I loved him also, his fun nature was one of the things that drove me wild for him.Â
“And this submissive gift you have given me, I will do my absolute best to always honor it. I want you to always be ready to be pleasured by me,” he said, “Now you have felt pain from my frustrations, let me show you the electrifying feelings of my love.”Â
That sounded great, I could go for pleasure right now. Real pleasure not the perverted shit my brain was doing when I was getting beat. “I would love that, Tre.”Â
“Go get your shaving kit out of your shower, I have some cleaning I need to do,” he said. “My new pussy needs a lot of maintenance and attention. And while you're doing that, I will go get the weed whacker.”Â
You ever had that feeling when the hamster in your head was doing just fine, then tripped and was tossed out of the wheel. This was one of those times as my head snapped around. “Very funny, mister, I have never had to maintain it as nobody was touching it.”Â
He started laughing, and I just shook my head and walked to go get my shaving kit. He called out, “Better hurry up or I might have to swat you again.”Â
That got me moving. I practically sprinted into the bathroom to get my stuff, my unsupported breasts bounced out of control and I know my ass was giving him a very nice bounce as well. When I returned, he was naked standing over the tub. I got my first glimpse at his hard cock. It was so lovely, I couldn’t stop my brain in time before the low whistle escaped my lips.Â
Taking my hand and my kit, he guided me into the tub. “Here, babe, sit right here and spread those legs for me. It's time I put my landscaping skills to use,” he said.Â
I giggled at first and then started laughing at his silliness. I would have kept laughing, but his fingers purposefully rubbed my clit. The shock to my system ceased all silliness, it was show time and I was the main attraction. His hands continued their assault, lathering up my curls with cream. Oh I was enjoying this so much. I have never felt this good before, my eyes drifted closed. Pure bliss resonating in me. Suddenly that was all shattered by a stinging pain from my sex.Â
I looked down, confused and irritated at the interruption of my bliss. “What was that for?”Â
“It’s my pussy to do with as I please,” he said with a big dopey grin. “Now if you don’t want that to happen again, then watch me as I shave your pussy.” He went back to massaging the cream into every spot of my pussy, and it felt so damn good.Â
He then began removing the hair, the cool air hitting my exposed skin. It was so delicious, especially the light touches his knuckles kept doing as they touched my clit.Â
My bliss had returned and I fought to keep my eyes open. When I was clean, I witnessed one of the most sexy and passionate things ever. His lips began brushing over his handiwork, light kisses everywhere. I was in heaven.Â
He broke my reverie. “How often do you touch yourself?”Â
Frozen, I replied, “Umm.”Â
“Answer, me love,” he commanded.Â
“I only touched myself once before,” I said.Â
“Oh and why only once,” he said.Â
“It was the first night we kissed when we were eighteen. I was so worked up when I got home, that my hand just found its way there,” I said, embarrassed for blurting out such an old intimate secret.Â
“Interesting...so out of all the guys, I'm the only one to work you up?” he asked, as he sat back admiring me.Â
“Yes,” I said meekly. He pulled me into the tub, as I laid on top of him. His cock slid along naked lips, passing over my clit through the rest of my slit. “It feels so good,” I whispered. My nipples were hard as little pebbles, my breasts smashed along his chest.Â
“Babe, do you know just how gorgeous you really are?” he asked.Â
Of course I did, and his actions told me as well. His cock was starting to move more in my wetness; he pulled me into another kiss. I was at peace, I could lay there forever.Â
He stood up, helping me out and draping the towel over my body. He started to caress every inch of me. He paid special attention to my breasts and ass. “It is still so rosy, absolutely beautiful,” he said as he knelt to kiss each of my cheeks. I couldn’t help but laugh inside at all the times I told people to kiss my ass.Â
I was led into his bedroom. I had only been in here once when we almost came to close to my line of quitting. He laid out the towels over his sheets, “Lay on your stomach,” he said.Â
I didn’t want to irritate him, but I was feeling let down. I decided to let him have me before marriage, and now he was going to take it from me without me seeing his face. It was then that I felt this cool liquid fall on my back making its way down my legs. Confused, I laid still as his hands were now kneading my flesh. It felt amazing. If this is how he was going to treat me after whipping my ass, then he could make it redder than a tomato for all I care. This is just so magnificent, I wonder if this is how he would have treated me if I had given in before.Â
Lost in thought, I was swaying in passion as his hands made love to every inch of my body. This was my mistake again like with the tub. His hand made contact with my inner thigh. The sting was incredible, I was reminded from earlier about being his.Â
“No moving till I tell you to,” he said.Â
“Yes, Tre,” I mumbled still mostly lost in my bliss.Â
He continued to make love to my body, flipping over to his command. He concentrated on my breasts and worked his way to my pussy. I was watching him this time, no slap for me.Â
After an eternity of this awesome feeling I saw him move between my legs, his cock rock hard and bobbing close to my entrance.Â
“Babe, is this what you want?” he asked.Â
I nodded, and lining up he slid his cock slowly in. God he was so big and it didn’t stop, just slowly progressed. He stopped and I knew he was at my hymen, my precious little gate to womanhood. He withdrew till he was out completely looking at me, the question in his eyes, I nodded.Â
He pushed his head in and as I watched in one thrust he was in through the gate, all seven inches inside me. I cried out, and let loose a series of cuss words. I was in pain, stretched so wide I was afraid he was going to split me in half. He didn’t move. What the fuck is he waiting for, an invitation? I yelled out, “Keep FUCKING me,” he followed my urgent command. On his gorgeous cock I could see a red hue from my blood.Â
It was so thick, so long, and it felt so good. He picked up his rhythm, I could feel true pleasure replacing the pain of the break of my womanhood. My body was starting to accommodate him, I no longer felt like I was being torn in half. His assault continued, plundering his tool into my soul, I belonged to this gorgeous man.Â
As his tempo increased, his body was brushing my clit. I was overwhelmed by sensations I have never felt before. My body was crying out, cheering him on and begging for more. I was a writhing mess skewered by him, the feelings finally hit a crescendo and I fell over the edge. I was falling, blissfully falling, the fall was forever. I was sailing through the currents of intense relief and bliss. Guiding me to heaven. I was no longer falling but soaring now to the clouds. I felt a great cold blast slam into me with crushing force. It was then I realized I had stopped breathing, and the cold air was my auto restart kicking on forcing my lungs to pull air in.
When I had returned to reality I felt his frantic thrusts into me, every blessed inch of him moving along my now slick walls. I felt it, the surge after surge of his cum entering me. His face was warped, his eyes closed, as he grunted and growled his release into me. His pace slowed till he finally collapsed onto me, my body was alive and on fire. We laid there totally out of breath, his cock smaller but still very much present inside me. I found my words first.Â
“Tre, that was totally amazing. I have never felt so alive, thank you so much,” I said. “I am glad I was able to provide you such incredible joy as well.”Â
“The honor was all mine my love,” he said. “The blissful look on your face is all the thanks I need. One more thing, my love. I took your virginity and you took mine. I waited all these years just for you, no other woman had a chance with you here waiting for the right guy.”Â
“Tre, I am so happy you waited, it just adds to my joy” I cried.Â
We stared at each other till we finally lost consciousness.
To Be Continued - with the beginning of training.
Please leave comments when you vote, My sub is the one that primarily thought of this chapter. I do hope you enjoy experiencing her mind.
I lifted the dress admiring it, it was clear real fast it would require no bra. Setting it down I proceeded to undress. I lifted my shirt off and dropped my jeans down, standing there in just my simple white bra and cotton underwear. I reluctantly pulled off my bra, letting my breasts fall free and taking a few minutes to massage them.
I finished lightly playing with myself and picked up the dress and began to pull it up, glad that I had shaved that morning. It fit like a glove around my hips, watching myself in the mirror I pulled up the front half as there was no back. The top fastened snuggly around my neck, my breasts rubbing against the material made my nipples harden. I checked the mirror. Nope, nothing showing - all is good and I headed out the door.
I stood at the patio door edge. Looking at him all dressed up as well, my heart began to wonder what this was all about. He must have heard me, he turned to see me. His face went from happy smiling, to lusty wonder as he absorbed my body. Self-conscious of my lack of a bra, I saw the plate in his hands begin to wobble. He managed to hold onto it, quickly setting it aside. His stares penetrated into my soul. He finally appeared to regain his conscious will, and rapidly knelt before me.
I had seen enough movies to know what this was. I knew also because my heart stopped. I watched in joyous rapture as his hands revealed the black box. I heard his words but didn’t latch onto them, he told me how beautiful I was and how he loved me so much. My eyes blinked and I finally was pulled out of reverie as he asked, “Katy, my love, will you marry me?”
My brain was four steps ahead of my heart and nodded followed by my heart quickly snapping out it. I whispered, but to me it seemed I was yelling, “YES!” Tears broke lose from the dams in my eyes, my brain was still trying to understand everything. Tre once again grabbed me, holding me up. I couldn’t help but laugh at his eagerness. He kissed me so passionately, so urgent, but I was on cloud nine loving every minute of his attention.
He set me down, motioned - or maybe he spoke, I am unsure - but he was implying we eat. I made some quick reason to run back inside. Standing in my room with the door shut, I tried so hard to get my heart to calm down. I then begun a debate with my mind, isn’t engaged close enough? I wanted him so badly right now. How could I go back out there though, and say okay we're not married but engaged is close enough, let's fuck. I couldn’t and I knew it. But I still had that deep-seated passion for my fantasy of being controlled and suddenly now the knowledge his was the same.
How would I break that news to him? It must be memorable, something emphatic. At first, I decided to take my panties off. Lifting up my dress I pulled them down in one stroke releasing all my raven curls to the air. I dropped the dress then started thinking to myself further, this wont be enough. I can't walk out there and go "hey look - no panties! Let's fuck, we'll be married soon." No, it would have to be nothing short of all in, I had to go all the way if I wanted him to not back down out of his own respect for me. I dropped the dress to the floor letting it pool at my feet. I stared at myself in the mirror. I was gorgeous and I knew Tre wanted me.
Now just for clarification this whole debate with myself lasted like four minutes.
Silently I walked through his house naked, except for the ring of my engagement on my finger. Standing once again at the door, I saw his back to me. I approached and knelt at his feet. “Tre will you please turn around?”
He turned around and his jaw dropped. If it was the cartoons we'd grown up with, it would have hit the floor. “Babe, I don’t understand what is this?” he said, his face told only of confusion mixed with desire over my naked body.
“Tre for some time now I have dreamed of serving you all the time. To have you command me, and at the end cherish me. After last Friday, your own fantasy made my dream a sudden reality. So tonight as your future wife, I offer you everything I can. I wish to only love, serve, and submit to everything you desire. You have been nothing short of an angel with me since you returned. I trust you will always take care of me.”Â
“Babe, look up at me,” he told me. As I looked up I could feel fear, excitement, lust, and love dancing through my mind. “Is this what you truly want, Katy, my love? For so long I have dreamed of this day and have waited because of your wishes,” he said.Â
“Tre, that is exactly why I know tonight is the night to begin this journey. Your gentleman's spirit has long proven that you will always be there for me and not force me into something I truly don’t want,” I said.
“Well, stand up so I can see you,” he said. As I stood I could feel my breasts bounce slightly, my nipples were hardening. “I love how perfect your skin is, smooth tan throughout followed by crisp tan lines from all the time next to my pool.”Â
My breasts were full and stood proud on my chest with no real need for a bra. His eyes passed along my toned stomach, trailing down to the edges of my thick raven curls. Beads of my juice, that wet feeling I was feeling, pooling in my curls. My arousal made his cock go to full attention. His pants were tented and strained by his need for me. He wasn’t that thin gangly guy that went to New York City, he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen.Â
“Come here, baby, sit on my lap,” he said.Â
I did exactly what I asked but I was nervous as hell. I sat on his strained cock, his bulge nestled nicely in my wet folds. “Now, love, I have to ask, you say you wish to serve and submit.”Â
“Yes, Tre that is what I said.”Â
“How far will you submit though?”Â
“Tre, I trust you. You're fair and kind. I know you will do right by me. And I know I won't always like it. but I know you won’t go too far,” I said. Such trust I had for him, such a daunting responsibility for him to manage. How would he know things had gone too far?Â
“Okay then, babe, do you feel my hard cock touching your folds?”Â
“Good. You have tortured me with your body for many years. You stopped me from having sex with you all these years over a notion that you wanted to save it till you married. I respected this decision and didn't push it,” he said. “Now with only an hour or so since I proposed, you’re naked in my lap ready for me to possess you. Stand up and turn around for me. Bend over and grab your ankles, I want get a good look at your glistening pussy.”Â
I was shaken. This Tre was so different from my best friend, yet it excited me so much I hesitantly followed orders.Â
“God your ass is to die for,” he said. “Now my love I'm going to swat your pretty little ass seven times on each cheek for each year you denied me your treasures. After each one, you will say the number and my name or you will say Thank you Tre. You will alternate each phrase. Do you understand? Each time you mess up a phrase, I will add another stroke per cheek. Are we clear?”Â
Clearly overwhelmed, my mind was freaking out. My breathing was ragged at the verbal assault and promise of displeasure. I could only muster a “Yes, Tre.”Â
I felt his hand rub my ass, gripping and kneading it. His other hand slipping along my split, knuckles grazing across my wet folds. I was slipping into a peacefulness as the pleasure built. His hands disappeared. Before I could miss his hands, one impacted my right cheek. I let out a gasp as my mind was like "Holy fuck, that hurt!" My conscious piped up and reminded me to say the words Tre asked me to.Â
“One, Tre,” I finally managed.Â
He gave me a compliment, and my mind had a hard time evaluating the pain along with a compliment. “Good girl,” was all he said.Â
My breathing was rough, the pain still searing through me. I knew the whole time I still had thirteen more. The next time a hand fell onto my left cheek. A grunt of pain slipped past my lips. "Oh my God, this hurts so bad!" I thought. I strained to say, “Thank you, Tre.”
What the fuck is wrong with me? I am thanking him for inflicting pain on me. By the 7th stroke my resolve to submit was on the verge of collapse, my brain came to my rescue in a very perverted way. My pussy suddenly was releasing that feeling constantly. I was getting aroused by his brutal hands. I was enjoying getting my ass beat. The pain hurt like hell, but then it got all mixed up and fucked up as I was trying to create pleasure.Â
I was crying hard by the time it ended. I had never felt such pain before, but my fucked up brain was loving it at the same time. He finally spoke, that cruel bastard could speak, “Stand baby and face me.”Â
Did he seriously just call me baby after doing that? What had I signed up for? My tears were falling in volumes now. The pain was intense and I was conflicted so much inside. The man I loved I could only see as the villain. How could my decision to keep my virginity warrant this?Â
“Do you understand why I spanked you?” he said.Â
I was thinking of course I didn’t, you fucking bastard. I wasn’t going to anger him though. I finally mumbled, “No.”Â
His hand grazed over my cheek capturing my tears, pulling me into an embrace. It took all my effort to suppress the need to withdraw from his touch.Â
“Because my love, the internal frustrations you have caused me over the years,” he said. “I also wanted to instill that giving up on your beliefs and values, is not what I want from you. I want you to submit and learn, but not give up the very beliefs and strengths that made me fall in love with you.”Â
Holding me tightly, he was still talking. “I love you so much,” he assured me. I nodded as my tears soaked into his shoulder. How can someone have so much desire and compassion for me, and yet still be so cruel. I was so confused; my emotional spectrum was a blurry mess. But I couldn’t deny that my body did enjoy the pain once the assault subsided. The moisture in my legs was everywhere.Â
“Now my love, we need to make some slight changes to your beautiful body,” he said.Â
Oh no, he already made my ass a blistering red, what could he possibly want now. “Like what, Tre?”Â
“Well for one,” he said. as his hands now were grazing along my sides touching the soft flesh on the side of my breasts. “I want no more tan lines, so sunbathing nude will be necessary.”Â
My mind withdrew at that point, pain and now humiliation. What next? Rejection and sitting at home with the love of my life too twisted to live with?Â
“What about the neighbors seeing me?” I blurted.Â
His eyes had this new element, the animal was back. This time it wasn’t pacing - it was staring at me, its lips curled back. This look made me quake in fear, and once again my brain came to the rescue telling me I was hornier now. I would really need to sit it down and try to figure out just how it got this fucked up.Â
“Do you trust me, my sweet girl, to care for you but at the same time push your limits?” he asked.Â
Of course I trusted him. Fuck, I got naked in front of him and followed all his commands. Let him hit my ass! I thought, "Sweet, I’m wet and horny now!" I couldn’t deny my love or my lust for this man, he could do whatever he pleases and I would just sit there and ask for more.Â
“Yes, Tre, I trust you. It’s my commitment to us, my trust for you has been earned.”Â
The animal sat on its haunches, it had gotten its way. I was pulled down into a loving kiss.Â
“Then there is this untamed mess down here,” he said, as he cupped my bush and sex.Â
Mmmmm that feels so good, the warmth from his hand; words can't describe it.Â
“It must be smooth every time I want to touch your pussy. These changes are final and not up for discussion,” he stated.Â
“Yes, Tre, anything else?” I asked.Â
“Just this,” he said, I was pulled into his arms and tossed over his shoulder. Then he lightly swatted my still super red ass, and I moaned, Then as he bounced me like a little kid I let loose my laughter.Â
“I love you so much,” he said as he rotated me back into his arms, cradling me. I loved him also, his fun nature was one of the things that drove me wild for him.Â
“And this submissive gift you have given me, I will do my absolute best to always honor it. I want you to always be ready to be pleasured by me,” he said, “Now you have felt pain from my frustrations, let me show you the electrifying feelings of my love.”Â
That sounded great, I could go for pleasure right now. Real pleasure not the perverted shit my brain was doing when I was getting beat. “I would love that, Tre.”Â
“Go get your shaving kit out of your shower, I have some cleaning I need to do,” he said. “My new pussy needs a lot of maintenance and attention. And while you're doing that, I will go get the weed whacker.”Â
You ever had that feeling when the hamster in your head was doing just fine, then tripped and was tossed out of the wheel. This was one of those times as my head snapped around. “Very funny, mister, I have never had to maintain it as nobody was touching it.”Â
He started laughing, and I just shook my head and walked to go get my shaving kit. He called out, “Better hurry up or I might have to swat you again.”Â
That got me moving. I practically sprinted into the bathroom to get my stuff, my unsupported breasts bounced out of control and I know my ass was giving him a very nice bounce as well. When I returned, he was naked standing over the tub. I got my first glimpse at his hard cock. It was so lovely, I couldn’t stop my brain in time before the low whistle escaped my lips.Â
Taking my hand and my kit, he guided me into the tub. “Here, babe, sit right here and spread those legs for me. It's time I put my landscaping skills to use,” he said.Â
I giggled at first and then started laughing at his silliness. I would have kept laughing, but his fingers purposefully rubbed my clit. The shock to my system ceased all silliness, it was show time and I was the main attraction. His hands continued their assault, lathering up my curls with cream. Oh I was enjoying this so much. I have never felt this good before, my eyes drifted closed. Pure bliss resonating in me. Suddenly that was all shattered by a stinging pain from my sex.Â
I looked down, confused and irritated at the interruption of my bliss. “What was that for?”Â
“It’s my pussy to do with as I please,” he said with a big dopey grin. “Now if you don’t want that to happen again, then watch me as I shave your pussy.” He went back to massaging the cream into every spot of my pussy, and it felt so damn good.Â
He then began removing the hair, the cool air hitting my exposed skin. It was so delicious, especially the light touches his knuckles kept doing as they touched my clit.Â
My bliss had returned and I fought to keep my eyes open. When I was clean, I witnessed one of the most sexy and passionate things ever. His lips began brushing over his handiwork, light kisses everywhere. I was in heaven.Â
He broke my reverie. “How often do you touch yourself?”Â
Frozen, I replied, “Umm.”Â
“Answer, me love,” he commanded.Â
“I only touched myself once before,” I said.Â
“Oh and why only once,” he said.Â
“It was the first night we kissed when we were eighteen. I was so worked up when I got home, that my hand just found its way there,” I said, embarrassed for blurting out such an old intimate secret.Â
“Interesting...so out of all the guys, I'm the only one to work you up?” he asked, as he sat back admiring me.Â
“Yes,” I said meekly. He pulled me into the tub, as I laid on top of him. His cock slid along naked lips, passing over my clit through the rest of my slit. “It feels so good,” I whispered. My nipples were hard as little pebbles, my breasts smashed along his chest.Â
“Babe, do you know just how gorgeous you really are?” he asked.Â
Of course I did, and his actions told me as well. His cock was starting to move more in my wetness; he pulled me into another kiss. I was at peace, I could lay there forever.Â
He stood up, helping me out and draping the towel over my body. He started to caress every inch of me. He paid special attention to my breasts and ass. “It is still so rosy, absolutely beautiful,” he said as he knelt to kiss each of my cheeks. I couldn’t help but laugh inside at all the times I told people to kiss my ass.Â
I was led into his bedroom. I had only been in here once when we almost came to close to my line of quitting. He laid out the towels over his sheets, “Lay on your stomach,” he said.Â
I didn’t want to irritate him, but I was feeling let down. I decided to let him have me before marriage, and now he was going to take it from me without me seeing his face. It was then that I felt this cool liquid fall on my back making its way down my legs. Confused, I laid still as his hands were now kneading my flesh. It felt amazing. If this is how he was going to treat me after whipping my ass, then he could make it redder than a tomato for all I care. This is just so magnificent, I wonder if this is how he would have treated me if I had given in before.Â
Lost in thought, I was swaying in passion as his hands made love to every inch of my body. This was my mistake again like with the tub. His hand made contact with my inner thigh. The sting was incredible, I was reminded from earlier about being his.Â
“No moving till I tell you to,” he said.Â
“Yes, Tre,” I mumbled still mostly lost in my bliss.Â
He continued to make love to my body, flipping over to his command. He concentrated on my breasts and worked his way to my pussy. I was watching him this time, no slap for me.Â
After an eternity of this awesome feeling I saw him move between my legs, his cock rock hard and bobbing close to my entrance.Â
“Babe, is this what you want?” he asked.Â
I nodded, and lining up he slid his cock slowly in. God he was so big and it didn’t stop, just slowly progressed. He stopped and I knew he was at my hymen, my precious little gate to womanhood. He withdrew till he was out completely looking at me, the question in his eyes, I nodded.Â
He pushed his head in and as I watched in one thrust he was in through the gate, all seven inches inside me. I cried out, and let loose a series of cuss words. I was in pain, stretched so wide I was afraid he was going to split me in half. He didn’t move. What the fuck is he waiting for, an invitation? I yelled out, “Keep FUCKING me,” he followed my urgent command. On his gorgeous cock I could see a red hue from my blood.Â
It was so thick, so long, and it felt so good. He picked up his rhythm, I could feel true pleasure replacing the pain of the break of my womanhood. My body was starting to accommodate him, I no longer felt like I was being torn in half. His assault continued, plundering his tool into my soul, I belonged to this gorgeous man.Â
As his tempo increased, his body was brushing my clit. I was overwhelmed by sensations I have never felt before. My body was crying out, cheering him on and begging for more. I was a writhing mess skewered by him, the feelings finally hit a crescendo and I fell over the edge. I was falling, blissfully falling, the fall was forever. I was sailing through the currents of intense relief and bliss. Guiding me to heaven. I was no longer falling but soaring now to the clouds. I felt a great cold blast slam into me with crushing force. It was then I realized I had stopped breathing, and the cold air was my auto restart kicking on forcing my lungs to pull air in.
When I had returned to reality I felt his frantic thrusts into me, every blessed inch of him moving along my now slick walls. I felt it, the surge after surge of his cum entering me. His face was warped, his eyes closed, as he grunted and growled his release into me. His pace slowed till he finally collapsed onto me, my body was alive and on fire. We laid there totally out of breath, his cock smaller but still very much present inside me. I found my words first.Â
“Tre, that was totally amazing. I have never felt so alive, thank you so much,” I said. “I am glad I was able to provide you such incredible joy as well.”Â
“The honor was all mine my love,” he said. “The blissful look on your face is all the thanks I need. One more thing, my love. I took your virginity and you took mine. I waited all these years just for you, no other woman had a chance with you here waiting for the right guy.”Â
“Tre, I am so happy you waited, it just adds to my joy” I cried.Â
We stared at each other till we finally lost consciousness.
To Be Continued - with the beginning of training.
Please leave comments when you vote, My sub is the one that primarily thought of this chapter. I do hope you enjoy experiencing her mind.