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Strict Tutor

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The afternoon began with the two of us entering my old university library. We walked hand in hand, without a word, though I distinctly remember catching your eye and smiling at you, squeezing your hand as I did so. I was dressed in dark dress shoes, black suit pants and a black collared shirt, sleeves rolled up, my tattoos contrasting with my professional demeanour. You were wearing a grey cardigan, buttoned up, over a white blouse and a red and black tartan skirt, slightly shorter than would be normally acceptable. This, alongside your long white socks and black heels attracted more than their fair share of glances. You had a black backpack on your back, and I was carrying a suitcase.

I placed my hand on the small of your back, and guided you through the library. It was a winding journey, and the longer we walked, the fewer people were around. I took a detour through a a row of bookshelves, and abruptly I gripped your waist, whirling you around and pressing you back into the stack. As you gasped in surprise, I pounced and bit your lower lip, crashing my weight against yours. My tongue sought yours, slipping into your mouth and enjoying your moan as your legs parted, allowing me to press closer against you. Just as you began to melt into me, and your hands moved to the back of my neck, I broke away and smirked at you. I took your hand once again and pulled you away, with slightly more urgency in my step this time.

Further and further we walked, and the library grew quieter as we passed fewer and fewer people. Finally, I stopped at a sturdy wooden door at the end of the corridor. Producing a key from my pocket, I turned the handle and ushered you inside without a word. Closing the door behind us, I surveyed the room - a sparse study room, with only two desks and two chairs. Your eyes scanned the room and came to rest upon me, and your face lit up with that same mischievous smile that makes my heart soar.

"Sit. Book open. We're here to study, don't forget." I manage to say in a flat, even tone, hiding my own eagerness. Internally, however, I was practically trembling with excitement. As you moved to a desk and leaned into your seat, I allowed my eyes to travel over your body - admiring your long slender legs wrapped in those white thigh-high socks. As you sat, I craned my neck to gain a glimpse of your thighs as your skirt shifted.

You noticed the movement of my head and caught my eye, holding the same position and 'adjusting' your skirt, allowing me the briefest glimpse of your soft pale skin, and for the barest of seconds, something else. Something atop your socks. Something black, and strappy. My breath caught in my throat for a moment, and my fists clenched in response. I cleared my throat and attempted to continue in a broken voice.

"Now, where did we leave off last time?"

I was tutoring you in history, and perhaps unsurprisingly, I was a rather strict tutor. I placed my suitcase on the desk next to you, and paced around the room, hands behind my back. At first, I simply allowed you to write in silence, occasionally looking over your shoulder, checking your work. As the session went on, however, I began to break the silence by asking questions - querying dates of important events, or names of important figures in history. At first, you did quite well, not missing a question, and with each correct answer, I rested a hand on your shoulder and squeezed appreciatively, or ran my fingertips over the nape of your neck.

I continued to pace the room, my eyes now no longer focused on your work, but instead on you - your subtle ministrations as you concentrate on the task at hand, the subtle flicker of your eyes, the pursing of your lips, the crossing and uncrossing of your legs.

The session continued, and the questions resumed. This time, however, they were considerably more difficult, and I savoured the flashes of confusion and concern on your face as you carefully considered each answer. Finally, it happened - you gave your first incorrect answer.

Instead of the usual congratulatory brush of my fingertips, I simply walked slowly towards my suitcase, and unbuckled one of the clasps without a word. I let the silence hang for another minute before asking another question, even more obscure than the last. Another wrong answer, and the second clasp was undone. You attempted to turn your head and peek at the suitcase, but I put an end to that with a sharp snap of my fingers.

"Two wrong answers in a row, Kitten. Now's no time to be focusing on anything but your study."

Again, I began pacing around you, watching your work. I could see a slight tremble in your writing, now, and you checked and double-checked your notes time and time again. Suddenly, I kneel next to you, my head just inches away from your ear, and ask another question. I see your eyes go wide and dart over your notes frantically, and I smile internally. I see your head drop as the realisation hits - you don't know the answer.

After a time, you simply shake your head in response, a look of genuine shame upon your face. I kneel for a moment longer, sighing as I lift myself to my feet. Once again, I pace over to my suitcase, and I lift the lid. Inside is a veritable treasure trove of punishment implements. Floggers, flayers, whips, crops, canes, paddles, clamps, collars, chains and all other manner of toys.

Of course, you aren't aware of any of these. Your head is still hung over your books, and all you can hear is my suitcase opening, and a light metallic rustling. Finally, you hear the suitcase close again, and my voice, stern and commanding.

"Stand, and place your hands on the desk. Don't turn around." You hesitate for a moment, and you begin to swivel your neck. Abruptly, I step towards you.

"I said stand!".

You feel my hand grasp your shoulder and squeeze - no longer the same appreciative gesture, but much harder, more demanding this time. I pull you upright, and toss your chair away as I do so. It clatters loudly across the room, and you cringe in response. I draw my lips closer to your ear and growl menacingly.

"Three strikes, Kitten. Three wrong answers. Now, hands on the desk in front of you, face straight ahead."

I watched as your hands, shaking slightly, moved from your side and gripped the edge of your desk. I removed my hand from your shoulder and let it trail down your back, walking along your spine. As I passed over your lower back, I pressed down with my palm, arching your lower back. Again, my gruff, solemn voice breaks the silence.

"Lean forward. Legs apart."

This time, however, you detect another inflection in my voice. Desire? No, not quite. Something closer to... hunger. You moved into position almost subconsciously, spreading your legs and arching your back. I exhaled deeply and took a step back, admiring your wonderfully compliant nature, your exquisite pose. I allowed my eyes to travel up from your ankles, over your shaking legs, your skirt now sitting higher than before, the tops of your long socks now visible. There it is again, I thought to myself, as I saw that same flash of black.

Instinctively, I reached out, and you jumped forward slightly as you felt my hand make contact with your thigh over your skirt. For a moment. I rest my hand there, enjoying your warmth through the thin fabric, before I begin to raise your skirt higher.

"And what do you think this is, Kitten?" I said with a gasp, as more and more of your black garter belt was revealed. "I don't remember telling you to wear this." I endeavoured to keep the stern, strict tone in my voice, but even I noticed my voice cracking, the husky, breathy notes breaking through.

Without warning, I moved my hand to the base of your skirt and pulled it upwards, leaving it messily wrapped around your waist. You whimpered in shock and fright, and for a second I could see your hands wavering on the desk, considering pulling your skirt back down. To your credit, you remained in that pose, and your eyes never moved from staring straight ahead. Mine, on the other hand, were drinking in the strikingly beautiful sight revealed before me.

I stifled a groan as I saw the gorgeous black garter belt clinging to your thighs, the intricate lace patterns on your sheer black panties. As your breaths came quicker and shallower, I savoured the way your back arched and fell with each intake, as if you were tempting me to touch you.

It's almost like she's doing this on purpose , I thought to myself, and grinned wickedly. I could feel the need to touch you growing in the base of my stomach, but I shook my head and refocused on the task at hand. Straightening up to full height, I ensured your skirt stayed pooled around your waist, and left a hand against your thigh, now bare save for the straps of your garter belt. The feel of your soft, smooth skin sent shivers down my arm, and the sight of your firm, round ass had my head swimming.

"Three wrong answers," I repeated, beginning to pace behind you once again. My shoes clicked against the hard floor, each step punctuating the silence. "You know how this works. That's two for every incorrect answer. And you'll count them for me. If you miscount, I'll be starting again".

I let my words hang in the air, not even my footsteps breaking the silence. Allowing myself a rare moment of tenderness, I leaned in close, brushing my lips against your ear and asking "Ready, Kitten?" With your nod of approval, I returned to my standing position. Before I began, however, I allowed you to hear it. The sharp snap filled the air, and I saw your head spark up, ears slicking back like a cat struck with fear. A soft whistling filled the air before - *WHACK*

"Ah! O-... One!" you cried out, as the shock of the first blow made you lurch forward and grip the desk to maintain your balance. The sting was localised, but sharp. I could see your shoulders rising and falling quicker now, as you gasped for breath, sucking in air in preparation for five more of the same. I pause before lifting the implement again, admiring the fresh red welt that begins to rise on your pale skin. You hear me take several steps to your left, and *WHACK* . Another blow, perpendicular to the last.

"Two!" you exclaimed, letting out a long breath in the attempt to diffuse the pain. Your mind races, attempting to deal with the pain radiating from your ass, focusing on keeping your pose and posture perfect, trying to keep your arousal from becoming evident. Above all, though your curiosity to discover the implement of your torture was almost too much to ignore.

You snuck a look over your shoulder, and you saw it - the wooden ruler in my hand, raised for another swat. My eyes were fixated on your shapely behind, and they looked almost ablaze - the fire of lust and hunger evident in my gaze. I noticed your movement, and my eyes darted to you, glaring angrily. I said not a word, simply staring at you intensely, and you quickly returned your gaze to the front of the room.

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I was keenly aware of your breathing growing ragged and uneven, and I raised the ruler again.. *WHACK*

"Ow! Three! Three!" you yelped this time, as I enjoyed the criss-cross pattern forming on your ass. "You're doing good, Kitten. You're halfway there." I cooed, letting my hand rest on your hip for just a moment. I simply must stop allowing myself these respites , I thought with a smile. Time to let the sadist out.


Three sharp swats, all at full force, all delivered without mercy or respite. I growled to myself, feeling the Wolf in me threaten to take control.

"Four-five-six!" you managed to stutter, your body reeling and your head thrown back in pain. Your shoulders heaved as the aftershocks of each blow echo through your body, puffing and panting. I lean back and admire my handiwork - your ass a bright shade of red, thin welts rising underneath your panties and across your tender skin. Your body continued to shake and shiver, recovering from each blow. I saw your head begin to lower, your breathing starting to even out.


Your head whips around, mouth wide open, eyes round and shocked.

"Ah! Seven!?" you say, as much a question as it is another count. "What was that for?" you muse plaintively.

"That, my kitten, was for turning around and sneaking a peek when I clearly told you not to. You should be glad I'm not adding another one for you turning around again". Even I could hear the menace in my voice, the unbridled hunger. The Wolf was here to play now. Suddenly, the ruler was tossed clear across the room. As it flew, my hand shot out and grasped a handful of your hair, painfully pulling you to a standing position before turning you to face me. I tugged on your hair, bringing your face tantalisingly close to mine as the ruler clattered away in the corner of the room.

"Don't you think for one second we're done here," I growl, punctuating my words by pulling your head into me and sinking my teeth into your neck savagely. Your cries of surprise and pain nearly matched those of earlier, though hearing them with my head buried into your neck was intoxicating. The scent of your soft flesh filled my nostrils, and the taste of your delicate neck had me in ecstasy. My hand still in your hair, I pulled away and stared into your eyes, offering one of my trademark predatory grins.

"On your knees, Kitten."

Whether due to shock or just some residual desire for defiance, you stood your ground, staring me in the eye. Without as much as a moment's hesitation, I growled savagely and tugged downward, pulling your hair towards the ground. Your knees quickly gave way, and you clattered to the floor, clamoring to your knees with the help of the desk. As you looked up at me, you noticed I had already begun to unzip my fly, and I drew out my cock - already throbbing hard, the head slick with my arousal.

Not a word was spoken, only a savage, unintelligible growl, as my hand returned to the back of your head and I guided your lips to my cock. Your mouth flew open, and the head of my cock glided over your tongue. In sync, both of us groaned - me from the feel of your soft tongue sliding over the base of my shaft, you from the first taste of my arousal, the first feeling of the heat of my cock in your mouth. Without pause, I continued to pull your head down further, sliding more and more of my shaft into your mouth as your eyes bulged.

The room was filled with the soft wet noises from your throat, interspersed with my deep grunts, and your muffled moans of pleasure. My hips bucked as I pulled your head back and forth, building up a rhythm now, drinking in the deliciously depraved sight of your eyes bright, your mouth wide open, my wet cock sliding its full length between your lips and down your throat. As I continued to fuck your pretty little face, I noticed your moans increase in frequency and intensity.

I glanced down to spy your hand between your legs, thrust inside your lacy panties, furiously circling your clit. I growled angrily and pulled your head back, lines of saliva connecting the head of my cock to your full red lips. You looked up at me, a mixture of confusion and apprehension on your face. In a quiet voice, clearly barely restraining my anger, I finally speak.

"I didn't give you permission to touch yourself, my kitten. Your pretty little pussy is mine, and I decide when and how it is played with." I look you in the eye, a cross of anger and disappointment visible in my gaze.

With a grunt of exertion, I pulled you to your feet by your hair, eliciting a squeal of pain as your scalp burned sharply. I do nothing but glare at you for a moment, and the intensity of my gaze was enough to make you shrink back, cowering ever so slightly. In my eyes, you could see that sadistic glint, buried within the lustful stare. The time for words and commands had passed.

My hand released your hair and moved to grip your shoulder, spinning you around so fast you nearly lost your footing. As you struggle to regain your balance, my hands wrap around your ribcage and claw at the front of your cardigan. Within seconds, it comes loose, and I peel it off your shoulders. My hands quickly returned to the front of your blouse, and with a ferocious growl in your ear, you felt me tear it open, buttons bouncing and skittering across the room.

All at once, the soft skin of your torso was set free for my hands to grasp, and I savagely mauled and pawed at your breasts, pulling the cups of your lacy black bra down and freeing them. You let out a sharp gasp as you felt my nails dig into the soft skin of your breasts, before my hands moved to pinch and twist each nipple, causing your back to arch in pleasure and your ass to press into my crotch, feeling my exposed cock brush against your thighs.

Finally, my desire for you reached its tipping point, and I knew I would have to have you. In a voice dripping with lust, I barked at you.

"Hands on the desk. Bend over." Even I was surprised at just how strained and breathy my command was, and I knew I simply could not wait a moment longer. As your hands hit the desk, you felt mine move to your hips, one darting between your thighs to pull your panties aside.

Still clad in the garter belt and socks, your skirt haphazardly strewn around your waist, you felt the head of my cock slide against your slick lips, gliding over your clit as I pressed my hips into your ass. You began to groan, but this transitioned into a long, extended gasp as I withdrew just far enough to angle myself, and slide my full length inside you in one long, deep stroke. I halted for a moment, focusing on the sensation of your warmth, your tight wetness, the feeling of your body gripping me, pulling me in. My hands tightened on your hips and I began to pull you back against me, my puffs and pants breaking the silence in the room. I began to rock my hips against you, not interested in teasing or going slowly - instead, I was solely concerned with using your warm hole for my pleasure.

My pace intensified and the room echoed with the sound of my hips crashing into your ass. Your body rocked and shuddered forward with each thrusts, breasts bouncing free, exposed between the remains of your ruined blouse. I looked down and admired my handiwork - your ass a beautiful criss-cross of welts, your soft skin still deliciously red and warm. The sight of this made my cock swell inside of you, and I began to grunt loudly with each thrust.

Your eyes bulged and you clawed at the desk as I continued to pound into you, every nerve in your body afire with desire, with the need for release. As if on queue, you heard my voice, sounding distant, almost faded.

"Touch yourself, Kitten. I want you to come for me."

Eagerly, your hand sprung from the table and slid down your stomach, beginning to feverishly circle your wet clit, brushing against my cock each time I thrust into you. Your cries and moans now began to drown out my own, and I felt your body tense and shudder, your own orgasm fast approaching.

I soon found myself in a haze of lust, focused only on each thrust into you, the feeling of filling you each time I pounded into you, thoughts of emptying myself deep inside you dancing through my head. My hand lifted from your hips, all of its own volition...


My palm came down on your ass, the sharp sound echoing through the air as I continued to thrust into you. Your cry was one more of pleasure than of pain, and this only served to make me redouble my efforts, thrusting into you with reckless abandon, driving me closer and closer to orgasm.


"Are you going to come for me, my dirty little slut?" Your moans grew louder, more shrill, and I knew you weren't far off.


My spanks began to turn your already red ass a deep shade of crimson, and your legs began to twitch. I learned in close, my thrusts becoming less powerful but no less deep inside you, and pressed my lips to your ear.

"I'm so close, Red. I'm going to explode, and fill you with my seed. You're going to come for me as I empty myself inside you." Even as I uttered each word, my own voice began to fade as I fought that final moment of release. You finally broke your silence and spoke your first intelligible words since I'd entered you.

"Yes... Please... Please fill me!" you begged, and hearing the desperation in your voice was all I could handle. With one final thrust, deep inside you, I let go, bellowing loudly as I came. My head crashed into your shoulder and I felt myself explode inside you, shooting my seed deep into you, filling you in the most carnal, intimate way imaginable.

With this, your eyes went wide. You felt me bottom out into you, and the warmth of my cum spurting into you, my cock spasming and twitching with each pulse. Your fingertips rubbed your clit with renewed intensity, and it wasn't long before you felt your own body peak. Your mouth opened in a silent scream and you let go, eyes rolling into the back of your head as your orgasm ripped through you. Your body shook and convulsed, pleasure coursing through you like electricity, and you could hear your own voice crying out, yelling my name.

As my own orgasm subsided, I continued to press against you, riding your own pleasure out as I stroked your back and your sides appreciatively. Panting, I lay my head on your shoulders as you began to relax, still inside you as we basked in the post-orgasmic haze.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you answered those questions wrong on purpose. The answers are right there in your notes," I laughed, looking over your shoulder. You simply giggled back and caressed my face, enjoying the warmth of me on top of you.
Written by Elochai644
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