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Stress Relief, pt. 1

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The past week for us has been stressful, not because of anything between us, but because of things that have gone on in our lives, especially mine. The nights have been especially rough for Master to watch me go through, with the past week being filled with having to hold me and comfort me through the tears and terror that filled my mind when I slept. I can see it in his eyes each morning; he hates to see me like this. Those penetrating blue eyes of his look at me critically with compassion each morning and I know that these nights have dampened our normal routine. This morning, however, seems different. His eyes have that normal glint to them that had been suppressed for the past week.

“Good morning, sweet kitten,” he said.

His deep, gravelly voice washes over my senses as my eyes flutter open, putting me on alert for what today may bring. I feel his arms wrap around me as I lay curled up underneath the sheets, his hold surprisingly strong compared to how his body’s frame looks. My eyes open as I whimper softly and turn myself in the sleep-tangled sheets to press myself closer into the warmth and safety of my Master’s arms. My own hands slide up over his bare chest. I hear the usual chuckle as he holds me close, kissing the top of short, dishwater-blonde hair.

“You seem to have slept better last night. No nightmares last night, kitten?” he asked as

I trail my fingers up his chest to toy with his gorgeous, long blond hair. Normally it is something that is permitted, and in my semi-sleep induced haze, I forget myself and sigh in a contented fashion and kiss along his shoulder.

“Good morning, my Master,” I whisper as I nod my head slightly, “I slept much better last night than I have all week.”

“Very good, my sleepy pet. I have some plans for today for the two of us, so it’s a good thing you got yourself a decent night’s sleep,” he says before I feel a kiss pressed against the top of my head once more. His strong hands rub up and down my back in a slow, gentle fashion as he continues, “It’s time to get ready for the day, though. I can’t have my fun with you if you don’t get out of bed.”

I take a peek up at my Master in the semi-darkness of our bedroom, the morning light just barely beginning to shine in through the windows. He’s smiling down at me with the tell-tale glint of amusement and devious plans shining in his eyes. As he notices my bright eyes looking up at him, he licks his teeth. The action caused a shudder of excitement and nervousness to run through my body. I know now that whatever plans he has are going to cause me a lot of embarrassment and humiliation. But, as my Master, he knows that I love it. His right hand slides down my back underneath the sheets to grab and grope my ass for a few moments, causing me to whine in need as the action ignites my arousal from the usual morning smoldering to a full-fledged fire.

He once more chuckles before giving my ass a sharp smack and saying, “Up!” in a tone that brooks no room for stalling to potentially ease some of my need.

I squeak at the sharp pang of pain, and to a lesser extent pleasure, that floods through my body and let out a breathy “Yes Master!” before untangling myself from his arms and the bedsheets to scurry off to the bathroom to shower and make myself presentable for the day.

As I turn on the water to the shower, I hear my Master call through the door, “No touching yourself in there, kitten. I’ll know if you have or not.”

I can feel a blush creeping over my body from head to toe as I reply, “Yes, Sir.” loud enough for him to hear me.

I turned back from the door and see myself in the mirror. I’m no supermodel by any stretch of the imagination, but I love my figure and so does my Master. I think to myself that my 34C-29-41 curves suit my 5’6” frame, as does my short, Aubrey Hepburn-esque haircut. I blush as I can see just how thoughts of what today might hold are affecting my body. I let out a small groan of frustration as I hear my Master’s words ringing through my thoughts before stepping away from the mirror and hurrying to do my daily routine of preparations so that I can enjoy the day. As much as I wanted to take the edge off my aroused state, I knew that somehow my Master would know. He ALWAYS knew, somehow, but it didn’t stop my mind from wandering down that delightfully sinful path of debauchery. Just the process of taking a shower was being delayed because I’d just stand under the warm water enjoying where my imagination led me. By the end of my shower, I had to cool the temperature of the water to snap my mind back into focus.

As I stepped out of the shower, I noticed Master’s tall thin frame standing, well leaning, against the doorframe with an evil smile on his face. He was dressed in a loose black t-shirt and jeans with his blonde hair pulled back at the nape of his neck in a low ponytail. He’s not built like a man carved out of stone, but to me he always looked sexy. I gulped a bit; I knew I hadn’t actually done anything, but that never stopped me from having those nagging thoughts in the back of my mind that I had done something wrong.

The look in his eyes told me that he knew where my mind had been in the shower. He grabbed a towel and stepped towards me, gently drying me off. He wrapped the towel around me before leaning down and speaking in his low, even tone of voice, “I hope you enjoyed your shower, kitten. You took long enough I managed to pick out a nice outfit for you to wear out today, as well as picked out a few surprises for you. Finish up with getting ready. Today is going to be your stress relief.”

As he finished, he dipped his head a little lower and lightly nipped at my neck, causing me to moan and nearly caused my knees to buckle because of the sexual jolt of arousal that that tiny bit of contact had caused. I heard him give a low growl against my neck, but he pulled away and walked out to let me finish.

I quickly finished getting myself ready for the day ahead of me. I never wear makeup usually, but considering Master had gone to lengths to plan out today, I decided on some simple makeup to accentuate my natural beauty. I applied a little bit of my deep purple eyeliner and a bit of the frosted pink lip gloss that Master likes me to wear. I admit, after a week of near constant stress, I was getting excited to see what my Master had in mind for the day.

Stepping out into the bedroom, I looked to see what Master had laid out for me to wear for the day. My mind seemed to believe that he was planning something impractical or borderline humiliating for me to wear out. To my surprise, he had chosen a simple outfit: a simple black pencil skirt, a white camisole shirt, and a sheer black half-sleeve blouse to top it off. Next to the outfit, Master had picked out a nude strapless bra and a pair of microfiber boyshort cut panties in the same color for me to wear underneath, as well as one of my day collars: braided black leather with a black and white triskelion surrounded by simple Celtic knotwork in silver. Everything seemed sensible, which had me a bit on edge. What was going on? I shook my head to clear my muddled thoughts and dressed quickly but carefully; it wasn’t my place to question my Master’s motives. He had said it was going to be stress relief for me today, so I was going to continue to put my trust in his judgment and enjoy the day. Master hadn’t chosen out any shoes, so I opted for some simple strappy wedge heels in black and walked out of our bedroom to meet Master down the hall in the living room.

As I walked in, I noticed the time on the wall clock. Eleven in the morning? How long did I take getting ready? I also noticed Master looking at something next to him on the couch. The arrangement of the furniture in the living room meant that his back to me, so I couldn’t see what it was that he was staring down at.

Not wanting to startle him from his thoughts, I stepped in a bit further and asked quietly, “Master? Is everything alright?”

Master simply waved a hand at me, beckoning me towards him. I moved around the edge of the couch and stood in front of him, glancing around to try to see what it is he was looking at before, but there was nothing. Master snapped his fingers once and I immediately stilled myself, settling down onto the floor in a kneeling position with my knees spread as far as my skirt would allow me and my hands clasped behind my back around the opposite elbow, eyes downward to the floor.

“Such a curious little thing you are, as always,” Master’s voice held a bit of laughter in it, which I took to be a good thing, “You look beautiful, as always, Kitten. Now, you know the rules, love. I would hate to have to punish you today for breaking a rule, but I will if I have to.”

I wasn’t sure what might happen today, but I was going to make sure that I did my best to make Master proud of me and not have to punish me for misbehaving. “Yes, Master. I understand,” I spoke in my normal, soft tone, not looking up from the floor.

Master seemed to take my acknowledgement of his command, and stood up, extending a hand towards me, “Come then, sweet pet.

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Time for your stress relief!”

I smiled, relaxing my posture and taking his hand. Master helped me to my feet, kissed me lightly on the top of my head, and led me out of the house to the car to begin his planned day of my “stress relief.” After making sure I was in the car and buckled in safely, Master went around and got into the car himself. He turned on the radio to playing music from some of his favorite Norwegian bands. I had no idea what they were singing about, but Master always sang along with the songs, so it always relaxes me and puts me at ease when I hear the music. I smiled at Master as he pulled out of our driveway and began to head towards his first destination on our day out together.

Master caught my smile and chuckled before saying, “Keep your eyes closed for a bit and just enjoy the ride, precious.”

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes obediently, and just lost myself in his singing. Master loved to drive around, so he normally allowed our travel time to be a time where I was allowed my own sanctuary, which usually led to me nearly falling asleep almost every time we went for an extended drive somewhere.

All too soon, I felt the car slowing down and felt Master’s hand rest on my knee for a moment, slipping under the fabric of my skirt to tease my inner thighs. “Come, kitten, open your eyes. It’s time for lunch,” Master said as he teased and tickled my skin.

His voice always makes me shiver, even when he slipped into his native Norwegian to mess with my head at times because I still haven’t gotten a grasp of the language properly. I opened my eyes and whimpered quietly at the feel of his fingers on my bare skin, but he immediately pulled away and reached behind him. Obviously he had something in mind for lunch. I watched him curiously and realized as he brought his hand back around that he had a small box in his hands, one that you would typically see jewelry in. He handed it to me.

“Open it before we head inside,” he ordered.

I was ecstatic! Master had gotten me a gift. I had to restrain myself emotionally to keep from squeaking in happiness and opening the box like a child at Christmas. As I opened the box, I realized that it was holding more than just jewelry. Inside was a pair of matching earrings to my day collar, as well as a remote controlled egg vibrator (minus the remote). I felt my face beginning to burn as a blush crept over it.

“Oh, Master! The earrings are beautiful! But…” I was cut off as Master leaned over and lightly kissed my neck and caused me to groan softly.

“You’ll be wearing everything inside the box to lunch, silly kitten. Now, put the earrings on and your toy in so we can enjoy a nice lunch,” Master said as he pulled away from me to watch.

I knew better than to ask Master twice or question him about the chances of someone seeing me in the parking lot, so I quickly reclined my seat to where I was comfortable, hiked my skirt up, and proceeded to peel my panties down and spread my legs to insert the little egg vibrator into my already dampening pussy. Master seemed to enjoy seeing me displayed openly in a public place and let out a lusty growl, causing me to once more whimper. My fingers lightly teased my clit to help speed up and ease the process of inserting the toy. I knew that he wouldn’t be the only one to see me if I didn’t hurry up, so I began to work the egg in before Master covered my hand with his and slid the egg in with one quick push. I almost yelped, but Master had covered my mouth with his for a light, sensual kiss.

When he pulled away, I pouted a bit, but Master gave me a warning look and said, “Finish fixing yourself. You may get to play later.”

I bit my lower lip and nodded. I knew that I wouldn’t get any more warnings for the day most likely, so I quickly fixed my clothes and put in the earrings. Master got out of the car and came around to let me out, extending his hand like a gentleman to me. I took his hand, and Master led me away from the car to the restaurant he had chosen for a quiet lunch. It wasn’t an overly upscale restaurant, more like one of those rare gem mom and pop restaurants that were small, quiet and very homey feeling. It had a very good reputation, so of course there was a small waiting line to be seated. Master took advantage of the seating area available for waiting customers, leading me over to one of the chairs and pulling me into his lap. It looked a bit out of place and I was blushing from head to toe, but Master just smiled and ran his hand reassuringly up and down my back.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes of waiting, the owner’s wife, acting as hostess for lunch, called our names. She smiled in a knowing fashion at Master as she led us to our table, almost as if she knew exactly what was going on. Master made sure I was seated before sitting across from me. The waitress came by quickly to get our drink orders, and Master knew the menu well enough to give the waitress our orders when she came back with our drinks: sweet tea for me, unsweetened tea for Master. As I was taking a drink, Master found it to be a perfect time to begin his assault with the small, battery operated sexual tormenter that had been silent for the past twenty minutes or so. I squeaked a bit as I choked on my drink and gripped the table tightly as the low vibrations began. As I sat there trying to get my breath back, Master watched me with an amused look as a waitress came running over to make sure I was alright. I was embarrassed beyond belief at how our lunch was beginning, and the redness of my blushing never left my face as the vibrations worked their wondrous effects through my senses. I stuttered a bit to the waitress that I was fine and that I had just swallowed my drink wrong. As the waitress walked away, I felt the gentle vibrations stop their assault for the moment. I almost groaned out loud in disappointment, but caught myself.

Master continued his on-again off-again torture throughout lunch until I was whimpering softly and clutching the edges of the table. When Master finally asked for the bill, the owner came over instead of our waitress. Master flicked the tiny tormenter’s remote off and stood up to shake the man’s hand. The owner said that he was only stopping by to personally deliver our bill because he wanted to make sure that everything was alright. Apparently our waitress had thought my whimpers of need and arousal were really whimpers of pain, and had informed the owner. Master explained that everything was fine, the food was delicious, and the noises I was making must be from the onset of a migraine (which I am prone to having at inopportune times). The explanation seemed to satisfy and relieve the owner, who once more shook Master’s hand and gave me an awkward pat on the shoulder before leaving us with the bill. Master quickly paid, left a generous tip, and escorted me back out to the car.

As soon as we got to the car, Master pinned me against the car roughly and proceeded to claim my mouth with such heated passion that I think he could have made the sun jealous. He kept his hands on my waist and pulled my hips toward him, allowing me to feel his hardness through his jeans. I moaned into his mouth as our tongues danced around each other, forgetting that we were in a somewhat crowded parking lot until a rather loud catcall from a passerby broke the spell. Master pulled away from me and helped me into the car, but not before I caught a look at the dark hungry look he had in his eyes.

As he got in, he tossed the remote for the egg into the small box it had come in. Then he ordered me to lean back, pull my panties down, and spread my legs. I was shaking from how turned on I was, but I managed to do what I was told. Master slid one hand up my inner thighs, smacking them lightly to get me to spread my legs farther, until he got to his intended target. His fingers found my clit easily and began to trace around it lightly, causing me to squirm in my seat and whine with need.

“Please, Master, I need you!” I began to plead.

I was rewarded with a quick smack on my inner thighs. “I know what you need, slutty little kitten. I’ll give you what you need as I see fit. You know that. Do I have to remind you again?” Master’s voice was stern, but not cold, which helped to reign my emotions in check.

I shook my head quickly and blurted out, “No, Sir!” quite loudly.

Master patted my inner thigh gently where he had smacked it, and then told me to take my toy out, fix myself, and clean my toy. I let out a sigh, which earned me another quick smack on my inner thigh, and quickly fixed behavior to do what Master had said. With the toy out and my clothes fixed, Master started the car and began to drive out to our next destination, while I licked and sucked my toy clean.

To be continued…

Many thanks to MasterJonathan for helping me out and proofreading my story before submitting it. More to come soon, hopefully! 

Written by Crows_kitten
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