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Stacy's Submission - Chapter 2

"Stacy and Becca go on their second date, sort of..."

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Stacy waits outside the restaurant. She's just as nervous as before, but a little more excited. She wears her favourite shoes; burgundy flats with little white bows on the front. Her thin cream socks have little frills around the ankle. The air is fairly warm today, allowing her to wear a bit of a short skirt, in a matching cream colour.

As she waits for her date to arrive, she fiddles with the tiny pearlescent buttons on her delicate top. Her dark hair is pinned back around her ears by some cute barrettes.

I hope she likes me… Of course she does. She wanted to see you again didn't she? 

Stacy scrutinizes her outfit, fixing the frills on one of her socks.

I look stupid…

"Stacy!" Becca shouts happily, with a wave. She comes through the restaurant doors with a big smile on her face. She looks as adorable as ever. She wears almost the same outfit as before, but with black, knee-high nylons instead of socks.

How can she look so good after working all day?

"Hi Becca… it's really nice to… see you again," Stacy nervously admits. Her eyes fall down to the sidewalk, embarrassed. She sees Becca's little shoes step up against hers, then feels her date's fingers under her chin. They lift her face up to Becca's.

"I've heard that if you kiss at the beginning of a date, then a lot of the anxiety is just, like washed away…" Becca suggests, weakly. Her eyes are gigantic and have a subtle sparkle about them. Her tiny, pink tongue gently wets her lips in nervous anticipation.

Oh God… kiss her Stacy… remember to breathe first.

Stacy takes a deep breath. With it comes a surge of courage as she grabs the back of Becca's head and pulls her lips into hers.

Becca tastes like innocent naughtiness. Their lips move slowly and softly over each other's until Stacy opens them wider. She tilts Becca's head back slightly and kisses her more deeply. Becca opens herself up, allowing room for Stacy's tongue to enter her mouth.

This is unbelievably delicious… she feels so good. How is this happening!?

Stacy squeezes Becca's body tightly. She feels so connected to this girl, like she can feel how her body is feeling. Becca's heart beats against Stacy's chest. It's a beautiful sensation.

Stacy pulls her mouth from Becca's in desperate need of air.

Becca giggles as she watches Stacy pant in her cream outfit.

"Well… that was… nice," Becca comments, almost moaning. Her voice sounds almost musical with its adorable pitch.

Stacy blushes as she regains her composure. She fixes her top and tries to ignore the passion broiling between her legs.

"Do you want to go somewhere we can talk and maybe get something to eat?" Stacy asks, trying to be confident and take charge.

I can't believe I get to spend tonight talking to this girl… looking at her… smelling her…

"I could go for a drink…" Becca admits, looking a little flushed.

"Okay! Same bar?"

"How about at your place?" Becca suggests, brushing some of her bronzy hair behind her ear shyly.


As they walk towards Stacy's little apartment, they hold hands. Stacy can't explain the emotional and physical thrill she gets out of touching Becca.


Stacy opens a bottle of cheap whiskey and finds two glasses. Becca waits for her drink patiently in Stacy's bedroom.

"I only have some whiskey. I hope that's okay!" Stacy shouts to Becca as she pours about a shot-worth into each glass.

"That sounds lovely. Thanks!" Becca calls out from the bedroom.

Stacy puts the bottle down and inspects the liquor. She feels the boiling anxiety in her belly and adds a bit more to each glass. She carries them around the corner into her bedroom when she freezes.

Becca is kneeling on the floor in front of her bed. Her knees are spread apart very wide, causing her to be quite low to the ground. She has her skirt hiked up just enough so that Stacy can see her thin, white panties.

Stacy almost drops the two glasses.

"What are… what is this… that…" Stacy stammers, confused.

Becca stares at the floor, not daring to look up at her tall, beautiful date. "I like you Stacy…" She begins. "I want to serve you… I want to make you feel good. I want to make you feel very…very happy."

"You make me so happy…Every moment I've gotten to spend with you has been…" Stacy stops when she sees Becca begin to crawl towards her.

Becca continues to keep her head lowered. Her soft, young skin looks delicious in the dim light. Stacy can't feel her legs. She wants to move and speak, but she's paralyzed by her excitement.

Becca reaches Stacy's feet. She places her mouth down at them and softly kisses the top of each of Stacy's frilly socks.

Who is this girl?

Stacy can barely focus. Her heart is beating like crazy as Becca works her little, gentle kisses up the insides of her legs.

Oh God… Try and relax… try!

Stacy's stomach drops as Becca's hands move up the back of her thighs and under her skirt.

Both girls breathe heavily as Becca brings her head under Stacy's skirt as well. Stacy can feel Becca's warm breath against her moist panties. Her clit hums against the soft cotton, begging to be touched. She feels Becca's dainty fingers tugging at her panties' waistband, but they're not pulling them down. The anticipation and excitement is making Stacy drip.

"B…Bec…a…" Stacy whimpers, trying to remain standing as she trembles from head to toe.

Becca slowly begins to kiss Stacy's damp lips through her panties.

Oh fuck… I need you… I'd do anything for you…

Stacy begins to fantasize about Becca's pussy; its probably perfect taste and beautiful aroma. Her mouth waters so much she begins to almost drool.

Becca's lips continue to tease Stacy's confined mound. Stacy's clit feels like it's going to burst.

Becca's head pops out from under the skirt, but her fingers stay poised on the edge of Stacy's panties, threatening to lower them. She looks up at Stacy with her adorable eyes, full of lust and affection.

Stacy tries to speak, but her mind is unable to grant her that wish. Only a slight whimper escapes her lips as she stares into her girlfriend's eyes.

Becca… I want to lick you and make love to you… I wish I could tell you that… you make me feel special… amazing…

Becca bites her lower lip, making her face look incredibly innocent as she slowly pulls Stacy's panties down.

Stacy can't move. Her stomach is in knots as she feels the material leaving her waist and exposing her hairless, wet slit. The feeling is terribly exhilarating, like the drop on a roller coaster.

Take me… I'm yours…

"Take… me…" Stacy whines, lost in the intense throbbing coming from within her. She leans her hips forward, as to say 'please'.

Becca smiles in awe of the girl above her. She slips the cream coloured panties around Stacy's foot.

"So cute, they match your socks. I want to… keep them…" Becca giggles. She brings the soft, slightly damp underwear to her nose and breathes it in. Her eyes roll to the back of her head.

Stacy feels incredibly exposed and overwhelmed but she's powerless at this point. Becca could do whatever she wanted.

Becca grumbles a sigh as she finishes taking in Stacy's scent. She stuffs the panties into her bra with a naughty look on her face.

She is crazy…

Becca's head disappears under Stacy's skirt again.

Oh God… this is it…

Stacy can feel her legs spreading without her control, opening herself more for the girl's supple mouth. A trickle of her liquid excitement runs down her thigh. It embarrasses her as much as it excites her. She feels like she's going to pass out. Her head doesn't seem like it's getting any oxygen or blood.

Becca's lips move closer to Stacy's dripping pussy, but she doesn't indulge, she just hovers in front of it. Her sweet breath teases Stacy's swollen folds.

Lick me... oh please… slather me… use your tongue Becca…

Becca's hands move back over Stacy's bare ass. Her cheeks quiver with an insane anticipation. Stacy squirms and moans desperately.


Becca's head comes back out from under the skirt. It remains bowed, staring at the floor.

What's wrong? Is it me? Did I… do something?

"Stacy… I… I'm sorry… I can't," Becca admits, weakly.

"Wh…what? Why?" Stacy begs.

Becca turns away, afraid to look into Stacy's disappointed eyes.

"I'm… in a relationship… I mean… I have… a relationship. It's… really hard to explain…" Becca hesitantly mumbles.

What does that mean? With who?

"I don't understand…" Stacy whimpers, flush with pheromones and rampant desires.

Becca quickly stands up, avoiding eye contact. She looks around the room and collects her things.

No… please… what's wrong? I don't understand!

Becca, ashamed or afraid, scampers to the door and puts her shoes on.

Stacy stands in the middle of her room, panty-less, still holding the two glasses of whiskey. She turns to stop Becca, but it's too late. She hears the door shut. She shoots one of the glasses and swallows it with a pained expression.

She sits on her bed for a moment trying to figure out what the hell just happened. She doesn't get anywhere. She only feels a pain growing throughout her chest. A tear pools in her eye and runs down her cheek.

Why…? This isn't fair…


Stacy runs through the forest, while last night runs through her mind. She burns away her frustration and sadness… for the moment.

On her way back, she passes by the restaurant. Covered in sweat, she pauses to take a look inside. She makes sure to stay far enough away as to not be noticed.

There's no sign of Becca.

Stacy heads home.


She opens the door to her basement to find a letter. Stacy's heart jumps.

She doesn't even bother to change as she tears open the envelope. It reads:


I'm so sorry for leaving you like that last night Stacy. 

You don't deserve that. You deserve so much better.

I wanted to make you happy, but I think I'm just hurting you. 

I'm sorry.

Look, I'm not supposed to see you anymore… not for a while anyways.

She says, I've betrayed her trust… Which I have.

But, she says I can still talk to you, although I'd understand if you didn't want to anymore.

If you do want to still talk with me, please text your email to the number below. 

And I'll be allowed to email you. 


ps. The way I feel when I'm around you… I've never felt like that before…


Stacy frowns. Her body is sore from the run and her insides still ache with sexual frustration.

Becca… what the fuck am I supposed to do?

"Clearly you're stupid, since you want to be with her instead! But what? I get to email with you? Oh great! Lucky me!" Stacy rants out loud.

She crumples up the letter and throws it into the little garbage by her bed.


Stacy notices the time and rushes into the shower.


Getting dressed in a hurry, Stacy checks her phone for the time.

Fuck Fuck!

She looks at the garbage bin by her bed for a moment.

That stupid letter…

Stacy shakes herself from the thought and runs out the door for work.

Girly, pretty clothes litter the floor of her room. Ornate little decorations sit on her dresser and on her desk. A statue of a little blue fairy wearing high heels watches her bedside.

Stacy runs back through the door. She scrabbles to the garbage and pulls the note out.

I'm a loser…

Stacy texts her email to the number provided. As she hits send, she sighs heavily, unsure of her decision.

She rushes back out the door.


Stacy gets back from a long night of work. She puts her purse down and sits on her bed. She looks over at her laptop.

For a moment, she thinks about opening it, but decides against it.

She undresses and turns on the shower.

While she cleans herself, she can't get the thought of Becca out of her head.


Stacy dries herself off and pulls on a comfortable pair of pink cotton underwear.

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She sits down on her bed and rolls a matching pair of pink socks onto her soft feet. She looks at her milky white skin with a bit of disdain. She leans to the side and grabs one of her bum cheeks. Her ass is supple for sure, but she worries it's a little too big for her body.

The room is fairly warm and after her long, hot shower, Stacy is feeling comfortable. She stays in just her socks and panties and excitedly grabs for her laptop. She opens up her email.

Please be a message… please…

Stacy's inbox has 1 unread message, from a "MissCara". Stacy clicks on it, nervously curious.



It's me, Becca. 

I really like you… But, I was wrong to do what I did.

I belong, to someone else, kind of. She's… well, I was

being bad…

But! I told her about you and she says I can still email you for now.

Stacy, I know you must think this is weird… Or I am weird, or both.

And you probably think I'm a terrible person for this whole situation,

but I just… really need… something about you. I feel it. 

I'm sorry, I'm terrible at explaining things like that… I don't know

what to say…

I know you're beautiful though :P

Hopefully, I can talk to you soon. I would really love that.



Stacy holds the laptop between her legs. She stares blankly at the screen for a moment.

Becca… ugh… why?

Stacy shifts positions, trying to get comfortable, but she can't. Her frustration is boiling beneath her skin.

She hits reply:



I don't understand.

You're dating someone else, so why are you still trying to be with me?

And why is she 'okay' with you talking to me? I don't want to be friends with you. 

I want… I want more than that with you. 

I don't understand. Please, can you try to explain?



Stacy pushes her laptop to the edge of her bed and rests her chin on her knee. Her smooth skin is subtly comforting as she rubs her legs.

Come on… respond… please…

Stacy hits refresh on her inbox. Nothing. She sighs heavily.

She's probably already asleep…

Stacy hits refresh again. Nothing.


Stacy closes her laptop and puts it on the floor. She gets under the covers of her bed. Immediately, she's reminded of the first night Becca came over. The way her hair smelled, the way her warm body curled up against hers.

Stacy tries to separate her mind from the pretty girl in her heart, but she can't. She lays in bed with her eyes open.

I'm not even tired…

Her frustration remains present all over her body, especially inside her panties. Stacy thinks about touching herself. She loves the way it feels when she is only wearing socks and she spreads her legs wide apart, causing her panties to pull tight against her pussy. The feeling of her sensitive little toes being warmed and covered sends comforting chills down her back.

Her hands begin to move over her body. One fondles her breasts as the other pushes down past her belly button.

Touch me… touch me Becca… please…

Her hand plays with her thin underwear, lifting the waistband up then putting it back down. It slowly tugs the front of her panties up so they pull tight against her heated mound.

Stacy's pale skin starts to turn a very pinky-red as she groans with desire.

I want you… please… I'm begging you…

She rubs her fingers against the outside of her panties, grinding her hand. Her other hand keeps busy on her breasts, squeezing them hard and gently pinching their nipples.

Stacy's hips rock up and down uncontrollably, generating even more sensual desire to fill her pussy.


Stacy's mind races. She imagines Becca's pink, little lips kissing her all over.

She shudders with excitement. Her fingers sneak beneath her panties and dip themselves inside her desperate slit.

"Oh fuck…" Stacy squeaks.

She can't remember the last time she was this wound up.

Becca… wet… horny… Becca...

Stacy slides her fingers deeply inside her pink cunt as dirty thoughts fill her brain.

She brings her glistening fingers to her face. The scent steams off her hand and wafts into her nose. The intensity of her pheromones dazzles her senses. Stacy always worries she's weird for finding the smell of her own arousal to be such a turn on.

About to return her hand to her steaming pussy, Stacy can't help but think about the laptop on the floor. She hesitates a moment longer.

Just check… one more time.

She leans her long body off the side of the bed and pulls up the computer. She refreshes her email. 1 new message from: MissCara.



Thanks for replying, I'm sorry for being so difficult.

I can't believe I've been lucky enough to meet someone

as patient and sweet as you.

I'll try to explain. Sorry, it's just hard. I've never really told

anyone about this.

I'm not dating her. But I do have a relationship with her…

She's… Well, she's my … Mistress.

Don't freak out, please… it's not as weird as it sounds…

I have to go to bed now. I'm no longer allowed to stay up past 10pm;

part of my… well… punishment.

Please, just come meet me at the restaurant at noon. Please…

Wanting to be yours…



She stares at the screen, almost in shock.


Stacy sits at a small table across from Becca in the restaurant.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be talking to me," Stacy points out, thick attitude in her tone.

Becca leans in, "I'm not… but I wanted to make sure you… aren't going to… leave me… us…"

The power of Becca's voice and presence weighs unbelievably heavy on Stacy's emotions.

This girl… my goodness…

Stacy tries to shake herself back to some semblance of focus.

"I…I… A Mistress!?" Stacy blurts, a little too loudly.

"Yes… She helps me in my life. She gives me confidence to be myself. She makes me feel happier," Becca explains, patiently.

"But… But she tells you what you can and cannot do?"

Becca leans back in her chair. Her foot touches the inside of Stacy's ankle.

"In some ways, yes," Becca begins, noticing the effect her foot is having on Stacy's face. She slips her nyloned foot out of her flat and begins rubbing her toes up Stacy's calf. "I told you Stacy, I'm weak… I need to have stability and security in my life; some real structure. Otherwise… I'm just a huge mess. But, the tradeoff, to get some of those things… is, yes, some of my freedoms. And I'm okay with that."

"That sounds like you're a prisoner," Stacy balks, trying to ignore Becca's soft, warm foot teasing the inside of her leg.

Ohh God… this isn't fair.

Stacy feels flushed from just this little bit of contact and attention. She squirms in her seat trying to get comfortable, careful not to give her feelings away.

"I'm not at all! It's actually very, empowering… and truly fulfilling," Becca asserts, genuinely. Her toes move back down Stacy's leg, trying to find her little feet.

"But… it's… sexual?" Stacy asks, guardedly.

"Yes… overwhelmingly so… sometimes… but, exciting. Exciting in a way I can't begin to explain."

Stacy feels Becca's foot wiggling against her toes. She fights the urge to push it away.

"Becca… I don't… this isn't something I'm comfortable with… I think," Stacy informs her adorable friend.

"I get it hun… It's okay. I understand it's hard," Becca says, comforting Stacy the best she can. She uses both feet now on Stacy's bare legs.

"I'm sorry… I just don't think I can deal with it." Stacy pulls her legs back under her chair.

Becca looks a little hurt, but her giant puppy-dog eyes try not to show it. Her lush, pink lips tremble for a moment as she figures out what to say.

"You're… that's fair. I'm sorry. I should've been more honest with you from the start," Becca concedes, quietly to herself. She leans over the table, staring directly into Stacy's eyes. "I'm not in love with her or anything. It's not anything like that."

Stacy can't stand looking into Becca's eyes. They're too piercing. They're making her want to cry out all of her pent-up emotion. She hangs her head and shuts her own eyes tightly.

"I don't understand… why… I mean, if you aren't a prisoner, why don't you just be with me then?" Stacy pleads.

"It's… not that simple…" Becca whimpers.

Stacy's face drops.

It's over… I lose… this isn't fair… it's not right… 

Becca continues, "I told you… I need that structure in my life… I have to… that's just… who I am. Without it, I'm nothing."

Stacy is at the point of tears now.

"Well then, what is… this!? What are we? What's the point? Just to make me want you and then take it away from me?"

"I don't know…" Becca whines, hanging her head in shame. "I want to be with you Stacy… so much… But Miss Cara… she's very protective of her pe– of me."

"She doesn't want you to be happy then? She sounds nice," Stacy jabs, sarcastically.

"No, she really is. She's lovely, it's not like that!" Becca argues.

Stacy's heard enough. She gets up from the table awkwardly.

"I have to go…" Stacy whimpers, trying not to break down in public.

Becca stays in her seat, helpless.

Stacy gets outside the restaurant and takes a deep, pained breath. She wipes tears from her eyes.


She angrily get's dressed for work. She hates her job, but at least it might get her mind off the situation for a few hours.


Tired, worn out and frustrated, Stacy comes home. She eyes her laptop, still sitting next to her bed.

Just check… she might have sent you something…

Stacy turns away and goes to the kitchen.

Just check. You never know… 

Stacy sighs.


Opening her email, she sees the familiar bold lettering of an unread email. Stacy clicks on it hurriedly.



I told Miss Cara! I told her how I felt. 

How much I like you… and how much I care about you.

That I badly want to be with you!

And she said I could date you!


Stacy's face lights up. Her heart skips a beat.

No… Could this be real?

Stacy brushes her long, dark hair behind her ear and keeps reading.



Miss Cara says she wants to meet you first…


She's got to be kidding…

Stacy hits reply quickly and aggressively types her response.


I am not meeting her. I don't want to meet her!


Stacy sends the email and waits. She huffs in frustration for a moment before screeching a little growl.

She changes out of her work clothes and by the time she checks again, there's an email.


Please Stacy… for me. For us? She's really nice.

I promise. 

Just come to the restaurant and have a coffee with her.

I'll be there too. It will be fine! Please… 

Please hun, I need to kiss you again… I need to be held by you again. 



Stacy stands up from the laptop and lays on her bed. She rolls onto her stomach and shuts her eyes, desperately looking for a way through this.

Slowly, she becomes overwhelmed by a terrible feeling growing in her stomach and chest. The idea of never again getting to hold Becca, is crippling.

Stacy smells the side of her bed where Becca had slept the night before. Her lips graze the sheets hungrily, desperately wanting to be able to taste her.

Ugh… what have I gotten myself into?

Stacy writes back.





Continued in Chapter 3.


Written by Aerith_Lives
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