Aoife sat quietly on the side of the bed, one small foot in Kieran's hand. She watched, fascinated, as he expertly wrapped and wove the soft rope around her left foot. He had already completed the right, leaving about two feet of rope between her feet.
"While I finish, tell me again the rules for today," he stated quietly.
Aoife rolled her eyes before she could stop herself and began.
"The 'shoes' you are creating for me will be my only clothing for the day with the exception of an apron.
I can wear the apron only while I am actively cooking.
I will be obedient.
You will stop only through your choice or my safeword."
Kieran had finished with the second foot and now stood before her.
"No matter what I am doing, when you ring your great grandfather's silver bell, I will stop what I'm doing and come to you.
You will use your 'snake' on me as you choose and I will attend to your 'snake' as you direct me.
You will offer me no quarter unless I use my safeword.
I am to be used for your pleasure today."
Kieran grinned. He hadn't thought Aoife would be so willing to abide by his suggestion that they celebrate St. Patrick's Day with 24 hours of total submission, but she had literally jumped into his arms, kissed him, and eagerly agreed. She'd even agreed to every Rule of the Day he had suggested. He'd been practicing the shoe idea for weeks, wanting to make sure the rope wouldn't chaff or come loose easily.
He held out his hand to help her stand. "Well said. Now, walk around a bit to make sure the shoes are okay."
She did so, nodding her approval.
Aoife hobbled into the kitchen, donned her apron and started on a traditional Irish breakfast of beans, eggs, black and white pudding, rasher bacon, hash browns, sauted mushrooms, tomato, and bread. She plated the feast and placed it before Kieran then sat on her heels next to his chair.
"Delicious," he complimented and fed her bits until they had both cleaned the plate and drunk two mugs of tea.
He pushed his chair back, lowered his lounge pants and said, "My snake seeks a hole. Let's start with the uppermost one."
Eagerly, Aofie attended to Kieran with her mouth, sucking and slurping with pleasure. She kept his balls warm in the palm of her left hand while her right wrapped around his cock following her wet mouth. Kieran suddenly pushed her head down to his base. She gagged and squeaked, but quickly adapted when she felt the hot spurt splash against the back of her throat.
She remained in place until he said, "Well done, but you were a little too good, love. I wanted to last longer. Tell me, should I punish you for that?"
Aoife sat back on her heels and looked up at him before saying, "That would be your decision, Kieran."
He helped her stand then bent her over the back of his chair. He warmed her ass with his hand before grabbing a handy spatula. "Six swats, my love. Three for each cheek."
She yelped, but felt her nipples harden and her pussy soften.
"I was going to give you twelve swats, but you answered so perfectly, I cut it in half."
Precisely, he laid the spatula on each cheek three times. When he finished, Aoife thanked him for his correction and went about cleaning the kitchen.
She went about her day, hampered by the bounding of the shoes, but quickly adapted. Twice throughout the morning, Kieran called her to him by use of the silver bell. The first time he fingered her until she came. The second was shortly before afternoon tea.
"Come, Aofie. My snake is in need of a hole again. Over the chair with you," he decreed.
Again, she bends over the kitchen chair. This time, though, Kieran generously lubed her back hole.
"I said I'd start at the top. Right now, your bumhole is at the top, so. . ."
He eased himself gently yet firmly inside of her. She moaned, pushed back, and came.
Kieran laughed. "You never could wait when I'm buggering you. Go on then. As much as you like."
Soon, she was begging him. Begging him for relief from her orgasms. She wanted more. She wanted rest. She wanted him.
He leaned over her, pinched her nipples, and released the proof of his pleasure deep inside of her. Moments later, she was standing before him, her nipples still pinched between his strong fingers, and said, "Kieran, that was amazing. Thank you!"
"You're very welcome, lass. But tell me, what's the usual punishment for not wearing green today?"
Confused, she looked up at and quietly said, "Pinching?"
"That's right," he squeezed harder before letting go. He then opened a kitchen drawer and pulled out two clothespins. "These will certainly pinch, won't they?"
Aoife gasped as he clamped the pins onto her swollen nipples.
"Now finish the tea while I clean myself. After, I'll consider releasing those pretty wee nips."
Every move she made caused her breasts to jiggle, thereby keeping her focus on her tortured nipples. True to his word, once tea was finished, Kieran had Aoife lie on the bed, her bottom elevated onto a wedge pillow.

"Hands behind your head, lass. I want you to be able to enjoy the full release. No touching."
She nodded her head. He grasped both clothespins and simultaneously removed them, grinning as she whimpered and closed her eyes. The blood rushed back to her tender buds, electrifying every nerve in her body. She came, her mouth open in a scream of pleasure.
Kieran climbed on top of her, hovering on his knees over her open mouth. He plunged his slightly flaccid cock deep into her warm mouth.
"That's it. Suck my snake hard again, lass. Go on. You can keep coming. My pet has one more hole to explore, doesn't he?"
He took his time fucking her mouth. He wanted to enjoy his dominant position over her. He could see by looking into her eyes that she was enjoying this treatment as well. Finally, he was hard again. He pulled free of her mouth only to plunge full length into her dripping, eager pussy.
Since he had already come twice that day, he doubted if he'd come again. Still, he planned to take his time, to enjoy every ounce of sensation, to give her so much pleasure that she would again beg for relief. He varied pounding into her with slow, gentle glides, finding great pleasure in her orgasms. He ignored her pleas for mercy.
Almost an hour later, he heard the words. "Shellialie stick"
He kissed her gently, pulled out, and said, "Well done. Roll over and nap. Rest. Tonight, we'll take a stroll around the property and perhaps, we'll have one more go around before we sleep for the night."
He smiled, seeing the realization in her eyes. Yes, they would be walking around their private property, her wearing only her rope shoes. He smiled, seeing the acceptance in her eyes.
Half an hour later, Aoife awoke to the sound of a bell ringing. She rubbed her eyes then understood what she was hearing. Quickly, she got out of bed and awkwardly shuffled to the kitchen. Kieran did not look happy.
"I've been ringing this bell for ten minutes, Aoife," he scolded.
"I'm sorry. I was asleep."
"Did you promise to come to me no matter what you were doing?"
She looked up at him, seeing the mischief in his eyes.
"I did, Kiernan. And I failed. Will you punish me?" she asked perkily.
"I will, but not here. Come, we're going to take a little stroll through the woods. How are your feet?"
She looked down at the rope shoes, wiggled her toes, and said, "Surprisingly comfortable. The hobbling is awkward, but not awful."
"Perfect. Let's go."
Quickly, they passed over the soft grass and entered the woods at the back of their property. Aoife struggled to keep up, but enjoyed the challenge. When they were deep in the woods, Kieran stopped and handed her a knife. "Go on to that pine tree, lass. Cut off a good sturdy switch for your punishment."
Aoife paled, but did as she was told. She chose carefully, handing Kieran a branch roughly the diameter of his thumb which would be sturdy but also springy. He gave it a few good swishes through air, testing it, before stating, "Lean your hands against the tree, lass. Feet as wide as the binding will allow."
Seventeen times he taught her bottom and upper thighs a proper lesson on obedience. Seventeen times she thanked him. Seventeen times he swished the pine bough against her exposed labia. Seventeen times she yelped her thanks.
"Perfect," Kieran murmured, running his fingers over her swollen, sticky lower lips. "Your ass is red, your thighs are marked, your lady parts sensitive. Perfect."
Sniffling, Aoife babbled, "Thank you, Kieran. Thank you. Please, let me thank you. Please."
"Very well."
She lowered herself to the pine needle-covered ground as he released himself from his pants. She reached up, but he grasped her wrists in one hand, holding them over her head. "Just your mouth."
She began with his balls, kissing and licking them, before working her way up his staff. As soon as her lips had passed over his crown, Kieran used his other hand to press her head downward. She gagged, but he continued to slowly press. She relaxed her throat, taking all of him in. Using pressure on her head, Kieran guided her, led her, commanded her. She came twice, rubbing her sensitive clit on the rough pine needles.
Suddenly, Kieran pulled out of her, dropped her wrists, and yanked her head back. Aoife opened her mouth, tongue out, as Kieran sprayed her face with cum.
They walked back, arm in arm, cum drying on Aoife's pleased face. "Kieran?"
"I'd like to propose something."
"Wearing these shoes and being hobbled. Well, it's made me constantly aware of everything, especially you. Will you, I mean, if you'd like, will you do this again sometime?"
"Just the shoes?"
She blushed, but answered, "No. I mean, you can. What I mean is, I'd like you to 'shoe' me more often, and whenever you do, I will be your obedient lass until you remove them."