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Sandy's Life Change

"Frustrated lady accepts an offer from a stranger and finds herself a sex slave"

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Sandy sat morosely at the small table in the corner of the bar. Occasionally, her eyes lingered on any attractive man who walked by.  Her thoughts drifted to Bart, the muscular, big cocked American footballer, who, in that wild few hours in his hotel room, had fucked her three times into sensations that she had only dreamed of.

 Five years of marriage with gentle, sexually cautious Alan, had frustrated her. Often, after his meagre premature cumming, she would slip away to a spare room to finger herself to orgasm. Somehow, the revelation of those rapturous hours with Bart had got back to Alan, and they had been divorced for nearly six months.

Left in a frustrated limbo, in which only her fingers had been a source of fulfilment, she had time to dwell on many questions. What else had she been missing? What else had she denied herself? Why be worried about stepping out into this new freedom, when her libido was still on alert?

So, she had started coming here for a slow, casual glass of wine just on the off-chance of another sensuous encounter.

“Hello there.” A deep masculine voice interrupted her contemplation.

She looked up, a little annoyed at having been disturbed. A pair of eyes so dark they might have been black, met hers. Her annoyed look broke into a cautious smile. “Hi.”

The stranger sat down without being asked. He ruffled a hand through his black hair as he settled himself in the seat. A waitress appeared with a cup of coffee as if on cue. “Ah, I love the smell of espresso,” he commented as he took a sip.

“Uh. Do I know you?” Sandy asked, straightforward. 

“Call me Craig — for now.”

“Sandy,” she told him, asking herself what the ‘for now’ could mean. “What can I do for you?”

“Oh no, no, Sandy. It's not what you can do for me, it's what I can do for you.”

Craig looked deep into her eyes. 

“Well, considering I don’t know you, there is nothing you can do for me,” Sandy stated, growing aggravated at the stranger. Handsome, she admitted, but still a stranger. 

“Oh, Sandy, don’t be so sure of that. I’ve noticed you sitting here alone for the last few nights.”

He had noticed her? What had drawn him over?  “I’m not a hooker.”

His smile was kindly as he said, “You just look a little troubled within yourself. I have a big offer for you. I can show you a whole other world, if you are willing.” Craig spoke in a low seductive voice. 

Sandy jerked her head up. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously on him. How could he have known how she felt? Unless he could read minds. She laughed at that. “I like my world, thank you.” 

“Ah,” he said. He didn’t say anything else, just kept his gaze fixed on hers. 

“Well, I do,” Sandy defended herself when he didn’t comment. 

“I am sure you do, Sandy. However, I can show you another part of this existence, and I guarantee you will love it.” He said it as though it was a fact. Like there was no possible way she would hate whatever he was going to show her. She was aware of his eyes, those dark, dark eyes, remaining on her as she looked away, and tried to collect her thoughts.

“I can give you a new outlook on life. A new undiscovered way to live.” 

He spoke in such, confident tones, Sandy felt herself believing every word he said. What would it hurt if she had a look at what he was talking about?  She was tired of missing out on a full life.  Silently, she made a vow not to let opportunities pass her by anymore.

“Nothing that will harm me?” 

“The journey might seem bumpy, at first. But I promise, Sandy,” he stood up and offered his hand, “you’ll come out glowing in the end.”

Sandy looked up into his eyes and placed her hand in his. She walked, keeping her eyes glued to his broad back as they picked their way through the tables. He held the door open for her and she finally broke her stare. A black limo sat in front of them. A handsome black man held the door open for her, giving her a flashing smile. 

Sandy stepped into the spacious limo and sat on the seat at the back. Craig slid in beside her. “Now your journey begins,” he smiled mysteriously. 

The promise in that sentence sent shivers down Sandy’s body. She watched him pour two glasses of champagne. “To new experiences. May they enhance our minds and enrich our lives.” He held up his glass.

As Sandy downed the drink her eyes bore into his. He chuckled. “Does it meet your approval?” 

The taste was sweet with only a hint of a bitterness, which she couldn’t quite place. “It’s wonderful.”

Sandy felt the drink spread its way through her body, which started heating. Powerful champagne! 

They rode in silence until the car came to a tall gate,.which slowly opened and, as they drove through, Sandy pressed her face to the window. “Where are we?” 

Craig smiled. “My house.” That was an understatement. This was no 'house'. It was huge. Judging by the windows, Sandy could count sixteen rooms on the front part alone! The driveway wound through well-sculptured landscapes. A fountain stood in the center of the circular driveway in the form of a young woman, naked but for a sheet barely covering her nipples and crotch. One arm was outstretched as if she was personally welcoming Sandy. 

The handsome driver opened the car door and offered his hand to help her out of the car. “Ma’am.”

“Thank you.” She stepped out of the vehicle a little unsurely. 

Craig followed, and held her by the elbow. “Come, and I will show you everything I promised.” 

A beautiful, tall, exotic looking woman opened the door as they neared the entrance. “Welcome home, master.”

‘Master? What the hell?’ Sandy's brain finally started working again as she asked,.“Oh, Craig, what’s this all about?”

His hand pressed on her lower back and pulled her in closer. His first touch on her and it left a heated spot where his hand had been. “Shh, Sandy. All questions will be answered soon.”

They stepped inside and immediately went to the first door on the left. Stepping inside, Sandy found that they were in a barely-lit room, alone.

Craig whispered in her ear, “Go ahead. Remove your clothes.”

Shaken, Sandy looked at him. “Here?” 

Craig looked deep in her eyes. “Yes, Sandy. Here.” 

She knew she should be saying, “Okay. Enough. Never mind. I’m out of here!. Yet the request, the look in his eyes from that handsome face, all allied to that seductive voice, caused a hot throbbing between her legs. As long as he kept looking at her like that, she was helpless.

Her fingers shook as she started unbuttoning her shirt. She shrugged it off and it hit the floor. Craig’s eyes held hers as she unbuttoned her tight-fit jeans and unzipped them, to force them down her legs. Her body was reacting too easily. He did nothing but stare into her eyes, yet it felt like his hands were sliding over her. She could feel her cotton panties grow wet. 

“What are you feeling, Sandy? Tell me.” The softly spoken command floated to her ears. 

 She just didn’t know how to explain this. He'd hardly touched her, yet she could feel her nipples harden. Had there been something in the champagne? “My body feels like it is on fire,” she told him.

“Mmm, do you want to touch yourself, Sandy?”

“Y-yes,” she whispered, finally breaking his gaze. She needed to be touched, but did it have to be her own fingers? 

“Take your bra and panties off now, Sandy.”

How long had she known this hypnotic man, yet she was allowing him to move her into such intimacy?  Craig watched as she  released her bra.  It slid down her arms, leaving her tits standing proudly. Her nipples were large and hard. Oh, God, could he tell they wanted a mouth around them? But his eyes were following her hands as they slid slowly down to push at the waistband of her panties. 

“Do it, Sandy,” he urged when she hesitated over this final revelation. Her panties met her jeans on the floor. “Sit on the chair facing me, Sandy.” 

She quickly did as she was told. Her legs opened almost automatically. Sandy didn’t know what was wrong with her. Again, the thought crossed her mind that she had been drugged. Yet the pressures of her body drove out that thought as soon as it entered. 

“Squeeze your nipples.”

No hesitation, her fingers flew to pinch her nipples. She bit her lip to stop the moan, so aware of Craig watching her that she had to close her eyes as she rubbed and tugged on her nipples.

“No, Sandy... open your eyes. You’ll miss the joys of the new experiences if your eyes are closed. I guess this is no new experience for you, but stay alert.”

Sandy wondered if he noticed that the eyes she fixed on his were now filled with desire. 

That seemed sure when he commanded, “Open your legs wide for me.” Sandy saw him lick his lips as she spread her legs as wide as she could to reveal the pinkness of her pussy. Her clit was pulsating.

“You are close?”

“Yesss,” Sandy breathed. 

“Stick one finger deep inside you, Sandy.” She couldn't avoid crying out as she obeyed.

“No! Don’t fuck yourself yet, Sandy.” 

Sandy whimpered as she looked down at her hand, one finger buried deep inside her. Her inner walls were throbbing hard. 

“Rub your thumb against your clit, Sandy. Continue to do so until I tell you to stop.” He looked satisfied when she immediately started rubbing her clit. How many times had she done this to herself? But, having an audience made it more exciting. She tried to stop her hips from twitching. 

Her jaw trembling, Sandy watched as Craig unzipped his pants and let his large, hard cock stand proudly out from his black slacks. Her eyes widened at the sight of it. Oh, Lord, how she wanted that. Her mouth watered. She had to taste it, suck on it, have it plunge up to her core. She started sliding a finger in and out of her pussy. 

“Sandy!” He reached forward. “When I give you an order, you better listen to me. Do not fuck yourself or I will be forced to have you punished.” 

Punished? That had never been mentioned before. “Sorry. Forgive me, Craig. Please! I just --” 

“Silence! Do you want my dick, Sandy?” 

“Fuck, yes,” she cried out and reached for it. Never before had she been this eager to suck cock. What was going on? How did he have this spell over her?

Craig’s grin was less friendly as he stepped back out of her reach. “You are definitely ready. Would you like me to cum on you, Sandy? Want to feel my hot cum sliding down your body?” 

Sandy’s body shuddered. When such spillage on her belly happened with Alan’s feeble premature ejaculations, Sandy had been horrified. Now she let out a moan and nodded her head wildly. “Oh, yes please, Craig.”

“If I honor you by cumming on you, you will be mine,” he warned. 

His? What does that mean? The thought penetrated her brain. 

“Sandy, do you want to become mine? If I fuck my hand standing over you, and you allow my cum to hit your belly and breast, you’ll be mine. You understand that?”

“Yes. Oh, yes, I’ll be yours.” All thoughts vanished. Her body needed release. 

“Start fucking yourself hard, Sandy.”

Sandy slid two fingers deep inside her pussy, and felt the walls suck at them. She had done this so many times she hardly needed his next demand.  “Keep rubbing your clit, Sandy.” 

He stood up as her pussy started quivering, “Are you mine, Sandy?”

She nodded.

“Sandy, look into my eyes. Say it. Are you mine?” 

She stared up into his eyes. “I am yours, Craig.” 

He grinned an almost cruel grin. “Cum when you feel my cum hit your chest, Sandy.”

He started jerking off above her. She continued working her fingers in her pussy, watching his face. Within minutes she could tell by the dropping of his jaw and the widening of his eyes that he was ready to cum.

 “Look at my cock, Sandy.”  She obeyed as a flashing line of cum shot like an arrow onto her belly and breasts. 

Sandy saw the cum make long tracks over her body, and soon felt the hot liquid slide down her chest. The sight and her own fingers brought on a mini-orgasm, making her gasp.

 Craig had watched his cum sliding down her chest to her pussy, and from somewhere he produced a towel. Sticking it in Sandy’s hand he told her, “Wipe yourself down. It is time.” 

Sandy did as she was told and looked up at him questioningly.  Time for what? she wanted to ask, but the opening of the door on the other side of the room silenced her. Craig led her into a large room, and Sandy was aware of her heart pounding as she took in all the paraphernalia around the place. There was something threatening about the collections of ropes that dangled from the ceiling. No less threatening was what might have been a table or platform covered with a thin mattress, but the rings spaced around the outside edges gave it the look of a sacrificial slab. She frowned when she saw the three sexily dressed women standing in a line.

Although much of the floor was covered by large mattresses, on the left it was tiled and there appeared to be a drainage grate in the centre. Two ropes hung above that section. More and more threatening, she thought, as Craig’s hand guided her towards the three women standing near the covered the centre of the room. They all looked up expectantly. 

Craig stood aside as he said, “This is Sandy. She is with us now.” As Sandy was trying to fathom the meaning of those words, she saw him pick up a bottle of wine from the slab and pour the red contents into five glasses. 

Craig passed a glass to Sandy and each of the three women, who had been viewing Sandy’s naked body with some interest. He held his glass up, and said proudly, “To you, my lovelies.” 

They all smiled, raised their glass and drank their wine in one swallow. Sandy had been wondering about the significance of what the women were wearing. The tops were rather like tight corsets, clinging to each superb figure, and flaring out into a very short skirt. Two wore red and the taller woman, whose look was somewhat more aloof than the others, wore a dark blue top. 

“Drink your wine, Sandy.” Craig’s dark eyes were on her. 

Sandy looked at him and almost refused. But, whatever she was about to experience, it would be better if she had some alcohol in her. She drank nearly all. Her face felt flushed. Not drunk, but she was foggy-minded and her body was heated again. Her pussy was starting to throb.. She drank the last of her wine and wondered if that had been a mistake.

She tried to keep her voice under control as she asked him bluntly, "Has the wine been drugged?"  

Craig gave her a calm smile. “It is only to free your mind. People have pre-set ideas of what is acceptable and what is not. They deny themselves experiences they might enjoy just because they think they are wrong.”

Sandy had to admit It made sense to her. Or at least, it made sense in that moment. 

To the three ladies, Craig suddenly declared, “Get naked, please. Make Sandy feel at home.”

Sandy was not surprised that all three had stunning figures. None were heavily breasted but what did surprise her was the absence of any trace of pubic hair.

Craig held out his arms in a possessive gesture. “This is my world. These are three of my top ladies. There are others scattered about the place. They all have their own room and they are all my sex slaves. And you, my horny little bitch, you are my newest slave.”

“No.” Sandy shook her head, trying to break through the fog filling her mind. 

“Soon you’ll have a red uniform like Tina and Fran were wearing. Beau is my leader, she has blue. You already promised your service to me, Sandy.”

“Never,” she cried as she started backing away. All three women stepped in rapidly to grab and hold her. Their bare skin against hers was troubling.

“I am afraid so, Sandy. Remember in the other room? When I came on your breasts?” Craig’s eyes bore into hers. 

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Her own words , Yes. Oh,yes. I’ll be yours, came hauntingly back to her.

“Please. I didn’t want this.”  

Craig laughed. “I think you do. You will. You wanted to see another part of the world. This is my part of it. You will, eventually, love the freedom my world gives you.”

 “Nooo! Please don’t do this! I don’t want to be anyone’s sex slave.” She tried pulling away from the women. It was no use.  

Craig laughed. “Look at your nipples, Sandy. You are already aroused, and we haven’t even started yet.”

Sandy was shocked when the one called Beau reached round and a finger rubbed roughly over her left nipple, making an appreciative, “Mmm,” sound and smacking her lips.

Then Craig chuckled, and half turned away. “I’ll take a little rest. You know my cum is the only part of me that has touched her. Greater pleasure is near.”

Sandy’s eyes glared at Craig. “Please don’t do this to me, Craig.” She was aware of her three captives tensing as Craig strode over to stand in front of her, his eyes dark and fathomless.

 “You address me only as Master from this moment.”

Fearfully, she thought he was going to strike her, but he turned to Beau and told her, “Total cleansing, and I mean total. Make sure she understands our rules for a happy life.” As he turned away, he added, “And licks but no penetration — with anything.”

Sandy was wondering what that last comment meant when suddenly the three women were frog-marching her to the tiled area. She knew it was useless to struggle. The one called Tina whispered, “Never forget the ‘Master’ name.”

Sandy only struggled when Beau’s fingers began squeezing one nipple. As she looked at the tall woman’s grinning face, she was told, “The best is yet to come.”     

Cool tiles under her feet, she heard Beau order the other two, “Hold her.” And Sandy watched her bend and felt a padded strap being attached to her ankle and onto a ring in the floor. When her other ankle was pulled to be shackled almost a metre away, Sandy realised that her legs were spread as wide as they had been on that chair when Craig had watched her finger herself.

Her two captives had pulled her wrists together as Beau, a little smirk creasing her vivacious face, confronted her, stroked a finger over one breast, and murmured, “You do have nice tits.” She then fastened one of the ropes hanging from the ceiling to the padded links holding her wrists.

 Beau pulled gently on the rope and, within seconds, Sandy found her bound wrists being raised above her head. Had she ever been in a more vulnerable position? Her mind was a torment of fear, exasperation -- and deep desire for Craig. Her lower belly churned for fulfilment.

A grinning Fran stepped in front of her. “We all had to go through this, but ooh, it’s so worth it.”

Tina came around to face her. Her breasts were the smallest of all of them, yet they had a delightful shapel. Sandy couldn’t imagine why she should be thinking about that, as Tina showed similar breast interest when she said, “Having your arms stretched up like this might flatten your tits but it can’t spoil those nipples.” The narrowed tip of her tongue showed for just a moment, as though about to lick..

 Beau broke in at this point, as she said, “The master asked for cleanliness. Let’s do it.” Her blue eyes rested on Sandy’s face for a moment. “He has a fixation on purity. We must shower and douche ourselves as many as six times a day. Now it’s your turn –" she gave a knowing glance at her companions, ”with extras.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Tina said.

“You might enjoy it yourself,” Fran added.

Sandy had been about to frame a question when she saw that Beau was holding a hose with a small shower head on the end. Without delay, a spray of water hit her belly. Sandy flinched, but the water was pleasantly warm, and got better as it was moved up over her breasts.

Beau’s face became very intense as she lowered the spray head so it was pointing up between Sandy's  thighs directly onto her pussy. She was shocked to admit to herself how exquisite that felt.

Even more surprisingly delightful was when Tina and Fran began to run their soaped hands over her breasts and belly, while Beau moved behind her and water ran down her back and into the crack between her buttocks. But it was the soothing hands of the two other women that were driving her mad. Sandy had never been caressed by another woman, but these hands that slid expertly over and around her breasts and nipples, seemed to be igniting her skin, and when Tina’s soaped fingers slid over her pussy lips she moaned out loud, and Tina said, “Yes, keep that up. The master knows a faked orgasm and will punish it.”

“Yes,” Fran took up the advice, “but when you have an orgasm with him, and you will, he insists on hearing it vocalised.” She paused, and as though recalling some earlier experience, added fervently, “Oh, yes.”

Sandy suddenly jerked as Beau’s fingers groped between her buttock cheeks and one finger probed her tight anus opening, around and deep, hurting at first, but then, just as Sandy sensed a feeling of pleasure, the finger was withdrawn. After a final spray back there, Beau came to face her as she said, “That part of you the master is most particular about. He might not get there today, but he will.”

She pointed the spray at Sandy's breasts, clearing away the soap. Then Beau set the hose down, took a hold on the rope that bound Sandy’s wrists, and said, “Final major purge. Right, ladies.”

Sandy’s skin was glowing, and she had little doubt that the moistening in her pussy had nothing to do with the spray. Had she so easily responded to the stroking of the women? Tina and Fran had bent to her ankles, while Beau appeared to be about to haul on the rope. Stretching her further? Sandy held her breath.

As the two freed her ankles, Beau pulled on the rope, and for a brief second, Sandy was suspended by her arms. But Tina and Fran each took a leg over a shoulder so that her lower body was raised level with their shoulders. The two ladies stood well apart so that Sandy’s pussy was stretched as wide as it had ever been.

Puzzled, she looked to where Beau was turning from a small cupboard. In her hand she was holding — a razor. Sandy tried to struggle as Tina rubbed soap over her bush. There could be no doubt. Oh, God, not her black triangle. Sandy had always felt that it set off her nakedness. She didn't want to lose it.

“Stop struggling,” Beau warned, “I don’t want to give you an extra slit.”

The two women supporting her chuckled. Sandy had to admit that Beau’ was extremely gentle, and the occasional touch on her labia was not unpleasant. Job completed, Beau stepped back and Sandy glanced down to see the bare mound. It was like losing a revered pet.

After a quick spray with the hose, Sandy’s feet were lowered to the ground, and all three women rubbed her body with thick towels until her skin was dry and tingling. She was then lifted and carried to the centre slab and was surprised to be laid across the width of it so that her legs dangled as they were tied wide apart again. Her head almost hung over the other edge. She was totally accessible and now she thought she could guess why. Not totally correct, she soon discovered..

Beau ordered Fran to get the bowl and sponges, a request that really kept Sandy guessing. She underwent attention that she soon feared might change her whole outlook on life. As Beau fastened her arms wide along the edge of the slab, Tina lay right over her, took her left nipple into her mouth and began sucking. Sandy’s body gave an involuntary heave. Surely she should be finding this unnatural, but it was good to feel those lips on her.

Pressures rose deep inside her, and were due to increase when Fran returned, put down the bowl she had been sent for, and then asked Beau, “Prepare her?”

“Of course,” Beau replied, moving behind Sandy’s head.

Tina was now tonguing her other nipple and Fran bent to bury her face between Sandy’s thighs. Sandy could not restrain the grunt of shock — or was it pleasure? — as Fran’s tongue raked between her pussy lips.

No, no, no! She shouldn’t be feeling like this, she thought as the tongue nestled against her swelling clit. This was not the way she had expected it. She had longed for Craig’s hot cock, but this — this might drive her along a different road.

That was the moment that she became aware of Beau’s thighs on either side of her head. Sandy was looking up into the glistening pink of Beau’s pussy, lowering toward her face. Oh, hell, this trapped, excited, eager sensation, was so cruel.

“Go on, lick me, tongue me.”

There was little choice since Beau was almost sitting on her face. There was a tongue at Sandy’s pussy and it was setting her on fire. That tongue was setting an example that Sandy might follow. Tentatively, as Beau pressed down and urged her on, Sandy presented her tongue to the clit above her.

Beau let out a grunting moan as she said, “Oh, yes, you could qualify for the club. Oh, you fucking bitch, do it, do it.”    

Sandy knew she was near an orgasm in this frantic surrender, but at that moment Fran called out, “Soaked down here. One very wet pussy.”

Immediately, Beau moved away, “Have to give you over to the Master. Pity, but time is no problem. Sponges, Fran.”

Sandra's breasts, her lips, and her pussy, were given firm wipes, cleaning her parts that had been so recently in action.

Somewhere a bell rang, and from her restrained position, Sandy saw Beau nod to her two companions. The two moved away from the slab at the same time as a door opened on the opposite wall, and he was there, Craig, her Master, in light blue pants, tall and so handsome, his muscled chest bare. Sandy turned her head to watch him walk into the room.

All she had been subjected to with these women was forgotten as her eyes lingered on his chest and down at the front of his pants. Fran and Tina hurried towards him and he made a downward gesture with his hand. This was clearly a sign that both women understood, for they immediately worked at his belt and lowered his pants. Sandy’s breath caught in her throat as his semi-erect cock, which she so desired, came into view.

Even less than full, it looked so big, so desperately needed despite her confused emotions. Surely, this was why she was here. This was the different world that he had promised her.

First, Craig looked towards Beau and asked, “Totally clean?”

“Totally, Master.”

“Suitably ready.”

“Soaking,” Beau told him with a confident smile.

Fran and Tina knelt at his feet and began to stroke his fantastic rod. Sandy, swamped with jealousy, watched it rise like some monster torpedo. More so when two tongues began to lick up and down its length. Hands grabbed at his balls, massaging them, and Craig closed his eyes for a moment, clearly enjoying the attention.

Sandy could only watch, wishing that she had that cock within her grasp. Then, with one determined move, Craig pushed the two aside and strode towards the plinth where Sandy lay. He was soon standing between her spread thighs. He seemed so tall as he looked down at her, his large cock standing erect. Sandy’s hungry eyes roamed over it, taking in the bulbous purple head and the fascinating shape of such a mighty cock.

“You want this in you, don’t you, Sandy?”

“Yes, I want your cock so much.” Beyond him, she could just see Fran and Tina, lying on the floor where Craig had pushed them. Their hands and mouths were in constant motion, caressing each other’s breasts, poking and tonguing at pussies, sucking at nipples. Quite apart from her desperate need for Craig’s cock, the sight caused Sandy to start speculating. Would all of this be part of Craig’s world? Is this what she would want?

“You want to suck it, do you?” Craig’s voice broke into her muddled thoughts.  

“Oh, yes, anything.”

“What do you call me?”

“Master, oh, yes Master.”

“So, ask me.”

“Please, Master. fuck me.” 

“You know you must always obey me?”

“I know that, Master”

His dark eyes held hers as he said, “So, when I enter you I want to feel your walls pressing my cock and your hips lifting to respond to my thrusts. Can you do that?”

Sandy had no doubt about what she could do when she received that cock, and she told him, “Anything, Master, anything that pleases you.”

“Good,” he growled and within seconds he was leaning over her, and his marvellous cock that she had longed for all evening, thrust deep along her desperate channel, up and up, and Sandy was so shaken with the sheer joy of it, her first orgasm hit almost immediately. As her skin seemed to burst into flame and her whole body exploded, she could not repress the words that burst from her lips.

“Oh yes, fuck me. Split me. Burst my cunt. Fuck me. Harder. Give me your cum. Splash it into this eager cunt. Fuck me.”

She heard Craig’s gruff laugh as he kept on pounding into her. “That’s what I’m doing, and I’m squeezing your delightful tits. Cum again.”

As this wonderful log, this mighty shaft, continued thrusting, Sandy was breathing more rapid. She remembered that he had asked for her hips to move and she pushed up against each stroke his cock made up into her cunt.

Craig’s movements were harder and deeper, and as Sandy sensed another orgasm, she had enough awareness to hear Craig start to moan as well. He reached a point when his body stiffened and Sandy, already so close, felt his cock pulsating inside of her, followed by the feeling of his warm juices mingling with her own. That was sufficient to set her away on a second, ecstatic, delirious outburst of cries, “I’m cumming. Fuck. Fuck. Fill my cunt.”

It was so wonderful to feel his body respond to her. She waited for his cock to limp out of her, but that didn’t happen. Yes, he withdrew his steaming cock, but it remained solid.

Surprised, she felt Craig sliding his body up over hers, leaving a wet trail over her belly and breasts until his steaming pole was at her lips. ”Can you take this?”

In her euphoric state, Sandy didn’t even have to consider the slimy rod she was opening up to. Her lips eagerly closed around it, and as she began sucking avidly, she was only vaguely aware of the taste of her own and of Craig’s juices.

“I do not want to cum in your mouth. Don’t make me.”

A little disappointed that she couldn’t show her gratitude in this way, Sandy continued to suck on his hardness, occasionally having it bulge out her cheeks. Craig’s hands had reached back to squeeze and stroke her breasts. But his face was well above hers, as Sandy felt a tongue lapping at the fluids streaming out of her pussy. How could that be? The other question that fed her curiosity was, how had Craig cum in her cunt yet remained hard enough to be filling her mouth?

This was such an avid tongue, eager and wild as it slurped and caressed at the same time, almost bringing her to yet another orgasm. It was only when Craig drew back his cock from her mouth and began sliding back down her body that she had a brief glimpse of Beau’s naked body moving away to one side. Such a strange world she was in. 

 But now, Craig had slammed his hungry cock deep and hard into her willing cunt. This time his movements, his vigour, his vitality were so eager that she was immediately caught up in his pounding, and within seconds they were yelling their mutual joy, with words that would have shocked a maiden aunt. So much pleasure, Sandy was thinking, as Craig slowly pulled out, wiped his cock, and stood over her.

“How did you stay hard, Master?“

He grinned. “I cheated,” he said casually, before asking, “Who is my grand new, brand new sex slave?”

Willingly she had to admit, “I am, Master.”

He leaned over her and she saw his cock limp but well used, as he unfastened the bonds that held her. He turned to where Beau stood with a rather smug look on her face, and he told her, “Take her to her apartment and give her the uniform. Then show her the dining area.”

“Yes, Master. She performed well for you.”

“She did indeed.” And he began to walk away.

As he did, Beau whispered to Sandy, “And tasted rather good too.” The smile on her face when she said it, was friendly.

Craig had stepped into his pants when he turned back and said, “Let’s pick this up again in about three hours. Make sure you are clean again. There are parts of you I haven’t been to.”

And Sandy knew for certain then that she was right for Craig’s kind of world.







Written by redwriter34
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