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Rope Marks: Part Two of Three

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Cyra was filled with mixed emotions as she made her way back to the bar to meet Jake. She wondered if he would sense that she had engaged in a sexual act mere moments ago. “A very satisfying and intense sexual act,” she coyly grinned and thought to herself.

As she pulled her hair back and tied it in a ponytail, the thought of being alone with Jake filled her belly with a flutter. She liked Jake; she was very sexually attracted to him. He was tall, handsome, and had a great physique. The thought of fucking him later that evening made her pussy tingle. Her cheeks grew hot and her throat grew tight as guilt washed over her. She could never tell Jake of her dirty little adventure with the imposing, handsome, well dressed, older man. Cyra was never one to keep secrets. The few times that she had, it had always weighed heavy on her mind.

She took a deep breath and tried to clear her mind. She would sort out her emotions after the weekend. Cyra had her final CMA exam to write on Saturday afternoon. She had studied long and diligently and was very confident that she would ace the exam. It would be an early night for her and Jake. He wouldn’t spend the night with her but; she was looking forward to fucking him for a few hours.

Cyra sat down at the bar where the near empty glass of wine was silently reserving her seat. The bartender approached her and asked if she was ready for another drink. She politely nodded and smiled.

Jake spotted Cyra at the bar and walked up behind her. He covered her eyes with his hands and whispered in her ear, “Guess who?”

Cyra laughed and replied, “It better be Brad Pitt or I’m calling the cops.”

Jake laughed, slid his hands to Cyra’s shoulders and kissed her cheek. “You nervous about the exam?” he asked as he sat in the chair next to her.

“Nope,” Cyra smiled, “I’ve studied hard and feel good.” She leaned towards Jake and kissed him passionately on his lips.

“Mmm,” Jake grinned, “You want to leave now? I can pick up a bottle of wine and we can cab it straight to your place.”

Cyra chuckled and whispered, “Is someone horny?”

Jake rubbed Cyra’s leg and replied, “I’m always horny, especially when you are part of the equation.” He winked and asked, “So? Wanna split now?”

Cyra stared at Jake and coyly replied, “Maybe.” Cyra hoped that Jake would be more assertive in his attempt and method to convince her to leave.

Jake huffed and waved at the bartender. “Okay, Cy. Let me know when you’re ready to leave. It’s been a while since we were alone.”

Disappointed, Cyra gave Jake a weak smile and nodded her head. “Okay, baby. I will.”

Jake didn’t hear her reply. The bartender placed a glass of wine in front of Cyra and took the empty glass, as Jake ordered a beer from the bartender.

It struck Cyra funny that she had never noticed how inattentive Jake was. Her mind flashed back to how when I looked at her, she sensed that my focus and attention was only on her. When I looked at her, she was self-conscious of her every action and reaction. Not in an uncomfortable manner, in fact, it was the exact opposite of uncomfortable. It soothed and reassured her on some level. There was no doubt in her mind that she was part of and belonged in the moment. She could feel my eyes on her.

“Jake!” a voice called out from behind her.

They both turned around to see one of Jake’s co-workers waving them both over to a table next to the patio where he was seated with a group of people.

“Cool!” Jake exclaimed. “C’mon Cy, wanna join Billy and the marketing team? They’re a blast.”

Jake’s father was a senior executive at the bank Jake worked at and had used his influence to secure his son a management position in the bank’s marketing department.

Cyra smiled and replied, “Sure. But it has to be an early night. I got the exam tomorrow.”

Jake stood up with his beer in hand and replied, “Promise, Cy. One drink with them and we’re outta here.” He leaned towards her and whispered, “I’m so fucking horny, baby.”

Cyra knew better. It’s never just one drink with Jake and his friends. They would end up closing the bar, and probably come close to depleting its liquor stock of Tequila. She mingled and engaged in polite conversation with Jake's friends. She had met them all on previous occasions. Except for the busty redhead, Rhonda, who was seated next to Billy, the director of the marketing team. Rhonda was a new hire and very popular with the men. Short, tight skirts and a whole lot of cleavage on display made her very popular. Jake made no attempt to be discrete when he stared at Rhonda’s breasts when he spoke to her. His glaring at an impressive set of tits didn’t bother Cyra. The fact that he ignored her from the moment they joined his friends, did. When Cyra had finished her glass of wine, she asked Jake if he was ready leave.

“Nonsense,” Billy laughed out loud to Cyra asking Jake to leave, “We haven't started on the Tequila yet.”

Jake wrapped his arm around Cyra and said, “One shot of Tequila. It's a tradition. Then we'll go.”

Cyra huffed and stood up from her chair, “I'm sorry, I have to leave. You can stay with your friends, Jake. I really need to be clear headed tomorrow.”

“You sure, babe?” Jake asked with a lack of sincerity.

“I'm sure, Jake,” Cyra smiled to hide her disappointment. She kissed Jake and said good bye to his friends.

Jake stood for the table and announced, “I’m getting a cab for Cy, don’t start on the Tequila without me.”

Cyra and Jake left the table. Jake put his arm around Cyra’s waist, pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “Can I get a blow job before you go, babe? I’ll sneak in to the women’s bathroom with you.” He slid his hand down Cyra’s back and grabbed her ass.

Cyra pushed Jake away and looked at him in disbelief. “Really, Jake? Go back to your friends. I am more than capable of getting home by myself.”

“What?” Jake spread his arms out as he asked the question. “You said you wanted me to be more aggressive with you.”

Cyra calmly replied and fought the urge to roll her eyes, “Assertive. Not aggressive. I said I find assertiveness in a man sexy, Jake.”

Jake smiled and replied as he grabbed Cyra by her shoulders and pulled her close, “Same difference. Now kiss me. Call me when you’re done with your exam, and we’ll fuck.”

Cyra kissed Jake and walked away without replying. There was a line of taxis parked on the street in front of the bar. Cyra made her way to the first taxi in the line and stopped to look back at bar. She had a clear view of the table she had just left. Rhonda had switched seats; she was sitting in the chair Cyra had vacated, next to Jake. With one elbow on the table, Rhonda was in a position with her torso facing Jake. Her bent arm was pressed tight against the side of her breast, making its flesh swell and spill out of the bra’s cup. Jake whispered something in Rhonda’s ear. Rhonda threw her head back and flipped her hair as she laughed much too loud and much too long.

Cyra was hurt by what she had just witnessed, but she wasn’t surprised. Although she was not in a serious relationship with Jake, it disappointed her that he had chosen his friends over her. And it hurt her to watch Jake flirt with the redhead. They did, after all, have plans for that evening to be together.

When Cyra was inside her small one bedroom apartment, she kicked off her stilettos as she locked the door and went straight to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As she waited for the water to come to a boil, she went to her bedroom, stepped out of her tube-dress, and pulled a t-shirt over her head. The body of the t-shirt was extra-long; it covered the top half her thighs and was very comfortable to lounge in and to sleep in.

The high pitched whistle of the boiling water snapped her back in to the moment. She was grateful for the sound. It stopped her from thinking about Jake and Rhonda flirting at the bar.

Cyra tossed a tea bag in her mug, poured the boiling water into the mug and made her way to her bedroom to sit in her favorite chair and look out the large bay window that framed the park across the street. She tucked her legs under her body and leaned back in the chair. She blew across the surface of the hot tea and took a small sip.

Unthinking, she reached for her cell phone, found my number and placed a call. “Hello,” I answered.

My voice snapped her out of the day dream like state and she panicked at what she had unconsciously done. She pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at its screen in horror. “Fuck!” I heard Cyra call out and the line went dead.

Cyra wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear. “Please don’t call back! Please don’t call back!” she repeated with eyes shut tight and hoping no sound would come from her cell phone.

I called Cyra back, to make sure she was alright. She tried to ignore the incoming call. By the fourth ring, she had to answer and try to explain why she called me and hung up.

“Hello.” Her voice was tight and strained.

“Is everything okay, Cyra?” I asked.

After a short silence she cleared her throat and replied, “Yes, I’m fine. Sorry. I didn’t realize that I had called you. I guess I’m a bit nervous about my final CMA exam, tomorrow. My mind is wandering.”

“Have you put in enough hours of studying?” I asked.

I heard Cyra take a deep breath and exhale. Her voice was less strained when she replied, “Yes. I’m very confident that I’ll ace it. Sorry for disturbing you, Gil.”

“No bother at all, Cyra. May I ask why you are employed at a coffee shop? It’s no easy feat to earn a CMA designation.”

Cyra leaned back in her chair and replied, “Your voice soothes me. It’s the craziest thing, Gil. As to my job at Starbucks, I work part time at an accounting firm. I need the extra income from the coffee shop to keep up with my bills. Toronto is an expensive city to live in. I have a few full-time prospects available to me after I pass the exam.”

“I’m impressed with your ambition and discipline, Cyra. I wish you luck.”

Cyra chuckled and replied, “Thank you. I’ll let you enjoy the start of your weekend. Sorry for disturbing you.”

“Good night Cyra. And good luck tomorrow.”

Cyra was tempted to tell me that the way I say her name excites her. And when she thinks of me she gets instantly wet. Instead, she bit her lip and said, “Good night, Gil.”

She placed her phone on the window sill and settled into the pillows on the chair. She slid one leg from underneath her body and placed her foot on the carpeted floor. Cyra closed her eyes and slid one hand up her thigh, under her t-shirt and traced the slit of her pussy with her fingertips. The amount of moisture between her legs slightly shocked her. After all, she had had an orgasm a few hours ago. She was dripping wet, again. When she gently rubbed the hood of her clit with a single fingertip, electrical shocks shot up into her belly.

“Fuck,” she gasped.

She squeezed her legs together and trapped her probing finger between her thighs. Slowly, she increased the pressure she was applying to her clit. Without increasing the rhythm with which she stroked it. She closed her eyes and moaned as the pleasure she was giving herself increased and brought her closer to an orgasm.

Cyra let out a short, high pitched scream as she remembered the roughness with which I had made her cum a few hours ago. “When you're with me, you’ll be free to exist only as my whore.” My words from earlier in the day rumbled in her ears. Cyra clawed at her pussy just as I had. She came on her hand. Her insides trembled and her skin tingled long after the last wave of her orgasm had ebbed.

She closed her eyes, curled up in her chair, caught her breath and drifted off to sleep.

Cyra woke at seven-thirty in the morning to the sound of her cell phone’s alarm.

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She smiled when she realized she had slept through the night in the chair. She stretched and yawned before she reached for her phone to turn off the alarm.

She took a long, hot shower, got dressed and made her way to the Hilton - Toronto, where she would write the CMA exam. Cyra had planned to have breakfast at the hotel and read over what she had studied one last time.

She was among the first to complete the exam. She smiled and thanked the professor as she handed the exam in.

Cyra was confident that she had scored high enough to be in the top ten of the group. She called Jake to inform him that she was on her way home.

Jake answered her call in a sleepy, slurry voice.

Cyra cheerfully informed him, “I’m done. I know I aced it! I’m on my way home, meet me there and we’ll celebrate.”

Jake moaned, “I’m sorry babe. I’m so fucking hungover. Too much Tequila last night. Maybe tomorrow?”

Cyra’s gut twisted in to tight knots when she heard Rhonda’s voice whisper to Jake, “Is that Cyra?”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to ease the sudden pounding in her head. “Okay, Jake. Maybe tomorrow.” She stared blankly at her phone’s screen. Jake had ended the call without saying good bye to her.

Cyra headed home. She fought back tears as she stared at her reflection in the subway train’s window as it sped noisily along in the dark tunnel on its tracks. Her thoughts turned to how Jake had, time and time again, treated her as an afterthought. He came from a life of privilege. He had no idea what it meant to have to work hard to earn even the smallest of things.

Cyra closed her eyes and rested her head against the window. Guilt washed over her as her thoughts turned to me. What was so different between Jake fucking Rhonda and her wanting to fuck me? She had allowed a complete stranger to bring her to orgasm in an underground parking lot. She had begged the complete stranger to allow her to be his whore.

I’m a hypocrite and a shitty girlfriend,” Cyra thought to herself.

The train slowed down and came to a stop. Cyra opened her eyes and realized that she had missed her station. She exited the train and made her way to the street. It was a warm, sunny spring afternoon, a perfect day for a walk to help clear her head. It was also a perfect afternoon to have spent in bed and fuck the day away with Jake. Cyra took a deep breath, forced a smile, and made her way home. She stopped at the liquor store and purchased a bottle of, 2010 Fontanafredda Barolo, as a treat to herself.

She kicked off her shoes, stripped out of her skirt, blouse, bra and panties as soon as she had locked her apartment door, and headed for her bedroom. She jumped on her bed and rolled onto her back. Cyra smiled at knowing she would soon be able to start a life. She had worked very hard to be where she was. Soon, she would have a full time position and begin to make plans for the next stage of her life, with or without Jake in the picture.

Cyra crossed her ankles and lifted her arms over her head. She was proud and content at what she had accomplished in the four years that she had resided in Toronto, since moving away from a small town in Northern Ontario. Her smile broadened when she realized the thought of Jake and Rhonda fucking didn’t stir any sort of feeling in her.

Everything suddenly felt new again to Cyra, and she decided not to fight the feeling, or, to look too far into the future.

“A new beginning deserves a new lover,” Cyra said out loud.

A tingle flared in her clit and slowly spread a warm and itchy feeling into her belly. The memory of my rough touch excited her. Her fingers trembled as she rolled onto her side and reached for her phone on her night table.

She placed a call to me and held her breath.

“Hello Cyra,” I answered her call.

Cyra sensed the grin on my face as she replied, “Gil, how are you?” and lay back onto the bed.

“I am well, Cyra. How do you think you did on your exam?”

“I am certain I will score in the top ten percent,” she proudly replied.

“Congratulations, Cyra.”

“Thank you, Gil.” Her throat tightened as she gathered the nerve to ask if I was free to visit her. “I am alone tonight and was wondering, I mean, if you don’t have plans of course, would you like to come over and share a bottle of wine with me?”

“I would gladly have accepted your invitation, Cyra, if I didn't have a previous engagement to attend. I am invited to a dinner party. A close and dear friend is celebrating a birthday.”

Cyra sighed, “Some other time. It was selfish of me to ask at the last minute.”

“I don’t think you are being selfish. Are you available tomorrow, Cyra?” I asked.

“I will make myself available to you, Gil,” she replied, her voice was husky.

My cock twitched. “Good. I’ll text you my address. If I can’t wait until tomorrow evening, Cyra, I’ll visit you after the dinner party, tonight. I want you available to me, tonight, also.”

Cyra felt a pounding in her ears, as she replied, “Yes, Gil. Thank you.” The slight quiver in her voice made my cock swell and shift in my pants.

“Do not masturbate while you wait for me. If I decide to visit you later, you will be naked when you answer your door,” I calmly ordered.

Cyra shut her eyes and replied, “Whatever you want and however you want me.”

I ended the call.

A few minutes past midnight, Cyra answered the knock on her door. She stood naked and breathing hard before me. Her nostrils flared with each breath she inhaled. I entered her small apartment and shut the door behind me. Our bodies were inches apart. Cyra leaned forward and pressed her breast against me. I grabbed both her wrists, slid them around her waist to the small of her back and pulled her to me.

“What do you need, Cyra?” I softly growled at the trembling, naked, beauty.

She swallowed and licked her lips but did not reply to my question. I pulled her closer to me and lifted her wrists to the middle of her back, her elbows bent and her shoulders twisted to the point of resistance. Cyra grimaced and inhaled deep through clenched teeth at the heat growing in her bent and twisted joints. The air hissed into her mouth as she took the breath. Still, she did not reply. I grinned at her and Cyra turned her head to avert my stare.

“As you wish, whore,” I snarled and walked her into the kitchen. I shoved her ass against the small counter top of the sink. A wine glass and an open bottle of wine on the counter shook from the force of Cyra’s body crashing against the edge of the counter.

I released her wrists, spun her around and kneaded her firm ass cheeks. Cyra moaned, parted her legs and leaned forward with both her palms placed flat on the counter's surface for support. She offered her ready to be fucked pussy to me. She shivered when I slid my hand over her pussy, and moaned as my hand left her dripping slit and slid down her leg to the back of her knee. I lifted her left leg and placed her knee on the counter. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pushed her face onto the counter.

I grabbed the wine bottle and skimmed it slowly down the back of her neck, down her spine and rested its throat on the opening of her pussy. Cyra trembled with anticipation. What I was providing her was what she had ached to experience. To be taken however her lover wanted. To have no say in what dirty things that would be done to her body. The thought of being fucked with a wine bottle almost made Cyra come. Her pussy clenched tight and her belly fluttered. The coolness of the bottle felt heavenly against her hot slit. Cyra silently prepared herself for the hard glass to stretch and fill her insides. She relaxed her pussy muscles and exhaled slowly.

I twisted the bottle against her slick opening, teasing Cyra, allowing the need to have her pussy filled intensify. I brushed her hair way from the side of her face. I wanted to observe her facial expressions as they morphed from suffering to ecstasy.

Without warning, I pushed the entire length of the bottle’s neck deep inside Cyra. The bottle’s shoulder came to rest, in a perfect circle, against Cyra’s stretched opening. She gasped and clenched her jaw at the sudden invasion.

“Shhh,” I snarled at her. “You have to take much more than this to please me, Cyra.”

Cyra sensed my eyes on her face; she shifted her wide open eyes to meet my gaze. I pulled the bottle out of her pussy slowly and pushed it back inside her just as slow. When I felt resistance, I pushed the bottle with more force and penetrated her a little bit deeper. Cyra grimaced and whimpered at the burning sensation between her legs. Her pussy was stretched wider than she had ever experienced.

“I am going to stretch your pussy a little bit more, Cyra, and will not pull the bottle out of you until you come.”

She gasped and tried to blink away the tears that filled her eyes. Cyra moaned as I pushed the bottle deeper into her. Her body began to shake; she let out a long, loud wail as her orgasm began. Her pussy clenched, I pulled the bottle out of her and pressed my hips against hers, to keep her from collapsing to the floor as her body shook uncontrollably. When she stopped her groaning and shaking, I grabbed her by the hair and stood her up to face me. Her face, neck and the top of her chest was flushed a deep red.

“You suffer with such a rare, delicate, and almost breathtaking beauty, Cyra,” I growled.

Cyra shivered at my words. I lifted the bottle of wine to my mouth and licked her cum off its neck. I grinned and took a swig of wine. I kept the fruity, dry liquid in my mouth. I snapped Cyra’s head back and lowered my lips to hers. She opened her mouth and I spilled the wine from mouth into hers. Cyra swallowed the wine with one gulp to sate her thirst.

I pushed her down onto her knees, unzipped my pants and freed my cock. She smiled and reached for my fully erect cock with both her hands. She gripped it tight and pulled the skin back, fully exposing my throbbing, swollen, purple head.

Cyra grinned, looked up at me and whispered, “My soft lips gliding over the head of your cock, slowly, ever so fucking slowly?”

“Yes,” I growled.

Cyra licked her lips and placed them on the tip of my cock. She slid her lips slowly over the head of my cock. When her lips slid over its ridge, she pulled her head back slowly until her lips reached the tip. She placed a gentle kiss on my cock and slid her lips achingly slow over the head of my cock.

“Fuuuck!” I growled as a shiver ran up my spine and my balls tightened.

Cyra continued to concentrate on how slow her lips were gliding over my twitching cock’s head. Her eyes were locked on my face, observing the pleasure she was providing me with her mouth. I grabbed Cyra’s head with both my hands, to steady myself, when I couldn’t contain the pressure that had built up at the base of my cock any longer. I grunted, Cyra kept still, the corners of her mouth curled in a satisfied smile and as my cum filled her mouth. When I stopped twitching between her lips, she swallowed my seed.

Cyra licked my cock clean, tucked it back into my pants and pulled up the zipper. She pulled out a chair from the small kitchen table and motioned for me to sit in it. When I was seated, she sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. I placed a hand on the top of her thigh and gently caressed her skin. Cyra moaned when my fingers slid over the indentation on the top of her thigh where the edge of the counter top had left its mark.

She looked down at the top of her thigh and smiled, “I think that’s one of my favorite things after sex, looking at and touching any marks on my flesh. I haven’t experienced that as often as I would like to, unfortunately. One of my favorite ways to masturbate is to press my breasts hard against my bed’s headboard. I love touching and looking at the deep mark it leaves across my breasts.”

I grinned at what Cyra had confessed to me. “Be at my condo, at seven, tomorrow.”


Written by Gil_Renard
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