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Room 369

""For the next hour you are, my dear Naomi. You. Are. My. Slut.""

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Naomi did her best to pay attention during the deathly dull induction. How much health and safety could there be for changing sheets and towels, emptying bins and replenishing the complimentary toiletries? At 23 I've been doing this for a few years now, Naomi thought, But crappy as this job was, she needed it, so tried to concentrate. With no work for months, bills to pay and kids to feed, she was desperate for the money. The Leafy Park Hotel was, with over two hundred rooms, conference centre, a la carte restaurant and leisure spa, was one of the biggest employers in the county. There were more opportunities beyond room maid, and hopefully if she kept her head down and worked hard, she could be in line for one of those better jobs.

The most important directions that Ms Thorne had imparted was concerning entering guests' rooms. There was a slight tension, Ms Thorne said, in that not all guests who wanted their rooms cleaned always put the "Please Clean Our Room" tag on the door handle. If they didn't want to be disturbed, then sure enough, they would put the red "Don't Clean Our Room" tag out. But often, when they wanted their room cleaned, they just assumed it would be done. So, later in the day, there would be dozens of calls down to reception asking why the room hadn't been cleaned. So, the protocol for when there was no tag at all was to knock, wait ten seconds, then knock again and call out. If no reply, then enter cautiously, calling out again just to be sure. Seemed sensible and simple enough.

"And finally, here's your uniform," said Ms Thorne as she held out a polythene-covered package. Far from the sexy stereotype of maid's costume her friends had been ribbing her about, the uniform was polyester tunic and trousers in a rather disgusting shade of maroon. Oh, the glamour!


Two-thirty in the afternoon found Naomi six hours into her first shift, with another two to go. All seemed to be going well, apart from one very hairy moment -- quite literally - as she had surprised a rather hirsute businessman having a bit of a bop in nothing but towel and headphones.

Pushing her large trolley that held fresh towels and toiletries, and a bin for dirty towels, she approached Room 369. No tag. Naomi knocked, waited, knocked again, and called out. Nothing. She swiped her pass card and opened the door carefully.

"Hello," she called out, "Room service. Do you want your towels changed?"

Still nothing. So, she opened the door wider and went inside. The layout of different rooms in the hotel differed, Naomi was learning. Some were grander than others. Room 369 looked grander and bigger than any she had seen so far. There was a wide but short hallway with an armchair, coat hooks and a desk, and straight ahead you could see a big bay window with two more armchairs and a coffee table in front of it.

The rest of the room wasn't visible from the door. Naomi closed the door behind her and, carrying a set of new towels, moved forward quietly. The hallway was no more than ten feet long, and she was soon at the end of it. Peering round the corner, into the main area of the room, Naomi dropped the towels in shock.

The room was dominated by a huge four poster bed, with thick spindled posts in each corner, a canopy, and curtains on each side. What shocked Naomi was that, at the bottom of the bed with her back to her, was a woman tied to the two posts. She was standing, facing the bed, with her arms and legs spread wide. The woman was naked apart from fishnet stockings and tiny panties.

Naomi instinctively left the towels and retreated to the door. Her heart was beating hard as she turned the door handle, eager to escape.

Then something compelled her to stop. She stood with the door ajar, her hand on the handle, for what seemed like ages, even though it was maybe a few seconds. It looked like she had stumbled upon some kinky sex game, but what if it wasn't? What if the woman was in trouble? She had seen no-one else in the bedroom, maybe the woman was stuck somehow, needing help? Gently, she closed the door and tip-toed back towards where the towels lay in a heap on the floor. She peaked around the corner, towards the four-poster bed.

Okay, well, the woman didn't look in any obvious distress; she wasn't struggling to get free or anything like that. Her only movement was that her hips were gyrating slowly. Naomi scanned the rest of the room in case she had missed the presence of another person the first time, but there was no-one. She looked closer at the woman, trying to work out what was going on.

The woman had a leather cuff on each wrist and ankle, and each cuff was tied to a post with black rope that ran through a metal loop on the cuff. The binding around the bedposts looked expertly and carefully tied -- none of this had been done in a hurry.

Naomi's eyes scanned the woman's body next.

The woman was a few inches taller than Naomi's five-foot-seven. Her body was full but firm, her skin tanned evenly all over. Naomi watched her beautiful arse as it swayed slowly, admired the firmness of her thighs and the toned calves. Curly black hair cascaded down the woman's naked back, stopping just short of her round arse cheeks. Then Naomi noticed what looked like ribbon tied tight around the woman's head. She peered a little closer and, as the woman turned her head to one side, could see that she was blindfolded.

From what she could see, Naomi was pretty sure now that the woman was not in danger, that she had been tied up like this quite willingly. There were no signs of struggle or violence. And she seemed, from her vantage point, like she was comfortable enough where she was. Naomi bent down to gather up the towels, ready to leave the room's guest to get on with whatever it was that she, or someone else, was planning. But where was that someone else? There was no way surely that the woman could have tied herself like this, and yet the bedroom was clearly empty apart from her.

Placing the towels down on the hallway armchair, Naomi returned to look at the woman, her curiosity getting the better of her. The room had a thick, lush carpet that made her careful footsteps silent, and as she tip-toed super-carefully across the room, the woman made no movement that indicated she wasn't aware of her presence.

A thought then struck Naomi, and she made her way across the room towards the en suite bathroom. The sliding door was open, and she couldn't hear any running water noises coming from there, but she popped her head in, to double check that it was empty, her heart almost in her mouth. It was. Room 369 contained no-one other than the two of them. Naomi turned carefully to face the bed, now facing the front of the woman. her hand shot to her mouth to suppress a gasp at what she saw.

The woman's full breasts sported a clamp on each nipple, the clamps joined together by a chain. The chain ran upwards, tugging on the large dark nipples, and the woman held the middle of the chain in her mouth, biting on a small sleeve of rubber running over the chain. The length of the chain meant that holding it in her mouth like this was fully stretching those nipples. Naomi marvelled at the way the clamps dug into the aureole of each breast, pulling them upwards. her fascination came in large part as her own nipples were super-sensitive and probably the most erogenous part of her body. She would invariably pull hard on them to make herself cum when masturbating. Unfortunately, none of her handful of lovers to date had discovered her preference for this, or if they had, hadn't cared enough to indulge her by tugging and twisting on them as they fucked.

Naomi was not a prude, and of course was quite aware that nipple clamps existed, but at her age and limited sexual experience, she had never seen them used in real life. As she gazed, transfixed, at the way the clamps stretched the woman's big nipples, her own nipples began to ache, and instinctively she reached up to touch them. They were rock hard, and she could feel her fingers' touch acutely, even through her tunic and bra. She stroked them a little as she stood, mesmerised. Her right hand moved absent-mindedly down between her legs and gave her pussy a gentle squeeze through her trousers.


Suddenly, the woman moaned into that rubber gag, her hips gyrating wildly as she did so. Naomi was shocked out of the daze she had been. Coming to her senses, she realised that she really shouldn't be here, watching the woman like this, and rushed towards the door. Forgetting entirely about the fresh towels she had brought in, she grabbed the door and was outside in the main hallway in seconds. Her breathing was heavy and her heart pounding as she tried to pull herself together. She grasped hold of the large towel trolley, leaning on it for support as her legs felt weak and shaky. She looked up and down the empty hallway and began to push the trolley towards the next room. Starting to recover her composure, she had swiped her pass on the door to Room 373 when she heard a man's voice.

"Er, excuse me Miss, could I have a moment of your time?"

She turned to see a man in his mid- to late forties, dressed smartly in slacks and a jacket, approaching her from the lift lobby.

"Y...yes, of course Sir," she stammered. Another of Ms Thorne's directives was that male guests be addressed as "Sir" and female guests as "Madam" at all times.

Naomi had no idea what the man wanted help with, as he was still halfway down the hallway, but she was eager to help guests and do well in her new job, so she closed the hotel room door and left the trolley outside it and started to walk towards him. As they neared each other, he stopped and swiped his card on his room door. Naomi's heart jumped into her throat -- it was Room 369!

"Um.... wh.... what can I help you with, Sir?" Naomi said as calmly as she could manage. Surely he didn't want her to follow him into the room?

"It won't take a moment, but it is quite important," the man said as he continued into the room.

Naomi stopped just outside the room. She wasn't going in there unless she had to. She waited. Maybe he would come out and continue the conversation there.

Thoughts raced through her head. How likely was it that he wouldn't be expecting to find that woman tied to the bed in there? Maybe he would come out in a state of shock, or maybe he would say thanks to Naomi and close the door, eager to keep that very private scene exactly that, private.

"In here, if you don't mind, Miss," he called from inside the room, For a second, Naomi thought about running. She could make it to the lift lobby and start down the stairs. The guest wouldn't have taken much notice of her appearance, surely, so he would know her any other of the younger maids. But her chance disappeared when he appeared at the door, right in front of her.

He said nothing, but raised his eyebrows in a sharp look, and ushered her in, standing to one side in the corridor, so that as Naomi entered, she was in front of him. Please, please, please don't still be there, she thought as she walked the few steps towards the main room. But the woman was still there, tied to the bedposts, just like before. Naomi heard the door close behind her.

The man breezed past her and calmly released the woman from her bonds. Naomi was astonished at how a simple pull on the ropes running through the looped cuffs allowed the woman to pull her arms and legs free. Just as calmly, the woman removed her blindfold and turned to look at her.

"Pretty," she said matter-of-factly as she squeezed the nipple clamps to remove them, giving the merest of winces as she did so. Grabbing a sheer black robe, she pulled it on and went to sit on one of the armchairs in the bay window, crossing her legs unhurriedly. The man had the TV remote control in his hand. They were both acting as if everything was utterly normal, as if Naomi had simply come to give them a fresh set of shampoo and conditioner miniatures.

"Wh.... what can I do... To help?" Naomi was so utterly confused right now.

"Yes, Exactly," the man said, still concentrating on the TV. He seemed to be trying to get a 'cast' connection between the set and his mobile phone, "Exactly that. What can you do for us?"

Naomi looked from him to the woman, who was looking back at her with a cool, rather unnerving smile.

"Ah, there we are," the man said triumphantly, as a picture appeared on the large TV screen.

The picture on the screen was the hotel room. More specifically, it was of the woman tied to the bedposts, from the front. Her large breasts with the nipple clamps and chain in her mouth were quite clearly visible. Naomi scanned the room and instantly spotted a device on the bedside table, on the other side of the bed. The webcam looked like a single robotic eye, sitting innocuously next to a glasses case and a glass of water. The video on the TV sped up as the man played with his phone. He fast-forwarded it for about a minute until eventually Naomi appeared on the screen, entering the room. At that point, he froze the frame.

"So," he said, finally turning to face Naomi, "what do we do now, do you think?"

"I'm not sure what you mean." Naomi said, looking back between the two of them, utterly confused, but beginning to feel decidedly uneasy. She didn't like where this was going at all.

"Well, an explanation would be nice, for a start." The man said, raising his eyebrows in that sharp fashion again. "You have... well... violated what is clearly a very private occasion with your presence." He emphasised 'violated' for effect.

"I..." Naomi was struggling to find the words. "I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." She turned to look at the woman, whose expression suggested she was enjoying Naomi's acute discomfort.

"Yes, and very public spirited that was of you, I agree," the man replied, tapping his mobile phone as the TV video started to run again. "However, you had ample time to see that Amanda here was in no pain or distress, so..." He trailed off as Naomi watched her on-screen-self check the bathroom and then turn to face Amanda. It felt like her lungs had jumped up into her throat and she thought she was going to throw up as she watched herself on the TV, watched her fingers reaching up to stroke her nipples. The man froze the screen at that point.

"Oh my," Amanda said. Naomi turned to look at her, but instead of the look of shock or concern she had been expecting, she saw a mischievous, almost wicked, smile.

"Yes, violating our extremely personal space, is how I would describe it, definitely," the man said. "I suspect the hotel management will agree. Don't you, Amanda?"

"Without doubt, Michael." Her almost sadistic smile not changing one bit. She was clearly enjoying Naomi's increasingly fearful state.

Michael walked over and sat in the other armchair, next to Amanda. Naomi stood stock still in the middle of the bedroom, all of a sudden feeling incredibly exposed. The TV picture of her with her fingers on her breasts shimmered to one side. For a moment, no-one said a word.

"It's up to you, really," said Michael at last. "I can make an official complaint to the hotel manager, or..." he trailed off. Naomi could feel Amanda's smiling eyes burning into her.

The prospect of losing this job jolted Naomi. She couldn't afford to, no doubt about it. Her mind raced, thinking through the consequences of a complaint being made.

"But you're surely not going to show that video to someone else? I mean, it clearly shows that you two are perverts, all the ropes and clamps and stuff. AND..." she was feeling bolder, "... and surely it's against the law to film me without me knowing like that?!"

"Oh, we aren't the least bit of ashamed about how we derive our pleasure, my dear." Amanda almost purred the words. "And we were simply enjoying a very intimate moment of the upmost privacy. Why on earth wouldn't we be allowed to film that? If you hadn't been intruding, you wouldn't have been caught 'in flagrante'"

She rose from the armchair and walked over to the bedpost nearest her, her fingers stroking the silk ropes still bound tightly around it, the loose ends that had held the cuffs hanging down.

"You see, Michael likes to leave me here. And it gets me so very aroused, knowing he is downstairs in the bar watching me on the webcam. He loves his gadgets... he has an app on his phone too that controls the vibe deep inside my pussy. He loves to watch me squirm as he turns the power up and sets my pussy on fire. Watches my body writhe with desire and wanting."

Naomi thought back to standing there, watching Amanda writhe, just as she said. Despite her predicament, her own nipples were aching again.

"No, I don't think we have anything to hide," said Michael. "You, on the other hand..."

He tapped his phone and Naomi watched the TV as her hand moved down to squeeze her pussy. She was clearly playing with herself as she watched Amanda. She would most surely get fired, never mind the embarrassment if word got around locally; people knowing she had done that.

"Please. Please don't show my manager. I really, really need this job."

"Well, we certainly wouldn't want that... Naomi." Amanda peered at her name badge, her expression altogether warmer now. "It really is all down to you. Whether we have to do that or not." She took the loose end of rope that had tied her left wrist only minutes before, and ran her fingers along it slowly, sensually, as though she was running her fingers through long hair. She let it fall back against the bedpost.

"I... I..." Naomi thought she knew now what was being suggested. Her nipples ached like mad, and her pussy was throbbing. "I... have to get the other rooms cleaned and changed. I really do, I'm sorry." She would lose her job for sure if she didn't get the floor done in time.

"Of course, my dear," Amanda said and moved towards her, a long fingernail tracing gently across Naomi's cheek, "Why don't you get your work done and come back here later and we can continue talking? What time do you finish?"


At five-thirty, the time she had agreed to return, Naomi knocked on the door of Room 369. She had showered and changed into her normal outfit of t-shirt, short denim skirt and sneakers. Amanda opened the door with a huge, warm smile and invited her in.

"I'm so glad you decided to come back," she said as she walked in front of Naomi into the room, dressed in the sheer robe she had put on earlier, only now with black lingerie underneath.

"I'm not sure I had a choice," she replied.

"Oh yes, my dear we always have a choice. I mean, earlier today, you could have left the towels and left, once you had seen me, but you chose to come in and....... well, take a closer look."

Naomi looked around the room. No sign of Michael. The ropes were still in place on the bedposts she noticed, though.

"And you have a choice now, too. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"What did you have in mind? To stop you going to my boss, I mean?"

"An hour of your time, that's all."

"Doing what, exactly?" Naomi had a pretty good idea that she was expected to take part in their kinky bondage games in some way, but nothing had been said explicitly."

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"Ha! Enjoying yourself, hopefully!" Amanda said. Her robe was open slightly at the front and her full cleavage was on full show.

"But I mean, what exactly do you have in mind?"

"Do you have any experience of BDSM or bondage at all?" Amanda asked, reaching out to stroke Naomi's hair casually.

"No. Nothing at all."

"But you are interested, yes? Your reactions earlier, when you saw me like that, suggest you have... some curiosity, at least. And you wouldn't be here if you weren't at all interested. And to be honest, your body is giving you away a little."

A long fingernail traced its way up the curved underside of Naomi's pert breast and flicked lightly on the nipple that was pushing hard against her t-shirt. Naomi gasped at the unexpected touch. Her nipples had been hard all day, thinking about what she had seen, and the prospect of returning to this room. She couldn't deny that the experience had caused all manner of turmoil inside her, resulting in her feeling increasingly horny as the afternoon wore on.

"No Michael?" Naomi looked around as if to make the point. She wanted to understand exactly what was going to be involved.

"He will be watching. You know how. He'll join later if he wants to."

"An hour?"

"That's all I'm asking. It'll be enough to see if you'd like to do it again."


"If you enjoy it, you might find you don't want to stay away. But yes, just one hour. After one hour the video will be deleted, and all thoughts of a complaint forgotten." Amanda's fingers continued to stroke Naomi's face and hair languidly as she spoke in that purring voice of hers.

"And in that hour...?"

"No. No more details, my dear. That would spoil all the fun. No, agree to give us an hour. That's the deal. No harm will come to you. Only pleasure." Amanda's voice was as intoxicating as her musky perfume.

"Yes...O... Okay."

"You don't sound sure. You should leave now if you're not."

"Yes. Yes, I'll do it," Naomi said, shaking her head as if to convince herself as much as anyone else. An hour was nothing. It would mean she'd keep her job. And she couldn't deny that her body was urging her to do it, too.

"Good girl. We'll have you behaving like a little slut in no time at all." Amanda's purred.

"I'm not a slut."

"For the next hour you are, my dear Naomi. You. Are. My. Slut."

"I'm n..."

"The door is over there. You can leave now if you like."

"Okay. I am your slut." Christ it felt like her nipples were going to explode!

"Good. Now, strip for me."

Naomi started to pull off her t-shirt.

"Slowly! Remember, Michael is watching, and he will want to savour your young body as you strip."

Naomi slowly removed her t-shirt, unzipped her skirt and wriggled it over her arse and onto the floor. Untying her sneakers and taking them off, she stood in her bra and panties.

"I said strip."

Feeling wildly self-conscious, Naomi reached round to unclip her bra and let it fall away from her small, firm breasts. Her nipples were standing out like tiny corks, and she was dying for them to be played with, yearning to feel Amanda's mouth on them. Easing her panties down, over her hips, she let them fall down her legs. She stepped out of them and stood there, fully naked in front of this total stranger. And in front of Michael too, wherever he was.

"Mmmmmm. Perfect," Amanda said. She reached out and took Naomi's right breast, cupping it in her hand. Her thumb flicked at the nipple. Naomi almost collapsed as fireworks in her head exploded. She looked at Amanda's full red lips and imagined them sucking slowly on her nipples.

"Right, here we go." Amanda said and reached over to the bed and took a set of four leather cuffs, like the ones she had been wearing herself earlier. Naomi took them and wrapped them around each wrist and ankle, doing the buckles up.

"Good girl. Now, you know where to stand, I'm sure."

Naomi walked the few feet to the bottom of the bed and stood where she had first seen Amanda. She spread her arms and legs outstretched and allowed Amanda to tie the loose ends of rope to the loops in the cuffs. Within a minute or two, she was bound tight. She pulled at the bonds to test them and knew she had no chance of escape. Finished tying her captive, Amanda stood behind Naomi, her hands moving around to take her nipples between her fingers, squeezing them hard and pulling them. Naomi let out a noise that was half scream, half moan, as she felt pain and a massive release of pent-up desire at one and the same time. Her back arched as Amanda stretched her nipples, pulling them away from her chest. Amanda's mouth was so close to her ear.

"Mmmmmm. I can see what our little slut likes best of all. Repeat after me -- nice and loud, for Michael to hear," she whispered.

"Yes," Naomi gasped, her mouth suddenly as dry as sandpaper.

"I am your little slut, Sir."

"I am your little slut, SIIRR!!!" The last word was screamed out as Amanda's fingers twisted on those aching nipples again, harder than before.

"Good girl," Amanda whispered. Her hands had left Naomi's breasts and were busy working their way up between her legs, spreading the young woman's labia as a large rubber toy was eased inside her. Naomi was so wet, it popped in, her pussy enveloping it greedily.

"Good. Now, Sir has control of your pussy, honey. He will pleasure you there as I play with the rest of your body." As if to confirm this, the toy in her pussy set off buzzing, a pulsing rhythm that grew in intensity before dying away and starting up again. Naomi could see now why Amanda had been rotating her hips when she had seen her before. The sensations were exquisite torment, making her ache for firmer contact with something on her pussy. Fingers or better still, a tongue, on her clit. Fingers on her nipples.

She felt Amanda's fingers on her asshole. Wet with her pussy juices, a finger slipped in relatively easily.

"Have you ever had anything in your arse before? Ever let your boyfriend fuck you here?" Amanda asked her as her finger pushed in deeper and probed.

"," Naomi moaned, "Please be careful."

"Don't worry. I'm going to put a butt plug in this tight little arse, but as it's your first time, I've chosen one that isn't too big. But, Sir may want to fuck your arse later, so we need to get it ready."

"Th... thank you." Naomi couldn't quite work out why she was thanking Amanda for violating her arse.

She moaned as she felt the hard, bulbous butt plug invade her tight hole. Loosened a little by Amanda's finger, it was still a job to get it in. Stretching her arse muscle, eventually it popped in and immediately she felt her pussy and ass contracting and pulsating as the vibe and plug worked together inside her.

Amanda moved away, then appeared in front of Naomi, kneeling on the bed. She had shed the gown and was dressed in a black corset that barely contained her large breasts, and with suspenders that attached to her stockings. Her smooth pussy was bare. Amanda's fingernails teased around her nipples, tracing light circles around the aureole without making contact with the hard buds themselves. The torment was killing Naomi.

"Please. Amanda, pleeease." She whimpered.

"Please, what, slut?"

"Please squeeze my nipples. Please, please, pleeeease." The two women's eyes were locked as Amanda savoured the imploring look in Naomi's. Fingernails traced tantalisingly closer and closer to her sensitive nipples. Amanda's nails were long and sharp, and Naomi longed to feel them digging into her nipples. More, she longed to feel the firm bite of the nipple clamps that Amanda had sported earlier.

Suddenly, she felt her arse explode! The same buzzing that was tormenting her, deep in her pussy, erupted in her butt too. Two vibes were raging inside her, duelling with each other to send vibrations to her core. her legs were shaking violently as she attempted in vain to deal with this assault.

"Haha! Oh, yes. I forgot to mention that the butt plug vibrates too, honey. And Sir has control over both. He knows exactly how to use them both together to wonderful effect, I know that from first-hand experience!"

Standing up, on the bed, Amanda's pussy was now level with Naomi's face. she had never seen another woman's pussy at such close quarters before. The plump, smooth lips were pouting and the thin seam of pinkness between them was glistening with juices. Amanda's clitoris was larger than her own small bud, and it protruded from its hood.

"You want those nipples squeezed, little slut? You are going to have to make me cum with your tongue first."

The older woman steadied herself on the bed canopy with one hand as the other grabbed the back of Naomi's head, pulling her face into her sex. The vibrations in her pussy and arse had subsided for now, so she could concentrate on pleasuring the beautiful cunt in front of her. She had of course never licked pussy before, but if she did this well, she would get her nipples pulled and twisted at last. Pushing her tongue out, Naomi gave Amanda's clit a tentative lick with the tip of her tongue. Amanda moaned appreciatively as she did so and, encouraged that she was doing the right thing, she licked at it again, flicking it with her tongue. It tasted a lot better than she had imagined, and she took the older woman's clit between her lips and sucked, tasting her properly. Then she swirled her tongue around the clit, producing more moans from Amanda.

Encouraged by the noises coming from above her, she pressed her entire mouth on the now dripping pussy and pushed her tongue deep inside, causing Amanda to gasp and grip the hair on the back of Naomi's hair tight, pushing her in deeper. Naomi was struggling to breathe, Amanda's tight grip suffocating her, but she persevered, doing her very best to make Amanda cum.

Then she felt dual bolts of electricity shoot through her arse and pussy again, as the vibes buzzed into life simultaneously. Naomi's muffled gasp was joined by loud moans from above her as Amanda's gushing juices covered her eager tongue. She lapped at the fluids that ran from the first pussy she had ever tasted. She was hungry for this sweet nectar and did her best to drink it all in but there was so much, it spilled out and ran over her chin and down onto her breasts.

Amanda released her grip on her hair and fell back on the bed. Michael was there, naked, massaging his thick hard cock as he watched. His torso was toned and tanned, with a hint of a six pack. Spotting him, Amanda jumped up, laughing as she embraced him, kissing him passionately as she wrapped herself around him. Naomi slightly envied the closeness they clearly shared; she had never had that with any of her boyfriends. Eventually they broke off from one another, and Michael joined Amanda on the bed. Michael lay back as Amanda stroked his cock, spitting on it first to get it nice and wet. His shaft was thick and covered in ridged veins, and Naomi watched as Amanda's hand moved up and down it slowly.

"Are you enjoying your new plaything, darling?"

"Absolutely! She is so perfect!" Amanda purred excitedly. Naomi felt strange, being talked about in this way, still tied up in front of the two lovers. More than anything, though, she was aching to be touched.

Not for the first time, Amanda seemed to have a sixth sense with regards to Naomi's body.

"You know, I think young Naomi loves having her nipples played with even more than I do."

Naomi's pussy throbbed and her nipples ached just hearing Amanda talking about her like this.

Amanda continued, "I'm actually pretty sure that she can't cum without some hardcore nipple play."

"Oh God, that sounds delicious. You haven't given her that big cum yet, I noticed?"

"Of course not, darling; I wanted you to be here for that."

Amanda was playing with her own pussy as she wanked Michael's cock. She was ready to take him inside her and climbed up to position her pouting labia just above it. She was facing Naomi as she slowly lowered herself down, the thick veiny shaft disappearing inch by inch. Amanda's breathing got heavier as she leant forward, her hands on Michael's chest, as she started to ride him.

"Hmmmmm. Let's test your theory about our horny little friend," Michael said as his lover's firm round backside began to slap against his thighs. He reached for his mobile phone and quickly found the vibe control app. With a couple of quick taps on the screen, the toys inside Naomi were dialled up to maximum. Her whole core was on fire as the vibe and butt plug thrummed away, battling each other within her. Amanda was right, her pussy was dripping from the electricity surging through her, but she would need more to make her cum.

Amanda smiled lasciviously at Naomi as she rode the thick cock. Sitting back, she reached up to take her own nipples in her fingers, slowly rolling the long buds between forefinger and thumb, stretching and pulling on them as her eyes, still looking straight at Naomi began to glaze over. Naomi's torment could not have been more acute. Watching Amanda edge close to orgasm, playing with her own nipples right in front of her. She pulled her hands against the ropes, hoping in vain that the bonds might have loosened and that she would be able to grab her own hard nipples and bring herself the release she so desperately needed.

Amanda was moaning loudly now, as Michael grabbed her hips and thrust his own up against her, fucking her deep and hard as she pulled hard on her nipples. Amanda lifted her right breast and dipped her head to suck hard on the nipple. Fuck, Naomi thought, if my breasts were larger, I would be doing that all day long! Suddenly Amanda threw her head back and grabbed at Michael's chest with her nails as her cum coursed through her, Michael continuing to pump her pussy with his cock until she collapsed in a heap on top of him.

Rolling the now weak Amanda off him gently, Michael rose and fetched something from a bag by the bed. Naomi's eyes lit up as she saw it was a chain with what looked like nipple clamps attached. Her back arched instinctively, thrusting her breasts forward in anticipation. Michael fiddled with the clamps, straightening the chain out. Strange, she thought, there seemed to be three ends to the chain.

Michael knelt on the bed in front of Naomi and, taking her chin in his hand, lifted her face so he could kiss her, his tongue seeking out hers as she felt more fingers brushing against a desperate nipple. Breaking the kiss, Michael teased at her left nipple, pulling and stretching it before attaching the first clamp at its base. Naomi let out a low, long moan as she felt some much-needed pressure at last. But, she noticed, the clamp was a lighter one than Amanda had attached to her nipples and didn't bite into her flesh quite as much as she wanted. No, needed.

The second clamp attached to her other nipple in a similar fashion, Michael looked down at the recovering Amanda, smiling up at him as she sprawled across the bottom of the bed. Nodding, he handed the third clamp to her, and Naomi realised what this contraption was. Amanda moved on the bed, on her back, so that her face was looking up between her thighs. Her tongue reached out and lazily lapped at Naomi's clit, sending shockwaves through her body. Sucking on her small nub, Amanda was getting it ready to take the third clamp. Pinching her pink clit, she attached the clamp carefully around the small hood, pushing the bud itself up and out. Naomi gasped as the final attachment stretched the chain a little bit more between her clit and nipples. It was taut enough to send her pulse racing to an even higher level, but still not enough. This was torture!

Amanda knelt up and licked gently on her extended nipples. This woman knew exactly what she is doing, Naomi thought. She is tormenting me, applying almost enough attention to my poor nipples, but not quite enough. But it was an exquisite agony. Amanda whispered to her, "Not long now," and smiled as fingernails teased the ends of the captive girl's nipples.

Michael had moved behind her, she could feel the heat of his thick shaft pressing against her buttocks, nestling between them. His fingers reached between her legs to remove the vibe inside her pussy. In a few short movements, he was positioning himself as the head of his cock pressed up between her lips. Holding her hips, he pushed upwards and in one swift thrust, he was deep inside her. She gasped as she felt herself impaled on his thickness, stretching her like she hadn't been before.

At that exact moment, she felt Amanda's teeth on her left nipple, biting into it as it sat out proudly from the clamp. Fingers tightened the clamp on the other nipple too, and at last Naomi started to feel the sensations she so desired shooting from her breasts, right across her body. Michael was moving inside her now, pulling out and pushing her up, lifting her up onto the tips of her toes as he fucked her with steady force.

Her head was starting to spin. The butt plug was still buzzing away deep in her core, Michael's throbbing cock meat was thrusting up into her, her clit was being pinched and, best of all, Amanda was giving her nipples the attention they so desperately craved. Again, as if reading her mind, Amanda unclipped the clamps and grabbed those sore, needy nipples between the fingers of each hand.

Staring the young girl in the eyes, she pulled so hard, twisting them around in her fingers so that Naomi let out an almost feral scream as her body exploded, fluids gushing from her sex all over Michael's pitoning cock as the most incredible, devastating orgasm she had ever experienced tore through her. The room was spinning; she saw stars in her eyes and deafening noise in her ears as wave after wave of the most intense pleasure surged through her body. It seemed to last forever, and she was sure she may have actually passed out.

All she knew for sure was that the next thing she remembered was Michael placing her limp body on the bed, and Amanda pulling the duvet up over her. This enchanting sexual being then snuggled up to her, those large, full breasts pushing against her face, the warm sensual scent of her body flooding over Naomi, comforting her. Naomi's body was aching, tingling, running, throbbing, all at once. Amanda's fingers stroked her soft hair as she would a child's.

"The hour is over, baby girl," she murmured softly. "And if you ever want to do this again, you know what room we stay at."

Naomi looked up at Amanda, opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it, and just nestled into the warmth of her embrace.

"Fuck, that's hot," Tony said, looking down at Naomi sucking his cock, we have to do something like that one day."

Naomi looked up never talking her mouth from his hard cock, as she slowly worked her lips back up her saliva coating his now throbbing cock, reaching the tip her tongue circled his twitching head,

"I'll write some more stories over the coming weeks. Now, close my diary and please fuck me, Sir!

Written by YesSir
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