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Rachel's Wish, Part IV

"Marcus needs some help with Rachel's training"

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Of all the suggestions Marcus had been given on training a submissive, his favorite, by far, was establishing Rachel’s morning routine.

The alarm sounded, and Marcus pulled down the blanket on Rachel’s side of the bed and took in the view. At his instruction, Rachel slept nude every night. And as soon as she heard the short beeping from his phone alarm, had rolled to her stomach, with legs spread wide apart. Had it been a bell ringing, she would have risen, moved to his side of the bed, kneeled on the floor, opened her mouth and clasped her hands behind her back. A doorbell? In that case, Rachel would have been on all fours, breasts brushing the mattress, ass tilted in the air.

Altogether, Marcus had taught his good girl eight different alarm commands and had dreamed up a ninth while he slept. He still loved the wide-eyed excitement she’d shown when he introduced her to this routine.  She had been so pleased and eagerly sought out to fulfil Marcus’ expectation.  For over a month, he’d woken to her in position, ready to accept his cock when the alarm sounded.

Marcus brushed her hair from her cheek and drank in the erotic lines of her body. Before this new dynamic, Marcus hadn’t given Rachel’s ass much attention. It was round and perky, and sure, he enjoyed looking at it and holding on to the globes of her butt when fucking her.  But he’d never had a girlfriend who enjoyed anal, so he wasn’t predisposed to consider it as an option for fucking her. Hadn’t even tried.  In the few conversations leading up to their night with Jim, Marcus had come to understand just how much Rachel had desired to be taken that way. He wasn’t certain when Jim offered to demonstrate. But after Rachel’s reaction that night, he changed his mind. A submissive, particularly one who thrived on being treated as a sex object like Rachel, needed all her holes used. He couldn’t say this was a hardship on his part, and although he knew he would offer her mouth and pussy to others if he was in the mood, he was pleased that he’d not let Jim take Rachel that way.  That ass would be the hole he wouldn’t share.  It was his alone to use.

“Good morning, slut.”   Marcus kissed her cheek.

Rachel turned her head and offered up a sleepy smile.  She lifted to kiss him on the lips. Marcus smacked her ass. “I said good morning, slut,” he repeated.

“Good morning, daddy,” she demurred and tilted her butt higher. “Please fill me, daddy.”

Marcus watched her hump her hips into the mattress.  The dripping need in her voice sent blood rushing to his cock.  He stroked himself with one hand, and with the other, played with her tight, pink rim. “Which hole should daddy use this morning?”

Anxiety clouded her expression.

Marcus did not like that look. He smacked her ass. “I asked you which hole, slut.”

“I need daddy to choose,” Rachel whined. She’d been doing that more lately, showing signs of stress when asked to make a decision. Any decision.  It was as if she needed Marcus to decide even the most inconsequential of choices now.  He suspected she loved her alarm commands because it required no judgment on her part. She woke up and knew exactly how Marcus wanted her. Marcus decided not to push the issue until he’d had a chance to seek advice from Jim.  Marcus pushed a finger into Rachel’s ass, and after a soft yelp, she let out a relieved sigh, obviously pleased that he’d chosen for her.

“Legs together,” he said.  She immediately complied, and he grabbed the lube from the bedside and straddled her.  He slicked up his cock, loving how, even with his weight, she arched her backside. Her submission turned his crank so much; she was so eager to please him. So eager to be fucked.  The sex they had beforehand wasn’t even close to as hot as she got when he took control. 

He lined up with her ass and slid in swiftly past the first tight ring of muscle. She didn’t struggle; her only sign of discomfort was the sharp inhale and slow exhale. He praised her, staying upright, and made shallow thrusts to give her time to relax a bit and him time to compose himself. With her legs squeezed between his thighs, her passage was even tighter than usual, and he wouldn’t last long.

“Look at you, being such a good little slut for daddy.”   He praised her and watched as his cock slid into her tight hole. She really was remarkable. The image was enough to combust, but he wanted to take more time with her. When he felt the intense pressure around his cockhead relax , he leaned forward and pushed in deeper.

She gasped. “That’s it, Rachel. Take all that cock, baby girl.”  He reached under her and felt for her nipple to pinch as he fucked her. “Tell daddy how you feel.”

“So good, daddy.”

“Yeah. You needed this. Didn’t you? Needed my cock in your ass.”

“Yeah, daddy. I need… Fuck, yes. I love it.”

“That’s right. You love being my little whore, don’t you?  Just a place for daddy’s cum.”   Marcus thrust deep and drew a long moan out of Rachel. God, he loved that noise. Her pleasure was everything. Without it, he couldn’t be who she needed. Couldn’t fuck her hard and rough.  Couldn’t say she was nothing more than a repository for his cum unless, between her cries and his harsh words, he heard that unmistakable moan of pleasure. He rode her harder, slamming into her as her pleas grew more desperate.

“Please, daddy.  I need—,”  she shouted.

“Don’t you cum, slut.”  Marcus reminded her and tugged her nipple hard enough to keep her back from edge.  He twisted her nipple harder, and on her single stifled scream, he exploded into her.

“Good girl, baby.”   He praised her and lifted from her body. “You did so well for me.”   

Rachel smiled as she turned to face him.  She didn’t move, which was another rule he’d established.  After he fucked her, he liked her to have time to think about how debauched she felt.  How dirty and slutty she’d been. “I didn’t cum, daddy,” Rachel declared proudly.

“I know. I’m so proud of you,” Marcus replied, stroking her hair, loving the purring noises the affection elicited. Rachel tended to be anxious about her work day and, through trial and error, Marcus had realized on the mornings when he’d give her a good hard fuck, she’d be more relaxed. Orgasm denial was part of her training and Rachel achieved the highest levels of relaxation when she felt successful with her most difficult commands. Her ability to hold off an orgasm until Marcus allowed it had improved dramatically with use of the whip Jim had given them. Marcus hadn’t whipped her for the infraction in over a week.  And when he did whip her, Lord, did she climax hard when he finally let her go.  It was a truly a remarkable sight.

Marcus sat up and removed the plug from the bedside table. “Bottom up,” he spanked her gently. When she lifted her well-used ass into the air, Marcus placed her plug.

“Thank you, daddy,” she smiled. “How long do I have?”

Marcus glanced at the clock. “About ten minutes. I’ll set your timer. Now you lay there and think about what an obedient slut you were for me. I want you to feel proud of yourself. You were so good, Angel. You’re all plugged up, so not a drop of daddy’s cum drips out, but try to be still. Is your ass sore enough to relax?”

“Yes, daddy. Thank you.”

“When I come back, I want to know one thing you want that daddy hasn’t given you yet---a reward, not a punishment.”

Rachel swallowed nervously. “But daddy picks my rewards.”

“Rachel, I won’t tolerate back talk. You will give daddy what he asks for.”

“I’m sorry,” Rachel replied, clearly miserable at having upset him.

Marcus showered while Rachel had her quiet time to reflect. He was still so new to his role, and there was so much to learn. Jim had introduced him to other men in similar positions.  They shared ideas and experiences, and Marcus felt like he’d been drinking from the fire house trying to keep up.  Marcus worried that Rachel deferred more and more to him, refusing to state so much as an opinion lately. That couldn’t be a healthy balance. Not after what her ex-husband had put her through. Marcus needed a way to give Rachel what she needed, without allowing her to sacrifice her own mind.

When he finished dressing, he called Rachel into the bathroom. “Time for work,” he reminded her.

“Did you pick out my clothes, daddy?”

He sighed. “No, you choose today. But I did choose your panties and bra. And daddy wants you to have on no stockings today. It’s hot out.” He’d chosen breathable cotton because Rachel often wore her silky, lacy bras and thongs too small.  He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable, and as much as he was using her, he didn’t want to risk her getting an infection.

She nodded.

“Did you pick your reward?”

“I want you to choose,” Rachel responded, her pout unmistakable.

Marcus frowned. “You did not pick your reward as I instructed, so you are to wear your plug all day until you give me one opinion of your own. Daddy commands it, Rachel.”

She stomped her foot and whined. Marcus smacked her backside. “Enough,” he barked, frustrated. He briefly considered whipping her, but he really didn’t have time.

He left Rachel, still pouting and unhappy, as she entered the shower. Marcus felt like a failure; his girl should have been on a high.  She’d submitted so well, but it was always this obstacle spoiling their play. On his way to work, he called Jim and explained the challenge he was having.

“Well, what did you discuss before you took her as a submissive?”  Jim asked, a hint of frustration revealed in his voice

“Are you kidding? We didn’t discuss anything. She called me daddy and begged me to fuck her in the kitchen; since then, I’ve just been trying to keep up. I don’t know if I can do this. She won’t give me anything, even when I command her to.”

“She’s already submitted to you fully. You’ve allowed her to go very deep into the lifestyle. Sounds like you aren’t limiting play to distinct scenes anymore. You’ve basically consented to a 24/7 power exchange, which makes it difficult. Anything she gives you at this point is tainted by her entire delegation of control to you.”

“Shit. I didn’t…How do I fix it?”

“Well, she is still working, correct?”

“Of course.”   

“I suspect she is hoping you will tell her to quit her job. Has she been hinting?”

“Umm. I mean she gets really anxious when she goes to work. Her morning routine helps, but yes. I don’t think she wants to leave my side most days. Even when I’m spent, if she’s had a rough day, I let her kneel on the floor by my chair.  I pet her hair sometime just to keep her relaxed and happy.”

“It’s crucial you don’t let her quit, but if she has a long work day, she may need a break.  Have you tried giving her a scene during the day?”

“No, she’s busy during the day. I try not to bother her.”

“Well, I would allow her opportunities to submit during her day, at least until we figure out how to unfuck this mess. This is why I have the group. Too many damn amateurs trying to be doms. You have to crawl before you walk, Marcus.  Never should have taken her this deep.”

“I’m…fuck. I’m not sure what to do.”

“I suppose I could talk to her. You’d have to be out of her sight, though. I can have the conversation you should have had before you gave her any scenes. We will establish limits, rewards, punishments, safe words. If you take any more submissives, you will not make this mistake again.”

“I don’t want—”

“Don’t say it. You are a natural dom, Marcus. I witnessed how you read Rachel’s needs and how controlled you are. Rachel is lovely, but she’s intense for a new master, too. She doesn’t respect her own limits. You explained her history with her ex. Once she gave you control, she absolved herself of any responsibility. This is not in her best interest, and as her dom, you will find ways to give her back this power in a safe, controlled way, so as to not overwhelm her.”

“Yes, I want that.”

“If she sees another submissive who is answering questions and being rewarded, it may help her find her voice. Of course, we don’t know if she is all right with sharing you, as we didn’t have important conversations before we began, did we?”

“Fuck. Please help me.”

“You tried to force her to take back control. Yes?  This would be very upsetting for her. It would make her question her place.”

“Shit.  She is wearing her plug today until she gives me an answer.”

“Okay. That’s easier to fix than a misplaced whipping. Give her something she likes today. Something that will make her happy and reinforce your control over her. Make it special.”

“So far, she loves being shared. That night with you was the happiest I’ve seen her. Also, she really likes that I send her pictures to the guys. She gets off on it. I keep promising to have another friend over, or to take her in front of others.”

“Perfect. I’m busy today, but Sy has made his interest in Rachel known and he works near her office. His own girl, Carmen, is an age player. Only a school-aged girl when they play, so he is amazingly gentle, but he likes a break now and then. Carmen doesn’t object. I’ll text you both the information. You’ll need to find a reason to be out of town this weekend. Tell her you’ll be leaving her in my care. Tell her she is not to be touched until you return, but that she is to answer all my questions. She will be desperate to be used, and we will deny her this to get the answers we need.”

“Okay. Thank you, Jim. You’re a lifesaver.”

Rachel arrived at work, her ass squeezed around her plug making it difficult to concentrate. She gingerly sat at her desk, reveling in the feel of her dirty secret. Opening her email, she perused her day’s calendar and asked her assistant, Karen, for a brief rundown of her day. The agenda for three meetings, a report to prepare, a presentation to give—

“What’s this?”  Rachel pointed to a noon appointment marked "confidential."

“Oh,” Karen said, checking her notepad. “Marcus called right before you arrived. He said I should block out an hour for lunch. I presumed he had spoken to you about it.”

“Marcus requested it?”

Karen nodded. “Should I cancel it?”

“No,” Rachel smiled. “Leave it.”

Rachel dismissed her assistant and got to work. Her mystery appointment weighed heavily on her mind, and every movement teased her most intimate place.  She could still feel Marcus’ cock claiming her. 

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Rachel’s mind kept drifting to sexy places. Marcus worked clear across town; he never met her for lunch during her workday, nor had he mentioned his classes being canceled that day. What could he have planned for her? About ten minutes before her appointment, she got her answer.

“Hi, daddy,” she chirped happily.

“Did you have a good morning?”

“Yes, daddy. Are you in the building?  Should I take my plug out for you?”

“Who said your appointment was with me?”

Rachel’s voice fell in disappointment, “I was looking forward to seeing you.  My pussy was wet for you.”

“I think you need a reminder of who owns your holes.”

Rachel swallowed. “You do, daddy.”

“So whose pussy is that?”

“Yours,” she whispered.

“Good slut. So who decides who gets to use them?”

“You do,” she whispered, arousal thick in her voice.

“Are you excited, Rachel?”

“Yes,” she answered.

“Good. Put your finger in that pussy for me and touch my hole. Make it feel good, baby.” Rachel’s breath hitched as she lifted her skirt and slipped her fingers into her cunt.

“That’s it, baby. Get yourself excited for daddy.  I’ve got a very big surprise for my slut. Do you think your coworkers know what a little whore you are?  Do you think they know right now that you’re getting those white cotton panties I picked out for you dripping wet?  That you’re wiggling your ass on your chair to feel that big plug deep in that ass?  Are you thinking about daddy’s cock filling your pretty little ass this morning? That’s what you’re doing, isn’t it, slut?  Moan for me.  Let me hear my good slut.”

Rachel moaned, “Yes, daddy.”

“That’s right. Tell daddy.”

“I’m your whore, daddy. I’m a slut, and knowing you can use me gets me wet.”

“Good girl. Now go tell your assistant to show your appointment in.  Go to the restroom to remove your plug. After you remove it, I want you to suck on it. Shove it to the back of your mouth and moan for daddy, like a good slut. When you get back make sure Karen goes to lunch.”

Rachel composed herself, straighted her skirt, and opened the door to her office. “Is my noon appointment here?”  she asked. Karen pointed to the imposing, muscular black man in a very nice suit sitting in the reception area. His heated glance sent Rachel’s pulse racing. She swallowed. “Show him in and then take your lunch. I’m just going to run to the restroom.”

Rachel grabbed her purse and made her way to the bathroom. She lowered her soaking wet panties and removed her plug, taking the time to lick and suck it as her daddy instructed. When she arrived back at her office, the handsome gentleman was on the couch across from her desk, the blinds were drawn, and Karen was nowhere to be seen.

“Lock the door and take off your jacket,” Marcus commanded. Rachel glanced in the direction of Marcus’s voice. Her computer monitor had been turned to face the door and the couch.  Her desk had been cleared and thoughts of being bent over it and fucked sent tingles to her spine. On the monitor, Marcus cleared his throat on the video chat. Rachel removed her jacket while the stranger smirked at her.

“Good, now on your knees, crawl to him,”  Marcus commanded.

Rachel cursed the tight pencil skirt and low-cut blouse she chose that morning. She wished Marcus had picked more suitable attire if he’d planned to have her crawl. Her movements were awkward, making the journey across the floor excruciatingly slow under the stranger’s watchful interest. The man gazed down at her and her breasts swinging freely for him down her blouse. She closed her eyes and swallowed. When she arrived at the couch, she kneeled upright, sat back on her heels, and kept her eyes down.

“Isn’t my toy beautiful, Sy?”

Sy laughed, a deep, rich baritone that turned Rachel on. “Fuck yes, Marcus. Jim said she was quite the plaything. He certainly raved about this mouth.”   Sy stroked the seam of her lips with his thumb.

“Open for him, Rachel. Show him my hole.”

Rachel relaxed her jaw and waited as Sy probed her mouth with his fingers.  He thrust them to trigger a gag reflex she didn’t have often.

“You should show Rachel what she’ll be servicing today. I want my slut to know what I’ve chosen for her.

Sy opened his pants and pulled down his underwear beneath his large, full balls. His flaccid cock flopped out onto his thigh. While not erect, it was intimidating. Her eyes went wide, and Sy laughed.

“No gag reflex,” Sy remarked, clearly amused, “She isn’t messy, is she?  I don’t want my suit ruined.”

“Of course not,” Marcus assured Sy. “She’s a perfect slut, takes every drop she’s given. Can’t get enough of it.”

“Good,” Sy lifted Rachel’s chin to him. “Is that true, slut?  Your daddy’s been telling all of us about what a good little cocksucker you are. Bet you haven’t had one like mine yet?  I cum bucket loads. Like to give sluts like you a big mouthful.”

“Yes,” Rachel agreed.

Sy grabbed her chin.” Yes, what?” he remarked.

“I don’t know,” she cried.

The tight hold turned her neck to the video screen where Marcus was watching. “I’m sorry, daddy.”

“That’s okay. I didn’t tell you how to address Master Sy. You are to call him Sir.”

Rachel turned back to Sy, appropriately contrite. “Sorry, sir. I am a good slut. I don’t think I’ve seen a bigger cock, Sir.”

“Marcus, I’d love to give this little slut what she wants now.”

“Yes, of course. Rachel loves to service my friends. Give her hair some good yanks, too. I like to see her mouth really stretched wide, and she can take a dick much deeper if her hair is pulled.

“Get me hard, slut” Sy ordered.

Rachel lowered her head, but before she could take a breath, Sy forced her down to his pelvis. Careful to not get any fluids on Sir’s pants, she closed her mouth while he rubbed her face in his cock.

“Breathe it in, slut.”

Rachel inhaled through her nose.  “Good, now open up and go to work.”

Rachel licked Sy’s cock tentatively and then when Marcus’s voice ordered her, she sucked it into her mouth. She lost herself to the feeling of being used for this stranger’s pleasure at her daddy’s command. So slutty. So naughty. The shaft thickened in her mouth, stretching her limits. As soon as Sir was hard, he took hold of her hair and pulled her head back. Rachel got a good look at the eleven-inch monster before he held her suspended in a vise-like grip just above his cock and plunged it deep into her throat. He held her by the hair and fucked her. The drool flooded her cavity as the oversized rod savagely entered her mouth and hit that back of her throat on each pass. She slurped back the saliva the best she could between strokes, Marcus’ voice reminding her that Sir did not want his pants soiled.

“Fuck, Marcus. You weren’t kidding. Look how good she takes my cock. I’d love to fuck her. Can I?”

“Come over to the desk, so I can see her better. I want to watch her take your dick. Damn.”

Rachel was moved to her desk by her hair. Sy sat in her chair.

“Take off your clothes for us, Rachel.”  Too consumed with Marcus’ command to be nervous, she removed her clothes and waited as Sy and Marcus discussed camera angles. Marcus was in control still, and the knowledge relaxed Rachel. 

A door closed shut in the office next to her, reminding her she was at work. But Rachel couldn’t help herself. She was a slut, and this is what she was made for. Not presentations and meetings. She didn’t care if she got fired; she only cared about following Marcus’s commands.

“Sit on that cock, Rachel. In your pussy, baby. I don’t want your ass stretched out too much.”

Rachel turned to face Sir and lifted her leg to straddle the chair. “No, slut. I want to see you. Face daddy.”

Sy pushed back from the desk and adjusted her web camera until Marcus confirmed he could see what he wanted. Sy patted his lap and held his cock for her. She eased herself on to it and waited. Dear god. It was so big.  Rachel looked down at where it entered her shaved mound, her lips spread open for Marcus to see. The contrast of Sy’s black rod against her own pink skin was its own sort of arousal. She’d never been fucked by a dark-skinned man, and she enjoyed the visual. She wondered if her daddy knew how much she’d fantasized about a huge cock claiming her. She wasn’t sure she could handle it much longer without moving, but daddy decided what went into her holes, so she reminded herself that it didn’t matter.

“Lift her feet to the desk so I can see my hole,” Marcus ordered. The sound of his voice grounded her into her submission and she pushed aside the need to move.

Sir lifted her legs out and up until her toes rested on the desk. She could see herself in the monitor on full display if anyone opened that door. “Love those tits. Don’t you love them, Sy?”

“Yeah,” Sy agreed. “Does this slut like her nipples pinched?”

“Oh, fuck yes. Treat those tits as harsh as you like, but stick something in her mouth. My toy loves it so much she might scream.”

Sy stripped off his necktie and shoved it in her mouth. “There,” he smiled. He fondled her breasts and pinched her nipples hard.  Rachel’s muffled moan brought a smile to Marcus’s face.  “Wait. I got an idea. Can I get a little inventive here, Marcus?  I think I might have just the thing.”


Sy opened Rachel’s desk drawer and freed two small binder clips. He laughed as he clamped them over her nipples. The squeeze so intense, her eyes water.  Rachel struggled to not immediately unclasp them. Sy grabbed her arms to keep her still and held her tight. “Look at your daddy, girl. Show him how good you are.”

Rachel gave her attention to the monitor and went still, waiting for instruction. She groaned through the pain, grateful for the tie to keep her volume under control.  Fuck, it hurt so bad.

“Look at my beautiful toy. I’m going to have to use that one at home, Sy.  Do you like that big cock in your pussy, baby?  My hole looks so good stretched around him. Should we invite the office in?  Have your entire floor see what a whore you like to be for me? You let daddy send this complete stranger to fuck you bare at your desk. Does that remind you whose you are?”

Rachel didn’t respond, trying to convey her will to let Marcus decide without having to say anything. The thought of other people seeing her, spread eagle, mouth gagged.  God, it got her so hot knowing Marcus could do that.  He could tell her to do anything, and she would.  Loved it.  Needed it.

“Lift her and lower her for me Sy. She’s…Damn, she looks so hot. I love it. Don’t give her any pressure on her clit now. Just make her feel that cock.”

Rachel moaned as Sy gripped her under her spread thighs and raised her up and down on his massive cock. He hit her g-spot on each pass; it was so intense she could barely breathe. She moaned around her gag. The severe pain of the binder clips kept her as still as she could be while Sir used her hole. No, she reminded herself. Daddy’s hole. Her body was Marcus’, and she forced herself to look at the screen as Marcus enjoyed the show. Daddy was so happy. The pain from the clips lessoned as her nipples went numb.  She could barely process the sensations, and she felt herself slip into that place.  The same place Marcus sent her with his whip.  Sir moved her up and down his shaft faster as if she weighed nothing. She controlled nothing; she was helpless.  A fucktoy to use.  The ride got rougher and Sy grunted into her ear as Marcus’ voice said, “Arms up, baby. Hold on to Sy so he can pound you harder.  Want to see you all.”

Rachel tossed her arms up and behind Sy’s neck, so Marcus could see her full body. Did he know how hard it was not to touch the binder clips torturing her nipples?  She mumbled again, cursing as her body felt split in two. She took what Sir gave her, because that is what daddy wanted.

Sir’s stokes into her hole got deeper. The kind of deep that edged pleasure into pain. He nailed her g-spot over and over and sometimes licked her neck lewdly until release felt like her only option. She gasped, panting hard around her gag, and watched Marcus. His cock was in his hand now, stroking himself furiously. Rachel stared, enraptured. Even as Sir used her, Marcus was there. It was Marcus commanding her body, using her as he wanted. For his pleasure, she squeezed her muscles, and Sir bucked his hips up. “Fuck, yes,” he roared.  “I’m gonna fill your slut up good.  Want to feel her come on my cock.”

Marcus groaned his approval. “Yeah.  Do it. Rachel, come for daddy. Now.”

Her daddy’s command echoed through her just as Sir pulled her hips down and impaled his thick rod as deep as it would go.  The hot flood of his release warmed her. The clips were yanked from her nipples, she cried out from the rush of blood returning to her breasts. Tears sprung from her eyes with the intensity of her climax.

When she finished, Sir stroked her breasts, soothing the abused nipples. “Look at your daddy, slut,” he said as he pulled out of her.

“You were so perfect, Angel. So, so perfect. Give Sy a kiss and tell him thank you for using you.”

Rachel turned, pressing her lips to Sy’s. “Thank you, Sir. For using me.”

“You are welcome, beautiful. You make your daddy very proud. He brags about you all the time. My girl Carmen would love to suck on these nipples. We’d like having a wet nurse for her to play with, if you and your daddy would be interested.”

Rachel smiled back as Sy carefully lifted her and cleaned himself with a tissue.

“You may get dressed, Rachel,” Marcus said.  Rachel pulled her clothes back on and said goodbye to Sy.

“Did you like your surprise, baby?”

“Yes. Thank you, daddy.”

“I knew you were upset this morning, so I wanted my girl to have a special treat. What did you think of Master Sy? He has a very big cock.”

Rachel nodded. “Yes, daddy.”

“Did you like having that inside you?  You didn’t give me your opinion, so I had to make one up.”

“Yes, daddy. It was very nice. Should I put my plug back in?”

“No. Daddy changed his mind. I’m going out of town this weekend. Master Jim is going to watch over you. He will be asking you some questions, and you are to be completely honest with him. Do you understand?”

Rachel panicked. She had gotten used to her rules and routines. How would she go an entire weekend without her daddy?  “Can I come with you?”

“No. You will stay with Master Jim. No one will use my slut this weekend and no touching yourself. You need some rest. If you are good and answer Master Jim to his satisfaction, I will reward you when I get home. If you do not obey, you will be punished by not being used for even longer. Do you understand?”

“Daddy,” Rachel cried.

“No. This is my decision. Now finish your workday, and when you get home Master Jim will take you to his place. I will have your bag packed. No naughty clothes, either. Nothing to make you feel slutty. He has two other girls he’s training right now. I think it will be good for you to have some friends to hang out with and just relax.”

“But, daddy…”

“No.  My decision is final. Go clean up. I will see you Monday morning.”





Written by crazychica
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